As estreias e destaques da semana. Nos cinemas, na TV ou no streaming.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Tokucast, podcast sobre tokusatsu e assuntos relacionados.
Eleito o terceiro melhor podcast de Cinema e TV pelo Prêmio Melhores Podcasts do Brasil.
Podcast de humor sobre entretenimento; filmes antigos e lançamentos; séries; eventos; cultura pop, geek e nerd em geral; games; quadrinhos; nostalgia; entrevistas e muito mais. -
Os jornalistas e críticos Renato Silveira e Kel Gomes analisam filmes e séries e convidam especialistas para debater lançamentos no cinema e no streaming, filmes clássicos, sucessos da Sessão da Tarde e filmografias de grandes diretoras e diretores.
Last Podcast Network presents LPN Deep Dives: Dune | a journey down the sandy wormhole of Frank Herbert's beloved Sci-Fi masterpiece, Dune (and its subsequent sequels). Navigated by the one and only God Emperor himself Henry Zebrowski (Last Podcast on The Left, Adult Swim), and his enigmatic spice-fueled co-host Holden McNeely (Wizard and The Bruiser / Page 7).
Subscribe to SiriusXM Podcasts+ to listen to new episodes of LPN Deep Dives: Dune ad-free.
Start a free trial now on Apple Podcasts or by visiting -
XWARS é um podcast semanal de cultura nerd. Humberto, Paulo e Vitor conversam sobre o mundo nerd, seus filmes, séries, animações, HQs e muito mais. Gene X se expressando e guiados pela Força, junte-se à essa equipe nerd!
A biweekly podcast dedicated to talk about Lin-Manuel Miranda's projects! Hosted by Stefs (@stefsteixeira) and Sara (@sockstar_). Produced by Paul Rojo.
Nesse podcast, falaremos sobre o filme "Milagre Na Cela 7", e analisaremos sua relação com temas filosóficos.
No podcast Filmes e Drinks em que iremos conversar sobre todos os vencedores do Oscar de melhor filme.
Narrando e descrevendo o filme Milagre na Cela 7
Registro de ideias, crônicas sobre meu estudo crítico de filmes.
Email: [email protected]
Letterboxd: -
We talk all things MCU and feature guests from the shows and other fans! Disney+ Shows, Easter Eggs, and more every week.
This is a podcast essay strictly for Mr Andrew Leung of Frank Hurt secondary
A podcast where we discuss either a Good Movie, a Bad Movie or a Nerdy Movie. Each episode will focus on one movie and we hear my thoughts and future guests thoughts on movies.Twitter@GoodbadnerdypodFacebook Fans of the Good the Bad & the Nerdy Movie Podcast
Aqui eu falo de tudo e mais um pouco.
All throughout the Christmas Season we will be ranking movies, reviewing, and maybe even quizzing each other on Christmas knowledge. Join us every week for the season?
Red Pill Machine Gun destrincha os grandes filmes do cinema e mostra suas entranhas ideológicas, o objetivo é fazer com que as pessoas saibam o que estão consumindo.
Join us, a group of close friends, while we discuss a different film each episode to help us get through one of the toughest periods in our lives. For each episode, a different member of our group selects a film for us all to watch before we join each other on Zoom for an open discussion of our thoughts and feelings. Please excuse some poor audio as we are by no means professionals and are just trying to have a good time. There will be spoilers abound. Enjoy!
Movies are great, aren't they? Wouldn't you want to listen to two nerds chat about their love of film? Josh Fiser and Tanner Randall are doing just that! Join them for movie news, their recommendations of movies they heart and an at length discussion of some the classics.