
  • 疫症當前,加上政局不穩,香港前途未卜,莘莘學子如何在這充滿未知之數的大環境下自處,透過哲學與智慧掌舵自己的人生、未來與前途?本集主持人Vincent將透過分析Stoicism(斯多葛主義)及分享自己通過這個哲學主義在人生旅途上的點點滴滴。🔥💪🏻(這是較早前Vincent在一個為全港中學生及大專學生而舉辦的分享活動的錄音)
    In light of the current circumstances (pandemic, political upheaval, uncertainty of Hong Kong's future), how should Hong Kong students navigate their lives and future through philosophy and wisdom in this environment full of unknowns? In this episode, our host Vincent Li, will analyse Stoicism and share his personal experience with Stoicism. 🔥💪🏻 (This is a recording of Vincent ’s earlier sharing at an event tailor-made for secondary and university students in Hong Kong)
    🔗Anchor: https://anchor.fm/heartchat/episodes/ep-ebf34q
    想知道更多有關 HeartChat聊心嘅資訊, 記得我地嘅
    🔗 Website: www.heartchathk.com
    🔗LinkedIn: HeartChat 聊心( linkedin.com/company/heart-chat)
    🔗Facebook: HeartChat852( https://www.facebook.com/HeartChat852/)
    🔗Instagram: heartchathk (https://www.instagram.com/heartchathk/)

  • 疫症當前,加上政局不穩,香港前途未卜,莘莘學子如何在這充滿未知之數的大環境下自處,透過哲學與智慧掌舵自己的人生、未來與前途?本集主持人Vincent將透過分析Stoicism(斯多葛主義)及分享自己通過這個哲學主義在人生旅途上的點點滴滴。🔥💪🏻(這是較早前Vincent在一個為全港中學生及大專學生而舉辦的分享活動的錄音)
    In light of the current circumstances (pandemic, political upheaval, uncertainty of Hong Kong's future), how should Hong Kong students navigate their lives and future through philosophy and wisdom in this environment full of unknowns? In this episode, our host Vincent Li, will analyse Stoicism and share his personal experience with Stoicism. 🔥💪🏻 (This is a recording of Vincent ’s earlier sharing at an event tailor-made for secondary and university students in Hong Kong)
    🔗Anchor: https://anchor.fm/heartchat/episodes/ep-ebf34q
    想知道更多有關 HeartChat聊心嘅資訊, 記得我地嘅
    🔗 Website: www.heartchathk.com
    🔗LinkedIn: HeartChat 聊心( linkedin.com/company/heart-chat)
    🔗Facebook: HeartChat852( https://www.facebook.com/HeartChat852/)
    🔗Instagram: heartchathk (https://www.instagram.com/heartchathk/)

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  • 疫症當前,加上政局不穩,香港前途未卜,莘莘學子如何在這充滿未知之數的大環境下自處,透過哲學與智慧掌舵自己的人生、未來與前途?本集主持人Vincent將透過分析Stoicism(斯多葛主義)及分享自己通過這個哲學主義在人生旅途上的點點滴滴。🔥💪🏻(這是較早前Vincent在一個為全港中學生及大專學生而舉辦的分享活動的錄音)

    In light of the current circumstances (pandemic, political upheaval, uncertainty of Hong Kong's future), how should Hong Kong students navigate their lives and future through philosophy and wisdom in this environment full of unknowns? In this episode, our host Vincent Li, will analyse Stoicism and share his personal experience with Stoicism. 🔥💪🏻 (This is a recording of Vincent ’s earlier sharing at an event tailor-made for secondary and university students in Hong Kong)



    🔗Anchor: https://anchor.fm/heartchat/episodes/ep-ebf34q

    想知道更多有關 HeartChat聊心嘅資訊, 記得我地嘅

    🔗 Website: www.heartchathk.com

    🔗LinkedIn: HeartChat 聊心( linkedin.com/company/heart-chat)

    🔗Facebook: HeartChat852( https://www.facebook.com/HeartChat852/)

    🔗Instagram: heartchathk (https://www.instagram.com/heartchathk/)

  • 主題: 從『我』走向『世界』:建立精神健康工作間

    目標: 面對環球不確定性而引起的焦慮;建立關愛公司迎接新常態

    如何: 三個層面: 我→我們→世界

    1. 處理自己面對因環球各種的不確定性引起(我)的焦慮及不安 

    通過手機上,正念(技術)及教育及活動,讓周事維持內心平靜的工具→成為有以韌力和同情心的領導者。 訓練領導者以高度意識及察覺力,建立了一支充滿同情心的團隊,可以在世界及自己動盪時期仍處變不驚,相互幫助。 #deeplistening; #深刻的#理解#同情#實踐上的同情#同情#漏洞#開放)

    2. 促進團隊之間的同情心(我們)


    3. 秉持公司『價值驅動』的目標,實現公司更大利益為長遠目標(世界)


    Key Learnings and Goals:

    Deal with workplace uncertainty (me)
    Promote compassion among team (we)
    Uphold social responsibilities  for a company to do greater good (world)

    We will explore the followings in the webinar:

    Me: Training & tool to maintain inner peace by mindfulness education (technology) →To be a leader who leads with resilience and compassion. Shown by role model.
    Me: Leading with awareness & consciousness, the leader  builds a team with compassion which can hold each other in the time of turmoil.  #deeplistening; #deepunderstanding #empathy #practicemindfulness #compassion #vulnerability #open
    We: Build teams by developing individual and team development. Pursuit of values driven instead of purpose driven.
    We: HR Provide mindful leadership training such as mindful listening; empathy/ deep understanding, be humanized; vulnerability; acceptance.
    World: How can we take social responsibilities to our shareholders and stakeholders?


    1️⃣Dr. Bechara Saab
    2️⃣Raindy Yu
    3️⃣Dr. Adrian Low 劉英健博士
    🗣Moderator: Vincent Li



    🔗Anchor: https://anchor.fm/heartchat/episodes/ep-ebf34q

    想知道更多有關 HeartChat聊心嘅資訊, 記得我地嘅

    🔗 Website: www.heartchathk.com

    🔗LinkedIn: HeartChat 聊心( linkedin.com/company/heart-chat)

    🔗Facebook: HeartChat852( https://www.facebook.com/HeartChat852/)

    🔗Instagram: heartchathk (https://www.instagram.com/heartchathk/)

  • "People underestimate their capacity for change. There is never a right time to do a difficult thing." - John Porter

    Time has come where many purpose-driven organizations are utterly struggling. Coping with the "double hit" of the economic slowdown and the community's increasing demand is never an easy task.

    However, those stories inspire us when a few change agents are able to turn crises into opportunities for their organizations and the community, and in this session, we are going to explore:
    - How do the speakers' social enterprises or NGOs respond to the current economic downturn?
    - Where to find financial and volunteer resources?
    - What are some recommended coping strategies (i.e. how to reduce the cost of operation, how to create new sales channels)?


    06:50 - Introduction of the panelists and their organisations
    17:23 - Discussion with Angelyn (ACS)
    26:45 - Discussion with Benita (Encompass HK)
    35:50 - Discussion with Jeff (ImpactHK)
    51:45 - Discussion with Warren (Good Lab)
    1:06:30 - Sum up by Vincent
    1:08:04 - Q&A


    Speakers' bio:

    Jeff Rotmeyer (Founder and CEO of ImpactHK)
    Benita Chick (Founder and CEO of Encompass HK)
    Warren Luk (CEO of Good Lab)
    Angelyn Lim (Program Director of Asian Charity Services)

    Moderator: Vincent Li (Co-founder and Team Lead of HeartChat 聊心)
    MC: Jessie Huang (Curator of Social Entrepreneurs Meetup)



    🔗Anchor: https://anchor.fm/heartchat/episodes/ep-ebf34q

    想知道更多有關 HeartChat聊心嘅資訊, 記得我地嘅

    🔗 Website: www.heartchathk.com

    🔗LinkedIn: HeartChat 聊心( linkedin.com/company/heart-chat)

    🔗Facebook: HeartChat852( https://www.facebook.com/HeartChat852/)

    🔗Instagram: heartchathk (https://www.instagram.com/heartchathk/)

  • "People underestimate their capacity for change. There is never a right time to do a difficult thing." - John Porter

    Time has come where many purpose-driven organizations are utterly struggling. Coping with the "double hit" of the economic slowdown and the community's increasing demand is never an easy task.

    However, those stories inspire us when a few change agents are able to turn crises into opportunities for their organizations and the community, and in this session, we are going to explore:
    - How do the speakers' social enterprises or NGOs respond to the current economic downturn?
    - Where to find financial and volunteer resources?
    - What are some recommended coping strategies (i.e. how to reduce the cost of operation, how to create new sales channels)?


    Speakers' bio:

    Jeff Rotmeyer (Founder and CEO of ImpactHK)
    Benita Chick (Founder and CEO of Encompass HK)
    Warren Luk (CEO of Good Lab)
    Angelyn Lim (Program Director of Asian Charity Services)

    Moderator: Vincent Li (Co-founder and Team Lead of HeartChat 聊心)
    MC: Jessie Huang (Curator of Social Entrepreneurs Meetup)



    🔗Anchor: https://anchor.fm/heartchat/episodes/ep-ebf34q

    想知道更多有關 HeartChat聊心嘅資訊, 記得我地嘅

    🔗 Website: www.heartchathk.com

    🔗LinkedIn: HeartChat 聊心( linkedin.com/company/heart-chat)

    🔗Facebook: HeartChat852( https://www.facebook.com/HeartChat852/)

    🔗Instagram: heartchathk (https://www.instagram.com/heartchathk/)

  • 最近係咪覺得自己精神超級繃緊?驚自己精神太過焦慮壓力就嚟爆燈咁濟?唔知點算好?😰
    🗣唔緊要,入嚟聊心療心室👥💬 聽下大家嘅經歴,等聊心嘅專業人士幫吓你啦!📢

    5:12 - 9:31 —— 臨床心理學家Dr. A對社會現時精神情況的分析

    9:47 - 13:54 —— 第一個聽眾的經歷分享

    14:52 - 16:33 —— 第二個聽眾的經歷分享

    17:30 - 21:14  —— 第三個聽眾的經歷分享

    22:39 - 27:20 —— 第四個聽眾的經歷分享

    27:34 - 30:10 —— 第五個聽眾對於home office的分享

    31:26 - 34:12 —— 第六個聽眾的經歷分享

    36:38 - 42:12 —— Senior Counsellor; Mindfulness Teacher Raindy Yu對處理焦慮的分享

    42:13 - 55:18 —— 國際教練聯盟 (International Coaching Federation) 認證教練Wong Ming Lok的分享

    55:18 - 01:08:08  臨床心理學家Dr. Adrian Low的分享

    01:09:23 - 01:30:20 Senior Counsellor; Mindfulness Teacher Raindy Yu對Meditation的分享及練習


    🔗Anchor: https://anchor.fm/heartchat/episodes/ep-ebf34q

    想知道更多有關 HeartChat聊心嘅資訊, 記得我地嘅

    🔗 Website: www.heartchathk.com

    🔗LinkedIn: HeartChat 聊心( linkedin.com/company/heart-chat) 

    🔗Facebook: HeartChat852( https://www.facebook.com/HeartChat852/) 

    🔗Instagram: heartchathk (https://www.instagram.com/heartchathk/)

  • 喺屋企好悶覺得冇野做?壓力爆燈唔知點算?等我哋嘅HeartChat 聊心Adviser同埋Holistic Wellness HK Co-Founder、靜觀導師兼資深輔導員Raindy Yu帶大家一齊做下靜坐式冥想,發掘下冥想嘅好處啦!🧘‍♀️



    🔗Anchor: https://anchor.fm/heartchat/episodes/ep-ebf34q

    想知道更多有關 HeartChat聊心嘅資訊, 記得我地嘅

    🔗 Website: www.heartchathk.com

    🔗LinkedIn: HeartChat 聊心( linkedin.com/company/heart-chat)

    🔗Facebook: HeartChat852( https://www.facebook.com/HeartChat852/)

    🔗Instagram: heartchathk (https://www.instagram.com/heartchathk/)