
  • What does it really look like to live and work abroad and still find absolute happiness? We have two amazing guests today who will share their experiences of finding happiness through travel. Elodie Ferchaud is the co-founder of Boundless Life, helping people and families live and learn from all over the world. Katelynn Minott is the CEO of Bright!Tax, the leading online US expat tax services provider serving over 200 countries. 

    We talk about the unique rewards and challenges of extended stays overseas for families. We discuss the importance of building community when being an expat, the impact on children, and the adjustments required when returning to a routine after such enriching experiences. Elodie and Katelynn help us reevaluate modern conveniences and understand the lifestyle changes that come with travel and remote work.   

    What is Covered: 

    -Introduction to Boundless Living and Bright!Tax

    -How to transition to a new lifestyle

    -The dynamics of summer vs. long-term traveling cohorts

    -Building community and connection while traveling

    -Children's experiences in foreign countries

    -How to reintegrate and adjusting back to old routines

    -Balancing work and family life abroad

    -Surprising experiences that Elodie and Katelynn never expected

    -Why we need to reevaluate the conveniences of modern life

    -How to start creating a lifestyle of travel

    -The need to trust yourself to make changes

    -How Elodie and Katelynn find their business happy


    -Learn more about Boundless Life https://www.boundless.life/ 

    -Connect with Elodie Ferchaud https://www.linkedin.com/in/elodieferchaud/ 

    -Learn more about Bright!Tax https://brighttax.com/ 

    -Connect with Katelynn Minott https://www.linkedin.com/in/katelynnminott/ 

    -Learn more about MarketVeep https://marketveep.com 

    -Find us on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/market-veep/ 

    -Follow us on X https://twitter.com/market_veep 

    -Follow us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/market_veep/ 

    -Find us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/marketveep/ 

  • Glenn Poulos is the Co-Founder, Vice President and General Manager of Gap Wireless Inc., which is now NWS. He's also the author of the book ā€œNever Sit in the Lobby,ā€ a LinkedIn top voice, podcast host, business coach and public speaker. Glenn has had an incredible journey in sales over four decades and he learned amazing business and life lessons along the way. 

    In this episode, Glenn shares some of the stories from his career in sales and how Gap Wireless came about. He also gives us a sneak peek into the chapters of his book and some of his 57 must-learn sales tactics. We discuss the top three things salespeople must avoid, how to stay motivated as a salesperson, how to give a great presentation, and much more. 

    What is Covered: 

    -How Glenn transitioned from working for the government to working in sales

    -Growing from a salesperson to owning a sales company 

    -The journey of founding Gap Wireless 

    -The importance of people-to-people sales even in the digital age

    -How to be a pleasure to do business with even when you are losing the deal

    -The importance of honesty in all the sales process

    -Why so many people confuse marketing and sales

    -Building genuine rapport and why implied familiarity breeds contempt

    -How to maintain grit and motivation in sales

    -10 Million in Diamonds story  

    -The punch, the perfect pitch and the close of a successful presentation

    -The value of getting your inbox to zero 


    -Check out Glenn Poulosā€™ Book ā€œNever Sit in the Lobbyā€ https://www.amazon.com/Never-Sit-Lobby-Winning-Business/dp/1777939135  

    -Get Glennā€™s Free Guide ā€œPunch, Perfect Pitch and Closeā€ https://glennpoulos.kit.com/ 

    -Follow Glenn Poulos on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/glennpoulos/ 

    -Learn more about MarketVeep https://marketveep.com 

    -Find us on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/market-veep/ 

    -Follow us on X https://twitter.com/market_veep 

    -Follow us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/market_veep/ 

    -Find us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/marketveep/ 

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  • Our guest Sam Yarborough is the Chief Growth Officer at Invisory, and the Co-Host of the Friends with Benefits Podcast. Invisory helps companies execute and elevate partner strategies within major marketplaces. Samā€™s role is to develop partnerships with Salesforce and help customers break into this large ecosystem to make a meaningful impact for their business. The podcast that Sam co-hosts with her husband Jason is also about revenue-generating partnerships and building professional relationships that last. 

    In todayā€™s episode, we are talking about developing partnerships and successful networks to help grow and scale your business. We also discuss the specifics of working with your loved ones and the very successful event that Sam and Jason recently hosted in Montana where they live. 

    What is Covered: 

    -Samā€™s background and how she came to teach people how to build partnerships in Salesforce

    -The basis of building trust and relationships with your business partners

    -How Samā€™s podcast plays a role in building partnerships

    -What itā€™s like for Sam to work with her spouse

    -Arcadia Leadership Experience event and lessons learned from it

    -Three key things that make a great partnership

    -What someone should consider before they enter a partner program

    -What business happy means for Sam 


    -Learn more about Invisory https://invisory.co/ 

    -Listen to Friends with Benefits Podcast Series https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/friends-with-benefits/id1689557087 

    -Learn more about MarketVeep https://marketveep.com 

    -Find us on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/market-veep/ 

    -Follow us on X https://twitter.com/market_veep 

    -Follow us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/market_veep/ 

    -Find us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/marketveep/

    Tools and Resources Mentioned: 

    -Invisoryā€™s Partner Success Tracker https://invisory.co/cloud-marketplace/partner-success-tracker/  

    -Superglue - Partner Engagement Platform https://www.superglue.io/ 

    -Crossbeam - Eocsystem-Led Growth Platform https://www.crossbeam.com/ 

    -Fluency - Advertising Automation Platform https://www.fluency.inc/  

  • Our guest this week is Stephanie Brown, CEO at Ox & Pine Leather Goods. Stephanie started Ox & Pine back in 2014 with her journals as the flagship product. She has a passion for leatherwork and business and loves spending time with her family. She has an amazing team and enjoys helping others create something meaningful. Ox & Pine is a true example of how to treat a customer above and beyond.

    Today we discuss how to elevate your brand with the power of swag. We talk about the trends in the swag space, the value of quality products and the impact of thoughtful gifting. Stephanie shares her insights on developing excellent customer service, company culture and hiring service reps for the business. We also discuss the challenges and rewards of running a family business, finding balance and giving oneself grace in both personal and work life.

    What is Covered: 

    -How Stephanie developed her leather product line

    -The impact of family dynamics on the business

    -Crafting leather products as a team building activity and part of company culture

    -Current trends in the swag space

    -The best examples of how clients used Ox & Pine products to promote their brand

    -Things to consider when you want to invest in swag

    -Ox & Pine hiring process and internal customer service organization

    -What business happy means for Stephanie 


    -Use the code Market Veep to get 15% off Ox & Pine products at https://oxandpine.com/ 

    -Connect with Stephanie Brown https://www.linkedin.com/in/stephanie-brown-3ab6951a/ 

    -Learn more about MarketVeep https://marketveep.com 

    -Find us on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/market-veep/ 

    -Follow us on X https://twitter.com/market_veep 

    -Follow us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/market_veep/ 

    -Find us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/marketveep/ 

  • This week our guest is Micki Vandeloo, the President of Lakeview Consulting. She is a grant writer extraordinaire who has been in the business for over 10 years, and so far has helped manufacturers find and get grants of $150 million in total. 

    Micki is here to spill some secrets to help companies get funding for their business, including their marketing and sales initiatives. We talk about why entrepreneurs should consider getting funding through grants, what types and sizes of grants and other funding are available, how the application process looks like, where to find grants for your business and much more. 

    What is Covered: 

    -The importance of project design in order to get funding

    -Why entrepreneurs often struggle with creating a strategic plan for their business

    -How a grant research and application process looks like on a state and federal level

    -The typical size of a state grant vs. federal grant 

    -Why itā€™s sometimes challenging to find information about available grants

    -The biggest benefits of grants and how they can be used

    -Which grants support marketing and sales 

    -The difference between local incentives, tax credits and grants

    -Which businesses are usually ineligible for grants and what other options are available to them 

    -Why businesses should consider applying for grants and where to start from 

    Links and Resources: 

    -Get the FREE roadmap to finding and keeping your business happy https://marketveep.com/happy 

    -Connect with Micki Vandeloo and find grants database at https://www.lakeviewconsulting.net/ 

    -State Trade Expansion Program (STEP) https://www.sba.gov/funding-programs/grants/state-trade-expansion-program-step 

    -Learn more about The Gold Key Service https://www.trade.gov/gold-key-service 

    -Trade Adjustment Assistance Center https://tradeadjustment.org/ 

    -Learn more about SBA Loans https://www.sba.gov/funding-programs/loans 

    -Learn more about USDA Loans https://eligibility.sc.egov.usda.gov/eligibility/welcomeAction.do  

    -Learn more about MarketVeep https://marketveep.com 

    -Find us on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/market-veep/ 

    -Follow us on X https://twitter.com/market_veep 

    -Follow us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/market_veep/ 

    -Find us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/marketveep/

  • This week, we're talking with Hamish Knox, the owner of Sandler Training in Calgary. Hamish is a renowned sales trainer, author of two books, host of the Full Funnel Freedom Podcast, as well as the first Canadian recipient of the David H. Sandler Award.

    In this episode we talk about sales training for sustainable scalability. Hamish shares with us his incredible journey through multiple industries to becoming a Sandler Trainer, the key things for building a consistent and scalable sales funnel, how to lead and manage change in a company, what business happy means for him, and much more.   

    What is Covered: 

    -What the main purpose of sales training is

    -Why a consistent, repeatable, and scalable sales funnel is crucial for sustainable growth

    -The three main outcomes that Sandler clients are looking for

    -The importance of ongoing learning, training and collaboration with leaders for sales success

    -How to successfully implement and manage change in an organization

    -The need for flexibility and customization of CRM systems to individual team members

    -Adoption mentality, setting clear boundaries and building team self-sufficiency

    -Why understanding personal goals of your sales people is even more powerful than a compensation plan

    -Key skills of a salesperson and of a leader

    -Why a company culture informs company values and not the other way around


    -Get the FREE roadmap to finding and keeping your business happy https://marketveep.com/happy  

    -Learn more about Sandler in Calgary https://www.hamish.sandler.com/ 

    -Listen to The Full Funnel Freedom Podcast https://www.fullfunnelfreedom.com/ 

    -Check out Hamishā€™s books https://www.amazon.com/stores/Hamish-Knox/author/B00P8OCWJA 

    -Learn more about MarketVeep https://marketveep.com 

    -Find us on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/market-veep/ 

    -Follow us on X https://twitter.com/market_veep 

    -Follow us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/market_veep/ 

    -Find us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/marketveep/ 

  • Fernando Angulo is the Senior Market Research Manager at Semrush and an absolute rock star in the SEO space and go-to-market strategy. Semrush is a tool for keyword research, competitive analysis, site audits, backlink tracking, and comprehensive online visibility insights. 

    Today, Fernando is sharing his insights and knowledge of what heā€™s learned over these 13 years of working with Semrush. We are discussing the importance and power of content strategy, audience analysis and data analysis, the impact of AI on SEO and content generation, as well as the mindset and culture of entrepreneurship and what business happy means for our guest. 

    What is Covered: 

    -The basics of creating a content strategy and buyer persona  

    -The power of data analysis and insights into web traffic sources 

    -Why being a brand is a superpower both for leaders and competitors in any market

    -SWOT vs. PEST analysis

    -The nuances of SEO strategies for different countries and cultures

    -Content strategies for top, middle and bottom of the funnel

    -The impact of AI on SEO and success stories of leveraging AI tools

    -Most common SEO mistakes 

    -Why you should regularly update and repurpose your content

    -Why strong company culture is crucial in the growth stage 

    -Frustration KPI and knowing you customer journey 


    -Get the FREE roadmap to finding and keeping your business happy https://marketveep.com/happy

    -Learn more about Semrush https://www.semrush.com/

    -Connect with Fernando Angulo https://www.linkedin.com/in/fernandoangulo/  

    -Learn more about MarketVeep https://marketveep.com 

    -Find us on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/market-veep/ 

    -Follow us on X https://twitter.com/market_veep 

    -Follow us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/market_veep/ 

    -Find us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/marketveep/ 

  • Our guest today is Mike Stocker, VP of Partnerships at CallRail. CallRail is the leading AI-powered call tracking and lead intelligence platform that makes it easy for businesses of all sizes to market with confidence. CallRail is integrated with HubSpot and many other CRM platforms and tools, and it helps solve some common pain points in the lead generation process that weā€™re discussing in this episode. 

    We also talk about current shifts in the market when it comes to customer journeys and lead generation processes, how businesses can leverage call tracking and what first steps they can make in that direction.  

    What is Covered: 

    -What call tracking is and how it works 

    -What information and benefits businesses can have from call tracking

    -How AI can help with determining the sentiment of a sales call

    -CallRail and HubSpot integration

    -Overcoming problems with inaccurate attribution  

    -How to navigate omni-channel customer journeys

    -Common use cases for call tracking 

    -How AI really changes the landscape of business

    -Team retention and AI automation 


    -Get the FREE roadmap to finding and keeping your business happy https://marketveep.com/happy  

    -Learn more about CallRail https://www.callrail.com/ 

    -Learn more about MarketVeep https://marketveep.com 

    -Find us on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/market-veep/ 

    -Follow us on X https://twitter.com/market_veep 

    -Follow us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/market_veep/ 

    -Find us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/marketveep/

  • This week, our guest is Dan Fantasia of Treeline, a sales recruiting organization that specializes specifically and solely in the career advancement of sales professionals. Treeline has been in business for 23 years and they helped change the lives of over 3,500 sales professionals.

    Dan shares some of his insights into the trends in the market right now, stemming from his decades-long experience in the sales recruitment business. We discuss the most common mistake that companies make when hiring a salesperson, and the importance of leadership, direction, culture fit and patience in the hiring process. We also talk about the role of AI in sales, and how to celebrate the small wins and hard work of sales professionals. 

    What is Covered: 

    -Why so many organizations fail with hiring salespeople

    -How to make sure you have the perfect match to your company culture

    -Advice for leaders looking to hire sales professionals 

    -The importance of setting plans, goals and quota for new salespeople

    -What is a reasonable time when a company can see results from a new sales person

    -The role and shortcomings of AI in the sales process

    -The impact of Stevie Award on Danā€™s business

    -The importance of company culture for a successful sales process

    -What business happy means for Dan 


    -Get the FREE roadmap to finding and keeping your business happy https://marketveep.com/happy  

    -Learn more about Treeline https://www.treelineinc.com/ 

    -Learn more about MarketVeep https://marketveep.com 

    -Find us on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/market-veep/ 

    -Follow us on X https://twitter.com/market_veep 

    -Follow us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/market_veep/ 

    -Find us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/marketveep/ 

  • Welcome back to the Finding Business Happy Podcast! Today, we are talking with a mix of wonderful salespeople from UNH Sales as well as HubSpot, about what makes happy sales blueprint and how to teach, learn, and develop sales skills.  

    Our guests are James McIlroy, Director at UNH Sales Center and Senior Lecturer in Marketing at Peter T. Paul College of Business and Economics; Audrey Buckenmaier, Economics Student at University of New Hampshire, Peter T. Paul College of Business and Economics, and Patrick Casey, Account Executive at HubSpot and UNH Alumni. 

    We talk about the sales program at UNH Sales, and the training and experiences that students acquire in this program. We discuss all the components of a happy sales practice, as well as the importance of finding balance and happiness in both personal and professional life. 

    What is Covered: 

    -Overview of the UNH Sales program and the opportunities it offers to students

    -Why experiential learning is key at UNH and how students practice and improve their sales skills

    -The impact of role play competitions on studentsā€™ skills and career opportunities

    -The importance of networking and community for building connections and career development

    -How a sales competition looks like and how Patrick and Audrey experienced it first time

    -How to use your personality and authenticity as key strengths in sales

    -Why learning to shift perspective is a crucial skill for sales success  

    -The importance of writing and developing your own sales script

    -How to find business happy in sales and integrate your career with personal life  


    -UNH Sales https://www.unhsales.com/ 

    -Connect with James McIlroy https://www.linkedin.com/in/jamesmcilroy/ 

    -Connect with Aubrey Buckenmaier https://www.linkedin.com/in/audreybuckenmaier/ 

    -Connect with Patrick Casey https://www.linkedin.com/in/patrickrcasey/  

    -Get the FREE roadmap to finding and keeping your business happy https://marketveep.com/happy 

    -Learn more about MarketVeep https://marketveep.com 

    -Find us on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/market-veep/ 

    -Follow us on X https://twitter.com/market_veep 

    -Follow us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/market_veep/ 

    -Find us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/marketveep/

  • It's not easy at all being vulnerable in business. However, some of our companyā€™s most profound and pivotal impacts have come from deeply personal experiences and moments. Many times, it was the feeling of upset that fuelled the speed of change. 

    In todayā€™s episode, Iā€™ll dive into the topic of vulnerability in business, and how to get comfortable being uncomfortable. Iā€™ll talk about why vulnerability in business transcends any job or role, how to open yourself as the leader to your team, and how to start fostering vulnerability, honesty and openness as core values that will help you find your business happy. 

    What is Covered: 

    -The power of vulnerability in business

    -What happens AFTER vulnerability is the most important part

    -How to run a survey in your company to get honest feedback from your team

    -How our company became Certified Best Workplace thanks to vulnerability

    -The power of being open and vulnerable in sales calls


    -Get the FREE roadmap to finding and keeping your business happy https://marketveep.com/happy  

    -MarketVeepā€™s Job Application Form: https://www.marketveep.com/careers  

    -Learn more about MarketVeep https://marketveep.com 

    -Find us on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/market-veep/ 

    -Follow us on X https://twitter.com/market_veep 

    -Follow us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/market_veep/ 

    -Find us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/marketveep/ 

  • Most people, when they think of company culture, they think about swag, meals, free snacks or even nap pods. But that's not really what we think of in terms of company culture. Those are amazing things to have, but the likelihood that a small to mid-sized business can afford this and fund this for an entire team is very unlikely. So, how do we embed the value of giving into a company without all of that insane overhead?

    In todayā€™s episode, weā€™re going to talk about generosity in your company culture. Weā€™re going to give many examples and ideas for how to accumulate those small gestures of care, to help your team live their best lives and find your business happy. 

    What is Covered: 

    -Why we added generosity into MarketVeepā€™s set of core business values

    -How to make sure that generosity is one of the cultural values for the people youā€™re hiring

    -What the accumulation of small cares means in the context of company culture

    -Why you should not consider company culture in just monetary values

    -How to implement small gestures of generosity throughout the whole year and beyond annual events 

    -The challenge of COVID for maintaining the company culture and what we did about it

    -The examples of giving generously and how it helps us keep humble

    -How to build even deeper relationships internally and externally through generosity


    -Get the FREE roadmap to finding and keeping your business happy https://marketveep.com/happy  

    -Learn more about MarketVeepā€™s company culture https://www.marketveep.com/our-story#marketing-it-forward 

    -Learn more about MarketVeep https://marketveep.com 

    -Find us on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/market-veep/ 

    -Follow us on X https://twitter.com/market_veep 

    -Follow us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/market_veep/ 

    -Find us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/marketveep/ 

  • In life, as we all know, most lessons arenā€™t ones that you ask for. There's a moment in every business that you need to get to, where you're able to draw the line in the sand and say what youā€™re not willing to stand for and how you donā€™t want to operate as a company.

    I truly believe that, if you're willing to do the hard things when it comes to your values, if youā€™re ready to hire by them, fire by them and lose revenue by them, thatā€™s what really defines your organization.

    So today, we're going to share some of our stories and learnings of things that we've gone through, how we've learned how to say no and how it's influenced future decisions.

    What is Covered: 

    -The first situation where we had to say a hard no and terminate a contract with a client

    -How to be graceful when you decide to let a client go and how it can result in better contracts in the future

    -Why we turned down a $275,000 deal and why weā€™d do it again

    -How the hardships and difficult lessons actually pushed us towards happy

    -What weā€™ve learned about ourselves through these experiences

    -How to get comfortable with being uncomfortable

    -Where to find hidden reserves to fight for your core business values

    -Why kindness always wins, even when youā€™re wronged or let down


    -Get the FREE roadmap to finding and keeping your business happy https://marketveep.com/happy  

    -Learn more about MarketVeep https://marketveep.com 

    -Find us on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/market-veep/ 

    -Follow us on X https://twitter.com/market_veep 

    -Follow us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/market_veep/ 

    -Find us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/marketveep/

  • As we all know, money can be the barrier between being stuck where you are, or breaking through the next level. Whether that is having or not having a budget, using it properly, hidden revenue or misaligned goals, all of this influences your growth trajectory. 

    In todayā€™s episode, we're talking about how money secrets are costing you in your business. Iā€™m going to share four common secrets that have helped us get clients to the next level in their businesses. Uncovering these money secrets and revenue hidden in corners will hopefully help you, too, get peace of mind and find your business happy. 

    What is Covered: 

    -How unclear reporting can hide where most of your ROI comes from

    -Why investing in marketing is necessary to reach your growth goals

    -How your starting point determines your marketing investment

    -Are you spending on marketing without the data to back it?

    -The challenges of using traditional channels without the ability to measure ROI


    -Get the FREE roadmap to finding and keeping your business happy https://marketveep.com/happy  

    -Learn more about MarketVeep https://marketveep.com 

    -Postalytics - Direct Mail Automation Software https://www.postalytics.com/ 

    -Find us on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/market-veep/ 

    -Follow us on X https://twitter.com/market_veep 

    -Follow us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/market_veep/ 

    -Find us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/marketveep/ 

  • As humans, we all have values and perspectives that each individual person stands behind. They are a person's compass for how they live their life and make decisions. In business, it's very similar. Core business values help us determine where to drive the ship when we get off course and get us back on track.

    Today, weā€™re going to talk about finding happy business values. We're going to talk about why they're important, how to determine them and what it means for an organization to live them out. Iā€™m also going to share three ideas for how to figure out what you stand for as an organization, as well as share some examples of the companies that do a great job aligning their mission and everyday operations with their core values. 

    What is Covered: 

    -The challenge of setting core values in a company of people from all walks of life

    -The evolution of MarketVeepā€™s core values over time

    -Why itā€™s important to document a companyā€™s core values 

    -How asking good questions in your team can help you determine what happiness looks like at your company

    -How to develop a client interview format to help you figure out your core business values

    -How other brands can inspire you to align your happy business values

    -Why you need to test your core values before committing to them

    -What it looks like when a company lives their core values to the fullest

    -How many core values should your company stand for?

    -Examples of inspiring brands and their core business values


    -Get the FREE roadmap to finding and keeping your business happy https://marketveep.com/happy  

    -Download MarketVeepā€™s Culture Deck https://info.marketveep.com/culture-deck 

    -MarketVeep About Us Page https://www.marketveep.com/our-story 

    -Ebooks and webinars that we recommend https://www.marketveep.com/marketing-ebooks-webinars 

    -MarketVeep Blog https://www.marketveep.com/blog 

    -Book: Delivering Happiness by Tony Hsieh https://www.amazon.com/Delivering-Happiness-Tony-Hsieh-audiobook/dp/B003QADCNS/ 

    -Zappos Core 10 Values https://www.zappos.com/c/about  

    -Find MarketVeep on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/market-veep/ 

    -Follow us on X https://twitter.com/market_veep 

    -Follow us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/market_veep/ 

    -Find us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/marketveep/    

  • Today we're talking all about the data, the good, the bad, the ugly, and what it looks like when you have it all organized together. The fact is that having all the information at our fingertips helps give us peace of mind. Regardless of it being good or bad, burying our head in the sand and not having a clear access to datasets sets us up for heartaches, landmines and plenty of stress. 

    In this episode, Iā€™m going to talk about the importance of connecting all of your data, using systems and automated, granular reporting the right way and setting up dashboards that enable visibility and access to all departments of your company. Because being happy with your data makes way for happiness in other areas of your life, for your team and for the business. 

    What is Covered: 

    -How connecting data prevents creating silos in a company and creates better results

    -How to take advantage of the machine learning capabilities and avoid manual work with data

    -What dahsboarding is and how it contributes to being happy with your data

    -The most important reports for sales and marketing teams 

    -Why data makes sense only if you have hard KPIā€™s and goals in place 


    -Get the FREE roadmap to finding and keeping your business happy https://marketveep.com/happy  

    -Book: Scaling Up by Verne Harnish https://www.amazon.com/Scaling-Up-Verne-Harnish-audiobook/dp/B00PMCI89Q/ 

    -Align - Strategic Growth Management Software https://aligntoday.com/ 

    -Learn more about MarketVeep https://marketveep.com 

    -Find us on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/market-veep/ 

    -Follow us on X https://twitter.com/market_veep 

    -Follow us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/market_veep/ 

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  • Life happens, and work sometimes gets in the way, not because people aren't hard workers or caring people. It can be as simple as they couldn't fall asleep at night, or as serious as a family member getting rushed to the hospital. In this episode, Iā€™m going to talk about what it means to be human to your team. 

    Iā€™m going to share some stories of life happening and what we did as a business to help. This is not with the intention to brag about it, but to emphasize that itā€™s not massive financial gestures that make an impact, but the accumulation of all the little ones. So if you are not sure how to give more to your team and how to support them better, this episode is for you.  

    What is Covered: 

    -3 key things to implement in order to better serve your team: trust people, donā€™t stop giving, and do it without expecting anything in return

    -How to support a team member whose family member passed away

    -Ways to help your teammate go through illness and healing period

    -Ideas for celebrating with gratitude

    -How to extend your support to your teamā€™s loved ones  

    Life happens and we don't want to miss it, so make sure to spend time being human and encouraging your team to do so as well. With these ideas, I hope you feel inspired to give more, give often, and give generously to your team, their families and communities. 


    -Get the FREE roadmap to finding and keeping your business happy https://marketveep.com/happy  

    -Learn more about MarketVeep https://marketveep.com 

    -Find us on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/market-veep/ 

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  • Lots of people and companies can scale, obviously, but are they actually happy? What does happy mean when it comes to sales? It's more than just hitting your quota this month, but how much effort did it take to close it? How much manual activity are you doing in a day? And is leadership happy? Can they see the full pipeline at any given moment? Are they able to plan growth for their organization? All of these pieces contribute to the overall company happiness, individual happiness and team happiness.

    So today, Iā€™m talking about the elephant in the room - how to create happy, scalable sales teams, ones where salespeople are able to thrive in their roles and be successful. Iā€™m going to discuss the three biggest areas where sales teams struggle to become scalable revenue closing machines, as well as how to use the opportunity of having open conversations about sales processes. 

    What is Covered:

    -Why marketing and sales teams often fight and point fingers at each other

    -How to allow for vulnerability in the conversations with sales and marketing teams

    -The importance of asking questions internally throughout the sales process

    -The value of visibility and underlying tone of conversations for marketers 

    -Why big organizations tend to struggle more with team structures and processes

    -How the lack of clearly defined goals prevents sales teams from scaling

    -How to improve the transparency of reporting on sales activities

    -How to overcome the fear of automation and actually help your team to scale


    -Get the FREE roadmap to finding and keeping your business happy https://marketveep.com/happy  

    -Learn more about MarketVeep https://marketveep.com 

    -Find us on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/market-veep/ 

    -Follow us on X https://twitter.com/market_veep 

    -Follow us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/market_veep/ 

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  • Your ultimate business mission is to keep your people happy by fostering an amazing company culture based on your core values. Itā€™s surprising that some great organizations avoid promoting their culture for fear of how it might come off, but I believe that not talking about your company culture is not an option. Because how are you going to attract other awesome people to your team and awesome clients to your business? 

    In this episode, Iā€™m talking about creating happy relationships and a happy culture internally and externally, about the importance of transparency and honesty in the hiring process, and Iā€™m sharing four key insights into how to keep your people happy as a business leader.          

    What is Covered:

    -Why talking about company culture is sometimes seen as a red flag 

    -The benefits of sharing your story and how to do it the right way 

    -How to assess the alignment of values and cultures internally and externally

    -How to build trust and avoid negative surprises in the hiring process

    -What happy team and clients feel like in real life

    -3 key takeaways to keep people happy: 

    -Hire with your values and company culture at the center of every conversation

    -Work with clients that bring joy and excitement to your team

    -Remove things that go against your core values and culture

    -Donā€™t forget to have fun!   


    -Get the FREE roadmap to finding and keeping your business happy https://marketveep.com/happy  

    -Learn more about MarketVeep https://marketveep.com 

    -Find us on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/market-veep/ 

    -Follow us on X https://twitter.com/market_veep 

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  • Welcome to Finding Business Happy, a show about living your best life inside and outside of work as a leader in business. Iā€™m Jennelle McGrath, the founder of MarketVeep, a sales and marketing agency born out of a love of helping people and businesses thrive and grow. MarketVeep started as a sole practitioner consultancy, and over time has evolved into a thriving organization that is hyper-focused on people and the company culture.

    But it wasn't always a smooth road. For almost a decade weā€™ve been putting time and thought into answering the question, how do we get to happy? How do we go from unhappy and overworked to living full lives and making sure that everything in business revolves around happiness? How do we, as business leaders, make sure that itā€™s not just about our time at work, but also about our families, our friends, our hobbies and all the things that bring us joy in life? 

    On this show, Iā€™m going to share some of the points of friction that we have experienced and that other businesses experience on their journey to business happy. My intention is to save you the heartache that we and other businesses have gone through, and to help you focus on people and their happiness, because that is what really drives a business forward.

    Weā€™re going to look at the big picture in life, at the new ways to expand your mind, the things to do outside of the office, the ways to improve your day-to-day office life, but with a much wider lens of a human than just nine-to-five.  

    Because letā€™s face it, whatā€™s important is finding and keeping your business happy!


    -Get the FREE roadmap to finding and keeping your business happy https://marketveep.com/happy  

    -Learn more about MarketVeep https://marketveep.com 

    -Find us on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/market-veep/ 

    -Follow us on X https://twitter.com/market_veep 

    -Follow us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/market_veep/ 

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