Warmongering politicians and their media sycophants are morally superior people, right ?I especially love the people who beat the war drums loudest but they can't go themselves because they're too important. They're essential workers! Now enough talk about how expensive it is out there, slave, it's time for your politicians to give themselves a pay raise, okay? So, bend over.🪖STREAM LINKS:
Rumble (https://rumble.com/c/JeremyMacKenzie) Entropy (https://entropystream.live/RagingDissident)Odysee (https://odysee.com/@JeremyMacKenzie:9/rc515:0) TwitterX (https://x.com/JeremyMacKenzi)Kick (https://kick.com/ragingdissident)
• WEBSITE (https://ragingdissident.com/)• MERCH (https://thegrift.shop/) • (SUPPORT) (https://ko-fi.com/diagolon)
Epstein who? Israel what? Guns are banned ? What's a zionist? Aren't indians just as Canadian as you ?
It's incredible this place hasn't collapsed under the weight of itself.
Rumble (https://rumble.com/c/JeremyMacKenzie) Entropy (https://entropystream.live/RagingDissident)Odysee (https://odysee.com/@JeremyMacKenzie:9/rc515:0) TwitterX (https://x.com/JeremyMacKenzi)Kick (https://kick.com/ragingdissident)
• WEBSITE (https://ragingdissident.com/)• MERCH (https://thegrift.shop/) • (SUPPORT) (https://ko-fi.com/diagolon)
Episodi mancanti?
The fake and gay trade war is on and I haven't been this un-excited to watch a pitifully stupid fight since a fat drunk teenager tried to fight my fisherman friend Ryan at the Pictou tavern in 2008.
I expect it will end about the same way.
"Well, that was a very stupid idea now wasn't it?"
Rumble (https://rumble.com/c/JeremyMacKenzie) Entropy (https://entropystream.live/RagingDissident)Odysee (https://odysee.com/@JeremyMacKenzie:9/rc515:0) TwitterX (https://x.com/JeremyMacKenzi)Kick (https://kick.com/ragingdissident)
• WEBSITE (https://ragingdissident.com/)• MERCH (https://thegrift.shop/) • (SUPPORT) (https://ko-fi.com/diagolon)
The White House had a micro dick measuring contest in public today and it is difficult to determine who or what is most embarrassing about so Phil and I will just zone out into a drug induced coma in hopes we are awakened in the future by robots.
Then there's Canada, while...sigh, I can't. Give me the drugs, Phil.
Rumble (https://rumble.com/c/JeremyMacKenzie) Entropy (https://entropystream.live/RagingDissident)Odysee (https://odysee.com/@JeremyMacKenzie:9/rc515:0) TwitterX (https://x.com/JeremyMacKenzi)Kick (https://kick.com/ragingdissident)
• WEBSITE (https://ragingdissident.com/)• MERCH (https://thegrift.shop/) • (SUPPORT) (https://ragingdissident.gumroad.com/l/qjxzp)
How are enjoying the new normal ?
Please stop calling it "Trudeau's Canada" and pretending like the other 337 assholes in that god forsaken dump don't have anything to do with how absolutely fucked this place is.
When Canada feels about all politicians the same way they do about Justin Trudeau, we might get somewhere.
Until then -
Rumble (https://rumble.com/c/JeremyMacKenzie) Entropy (https://entropystream.live/RagingDissident)Odysee (https://odysee.com/@JeremyMacKenzie:9/rc515:0) TwitterX (https://x.com/JeremyMacKenzi)Kick (https://kick.com/ragingdissident)
• WEBSITE (https://ragingdissident.com/)• MERCH (https://thegrift.shop/) • (SUPPORT) (https://ragingdissident.gumroad.com/l/qjxzp)
You will live to see Phillip made horrors beyond your comprehension.
Rumble (https://rumble.com/c/JeremyMacKenzie) Entropy (https://entropystream.live/RagingDissident)Odysee (https://odysee.com/@JeremyMacKenzie:9/rc515:0) TwitterX (https://x.com/JeremyMacKenzi)Kick (https://kick.com/ragingdissident)
• WEBSITE (https://ragingdissident.com/)• MERCH (https://thegrift.shop/) • (SUPPORT) (https://ragingdissident.gumroad.com/l/qjxzp)
Thought about shaving my beard into a mustache today, but I'm not certain Canada or myself is ready for that level of extremism.
All this and more riveting excitement like plane crashes and orange man versus cartels, how many indians can Pierre Poilievre fit into a Tim Hortons - tonight at 745pm EST
I could also just go on a 2 hour unhinged breakdown over the state of road maintenance. It's hard to say, but mental illness is hard to predict. 🤗
Rumble (https://rumble.com/c/JeremyMacKenzie) Entropy (https://entropystream.live/RagingDissident)Odysee (https://odysee.com/@JeremyMacKenzie:9/rc515:0) TwitterX (https://x.com/JeremyMacKenzi)Kick (https://kick.com/ragingdissident)
• WEBSITE (https://ragingdissident.com/)• MERCH (https://thegrift.shop/) • (SUPPORT) (https://ragingdissident.gumroad.com/l/qjxzp)
Or whenever I'm finished setting this up. Late night last minute scramble mission.
845-ish ? Whenever Phil is done power vomiting in the sink. He's on one right now.
Rumble (https://rumble.com/c/JeremyMacKenzie) Entropy (https://entropystream.live/RagingDissident)Odysee (https://odysee.com/@JeremyMacKenzie:9/rc515:0) TwitterX (https://x.com/JeremyMacKenzi)Kick (https://kick.com/ragingdissident)
• WEBSITE (https://ragingdissident.com/)• MERCH (https://thegrift.shop/) • (SUPPORT) (https://ragingdissident.gumroad.com/l/qjxzp)
We're about to stop saying sorry
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• WEBSITE (https://ragingdissident.com/)• COMMUNITY (https://thegrift.shop/)• MERCH (https://thegrift.shop/) • (SUPPORT) (https://ragingdissident.gumroad.com/l/qjxzp)
Vultures and hyena's are circling Canada like the wounded animal that it is and instead of standing together to correct course, everyone is busy pointing fingers and fighting with each other after decades of eroding our national identity and unity.
How can you defend yourself if you don't know who that is ?
Rumble (https://rumble.com/c/JeremyMacKenzie) Entropy (https://entropystream.live/RagingDissident)Odysee (https://odysee.com/@JeremyMacKenzie:9/rc512:5) (Back on Odysee!)TwitterX (https://x.com/JeremyMacKenzi)Kick (https://kick.com/ragingdissident)
• WEBSITE (https://ragingdissident.com/)• COMMUNITY (https://thegrift.shop/)• MERCH (https://thegrift.shop/) • (SUPPORT) (https://ragingdissident.gumroad.com/l/qjxzp)
Food was too cheap anyway! Hail Zion Don!
Starve back better!
Rumble (https://rumble.com/c/JeremyMacKenzie) Entropy (https://entropystream.live/RagingDissident)Odysee (https://odysee.com/@JeremyMacKenzie:9/rc512:5) (Back on Odysee!)TwitterX (https://x.com/JeremyMacKenzi)Kick (https://kick.com/ragingdissident)
• WEBSITE (https://ragingdissident.com/)• COMMUNITY (https://thegrift.shop/)• MERCH (https://thegrift.shop/) • (SUPPORT) (https://ragingdissident.gumroad.com/l/qjxzp)
Orange man attack,but he also annex.
From my heart, to yours!
Rumble (https://rumble.com/c/JeremyMacKenzie) Entropy (https://entropystream.live/RagingDissident)Odysee (https://odysee.com/@JeremyMacKenzie:9/rc512:5) (Back on Odysee!)TwitterX (https://x.com/JeremyMacKenzi)Kick (https://kick.com/ragingdissident)
• WEBSITE (https://ragingdissident.com/)• COMMUNITY (https://thegrift.shop/)• MERCH (https://thegrift.shop/) • (SUPPORT) (https://ragingdissident.gumroad.com/l/qjxzp)
Trump is back, what did I miss ?
Is Canada gayer than when I left ? Oh, wow, it is. Wow.
Rumble (https://rumble.com/c/JeremyMacKenzie) Entropy (https://entropystream.live/RagingDissident)Odysee (https://odysee.com/@JeremyMacKenzie:9) (Back on Odysee!)TwitterX (https://x.com/JeremyMacKenzi)Kick (https://kick.com/ragingdissident)
• WEBSITE (https://ragingdissident.com/)• COMMUNITY (https://thegrift.shop/)• MERCH (https://thegrift.shop/) • (SUPPORT) (https://ragingdissident.gumroad.com/l/qjxzp)
Trump isn't even President yet but is already contemplating territorial expansion of America that make the Louisiana purchase look like a beer run.
It looks as though Canadians will be forced into a future as orphaned children, abandoned and betrayed by our 'leaders' to fend for ourselves between the overwhelming influence competition between the United States and China.
You can build up and stockpile as much great stuff as you like, but without the means to defend and protect it you're simply safeguarding it for someone else who can.
Rumble (https://rumble.com/c/JeremyMacKenzie) Entropy (https://entropystream.live/RagingDissident)RagingDissident.com (http://www.ragingdissident.com/)TwitterX (https://x.com/JeremyMacKenzi)Kick (https://kick.com/ragingdissident)
• WEBSITE (https://ragingdissident.com/)• COMMUNITY (https://thegrift.shop/)• MERCH (https://thegrift.shop/) • (SUPPORT) (https://ragingdissident.gumroad.com/l/qjxzp)
In 2025 the noticing goes mainstream.
Inevitably you will be forced to choose between being pro-Canadian, anti-Canadian globalism or a neutral middle ground that will be at the mercy of whoever comes out on top.
Politicians are obsolete.
Hoist the black flag.
Rumble (https://rumble.com/c/JeremyMacKenzie) Entropy (https://entropystream.live/RagingDissident)RagingDissident.com (http://www.ragingdissident.com/)TwitterX (https://x.com/JeremyMacKenzi)Kick (https://kick.com/ragingdissident)
• WEBSITE (https://ragingdissident.com/)• COMMUNITY (https://thegrift.shop/)• MERCH (https://thegrift.shop/) • (SUPPORT) (https://ragingdissident.gumroad.com/l/qjxzp)
Merry Christmas! Make it a good one, hold your family and friends close and remember the reason we all press on everyday.
See you in 2025!
Rumble (https://rumble.com/c/JeremyMacKenzie) Entropy (https://entropystream.live/RagingDissident)RagingDissident.com (http://www.ragingdissident.com/)TwitterX (https://x.com/JeremyMacKenzi)Kick (https://kick.com/ragingdissident)
• WEBSITE (https://ragingdissident.com/)• COMMUNITY (https://thegrift.shop/)• MERCH (https://thegrift.shop/) • (SUPPORT) (https://ragingdissident.gumroad.com/l/qjxzp)
Evidently threats and kidnappings weren't enough to take Phil seriously and internet issues persist.
Today we've taken some extra exxxtremist measures but still experiencing disconnects and service outages. Short of building a tower of my own with interlocking arcs of a satellite array, I'm out of options after being 4 internet providers deep.
It seemed somewhat stabilized but if the problem continues, I will upload the stream after I finish as with the previous two or three on Rumble and look into alternatives like uploading pre-recorded streams in the interim.
Rumble (https://rumble.com/c/JeremyMacKenzie) Entropy (https://entropystream.live/RagingDissident)RagingDissident.com (http://www.ragingdissident.com/)TwitterX (https://x.com/JeremyMacKenzi)Kick (https://kick.com/ragingdissident)
• WEBSITE (https://ragingdissident.com/)• COMMUNITY (https://thegrift.shop/)• MERCH (https://thegrift.shop/) • (SUPPORT) (https://ragingdissident.gumroad.com/l/qjxzp)
Rumble (https://rumble.com/c/JeremyMacKenzie) Entropy (https://entropystream.live/RagingDissident)RagingDissident.com (http://www.ragingdissident.com/)TwitterX (https://x.com/JeremyMacKenzi)Kick (https://kick.com/ragingdissident)
• WEBSITE (https://ragingdissident.com/)• COMMUNITY (https://thegrift.shop/)• MERCH (https://thegrift.shop/) • (SUPPORT) (https://ragingdissident.gumroad.com/l/qjxzp)
A day late, underfunded and totally incomprehensible but still better than Canada Post.
Rumble (https://rumble.com/c/JeremyMacKenzie) Entropy (https://entropystream.live/RagingDissident)RagingDissident.com (http://www.ragingdissident.com/)TwitterX (https://x.com/JeremyMacKenzi)Kick (https://kick.com/ragingdissident)
• WEBSITE (https://ragingdissident.com/)• COMMUNITY (https://thegrift.shop/)• MERCH (https://thegrift.shop/) • (SUPPORT) (https://ragingdissident.gumroad.com/l/qjxzp)
> Guns banned> Speech censored> Courts bought> Protesting outlawed> Month after month record violent crime> Highest cost and lowest standard of living worse than the 1930s depression
Soft, mushy headed Canadians will insist everything is fine while the state collects the final infinity stones required to ensure their mass murder.
Rumble (https://rumble.com/c/JeremyMacKenzie) Entropy (https://entropystream.live/RagingDissident)RagingDissident.com (http://www.ragingdissident.com/)TwitterX (https://x.com/JeremyMacKenzi)Kick (https://kick.com/ragingdissident)
• WEBSITE (https://ragingdissident.com/)• COMMUNITY (https://thegrift.shop/)• MERCH (https://thegrift.shop/) • (SUPPORT) (https://ragingdissident.gumroad.com/l/qjxzp)
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