
  • Escuche este audio libro completo gratis en http://audiobookspace.com/free Título: Coaching para el éxito: Los 4 pasos para cambiar tu vida [Coaching for Success: The 4 Steps to Change Your Life]Autor: Marina R. PintoNarrador: Jordi SalasFormato: UnabridgedDuración: 1 hr and 49 minsIdioma: EspañolFecha de publicación: 01-09-18Editor: BookaCategorías: Self Development, Motivation & InspirationResumen del editor:¡Consigue lo que te propongas en un tiempo récord! Déjame convertirme en tu coach y cambia tu vida para siempre.¿Quieres cambiar de trabajo? ¿Te has propuesto iniciar el viaje de tu vida alrededor del mundo? ¿Quieres ser escritor o artista y no sabes por dónde empezar? ¿Te da miedo dar el primer paso? ¿O crees simplemente que no eres bueno para ninguna de esas cosas?Al acabar este libro habrás aprendido a gestionar tu tiempo de una manera más efectiva, ver tus fracasos como oportunidades, conseguir tus objetivos, ordenar tu vida, volverte más proactivo y aprender a salir de tu zona de confort.El método del que te hablo consta de 4 sencillos e infalibles pasos que te ayudarán a conseguir todo lo que te propongas para así conseguir aquello que quieres:PASO 1: Volverte más optimista.PASO 2: Limpiar tu vida y desterrar todo lo que no necesitas.PASO 3: Trazar tu plan de acción y volverte proactivo.PASO 4: Entender el verdadero propósito de tu viaje.Descubre todo lo que el coaching puede hacer por tí.Please note: This audiobook is in Spanish.Contáctame para cualquier pregunta: [email protected]

  • Listen to this audiobook free with a 30-day trial. Go to http://audiobookspace.com/free Title: Analysis of Shawn Achors 'The Happiness Advantage'Author: Milkyway MediaNarrator: Conner GoffFormat: UnabridgedLength: 23 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 12-18-17Publisher: Milkyway MediaGenres: Self Development, Motivation & InspirationPublisher's Summary:The Happiness Advantage: The Seven Principles of Positive Psychology That Fuel Success and Performance at Work (2010) is a best-selling book by Shawn Achor which posits that happiness is a precursor to success. Achor outlines practical steps that individual workers and team leaders can take to increase the odds of positive outcomes and professional advancement.... Purchase this in-depth analysis to learn more.Contact me for any questions: [email protected]

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  • Listen to this audiobook free with a 30-day trial. Go to http://audiobookspace.com/free Title: Relax Release Let Go: The 8-Step Solution to Destroy Limiting Beliefs That Are Keeping You from Feeling Free, Whole, and HappyAuthor: Paul Robbins, Susan RobbinsNarrator: Michelle MurilloFormat: UnabridgedLength: 5 hrs and 36 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 12-07-17Publisher: Paul RobbinsRatings: 5 of 5 out of 1 votesGenres: Self Development, Motivation & InspirationPublisher's Summary:Do you want to stop living with stress, unworthiness, social anxiety, insecurity, anger, sadness, or a sense of lack? Do you feel lost about how to effectively treat those disturbing intrusive thoughts you're having?Or are you fed up with feeling like no matter what you do, the struggles of life constantly bring you down?The truth is...we all experience the occasional negative thought. But if you always feel overwhelmed, then you need to hear this book.Did you know that a jaw-dropping 75-98 percent - of the illnesses that plague us today are a direct result of our thought life. What we think about truly affects us both physically and emotionally.It certainly seems as though these emotions are inevitable, and directly created by our circumstances, our situations, and the people in our lives. However, it is possible to discover that all your unwanted emotions are actually created by the thoughts in your mind. More importantly, each of these emotions can vanish in an instant if you just stop believing the thoughts that create them.You are what you think.Let me give you an example!If a random person tells you, "The world is going to end tomorrow", and you believe them, how would you feel? You would likely experience fear. But if you didn't believe them, then how would their comment make you feel? You almost certainly wouldn't be emotionally affected.This demonstrates that when you believe someone's words to be true, those words create emotions. But if you don't believe someone's words, those same words don't have the power to create emotions.The same is true of the words (thoughts) in your mind. If you believe a negative thought about yourself or your life, that thought will create an unwanted emotion. However, if you don't believe that thought, it quite simply won't create the unwanted emotion.Contact me for any questions: [email protected]

  • Listen to this audiobook free with a 30-day trial. Go to http://audiobookspace.com/free Title: Never QuitSubtitle: A Story of Perseverance and LoveAuthor: Robert GulianiNarrator: Ben WerlingFormat: UnabridgedLength: 4 hrs and 7 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 12-07-17Publisher: Robert GulianiRatings: 4.5 of 5 out of 3 votesGenres: Self Development, Motivation & InspirationPublisher's Summary:Life has a way of teaching us lessons that we are not ready to learn. For Robert Guliani, an athletic 16-year-old, a simple dive into the ocean left him paralyzed and wheelchair bound. Now at the youthful age of 60, he has taken the time to step back and reflect on a journey that has taken him from rehab to marriage, from high school to college, from a successful industry career to a stock market and card-playing retiree in sunny Florida. Live in Rob's shoes and learn.Contact me for any questions: [email protected]

  • Listen to this audiobook free with a 30-day trial. Go to http://audiobookspace.com/free Title: Minimalist LifestyleSubtitle: Cleaning Up the Clutter in Your Life to Live Stress FreeAuthor: Alyssa McQueenNarrator: Loralie JacqulineFormat: UnabridgedLength: 1 hr and 36 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 12-06-17Publisher: Andrew QueenRatings: 4 of 5 out of 1 votesGenres: Self Development, Motivation & InspirationPublisher's Summary:Use these powerful steps to simplify your life and live stress-free in peace, without the clutter.What exactly is minimalism, and why might it be relevant to you in your life? Minimalism is a method for becoming free in life. It can help you become free from worry, fear, and being overwhelmed. It can also help with depression, guilt, and being caught up in a consumerist culture. That isnt to say that its wrong to own possessions, but its very easy to get caught up in what those mean. Some people even put aside their personal growth, passion, relationships, and health for the sake of continuing to own new stuff. Minimalism can help you live your life with purpose, free from distraction.What can minimalism do for you? If one were to define minimalism in a single word, they would have to say that its a method for ridding yourself of excess in life in order to seek out true fulfillment and happiness. It can help you to....By adding the concept of minimalism to your life, you can find contentment that lasts longer than the contentment that arises from buying new stuff or owning a lot. Happiness is not about things but something deeper than that. Keep in mind that this may not be easy for everyone at first. It will take some getting used to. Although the first steps might be challenging, the journey will get progressively simpler and easier as you go on.Contact me for any questions: [email protected]

  • Listen to this audiobook free with a 30-day trial. Go to http://audiobookspace.com/free Title: Summary of Grit: Power of Passion and Perseverance by Angela DuckworthAuthor: EasySummaries BooksNarrator: Elisabeth LageleeFormat: UnabridgedLength: 19 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 10-30-17Publisher: EasySummaries BooksGenres: Self Development, Motivation & InspirationPublisher's Summary:Here's a free excerpt from the book:This chapter talks about the admission process of West Point Facility, a center that turns cadets into soldiers for the nation.The admission process starts from the junior year and it is after several long procedures that the candidate gets admission into this center but it turns out that hundreds leave the course within the two-month initiation training and this sheds light on the uselessness of the admission procedure.The most important part of the admission procedure should be capable of predicting who would stay and yet no number of psychologists has been able to recognize the variable that determines the future of the cadet in the center. The author was the first to recognize that there is something different about the pupils who end up staying in the program and after a lot of testing; she discovered that it is the eagerness and tenacity within an individual that perfectly predicts their staying power.The Whole Candidate Score used by West Point was useless in this quest while Grit Scale predicted the retaining will of pupils easily. Not only did Grit Scale perfectly predict the tenacity in cadets but also in competitors in spelling competitions and students of high schools, for their future in the education system.This is a premium summary and analysis of Angela Duckworth's popular book Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance. Designed for the busy people in mind, it will give you a firm grasp on the story without sacrificing quality!Note: this is an unofficial summary and analysis of the original book, meant to enhance your experience and not the original book.Contact me for any questions: [email protected]

  • Listen to this audiobook free with a 30-day trial. Go to http://audiobookspace.com/free Title: Personal Development SimplifiedSubtitle: An Easy to Follow Guide to Personal Development for Beginners. Identify and Break Negative Patterns. Become a Better Version of Yourself. Guaranteed.Author: Kshitij Prasai (Coach KP)Narrator: Rob DrexFormat: UnabridgedLength: 1 hr and 50 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 09-15-17Publisher: A Life Well Created by Coach KPGenres: Self Development, Motivation & InspirationPublisher's Summary:The first section of this book will help you gain insight into what personal development is.In the second section, we dive straight into identifying negative patterns (such as limiting beliefs, illusions of action, scarcity mindset, negative mindset, SDHD, and more) that we may have inherited due to years of negative mental conditioning.The third section contains simple tools (healing your inner child, loving yourself and receiving love, cultivating an abundance mentality, harnessing the power of positive thinking and more) that you can start leveraging right away to reverse these mental patterns and gain more confidence, positive thinking, joy, and an affinity to action.In the fourth section, I talk about additional tools to help you develop as a person. There are quizzes and exercises in this book that will make you reflect on your experiences and help you grow as a person.This book will take you beyond the good feeling that comes from finishing a self-help book. By the time you are done with it, you will experience a shift in your mindset. That is my promise to you.It's a jungle out there. Personal development currently is a well-intentioned space but it lacks organization. It is often chock full of arcane dogma and jargon that requires months of deciphering before one is ready to start implementing the concepts in his or her lives.This leads anyone interested in self-transformation to lose momentum and often discard the path entirely.I wrote this book as an answer to this challenge. Personal Development Simplified is a guide that is clearly organized and packed with simple tools that one can immediately start to leverage for their growth.This negates the need for listeners to invest in additional time and expensive products and having to learn the ever-changing industry lingo right off the bat.PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying reference material will be available in your My Library section along with the audio.Contact me for any questions: [email protected]

  • Listen to this audiobook free with a 30-day trial. Go to http://audiobookspace.com/free Title: Chaos to CalmSubtitle: Take Control with ConfidenceAuthor: Shannah Kennedy, Lyndall MitchellNarrator: Shannah Kennedy, Lyndall MitchellFormat: UnabridgedLength: 4 hrs and 9 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 09-01-17Publisher: Bolinda Publishing Pty LtdGenres: Self Development, Motivation & InspirationPublisher's Summary:Clear your path to success and well-being with this essential guide to reaching your true potential.Feeling tired, stressed and out of control? Are you overwhelmed and suffering from low self-confidence? In Chaos to Calm, expert life coaches Shannah Kennedy and Lyndall Mitchell offer you a simple step-by-step approach to taking charge and living a more fulfilling life.Packed with advice, tools and exercises that will show you how to switch off, reach your potential and achieve your goals, this audiobook will enable you to thrive and live each day with confidence!Contact me for any questions: [email protected]

  • Listen to this audiobook free with a 30-day trial. Go to http://audiobookspace.com/free Title: The Courage to BecomeSubtitle: Stories of Hope for Navigating Love, Marriage and MotherhoodAuthor: Catia Hernandez HolmNarrator: Catia Hernandez HolmFormat: UnabridgedLength: 6 hrs and 49 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 08-31-17Publisher: Catia Hernandez HolmRatings: 5 of 5 out of 6 votesGenres: Self Development, Motivation & InspirationPublisher's Summary:Too often we are guarded, afraid to share the unvarnished truth about our journeys - only to find that the glossing over hinders us from authentic connection and consequently joy.Holm bravely lets the listener in on the path she has taken, while trying to gain the courage to become who she is meant to be, including all of the surprising, confusing and awkward moments she encountered along the way.The Courage to Become is a raw account of a woman's journey through love, marriage, and motherhood. It reads like an intimate conversation between friends. Holm unabashedly highlights her insecurities surrounding love, money, sex, identity, and body image. And as a gift, Catia points you in the direction of luminaries so that you too can use their wisdom while on your own path of "becoming".The golden threads woven through this book fill you with hope and the courage to become...and don't we all need a little more hope as we go through the growing pains of becoming?Catia's writing inspires you to honor yourself, to move through fear, to have faith, to be honest about who you are, and to find pride in your own vulnerability.As you listen to this book, you will find a kindred spirit in Catia, as she helps you to believe that even though you may be stumbling along, we are worthy of the lives we seek and not only are we enough; we are plenty.Contact me for any questions: [email protected]

  • Listen to this audiobook free with a 30-day trial. Go to http://audiobookspace.com/free Title: How to Succeed in the Arts...or in AnythingAuthor: Ken DavenportNarrator: Ken DavenportFormat: UnabridgedLength: 1 hr and 36 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 07-21-17Publisher: Ken DavenportRatings: 5 of 5 out of 2 votesGenres: Self Development, Motivation & InspirationPublisher's Summary:If you've imagined being a producer or a writer, an actor or a director, or a real estate investor, hedge fund dude, or even a world champion poker player, you can do it as long as you have the right directions. And I'd like to share those directions with you...the directions that took me years to gather, but the directions that are without a doubt responsible for getting me where I am today. And more importantly, will be 101% responsible for where I want to be tomorrow. And I know that they can do the same for you.Contact me for any questions: [email protected]

  • Listen to this audiobook free with a 30-day trial. Go to http://audiobookspace.com/free Title: Heartbreak: Mending Wounds and Finding New Purpose After a Broken Relationship 2 in 1Author: Cammy DawsonNarrator: Kelly McGeeFormat: UnabridgedLength: 1 hr and 30 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 07-18-17Publisher: Cammy DawsonRatings: 5 of 5 out of 34 votesGenres: Self Development, Motivation & InspirationPublisher's Summary:Two titles to help you heal faster and more efficiently.Book 1: Questions answered about what to do when you want to get over your ex fast!Getting over a breakup is tough, and it doesn't make sense to deny this fact, no matter what anyone tells you. There are specific things you can do to speed up the process and heal your broken heart, not bottling it up inside. In this book you will find words of comfort and advice. You will hear about things like:Book 2: When a breakup happens, we tend to think it is a negative thing. However, there are many untapped opportunities that come around when a breakup occurs. There are specific steps the author advises you to take to heal your grieving heart and make the most of those opportunities. Here are some of the things you will find in this book:Contact me for any questions: [email protected]

  • Listen to this audiobook free with a 30-day trial. Go to http://audiobookspace.com/free Title: Losing a Loved One Is Overwhelming: Coping & Dealing with Sudden Loss & BereavementSubtitle: Coping with Loss, Death and Bereavement, Book 6Author: Anthea PeriesNarrator: sangita chauhanFormat: UnabridgedLength: 56 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 07-14-17Publisher: Anthea PeriesRatings: 5 of 5 out of 1 votesGenres: Self Development, Motivation & InspirationPublisher's Summary:Losing a Loved One Is OverwhelmingTwo manuscript in one book. Bundle contains the following:1. Coping with Loss and Dealing with Grief: The Stages of Grief: 20 Simple Ways on How to Get Through the Bad Days2. Coping with Loss, Dealing with Bereavement and the Stages of Grief: 25 Ways on How to Get Through the Bad DaysThis two-in-one bundle contains great value for anyone experiencing the stages of grief and the various aspects of loss and bereavement.Book 1: Twenty simple ways to help get you through the bad days and as a bonus a few more ways - about 50 in total. The preoccupation of coping with loss and dealing with grief affects every aspect of your being and your life. This will gradually lessen over time as you slowly move forward at your own pace through the stages of grief. Even if it takes a second at a time, then a minute or a day, one day you will notice that there is a bright blue sky, and you will feel less consumed by grief. Without realizing it, over time you will have adjusted to the new normal, ready to create fresh memories. You will eventually discover that you have moved forward slowly, not completely but gradually, in spite of your heartbreak.Book 2: This book is about how when grief overwhelms us, the valley of the shadow appears to be an endless and very dark place. Whatever loss you suffer, this book has been produced to help you bear and understand your grief and have faith that it can be healed and to help you know thyself one day at a time. Take time to pause and pay attention to the present moment, observing the details of the world around you: sights, smells, sounds, and tastes that you experience besides the thoughts and feelings that pass through your mind, especially when things are not so pleasant. This book provides you with the stages of grief and 25 ways and simple tips to help you or someone you know to process emotions.Contact me for any questions: [email protected]

  • Écoutez ce livre audio dans son intégralité gratuitement sur http://audiobookspace.com/free Titre: La promesse de "Change ma vie" (Change ma vie 0)Auteur: Clotilde DusoulierNarrateur: Clotilde DusoulierFormat: UnabridgedDurée: 6 minsLangue: FrançaisDate de publication: 07-11-17Éditeur: Change ma vie : Outils pour l'espritEvaluation: 3.5 sur 5 sur 2 votesGenres: Self Development, Motivation & InspirationRésumé de l'éditeur:Change ma vie, c'est le nouveau podcast qui vous donne des outils pour votre esprit ! Dans cet épisode zéro, je me présente en vous expliquant pourquoi j'ai créé ce podcast, et ce que vous pouvez en attendre pour vous. N'hésitez pas à partager ce podcast avec vos amis si vous pensez qu'ils pourraient aussi en bénéficier !©2017 Clotilde Dusoulier (P)2017 Clotilde DusoulierContactez-moi pour toute question: [email protected]

  • Listen to this audiobook free with a 30-day trial. Go to http://audiobookspace.com/free Title: Uncovering HappinessAuthor: Elisha GoldsteinNarrator: Elisha GoldsteinFormat: UnabridgedLength: 1 hr and 12 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 07-05-17Publisher: BetterListenRatings: 3.5 of 5 out of 3 votesGenres: Self Development, Motivation & InspirationPublisher's Summary:In seven simple steps, Uncovering Happiness uses cutting-edge mindfulness and self-compassion techniques along with innovations in neuroscience to release natural antidepressants in the brain. Dr. Goldstein shows you how to take back control of your mind, your mood, and your life. Most of us believe when we're depressed that our situation is hopeless. That's a mistake, Dr. Elisha Goldstein reassures us in Uncovering Happiness. The secret to overcoming depression and uncovering happiness is in harnessing our brain's own natural antidepressant power and ultimately creating a more resilient antidepressant brain. Uncovering Happiness is grounded in two key foundations: mindfulness and self-compassion, and backed by recent scientific discoveries. New research shows that mindfulness reduces the risk of relapse in people who have experienced depression and can be a significant alternative, or supplement, to medication. The second foundation is self-compassion - a state of mind in which you understand your own suffering with an inclination to support yourself. Goldstein explores our natural antidepressants - along with mindfulness and self-compassion, also purpose, play, and confidence - and offers specific techniques for putting them into action. Together, these elements can transform something that typically forces us to spiral downward and turn it into an upward spiral of self-worth and resiliency. At its core, Uncovering Happiness contains a persuasive argument for hope: Having had depression in the past doesn't mean you must also suffer from it in the future. You can build up the sections of the brain that protect you from depression, and slow down the sections that foster it. Doing this allows the brain's own natural antidepressants to emerge, grow stronger, and contribute powerfully to the resiliency that we need to enjoy the good times, survive difficult times, and open ourselves up to lives that truly feel worth living.Contact me for any questions: [email protected]

  • Listen to this audiobook free with a 30-day trial. Go to http://audiobookspace.com/free Title: The Wilderness of GriefSubtitle: Finding Your WayAuthor: Alan D. Wolfelt PhDNarrator: Alan D. Wolfelt PhDFormat: UnabridgedLength: 1 hr and 19 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 06-28-17Publisher: Reverberant MediaRatings: 5 of 5 out of 2 votesGenres: Self Development, Motivation & InspirationPublisher's Summary:Based on the author's previous guides to a 10-touchstone method of grief therapy, this book takes an inspirational approach to the material, presenting the idea of wilderness as a sustained metaphor for grief - and likening the death of a loved one to the experience of being wrenched from normal life and dropped down in the middle of nowhere. Feeling lost and afraid in this uncharted territory, people are initially overwhelmed, the book explains, but they begin to make their way through the new landscape by searching for trail markers - or touchstones - until they emerge as intrepid travelers climbing up out of despair.Contact me for any questions: [email protected]

  • Écoutez ce livre audio dans son intégralité gratuitement sur http://audiobookspace.com/free Titre: Respirer le bonheur : Un livre audio pour se faire du bien au quotidienAuteur: Jacynthe RenéNarrateur: Jacynthe RenéFormat: AbridgedDurée: 1 hr and 52 minsLangue: FrançaisDate de publication: 06-20-17Éditeur: CoffragantsGenres: Self Development, Motivation & InspirationRésumé de l'éditeur:"Respirer le bonheur, c'est réconforter nos enfants, prendre le temps d'être avec eux, miser sur notre santé, nos rêves, nos amours, vivre dans un environnement apaisant et être inspiré par la nature. Tout cela est possible si c'est ce que l'on souhaite vraiment." Avec l'arrivée de ses enfants, la comédienne Jacynthe René a changé sa façon de vivre. Elle s'est établie à la campagne, entourée des siens, d'animaux et de verdure. À l'écoute des besoins de ses enfants et de son partenaire, elle s'est sentie interpellée par un mode de vie plus simple, plus vert et, surtout, plus cohérent avec ses valeurs. Respirer le bonheur - Un livre audio pour se faire du bien au quotidien se veut une réflexion sur un mode de vie différent, qui est désormais le sien : proche de la nature, de sa famille et de ses émotions. Elle parle de la famille, de l'éducation des enfants, du couple, du rôle de la femme, de la santé, de la vitalité, de la visualisation et de l'environnement. Bref, Respirer le bonheur est un livre audio sur le bien-être, qui nous propose de vivre autrement, d'honorer nos journées, nos idées et nos bien-aimés.© Trécarré (P)2016 Alexandre StankéContactez-moi pour toute question: [email protected]

  • Listen to this audiobook free with a 30-day trial. Go to http://audiobookspace.com/free Title: How to Be Successful by Being YourselfSubtitle: The Surprising Truth About Turning Fear and Doubt into Confidence and SuccessAuthor: David TaylorNarrator: David TaylorFormat: UnabridgedLength: 3 hrs and 19 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 06-15-17Publisher: John Murray LearningRatings: 4 of 5 out of 7 votesGenres: Self Development, Motivation & InspirationPublisher's Summary:A tool kit to help you see the possibilities around you and reprogramme your mental software to overcome your fears, doubts, worries and limiting beliefs.No matter what your background, your education, your hopes and dreams, everything you need to achieve anything you want you already have within you. This book will help you see the possibilities around you and reprogramme your mental software to overcome your fears, doubts, worries and limiting beliefs. Yes, do yoga, tai chi and meditation - this book will have a bigger impact, faster and cheaper.Discover:Critic Reviews:"Your life will change just by reading it." (Andy Cope, international author and speaker)Contact me for any questions: [email protected]

  • Listen to this audiobook free with a 30-day trial. Go to http://audiobookspace.com/free Title: The Happiness EquationSubtitle: Want Nothing + Do Anything = Have EverythingAuthor: Neil PasrichaNarrator: Neil PasrichaFormat: UnabridgedLength: 5 hrs and 17 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 06-15-17Publisher: Random House AudioBookRatings: 4.5 of 5 out of 8 votesGenres: Self Development, Motivation & InspirationPublisher's Summary:Random House presents the unabridged downloadable audiobook edition of The Happiness Equation, written and read by Neil Pasricha.What's the formula for a happy life?Neil Pasricha is a Harvard MBA, a Walmart executive, a New York Times best-selling author, and a husband and dad. After selling more than a million copies of his Book of Awesome series, he now shifts his focus from observation to application.In The Happiness Equation, Pasricha illustrates how to want nothing, do anything, and have everything. If that sounds like a contradiction, you simply haven't unlocked the 9 Secrets to Happiness.Each secret takes a common ideal, flips it on its head, and casts it in a completely new light. Pasricha then goes a step further by providing step-by-step guidelines that illustrate exactly how to apply each secret to live a happier life today.Controversial? Maybe. Counterintuitive? Definitely.The Happiness Equation will teach you such principles as:Contact me for any questions: [email protected]

  • Escuche este audio libro completo gratis en http://audiobookspace.com/free Título: El juego de la vida y cómo jugarlo [The Game of Life and How to Play It]Autor: Florence Scovel ShinnNarrador: Nuria SamsóFormato: UnabridgedDuración: 2 hrs and 36 minsIdioma: EspañolFecha de publicación: 06-15-17Editor: AudiomolCalificaciones: 5 de 5 de 3 votosCategorías: Self Development, Motivation & InspirationResumen del editor:Esta pequeña, pero profunda obra, de la gran maestra en Metafísica, Florence Scovel Shinn, nos enseñará cómo cada uno de nosotros puede cambiar sus condiciones y circunstancias si pone atención en lo que se desea y que tanto lo quiere.Please note: This audiobook is in Spanish.Contáctame para cualquier pregunta: [email protected]

  • Listen to this audiobook free with a 30-day trial. Go to http://audiobookspace.com/free Title: ShiftSubtitle: Move from Frustrated to FulfilledAuthor: Derek DepreyNarrator: Derek DepreyFormat: UnabridgedLength: 6 hrs and 29 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 06-08-17Publisher: Author Academy EliteGenres: Self Development, Motivation & InspirationPublisher's Summary:What's your next move?Every day, we move in one direction or another. We're free to choose from endless possibilities. Only you can choose the direction for the rest of your life. Whether you are a seasoned executive, emerging leader, stay-at-home parent, or college student, frustration is inevitable. Now is the time for you to shift from "I'm so busy and stressed" to "I'm living my ideal life right now". And it doesn't even have to be that complicated.In Shift, author Derek Deprey teaches you a five-gear process. Each gear uniquely moves you from frustrated to fulfilled. Within each interactive chapter, you'll drive up to powerful questions and practical exercises calls to make today the day you are inspired to change.Through captivating storytelling and compelling exercises you'll discover how to:It's your next move!Contact me for any questions: [email protected]