Hello and welcome back to the Fourth Estate Militia Actual Play.
Here it is. The finale. We close out this campaign tonight, finally learning who lives on in infamy and who flees the battle only to die out in shame.
It's time to begine Episode 99, "We're gonna smackdown a CFA on this guy".
A special thank you to Anuj Agarwal, founder of Feedspot, for including us in their "Top 15 Shadowrun Podcasts". Their page can be located at:
Hello and welcome back to the Fourth Estate Militia Actual Play. I think it is time to check the old list of Things Going Very Wrong for the Red Wires: Fire Spirit materialized in the Treehouse? Check. Enemy gang pressing against the Treehouses defenses? Double Check. A pair of rockets flying through the air that we all conveniently forgot about? Oh my. It’s time to begin Episode 98, “Snuff That"
Episodi mancanti?
Hello and welcome back to the Fourth Estate Militia Actual Play. There are fire spirits in the Treehouse, there are rockets in the air. Red Wire snipers take aim on any Spiders that dare... ...dare to continue the attack, that is. Let's rejoin the battle that could mean the destruction of the Red Wires gang. It’s time to begin Episode 97, “It's because they're not holding their guns sideways"
The Spiders are advancing toward the Treehouse. How many will make it through the hellscape that is Improv's minefield and snipers? How many of those will fall to Juliet's grenadiers, Kennel's massive Troll machine gunners, or Horatio's Red Wires? But maybe instead we should be wondering why it is suddenly so hot in the Treehouse... It’s time to begin Episode 96, “This is fine"
Hello and welcome back to the Fourth Estate Militia Actual Play. It begins. The Spiders have grown tired of waiting for the Red Wires to bring the fight out to them and decide to move in with hostile intent. Little do they know Kennel has somebody on speed dial. It’s time to begin Episode 95, “They will be screaming obscenities in true Horatio fashion"
Hello and welcome back to the Fourth Estate Militia Actual Play. So what do you get when you allow Juliet to get within throwing distance of a clustered group of Spiders? When you have several grenades taped together the answer is pretty obvious. What might not be obvious, though, is which skill you would use to fire an ancient ballista. It’s time to begin Episode 94, “My engine hurts"
Hello and welcome back to the Fourth Estate Militia Actual Play. Remember that awesome plan to jury-rig a trideo set to project an image inside a Gopher so that it looks like the gang is trying to escape but it’s really just a clever ploy so that the Spiders aren’t prepared for an actual attack? Well yeah, if doesn’t work. It’s time to begin Episode 93, “It’s gonna hurt but yes”
Hello and welcome back to the Fourth Estate Militia Actual Play. Sometimes asking for help is a good thing. It’s hard to swallow your pride in the Barrens because being hard is what keeps you alive. Sometimes, though, it’s good to let others do the heavy lifting, or digging in this case, for you. A tunnel led to a familiar bunker, one stocked months ago with weapons for Zap, Juliet’s equally paranoid arms dealer. We rejoin our favorite Barrens gangers during the siege of the Treehouse. It’s time to begin Episode 92, “Traitors Never Prosper”
Hello and welcome back to the Fourth Estate Militia Actual Play. So there we were! Gang war in full swing, the Treehouse surrounded by our rivals, the Spiders, and what is the group decision? Does Improv detonate every bomb in the compound? Maybe. Does Juliet embrace the murderhobo inside and strangle every bad guy with her bare hands? I mean, that sounds appropriate for her. Or does the gang go to a corporate interest and beg for help like big, soft babies? Keep listening to find out. It’s time to begin Episode 91, “We're also going to send out the AR projection of a white flag ”
Hello and welcome back to the Fourth Estate Militia Actual Play. Closer and closer they get to their beloved Treehouse. Juliet, however, decides to take a more roundabout way that involves duct tape and frag grenades. Improv, Kennel, and Horatio finish cleaning human spine off of the big Troll’s boots before deciding to go for a little drive. It’s time to begin Episode 90, “Like, if you got murdered we wouldn’t give up"
Hello and welcome back to the Fourth Estate Militia Actual Play. Where is Juliet? Perhaps more importantly why is there a sudden explosion with a dwarf-sized person scampering away? I guess the rest of the Red Wires will just have to murder a guy before they figure out their next move. It’s time to begin Episode 89, “I’m not opposed to it, that’s just where I’m coming from"
Hello and welcome back to the Fourth Estate Militia Actual Play. So there we were! We see that the Treehouse is surrounded so we decide to play it safe, right? Improv scans the matrix, Horatio flies a drone, Kennel eats drugs, and Juliet… Juliet? Where the frag is she? It’s time to begin Episode 88, “Lone Wolf shit here is going to get us all dead”
Hello and welcome back to the Fourth Estate Militia Actual Play. What would you do if you came back to the home you fought tusk and nail to build only to find it surrounded by the enemy? Maybe you would call it a loss and leave, maybe you would even try to negotiate. But if you’re the Red Wires of course you would ask, “Can I jump the truck into the Treehouse”. It’s time to begin Episode 87, “A giant eyeball, like a giant eagle eyeball”
Podcast Update Everything comes to an end eventually. I think I’ve said those very words to you before now but they bear repeating. This campaign has been the most… the most everything to me. The most fun, the most gratifying, the most… yeah, the most. There is still plenty of audio waiting to hit the editing desk so we have a little while longer before the adventures of the Red Wires come to a close but I have had to look at the future of our podcast. Though I love Shadowrun, and I have since first edition slowly turned the corner to second edition, my love affair with this game has turned cold this past year. It has been a combination of shoddy product quality coming out from CGL as well as the closing of so many online communities that I’ve just grown tired of it and need some time away. This isn’t anything new as I’ve mentioned this is the previous update but I will soon be adding Starfinder content to podcast and I’m excited again. I go to work and my mind isn’t on my job. I’m envisioning space battles and treks through alien jungles and Vesk explorers fighting through hordes of Shirren marauders. All I need to do is record. Oh, to be a single man with the freedom to stay awake into the wee hours playing a game with no concern for tomorrow! Instead, I spend my days at work, my afternoons arguing with small versions of me about why one stick is much better than another stick or how butter won’t work to replace gasoline in the car, my evenings are standing before the stove and cooking dinner because we always find time to have family dinner together. Sometimes the stars align and my wife and I actually get to sit together and hold a conversation that doesn’t involve pediatric dentists and cloth diapers and grocery lists. Sometimes we actually get to be people together. This all comes to the problem of just needing to record. I had originally intended to create a Starfinder Actual Play much like what we have for Shadowrun but I just can’t guarantee a weekly game any more, especially when you consider that the table usually includes people in three countries and five time zones. So instead of a set group of Players I’m going to open up some one-shots. Keep the adventures simple enough to conclude in one session but interesting to the listeners. I will also begin to tackle some of the game mechanics through special one on one game sessions. I’ve always been a firm believer in the literary practice of, “Show, don’t tell” and I think playing through some of the more convoluted bits might make the information stick a little better than listening to me drone on about dice pool modifiers. I’ll work with the mods over at the Starfinder subreddit before posting available sessions so there are still a few space hurdles to go before we’re rolling d20’s together. And then all I have to do is record. Thanks for listening and we’ll see you next time.
Hello and welcome back to the Fourth Estate Militia Actual Play. A lot has happened. I mean, a lot lot. Let’s take a moment to catch up with the Players as we try to process everything that has gone down. And, you know, make a plan to kill everyone that opposes the Red Wires. Because why the frag not? As a bonus we get to learn a little about… bananas, too. Because also why the frag not? It’s time to begin Episode 86, “Uh, they're a grass, thank you"
Hello and welcome back to the Fourth Estate Militia Actual Play. Bloody, broken, but not quite beaten. The Red Wires finish the melee with the Crimson Crush and learn something about Red Hot that, had they known in the beginning, would have changed everything from day one. Everything will be different after this meeting and the flashing red and blue lights in the distance certainly have nothing to do with it. It’s time to begin Episode 85, “It’s called the double tap"
Hello and welcome back to the Fourth Estate Militia Actual Play. Oh man. Who would have thought that getting into a life-or-death brawl with the Crimson Crush could be so dangerous! Dangerous, and weird. I mean, Juliet almost gets hit with an axe and all she got was... a date with a Troll? Leave it to her to get a commcode while the rest of the gang is getting beat. It’s time to begin Episode 84, “A tactical retreat if you will”
Hello and welcome back to the Fourth Estate Militia Actual Play. When last we met the Red Wires were engaged in a fight for their lives with the Crimson Crush after Heatwave attempted to execute their number one homey, Red Hot. We continue that grand melee this week and it isn’t looking too good for our beloved gangers from the Barrens. Kennel almost soaks a punch that could kill an airplane, Horatio puts his dancing skills to good use while showing that he is, indeed, a leg man, and Juliet gets… frisky? Yeah, that and then a whole lot of terrified. I guess a pair of Materializing spirits can have unexpected side effects. It’s time to begin Episode 83, “Stop hitting yourself”
Hello and welcome back to the Fourth Estate Militia Actual Play. What happens when you walk into a parlay with one of the most dangerous gangs in the Sprawl? Well, if you’re the Red Wires someone tries to shoot your buddy in the head. I mean, I’m pretty sure we all saw this one coming because since when has anything ever gone right for these guys? It’s time to begin Episode 82, “Get ready for a massive soak - she's got limbs. Four of them.”
Hello and welcome back to the Fourth Estate Militia Actual Play. A brief recap before Horatio, Improv, Kennel, Juliet, and Red Hot face off against the Crimson Crush. It’s time to begin Episode 81, “Feels good, man”
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