
  • TYH Nation Presents -


    Laibel Schwartz


    Emunah is the core of our identity as a nation with 3,000+ years of putting our complete faith in One Above, but nowhere are its inherent challenges and apparent impediments more pertinent than in the realm of parnassah. The role of hishtadlus; coping with failure; the lucky and unlucky breaks; powering through those difficult periods––if you live with emunah, you will truly see emunah at work at your workplace.

    In this conversation series, Laibel Schwartz and TYH Nation sits down with business leaders and prominent members of the community to hear how they apply emunah at work and the impact emunah has on their business and personal lives.

    Join us on this journey of emunah and success.

    Laibel Schwartz x TYH Nation

    #EmunahAtWork #Faith #TYHnation #thankyouhashem

    Laibel can be reached on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/laibelschwartz/

    or by calling his office at 845-418-2527

    Thank you Avraham Kohn and the entire Laibel Schwarz team, for making this project happen!


  • TYH Nation Presents -


    Laibel Schwartz

    Emunah is the core of our identity as a nation with 3,000+ years of putting our complete faith in One Above, but nowhere are its inherent challenges and apparent impediments more pertinent than in the realm of parnassah. The role of hishtadlus; coping with failure; the lucky and unlucky breaks; powering through those difficult periods––if you live with emunah, you will truly see emunah at work at your workplace.

    In this conversation series, Laibel Schwartz and TYH Nation sits down with business leaders and prominent members of the community to hear how they apply emunah at work and the impact emunah has on their business and personal lives.

    Join us on this journey of emunah and success.

    Laibel Schwartz x TYH Nation

    #EmunahAtWork #Faith #TYHnation #thankyouhashem

    Laibel can be reached on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/laibelschwartz/

    or by calling his office at 845-418-2527

    Thank you Avraham Kohn and the entire Laibel Schwarz team, for making this project happen!


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  • This episode is sure to have a deep impact on listeners. While enjoying Moshe Hecht describe with such clarity how he is fulfilling his destiny, we are inspired to think about our responsibility to do the same. In his personable, calm, clear, and matter of fact way, Moshe encourages each of us to analyze the gifts and talents that Hashem blesses us with and to utilize them as we endeavor to complete our unique mission in Hashem’s world. We are brought into the mind of someone who is always searching to better the world and who has strong Emunah that Hashem gifts each individual with the exact tools necessary to be the greatest version of themselves.

    We know you will enjoy this down to earth discussion with the incredible Moshe Hecht.


    Listen to more episodes https://tyhnation.com/pages/emunah-at-work


    Emunah is the core of our identity as a nation with 3,000+ years of putting our complete faith in One Above, but nowhere are its inherent challenges and apparent impediments more pertinent than in the realm of parnassah. The role of hishtadlus; coping with failure; the lucky and unlucky breaks; powering through those difficult periods––if you live with emunah, you will truly see emunah at work at your workplace.

    In this conversation series, Laibel Schwartz and TYH Nation sits down with business leaders and prominent members of the community to hear how they apply emunah at work and the impact emunah has on their business and personal lives.

    Join us on this journey of emunah and success.

    Laibel Schwartz x TYH Nation

    #EmunahAtWork #Faith #TYHnation #thankyouhashem

    Laibel can be reached on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/laibelschwartz/

    or by calling his office at 845-418-2527

    Thank you Avraham Kohn and the entire Laibel Schwarz team, for making this project happen!

  • TYH Nation Presents -


    Laibel Schwartz

    Dr Yossi Shafer

    Emunah and the human potential

    In this week's episode we had the honor, to host the fascinating and remarkable Dr. Yossi Shafer, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist with a multi-specialty practice in Lakewood, NJ. Today, we discuss Dr. Schafer’s past as a talmid of Reb Asher Arieli and other great rabbanim, and how this strong foundation set the backdrop for his future career in a lesser-approached field in mental health. (A hint? Connection.) We dive into the heart of his work, where Dr. Schafer tells us about the ties between Torah and psychology, how we have the potential to heal within ourselves, and how the idea of we are children of G-d, and “Bnei Malachim,” is a mindset that finds its place in Torah, emunah and human behavior. Lastly, he reveals the number one marker of success that a patient will do well. There’s so much to gain, here.


    Listen on Apple Podcast: https://l.tyhnation.com/3N2Npby

    Listen on Spotify: https://l.tyhnation.com/3O1wQg8

    Listen to more episodes https://tyhnation.com/pages/emunah-at-work


    Emunah is the core of our identity as a nation with 3,000+ years of putting our complete faith in One Above, but nowhere are its inherent challenges and apparent impediments more pertinent than in the realm of parnassah. The role of hishtadlus; coping with failure; the lucky and unlucky breaks; powering through those difficult periods––if you live with emunah, you will truly see emunah at work at your workplace.

    In this conversation series, Laibel Schwartz and TYH Nation sits down with business leaders and prominent members of the community to hear how they apply emunah at work and the impact emunah has on their business and personal lives.

    Join us on this journey of emunah and success.

    Laibel Schwartz x TYH Nation

    #EmunahAtWork #Faith #TYHnation #thankyouhashem

    Laibel can be reached on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/laibelschwartz/

    or by calling his office at 845-418-2527

    Thank you Avraham Kohn and the entire Laibel Schwarz team, for making this project happen!


  • TYH Nation Presents


    Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin

    In this week's episode we had the honor, to host a remarkable and memorable, person. A man who from unfortunate events rose to the secular headlines, but it was his utter devotion and trust in G-d that reverberated and inspired Jews around the world with his Never-ending spirit and faith. A man has gained widespread recognition in the past few years and a man that has treasures to share. Welcome to this special episode with Sholom Rubashkin, the man who made Emunah and Bitachon "mainstream".

    Sit down with Sholom, as he walks you through emunah and bitachon. Learn why the Medrash considers it a chiyuv to work. Understand the most important times when you should have emunah and bitachon. (It's not 'only' the hard times!) Gain a first-hand account that you can continue to watch over and over again. And most of all, walk away with renewed emunah, a renewed gratitude in the Borei Olam, and the recognition of Hashem in our own very full lives.

    In writing this about this, it's hard to sum up the magnetism, the courage, and the sincere happiness that radiates from every word that was spoken. It is our sincere hope that this episode changes your life... If you let it.

    "Hashem is creating you at every moment!"

    - Sholom Rubashkin


    Listen on Apple Podcast: https://l.tyhnation.com/3N2Npby

    Listen on Spotify: https://l.tyhnation.com/3O1wQg8

    Listen to more episodes https://tyhnation.com/pages/emunah-at-work


    Emunah is the core of our identity as a nation with 3,000+ years of putting our complete faith in One Above, but nowhere are its inherent challenges and apparent impediments more pertinent than in the realm of parnassah. The role of hishtadlus; coping with failure; the lucky and unlucky breaks; powering through those difficult periods––if you live with emunah, you will truly see emunah at work at your workplace.

    In this conversation series, Laibel Schwartz and TYH Nation sits down with business leaders and prominent members of the community to hear how they apply emunah at work and the impact emunah has on their business and personal lives.

    Join us on this journey of emunah and success.

    Laibel Schwartz x TYH Nation

    #EmunahAtWork #Faith #TYHnation #thankyouhashem

    Laibel can be reached on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/laibelschwartz/

    or by calling his office at 845-418-2527

    Thank you Avraham Kohn and the entire Laibel Schwarz team, for making this project happen!


  • TYH Nation Presents


    Work & Faith

    Jeff Weinberg

    "As I was working, and as I was trying my best, if I would not be successful in a deal… I would get upset. I would come home, take it with me…. And I heard my Rabbi speak: This isn't how we're supposed to act if we're Orthodox Jews!" Work. Life. Work-life. Work-life-family and work-life-family-balance. Not once is Hashem mentioned here. But of course He's in the picture! But do we let him into our day to day lives? Do we really, seriously, live with the belief that Hashem controls the world, down to every great success, to failed business deal? Is our perception of the world shaped from our narrow focus—our personal understanding of the "ways of the world," really, like most humans, or is it shaped by true Ahavas Hashem and Yiras Shomayim? In this week's episode, we explore one extraordinary man's quest to find out for himself. And later on—his insights illuminating the lives of countless others as well. Enjoy this special episode.

    In this week's episode, we sit down and host one our most unusual guests on this platform. Ever since the inception of this series, we've been inundated with requests to talk to Jeff, a man who lives with the core values of Emunah at Work, and inspires others every day. Who is Jeff? Jeff is the author of Faith at Work, a book infused with spirituality in work, inspired by his own journey as a mortgage broker. But where does his story begin? Straight from a businessman and entrepreneur, Jeff's quest for truth and discovery, compiling the teachings of Torah giants such as Rav Moshe Weinberger, and lending his own insights and personal experiences, struck a chord around the hearts of Klal Yisroel, and resonates and inspires Yidden around the world. In today's episode, we get an inside look into Jeff's background, what spurred him on, as well as other topics, including the Rabbanim's understanding of the workplace (preview:

    "When you read his divrei Torah, it's like he's at the office every day!") Powerful vignettes strike a chord with Jews everywhere. We hope you enjoy this powerful episode—and may it guide your future, too.

    "A Jew's gloom should not go up and down with the stock market!" — Jeff Weinberg.

    Faith at work by Jeff can be purchased at Mosaica Press https://mosaicapress.com/product/faith-at-work/


    Listen on Apple Podcast: https://l.tyhnation.com/3N2Npby

    Listen on Spotify: https://l.tyhnation.com/3O1wQg8

    Listen to more episodes https://tyhnation.com/pages/emunah-at-work


    Emunah is the core of our identity as a nation with 3,000+ years of putting our complete faith in One Above, but nowhere are its inherent challenges and apparent impediments more pertinent than in the realm of parnassah. The role of hishtadlus; coping with failure; the lucky and unlucky breaks; powering through those difficult periods––if you live with emunah, you will truly see emunah at work at your workplace.

    In this conversation series, Laibel Schwartz and TYH Nation sits down with business leaders and prominent members of the community to hear how they apply emunah at work and the impact emunah has on their business and personal lives.

    Join us on this journey of emunah and success.

    Laibel Schwartz x TYH Nation

    #EmunahAtWork #Faith #TYHnation #thankyouhashem

    Laibel can be reached on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/laibelschwartz/

    or by calling his office at 845-418-2527

    Thank you Avraham Kohn and the entire Laibel Schwarz team, for making this project happen!


  • TYH Nation Presents


    Moshe Shindler


    He was in yeshiva, about to join the workforce: "I had friends going into real estate, I had friends going into nursing homes, and these guys… they would make in 15 minutes what I would make schlepping tripods for a year! But I said: it makes no difference. It has nothing do with the industry. Do what you love, and the rest is up to the Ribono Shel Olam." The world at large values "hustle culture," emphasizing that long, hard work with extreme sacrifice sees ultimate results. But does Yiddishkeit agree with this concept? Do we pick up that phone call when we're with our family? Today, Moshe takes us through his own journey, that elusive balance between work-related affairs and ruchnius, and together, we'll find the answer to these questions.

    In this week's episode, we sat down with Moshe Schindler, Director of Productions at Mint Media, and dive into questions that many find perplexing, and a hard-won balance. What is bitachon and hishtadlus? Where do they intersect and how much of both do we need? Is there ever too much hishtadlus, and how do we manage to stay fully present, without the lure of work in the background? Inside, Moshe tells over a fantastic comparison, and shares with us why he feels so blessed with success. But there never is an end, and even when we achieve our dreams, there needs to be a balance. "By nature, we can't stay still. Because if we do, we'll go backwards," Moshe says. The hard part is the balancing act. This masterful episode will take you through Moshe's own life-transforming techniques, and perhaps, take you on a journey of self-discovery, too. As Laibel says, "space allows us to stop, and see where we're going"

    "This is when I live! Everything else will dance around it." —Moshe Schindler


    Listen on Apple Podcast: https://l.tyhnation.com/3N2Npby

    Listen on Spotify: https://l.tyhnation.com/3O1wQg8

    Listen to more episodes https://tyhnation.com/pages/emunah-at-work


    Emunah is the core of our identity as a nation with 3,000+ years of putting our complete faith in One Above, but nowhere are its inherent challenges and apparent impediments more pertinent than in the realm of parnassah. The role of hishtadlus; coping with failure; the lucky and unlucky breaks; powering through those difficult periods––if you live with emunah, you will truly see emunah at work at your workplace.

    In this conversation series, Laibel Schwartz and TYH Nation sits down with business leaders and prominent members of the community to hear how they apply emunah at work and the impact emunah has on their business and personal lives.

    Join us on this journey of emunah and success.

    Laibel Schwartz x TYH Nation

    #EmunahAtWork #Faith #TYHnation #thankyouhashem

    Laibel can be reached on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/laibelschwartz/

    or by calling his office at 845-418-2527

    Thank you Avraham Kohn and the entire Laibel Schwarz team, for making this project happen!

  • TYH Nation Presents


    Richie Taylor

    NYPD Inspector

    Commanding Officer


    "When you wear a garment—a police garment or a religious item—yarmulke or something else... You're representing G-d in a very specific way. You're also representing your community, and that's a tremendous responsibility." This is an excerpt from today's episode of Emunah at Work with Richie Taylor, a frum Jew, and Inspector at the NYPD. Richie takes us through his career, what it's like to be the "Jew in the room," and what that responsibility feels like. But really, any of us who looks outwardly "Jewish" in the manner of dress shares this responsibility—we're carrying G-d on our shoulders!

    In today's episode, we had this remarkable opportunity to talk to this distinguished, fascinating, and very special guest: Richie Taylor, Commanding officer, and Inspector at the NYPD. An Inspector is one of the highest levels within the police structure, and as noticeably religious Jew, we didn't shy away from the questions that were on our minds. And he didn't shy away from answering them. Inside this episode, Richie reveals what he believes has made him well-received, and what's like to be noticeably distinguishable as a religious Jew. He also takes us through his memories, and reveals to us how Hatzolah, the Shalom Task Force, and the NYPD work together! After all, it's not for themselves, and their own kavod, but for the communities, they're protecting. And then, came a text that could potentially change Leibel's business career. And the story that Richie shared was deeply heartfelt and moving.


    Listen on Apple Podcast: https://l.tyhnation.com/3N2Npby

    Listen on Spotify: https://l.tyhnation.com/3O1wQg8

    Listen to more episodes https://tyhnation.com/pages/emunah-at-work


    Emunah is the core of our identity as a nation with 3,000+ years of putting our complete faith in One Above, but nowhere are its inherent challenges and apparent impediments more pertinent than in the realm of parnassah. The role of hishtadlus; coping with failure; the lucky and unlucky breaks; powering through those difficult periods––if you live with emunah, you will truly see emunah at work at your workplace.

    In this conversation series, Laibel Schwartz and TYH Nation sits down with business leaders and prominent members of the community to hear how they apply emunah at work and the impact emunah has on their business and personal lives.

    Join us on this journey of emunah and success.

    Laibel Schwartz x TYH Nation

    #EmunahAtWork #Faith #TYHnation #thankyouhashem

    Laibel can be reached on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/laibelschwartz/

    or by calling his office at 845-418-2527

    Thank you Avraham Kohn and the entire Laibel Schwarz team, for making this project happen!


  • Questions, questions, questions. Our generation seems to have so many questions. Yet some people, and especially parents, are afraid of questions, part of which because we're trained that way — to be afraid. But once upon a dor, there was a time for questions! They were asked in the right way and answered with clarity. But is there a reason WHY this generation has so many questions? Perhaps a better way to look at this is a restructuring of mindset. Because what are questions if not a neshamah yearning for something so tangible, and authentic? Questions have a clear call to action. They say: "We don't WANT to live a fake existence! Give me something REAL!"

    In today's episode, we dive straight into the tough questions with Shlomo Friedman, CEO of Imperial Real Estate, a real estate brokerage that has overseen Lakewood's biggest residential developments of the past decades. One topic was Sales, and what started off with "questions," pivoted, and spun around again. Because: as a salesman, when do tactics become harmful? Shlomo takes us through the one factor that determines the ישרות of a sale, reveals how he "became close to Hashem through my business," and the Rav's surprising answer to a question that changed his life. Hint: the physical and spiritual worlds aren't so different, and our questions and searches that wind down alternative paths may just be two sides of the same coin, that have the same goal at heart. And while the beginning may capture your mind, the end will enthrall your heart, with a powerful message for business, life, for all ages, to fuel our everyday search and "reconnection" to Hashem.

    Laibel's take:

    It's not every day you get to spend time with someone who you feel comfortable diving deep with; but Shlomo Friedman is a special person, with a unique ability, passion, and perspective. Getting to the heart of what he does was meaningful for both of us. As the owner of Imperial Realty, Shlomo is responsible for the many changing faces of Lakewood, helping it develop into the thriving Jewish center we know it as today, and here, we dive into his journey, to see how his quest began with a question, the challenges that he faces, and what it takes to be authentic truly. We focus on business, life, and the series of challenges that so many of us as parents and children "clash" with throughout our lives.

    This particular meeting with Shlomo changed my life. And if you take the time to digest it, it might just change yours, too

  • TYH Nation Presents


    Aaron Gordon


    Laibel's Take on episode 4:

    Being a Yid is about responsibilities. Responsibilities towards Hashem. Responsibilities towards a fellow Yid. And responsibilities towards our children, including the heavy burden of instilling emunah into their hearts — like our parents did to us. All our experiences help sharpen this emunah and bring it into brighter focus so that it can be passed forward to the next generation.

    Adam HaRishon was told that “by the sweat of your brow you will eat your bread.” While this may exclusively seem like a curse, our conversation with Aaron helped me realize that it carries with it a tremendous blessing. We all embrace perceptions in our youth of what our emunah and relationship with HKB”H is supposed to look like. But as we face new challenges and go through our personal and professional journeys, we gain clarity and find our own path, one that can then be imbued in those who come after us.


    Listen on Apple Podcast: https://l.tyhnation.com/3nLiuWq

    Listen on Spotify: https://l.tyhnation.com/3PaVGLp

    Listen to more episodes https://tyhnation.com/pages/emunah-at-work


    Emunah is the core of our identity as a nation with 3,000+ years of putting our complete faith in One Above, but nowhere are its inherent challenges and apparent impediments more pertinent than in the realm of parnassah. The role of hishtadlus; coping with failure; the lucky and unlucky breaks; powering through those difficult periods––if you live with emunah, you will truly see emunah at work at your workplace.

    In this conversation series, Laibel Schwartz and TYH Nation sits down with business leaders and prominent members of the community to hear how they apply emunah at work and the impact emunah has on their business and personal lives.

    Join us on this journey of emunah and success.

    Laibel Schwartz x TYH Nation

    #EmunahAtWork #Faith #TYHnation #thankyouhashem

    Laibel can be reached on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/laibelschwartz/

    or by calling his office at 845-418-2527

    Thank you Avraham Kohn and the entire Laibel Schwarz team for making this project happen!

  • TYH Nation Presents


    Shmili Barmi Indig

    Laibel's take on episode 3

    Sitting with Shmili was not only an illuminating experience but also personally inspiring and motivating. You may have noticed that I was asking some pointed questions and not just carrying the conversation, and that was because I was asking our guest the questions that were actually on my mind after a challenging week.

    Shmili has taken emunah from a place of believing — even trusting — that it’ll be good, and elevated it to a state of conviction where what he needs and wishes for is already here. This thinking, according to various teachings, brings about the required shefa that is inherent to our world, or as the famous adage goes: “Tracht gut vet zeyn gut.”

    In sales we have a term, ‘Assume the sale.’ We are most successful when we already envision the end-goal and consider it real in the here and now. Shmili has brought this understanding to the world of emunah — and it has had a remarkable impact.


    Ohr shlomo chassidic center

    [email protected]




    Listen on Apple Podcast:

    Listen on Spotify:


    Emunah is the core of our identity as a nation with 3,000+ years of putting our complete faith in One Above, but nowhere are its inherent challenges and apparent impediments more pertinent than in the realm of parnassah. The role of hishtadlus; coping with failure; the lucky and unlucky breaks; powering through those difficult periods––if you live with emunah, you will truly see emunah at work at your workplace.

    In this conversation series, Laibel Schwartz and TYH Nation sits down with business leaders and prominent members of the community to hear how they apply emunah at work and the impact emunah has on their business and personal lives.

    Join us on this journey of emunah and success.

    Laibel Schwartz x TYH Nation

    #EmunahAtWork #Faith #TYHnation #thankyouhashem

    Laibel can be reached on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/laibelschwartz/

    or by calling his office at 845-418-2527

    Thank you Avraham Kohn and the entire Laibel Schwarz team for making this project happen!

  • TYH Nation Presents


    Raphael Mandelbaum


    Laibel's Take on episode 2:

    This episode went in a direction that is quite different from what one would expect of an individual in the high-stress world of real estate development. Raphael’s approach transcends beyond the understanding that Hashem has a plan, even when things seem bleak. Instead, he sees our task of living with emunah as an elevated mindset that applies to all we do.

    Raphael’s message, seeped in the timeless lessons of Chasidus and machshava, is that we are to take life as a whole, both the holy and the mundane, as part of a greater mission to live in a world where mind matters over matter. It wouldn’t make sense, according to our guest, that all the waking hours we dedicate to work and the material world should not be part of our spiritual journey. Emunah at work is part of emunah and kvod Hashem everywhere.


    Listen on Apple Podcast: https://l.tyhnation.com/3b2jBxH

    Listen on Spotify: https://l.tyhnation.com/3Qsjvja


    Emunah is the core of our identity as a nation with 3,000+ years of putting our complete faith in One Above, but nowhere are its inherent challenges and apparent impediments more pertinent than in the realm of parnassah. The role of hishtadlus; coping with failure; the lucky and unlucky breaks; powering through those difficult periods––if you live with emunah, you will truly see emunah at work at your workplace.

    In this conversation series, Laibel Schwartz and TYH Nation sits down with business leaders and prominent members of the community to hear how they apply emunah at work and the impact emunah has on their business and personal lives.

    Join us on this journey of emunah and success.

    Laibel Schwartz x TYH Nation

    #EmunahAtWork #Faith #TYHnation #thankyouhashem

    Laibel can be reached on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/laibelschwartz/

    or by calling his office at 845-418-2527

    Thank you Avraham Kohn and the entire Laibel Schwarz team for making this project happen!

  • Emunah is the core of our identity as a nation with 3,000+ years of putting our complete faith in One Above, but nowhere are its inherent challenges and apparent impediments more pertinent than in the realm of parnassah. The role of hishtadlus; coping with failure; the lucky and unlucky breaks; powering through those difficult periods––if you live with emunah, you will truly see emunah at work at your workplace.

    In this conversation series, Laibel Schwartz and TYH Nation sits down with business leaders and prominent members of the community to hear how they apply emunah at work and the impact emunah has on their business and personal lives.

    Join us on this journey of emunah and success.

    Laibel Schwartz x TYH Nation


    Laibel's Take on episode 1:

    In this first episode, I approached the interview with equal parts excitement and trepidation. Any time you embark on a new endeavor, you rely on your emunah and raise your eyes heavenward saying “Thank You Hashem” for this opportunity. How much more so when you set out to be a vessel for spreading emunah among our community of Baalei Batim.

    Speaking with Aryeh was eye-opening in that his emunah and connection to HKB”H shone through not only during those portions where we were discussing emunah, but even while conversing about the daily work grind. The lens through which he sees Hashem’s involvement in his work is inspiring and carries relevant lessons for all of us. Enjoy!


    Listen on Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/emunah-at-work/id1626505346

    Listen on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4n9e549k8I1akXJVH4czY8?si=76f55f66827e411c

    Laibel can be reached on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/laibelschwartz/

    or by calling his office at 845-418-2527

    Thank you Avraham Kohn and the entire Laibel Schwarz team for making this project happen!