
  • I LOVED recording this episode for you. I feel so much shifting in my life and I can't wait for you to embrace this new way of being! We dove into:

    - My own personal realignment and renewal, and ways to get back in sync with your natural rhythms and routines. With a touch of structure for simplicity and ease.

    - Breaking up with "hummingbird" energy, getting stabilized, grounded, and slowing WAY down. - Shifting our perspective on beauty practices and seeing gentle, healing self-care as the portal to your soul.

    - Moving away from perfectionism focusing on the ENERGY of beauty. - How your body care is JUST as important as your facial care when it comes to how your face changes overtime (because it's all connected).

    - Learning how to listen to your SOUL and not your BRAIN when it comes to your beauty.

    - Practicing intuitive sun, allowing your tan to deepen, your freckles to pop, your body to AGE, and feeling into the deliciousness of all of it. Because "ANTI AGING" is freaking boring and draining.

    Join my Inner Beauty Circle Membership to learn healing beauty practices like facial massage, facial Gua Sha, and dive into other deeply immersive self-care workshops for only $11.11/month. The Inner Beauty Circle: Healing Beauty Care (embodiedbeautyacademy.com)

  • In this episode we explore black cat energy versus the golden retriever energy! How to be a little elusive, a little mysterious, self-knowing, with a "come and get me energy" versus the "please please love me and tell me I'm good enough" golden retriever energy.

    - It's not about looking younger or perfect...It's an energy, It's a vibe.

    - Learning how to see yourself with a "glass half full" perspective, being your own biggest champion and moving away from comparison and validation seeking.

    - How to be fully present in intimate moments vs self-conscious of how you look.

    - How to focus on doing all the things that make you feel like a juicy glowing goddess vs striving for an ornamental "perfect" appearance.

    - Releasing needy, desperate energy and enhancing your attractive-ness and polarity with partners.- How to stop competing with other women (including younger versions of yourself)

    - The way our self-care, self-love and kindness changes as we get older and how it's such a beautiful thing.

    - The journey of embracing silver hair, practicing healing mirror-work and deciding what you truly want your legacy to be in this lifetime.

    - How I brighten, tone and lift my skin and facial posture and let go of excess fluid and layers of accumulated stress

    - How allowing yourself to age... is the most feminine thing in the world (Emily Davis)

    Learn gentle practices like massage and Gua Sha to enhance your unique beauty naturally, rejuvenate your skin & body, and deepen your self-connection in the process. Begin to shift the way you see yourself and expand you into your highest vibrational expression of beauty at ⁠Embodied Beauty Academy

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  • If you’ve been told your whole life that you’re beautiful, you’re probably aware of the double-edged sword of it. The “complex relationship” we have with it. The “plight of the beautiful woman” and “the burden.” Not everyone will understand it, be able to talk about it, or hold space for you. You may even feel embarrassed sharing your feelings around it.

    But there is some real suffering and stress and pressure that comes with it, so let’s shine some light on it:

    Does any of this feel familiar?

    Feeling significant fear or stress that you’re going to “lose your looks”, because “of course it can’t last” and since it’s something that’s very valuable about you, find yourself gripping and trying to control it.

    You hold yourself to ridiculously high standards of perfection (but you don’t hold anyone else to those same standards).

    You oscillate between loving your beauty, and consciously or unconsciously self-sabotaging because it’s too much “pressure” to maintain.

    You find yourself swinging between full-on rejection of your beauty and being full-on obsessed with it and doing the most of everything to enhance/maintain it.

    Find yourself minimizing yourself to make others comfortable and safe in your presence. You’ve felt rejection from other girls and women and make yourself smaller and safer and more likable to feel acceptance and closeness.

    You feel guilty or shameful when you aren’t being “perfect” and doing everything possible to preserve your beauty.

    You self-isolate on days you feel unattractive.

    You have a complex relationship with men and find beauty “unsafe” at times from years of being over-sexualized (especially during development).

    It’s your birthright to experience your beauty as amazing, and pleasurable, and just a natural extension of who you are. It’s not everything that you are, but you get to allow yourself to love it, without the sticky, stressful, looming darkness of it.

    I’m here to help you through these challenging feelings and move into your ecstatic true nature of fully enjoying your beauty RIGHT NOW in the present moment and living your VENUS ERA.

    There’s much to be understood, unraveled, and healed in YOU personally in order to start living your fullest expression of your beauty.

    But guess what - it gets to be fun! It gets to feel like a breath of fresh air into your lungs renewing your lease on life and experience in this gorgeous present moment.


  • Join SMOOTH GIRL SUMMER: the serene forehead workshop. Learn how to relax, smooth, and reset your forehead with massage, Gua Sha, and facial-kinesiology tape to treat and prevent wrinkles naturally! Live session is on 6/5 and the recording is sent to all who purchase! https://www.embodiedbeautyacademy.com/courses/forehead-smoothing

    In this episode I share all about your "Venus ERA" - the time when you decide to intentionally infuse beauty into every inch of your life for the pleasure and joy of it, going way beyond your physical appearance.

    Where beauty becomes a lifestyle, and a WAY OF BEING. When it becomes your lens and your viewport. When it becomes your energetic signature, imprint, and legacy. When it becomes second nature to ask yourself “how can I bring even more beauty into this moment?”

    Your Venus era is when you fully understand that this is in fact “your calling” - that your contribution to bringing more beauty into this world through your personal relationship to it, is impactful and generous and HEALING to others. It’s not vapid or indulgent or selfish. It’s inspirational, and you’re creating a ripple effect that will continue on long after you are gone.

    I’m calling this an activation because I want to activate something in you. I want to inspire you and have you realize that ultimately - your VENUS ERA is something you decide is happening, right now, and then you take steps to E M B O D Y IT.

    I see the embodied beauty pillars as the “action steps” - the way to bring this from a “concept” into reality.

    Because we have a complicated relationship to beauty, and a lot of the feelings and choices that we make around it are really from our wounded selves, our fears, and not our empowered, sovereign selves.

    I want you to see these pillars as a way to allow yourself to indulge and amplify that desire you have to be the most gorgeous version of yourself in this lifetime - and also to understand why there is some tarnish on that feeling. Some stress, some ickiness. And how to bring yourself back into the purity and sweetness of your craving for it.

  • This episode is all about:

    - Why you may feel like you’re “doing feminine energy" wrong or don’t resonate with the way it’s depicted in the media.

    - Why you may be holding yourself to toxic beauty standards, and subconsciously looking to appeal to the wounded masculine - perpetuating the cycle of fear and anxiety around beauty and body image.

    - What the Venus lifestyle is truly is all about: infusing beauty into every inch of your life.

    - Why you’re having trouble striking the balance between working and having impact while also “being in your feminine”

    - Why you’re not seeing the universe as a provider and feel insecure about money or resources.

    - Why you struggle with authority, structure, loving self-discipline and boundaries or knowing when and how to turn off for the day.

    - How to work with your energy and ask questions to understand what’s coming up to be healed and shifted.

    - Join the FREE Embodied Beauty Activation and begin to embody the highest physical & energetic expression of your unique beauty, and step into your VENUS ERA right now! Get ready for the vibe shift...

    - Get 15% off your NĀO Ayurveda order with referral code KRISTA

  • - Creating from your healed aspects vs your wounding. Allowing yourself to move past the obsessions that you're accustomed to and start enjoying your life and beauty more fully

    - Some fun girly updates, dressing more femininely and as a way to heal your feminine identity wounds.

    - My hair-graying plan. What can contribute to premature graying and hair fall. Keeping your scalp cool and nourished for healthy thick hair. Get 15% off your Nao Ayurveda order with code KRISTA .

    - How to begin to tap into your Venus code and sensuality to move into a state of overflow.

    - The practice of being bored and why we avoid it so much. How our nervous system gets wired to look for the "problem" and how lack of stress can make us anxious and cause us to scan our lives for what we can stress over.

    - Self-improvement as a hobby is us avoiding being chill, and why we fill our time with worrying.

    - My relationship with cannabis and how I use it to sooth my boredom and transition from day to evening. How I'm trying to not smoke automatically every time I have the impulse.

    - How to not overeat, pick our skin, scroll on social media, smoke, or use other self-soothing avoidant compulsive behaviors to avoid space and emptiness.

    - How your connection to your sensuality is the way to connect to the peace, beauty and power of the present moment, and how to use this when you're being too obsessed with your body and appearance (fixing/maintaining/improving).

    - How to infuse beauty into every moment and completely shift your vibration and magnetism.

    - How when you care for yourself first, the universe responds differently to you.

  • Believe it or not I don’t care about how “natural” you are

    In this episode we’re exploring the paradoxes we hold within our beauty image:

    - Truthfully, I feel that natural alternatives will always be better for you in the long run-in terms of the literal aesthetic result, but I no longer feel it's my mission to stop you from using Botox. I don't care if you are embracing "unnatural" cosmetic procedures
 all I care about is that you do them from place of self-empowerment, and self-love. Not from your trauma or wounding or external forces.

    - BUT even if you do something from the “wrong place”, there’s so much room for healing and self-connection and growth inside of that.

    - Host a “homecoming“- come home to your body regardless of all your decisions, and loving living there whether or not your home is fully compostable and made of recycled materials or has some vinyl siding and PVC pipes.

    - All women are natural women.

    - How to infuse beauty into your life from a broader perspective vs focusing on your face and body as the primary outlet.

    Learn gentle practices like massage and gua sha to enhance your unique beauty naturally, rejuvenate your skin & body, and deepen your self-connection in the process. Begin to shift the way you see yourself and expand you into your highest vibrational expression of beauty at ⁠Embodied Beauty Academy⁠.

  • This is an ultra vulnerable and pretty woo episode that I almost didn’t share… but I always feel that my loving listeners will benefit from my learnings and healing lessons. There are so many golden nuggets in here to support you I had to share!

  • For massage therapists, estheticians, therapists, healers, hair-care specialists. You're so much more than a pair of hands. If you want to be a facilitator versus a "service provider" this episode is for you.

    - I mean it when I say you don't have to do anything you don't want to do in your biz. This is a guide to help you cut through the "shoulds" you have around the education you choose, your services, how you conduct your sessions, and what you charge.

    - How to dramatically increase your power and magnetism as a practitioner when you start doing only what you want to do vs some watered down version of what you think you need to in order to be "competitive."

    - How to stop comparing yourself to others in the industry and make your practice feel fun, energizing and light!

    We have a lot more to get into, but this is where we'll start!

    Two offers!

    BOOK a one-on-one mentorship session: I’m here to help you make your practice way more fun, far more sustainable, lucrative, and aligned to what you TRULY want to do, I have two spots open for one-on-one mentorship! $222 if you complete booking before 4/1 (price increases after 4/1!)

    $7 offer: CONTAINED - FOR PRACTITIONERS: 7 days of fun, slightly sassy, audio-lessons to help Massage Therapists and Estheticians STOP over-giving and START getting paid properly for doing ONLY the kind of work you love!

  • ⁠Join BLOOM⁠ ~ a four-week, self-care immersion to awaken your beauty, vitality, and connect to your feminine essence. Reveal your radiance, through guided massage, Gua Sha, movement, meditation, and deep self-nourishment. SPECIAL BONUS ENDS WEDNESDAY MARCH 13th!Today's Episode is all about: - How to stay in your feminine in your business: preventing burnout, frustration, and tapping into the infinite source of authentic creativity. - How to become a MAGNET in your business and relationships by doing less, letting go of the outcome, and creating polarity with your clients. - How being a high highs/low lows person is burning you out. How to shift into smoldering, sustainable excitement and passion while being less vulnerable to the moods of others or feeling like you always need external validation.- How my launch of BLOOM is different than any other launch I've ever had. I committed to staying in my feminine and tapping into my heart space to show up exactly in the way that felt natural and aligned vs forcing myself to do what I thought I was "supposed" to do, and how it changed everything. - How caring for your nervous system is the most critically important aspect to your feminine health, beauty, hair, thyroid, adrenals, skin, energy, all of it. - Shifting into a "neutral gear" as "the beauty way"

  • Join BLOOM ~ a four-week, self-care immersion to awaken your beauty, vitality, and connect to your feminine essence. Reveal your radiance, through guided massage, Gua Sha, movement, meditation, and deep self-nourishment.

    Today's Episode is all about:

    - Encouraging the highest physical and energetic vibrational expression of your beauty through relaxation, safety, touch, and connecting to your feminine essence.

    Moving from depletion, rapid aging, into replenishment and juicy overflow.

    - Fluidity vs rigidity ~ gliding through our tensions and resistance with softness for real change.

    - How beauty and healing are two sides of the same coin, and how shifting into the parasympathetic state paired with massage is the key to regeneration, rejuvenation, and is more powerful at slowing aging than any product you can ever buy.

    - Ending with a guided oxytocin bath.

  • I’m back from traveling and have SO MUCH to share. In this episode I give you the download on the travel and the triggers, tests, opportunities and lessons around self-relationship & beauty/body image healing that came through. It was truly expansive and I’m so happy I can share it! Here’s an episode overview:

    - How self-love IS THE BALM. It is the healing salve to all that ails you. How to shift into a greater existence through being more self-loving and making that your lens. Going from comparison and fear/jealousy to a bigger, more expansive and connected existence.

    - How to STOP seeking external validation and begin to become your own source of confidence and security. Shifting your own mood and energy.

    - How you can’t escape your mind, yourself, your mode of operation. All your baggage and patterns and crap will follow you to paradise. But this is great news because your life purpose is buried within it if you can slow down and pay attention.

    - How everyone around you benefits from you taking care of YOU first. Make yourself happy and watch everyone else grow content.

    - You don’t have to be perfect to be an effective entrepreneur. It’s totally okay to not be okay and show up in your business anyway. To be honest about what you’re going through. This makes you MORE relatable, more powerful, more potent.

    - How to honor yourself as a sensitive being when travel gets a bit treacherous and lengthy.

    - When you heal your self-relationship, you heal your ancestors.

    - The power of community, you’re never alone. Whatever the thing you think is personally yours to go through, someone else will benefit from your vulnerability.

    Learn gentle practices like massage and gua sha to enhance your unique beauty naturally, rejuvenate your skin & body, and deepen your self-connection in the process. Begin to shift the way you see yourself and expand you into your highest vibrational expression of beauty at ⁠Embodied Beauty Academy⁠.

  • I can hardly believe that this is the 20th episode of Embodied Beauty! It's a vulnerable, relatable, expansive, deep, rich and juicy one. Possibly one of my favorites ever recorded thus far.

    In this episode I dive into:

    - "The plight of the beautiful woman" who's been raised with a huge emphasis on their physical beauty and how it makes it feel all the more important, fragile, and stressful.

    - Defining and deciding what beauty is for YOU.

    - Enjoying your beauty as your birthright. This doesn't mean strangling it, stressing it, or being "perfect"

    - How it's time to get selfish about your self-love, self-image and beauty/body image. You deserve to celebrate yourself in all aspects. Don't get dragged down by the "flaws" because you're missing out!

    - Loving your ever-changing self.

    - How to disengage from the negative self-talk sob sagas of female bonding and start trail blazing.

    - How to be a true self-advocate.

    - Botox/cosmetic procedures as a "bridge" back to yourself and your own healing. It's never too late to change course.

    - Staying embodied during challenging/confronting situations and crying during sex.

    - About how having a "perfectly positive body image" all the time isn't realistic, or the goal.


    Learn gentle practices to enhance your unique beauty naturally, rejuvenate your skin & body, and deepen your self-connection in the process. Begin to shift the way you see yourself, and expand you into your highest vibrational expression of beauty at ⁠Embodied Beauty Academy ⁠

    ⁠Learn face yoga⁠ to build, relax, and lift your face! Affiliate Link

  • If you have any TMJ issues, temporomandibular joint dysfunction, jaw pain or bulkiness, this tub-isode (recorded in the tub) is for you. I go into the deeper reasons you might be clenching your teeth at night or experiencing pain. It’s a multifaceted kaleidoscopic approach. WAY more than just addressing your chewing muscles

    There are so many emotional and physical reasons for TMJD (temporomandibular joint disorder). Everything in your body works as a continuous and related whole, nothing ever happens in isolation. Most often it stems from your pelvis alignment, and physical and emotional/energetic restrictions and patterns throughout your system.

    I usually see people recommending deep (often painful) massage of the masseter muscles to “release them”, or even injecting with botox to “resolve” the problem without even looking at a person’s overall alignment and system. This fails because it puts your body into defense mode and even makes things worse.

    If your jaw is tight and locked up there is an important, protective reason for it.

    If you’re ready to begin your TMJD healing today here is your guide:

    One, listen to this episode

    Two, access my ultra juicy jaw/pelvis integration class for relief and transformation.

    You can do this by:

    A) joining the Inner Beauty Circle Membership to access this class and SO so much more for only $11.11/month (cancel anytime) ~ the best deal ever.

    B) Purchase the class outright for $55

    Or, three: Schedule a virtual (or in-person) healing session with me for remote cranial sacral healing, personalized guided massage, and movement.

  • It’s been a minute! But we’re back with more Embodied Beauty goodness ~

    - Why “rescuing” people is disempowering them, and ruining your relationships

    - Why making yourself happy is the ultimate way to please your man.

    - How to heal “beauty and the beast”syndrome

    - Why we often get sick and the deeper meaning behind it

    - What it is to be a woman GLOWING OLDER

    I truly think self-care will save us all.

    And if you’re ready to let go of perfectionism, "flaw" fixations, areas of self-doubt or comparison, and begin to see yourself COMPLETELY differently join my incredible mindset shifting, beauty enhancing, vibration raising, self-image transforming program: 21 DAYS TO HIGH VIBE BEAUTY ~ it's only 21 dollars for 21 days of quick and potent daily lessons. You will return to these teachings again and again and again! I know it.

  • This is your trigger survival guide, because no matter where you are under your healing journey, it’s inevitable that triggers will resurface. Especially during a massive up-level.

    Here’s how to soothe yourself, move through it, and reconnect to your sparkle!

    How self-love is NOT how you “get “the relationship, but it IS how you keep the relationship

    If you're ready to let go of perfectionism, "flaw" fixations, areas of self doubt or comparison, and begin to see yourself COMPLETELY differently join my incredible mindset shifting, beauty enhancing, vibration raising, self-image transforming program: 21 DAYS TO HIGH VIBE BEAUTY ~ it's only 21 dollars for 21 days of quick and potent daily lessons. You will return to these teachings again and again and again! I know it.

  • In this episode I go into why I almost blocked Syndey Sweeney ~ what your triggers are uncovering for you, tapping into what you are actually craving for yourself, and the healing opportunities within them.

    How your body fixations shape shift and adapt to fit the complexities of your life, how they distract you and feel "productive" but also keep you from stepping into your higher purpose.

    How gratitude (authentic gratitude) is THE tool to help you move through life when you're literally or metaphorically in the sh*t.

    If you're ready to let go of perfectionism, "flaw" fixations, areas of self-doubt or comparison, and begin to see yourself COMPLETELY differently join my incredible mindset shifting, beauty enhancing, vibration raising, self-image transforming program: 21 DAYS TO HIGH VIBE BEAUTY ~ it's only 21 dollars for 21 days of quick and potent daily lessons. You will return to these teachings again and again and again! I know it.

  • In this “tub-isode” (recorded in the tub) we explore the universal law of oneness and how with it, jealousy dissolves. The deeper meaning behind jealousy and what you’re truly longing for.

    How beauty-care is in it of itself a spiritual practice.

    “Owning” aging, and making room for “imperfections” and uniqueness in beauty.

    For energy-shifting, beauty enhancing, health sustaining practices to slow aging and deepen your self-connection in the process visit Embodied Beauty Academy.

  • The difference between being persistent, working towards your dreams and goals, vs pushing past the saturation point, forcing and overdoing it.

    How I unlocked the pelvic floor/tongue posture issue I was having, had some realizations around where I’ve been pushing and forcing and how I came back to center, back to trust!

    Want the opportunity to have your voice featured on Embodied Beauty? Submit a voice memo with a question for me here

  • You’re not designed to be go go go all the time, there are so many things that have seasonality/cycle qualities to them: your body, your hormones, your inspiration, your creativity, your money flow, everything!

    Take it from a girl who hasn’t always had a great history of honoring her seasons lol but I’m learning! Because my body tells me when I’m out of alignment, and I’m now here to listen and honor myself, and I hope that you’re ready to, too!

    This is my last contribution for 2023 ~ I have one client to care for and some loose ends to wrap up but I am signing off and walking the walk.

    There are now 13 Embodied Beauty podcast episodes for you to sink your teeth into, and I hope that they energize, inspire, nourish, and invigorate you.

    Love Krista

    For energy-shifting, beauty enhancing, health sustaining practices to slow aging and deepen your self connection in the process visit Embodied Beauty Academy