Episodi mancanti?
Hi Sister Friend,
Have you ever felt so tired and stressed out from trying to figure out what God has already said he will take care of? When you feel you have exhausted all of you, you look up and surrender.
At that point God shows you what was already in His plan: to guide you. You were probably too busy hustling to hear it. Listen in to His promises to you.
I hope this blesses you
Stay Blessed
Gemma x
Connect: herfreedomrises@gmail.com
Hey mama
I pray that as you navigate those difficult moments in life that you will find comfort and strength in Scripture. We live in a world that can trigger lots of fears in us leaving us feeling very anxious, but if we trust God, there is nothing that we can not over come.
I hope this episode blesses you.
Big Hugs
Connect: herfreedomrises@gmail.com
Hello Sister Friend,
Welcome to Her Freedom Rises Podcast.
Find inner freedom, grow closer to God, and stop living life on auto-pilot; through Scripture, Boundaries, and Self-worth.
If you are ready to surrender to what God has planned for your life, this is the podcast for you.
I pray this blesses you
Big Hugs
Hi friend,
In this episode I talk about thoughts and feelings. Our thoughts create our feelings and our feelings create our actions and our actions create our results.
It is clear that our lives are a result of the thoughts we think, but are we aware of what we are thinking?
I pray this blesses you
Big Hugs
Connect: herfreedomrises@gmail.com
Hi Sister Friend,
As children of God, we are always in some kind of battle. If it is not a health battle, it is a relationship battle, or some other kind of battle. However a lot of the time we are fighting the wrong enemy.
In this Episode I talk about the real enemy and 3 smart tactics to fight back.
Big Hugs
Connect: herfreedomrises@gmail.com
Hi Friend!
We all go through pain at some time in our lives. However, the way respond to it can determine the quality of our lives. For different reasons, many of us suppress our pain. We cover it up and dont deal with it, which can sometimes lead to many problem like anger, resentment or sometimes illness in our bodies and many more.
In this episode am going to given you a few pointer to be aware of when you are covering up your pain and 3 suggestions you can do immmediately.
I pray this blesses you!
Bigs hugs
Connect: herfreedomrises@gmail.com
Welcome to The Risen Sisterhood Show - Find Inner Freedom And Let Go Of Busy.
Are you sick of holding on to anger and resentment? Tired of numbing your pain and insecurities with busyiness? Sick of feeling discontent? I get you.
Hey, I‘m Gemma Baliba, after years of battling self- worth, anger, shame and repeated patterns of negative thinking, God restored me and renewed my hope and am here to help you do the same.
The mission of this podcast is to encourage and empower you find inner freedom, grow closer to God and stop living life on auto-pilot through faith in God’s Word, boundaries, personal growth and letting go of cultural constraints.....
I am here to help you let go of the past and write your future. As a powerful woman of colour, you are so worthy of freedom. Let‘s claim it.
If you are ready to surrender to what God has planned for your life, grab that cup of Masala chai tea and lets dig in.
In this episode, I will talk about the mission of the podcast and how it came about. I will then walk you through the pillars of the podcast so you know what to expect on the podcast.
Connect: herfreedomrises@gmail.com