Everyone wish Ross a belated! We talk about pillars of good coaching, killer dentists, Ross hating his birthday, and of course HAES
Episodi mancanti?
We invite David to the podcast today to talk shop. We cover some recent bodybuilding controversies, living an Amish lifestyle, difficult client wins, and what David has going on in his 2022 season.
TOPICS - Cheating in the bodybuilding world, over-sharing PED use, Coach AND client red flags
Me and Ross Flanigan - Nationals 2021 - Am I ready to compete? Gymshark marketing - 35EAD - Bantam/Lightweight pros
A summation of this weeks roast of a coach that charges $350/month to put out weak clientele and rejects anything that takes effort or difficulty.
Discussing what it took to get IFBBPRO Bodybuilder Mike Lynn ready for the stage this weekend and in the victory spot!
Heading out to Tampa this week to work with a few clients in a Pro show - I won’t be super reachable so leaving this up here to give you guys a rundown!
Oh your coach don’t got a chain….???
Discussing an Instagram post I made that got some heat. Discussing prepping as a couple. Discussing post show binge eating.
David came to visit for a week to train with me in NYC. We talk about his experience, his obscure relationship dealbreakers, and what he did with 100+ pizza boxes
Let’s talk resolutions and resolutioners
I give my top 5 suggestions for useful gifts for your favorite bodybuilding friend or significant other, talk about my newfound obsession with Survivor, and why you shouldn’t be that guy that brings Tupperware to the table for dinner.
I’m back from a little hiatus. Running through the most sane and normal q and a questions you all asked me. Any suggestions for future episodes direct to @goob_u on Instagram.
Discussing Jasens new YouTube series with his wife, surviving the pandemic, and random other nonsense.
Talking with Jacob Davenport about steroid stigma, self accountability.
Support Noah’s Army at www.officialnoahsarmy.com - listen to this podcast to find out why! Talking with the legendary Bud Jeffries about his strongman lifts, his big 3 numbers, Cameron Krug, and most importantly - NOAHS ARMY!
Another discussion of mindset. Let’s talk about how your need for control and weak mindset may be holding you back from progression.
Talking about the mental approach to gaining, and recapping the swollen arm incident from yesterday.
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