
  • Ready or not, summer is here!

    I LOVE summer! I LOVE the warmer and slower mornings! I LOVE the sunny, long days! I LOVE hanging out at the pool and the river with my family! I LOVE the trips! I LOVE being social and spending more time outdoors! I LOVE almost everything that comes with the summer months!

    I loved summer as a kid and I love enjoying summer with my kids, so it’s really important to me to make the most of summer for myself and my family.

    BUT, I have found that if I don’t take time to sit down, look over and wrap my head around all of our schedules, brainstorm all the fun activities we want to do during the summer, and make a plan for how to juggle work, kids being home, trips, daily summer fun, and my workouts and nutrition, the days get away from me and I find myself not showing up the way I want to in the above areas.

    So, if you are mom juggling kids, work, summer plans, health and fitness, and all the things this summer, this episode is for you.

    I am going to walk you through my planning process for creating some sanity during the busy summer months so you can fully enjoy the summer and still show up the way you need to for work, your family, and your health.

    Go grab your water, grab your calendar, grab a pen and some paper, and let’s dive in!



    Join the Fit For Life Club, My Monthly Coaching Membership:


    Access my FREE Fast and Effective Workout Guide:


    Access my FREE Protein-Packed Breakfast Recipes:


    Access my FREE Fit For Life Mobility Guide and Exercises:


    Fill out this form with the Fitness and Nutrition topics you want to hear more about on the podcast:


    Visit: https://LeavenworthHealth.com

    Email: [email protected]

    Intro/Exit Track: "Here We Are"

    Music provided by https://slip.stream

    Free Download / Stream: https://get.slip.stream/P4XGUJ

  • There are a lot of people I encounter who don’t understand fully what I do. When I tell them I am a health and fitness coach, they often think, oh, you’re a personal trainer, which I am not.

    Do you know what a health, fitness or nutrition coach is?

    Do you know what a coach does?

    Do you know the benefits of working with a coach?

    Do you think you would benefit from a health coach?

    There are many reasons to hire a health coach!

    Do you:

    Lack motivation to workout or eat healthy consistently.Struggle to prioritize your health and fitness.Have a busy schedule finding it challenging to carve out time for exercise, meal planning, cooking or meal prepping.Feel like you don't have enough time to commit to a consistent health and fitness routine.Lack knowledge about nutrition, how to eat healthy, what types of workouts to do, or how to do certain exercises.Feel confused or overwhelmed by all the conflicting information about diets, detoxes, intermittent fasting, fats, carbs, cardio, HIIT workouts, strength training, and other trends and information out there.Struggle with emotional eating turning to food as a way to cope with stress or emotions, or as the way to always celebrate.Have self-doubt or negative self-talk making it difficult for you to believe in your ability to actually make changes and achieve your health and fitness goals.Have a specific health concern you want to address.Have unwanted weight gain and need help losing it.Struggle to balance self-care with other demands in your life (work, kids, home, etc.).Need guidance to build healthy habits into your daily routine for lifelong health and fitness.Experience an overwhelming amount of stress and need more balance in your life.Feel overwhelmed about where to start when it comes to health and fitness.

    If you can relate to any of the above, working with a health coach and having support in this area of your life, will help you address these challenges and develop strategies to overcome them.

    In this episode, I dive into what a health coach is and what exactly I do as a Health and Fitness Coach, so you fully understand what I offer and how I can help you with your health and fitness!

    Now, go grab your water, and let’s get started!



    Join The Fit For Life Club, My Monthly Fitness Coaching Membership:


    Access my FREE Fast and Effective Workout Guide:


    Access my FREE Protein-Packed Breakfast Recipes:


    Access my FREE Fit For Life Mobility Guide and Exercises:


    Fill out this form with the Fitness and Nutrition topics you want to hear more about on the podcast:


    Visit: https://LeavenworthHealth.com

    Email: [email protected]

    Intro/Exit Track: "Here We Are"

    Music provided by https://slip.stream

    Free Download / Stream: https://get.slip.stream/P4XGUJ

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  • Do you have a weekly workout routine or plan you follow? Do you know what kind of workouts to incorporate into your workout routine for optimal health and fitness throughout your life?

    A lot of women associate exercise and working out with losing weight.

    But exercise is so much more than that.

    Yes, exercise can help you lose weight if that is one of your goals, but exercise is ultimately about creating a body that moves well, feels good, and supports you in all your daily and fun activities, while also impacting how your body functions internally so your body can function at its best and help minimize health issues now and into the future.

    If you struggle to workout because you think working out is about losing weight, then it’s time to shift your perspective.

    Weekly exercise is about helping your body, your bones, your muscles, and your joints stay strong and move well so you can easily go about your daily activities and enjoy all the fun activities you want to do throughout your life.

    No matter where you are on your fitness journey, it’s important you know about and incorporate the 3 pillars of fitness into your weekly workout routine for optimal movement, fitness, and health benefits throughout your life, so go grab your water, press play, and let’s dive into the 3 Pillars of Fitness!



    Join The Fit For Life Club, My Monthly Fitness For Life Coaching Membership Here:


    Access my FREE Fit For Life Mobility Guide and Exercises:


    Access my FREE Fast and Effective Workouts Here:


    Please fill out this form with the Fitness and Nutrition topics you want to hear more about on the podcast:


    You can also:

    Email: [email protected]

    Visit: https://LeavenworthHealth.com

    Intro/Exit Track: "Here We Are"

    Music provided by https://slip.stream

    Free Download / Stream: https://get.slip.stream/P4XGUJ

  • Get ready to dive into the crucial role of fiber in your daily diet and why it's essential, especially for women's health.

    Fiber often takes a back seat in discussions about nutrition, but its importance can NOT be overstated.

    Fiber is an essential component to a healthy gut which equals healthy digestion, and healthy digestion is the foundation for good health.

    Your gut must be healthy, and your digestion must be working correctly for you to feel your best every day.

    Listen to the episode to learn why Fiber is so beneficial to your gut health and a healthy digestive system, how a healthy gut and digestive system impacts your entire body and life, and what foods to focus on to eat enough fiber in your daily diet.

    Now, go grab your water, press play, and please contact me if you have any questions or if you want fitness or nutrition coaching support.



    Get my FREE Fast and Effective Workout Guide:


    Get my FREE Protein-Packed Breakfast Recipes:


    Join the Fit For Life Club, my Monthly Fitness Coaching Membership:


    Check Out my Nutrition Program:


    Fill out this form with the Fitness and Nutrition topics you want to hear more about on the podcast:


    If you are interested in personalized one-on-one fitness and nutrition coaching with me, send me an email with what you want to focus on this year when it comes to your health and fitness, and let me know the best way to contact you. I look forward to hearing from you.

    Email: [email protected]

    Visit: https://LeavenworthHealth.com

    Intro/Exit Track: "Here We Are"

    Music provided by https://slip.stream

    Free Download / Stream: https://get.slip.stream/P4XGUJ

  • Hi,

    If you want to eat healthier, make healthier food choices, work towards your health and fitness goals, build lasting healthy eating habits, feel your best, AND still enjoy your favorite treats, this episode is for you.

    In this episode, I share 10 ways to make healthier eating choices every day that will help you and your body thrive now and as you get older!

    It’s time to remove all the distractions and focus back in on the areas that matter most when it comes to your nutrition and healthy eating.

    When you understand nutrition, and why all the food groups are beneficial and necessary, and you learn how to eat healthy in a way that works best for you, your body, and your life, and you experience all the amazing benefits of eating healthy consistently, you will no longer have to worry about dieting, fads, or depriving yourself of the foods you love.

    Remember, eating healthy isn’t all-or-nothing, it’s a lifelong journey!

    You’ll see in the list I don’t focus on deprivation OR perfection — instead, it’s all about eating delicious, healthy, and nutrient-packed foods as much as you realistically can!

    Now, go grab your water, and a pen and paper if you want to take notes, and let’s get started.



    Get my FREE Protein-Packed Breakfast Recipes Here:


    Check Out my Nutrition Program:


    Fill out this form with the Fitness and Nutrition topics you want to hear more about on the podcast:


    If you are interested in my personalized one-on-one fitness and nutrition coaching, send me an email with what you want to focus on this year when it comes to your health and fitness, and let me know the best way to contact you. I look forward to hearing from you.

    Email: [email protected]

    Visit: https://LeavenworthHealth.com

    Intro/Exit Track: "Here We Are"

    Music provided by https://slip.stream

    Free Download / Stream: https://get.slip.stream/P4XGUJ

  • What you eat and drink every day affects how you feel, starting from the moment you wake up in the morning.

    This is why drinking 8-16 ounces of water when you first wake up in the morning and eating a protein-packed breakfast is so important.

    In today's episode, I talk about why eating a healthy high-protein breakfast is so important for your overall health, and how it will help you feel healthier and more energized, not only in the morning, but throughout your entire day.

    I also provide some simple protein-packed breakfast ideas to help make your mornings a little easier, so make sure you listen all the way to the end.

    When it comes to your nutrition and learning to eat healthy consistently, it's important you focus on eating more of the foods that support you, your body, your skin, your activities, and helps you function and feel your best every day, and eating a high-protein breakfast is a good place to start.

    So, go grab your water, and let's get started!



    Get my FREE Protein-Packed Breakfast Recipes Here:


    Fill out this form with the Fitness and Nutrition topics you want to hear more about on the podcast:


    Visit My Website: https://LeavenworthHealth.com

    To get the 5 protein-packed breakfast recipes sent to your email, email me at the address below with "Protein Breakfasts" in the subject line.

    If you are interested in my one-on-one fitness and nutrition coaching, send me an email with what you want help with, and let me know the best way to contact you. I look forward to hearing from you.

    Email: [email protected]

    Intro/Exit Track: "Here We Are"

    Music provided by https://slip.stream

    Free Download / Stream: https://get.slip.stream/P4XGUJ

  • If you started the year off with good intentions to exercise more or eat healthier, how is it going?

    Are you still showing up the way you wanted to? Are you showing up at all? Or did you already lose your momentum?

    If consistency on your health and fitness journey is a struggle for you, if you have started exercise plans, workout programs, diets, or nutrition plans in the past, and have struggled to continue with them long-term, you are not alone.

    Long-term consistency is a common struggle for many when it comes to exercising and eating healthy.

    Which is why in today’s episode, I am going to talk about how to exercise and eat healthy consistently this year and throughout your life, even if you have never been able to do it before, and while juggling all the things.

    I know showing up consistently can feel especially challenging with kids, and work, and juggling all the responsibilities and chaos life throws at you, but it is possible, and I want to show you how to make it a reality in your life this year.

    So, go grab your water, and let’s talk about how to show up consistently!



    Get my FREE Fast and Effective Workout Guide:


    Get my FREE Protein-Packed Breakfast Recipes Here:


    Join the Fit For Life Club, My Monthly Fitness Coaching Membership:


    Check Out my Nutrition Program:


    Fill out this form with the Fitness and Nutrition topics you want to hear more about on the podcast:


    Email: [email protected]

    Visit: https://LeavenworthHealth.com

    Intro/Exit Track: "Here We Are"

    Music provided by https://slip.stream

    Free Download / Stream: https://get.slip.stream/P4XGUJ

  • I am so excited about this episode. I am going to try something new here on my podcast. I am going to guide you through a workout right here on the episode.

    In last week’s episode, episode #6, I talk about Fast and Effective workout and movement ideas you can do when you don’t feel like you have time to fit a workout in.

    And today’s workout is an example of a fast and effective workout you can do anytime, anywhere, no equipment necessary, when you are short on time.

    I will guide you through a 5-minute total-body AMRAP workout, and I add in a warmup and cool down equaling another 5 minutes, for a total workout time of only 10 minutes.

    So, if you are ready to get a quick workout in with me today, grab your water, tie those shoes, and let’s get started.


    10 Squats5 Inch Worms10 Alternating Bird Dogs10 Arm Circles Forward10 Arm Circles Backward

    5-Minute Total-Body AMRAP (Complete As Many Rounds As Possible in 5 minutes):

    10 Squats10 Mountain Climbers10 Right Lateral (Side) Lunges10 Left Lateral (Side) Lunges10 Pushups10 Glute Bridges

    Cool Down:

    5 Open Arms Chest StretchStanding Hamstring StretchStanding Quad Stretch – Right LegStanding Quad Stretch – Left Leg

    If you don’t know how to do one of the exercises, CLICK HERE to see visuals of all the exercises in this workout, including the warmup and cool down.

    And if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me.

    Let’s get moving,



    Get my FREE Fast and Effective Workout Guide:


    Join the Fit For Life Club, My Monthly Fitness Coaching Membership:


    Fill out this form with the Fitness and Nutrition topics you want to hear more about on the podcast:


    Visit: https://LeavenworthHealth.com

    Email: [email protected]

    Warmup/Cool Down Track: "Sugar Cookie Dreams", Johnny Moore

    Music provided by https://slip.stream

    Free Download / Stream: https://get.slip.stream/7nlBP9

    Listen on Spotify: https://go-stream.link/sp-johnny-moore

    Workout Track: "Totally Toning"

    Music provided by https://slip.stream

    Free Download / Stream: https://get.slip.stream/LInkxr

    Intro/Exit Track: "Here We Are"

    Music provided by https://slip.stream

    Free Download / Stream: https://get.slip.stream/P4XGUJ

  • How can you fit workouts, exercise and movement into your weeks and days when you have “no” extra time, are trying to keep up with all the things on your to-do list, and when you are in a busier season of life, like the holidays for instance?

    If you struggle to fit in a workout or some form of movement throughout the day, or if you are feeling like this busy holiday and end-of-year season is making it even harder than normal, this episode is for you.

    In today’s episode, I am going to show you how to simplify and eliminate the overwhelm of exercise and movement, so you can exercise and move your body consistently during the busy holiday season, and all throughout 2024 if you want.

    Let’s stop making exercise and movement more complicated than it is and just start moving our bodies more.

    Listen to today’s episode to learn how you can fit fast and effective workouts into your busy week and regular movement into your already busy days.

    If you want the energy to enjoy your life and the activities you love, if you want to feel good, look good and be confident in your body, and if you want to be able move well far into your later years of life, you need to create a weekly workout routine you can realistically sustain long-term, and I am here to help you do it.

    Now, go grab your water, and let me show you how to fit weekly exercise and daily movement into your busy life!



    Get my FREE Fast and Effective Workout Guide:


    Join the Fit For Life Club, My Monthly Fitness Coaching Membership:


    Fill out this form with the Fitness and Nutrition topics you want to hear more about on the podcast:


    Visit: https://LeavenworthHealth.com

    Email: [email protected]

    Intro/Exit Track: "Here We Are"

    Music provided by https://slip.stream

    Free Download / Stream: https://get.slip.stream/P4XGUJ

  • The fact is, what you eat and drink impacts how you feel, how you look, how you build muscle, if you see muscle definition, how your brain functions, how strong your bones are, how you think, and so much more, impacting your everyday life.

    Starting from the moment you wake up in the morning, what you put in your body matters, and will impact your day in many ways.

    When it comes to eating healthy and living a healthy lifestyle, the goal is NOT to eat less food.

    The goal is to eat more of the foods that support you and your body and help it function at it’s best, so you function and feel your best.

    So, what are those foods that best support your body so you feel and function at your best?

    You might have heard terms like nutrient-dense foods, macronutrients, micronutrients, and whole foods. These all describe the types of foods that best support your body.

    Today, I will talk about the building blocks of your body, PROTEINS!

    Did you know protein derives from the ancient Greek word Protos, meaning first, primary, or most important, making it a great place to start today.

    Listen to today's episode to find out why protein is an essential part of your daily nutrition, what kind of proteins to focus on eating, the best time to eat protein during the day, and how much protein to eat every day.

    Now, go grab your water, and let’s get started!



    Get my FREE Protein-Packed Breakfast Recipes Here:


    Join the Fit For Life Club, My Monthly Fitness Coaching Membership:


    Check Out my Nutrition Program:


    Fill out this form with the Fitness and Nutrition topics you want to hear more about on the podcast:


    Visit: https://LeavenworthHealth.com

    Email: [email protected]

    Intro/Exit Track: "Here We Are"

    Music provided by https://slip.stream

    Free Download / Stream: https://get.slip.stream/P4XGUJ

  • One of the most motivating things I have learned from my 5+ years of being a health and fitness coach, and have experienced personally from the many years of making my own health and fitness a priority, is that when you know how to exercise and eat healthy, and you do it consistently, it makes all other areas of your life easier and better.

    Because your fitness, nutrition and overall wellness impacts your mood, health, hormones, energy levels, ability to focus, and confidence, and all of this will impact how you show up in your other daily activities, including how you show up during the holiday season.

    I know the holidays are often so busy and full of extra activities and to-dos, that it can feel even harder to make time for exercise or make healthier eating choices. Harder than it already feels at times when you are living and managing your regular work, parenting, and home-life activities.

    And how are you supposed to make healthier eating choices when there are 5 desserts to choose from, multiple sugary and alcoholic drinks offered to you, and loads of snacks sitting out to munch on mindlessly?!

    In today’s episode, I am going to share with you 8 ways to make your health and fitness a priority during the busy holiday season so you can thrive and feel your best! And the good news is you can do this while still fully enjoying everything you love about the holidays, including your favorite foods and drinks.

    And make sure you download my FREE Healthy Holiday Guide (the link is below), that includes all 8 of the things I talk about today in a one-page pdf so you can reference these throughout the holiday season.

    Now, go grab your water, and let’s dive into the 8 ways you can make your health and fitness a priority this holiday season!



    Get my FREE Healthy Holiday Guide Here:


    Join the Fit For Life Club, My Monthly Fitness Coaching Membership:


    Check Out My Nutrition Program:


    Fill out this form with the Fitness and Nutrition topics you want to hear more about on the podcast:


    Visit: https://LeavenworthHealth.com

    Email: [email protected]

    Intro/Exit Track: "Here We Are"

    Music provided by https://slip.stream

    Free Download / Stream: https://get.slip.stream/P4XGUJ

  • The holiday season is here, and I am so excited!! I love the joy, the peace, the fun, the quality time with family and friends, the lights, the cheesy Hallmark Christmas movies, the music, the shopping, the puzzles, games, the reason for the season, and the extra rest and relaxation I enjoy this holiday season.

    I know the holidays can be all of the above that I mentioned, but I know for us moms, it can also be a really busy season, sometimes full of added stress and to-do lists, feelings of being pulled in all different directions, and managing everyone’s expectations and schedules for the holidays and end of year activities.

    And I know for many, the idea of making health and fitness a priority during this time of year just sounds like one more thing to add to the list, especially if you aren’t already showing up regularly in this area.

    But what if I told you, you CAN fully enjoy the holidays, your favorite foods and drinks, and all the festivities and parties, AND still make your health and fitness a priority with minimal added overwhelm and stress?!

    Would you believe me?

    In today’s podcast, I am going to share with you how to set your priorities so you CAN minimize the stress and overwhelm, fully enjoy the season, AND make your health and fitness a priority.

    Go grab your water, and let’s get started!

    And if you really want to fully enjoy the holiday season and get the support you need to make your fitness and nutrition a priority, my Thrive Through The Holidays Program kicks off Monday, November 13, and if you sign up this week, by the end of the day Thursday, November 9, you will save $50!

    This is a really fun holiday-focused program, and a great way to stay motivated and focused on what matters most to you this holiday season, including your fitness and nutrition, and I would LOVE to have you join us.



    Join my Thrive Through The Holidays Program


    Join my Simplify Fitness For Life Program:


    Join my Simplify Nutrition For Life Program:


    Join my FREE Fitness and Food Made Simple for Busy Moms Facebook Group:


    Fill out this form with the Fitness and Nutrition topics you want to hear more about on the podcast:


    Visit: https://LeavenworthHealth.com

    Email: [email protected]

    Intro/Exit Track: "Here We Are"

    Music provided by https://slip.stream

    Free Download / Stream: https://get.slip.stream/P4XGUJ

  • When we talk about wanting to lose weight or to get in shape or to be healthy, we often hear about the importance of exercise. But did you know there is another type of movement that is just as important, and when paired with regular exercise, they work together to help you get fit and healthier faster, and they make it easier to sustain your health and fitness over time.

    In today’s episode, get ready to dive into the overall importance of moving your body, how it will benefit you for years to come, and the 2 types of movement to focus on every week for a healthier and more active body, now and as you get older.

    Go grab your water, and let’s get started!



    Download my FREE Fast and Effective Workout Guide:


    Join The Fit For Life Club, My Monthly Fitness Coaching Membership:


    Fill out this form with the Fitness and Nutrition topics you want to hear more about on the podcast:


    Visit: https://LeavenworthHealth.com

    Email: [email protected]

    Intro/Exit Track: "Here We Are"

    Music provided by https://slip.stream

    Free Download / Stream: https://get.slip.stream/P4XGUJ

  • Do you know the 5 core principles you must focus on every week to create a healthy and active body and lifestyle?

    No matter what your health goals are, these 5 core principles are the basics you need to focus on and implement consistently to see and feel lasting results.

    The 5 principles complement each other, working together to ensure your body is functioning at its best, and when you implement all 5 of these consistently, you will function and feel your best.

    Want to know what these 5 core principles are?

    Go grab your water, and let's get started!



    Join The Fit For Life Club, My Monthly Fitness Coaching Membership:


    Check Out My Nutrition Program:


    Fill out this form with the Fitness and Nutrition topics you want to hear more about on the podcast:


    Visit: https://LeavenworthHealth.com

    Email: [email protected]

    Intro/Exit Track: "Here We Are"

    Music provided by https://slip.stream

    Free Download / Stream: https://get.slip.stream/P4XGUJ

  • Welcome to the Fitness and Food Made Simple Podcast - A podcast helping busy moms like you, remove the overwhelm and simplify fitness and nutrition so you can exercise and eat healthy consistently, and get sustainable results while juggling ALL the things!

    Do you struggle to exercise and eat healthy consistently?Do you want to feel more fit and confident in your clothes, swimsuit, and body?Do you have a hard time staying committed to your health and fitness goals?Do you wish there was a way to see and feel results, without excessive exercise routines or restrictive diets?

    If you are looking for a simple and effective approach to fitness and nutrition that removes the overwhelm, delivers sustainable results, and can be implemented into your busy daily life, you’ve come to the right place!

    Hi, I’m Corene Repnik, Health and Fitness Coach, stay-at-home-working mom of 2, and wife to a Fire Captain.

    I know how hard it feels to make health and fitness a priority while working from home, being the default parent, managing the home, and juggling all the other roles we play as moms.

    But I want you to know, even when juggling all the things, it is possible to make your health and fitness a priority, to exercise and eat healthy consistently, and get sustainable results!

    Want to know how to do it?

    In this podcast, I will teach you how to:

    Make your fitness a priority even when you feel like you don’t have the timeExercise effectively in a short amount of time and still get resultsSimplify nutrition so you can make healthier eating choices throughout your busy dayEstablish healthy habits you can realistically sustainDevelop a growth mindset that helps you show up consistently long-termAnd ultimately create a healthy and active body and lifestyle you love and can realistically sustain now and as you get older, without diets and extremes!

    I am so glad you are here, and I look forward to coaching you on your health and fitness journey so you can feel your best and give your best every day!

    Now, go grab your water, and let’s get started!

    Next Steps:

    Download my Free Fast and Effective Workout Guide:


    Download my Free Protein-Packed Breakfast Recipes:


    Join The Fit For Life Club, My Monthly Fitness Coaching Membership:


    Fill out this form with the Fitness and Nutrition topics you want to hear more about:


    Visit: https://LeavenworthHealth.com

    Email: [email protected]

    Intro/Exit Track: "Here We Are"

    Music provided by https://slip.stream

    Free Download / Stream: https://get.slip.stream/P4XGUJ