Watch this episode on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/NOOgnZNFLuA
👋 Do any of these 10 things sound familiar to you or resonate with you?
If so, then please consider joining the 'Going Alcohol-Free Together' community. Secret word is FREE. (Even if you're not ready to cutback or quit at this time.)
Want to cutback or quit drinking alcohol (in 4 simple steps)?
💜 Join 'Going Alcohol-Free Together' today.
👉 Secret word is 'FREE'. https://geni.us/cuApk
Learn more and join here: https://geni.us/cuApk
👋 New here? Start with Episode 1, 33 & 34.
🌟 Share your story. Want to help others by sharing your going alcohol-free story on the podcast? Fill out this form: https://forms.gle/hyjEQdyQaaVxKxCVA
🌟 Subscribe to the podcast on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@liselively
🌟 X (formerly Twitter): @lise_lively
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• If you're resonating with podcast, please share the podcast with a friend or leave a 5-star rating or review -- it helps others discover this podcast. Thank you so much!
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• I participate in the amazon affiliate program and may receive a small commission at no cost to you if you purchase through my affiliate links. Thank you so much! This helps to support the podcast.
Two nights ago I had a dream about drinking alcohol. I'm embarrassed about it, but I'm telling you anyway.
Watch this episode on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/u60ltOSSQeI
Plus two other drinking dreams I had a couple of years ago that were totally different.
Have you had any dreams about drinking? Come over to my YouTube channel episode 38 and leave a comment. https://youtu.be/u60ltOSSQeI
Want to cutback or quit drinking alcohol (in 4 simple steps)?
💜 Join 'Going Alcohol-Free Together' today.
👉 Secret word is 'FREE'. https://geni.us/cuApk
Learn more and join here: https://geni.us/cuApk
👋 New here? Start with Episode 1, 33 & 34.
🌟 Share your story. Want to help others by sharing your going alcohol-free story on the podcast? Fill out this form: https://forms.gle/hyjEQdyQaaVxKxCVA
🌟 Subscribe to the podcast on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@liselively
🌟 X (formerly Twitter): @lise_lively
🌟Thanks for your support: 💞
• If you're resonating with podcast, please share the podcast with a friend or leave a 5-star rating or review -- it helps others discover this podcast. Thank you so much!
• Support the podcast? 🫶 https://www.buymeacoffee.com/liselively
• I participate in the amazon affiliate program and may receive a small commission at no cost to you if you purchase through my affiliate links. Thank you so much! This helps to support the podcast.
Episodi mancanti?
Be sure to listen to the end for the very important time-sensitive announcement. 🎉
Want to watch this episode on YouTube? Here's the link: https://youtu.be/FKnaPvyw0xo
Want to cutback or quit drinking alcohol (in 4 simple steps)?
💜 Join 'Going Alcohol-Free Together' today.
👉 Secret word is 'FREE'. https://geni.us/cuApk
Learn more and join here: https://geni.us/cuApk
👋 New here? Start with Episode 1, 33 & 34.
🌟 Share your story. Want to help others by sharing your going alcohol-free story on the podcast? Fill out this form: https://forms.gle/hyjEQdyQaaVxKxCVA
🌟 Subscribe to the podcast on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@liselively
🌟 X (formerly Twitter): @lise_lively
🌟Thanks for your support: 💞
• If you're resonating with podcast, please share the podcast with a friend or leave a 5-star rating or review -- it helps others discover this podcast. Thank you so much!
• Support the podcast? 🫶 https://www.buymeacoffee.com/liselively
• I participate in the amazon affiliate program and may receive a small commission at no cost to you if you purchase through my affiliate links. Thank you so much! This helps to support the podcast.
After learning these five life-changing lessons from my soul contract,I quit drinking alcohol.
Want to watch this episode on YouTube? Here's the link: https://youtu.be/OTYguoCHYEk
I'm sharing them with you because they might be helpful for you, too.
Lise 💜
Mindfulness Teacher dedicated to helping you FEEL darn good (without alcohol), LIVE your purpose and ENJOY your life to the fullest.
Want to cutback or quit drinking alcohol (in 4 simple steps)?
💜 Join 'Going Alcohol-Free Together' today.
👉 Secret word is 'FREE'. https://geni.us/cuApk
Learn more and join here: https://geni.us/cuApk
👋 New here? Start with Episode 1, 33 & 34.
🌟 Share your story. Want to help others by sharing your going alcohol-free story on the podcast? Fill out this form: https://forms.gle/hyjEQdyQaaVxKxCVA
🌟 Subscribe to the podcast on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@liselively
🌟 X (formerly Twitter): @lise_lively
🌟Thanks for your support: 💞
• If you're resonating with podcast, please share the podcast with a friend or leave a 5-star rating or review -- it helps others discover this podcast. Thank you so much!
• Support the podcast? 🫶 https://www.buymeacoffee.com/liselively
• I participate in the amazon affiliate program and may receive a small commission at no cost to you if you purchase through my affiliate links. Thank you so much! This helps to support the podcast.
Discovering my soul contract helped me to lose the desire to drink alcohol (part 1).
In this episode, discover the spiritual concept, soul contract, what it's one of the ways that helped me to completely lose the desire to drink alcohol.
Want to watch this episode on YouTube? Here's the link: https://youtu.be/vhufPHOioHE
If you haven't already, please listen to episode 33 and 34 first, so that this episode makes sense.
Thank you for being a listener of the podcast. I appreciate you and I'm so happy you're here.
Hugs, Lise 💜
Mindfulness teacher dedicated to helping you FEEL darn good, LIVE your purpose and ENJOY your life to the fullest (without alcohol).
Want to cutback or quit drinking alcohol (in 4 simple steps)?
💜 Join 'Going Alcohol-Free Together' today.
👉 Secret word is 'FREE'. https://geni.us/cuApk
Learn more and join here: https://geni.us/cuApk
👋 New here? Start with Episode 1, 33 & 34.
🌟 Share your story. Want to help others by sharing your going alcohol-free story on the podcast? Fill out this form: https://forms.gle/hyjEQdyQaaVxKxCVA
🌟 Subscribe to the podcast on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@liselively
🌟 X (formerly Twitter): @lise_lively
🌟Thanks for your support: 💞
• If you're resonating with podcast, please share the podcast with a friend or leave a 5-star rating or review -- it helps others discover this podcast. Thank you so much!
• Support the podcast? 🫶 https://www.buymeacoffee.com/liselively
• I participate in the amazon affiliate program and may receive a small commission at no cost to you if you purchase through my affiliate links. Thank you so much! This helps to support the podcast.
This is part 2 of My Going Alcohol-Free story.
Want to watch this episode on YouTube? Here's the link. https://youtu.be/8pmmxTVwZ6M
In this episode, I share more details on how I stopped drinking alcohol in 2020. I've been a non-drinker since then.
In the next episode, I share more about losing the desire to drink alcohol.
This is the 64 oz. water bottle I mentioned in this episode: https://geni.us/KUvgY5x
This is the book I mentioned in this episode, The Fast Metabolism Diet: https://geni.us/hmNYj
Thank you for being a listener of the podcast. I appreciate you and I'm so happy you're here.
Hugs, Lise 💜
Mindfulness teacher dedicated to helping you FEEL darn good (without alcohol), LIVE your purpose and ENJOY your life to the fullest.
Want to cutback or quit drinking alcohol (in 4 simple steps)?
💜 Join 'Going Alcohol-Free Together' today.
👉 Secret word is 'FREE'. https://geni.us/cuApk
Learn more and join here: https://geni.us/cuApk
👋 New here? Start with Episode 1, 33 & 34.
🌟 Share your story. Want to help others by sharing your going alcohol-free story on the podcast? Fill out this form: https://forms.gle/hyjEQdyQaaVxKxCVA
🌟 Subscribe to the podcast on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@liselively
🌟 X (formerly Twitter): @lise_lively
🌟Thanks for your support: 💞
• If you're resonating with podcast, please share the podcast with a friend or leave a 5-star rating or review -- it helps others discover this podcast. Thank you so much!
• Support the podcast? 🫶 https://www.buymeacoffee.com/liselively
• I participate in the amazon affiliate program and may receive a small commission at no cost to you if you purchase through my affiliate links. Thank you so much! This helps to support the podcast.
Episode 33: I accidentally quit drinking alcohol in 2020 at age 47, after 26 years of a binge-drinking and a daily drinking habit.
I never planned on going alcohol-free, I just wanted to cut back. But I accidentally lost all desire for alcohol. I've been alcohol-free since November 1, 2020.
Want to watch the episode on youtube? You can watch this episode here on YouTube.
Please understand that my body was never physically addicted to alcohol. However, my mind was. I used alcohol to cope with the ups and downs of my life.
When life was going good--great! It was time to celebrate with alcohol.
When life was going not so great or I was stressed out, it was time to self-medicate with alcohol to cope with things.
This is part 1 of my story--How and WHY I started drinking alcohol.
In order to understand HOW i quit, it's important to understand HOW and WHY I started drinking alcohol in the first place.
I'm sharing intimate details from my childhood, teens, twenties, thirties and fourties -- and how my drinking habit progressed over the years.
I apologize in advance if some of the details are upsetting -- like me driving under the influence and never getting caught.
I made a lot of mistakes...but these mistakes also led me to where I am today. I'm now at peace with everything.
Give this episode a listen.
Part 2 will be out soon.
Hugs, 💜
Lise (sounds like 'lease')
Mindfulness Teacher dedicated to helping humans FEEL darn good, LIVE their purpose and ENJOY their lives to the fullest.
Want to cutback or quit drinking alcohol (in 4 simple steps)?
💜 Join 'Going Alcohol-Free Together' today.
👉 Secret word is 'FREE'. https://geni.us/cuApk
Learn more and join here: https://geni.us/cuApk
👋 New here? Start with Episode 1, 33 & 34.
🌟 Share your story. Want to help others by sharing your going alcohol-free story on the podcast? Fill out this form: https://forms.gle/hyjEQdyQaaVxKxCVA
🌟 Subscribe to the podcast on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@liselively
🌟 X (formerly Twitter): @lise_lively
🌟Thanks for your support: 💞
• If you're resonating with podcast, please share the podcast with a friend or leave a 5-star rating or review -- it helps others discover this podcast. Thank you so much!
• Support the podcast? 🫶 https://www.buymeacoffee.com/liselively
• I participate in the amazon affiliate program and may receive a small commission at no cost to you if you purchase through my affiliate links. Thank you so much! This helps to support the podcast.
In this episode, let's discuss where we go from here -- the direction of the podcast.
The podcast may or may not be for you. I hope that it is!
Please follow the podcast if you're ready to take control of your drinking habit once and for all.
You can watch this episode on YouTube and share your first drinking story with the community in the comments.
In the next episode, I share my drinking and quitting alcohol story.
Thanks for being here!
Lise (sounds like 'lease')
Mindfulness Teacher dedicated to helping you FEEL great and LIVE your your life to the fullest.
Want to cutback or quit drinking alcohol (in 4 simple steps)?
💜 Join 'Going Alcohol-Free Together' today.
👉 Secret word is 'FREE'. https://geni.us/cuApk
Learn more and join here: https://geni.us/cuApk
👋 New here? Start with Episode 1, 33 & 34.
🌟 Share your story. Want to help others by sharing your going alcohol-free story on the podcast? Fill out this form: https://forms.gle/hyjEQdyQaaVxKxCVA
🌟 Subscribe to the podcast on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@liselively
🌟 X (formerly Twitter): @lise_lively
🌟Thanks for your support: 💞
• If you're resonating with podcast, please share the podcast with a friend or leave a 5-star rating or review -- it helps others discover this podcast. Thank you so much!
• Support the podcast? 🫶 https://www.buymeacoffee.com/liselively
• I participate in the amazon affiliate program and may receive a small commission at no cost to you if you purchase through my affiliate links. Thank you so much! This helps to support the podcast.
Hi friends,
In this episode: We did it! We made it to the end of Dry January.
I'm in awe of you and I'm so proud of you!
How did it go for you? Was this Dry January series helpful for you?
Thank you for sharing your valuable time and energy with me and this growing community of beautiful souls.
Want to watch this episode on YouTube? Here's the link.
Do you have your Dry January Exit Strategy/Off Ramp into February?
Watch these episodes next:
Ep 24 https://youtu.be/k2Ph8ZG9724
Ep 25 https://youtu.be/hcPF5QNxfvw
Ep 26 https://youtu.be/FNRqDq8OGfQ
I'd love to hear how your Dry January went. If you found this Dry January series helpful, I'd be so very grateful if you left me a rating or review.
Thanks for being here!
I'll be back next week with a new episode.
Love, Lise
Want to cutback or quit drinking alcohol (in 4 simple steps)?
💜 Join 'Going Alcohol-Free Together' today.
👉 Secret word is 'FREE'. https://geni.us/cuApk
Learn more and join here: https://geni.us/cuApk
👋 New here? Start with Episode 1, 33 & 34.
🌟 Share your story. Want to help others by sharing your going alcohol-free story on the podcast? Fill out this form: https://forms.gle/hyjEQdyQaaVxKxCVA
🌟 Subscribe to the podcast on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@liselively
🌟 X (formerly Twitter): @lise_lively
🌟Thanks for your support: 💞
• If you're resonating with podcast, please share the podcast with a friend or leave a 5-star rating or review -- it helps others discover this podcast. Thank you so much!
• Support the podcast? 🫶 https://www.buymeacoffee.com/liselively
• I participate in the amazon affiliate program and may receive a small commission at no cost to you if you purchase through my affiliate links. Thank you so much! This helps to support the podcast.
Hi friends, In this episode:
Want to watch this episode on YouTube? Here's the link.
In this episode: As Dry January comes to an end, let's make your drinking decisions simple.
You'll discover two questions (to ask yourself) that will make your drinking decisions (or any decision) simple
Also, below is your PEACEFUL and simple exit strategy or off ramp to Dry January.
Be sure to watch these if you haven't already. They will also help you succeed in February and going forward.
Watch first: episode 24: https://youtu.be/k2Ph8ZG9724
Watch second: episode 25: https://youtu.be/hcPF5QNxfvw
Watch third: episode 26: https://youtu.be/FNRqDq8OGfQ
I'm so excited to be here with you tomorrow for Day 31, our last day of Dry January.
Love, Lise
#dryjanuary #dryjanuary2024
Want to cutback or quit drinking alcohol (in 4 simple steps)?
💜 Join 'Going Alcohol-Free Together' today.
👉 Secret word is 'FREE'. https://geni.us/cuApk
Learn more and join here: https://geni.us/cuApk
👋 New here? Start with Episode 1, 33 & 34.
🌟 Share your story. Want to help others by sharing your going alcohol-free story on the podcast? Fill out this form: https://forms.gle/hyjEQdyQaaVxKxCVA
🌟 Subscribe to the podcast on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@liselively
🌟 X (formerly Twitter): @lise_lively
🌟Thanks for your support: 💞
• If you're resonating with podcast, please share the podcast with a friend or leave a 5-star rating or review -- it helps others discover this podcast. Thank you so much!
• Support the podcast? 🫶 https://www.buymeacoffee.com/liselively
• I participate in the amazon affiliate program and may receive a small commission at no cost to you if you purchase through my affiliate links. Thank you so much! This helps to support the podcast.
In episode 29: Your subconscious mind doesn't hear the THIS word, so if you 'don't' want to go back to your old ways of drinking, then please listen to this short episode of the Going Alcohol-Free Podcast™ so you succeed beyond January.
Want to watch this episode on YouTube? Here's episode on YouTube.
In case you missed it, here's your simple exit strategy for Dry January into February:
Episode 24: https://youtu.be/k2Ph8ZG9724
Episode 25: https://youtu.be/hcPF5QNxfvw
See you tomorrow for Day 30 of Dry January!
Love, Lise
Want to cutback or quit drinking alcohol (in 4 simple steps)?
💜 Join 'Going Alcohol-Free Together' today.
👉 Secret word is 'FREE'. https://geni.us/cuApk
Learn more and join here: https://geni.us/cuApk
👋 New here? Start with Episode 1, 33 & 34.
🌟 Share your story. Want to help others by sharing your going alcohol-free story on the podcast? Fill out this form: https://forms.gle/hyjEQdyQaaVxKxCVA
🌟 Subscribe to the podcast on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@liselively
🌟 X (formerly Twitter): @lise_lively
🌟Thanks for your support: 💞
• If you're resonating with podcast, please share the podcast with a friend or leave a 5-star rating or review -- it helps others discover this podcast. Thank you so much!
• Support the podcast? 🫶 https://www.buymeacoffee.com/liselively
• I participate in the amazon affiliate program and may receive a small commission at no cost to you if you purchase through my affiliate links. Thank you so much! This helps to support the podcast.
If you're afraid of slipping back into your old drinking habits after Dry January ends, this episode is for you.
Want to watch this episode on YouTube? Here's the link
Be sure to watch Episode 24: Your peaceful and simple exit strategy to Dry January.
Discover how to handle your fear and doubt about ending dry January.
We only have three days left of Dry January.
I can't believe how fast it has gone.
Has it gone fast for you?
See you tomorrow for Day 29.
Love, Lise
Mindfulness Teacher dedicated to helping women quit drinking alcohol so they can FEEL darn good, LIVE their purpose and ENJOY their lives to the fullest.
#dryjanuary #alcoholfree #dryjanuary2024 #goingalcoholfreepodcast #sobercurious #stopdrinkingalcohol #quitdrinking, #sobriety #lightworker. #healthyhabits, sober curious
Want to cutback or quit drinking alcohol (in 4 simple steps)?
💜 Join 'Going Alcohol-Free Together' today.
👉 Secret word is 'FREE'. https://geni.us/cuApk
Learn more and join here: https://geni.us/cuApk
👋 New here? Start with Episode 1, 33 & 34.
🌟 Share your story. Want to help others by sharing your going alcohol-free story on the podcast? Fill out this form: https://forms.gle/hyjEQdyQaaVxKxCVA
🌟 Subscribe to the podcast on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@liselively
🌟 X (formerly Twitter): @lise_lively
🌟Thanks for your support: 💞
• If you're resonating with podcast, please share the podcast with a friend or leave a 5-star rating or review -- it helps others discover this podcast. Thank you so much!
• Support the podcast? 🫶 https://www.buymeacoffee.com/liselively
• I participate in the amazon affiliate program and may receive a small commission at no cost to you if you purchase through my affiliate links. Thank you so much! This helps to support the podcast.
If you're thinking about throwing in the towel for Dry January, keep going!
In this episode of the Going Alcohol-Free Podcast™, Sundays were my biggest day to drink alcohol. I called it Sunday Funday.
I share my Sunday Funday story (over-drinking every Sunday) and how I don't drink on Sundays anymore.
Want to watch this episode on YouTube? Here's the link.
In this episode of the Going Alcohol-Free Podcast™, Sundays were my biggest day to drink alcohol. I called it Sunday Funday.
I share my Sunday Funday stories (over-drinking every Sunday) and how I don't drink on Sundays anymore.
See you tomorrow for Day 28 of Dry January!
Love, Lise
Mindfulness Teacher dedicated to helping women quit drinking alcohol so they can FEEL darn good, LIVE their purpose and ENJOY their lives to the fullest.
#dryjanuary #alcoholfree #dryjanuary2024 #goingalcoholfreepodcast #sobercurious #stopdrinkingalcohol #quitdrinking, #sobriety #lightworker. #healthyhabits, sober curious
Want to cutback or quit drinking alcohol (in 4 simple steps)?
💜 Join 'Going Alcohol-Free Together' today.
👉 Secret word is 'FREE'. https://geni.us/cuApk
Learn more and join here: https://geni.us/cuApk
👋 New here? Start with Episode 1, 33 & 34.
🌟 Share your story. Want to help others by sharing your going alcohol-free story on the podcast? Fill out this form: https://forms.gle/hyjEQdyQaaVxKxCVA
🌟 Subscribe to the podcast on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@liselively
🌟 X (formerly Twitter): @lise_lively
🌟Thanks for your support: 💞
• If you're resonating with podcast, please share the podcast with a friend or leave a 5-star rating or review -- it helps others discover this podcast. Thank you so much!
• Support the podcast? 🫶 https://www.buymeacoffee.com/liselively
• I participate in the amazon affiliate program and may receive a small commission at no cost to you if you purchase through my affiliate links. Thank you so much! This helps to support the podcast.
In this episode, I share the mindfulness method I used that helped me quit drinking alcohol over three years ago.
I call it the 1-1-10 mindfulness method.
You'll learn all about it in this episode.
Want to watch this episode on YouTube? Here's the link: https://youtu.be/FNRqDq8OGfQ
If you haven't watched episode 25, please watch that episode first.
Episode 25 is here: https://youtu.be/hcPF5QNxfvw
See you tomorrow for Day 27 of Dry January!
Love, Lise
Mindfulness Teacher dedicated to helping lightworkers quit drinking alcohol so they can FEEL darn good, LIVE their purpose and ENJOY their lives to the fullest.
"Simply put, Lightworkers are spiritual human beings who feel an enormous pull towards helping others." from Happinessdotcom
Hi, I’m Lise (sounds like ‘lease’). I quit drinking alcohol at age 47. I was a habitual wine drinker after work, and binge drinker on the weekends for many years. I've been alcohol-FREE since 11-1-2020 and caffeine-free since 11-6-2021. I don't think about drinking alcohol and I don't miss it. Mindfulness strategies and spiritual solutions CHANGED my life and it can change yours too. I’m spilling the tea on how I did it and how you can too. I spent 20 years working in corporate finance for multi-million and billion dollar companies. My chronic stress and drinking habit was silently and slowly wrecking my health, relationships and professional life. My habits included over-drinking, binge-drinking, people-pleasing, perfectionism, over-working, over-thinking and procrastinating. Not any more. If I can do it so can you. If this sounds good to you, please consider following the podcast. I'm so glad we found each other. #dryjanuary #alcoholfree #dryjanuary2024 #goingalcoholfreepodcast #sobercurious #stopdrinkingalcohol #quitdrinking, sober curious, sobriety #lightworker. #healthyhabits
Want to cutback or quit drinking alcohol (in 4 simple steps)?
💜 Join 'Going Alcohol-Free Together' today.
👉 Secret word is 'FREE'. https://geni.us/cuApk
Learn more and join here: https://geni.us/cuApk
👋 New here? Start with Episode 1, 33 & 34.
🌟 Share your story. Want to help others by sharing your going alcohol-free story on the podcast? Fill out this form: https://forms.gle/hyjEQdyQaaVxKxCVA
🌟 Subscribe to the podcast on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@liselively
🌟 X (formerly Twitter): @lise_lively
🌟Thanks for your support: 💞
• If you're resonating with podcast, please share the podcast with a friend or leave a 5-star rating or review -- it helps others discover this podcast. Thank you so much!
• Support the podcast? 🫶 https://www.buymeacoffee.com/liselively
• I participate in the amazon affiliate program and may receive a small commission at no cost to you if you purchase through my affiliate links. Thank you so much! This helps to support the podcast.
In today's episode, you'll discover a simple mindfulness tool to help you start building new habits around quitting or cutting back on alcohol OR any other new healthy habit.
Want to watch this episode on YouTube? Here's the link: https://youtu.be/hcPF5QNxfvw
Be sure to listen/watch episodes #24 and #1 before you watch this episode.
Episode 1: https://youtu.be/dz4WtTed0bU
Episode 24: https://youtu.be/k2Ph8ZG9724
👉I need your help! Do you want me to keep doing the segments 'What I'm loving now' and the 'oracle card segment' OR STOP doing them?
Please vote anonymously here: https://geni.us/oraclecardsegmentPOLL
See you tomorrow for Day 26 of Dry January!
Love, Lise
Mindfulness Teacher dedicated to helping lightworkers who want to drink less alcohol or quit drinking so they can feel darn good, live their purpose and enjoy their lives to the fullest.
"Simply put, Lightworkers are spiritual human beings who feel an enormous pull towards helping others." from Happinessdotcom
ABOUT ME: Hi, I’m Lise (sounds like ‘lease’). I quit drinking alcohol at age 47. I was a habitual wine drinker after work, and binge drinker on the weekends for many years. I've been alcohol-FREE since 11-1-2020 and caffeine-free since 11-6-2021. I don't think about drinking alcohol and I don't miss it. Mindfulness strategies and spiritual solutions CHANGED my life and it can change yours too. I’m spilling the tea on how I did it and how you can too. I spent 20 years working in corporate finance for multi-million and billion dollar companies. My chronic stress and drinking habit was silently and slowly wrecking my health, relationships and professional life. My habits included over-drinking, binge-drinking, people-pleasing, perfectionism, over-working, over-thinking and procrastinating. Not any more. If I can do it so can you. If this sounds good to you, please consider following the podcast. I'm so glad we found each other.
Thank you for supporting the podcast. #dryjanuary #alcoholfree #dryjanuary2024 #goingalcoholfreepodcast #sobercurious #stopdrinkingalcohol #quitdrinking #lightworker #healthyhabits sober curious, sobriety
Want to cutback or quit drinking alcohol (in 4 simple steps)?
💜 Join 'Going Alcohol-Free Together' today.
👉 Secret word is 'FREE'. https://geni.us/cuApk
Learn more and join here: https://geni.us/cuApk
👋 New here? Start with Episode 1, 33 & 34.
🌟 Share your story. Want to help others by sharing your going alcohol-free story on the podcast? Fill out this form: https://forms.gle/hyjEQdyQaaVxKxCVA
🌟 Subscribe to the podcast on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@liselively
🌟 X (formerly Twitter): @lise_lively
🌟Thanks for your support: 💞
• If you're resonating with podcast, please share the podcast with a friend or leave a 5-star rating or review -- it helps others discover this podcast. Thank you so much!
• Support the podcast? 🫶 https://www.buymeacoffee.com/liselively
• I participate in the amazon affiliate program and may receive a small commission at no cost to you if you purchase through my affiliate links. Thank you so much! This helps to support the podcast.
With Dry January coming to an end in 7 days, you might be feeling worried and afraid about going back to your old ways of drinking after Dry January is over. Or you're feeling afraid or uncertain of what February will be like.
That's why we're talking about your peaceful exit strategy to Dry January in today's episode of the Going Alcohol-Free Podcast™.
Want to watch the episode on YouTube? Here's the link: https://youtu.be/k2Ph8ZG9724
1. Your peaceful and mindful exit strategy for Dry January revealed
2. What I'm loving now. Let's keep our gut healthy! View what I'm loving now here:https://geni.us/ep24whatiamlovingnow
3. Oracle card segment. Do you like this segment? I need your feedback. Should we keep this segment or get rid of it? Please vote here: https://geni.us/oraclecardsegmentPOLL
See you tomorrow for Day 25 of Dry January Light Worker!
Love, Lise
Mindfulness Teacher dedicated to helping women (and men) who want to drink less alcohol or quit drinking so they can feel darn good and enjoy their lives to the fullest.
Hi, I’m Lise (sounds like ‘lease’). I quit drinking alcohol at age 47. I was a habitual wine drinker after work, and binge drinker on the weekends for many years. I've been alcohol-free since 11-1-2020 and caffeine-free since 11-6-2021. I don't think about drinking alcohol and I don't miss it. Mindfulness strategies and spiritual solutions CHANGED my life and it can change yours too. I’m spilling the tea on how I did it and how you can too. I spent 20 years working in corporate finance for multi-million and billion dollar companies. My chronic stress and drinking habit was silently and slowly wrecking my health, relationships and professional life. My habits included over-drinking, binge-drinking, people-pleasing, perfectionism, over-working, over-thinking and procrastinating. Not any more. If I can do it so can you. If this sounds good to you, please consider following the podcast. I'm so glad we found each other.
This episode is not sponsored.
#dryjanuary #alcoholfree #dryjanuary2024 #goingalcoholfreepodcast #sobercurious #stopdrinkingalcohol #quitdrinking, sober curious, sobriety
Want to cutback or quit drinking alcohol (in 4 simple steps)?
💜 Join 'Going Alcohol-Free Together' today.
👉 Secret word is 'FREE'. https://geni.us/cuApk
Learn more and join here: https://geni.us/cuApk
👋 New here? Start with Episode 1, 33 & 34.
🌟 Share your story. Want to help others by sharing your going alcohol-free story on the podcast? Fill out this form: https://forms.gle/hyjEQdyQaaVxKxCVA
🌟 Subscribe to the podcast on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@liselively
🌟 X (formerly Twitter): @lise_lively
🌟Thanks for your support: 💞
• If you're resonating with podcast, please share the podcast with a friend or leave a 5-star rating or review -- it helps others discover this podcast. Thank you so much!
• Support the podcast? 🫶 https://www.buymeacoffee.com/liselively
• I participate in the amazon affiliate program and may receive a small commission at no cost to you if you purchase through my affiliate links. Thank you so much! This helps to support the podcast.
If you drink alcohol to relieve your work stress, this episode is for you. This is how I found out that drinking alcohol doesn’t actually relieve stress.
Want to watch this episode on YouTube? Here's the link: https://youtu.be/14NSlk3UUIU
In this episode on the Going Alcohol-Free Podcast™ for our special series Dry January, Day 23:
1. How I found out that drinking alcohol doesn’t actually relieve work stress.
2. What I’m loving now Gallon water bottle: https://geni.us/gallonwaterbottle
3. Today’s Oracle Card: Not feeling happy today? Ponder this message to develop your intuition. Your intuition will never steer you wrong.
See today's Oracle Card here: https://geni.us/ep23oraclecard
See you tomorrow for Day 24 of Dry January!
Love, Lise
Mindfulness Teacher dedicated to helping women (and men) who want to drink less alcohol or quit drinking so they can feel darn good and enjoy their lives to the fullest.
ABOUT ME: Hi, I’m Lise (sounds like ‘lease’). I quit drinking alcohol at age 47. I was a habitual wine drinker after work, and binge drinker on the weekends for many years. I've been alcohol-free since 11-1-2020 and caffeine-free since 11-6-2021. I don't think about drinking alcohol and I don't miss it. Mindfulness strategies and spiritual solutions CHANGED my life and it can change yours too. I’m spilling the tea on how I did it and how you can too. I spent 20 years working in corporate finance for multi-million and billion dollar companies. My chronic stress and drinking habit was silently and slowly wrecking my health, relationships and professional life. My habits included over-drinking, binge-drinking, people-pleasing, perfectionism, over-working, over-thinking and procrastinating. Not any more. If I can do it so can you. If this sounds good to you, please consider following the podcast. I'm so glad we found each other.
This video is not sponsored. I have included an affiliate link where I may receive a small commission if you purchase using my link at no cost to you.
Thank you for supporting the podcast.
#dryjanuary #alcoholfree #dryjanuary2024 #goingalcoholfreepodcast #sobercurious #stopdrinkingalcohol #quitdrinking, sober curious, sobriety
Want to cutback or quit drinking alcohol (in 4 simple steps)?
💜 Join 'Going Alcohol-Free Together' today.
👉 Secret word is 'FREE'. https://geni.us/cuApk
Learn more and join here: https://geni.us/cuApk
👋 New here? Start with Episode 1, 33 & 34.
🌟 Share your story. Want to help others by sharing your going alcohol-free story on the podcast? Fill out this form: https://forms.gle/hyjEQdyQaaVxKxCVA
🌟 Subscribe to the podcast on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@liselively
🌟 X (formerly Twitter): @lise_lively
🌟Thanks for your support: 💞
• If you're resonating with podcast, please share the podcast with a friend or leave a 5-star rating or review -- it helps others discover this podcast. Thank you so much!
• Support the podcast? 🫶 https://www.buymeacoffee.com/liselively
• I participate in the amazon affiliate program and may receive a small commission at no cost to you if you purchase through my affiliate links. Thank you so much! This helps to support the podcast.
If you're having a hard time NOT drinking alcohol during Dry January, this episode is for you. We weren't taught this stuff in school or from our parents.
Want to watch the episode on YouTube? Here's the link: https://youtu.be/FjMjR2rb9os
In this episode of the Going Alcohol-Free Podcast™:
1: If you're having a hard time NOT drinking alcohol during Dry January, this episode is for you. We weren't taught this stuff in school or from our parents.
2. What I'm loving now! https://geni.us/tinybuddhacalendar
3. Sharing my daily Oracle card with you. Get the answer to a burning question by tapping into your intuition today with today's card.
See the card here: https://geni.us/ep22oraclecard
See you tomorrow!
Love, Lise
Mindfulness Teacher dedicated to helping women (and men) who want to drink less alcohol or quit drinking so they can feel darn good and enjoy their lives to the fullest.
ABOUT ME: Hi, I’m Lise (sounds like ‘lease’). I quit drinking alcohol at age 47. I was a habitual wine drinker after work, and binge drinker on the weekends for many years. I've been alcohol-free since 11-1-2020 and caffeine-free since 11-6-2021. I don't think about drinking alcohol and I don't miss it. Mindfulness strategies and spiritual solutions CHANGED my life and it can change yours too. I’m spilling the tea on how I did it and how you can too. I spent 20 years working in corporate finance for multi-million and billion dollar companies. My chronic stress and drinking habit was silently and slowly wrecking my health, relationships and professional life. My habits included over-drinking, binge-drinking, people-pleasing, perfectionism, over-working, over-thinking and procrastinating. Not any more. If I can do it so can you. If this sounds good to you, please consider following the podcast. I'm so glad we found each other.
This video is not sponsored. I have included an affiliate link where I may receive a small commission (at not additional cost to you) if you purchase using my link. Thank you for supporting the podcast.
#dryjanuary #alcoholfree #dryjanuary2024 #goingalcoholfreepodcast #sobercurious #stopdrinkingalcohol #quitdrinking, sober curious, sobriety
Want to cutback or quit drinking alcohol (in 4 simple steps)?
💜 Join 'Going Alcohol-Free Together' today.
👉 Secret word is 'FREE'. https://geni.us/cuApk
Learn more and join here: https://geni.us/cuApk
👋 New here? Start with Episode 1, 33 & 34.
🌟 Share your story. Want to help others by sharing your going alcohol-free story on the podcast? Fill out this form: https://forms.gle/hyjEQdyQaaVxKxCVA
🌟 Subscribe to the podcast on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@liselively
🌟 X (formerly Twitter): @lise_lively
🌟Thanks for your support: 💞
• If you're resonating with podcast, please share the podcast with a friend or leave a 5-star rating or review -- it helps others discover this podcast. Thank you so much!
• Support the podcast? 🫶 https://www.buymeacoffee.com/liselively
• I participate in the amazon affiliate program and may receive a small commission at no cost to you if you purchase through my affiliate links. Thank you so much! This helps to support the podcast.
Hello friend, If you're thinking about quitting dry January or you've already quit dry January, this episode is for you.
Want to watch this episode on YouTube? You can watch it here: https://youtu.be/53yl0p4kG9Q
1. Why quitting dry January isn't for you
2. What I'm loving now!
3. Sharing my daily Oracle card with you. Today's message is for you if you're feeling a bit discouraged with your career/life.
See today's card here: https://geni.us/ep21oraclecard
See you tomorrow!
Love, Lise
Mindfulness Teacher dedicated to helping women (and men) who want to drink less alcohol or quit drinking so they can feel darn good and enjoy their lives to the fullest.
ABOUT ME: Hi, I’m Lise (sounds like ‘lease’). I quit drinking alcohol at age 47. I was a habitual wine drinker after work, and binge drinker on the weekends for many years. I've been alcohol-free since 11-1-2020 and caffeine-free since 11-6-2021. I don't think about drinking alcohol and I don't miss it. Mindfulness strategies and spiritual solutions CHANGED my life and it can change yours too. I’m spilling the tea on how I did it and how you can too. I spent 20 years working in corporate finance for multi-million and billion dollar companies. My chronic stress and drinking habit was silently and slowly wrecking my health, relationships and professional life. My habits included over-drinking, binge-drinking, people-pleasing, perfectionism, over-working, over-thinking and procrastinating. Not any more. If I can do it so can you. If this sounds good to you, please consider following the podcast. I'm so glad we found each other.
#dryjanuary #alcoholfree #dryjanuary2024 #goingalcoholfreepodcast #sobercurious #stopdrinkingalcohol #quitdrinking, sober curious, sobriety
Want to cutback or quit drinking alcohol (in 4 simple steps)?
💜 Join 'Going Alcohol-Free Together' today.
👉 Secret word is 'FREE'. https://geni.us/cuApk
Learn more and join here: https://geni.us/cuApk
👋 New here? Start with Episode 1, 33 & 34.
🌟 Share your story. Want to help others by sharing your going alcohol-free story on the podcast? Fill out this form: https://forms.gle/hyjEQdyQaaVxKxCVA
🌟 Subscribe to the podcast on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@liselively
🌟 X (formerly Twitter): @lise_lively
🌟Thanks for your support: 💞
• If you're resonating with podcast, please share the podcast with a friend or leave a 5-star rating or review -- it helps others discover this podcast. Thank you so much!
• Support the podcast? 🫶 https://www.buymeacoffee.com/liselively
• I participate in the amazon affiliate program and may receive a small commission at no cost to you if you purchase through my affiliate links. Thank you so much! This helps to support the podcast.
This is episode 20, for dry January, day 20.
I wrote you a letter. ❤️
You can watch this episode on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/kqishc7yRIM
I’ll be back to our regular episodes tomorrow with all the segments tomorrow.
See you tomorrow!
Love, Lise
Mindfulness Teacher dedicated to helping women (and men) who want to drink less or quit drinking so they can feel darn good and enjoy their lives to the fullest.
Hi, I’m Lise (sounds like ‘lease’). I quit drinking at age 47. I was a habitual wine drinker after work, and binge drinker on the weekends for many years. I've been alcohol-free since 11-1-2020 and caffeine-free since 11-6-2021. I don't think about drinking alcohol and I don't miss it. Mindfulness strategies and spiritual solutions CHANGED my life and it can change yours too. I’m spilling the tea on how I did it and how you can too. I spent 20 years working in corporate finance for multi-million and billion dollar companies. My chronic stress and drinking habit was silently and slowly wrecking my health, relationships and professional life. My habits included over-drinking, binge-drinking, people-pleasing, perfectionism, over-working, over-thinking and procrastinating. Not any more. If I can do it so can you.
If this sounds good to you, please consider following the podcast. I'm so glad we found each other.
#dryjanuary #alcoholfree #dryjanuary2024 #goingalcoholfreepodcast #sobercurious #stopdrinkingalcohol #quitdrinking, sober curious, sobriety
Want to cutback or quit drinking alcohol (in 4 simple steps)?
💜 Join 'Going Alcohol-Free Together' today.
👉 Secret word is 'FREE'. https://geni.us/cuApk
Learn more and join here: https://geni.us/cuApk
👋 New here? Start with Episode 1, 33 & 34.
🌟 Share your story. Want to help others by sharing your going alcohol-free story on the podcast? Fill out this form: https://forms.gle/hyjEQdyQaaVxKxCVA
🌟 Subscribe to the podcast on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@liselively
🌟 X (formerly Twitter): @lise_lively
🌟Thanks for your support: 💞
• If you're resonating with podcast, please share the podcast with a friend or leave a 5-star rating or review -- it helps others discover this podcast. Thank you so much!
• Support the podcast? 🫶 https://www.buymeacoffee.com/liselively
• I participate in the amazon affiliate program and may receive a small commission at no cost to you if you purchase through my affiliate links. Thank you so much! This helps to support the podcast.
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