China’s consumer inflation turns negative for the first time in 13 months
中国消费者通胀率 13 个月以来首次降至零以下
China’s national consumer price index (CPI) in February fell into negative territory for the first time since January last year, weighed down by a decline in food, tobacco and alcohol prices.
受食品、烟酒价格下降拖累,中国 2 月份全国居民消费价格指数(CPI)自去年 1 月份以来首次跌至负值。
林伯虎,公众号「在下林伯虎」主理人,「虎哥课堂」创始人,专注于解读英语外刊、原版书和智趣文化热点。牛津大学区域研究学硕士,南京大学法学硕士。游学欧美十余国,金融沪港四五年。前香港某大型金融机构首席市场发展经理。南京大学辩论队长,China Daily 校园新闻奖评委。
Ukraine's Zelenskiy says he can salvage relationship with US
Zelenskiy reiterated that Ukraine would not concede any territory to Russia as part of a peace deal. He said he was still willing to sign a minerals deal with the U.S. and described a discussion on Sunday with European leaders to send a draft peace plan to the U.S. as a key development.
林伯虎,公众号「在下林伯虎」主理人,「虎哥课堂」创始人,专注于解读英语外刊、原版书和智趣文化热点。牛津大学区域研究学硕士,南京大学法学硕士。游学欧美十余国,金融沪港四五年。前香港某大型金融机构首席市场发展经理。南京大学辩论队长,China Daily 校园新闻奖评委。
Episodi mancanti?
Our statement on USAID funding我们关于美国国际开发署资金的声明
Like many international development organisations, BBC Media Action has been affected by the temporary pause in US government funding, which amounts to about 8% of our income in 2023-24. We’re doing everything we can to minimise the impact on our partners and the people we serve.
与许多国际发展组织一样,BBC Media Action 也受到美国政府资金暂时暂停的影响,这相当于我们 2023-24 年收入的 8% 左右。我们正在尽一切努力将对我们的合作伙伴和我们所服务的人的影响降至最低。
林伯虎,公众号「在下林伯虎」主理人,「虎哥课堂」创始人,专注于解读英语外刊、原版书和智趣文化热点。牛津大学区域研究学硕士,南京大学法学硕士。游学欧美十余国,金融沪港四五年。前香港某大型金融机构首席市场发展经理。南京大学辩论队长,China Daily 校园新闻奖评委。
DeepSeek drives $1.3 Trillion China stock rally as funds pile in
DeepSeek 拉动 1.3 万亿美元投资,随着资金涌入,中国股市重新振作
Hedge funds have been piling into Chinese equities at the fastest pace in months as bullishness on the DeepSeek-driven technology rally adds to hopes for more economic stimulus. In contrast, India is suffering a record exodus of cash on concerns over waning macro growth, slowing corporate earnings and expensive stock valuations.
对冲基金以数月来最快的速度涌入中国股市,原因是看好 DeepSeek 推动的科技股反弹,并对更多经济刺激措施抱有希望。相比之下,由于担心宏观增长减弱、企业盈利放缓和股票估值昂贵,印度正遭遇创纪录的现金外流。
林伯虎,公众号「在下林伯虎」主理人,「虎哥课堂」创始人,专注于解读英语外刊、原版书和智趣文化热点。牛津大学区域研究学硕士,南京大学法学硕士。游学欧美十余国,金融沪港四五年。前香港某大型金融机构首席市场发展经理。南京大学辩论队长,China Daily 校园新闻奖评委。
TikTok restores service for US users based on Trump's promised executive order
基于特朗普承诺的行政命令,TikTok 正在恢复对美国用户的服务
TikTok restored service to users in the United States on Sunday just hours after the popular video-sharing platform went dark in response to a federal ban, which President-elect Donald Trump said he would try to pause by executive order on his first day in office.
TikTok 因联邦禁令而停运数小时后,于周日恢复了对美国用户的服务。美国当选总统特朗普表示,他将在上任首日试图通过行政命令暂停该联邦禁令。
林伯虎,公众号「在下林伯虎」主理人,「虎哥课堂」创始人,专注于解读英语外刊、原版书和智趣文化热点。牛津大学区域研究学硕士,南京大学法学硕士。游学欧美十余国,金融沪港四五年。前香港某大型金融机构首席市场发展经理。南京大学辩论队长,China Daily 校园新闻奖评委。
24 dead as fire crews try to corral Los Angeles blazes before winds return this week
在本周大风卷土重来之前,消防人员试图控制洛杉矶大火,大火目前造成 24 人死亡
Firefighters scrambled Sunday to make further progress against wildfires that have destroyed thousands of homes and killed 24 people in the Los Angeles area as forecasters again warned of dangerous weather with the return of strong winds this week. At least 16 people were missing, and authorities said that number was expected to rise.
随着预报再次警告危险天气,本周强风将卷土重来,消防员上周日奋力抗击洛杉矶山火,该地区的野火已摧毁了数千栋房屋,并造成 24 人死亡。至少有 16 人失踪,当局称这一数字预计还会上升。
林伯虎,公众号「在下林伯虎」主理人,「虎哥课堂」创始人,专注于解读英语外刊、原版书和智趣文化热点。牛津大学区域研究学硕士,南京大学法学硕士。游学欧美十余国,金融沪港四五年。前香港某大型金融机构首席市场发展经理。南京大学辩论队长,China Daily 校园新闻奖评委。
China plays down reports of huge flu outbreak; says country safe for travel
China on Friday played down reports of a massive outbreak of flu in the country overwhelming hospitals, saying that cases of the respiratory diseases which occur during the winter were less severe this year compared to last year. The Foreign Ministry here said it is safe for foreigners to travel to China.
林伯虎,公众号「在下林伯虎」主理人,「虎哥课堂」创始人,专注于解读英语外刊、原版书和智趣文化热点。牛津大学区域研究学硕士,南京大学法学硕士。游学欧美十余国,金融沪港四五年。前香港某大型金融机构首席市场发展经理。南京大学辩论队长,China Daily 校园新闻奖评委。
Elon Musk's X Endgame
埃隆·马斯克的 X 终局
The world's richest man has become a new kind of oligarch.
After months of negotiation, Congress was close to passing a spending bill on Wednesday to avert a government shutdown. Elon Musk decided he had other ideas. He railed against the bill in more than 150 separate posts on X, complaining about the raises it would have given members of Congress, falsely exaggerating the proposed pay increase, and worrying about billions in government spending that weren’t even in the bill.
经过数月的谈判,美国国会即将在周三通过一项支出法案,以避免政府关门。埃隆·马斯克另有想法。他在社交媒体 X 上发了 150 多条帖子抨击该法案,抱怨法案会给国会议员加薪,虚假夸大拟议的加薪幅度,并担心法案中根本没有的数十亿政府支出。
林伯虎,公众号「在下林伯虎」主理人,「虎哥课堂」创始人,专注于解读英语外刊、原版书和智趣文化热点。牛津大学区域研究学硕士,南京大学法学硕士。游学欧美十余国,金融沪港四五年。前香港某大型金融机构首席市场发展经理。南京大学辩论队长,China Daily 校园新闻奖评委。
China Consumption Unexpectedly Slows as Stimulus Effects Fade
China's retail sales growth unexpectedly weakened in November despite signs of improvement in the housing market, highlighting the urgency for Beijing to further encourage residents to spend.
尽管房地产市场出现改善迹象,但中国 11 月份的零售额增长意外减弱,这凸显了政府进一步鼓励居民消费的紧迫性。
林伯虎,公众号「在下林伯虎」主理人,「虎哥课堂」创始人,专注于解读英语外刊、原版书和智趣文化热点。牛津大学区域研究学硕士,南京大学法学硕士。游学欧美十余国,金融沪港四五年。前香港某大型金融机构首席市场发展经理。南京大学辩论队长,China Daily 校园新闻奖评委。
The fall of Bashar Assad after 13 years of war in Syria brings to an end a decades-long dynasty
巴沙尔·阿萨德在历经 13 年叙利亚内战过后的倒台,宣告了一个维持数十年的王朝的终结
The 11-Day Blitz by Syrian Rebels That Ended 50 Years of Assad Rule
叙利亚叛军发动的一场 11 天的闪电战,终结了阿萨德长达 50 年的统治
林伯虎,公众号「在下林伯虎」主理人,「虎哥课堂」创始人,专注于解读英语外刊、原版书和智趣文化热点。牛津大学区域研究学硕士,南京大学法学硕士。游学欧美十余国,金融沪港四五年。前香港某大型金融机构首席市场发展经理。南京大学辩论队长,China Daily 校园新闻奖评委。
President Biden Pardons Son Hunter
President Biden pardons his son Hunter, reversing his long-standing pledge
Biden Issues a 'Full and Unconditional Pardon' of His Son Hunter Biden
林伯虎,公众号「在下林伯虎」主理人,「虎哥课堂」创始人,专注于解读英语外刊、原版书和智趣文化热点。牛津大学区域研究学硕士,南京大学法学硕士。游学欧美十余国,金融沪港四五年。前香港某大型金融机构首席市场发展经理。南京大学辩论队长,China Daily 校园新闻奖评委。
Is China really a nation of slackers? A new survey raises the question
China is famous, even infamous, for hard graft. Prodigious amounts of toil and elbow grease helped the country become the workshop of the world. More than 175m migrant workers labour in cities far from home, often leaving their children in the care of relatives. And the sacrifices are not confined to the poor. Even some of China's more sophisticated firms are known for their "996" office culture, encouraging unfortunate employees to work from 9am to 9pm, six days a week.
中国以艰苦奋斗闻名于世,甚至是臭名昭著。大量的辛勤劳动帮助中国成为世界工厂。超过 1.75 亿农民工在远离家乡的城市务工,常常把孩子托付给亲戚照顾。做出牺牲的不仅是穷人。即使是中国一些较为成熟的企业,也以其 “996 ”办公室文化著称,鼓励不幸的员工从早上九点工作到晚上九点,每周工作六天。
林伯虎,公众号「在下林伯虎」主理人,「虎哥课堂」创始人,专注于解读英语外刊、原版书和智趣文化热点。牛津大学区域研究学硕士,南京大学法学硕士。游学欧美十余国,金融沪港四五年。前香港某大型金融机构首席市场发展经理。南京大学辩论队长,China Daily 校园新闻奖评委。
China's economy stabilizes as retail sales beat expectations
Retail sales increased 4.8 per cent in October from a year ago, the strongest growth since February and exceeding all estimates in a Bloomberg survey. Industrial output rose 5.3 per cent, lower than forecast.
10 月份零售额同比增长 4.8%,是 2 月份以来最强劲的增长,超过了彭博社调查的所有预期。工业产值增长 5.3%,低于预期。
林伯虎,公众号「在下林伯虎」主理人,「虎哥课堂」创始人,专注于解读英语外刊、原版书和智趣文化热点。牛津大学区域研究学硕士,南京大学法学硕士。游学欧美十余国,金融沪港四五年。前香港某大型金融机构首席市场发展经理。南京大学辩论队长,China Daily 校园新闻奖评委。
China's biggest shopping event of the year exceeds low expectations
The country's version of Black Friday kicked off this year on Oct. 14, more than a week earlier than in 2023, and wrapped up Monday. Major e-commerce companies used to report gross merchandise value, an industry measure of sales over time, but did not for a third consecutive year amid weak consumer sentiment.
今年,中国版的 “黑色星期五 ”于 10 月 14 日拉开帷幕,比 2023 年提前了一周多,并于本周一结束。主要电商公司过去都会报告商品交易总额,这是衡量一段时间内销售额的行业标准,但由于消费情绪疲软,今年已是连续第三年不报告总销售额。
林伯虎,公众号「在下林伯虎」主理人,「虎哥课堂」创始人,专注于解读英语外刊、原版书和智趣文化热点。牛津大学区域研究学硕士,南京大学法学硕士。游学欧美十余国,金融沪港四五年。前香港某大型金融机构首席市场发展经理。南京大学辩论队长,China Daily 校园新闻奖评委。
Scoop: Elon Musk joined Trump's call with Zelensky
Donald Trump's phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Wednesday included two surprises: Elon Musk was also on the line, and Zelensky was somewhat reassured by what he heard from the president-elect, two sources with knowledge of the call tell Axios.
特朗普周三与乌克兰总统泽连斯基的通话有两个惊喜:两位知情人士告诉 Axios,马斯克也在电话中,而且泽连斯基从候任总统那里听到的内容让他有些放心。
林伯虎,公众号「在下林伯虎」主理人,「虎哥课堂」创始人,专注于解读英语外刊、原版书和智趣文化热点。牛津大学区域研究学硕士,南京大学法学硕士。游学欧美十余国,金融沪港四五年。前香港某大型金融机构首席市场发展经理。南京大学辩论队长,China Daily 校园新闻奖评委。
Trump Pushes to Boost Turnout Among Young Men, Harris Focuses on Female Voters
Donald Trump is pinning his political future on winning the votes of disaffected young men. Kamala Harris is doing the same with female voters—particularly moderates and independents.
林伯虎,公众号「在下林伯虎」主理人,「虎哥课堂」创始人,专注于解读英语外刊、原版书和智趣文化热点。牛津大学区域研究学硕士,南京大学法学硕士。游学欧美十余国,金融沪港四五年。前香港某大型金融机构首席市场发展经理。南京大学辩论队长,China Daily 校园新闻奖评委。
Harris and Trump Deadlocked to the End, Final Times/Siena National Poll Finds
The electorate has rarely seemed so evenly divided. The latest New York Times/Siena College poll found Harris and Trump tied 48 to 48.
选民的意见似乎很少如此势均力敌。《纽约时报》和锡耶纳学院的最新民调显示,哈里斯和特朗普的支持率打成平手,为 48 比 48。
林伯虎,公众号「在下林伯虎」主理人,「虎哥课堂」创始人,专注于解读英语外刊、原版书和智趣文化热点。牛津大学区域研究学硕士,南京大学法学硕士。游学欧美十余国,金融沪港四五年。前香港某大型金融机构首席市场发展经理。南京大学辩论队长,China Daily 校园新闻奖评委。
China reports third-quarter GDP growth of 4.6%, slightly beating expectations
中国报告三季度 GDP 增速为 4.6%,略高于预期
China's Q3 GDP hits weakest pace since early 2023, backs calls for more stimulus
中国三季度 GDP 增速创下了自 2023 年初以来的新低,这为出台更多刺激政策提供了支持。
Chinese growth comes in cooler as investors pin hopes on stimulus
林伯虎,公众号「在下林伯虎」主理人,「虎哥课堂」创始人,专注于解读英语外刊、原版书和智趣文化热点。牛津大学区域研究学硕士,南京大学法学硕士。游学欧美十余国,金融沪港四五年。前香港某大型金融机构首席市场发展经理。南京大学辩论队长,China Daily 校园新闻奖评委。
'Dead heat': Trump pulls even with Harris in NBC News poll
胜负难分:根据 NBC 新闻做的民调,特朗普现在已经跟哈里斯打平了
Trump makes gains as poll figures trigger anxiety for Harris campaign
林伯虎,公众号「在下林伯虎」主理人,「虎哥课堂」创始人,专注于解读英语外刊、原版书和智趣文化热点。牛津大学区域研究学硕士,南京大学法学硕士。游学欧美十余国,金融沪港四五年。前香港某大型金融机构首席市场发展经理。南京大学辩论队长,China Daily 校园新闻奖评委。
Goldman Says Surging Chinese Stocks May Advance Another 20%
美国投行高盛表示,近期快速上涨的中国股市仍有上涨空间,还能再往上走 20%
Goldman Sachs Group Inc. upgraded its call on Chinese stocks to overweight, as it joined a camp of optimists that are touting the positive impact of Beijing’s stimulus blitz.
林伯虎,公众号「在下林伯虎」主理人,「虎哥课堂」创始人,专注于解读英语外刊、原版书和智趣文化热点。牛津大学区域研究学硕士,南京大学法学硕士。游学欧美十余国,金融沪港四五年。前香港某大型金融机构首席市场发展经理。南京大学辩论队长,China Daily 校园新闻奖评委。
过去一周,无论国内外,舆论都在关注深圳 10 岁日本男孩遇刺事件。在我们在录制本期内容的周一,依然有最新消息传出。
Schoolboy's killing in China sparks Japanese fears
The killing of a Japanese schoolboy in the Chinese city of Shenzhen has sparked worry among Japanese expats living in China, with top firms warning their workers to be vigilant.
林伯虎,公众号「在下林伯虎」主理人,「虎哥课堂」创始人,专注于解读英语外刊、原版书和智趣文化热点。牛津大学区域研究学硕士,南京大学法学硕士。游学欧美十余国,金融沪港四五年。前香港某大型金融机构首席市场发展经理。南京大学辩论队长,China Daily 校园新闻奖评委。
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