
  • Emotional Perfectionism, Part One: Making sure you feel the "right" things, not the real things

    I define emotional perfectionism as the rigid habit of feeling what one "should feel" in order to satisfy the real or perceived expectations of others.

    It is a sub-type of General Perfectionism, where behaviors and expressions are tailored to meet external expectations. This is a codependency behavior designed to help procure safety, belonging, and worth.

    Emotional perfectionism shows up as:

    - Ignoring what you actually feel and forcing yourself to feel differently about something

    - Saying you feel one way, but you actually feel differently

    - Showing up a particular way so others won't be upset or bothered in some way

    - Shutting down your feelings and putting on a "happy face"

    - Trying to heal your emotions so you feel the "right way"

    What is actually needed:

    - Meeting ourselves as we are

    - Understanding and seeing our emotional experiences as how we feel about the thing/circumstance/experience

    - Believing that what we feel isn't wrong and doesn't really need changing. It needs to be known and valued as it is

    - Sharing what we feel in clear, kind, direct ways with people that receive it with warmth

    - Letting ourselves breathe emotionally

    A tool: ALI Practice: https://ali.freetheself.com


    Discover what codependency really is and get the two essential practices to help start healing the true cause of codependency in my 4-day email course, CLARITY. Start now for free: https://join.freetheself.com


    Learn more about my work and upcoming courses and trainings here: https://links.freetheself.com


    Course Links:

    FOUNDATION: To exit the survival phase of codependency and enter real healing and creation, you must develop emotional safety, social belonging, and independent self worth. I call these the Three Necessities, and they are what causes your body to start advocating instead of functioning from codependency. You cannot have peace, freedom, healthy relationships with these solidly in place.

    Foundation guides you step-by-step in creating real emotional safety, belonging, and self-worth over 15 weeks. If you're ready to be done with the pain, shame, and chaos codependency brings to your life, start here.

    Get details and your seat here: https://foundation.freetheself.com

    THE CODEPENDENCY HEALING SYSTEM: Neglect and abuse left you with massive gaps in your life, especially in how you trust yourself, care for your needs, your relational skills, and the necessary experience to create expertise in these areas. This is the big work of growing into your adulthood.

    Your ability to thrive depends on detecting and filling these gaps using real-time support, comprehensive training, and a living community to practice and experiment in. The Codependency Healing System delivers this.

    Only 100 students are admitted annually.

    Enrollment opens July and February each year.

    Get details here: https://chs.freetheself.com

  • Creation Phase is where you arrive with the ability to determine what kind of experiences you want to have, and then using your personal power, intuition, and skills, go out and receive those experiences.

    This all depends on knowing what you *actually* want, not what you think you want (which is often a product of trauma controling things rather than a genuine alignment within ourselves).

    This phase is all about understanding, creating, and following the alignments that lead you to outcomes are what you want.

    Learn how I make that happen in todays episode!


    Are you seeking guidance in navigating your journey through the three phases of thriving beyond codependency (survival, healing, and creation)? Join below to start today.

    Start your work here: https://join.freetheself.com


    TRANSFORMATION: Get what you want through alignment with your real identity, power, and purposes in your life. Learn how do this in TRANSFORMATION. Enrollment opens up throughout the year.

    Get details here: https://transformation.freetheself.com


    FOUNDATION: To exit the survival phase of codependency and enter real healing and creation, you must develop emotional safety, social belonging, and independent self worth. I call these the Three Necessities, and they are what causes your body to start advocating instead of functioning from codependency. You cannot have peace, freedom, healthy relationships with these solidly in place.

    FOUNDATION guides you step-by-step in creating real emotional safety, belonging, and self-worth over 15 weeks. If you're ready to be done with the pain, shame, and chaos codependency brings to your life, start here.

    Enrollment is open for the June 30, 2024 Live class start. Get details and your seat here: https://foundation.freetheself.com

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  • The Healing Phase is the deep work of unbecoming your codependency and discovering who you are beyond your pain, trauma, and survival self.

    This is where we develop the necessary skills, experience and expertise we didn't get growing up, along with amplifying our safety, our belonging, and deeply embodying our self-worth.

    Learn how I work with this phase and how you can start to in your life in today's episode.

    The Tool: https://sir.freetheself.com


    Are you seeking guidance in navigating your journey through the three phases of thriving beyond codependency (survival, healing, and creation)? Join below to start today.

    Start your work here: https://join.freetheself.com


    The Codependency Healing System: Neglect and abuse left you with massive gaps in your life, especially in how you trust yourself, care for your needs, your relational skills, and the necessary expereince to create expertise in these areas. This is the big work of growing into your adulthood.

    Your ability to thrive depends on detecting and filling these gaps using real-time support, comprehensive training, and a living community to practice and experiment in. The Codependency Healing System delivers this.

    Only 100 students are admitted annually.

    Enrollment opens July and February each year.

    Get details here: https://chs.freetheself.com


    FOUNDATION: To exit the survival phase of codependency and enter real healing and creation, you must develop emotional safety, social belonging, and independent self worth. I call these the Three Necessities, and they are what causes your body to start advocating instead of functioning from codependency. You cannot have peace, freedom, healthy relationships with these solidly in place.

    FOUNDATION guides you step-by-step in creating real emotional safety, belonging, and self-worth over 15 weeks. If you're ready to be done with the pain, shame, and chaos codependency brings to your life, start here.

    Enrollment is open for the June 30, 2024 Live class start. Get details and your seat here: https://foundation.freetheself.com

  • Survival is the phase we all start in. It is the phase where we realize our codependency and begin the big work of healing that codependency and become who we actually are.

    This phase is noted by the presents of:

    - Anxiety
    - Shame
    - Freeze and fawn impulses in the body
    - Feeling depressed, collapsed, powerless
    - People-pleasing, perfectionism, avoiding conflict to keep the peace, and more

    Learn what I do with this phase and how to exit it in today's episode!

    The Tool: https://drp.freetheself.com


    Are you seeking guidance in navigating your journey through the three phases of thriving beyond codependency (survival, healing, and creation)? Join below to start today.

    Start your work here: https://join.freetheself.com


    FOUNDATION: To exit the survival phase of codependency and enter real healing and creation, you must develop emotional safety, social belonging, and independent self worth. I call these the Three Necessities, and they are what causes your body to start advocating instead of functioning from codependency. You cannot have peace, freedom, healthy relationships with these solidly in place.

    FOUNDATION guides you step-by-step in creating real emotional safety, belonging, and self-worth over 15 weeks. If you're ready to be done with the pain, shame, and chaos codependency brings to your life, start here.

    Get details and your start your evolution here: https://foundation.freetheself.com


    FOUNDATION: To exit the survival phase of codependency and enter real healing and creation, you must develop emotional safety, social belonging, and independent self worth. I call these the Three Necessities, and they are what causes your body to start advocating instead of functioning from codependency. You cannot have peace, freedom, healthy relationships with these solidly in place.

    FOUNDATION guides you step-by-step in creating real emotional safety, belonging, and self-worth over 15 weeks. If you're ready to be done with the pain, shame, and chaos codependency brings to your life, start here.

    Enrollment is open for the June 30, 2024 Live class start. Get details and your seat here: https://foundation.freetheself.com

    The EVERYTHING FOREVER PROGRAM is OPEN! 30 seats are available this year! Get every course I've created, am creating, and will create for a one-time investment. This is ideal for those of you that want to work with me long term. Learn more here: https://forever.freetheself.com

  • Quitting - It is necessary in the healing journey.

    Quitting relationships.

    Quitting fixing.

    Quitting chasing fantasy outcomes.


    It makes space for new, healthy outcomes to come into your life.

    It makes it possible for you to face the pain that needs the loving care of your attention and loving care of community so it can heal.


    That is what we explore in this week's episode.


    Are you seeking guidance in navigating your journey through the three phases of thriving beyond codependency (survival, healing, and creation)? Join below to start today.

    Start your work here: https://join.freetheself.com


    FOUNDATION: To exit the survival phase of codependency and enter real healing and creation, you must develop emotional safety, social belonging, and independent self worth. I call these the Three Necessities, and they are what causes your body to start advocating instead of functioning from codependency. You cannot have peace, freedom, healthy relationships with these solidly in place.

    FOUNDATION guides you step-by-step in creating real emotional safety, belonging, and self-worth over 15 weeks. If you're ready to be done with the pain, shame, and chaos codependency brings to your life, start here.

    Enrollment is open for the June 30, 2024 Live class start. Get details and your seat here: https://foundation.freetheself.com

    The EVERYTHING FOREVER PROGRAM is OPEN! 30 seats are available this year! Get every course I've created, am creating, and will create for a one-time investment. This is ideal for those of you that want to work with me long term. Learn more here: https://forever.freetheself.com

  • Episode: Why you only love yourself when things are going well

    When we live from a love equation that says "I'm only lovable when...", we are being controlled and manipulated. This leads us to invest precious time, energy, and attention on satisfying these conditions and then *maintaining* them.

    No wonder we burn out!

    Learn what do about this in today's episode:


    Looking for more guidance, tools, support, in your healing, alignment, and satisfaction?

    Start your work here: https://join.freetheself.com


    WORKSHOP: Actually Love Yourself Workshop. Learn what is preventing you from really loving yourself, learn what to do that quickly gets you the *experience* and feeling of loving yourself, and practice this live with Marshall. This happens May 25, 2024 at 10am-2pm Mountain Time. Unlimited access to the replay is included. Investment: $49.00. Join here: https://aly.freetheself.com

    The EVERYTHING FOREVER PROGRAM is OPEN! 30 seats are available this year! Get every course I've created, am creating, and will create for a one-time investment. This is ideal for those of you that want to work with me long term. Learn more here: https://forever.freetheself.com

  • Two Hidden Factors That Short Circuit Your Self-Love

    Really, actually loving yourself is a profound challenge when we come from codependency and love-is-earned relationship and family systems. We are striving to earn the love, earn the permission, become worthy, and demostrate that we deserve it.

    To break out of this prison, you need to understand the two hidden factors that keep you chasing love.

    We explore these factors in today's episode!


    Looking for more guidance, tools, support, in your healing, alignment, and satisfaction?

    Start your work here: https://join.freetheself.com


    WORKSHOP: Actually Love Yourself Workshop. Learn what is preventing you from really loving yourself, learn what to do that quickly gets you the *experience* and feeling of loving yourself, and practice this live with Marshall. This happens May 25, 2024 at 10am-2pm Mountain Time. Unlimited access to the replay is included. Investment: $49.00. Join here: https://aly.freetheself.com

    The EVERYTHING FOREVER PROGRAM is OPEN! 30 seats are available this year! Get every course I've created, am creating, and will create for a one-time investment. This is ideal for those of you that want to work with me long term. Learn more here: https://forever.freetheself.com

  • Episode: The ONE thing that absolutely prevents you from loving yourself

    Transaction, earned love teaches us that we must - MUST - seek, chase, and perform for love.

    This means we have to be "just right" in the eyes of the other or we won't get love.

    This means that when there are challenges, problems, hiccups, mistakes, love is in jeopardy.

    This means we start LIVING like we're always just on the edge of losing love.

    And that results in:

    - Anxiety about what others feel and think about us
    - anxious attachment orientation in our relationships
    - Control, perfectionism, and people-pleasing
    - Shame when we fail
    - Pressure to succeed and appear a certain way
    - Loss of real love opportunities, not being known, friendship failures
    - Depression, panic, exhaustion

    And all of this is caused by one thing: SIGNIFICANCE

    Learn how to work with this in today's episode!


    Looking for more guidance, tools, support, in your healing, alignment, and satisfaction?

    Start your work here: https://join.freetheself.com


    WORKSHOP: Actually Love Yourself Workshop. Learn what is preventing you from really loving yourself, learn what to do that quickly gets you the *experience* and feeling of loving yourself, and practice this live with Marshall. This happens May 25, 2024 at 10am-2pm Mountain Time. Unlimited access to the replay is included. Investment: $49.00. Join here: https://aly.freetheself.com

    The EVERYTHING FOREVER PROGRAM is OPEN! 30 seats are available this year! Get every course I've created, am creating, and will create for a one-time investment. This is ideal for those of you that want to work with me long term. Learn more here: https://forever.freetheself.com

  • Why You Struggle To Really, Actually Love Yourself

    When you're rewarded with praise, attention, or affection for doing something, your body will see performance and love as the same thing.

    When you're presence is met with warmth, praise, attention, or affection on a consistent basis, your body will see your existence and love as the same thing.

    You deserve to know the second form of love.

    Learn what is really going on and your first step in really, actually loving yourself in today's episode:


    Looking for more guidance, tools, support, in your healing, alignment, and satisfaction?

    Start your work here: https://join.freetheself.com


    WORKSHOP: Actually Love Yourself Workshop. Learn what is preventing you from really loving yourself, learn what to do that quickly gets you the *experience* and feeling of loving yourself, and practice this live with Marshall. This happens May 25, 2024 at 10am-2pm Mountain Time. Unlimited access to the replay is included. Investment: $49.00. Join here: https://aly.freetheself.com

    The EVERYTHING FOREVER PROGRAM is OPEN! 30 seats are available this year! Get every course I've created, am creating, and will create for a one-time investment. This is ideal for those of you that want to work with me long term. Learn more here: https://forever.freetheself.com

  • Codependency And Shame - What's Really Happening

    You cannot become free of your codependency until you break free of what I call "Your Root Identity".

    Codependency depends on a root identity.

    What is a root identity? It is an identity that you FEEL and experience as utterly true about yourself.

    You filter the world through this identity and it controls how you live your life.

    Learn what this root identity is and what do to about it so you are free from it.


    Looking for more guidance, tools, support, in your healing, alignment, and satisfaction?

    Start your work here: https://join.freetheself.com


    LIVE CLASS NOTICE: The Next FOUNDATION Live Series starts April 21st, 2024! 50 Person Limit! End codependency by creating emotional safety, aligning with real self-worth, and building warm belonging. Join here: https://foundation.freetheself.com

    The EVERYTHING FOREVER PROGRAM is OPEN! 30 seats are available this year! Get every course I've created, am creating, and will create for a one-time investment. This is ideal for those of you that want to work with me long term. Learn more here: https://forever.freetheself.com


    Frustrated with a lack of results from therapy or self-help? Join my free trainings, The 3 Simple Shifts That Unlock Real Healing, Peace, And Freedom Where Therapy & Self-help Have Failed Workshop and break through today: https://workshop.freetheself.com

  • 3 Priorities For Satisfaction If You're Codependent

    Do you often feel:

    - Empty, frustrated, or used?
    - Wonder why your life is not fulfilling or satisfied?
    - Feel lost as to what you want, value, or even need in your life?

    Codependency has us prioritizing others emotionally, physically, mentally, and even financially or intimately.

    This happens through acts of people-pleasing, perfectionism, avoiding conflict, and even trying to fix their problems for them.

    We are confusing someone else's world as our own, creating disconnection, depletion, and frustration in our experience.

    Your satisfaction, fulfillment, peace, or contentment depends on alignment - alignment with people, places, things, and purposes that naturally contribute to and nourish you.

    This kind of alignment requires that you choose yourself - repeatedly.

    Choosing yourself means you are prioritizing things that matter to you over that of other people's demands, approvals, disagreements, and expectations.

    This is where you start feeling more fulfillment, clarity, trust in yourself, and you start to experience life in *your* way.


    Get more tools, trainings, and access to opportunities to work with Marshall by joining The Heal Your Codependency Community: https://join.freetheself.com

    LIVE CLASS NOTICE: The Next FOUNDATION Live Series starts April 21st, 2024! 50 Person Limit! End codependency by creating emotional safety, aligning with real self-worth, and building warm belonging. Join here: https://foundation.freetheself.com

    The EVERYTHING FOREVER PROGRAM is OPEN! 30 seats are available this year! Get every course I've created, am creating, and will create for a one-time investment. This is ideal for those of you that want to work with me long term. Learn more here: https://forever.freetheself.com

    Frustrated with a lack of results from therapy or self-help? Join my free trainings, The 3 Simple Shifts That Unlock Real Healing, Peace, And Freedom Where Therapy & Self-help Have Failed Workshop and break through today: https://workshop.freetheself.com

  • You're Not Emotionally Blocked - You're In Need Of Love

    The term and concept called "blocks" is prevalent in the self-help and healing world. It is something that sabotaged my healing, satisfaction, and personal alignment with my purposes and joy, as I was drawn to try to fix, eliminate, and overcome these "blocks".

    This wasted over a decade of energy, time, and money in my life, leaving me highly discouraged and feeling broken.

    Then I learned what was really happening and began thriving.

    I share this discovery and how to implement it into your life right now so you aren't wasting time, energy, money, and life trying to get past your "blocks" in today's episode.

    Listen or watch below!


    Looking for more guidance, tools, support, in your healing, alignment, and satisfaction?

    Start the work here: https://join.freetheself.com


    LIVE CLASS NOTICE: The Next FOUNDATION Live Series starts April 21st, 2024! 50 Person Limit! End codependency by creating emotional safety, aligning with real self-worth, and building warm belonging. Join here: https://foundation.freetheself.com

    The EVERYTHING FOREVER PROGRAM is OPEN! 30 seats are available this year! Get every course I've created, am creating, and will create for a one-time investment. This is ideal for those of you that want to work with me long term. Learn more here: https://forever.freetheself.com


    Frustrated with a lack of results from therapy or self-help? Join my free trainings, The 3 Simple Shifts That Unlock Real Healing, Peace, And Freedom Where Therapy & Self-help Have Failed Workshop and break through today: https://workshop.freetheself.com

  • 3 Things You Must Unblend From Others If You're To Thrive

    Codependency has us blending ourselves with others.

    What is blending?

    It is confusing one's self with another's reality. An example: You know their feelings and mistake their feelings for your feelings.

    This is a common form of being enmeshed with another.

    In today's episode, I show you three critical things to unblend from others so you experience more peace, confidence, power, and healing in your daily life. This is the path to becoming free of your codependency.


    Looking for more guidance, tools, support, in your healing, alignment, and satisfaction?

    Start your work here: https://join.freetheself.com


    LIVE CLASS NOTICE: The Next FOUNDATION Live Series starts April 21st, 2024! 50 Person Limit! End codependency by creating emotional safety, aligning with real self-worth, and building warm belonging. Join here: https://foundation.freetheself.com

    The EVERYTHING FOREVER PROGRAM is OPEN! 30 seats are available this year! Get every course I've created, am creating, and will create for a one-time investment. This is ideal for those of you that want to work with me long term. Learn more here: https://forever.freetheself.com


    Frustrated with a lack of results from therapy or self-help? Join my free trainings, The 3 Simple Shifts That Unlock Real Healing, Peace, And Freedom Where Therapy & Self-help Have Failed Workshop and break through today: https://workshop.freetheself.com

  • 3 Things You Must Trust In Yourself If You're To Heal And Thrive

    Abuse and neglect conditioned you to naturally distrust yourself. You learned to discount the legitimacy of your lived experiences, the importance and value of your emotions, to seek your worth through pleasing others and being "good", and so much more.

    To heal, your distrust must be healed into trust.

    I share the 3 essential things you must begin trusting again if you're to align and thrive in your well-being, peace, and satisfaction.


    Looking for more guidance, tools, support, in your healing, alignment, and satisfaction?

    Join my work here: https://join.freetheself.com


    LIVE CLASS NOTICE: The Next FOUNDATION Live Series starts April 21st, 2024! 50 Person Limit! End codependency by creating emotional safety, aligning with real self-worth, and building warm belonging. Join here: https://foundation.freetheself.com

    The EVERYTHING FOREVER PROGRAM is OPEN! 30 seats are available this year! Get every course I've created, am creating, and will create for a one-time investment. This is ideal for those of you that want to work with me long term. Learn more here: https://forever.freetheself.com


    Frustrated with a lack of results from therapy or self-help? Join my free trainings, The 3 Simple Shifts That Unlock Real Healing, Peace, And Freedom Where Therapy & Self-help Have Failed Workshop and break through today: https://workshop.freetheself.com

  • Navigating New or Foreign Experiences That Come From Your Growth And Healing

    Adapting to new results because you're choosing different people who behave differently is challenging.

    It is also one of the more risky parts of our journey, as we may turn to old behaviors to generate a sense of safety or comfort because it is familiar.

    I share the gentle approach I teach my students that helps them successfully adapt to new experiences and increases one's sense of safety as they grow in today's episode!

    *** JOIN MY WORK

    Looking for more guidance, tools, support, in your healing, alignment, and satisfaction?

    Join my work here: https://join.freetheself.com


    LIVE CLASS NOTICE: The Next FOUNDATION Live Series starts April 21st, 2024! 50 Person Limit! End codependency by creating emotional safety, aligning with real self-worth, and building warm belonging. Join here: https://foundation.freetheself.com

    The EVERYTHING FOREVER PROGRAM is OPEN! 30 seats are available this year! Get every course I've created, am creating, and will create for a one-time investment. This is ideal for those of you that want to work with me long term. Learn more here: https://forever.freetheself.com


    Frustrated with a lack of results from therapy or self-help? Join my free trainings, The 3 Simple Shifts That Unlock Real Healing, Peace, And Freedom Where Therapy & Self-help Have Failed Workshop and break through today: https://workshop.freetheself.com

  • What secrets does your emptiness hold?

    Emptiness is often something we fear and can be really intense to confront if we're not sure why we're turning towards our emptiness.

    But what if emptiness wasn't something wrong? What if it could add deeply to your healing? What if your emptiness holds the key to more fulfillment and connection?

    Learn how to work with your emptiness and discover the secrets it has for you in today's episode!


    NURTURE is open for enrollment. Heal loneliness and emptiness and build warmth and belonging. We start March 17, 2024. Enroll here: https://nurture.freetheself.com

    EVERYTHING FOREVER PROGRAM: Get every course I offer and all future courses and never pay another dime. Learn more here: https://efp.freetheself.com

    Start your freedom and healing work with my free guide here: https://guide.freetheself.com

    Join my communities here: https://links.freetheself.com

    Discover the 3 Secrets To Healing Codependency Permanently in my free 70-minute workshop here: https://workshop.freetheself.com

  • What does it mean to fulfill or nurture a need?

    Needs are somatic - meaning they are experienced in the body, and their fulfillment is found in the body.

    This makes our needs interdependent experiences - both with you to yourself, you to others, and others to you.

    A need being fulfilled or nurtured means your body is having experiences that fulfill the desire that need has.

    Example: I want warm affection. I then reach out to a person who has warm affection for me, and we do things that are warm for me - like a movie, deep talk, making each other laugh. These are fulfilling that need.

    So, how do you know you have a need?

    You feel a hunger or yearning for something. It can be very loud or very quiet, usually growing in intensity the longer it goes without nourishment.

    Learn how needs are recongized and fulfilled in today's episode!


    NURTURE is open for enrollment. Heal loneliness and emptiness and build warmth and belonging. We start March 17, 2024. Enroll here: https://nurture.freetheself.com

    EVERYTHING FOREVER PROGRAM: Get every course I offer and all future courses and never pay another dime. Learn more here: https://efp.freetheself.com

    Start your freedom and healing work with my free guide here: https://guide.freetheself.com

    Join my communities here: https://links.freetheself.com

    Discover the 3 Secrets To Healing Codependency Permanently in my free 70-minute workshop here: https://workshop.freetheself.com

  • The 3 Sides Of Fulfilling Connection

    Feeling connection and a sense of belonging invovles the interaction of three distinct "movements" we each do towards each other and ourselves.

    When we understand these movements and deliberately involve them in our relating, we experience more fulfilling connections.

    What are these 3 movements?

    - How you relate to yourself (You-to-Yourself)

    - How you are relating to others (You-to-Others)

    - How others are relating to you (Others-to-You)

    Let's dive into each of these in today's episode!


    NURTURE is open for enrollment. Heal loneliness and emptiness and build warmth and belonging. We start March 17, 2024. Enroll here: https://nurture.freetheself.com

    Start your freedom and healing work with my free guide here: https://guide.freetheself.com

    Join my communities here: https://links.freetheself.com

    Discover the 3 Secrets To Healing Codependency Permanently in my free 70-minute workshop here: https://workshop.freetheself.com

  • Do You Have Internalized Loneliness?

    First of all, what is "Internalized Loneliness?"

    It is an enduring, profound sense of being emotionally isolated from others and from yourself.

    I visualized it as my being in a transparent glass box where I could see others, hear them, and they could see and hear me, but we could never touch emotionally.

    This box also existed within my internal experience of life. I was in a box within myself, cut off from connecting to and knowing myself. I felt cold, gray, empty, and lost.

    Another term used is "pathological loneliness". We have been alone and not-known by others for so long that it becomes our habitual, normal state of existing. Feeling lonely is "normal". Feeling like you're on the outside is the daily vibe.

    This is different from what I call "relational loneliness". Relational lonelienss is the longing to have company, companionship, and even special bonds with others. This is a normal, temporary (sometimes LONG temporary) part of our experience.

    Internalized Loneliness is a *result* of persistent, deep childhood neglect.

    Learn more about what it is and how you can heal it in today's episode!


    NURTURE is open for enrollment. Heal loneliness and emptiness and build warmth and belonging. We start March 17, 2024. Enroll here: https://nurture.freetheself.com

    Start your freedom and healing work with my free guide here: https://guide.freetheself.com

    Join my communities here: https://links.freetheself.com

    Discover the 3 Secrets To Healing Codependency Permanently in my free 70-minute workshop here: https://workshop.freetheself.com

  • 3 Tips That Take The Sting And Shame Out Of Disappointing Others

    Disappointing others is a terrifying thing when we've been rejected, discarded, and harmed by it in the past. Yet, to thrive and enjoy our lives, we must be willing to navigate this, so how do we do that?

    Today I give you three tips that take the sting, shame, and intensity out of disappointing others.

    - Tip one: acknowledge the discomfort and allow it to be ok to be there. Use the Pause-Acknowledge-Observe practice to help with this: https://freetheself.com/library/library/the-pause-acknowledge-observe-practice/

    - Tip two: Practice a bit of trust that their disappointment doesn't put you in danger or make you wrong

    - Tip three: Release the significance you give to their approval. Use the Releasing Signficance Tool to help with this: https://youtu.be/wKfJF2hmvvI


    NURTURE is open for enrollment. Heal loneliness and emptiness and build warmth and belonging. We start March 17, 2024. Enroll here: https://nurture.freetheself.com

    Start your freedom and healing work with my free guide here: https://guide.freetheself.com

    Join my communities here: https://links.freetheself.com

    Discover the 3 Secrets To Healing Codependency Permanently in my free 70-minute workshop here: https://workshop.freetheself.com