In this new (long awaited) episode I am getting into the condition, the soil of the heart. What has been so evident for me going to bible study is that God cares A LOT about our heart posture, for all things flow from the heart (Proverbs 4:23). My recent fast, time spent with the Lord and in teachings has brought things to light that God needed me to see in my own heart and ways, that is not aligned with His ways. It’s essential to continue to evaluate our true motives, intentions, emotions behind the things that we do “for” God. Unforgiveness and bitterness as an example (in this episode) can and will contaminate the soil of our hearts. I am looking to Jesus to grow in ministry and build this podcast platform. This episode marks a new season for Esther Rising. My hope is that the Holy Spirit will reveal things in your heart as you listen and that you receive His leading, encouragement and correction.
Scriptures mentioned: Mark 7:20-24, Proverbs 4:23
"Total Forgiveness" by R.T. Kendall
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This episode is a bit of a summary of God’s work throughout the last three years and a testimony to God’s trauma healing power. My birthday always sparks reflection, I am truly grateful for God taking me from where I was to where I am today. I am sharing a very recent testimony, God delivered me from the most abusive relationship I’ve been in in my life. God’s healing power is eradicating the hurt in my soul that has accumulated over the last 33 years. I am in awe of my soul’s transformation, everything I was practicing in the new age occult, to heal in my own strength back then, can’t compare to the healing by Gods power. The healing I am experiencing today.
Scriptures mentioned: John 17:15-16, Revelation 21:1-4, Psalm 34:18 (honestly read the entire chapter if you need encouragement)
"Look Around" by Housefire
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Called for such a time as this - submit your show guest request: [email protected]
Instagram: jana.wollesen
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Episodi mancanti?
Growing up as a black girl in England Ngozi has experienced rejection in varies forms, a sense of unworthiness led her to harming herself. She became a model trying to prove others wrong and to be seen as beautiful. Walking with Christ has eradicated her need for validation and acceptance from others, she has understood that there is nothing she needs to do to be seen and loved by God. She is now teaching and leading other women to walk in their worthiness and true identity in God. In this episode we go into comparison, self talk, what you’re decreeing over yourself and mindset shifts as well.
Scriptures mentioned: Colossians 3:3, Ephesians 1:4, Jeremiah 1:5, Romans 8:29, Revelation 12:10, Hebrews 12:24, Matthew 6:7-8
Work with Ngozi: https://angelic-apricot-359.myflodesk.com/
Ngozi's Website: www.simplyngo.com
Ngozi's Instagram: simply_ngo
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Called for such a time as this - submit your show guest request: [email protected]
Instagram: jana.wollesen
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Sarah is no longer bound by pornography, in this episode she shares everything from beginning to liberation. How she became enslaved to porn, what it looked like trying to break free from sexual sin, her deliverance from the spirit of lust, to now being restored to holiness through seeking God and His purity.
Scriptures mentioned: Revelation 12:11, Galatians 5:16-26, Mark 11:24-25
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Called for such a time as this - submit your show guest request: [email protected]
Instagram: jana.wollesen
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Instagram: jana.wollesen
A season of depression and loosing friends taught Amy how to trust God. Jesus met her right where she was. Amy's prayer is that whoever listens to her episode will truly experience and know the depth of God’s love for them through intimacy with Jesus.
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Called for such a time as this - submit your show guest request: [email protected]
Instagram: jana.wollesen
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Instagram: jana.wollesen
The enemy is threatened by the wombs of women, women are life givers not takers. This episode is not about shaming any woman that has had an abortion. Jesus said “Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her.” After experiencing God's mercy and healing, I can’t imagine ever having another abortion. Every baby that has ever been conceived was known by our Heavenly Father. God spoke these babies into existence and by aborting God’s dream, we abort God’s glory to be manifested in the earth.
Scriptures mentioned: Esther 4:14, Jeremiah 1:5, Romans 5:8, Romans 8:1-2
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Instagram: jana.wollesen
Dropping a first Esther Rising episode of 2023 God has convicted me personally to change and clean up my spotify playlists, my instagram, my wardrobe and dress code. In the same way He is calling me to come out of agreement with darkness, as a wise follower of Christ I need to be aware that there are spiritual realities at play that I need to protect my heart from. In this episode I am speaking on Beyonce’s ‘Lemonade’ and ‘Renaissance’ album, as well as ‘Black is King’. Discussing her posing as the Yoruba goddess Oshun, the obvious elements of witchcraft and idolatry in her ‘art’ and what is really behind these false deities. Other topics in this episode: birth story and motherhood testimony, pregnancy and labour prayers that worked, what walking with Jesus looks like one year after my baptism, what it means to be in Christ and counter-culture.
Scriptures mentioned: Psalms 139:10, Proverbs 16:9, 1 John 4, Ephesians 5:11, 1 Cor. 10:21, 1 John 2:15, 1 Timothy 2:4, Hosea 4:6, 1 corinthians 12:8- 10, John 8:32, Proverbs 9:10, Proverbs 3:7, 2 Corinthians 6:14, 16-17, 1 Samuel 15:23, Jeremiah 16:20, Deuteronomy 32:17, Psalm 106:37, Deuteronomy 6:5
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Instagram: jana.wollesen
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Instagram: jana.wollesen
With this episode I am wrapping up my personal new age to Jesus testimony, covering topics like sleep paralysis, the occult practice of astral projection, light language as the counterfeit of the gift of tongues, smudging, astrology, crystals, channeling, why I stopped listening to almost 30 podcast, watching horror movies and consulting intuitives + will no longer celebrate halloween. Culturally we need to stop chasing and lusting after spiritual power and start chasing after the heart of God. If you’re transitioning out of new age I am sharing things that were helpful for me in this episode as well.
Scriptures mentioned: Philippians 2:9-11, Micah 5:11-12, Leviticus 19:31, Deuteronomy 18:9-12, Ephesians 4:26-27, Philippians 4:8, Acts 19:18-19, 2 Thessalonians 3:3, 1 Corinthians 10:21
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Instagram: jana.wollesen
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Instagram: jana.wollesen
Having a conversation with Daryl Tabora, who was raised catholic and like so many started her new age spirituality journey during lockdown. She studied reiki, theta healing and became reliant on mushrooms in order to make life decisions and looking for answers. She was continuously trying new new age modalities seeking truth, but found herself stressed depressed, anxious and tired. She was unable to sleep at night, hearing her name being called. During the peak of her psychedelic journey she watched my YouTube new age to Jesus testimony. When watching the video she first felt triggered and offended, because she knew she was on the way of getting lost in new age. We chat about my naive witchcraft rituals I performed in the past, shame and guilt coming out of new age, how to navigate conversations with friends that are still in new age, soul winning in the marketplace and how Christ sustains us in a way that new age never could.
Scriptures mentioned: 1 John 4:1-3, 2 Corinthians 5:17, John 8:12
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Daryl's Instagram: dadatabora
My Testimony on YouTube
Instagram: jana.wollesen
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When we give our life to Christ, life doesn’t suddenly become this blissful thing without any trials and challenges, but God is present in our pain, He redeems our pain for our good and we are able to trade our burdens for His peace. I hope this episode encourages those that are going through big changes and changing seasons in their life, that have worry about the future, that might feel anxious, that are dealing with fears, and helps the ones that are working on mindset, and feeling worthy.
Scriptures mentioned: Romans 8:28, Matthew 11:29-30, 1 Peter 5:7,9-11, Psalms 55:22, Psalms 119:105, Deuteronomy 1:6, Colossians 3:2
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Instagram: jana.wollesen
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Do you have a New Age to Jesus testimony you’d like to bring to the show ? Submit a Podcast Guest Application !
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Instagram: jana.wollesen
Getting into the difference between God’s original plan for meditation and buddhist meditation, in what way darkness gains access to someone’s life, and why an emptied mind won’t help with anxiety and stress. I am sharing breathwork, sound bath and psilocybin experiences that caused more harm in my attempt to heal myself from trauma. Touching on the spirit of pharmakeia, deliverance, third eye activation and why I was depressed chasing empty new age promises. Also talking about the spiritual implications of goddess ceremonies, rituals, hypnosis and laying of hands. Caught in the new age movement I wasn’t humble enough to admit that I was broken and needed God’s help. I was trying to be my own saviour, but real restoration comes through Jesus and God’s love, no new age practice will get you there.
Scriptures mentioned: Proverbs 4:20-22, Joshua 1:8, Ephesians 2:2, Matthew 12:44, 2 Thessalonians 3:3, 1 Peter 5:8
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Instagram: jana.wollesen
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Are you a #CultureShiftingBeliever ? God is elevating voices to free His people from the deception of the enemy and to bring Christ to those who need Him. Do you have a topic and/or testimony you’d like to bring to the show ? Submit a Podcast Guest Application !
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Instagram: jana.wollesen
Dr. Chelsea Azarcon was raised in a religious, almost cultic culture, she experienced sexual assault in that religious circle which led to her projecting the image of the unhealthy adults in her life onto God. She was drawn to Eastern medicine and New Age philosophy on her healing journey. And even though New Age met the hunger for spiritual experiences, she didn’t move through life grounded or at peace. God called her out of spiritual confusion and into a personal and intimate relationship with Him.
Scripture mentioned: 2 Corinthians 11:14, Acts 4:12, 1 Peter 2:4-5
Follow Chelsea: @naturallydrchelsea
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Are you a #CultureShiftingBeliever ? God is elevating voices to free His people from the deception of the enemy and to bring Christ to those who need Him. Do you have a topic and/or testimony you’d like to bring to the show ? Submit a Podcast Guest Application !
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Instagram: jana.wollesen
Our society is big on having an independent spirit, it’s all about “self”, self-help, self-care, self-love, self-made, the lone wolf mentality, the seclusion of self, we might think we are stronger by ourselves because we believe if it’s just us no one can distract or hurt us or interfere with our trajectory. In this episode I want to challenge society’s view that relationship with self is the most important relationship we need to work on. What my pregnancy is really teaching me, is that I 100% need to lean on God, He is my strength. My journey hasn’t been easy, you probably had your fair share of challenging seasons too, my make up was avoidant attachment style, trust issues, abandonment and rejection fears. I was drawn into self-help by the promise of self-healing. But when I started going to God vs relying on self-help, I actually started to experience drastic change and transformation in my life.
Scripture mentioned: Proverbs 3:5, Matthew 6:33
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Instagram: jana.wollesen
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Are you a #CultureShiftingBeliever ? God is elevating voices to free His people from the deception of the enemy and to bring Christ to those who need Him. Do you have a topic and/or testimony you’d like to bring to the show ? Submit a Podcast Guest Application !
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Instagram: jana.wollesen
I didn’t just stumble into new age spirituality. I experienced sexual assault, and trauma opened the door to new age and demonic oppression. When you’re at your weakest point your defences are down, you become vulnerable to the attack of the enemy. Sexual Assault survivors identity and self-image is often shattered by the abuse. Our connection to ourselves, others and God becomes distorted and broken. We might live in chronic patterns of self-doubt and powerlessness. I was desperate for peace, I was trying to find myself again. I longed for some means of empowerment, escape and spiritual awakening. I was innocently thinking I was helping my body and spirit, receiving reiki, learning about astrology and Human Design. Astrology is false wisdom centred on selfishness. “Spiritual selfishness” and self-obsession ruled me and I was unable to trust God. A Lack of self accountability started to manifest in my life, I was complaining a lot and blaming the planets for things happening in my life. The enemy was feeding me half-truths, distracting me with self-discovery, playing on my deep longing for peace, abundance and connection. He was using my brokenness. Stay vigilant, believing and agreeing with the devil’s lies is effectively making an agreement with him to enter your life.
Scriptures mentioned: 1 Peter 5:8, Galatians 5:20-21, Ephesians 5:11, 2 Timothy 4:3, 2 Timothy 3:2, Leviticus 19:26, James 1:5, Psalms 32:8-9
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Instagram: jana.wollesen
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Are you a #CultureShiftingBeliever ? God is elevating voices to free His people from the deception of the enemy and to bring Christ to those who need Him. Do you have a topic and/or testimony you’d like to bring to the show ? Submit a Podcast Guest Application !
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Instagram: jana.wollesen
Natalia sought out natural healing after suffering from several health ailments which led her into new age beliefs, she had energy healing done, was learning about chakras and shamanism, took metaphysical courses, but none of these practices actually worked. Her existing circumstances were getting worse, she was distraught inside, her soul anxious, nothing was bringing her peace. Until Jesus visited her in her dreams and she encountered God’s grace.
Scriptures mentioned: 1 Corinthians 6:12, 1 John 4:1, 2 Corinthians 11:14, 1 Peter 5:14, 1 Peter 2:25
Follow Natalia: naturally.natalia natalia.lavaggi
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My first episode is an introduction to why I decided to start this show and what to expect. Thanks for tuning in and may God bless you.
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