
  • In this episode of Happily Holistic, Amy speaks with Nick Pineault, bestselling author of The Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMFs, an advocate for safe technologies, and host of the Smarter Tech podcast. Nick is a leading voice on the topic of electromagnetic pollution and how it affects our health. He has been interviewing some of the best minds on health and technology and facilitating the creation of courses and educational materials to raise awareness on this very important issue.

    Amy and Nick discuss:

    Nick’s book The Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMFs - a comprehensive guide to EMFs broken down in an easy to use way The fundamental difference between natural EMFs versus unnatural EMFs Impact of EMFs on your life and ways to limit your exposure The roll of building biologists and EMF specialists in creating a no-EMFs space Concept of dirty electricity and consumer friendly solutions to help minimize exposure to dirty electricity The 5G Network and the increased in the electromagnetic pollution caused by it


    Website: https://theemfguy.com/ and


    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nickpineaultofficial/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nickpineault/?hl=en

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/nickpineault1

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSNatlkDIyLFSBsrNwAzYSQ

    The Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMFs: https://emfbook.com/

  • In this episode of Happily Holistic, Amy speaks with Kate Eckman, executive leadership coach and mindfulness expert. Kate’s new book, The Full Spirit Workout, is a 10-step system to shed your self-doubt, strengthen your spiritual core, and create a fun and fulfilling life. Kate’s method is based on discovering who we truly are and what we truly want outside of societal influence.

    Amy and Kate discuss:

    Kate’s background as a high-achieving competitive athlete, professional model, and TV presenter How to work in a more conscious and deliberate way, which leads to performing at a higher level with more creativity How achieving our goals happens in the quiet time and stillness rather than the grind and hustle Her new book - The Full Spirit Workout - which teaches people how to achieve success while feeling good and focusing on the whole person


    Website: Kateeckman.tv

    IG: kateeckman

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  • In this episode of Happily Holistic, Amy speaks with healer and channel Marilyn Harper. Marilyn is a Reiki Master, Karuna Master, Quantum Touch practitioner, certified intuitive consultant, and has developed her own method of healing she calls Holographic Healing. After experiencing a “walk-in phenomenon,” she began channeling a being from the 17th dimension called Adironnda, and now delivers channeled wisdom from this benevolent being to thousands of people worldwide.

    Amy and Marilyn discuss the following:

    Marilyn’s spiritual awakening, began with a walk-in phenomenon – when one’s current soul leaves his/her body and is replaced by another soul (in Marilyn’s case that of her future, more evolved self). Adironnda, which she describes as a spokes-being from the 17th dimension on behalf of the Council of Ascended Masters (those who have lived on this planet) and some Archangels. Adironnda’s primary message -- to be the love that you are – and their intention that each person they encounter know what it feels like to be held in unconditional love. Marilyn’s offerings, include 1) monthly Double Digits channeling (and a related book, Double Digitology, on how to decode the messages of the universe through numerology), 2) a five-part course called Holographic Healing, and 3) a course on how to channel called Channelers Academy.

    Marilyn leaves listeners with a gift: a 21-day meditation program that can be accessed at healingholographically.com.


    SPECIAL OFFER - 21 DAYS TO OPTIMAL HEALTH: healingholographically.com

    Website: adironnda.com

    Facebook: Adironnda-Marilyn Harper: Everything is Possible

    IG @adironnda

    Twitter @adironnda

  • In this episode of Happily Holistic, Amy speaks with Tracee Stanley, author of the recently released book Radiant Rest: Yoga Nidra for Deep Relaxation and Clarity. Tracee is a former model and filmmaker and has been teaching and practicing yoga for 20 years. She is also host of the podcast Radiant Rest which deep dives into the practices that lead to deep rest and all the treasures that come from being rested.

    Amy and Tracee discuss:

    The practice of Yoga nidra, or “the yoga of deep sleep,” which is often described as sleep with a slight trace of awareness, or “conscious sleep” The four states of sleep that the consciousness weaves through: the waking state, the dreaming state, the deep sleep state, and the Void, otherwise said to be “peace beyond words” The essence of Yoga nidra: withdrawing all of your external awareness and allowing yourself to remember who and what you truly are The feeling of essentially being reborn after Yoga nidra because we have fully surrendered and receivedLinks

    Book (Radiant Rest: Yoga Nidra for Deep Relaxation and Clarity): radiantrest.com

    Podcast (Radiant Rest): radiantrest.com

    Personal offerings: traceeyoga.com

    IG: tracee_stanley

  • In this episode of Happily Holistic, Amy speaks with Julie Parker, Founder of The Beautiful You Coaching Academy and author of Priestess, a spiritual guide and companion meant to inspire readers to explore what it means to be a modern spiritual leader and priestess in today's world.

    As a modern-day priestess, Julie brings forth her lineage of spiritual service through her priestess podcast, sacred priestess circles, and priestess temple school.

    In the modern context, being a priestess can translate to being a healer, teacher, mother, coach, guide, sacred circle facilitator, plant medicine expert, and many other leadership roles in life, work, business, or community.

    As Julie explains, a priestess is a sacred spiritual leader who deeply holds space for others – often other women – to help them explore their divinity, spirituality, and awakening.

    Julie and Amy also talk about:

    How priestesshood is returning to our spiritual birthright that was buried and pushed underground through patriarchy How it's important for any modern priestess to be in the right relationship to mother earth For those on the path of priestesshood, give yourself time and space to be in a deeper relationship with yourselfLinks

    Website: https://juliesuzanneparker.com

    Book: https://juliesuzanneparker.com/priestessbook/

    IG: @julesyparker

  • In this episode of Happily Holistic, Amy speaks with April Pfender, founder of Golden Light Alchemy. April is a Reiki Master Teacher and author of three books, including her most recent, The Complete Guide to Chakras. She has been an empath, mediation instructor, and healer for 15 years, connecting to universal heart healing and expansion. April designs workshops and retreats which focus on awakening and women's empowerment.

    Amy and April discuss:

    The inspiration for her recent book, The Complete Guide to Chakras, which covers the 12-chakra system, including the etheric chakras and the subpersonal chakra. Remote Reiki healing and training, and how she incorporates other modalities into her practice, including frequency, sound, and quantum resonance. How it’s possible to receive lifetimes of healing in one experience.

    April ends with advice for her 16-year-old self: “Leave room for the magic. Magical thinking opens you up to any possibility without attachment or expectation.”


    IG: @ascensionapril

    Website: www.goldenlightalchemy.com

  • In this episode of Happily Holistic, Amy speaks with certified crystal healer Amanda Nicole. Amanda hand selects all the crystals for her online shop, GolightlyHealing.com, and she educates people about crystal healing through her podcast, Golightly Radio.

    Amy and Amanda discuss:

    The inspiration for Amanda’s business, which came to her in a meditation with the message: go lightly into everything that you do;

    Amanda’s crystal healing method, which includes customized crystal recommendations and focuses on the chakra system;

    How to choose the right crystal by connecting with its energy and how to cleanse and clear your crystals;

    Crystal recommendations for navigating this uncertain time, including black tourmaline (grounding), lepidolite (calming), fluorite (focus), and pyrite (manifestation).

    Amanda closes with simple yet profound advice for her 17-year-old self: more self-love.


    Website: golightlyhealing.com

    IG: golightlycrystals

    Podcast: golightlyradio

  • In this episode of Happily Holistic, Amy speaks with psychotherapist and prolific author Laurie Nadal. Laurie has written many books, including "Sixth Sense: Unlocking Your Ultimate Mind Power" and "The Five Gifts: Discovering Hope, Healing, and Strength When Disaster Strikes." She is also co-leading an online support group for long-haul COVID patients with the Pulmonary Wellness Foundation.

    Key points include:

    - The inspiration for her book, “The Five Gifts,” which came to her in a meditation after losing her home to Hurricane Sandy in 2012: humility, patience, empathy, and forgiveness

    - How the COVID pandemic has given us the opportunity to receive the gift of patience

    - How large-scale loss and suffering can lead to personal and collective existential crises, which then leads to an awakening individually and for humanity at large

    - How the current pandemic and economic crisis has tremendous potential for us to become a more intuitive and empathic species


    Website: https://laurienadel.com/

    LinkedIn: Laurie Nadel, Ph.D. / www.linkedin.com/in/laurie-nadel-ph-d-73a6871/

    IG: @LaurieNadel

    Twitter: @DrLaurie

  • In this episode of Happily Holistic, Amy speaks with prolific author and visual artist Elaine Clayton. Elaine has written and illustrated numerous children’s books as well as books for adults. Her recent book, Making Marks: Discovering the Art of Intuitive Drawing, was selected as a top 10 most inspirational book by Aspire Magazine.

    Amy and Elaine discuss the inspiration behind two of her many books:

    Illuminara is an intuitive journal with illustrated cards that help readers develop their own language based on the artwork. Each card is meant to invoke a different emotional response through line, form, shape, and color. Readers can randomly select a card then journal about what it makes them think and feel to tap into their intuitive zone.

    Making Marks: Discovering the Art of Intuitive Drawing develops readers’ intuitive knowing and empathy through intuitive stream drawing in which the readers make the marks.


    Website: elaineclayton.com

  • In this episode of Happily Holistic, Amy speaks with writer, speaker, priestess, mentor, and disability model Hannah Wallace. Hannah is the host of a podcast called Finding Grace, in which she interviews people about their journey in finding grace. Her mission is to help people find grace in their lives, empower them, shift them into making sustainable changes in their lives, and help them integrate their darkness into light.

    Topics include:

    -    Hannah’s own journey of finding grace through navigating an illness in her teens, which turned out to be a genetic condition and led her to the practices of surrender, trust, and choosing joy

    -    The ever-expanding spiral of healing and how as we grow, we are always shown the next facet of the healing journey

    -    Peeling back the layers of conditioning and belief systems to discover who we are and our own personal rhythm

    -    Giving ourselves the gift of compassion and kindness and the grace to sit with ourselves in the darker spaces


    IG: @thehannahwallace

    Website: www.hannah-wallace.com

    Finding Grace podcast: www.hannah-wallace.com/podcast

    The Bullshati Podcast (Hannah Wallace and Emma Mumford): emmamumford.co.uk/thebullshatipodcast/

  • In this episode of Happily Holistic, Amy sits down with Lee Carroll and Monika Muranyi. For over thirty years, Lee Carroll has been the original channel for Kryon, an angelic entity that provides empowering messages and teachings to humanity. His work includes 14 books of Kryon channelings and three co-authored books on the Indigo Children.

    Lee's partner Monika Muranyi is the consummate researcher and archivist of the Kryon material and has produced a special Kryon trilogy of books that help tie together the complex subject of who we are and why we are here.

    Lee has been channeling Kryon since 1989 when he had a spiritual experience in which a beautiful angelic entity named Kryon came to him. Central to the channeled teachings is the idea that life is meant to be easy. As Lee explains, life is filled with potholes for all of us, but by connecting to your inner guidance, you can be steered around the potholes and create a path of ease. In addition, you have the ability to control a lot of what happens to you. Look for signs and expect benevolence.

    Monika began her journey with Lee in 2012 when they met in Santiago, Chile. Previously she was a park ranger in Australia for 15 years. Following a heartbreaking divorce, she began to search for her life's purpose and realized that everyone has a "spiritual antenna" inside that wants to be found. Through her journey, Monika has come to believe that we are here to enjoy life, be in the vibration of joy, and play and create. The planet was created for us as we go through this journey of discovering the spark that is inside.

    According to Kryon, we are going through a planetary shift in support of the ascension process. As Lee and Monika explain, although things look like they are getting worse, they are not. The light is exposing the dark, and therefore things are getting cleaned up. Believe it or not, things are getting better.


    Website (all material): kryon.com

    Website (Healing Wednesday): https://kryonmasters.com/streamed-events/healing-wednesday/

    YouTube: Kryon Lee Carroll

    FB: https://www.facebook.com/KryonLeeCarroll/

    IG: @kryonleecarroll

    Website: monikamuranyi.com/

  • In this episode of Happily Holistic, Amy speaks with Jennifer Mercier, a trained Naturopathic physician, midwife, and massage therapist who created a unique practice called Expect a Miracle, which specializes in fertility, pregnancy, and women’s health.

    At age 26, while studying medicine, Jennifer was diagnosed with Stage 4 endometriosis, which led her to take a more holistic approach to medicine. Having worked in the field, she recognized that the fertility system (such as IVF and IUI) was fatally flawed. It was rigorous, expensive, and most of the time did not work. While it forces the body to become pregnant, often there are underlying conditions that need to be addressed first and foremost.

    Jennifer’s practice focuses on pelvic and abdominal therapy and helps with fertility, sexual trauma, surgical recovery, gastrointestinal issues, and natural hormone balancing. The Mercier Therapy sequence involves deep pelvic organ visceral manipulation to enhance overall pelvic organ mobility and restore blood flow to the pelvis. Jennifer works with patients throughout one year of cycle monitoring to facilitate the best outcome and most gentle conception. Her practice has an 83% pregnancy rate.

    Jennifer’s book, Conceive,  discusses her unique approach. She also has a documentary film, called Fertility: The Shared Journey with Mercier Therapy, which follows her at conferences and events all over the world as she is pregnant with her son—conceived with the help of her own technique.

    For those who are on the fertility journey, Jennifer advises: “Don’t think that there is no hope, because there always is. We are all in this collaboration together.”


    Jennifer’s Practice: expectamiracle.life

    Classes: merciertherapy.com

    Book: Conceive (wherever books are sold)

    IG: dr.jennifer.mercier

    Film: Fertility: The Shared Journey with Mercier Therapy (Amazon Prime)


    "I go in, and I turn the light switch back on." 13:18

  • Amy Leigh Mercree is a medical intuitive, author, and holistic health expert. In this solo episode Amy discusses the importance of the Divine Feminine / Energy of the Goddess as a means to living a joyful life. Her core message is that you are your own guru, and by connecting with your guides and Goddess energy you have unlimited access to universal love, guidance, and lifeforce.

    In particular, Amy discusses:

    - The importance of connecting with the Divine Feminine (yin energy) while living in a yang society (feeling and being versus acting and doing)

    - How spirit guides embody this Goddess essence to bring it to us so that we can feel it

    -  Why bringing ourselves back to the Divine Feminine is powerful because it’s imprinted in our cellular structure through ancestors who worshiped the Goddess, and therefore it opens the doors to connect with Goddess guides and ancestral guides

    For those who want to go deeper, Amy offers a series of courses, from beginner to advanced, based on shamanic teachings passed down to her through her own medicine teacher. The first course, Meet Your Goddess Guides, provides a great foundation in communicating with your spirit guides at will and receiving information through automatic writing.


    Website: amyleighmercree.com

    Courses: amyleighmercree.com/courses

    Discover your Goddess Quiz: https://www.amyleighmercree.com/spirit-guide-quiz/

    IG: @amyleighmercree

  • In this episode of Happily Holistic, Amy speaks with Rebecca Campbell, a writer, devotional artist, poet, mystic, and mother. Rebecca is the bestselling author of numerous books and oracle decks, such as Rise Sister Rise, Letters To A Starseed, and Light Is the New Black. She also leads activating workshops internationally and created a membership group called Rise Sister Rise. All of her creations are dedicated to supporting people to live a soul-led life.

    Rebecca and Amy discuss:

    Rebecca’s journey, which started with a fascination with the other world as a teenager, then moved into a career as a Creative Director, and eventually led to dedicating her life to spirituality and helping others to live a soul-led life.
    Her career as a Creative Director and how it prepared her for this work, in that ideas, insights, and intuition are pointless unless they are integrated and embodied.
    The mass awakening that is happening now, and how many, many souls have chosen to be part of this collective mission during this big time of change.
    The rise of the Divine Feminine, and how settling down in the spiritual center of Glastonbury, England, has deepened Rebecca’s connection to Mother Earth and initiated her connection to the Magdalenes, which inspired the book Rise Sister Rise.

    Rebecca’s closing piece of advice, inspired by her connection to the other side, is that: “It’s all about reaching back through your ancestral line to the ones who did not forget.”


    Website: https://rebeccacampbell.me/

    IG: @rebeccacampbell_author

    Here is the link for the personalized two card oracle reading: https://mc.rebeccacampbell.me/shop/oracle-cards/reading/

  • In this episode of Happily Holistic, Amy speaks with healer, teacher, and author Calista Ascension. Calista has written two books – Unicorn Rising and The Female Archangels – and has created hands-on healing modalities called Unicorn Healing and Angel Healing. Calista’s passion is helping people to know their spirituality and divinity.

    Amy and Calista discuss the following.

    Calista’s journey: She began as a cancer research scientist, and after going through a reawakening, transitioned to a holistic healing business with Reiki and herbal remedies. It was then that Calista started to connect to fairies, angels, and spirit guides, and she eventually developed her therapy modalities Angel Healing and Unicorn Healing.
    Unicorns: They are here now more than ever, bringing to the earth their light - which comes through as crystalline rainbow colors - and helping us to awaken. The opening ceremony of her Unicorn Healing course is an energetic attunement, connecting participants with the unicorns, which remains in their consciousness.
    Female Archangels: Collectively the female angels are called the Archeia, and they are the counterpart to the masculine archangels. The feminine side is being presented more in this Aquarian Age and has different teachings for us, focused on healing and empowering the divine feminine within us.
    Ascension: We are ascending and evolving, and heaven is evolving too. Nonmaterial beings, such as angels, are continuing their evolutionary process in a co-creative manner with us. We are one in the same consciousness.


    Website: https://www.calistaascension.com/

    IG: @calistaascension

  • In this episode of Happily Holistic, Amy speaks with Madelyn Moon, a Top 50 podcast host on iTunes for the category “All Self-Help,” and spiritual coach who is committed to radical truth-telling and teaching people how to embody polarities across every spectrum.

    Madelyn was led divinely to coaching after experiencing a challenging upbringing in which her autonomy and agency were often taken away. Emotions went unacknowledged, and she was often told that what she was feeling wasn’t real. She coped with self-hatred through calorie counting, counting steps, bodybuilding, and OCD tendencies, which inevitably led to panic attacks. By college, she was still spiraling in self-destructive patterns – abusing alcohol, food, and Adderall, which led to several breakdowns.

    Fortunately, she realized she was hurting herself and went on a personal retreat for a year at age 22, which is when she started podcasting and coaching. Her work has been a massive deep dive into all things innately feminine and masculine, relationships, polarity, finding spirit, and living a tantric life in regards to the world.

    Madelyn’s lineage is yogic intimacy, exploring how you can transmit a message using the body. After a two-year deep dive into masculine/feminine energy with two teachers, she was up-leveled to a deeper understanding of embodiment and what it actually means: feeling a spiritual presence in your openness all day long.

    As Madelyn explains, duality exists on every kind of plane. We engage with polarity in three layers: ourselves, the other, and the world. For example, in order for a relationship to work with couples there needs to be a sense of “the other,” and needs to be sameness, but too much sameness often kills polarity. Therefore, creating polarity through distance – physically (a trip) or energetically (being more of how you identify, such as feminine) – in the name of love can keep polarity alive.


    IG: @madelynmoon

    Website: maddymoon.com

    Podcast: Mind, Body, Musings with Maddy Moon

  • In this episode of Happily Holistic, Amy speaks with Jenny Sansouci. Jenny is a certified health coach and author of The Rebels Apothecary: A Practical Guide to the Healing Magic of Cannabis, CBD, and Mushrooms, a book that shifts the stigma of these plants to a medicinal outlook and educates readers about their healing power.

    Working in wellness for many years, Jenny’s interest in the healing power of cannabis, CBD, and mushrooms began when her father was diagnosed with Stage 4 pancreatic cancer in 2017. After diving into research, Jenny created a regime for her father including mushrooms, CBD, and medical marijuana, and he experienced a notable reduction in chemotherapy side effects such as nausea, loss of appetite, and pain, as well as a stronger immune system. In an effort to share this information with the public, Jenny wrote about it in her blog - healthycrush.com - which piqued the interest of a book agent. The process of writing the book ultimately gave her father purpose and helped his healing journey. Four years later he is still doing well.

    Amy and Jenny discuss the different kinds of medicinal (non-psychedelic) mushrooms and their uses, such as cordyceps (endurance), lion’s mane (cognitive function), reishi (nervous system), and turkey tail (immune system). They also discuss how the endocannabinoid system works directly with molecules in the body to help reduce pain perception, anxiety, and support the sleep cycle.


    IG: @jennysansouci

    The Rebels Apothecary: rebelsapothecary.com (and anywhere books are sold)

    Jenny’s blog: healthycrush.com

  • In this episode, Amy chats with Karen Rauch Carter about the life-changing capabilities of Feng Shui. Feng Shui is the process of mindfully arranging your home. With almost 30 years of experience, Karen has devoted her life and her books to teach others how to Feng Shui the spaces in which they live.

    Karen shares that her life wasn’t always about Feng Shui. In the podcast, Karen talks about her previous job as a Landscape Architect and how a minor project requirement became the focus and passion she pursues today.

    Later in the podcast, Amy opens up about the role of a 911 call powerfully demonstrated the ways of Feng Shui and the impact it has continued to have on her life.

    Karen shares tips with us about how to Feng Shui our homes. In addition, We learn why mindfulness is important to this process and what it could mean for our past, present, and future selves. She breaks down the five elements of Feng Shui and tells us about a few simple changes in our bedrooms that can make all the difference.

    Also, find out how Fung Shui might help Amy’s teeth and why space can bring opportunities.  

    ** PLEASE NOTE - apologies for confusion but the offer stated in the interview is no longer available BUT Karen is offering something EVEN BETTER!**  

    Go to - ChangeItWithKaren.com For a special offer!! Enter promo code READYFORCHANGE, to receive $200 off Karen's Virtual Feng Shui and Healthy Home Consultation. (from $697 to $497)

    Karen’s books mentioned in the Podcast:

    Move Yourself, Change Your Life

    Make a Shift, Change Your Life

    Find Move Your Stuff With Karen: https://karenrauchcarter.com/moveitplus/

    For more on Mindful Living Checkout:

    A Little Bit of Mindfulness Guided Journal, Volume 26: Your Personal Path to Awareness

    Amy’s Newest Release:

    100 Days to Calm

  • In this episode of Happily Holistic, Amy chats with Katie Hess, owner of Lotuswei. Katie has a passion for plants. She motivates people to use flower elixirs in their own lives. At the start of the podcast, Katie shares her own motivations that led her into the world of flower elixirs. Her journey began with a desire to help others improve their own lives. This desire grew and she began to find her own way. In exploring the possibilities and existence of natural medicine, Katie came across a teacher in Madrid, Spain. This teacher conducted classes in Spanish, focusing on flower elixirs for multiple decades. She learned that each flower had a purpose and that if people leaned into it, it would have a rippling effect on our planet.

    Inspired, Katie took her new knowledge to Mexico. She soon noticed that Mexico was not where she was meant to reside. She was being called back to the U.S. As a young and excited teacher, she found herself taken aback when she saw the lack of development in the field of natural medicine in the states.

    Katie had to adjust her teaching style to find a way to show others the benefits of flower elixirs. Oftentimes, she would integrate the elixirs into a less intrusive form, introducing them via aromatherapy instead of ingestion. Only in the last two years, Katie noticed that there was a shift occurring in the business. As western society moved to accept wellness alternatives, people became more accepting of the direct applications of flower elixirs.

    Listen along to learn about the power of flowers and what role they could play in your life.

    Links: https://www.youtube.com/c/LOTUSWEI
  • In this episode of Happily Holistic, Amy talks to Barbara Huson (formerly Stanny). Barbara is an author, financial therapist, and wealth coach. She focuses on teaching women to empower themselves. Barbara grew up in a wealthy family with little knowledge about money. She was told by her dad not to worry, but that changed when her husband of 15 years started to gamble her inheritance. After her divorce, she found herself with 2 million dollars in taxes for illegal transactions her ex-husband had made.

    Through many books, classes, and interviews, Barbara was able to climb out of financial disparity and turn her earnings around. By the time her book, Secrets of Six Figure Women, was released, Barbara was making more than six figures. She says that her success was divinely ordained.

    During the podcast, Barbara breaks down the difference between making money and being wealthy. We learn what some six-figure women are not doing to secure their future and how we can all implement strategies to change our own bank accounts. Barbara defines an underearner and shows us key differences between an underearner and an overearner. She goes into the biology of why patterns and new habits might push us to be more financially successful.


