Here we are with the second instalment of our three part series asking the question Is The Catholic Church Homophobic? This time we have Fr Chris on the podcast looking at the pastoral side of things, how should we, the lay Church, react to these claims and how is best to be with brothers and sisters with same-sex attraction?
This week we begin our three part series, "Is The Catholic Church Homophobic?" It's a big issue for the Church today, but is it as big as the general hype claims? Our good friend Brendan Malone joins us to tease out the lay church's standpoint on homosexuality and Catholicism. Be sure to tune in to each of the three episodes to get the full scoop! COMMENT with your thoughts below.
Episodi mancanti?
In Today's episode, we discuss this year's MET Gala, which was highly anticipated by many Catholics because of the theme: "Heavenly Bodies: Fashion and the Catholic Imagination." Check it out!
Kia Ora everyone! We're back with another marriage podcast, because apparently I (Shana) had more questions left unanswered! So sit back, relax, and enjoy the amusing musings of the chatters Gregorian! #TwoMarriedDoms #OneSingleShana #WhatAreYouWeddingFor
That's right, we went THERE. But how could we not talk about this in the wake of the media barrage that sparked from Israel Falou's views on homosexuality and gay marriage? We always talk about "not judging people," but how do we then make moral distinctions as Christians?? We've tried to give a few of our thoughts on it, but we want to know yours. Is there any truth in what Falou said, or was it straight up uncalled for? Is he prophet or prude? Keep that #realcatholicbanter going.
Ever wanted a a sneak peak at what married life is like? Wait no longer! This week's episode is all about insights on married life. The magnificent Shana Llorando interviews Dom and Dom about their experiences of life in this great sacrament. Tune in, and COMMENT BELOW with your thoughts and questions on married life. Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE!
Being intentional is an integral part of of being a Catholic and it spreads to everything we do including how we celebrate (feast). Another tool in our arsenal heading to authentic faith is self-mastery (chastity) and our wonderful Church gives us the training we need in the practices of feasting and fasting, so tune in to see how that is. Also listen out for our competition that we announce at the end to celebrate breaking 100 subscribers! Thank you all so much for getting involved, God bless.
This week's golden question: "Can I have bad friends and still be a good person?" For some the answer is a straight YES. For others it's something that haunts their dreams, thinking of who to purge from their friend circles. This week we ran a poll on Instagram and 85% of you said 'yes, it is possible'. But HOW, in reality? Tune in. Comment with your thoughts below!
Are you the kind of person that finds going to parties with people you don't know draining? do you wish you could just have deep and meaningful conversations without all the shallow getting to know you garbage? Well then I personally don't understand you :D. I may be small but I am a huge extrovert, and amongst many things small talk is my place and so, in this week(ish)s podcast we are addressing and undressing the much abhorred small talk, and discussing why it is such a good idea, and more importantly why as Catholics we need to greatly improve at the art form :). So stay tuned and LIKE, SHARE, and SUBSCRIBE!!
What is arguably one of the best Marvel Movies to date, Black Panther has really made an impression us here at GC, so we thought we best talk about it. WARNING: THERE ARE SPOILERS IN THIS PODCAST! So if you haven't seen it best not watch this just yet. BUT you definitely should watch this movie! Eye opening, revolutionary, possibly a little controversial, but all over positive we talk about the effect this movie has had on the world and should have on us all so check it out! LIKE, SHARE AND SUBSCIRBE!! God bless
Soooooooooo, this week we had #allthesingleladies on the podcast to give a more feminine view on being single #outnumbered, you let one girl in and she lets them all in (Shana!!). But we are asking, what I think is a really good question today, how do we be single? There are the three big "V" vocations (priesthood, religious life, married life) but how do you get to that point? how do we prepare? What are single people supposed to do? To answer that we got in the experts Carmela Nepomuceno, Ciara Lovelock, and Felicity Markholm so listen in to hear what these great minds have to say.God bless
Hi everyone, I'm Shana, the one that isn't a Dom! This week, I've joined Pom Dom for my first time on Gregorian Chat (woohoo!) to debunk creativity. We had been talking a lot about creativity over the last few weeks, only to find out we didn't actually know the definition of creativity (in keeping with the way of Gregorian Chat in talking about things we actually don't know anything about)...is it something that only a handful of people in the world have? Is it a way of doing things? Or is it something completely different? Find out what WE found out, and tell us what YOU think! God bless, and looking forward to being on the podcast this year :) #DebunkingCreativity #NotADom #JustAShana
Ladies and Gentleman our SECOND podcast of the year. It just feels so good to be back at it, man I love doing these!! In this weeks show we are talking about REVERSE RACISM: IS IT A THING? Quite a controversial topic to kick off on but it definitely woke us up. Over here in NZ we just celebrated Waitangi Day which celebrates the signing of The Treaty Of Waitangi by representatives acting on behalf of the British Crown and Māori chiefs, and basically it's not as clean cut as it seems, hence this weeks topic. But please COMMENT below with your thoughts because this is an area that needs discussion, SHARE to spread the love a discussions, and SUBSCRIBE to get more AMAZING CONTENT from Gregorian Chat. God bless
Happy New Yeah!!! That's right, Gregorian Chat bringing you straight on through to 2018 in style. In this very first episode of 2k18 we talk about making New Year's resolutions and how to set yourself up to achieve them! Also, we play bible roulette... Thanks for all the love last year. Let's make this one even better! Like, Share, and Subscribe
We're back! We thought we'd do something a little different today and talk about the latest Star Wars movie, THE LAST JEDI! Spoiler alerts of course.For those who need that theological fix, don't worry, we tie it in somehow...You guys are the best.A very merry Christmas from Dom and Dom.:D
Do you even LIFT His name on high? Should Christians be bodybuilders? Where's the line between healthiness and vanity? Can you be both ripped and equipped?Let us know your thoughts, but if you want ours, have a listen. Like, Share, and Subscribe!
#@!%$!!!!!Swearing. Is it as bad as we think? Is it worse? In this week's episode we discuss how Catholics should think about and react to bad language as well as some of the 'pre-cursors' (ahaaaa) to approaching this topic.
This week we have a guest on the show, and you guest it we are talking about something we don't really know much about haha. Luckily Bother Mark from the De La Salle brothers is with us to share with us his experience of living and working in the Holy land.
Tis the Season toooooo? To what? That's right in this weeks episode we are discussing the season of Advent and trying to deciphr how exactly we are to be in this season. It's not yet Christmas and we are no longer in ordinary time, and the Church has started the calendar allll over again so where does that leave us? Comment below with how you celebrate this season! and LIKE, SHARE, AND SUBSCRIBE!! God bless
TAG YOUR CATHOLIC FRIENDS!Gregorian Snap #2 is here: Awkward Signs of Peace!You've all seen em... You might have even BEEN em! Please LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE!Special thanks for guest appearances from:Daniel PervanDwayne LoboNakayla WilliamsHika PerezMolly FlorenceDesiree HoffmanGreg AugustynFrancesca Yuenand Fr. Chris Denham!
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