As humans, we often have the propensity to get in our own way - to self-sabotage, self-destruct, and throw away our potential because we’ve lost sight of our real purpose. Today’s guest, Derrick Moore, knows all about that. A recovering addict, author, and motivational speaker, Derrick is here to talk all about what it takes to change your life and get out of our own way and why God is all about second chances. You’ll be inspired by this conversation!
Check out my weekly blog: www.graceopens.blogspot.com and also follow me on social media:
X/Twitter: opentograce2015
Instagram: opentogracealaska
Truth Social: opentograceAK
MeWe: Katherine Singer
Grow: @graceopensyou
Redemption stories are a big theme here at Grace Moments. We believe in the power of hope and God to bring good out of any pain or personal failure and love having guests on who personify these truth. Today’s guest is no exception. Tullian Tchividjian was a well-known pastor, author, and speaker with a pretty good faith pedigree to boot as the grandson of Billy Graham. But a very public downfall left him with a broken life, broken family, and no ministry. Having recently written a book in which he vulnerably lays out his failures and the journey to forgiveness and redemption he’s been on since, he’s kindly agreed to sit down and talk about what he’s learned and how he’s experienced the mercy of God. Regardless of what you may have heard in the past about his story, I hope you’ll listen to his thoughts today as he shares his journey, his passion for helping others discover God’s radical grace, and how the faith community can be better at confession and forgiveness.
Note: The interview ended a bit abruptly due to a technical issue but will still be of much encouragement and conviction to you. Thanks for listening!
Check out my weekly blog: www.graceopens.blogspot.com and also follow me on social media:
X/Twitter: opentograce2015
Instagram: opentogracealaska
Truth Social: opentograceAK
MeWe: Katherine Singer
Grow: @graceopensyou
Episodi mancanti?
There are sadly moments in our human experience where it becomes evident that a season of our life is coming to an end... where a goodbye you never thought you'd have to say is inevitable or a painful but necessary walking away has to take place. In one way or another, it has become clear that you don't belong "there" anymore. Bad breakups, divorces, getting passed over for a promotion at work, moves, friendships going sour, job changes - all these things test how gracefully we can transition from one chapter to another. And this episode gives you some key lessons that will help make this a bit smoother.
Check out my weekly blog: www.graceopens.blogspot.com and also follow me on social media:
X/Twitter: opentograce2015
Instagram: opentogracealaska
Truth Social: opentograceAK
MeWe: Katherine Singer
Grow: @graceopensyou
Prayer can seem so ordinary and so routine if you are a person of faith who shares a relationship with God. It is natural to utilize prayer to petition or bless Him for various situations in this life. But sometimes there can be a limit to how honest we're willing to get with Him in our prayer life, almost like we've placed a holy limit on how raw and real it's okay to get with God about ourselves and circumstances. This episode explores our need for unedited prayers and why practicing candidness is not only alright but invited by Him. Come, let's spend a few minutes together and perhaps discover a deeper honesty in our conversations with the Divine.
Check out my weekly blog: www.graceopens.blogspot.com and also follow me on social media:
X/Twitter: opentograce2015
Instagram: opentogracealaska
Truth Social: opentograceAK
MeWe: Katherine Singer
Grow: @graceopensyou
Each one of us keeps our own personal trophy case in our heart where passions or meaningful achievements live. While it is great to be proud of things we've accomplished, if our successes are all that define us, we will be disappointed and let down when we feel others haven't validated those successes as we'd hoped. We can also sometimes start to treat our faith this way as if bringing our trophies to God somehow earns us special points. This episode discusses why God alone should have your heart and why it's important in life to do things "as unto the Lord and not for human praise."
Note: There are some changes to the recording and editing format of the podcast, so you may hear a difference in the quality of the recording. Hopefully they improve your listening experience.
Check out my weekly blog: www.graceopens.blogspot.com and also follow me on social media:
X/Twitter: opentograce2015
Instagram: opentogracealaska
Truth Social: opentograceAK
MeWe: Katherine Singer
Grow: @graceopensyou
As we encounter personal, spiritual, relational, and overall general challenges in life, it can be easy to become cynical, jaded, and despairing about the condition of others, ourselves, and even life itself. Differences in opinion, practice, personality, and even the existence of pain and loss can get in the way of finding the good around and within us. This episode is a caution against allowing the bad parts to cloud and overshadow the good ones and why negative thinking always has to be held in check.
Visit and subscribe to my blog at: www.graceopens.blogspot.com Twitter: @opentograce2015 Instagram: @opentogracealaska MeWe: Katherine Singer -
There are moments in life when we all come across problems that seem to be far too insurmountable - situations that, to the human perspective, feel impossible. And sometimes, these can lead us to question if said circumstances are too hard... even for God. In this episode, we'll tackle the issue of unbelief and why knowing the dependable track record of God is key to having hope and good mental health.
Visit and subscribe to my blog at: www.graceopens.blogspot.com Twitter: @opentograce2015 Instagram: @opentogracealaska MeWe: Katherine Singer -
Home is a place many of us have mixed feelings about: some have pleasant memories, others do not. Whether it was the one you grew up in or the place you live now, home has a powerful impact on your mental state - for good or bad. This episode unpacks the important role home plays in our well-being and why protecting the peace and sacredness of its space matters so much.
Visit and subscribe to my blog at: www.graceopens.blogspot.com Twitter: @opentograce2015 Instagram: @opentogracealaska MeWe: Katherine Singer -
We have a mixed and complicated relationship with doubts. We all have them but we also despise them because they scare us and cause us to ask things that make us uncomfortable. Especially in faith circles, doubt can sometimes be looked down upon. So this episode aims to untangle misconceptions surrounding doubt and help us see the helpful place these questions have in solidifying our beliefs.
Visit and subscribe to my blog at: www.graceopens.blogspot.com Twitter: @opentograce2015 Instagram: @opentogracealaska Parler: @Opentogracealaska MeWe: Katherine Singer -
Easter is coming up, and this episode is a refreshing reminder that God's redeeming work isn't just relegated to Him alone - He invites us to join with Him in the restoring plan He is working out... one that is constantly ongoing and active. And because He rose, we have hope and can rise and be transformed in our own lives. If you're struggling with old patterns that die hard or pain that seems pointless, you will find this uplifting.
Visit and subscribe to my blog at: www.graceopens.blogspot.com Twitter: @opentograce2015 Instagram: @opentogracealaska Parler: @Opentogracealaska MeWe: Katherine Singer -
Gardening terms are often commonly used in Bible passages as ways for God to describe His cultivating and transformative work in our lives. But, in today's not-so-agrarian world, we can be a bit removed from these metaphors and the picture they produce of our own hearts and journeys. Today's episode shows you a handful of lessons we can learn from gardens about spiritual growth. Whether or not you're into gardening yourself, you'll find this encouraging.
Visit and subscribe to my blog at: www.graceopens.blogspot.com Twitter: @opentograce2015 Instagram: @opentogracealaska Parler: @Opentogracealaska MeWe: Katherine Singer -
While less familiar to the faith community now than in generations past, the hymns have offered a solace for people in suffering that few other things can afford. Perhaps surprisingly, many of the authors of the great hymns we know were themselves individuals who struggled greatly with pain and problems. This episode is a reminder that your situation is no different than that of others, and you are not alone in what you are going through. The same trust that sustained these pioneers of the faith can also sustain you.
Visit and subscribe to my blog at: www.graceopens.blogspot.com Twitter: @opentograce2015 Instagram: @opentogracealaska Parler: @Opentogracealaska MeWe: Katherine Singer -
We all hold certain limiting ideas and lies that shape how we think and act. While the truth is always there and will always come out eventually, some of us have a hard time opening ourselves up to what it may show us and how it may change our life and beliefs. This episode is a challenge to not only identify what your personal lies are but also how they may be holding you back from the life God wants for you.
Visit and subscribe to my blog at: www.graceopens.blogspot.com Twitter: @opentograce2015 Instagram: @opentogracealaska Parler: @Opentogracealaska MeWe: Katherine Singer -
While perhaps not in the literal sense, exile seasons happen to all of us. We go through times when we feel incredibly dislocated, uprooted, and uncertain. Everything feels unpredictable, and we struggle to adapt and thrive in the midst. This week's episode takes you to the word God gave the exiled Hebrews through Jeremiah and reminds you to look for what God is doing in your life, even in personal times of exile that seem so unsure and difficult.
Visit and subscribe to my blog at: www.graceopens.blogspot.com Twitter: @opentograce2015 Instagram: @opentogracealaska Parler: @Opentogracealaska MeWe: Katherine Singer -
Mental wellness isn’t just about learning how to balance our thoughts and emotions and make peace with our past or present. It also involves a physical aspect as well. Healing must come from the inside out. Pulling on her experience as a wellness educator, Stephanie Singleton is our guest on the podcast to talk about how to bring our bodies into alignment, how to move trauma through them, breathing, techniques for relaxation, dietary adjustments, and more. Whether you're a boss, employee, or just an individual looking to eliminate some unnecessary stress in your life and get healthier, you will find this discussion helpful. Join us for an insightful chat about helping your mind, body, and soul be the best they can be!
Visit and subscribe to my blog at: www.graceopens.blogspot.com Twitter: @opentograce2015 Instagram: @opentogracealaska Parler: @Opentogracealaska MeWe: Katherine Singer -
With it being Valentine's Day this week, today's episode is dedicated to the topic of relationships... but particularly, people-differences in relationships. God has created each one of us as unique persons with our own ways of doing and thinking and being but sometimes, those differences, however attractive initially, can become incredibly annoying over time. In this episode, you'll learn about how to see both yourself and others in a new light, hopefully leading to better communication, compassion, understanding, and healthier community as we learn how to "love one another" in the ways we each receive and give it best.
Visit and subscribe to my blog at: www.graceopens.blogspot.com Twitter: @opentograce2015 Instagram: @opentogracealaska Parler: @Opentogracealaska MeWe: Katherine Singer -
All of us deal with anger at different times over different things. Some of it is warranted and some, not. Most of the time, our anger ends up hurting ourselves and others instead of being harnessed to point us toward deeper things that must be addressed. Anger is built into us to be our warning sign, yet we often ignore it as such. In this episode, you'll find a frank discussion on what science and faith have to say about anger and why getting control of it is so important.
Visit and subscribe to my blog at: www.graceopens.blogspot.com Twitter: @opentograce2015 Instagram: @opentogracealaska Parler: @Opentogracealaska MeWe: Katherine Singer -
Common things like loss, trauma, transition, health problems, and adversity of any kind are certainly frequent and obvious contributors to mental distress. But what the health industry doesn't often talk about are the subtle things in our daily routines and diet and products that are equally, if not more so, adding to the mental issues we are dealing with. Today's episode touches on some surprising data and discoveries that prove the healing changes we need may not involve such drastic intervention - they can simply be done at home, given the proper knowledge. You'll find this one interesting and helpful!
Visit and subscribe to my blog at: www.graceopens.blogspot.com Twitter: @opentograce2015 Instagram: @opentogracealaska Parler: @Opentogracealaska MeWe: Katherine Singer -
Suffering has a way of skewing our view and sowing lies in our mind that things are so bad they can never get better. It's a common, human problem to assume the worst after you've experienced the worst. But hope means we keep turning our faces into the dark and believing that the pain won't last forever, and sun will shine again. Digging into the wisdom of a 19th century poem, this episode will look at why it matters so much that you wait expectantly for the dawn.
Visit and subscribe to my blog at: www.graceopens.blogspot.com Twitter: @opentograce2015 Instagram: @opentogracealaska Parler: @Opentogracealaska MeWe: Katherine Singer -
People using religious means to emotionally hurt and manipulate others is becoming a real concern in communities of faith. And the even more disturbing thing is that churches and faith leaders are turning a blind eye to it and are ill-equipped to handle it. This episode is a candid discussion with previous guest Rachel (Redman) Skidmore about how to address this and why the faith community needs to become a house of hope instead of a house of pain.
Disclaimer: There were some audio issues at the beginning of the interview which cleared up as the episode went on, so please feel free to adjust the volume as needed. Also, while we tried to keep this episode as positive as possible, this topic may prove to be triggering for some people, so listen at your own discretion.
Visit and subscribe to my blog at: www.graceopens.blogspot.com Twitter: @opentograce2015 Instagram: @opentogracealaska Parler: @Opentogracealaska MeWe: Katherine Singer - Mostra di più