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  • It’s Kolohe day!!! Kolohe is a professional surfer with an amazing perspective on his sport and competition. You do not want to miss this interview. You will gain huge perspective on what’s really important to have a long and successful career. We loved our time with Kolohe and we know you will too!

    Find Kolohe here: https://instagram.com/koloheandino24?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

    And the official trailer to Reckless Isolation here: https://youtu.be/1ztYxKa9_q4

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  • Buckle up champions. GOLF THIS WEEK! And it is ALL ABOUT THE POWER OF the mind and those that influence it. We are back with one of the best stories we have ever heard. It is the story of Max Mylett and the leadership of his father Ed mylett. We hear how Ed had to change his belief to lead and empower his son to transform before his eyes. Through the game of golf, we learn of a defining moment that changed the trajectory of Max’s whole life. A young boy and a dad not ready to give in or give up on his son. We learn the power that we as parents, teachers, and coaches have to pour belief into a child and fire them up to claim what they have worked for. We are reminded that with the right influence - the mind of a child is so malleable and quick to change. Rememnber Champions. During times of doubt, frustration and low confidence. You can turn the tide. ENJOY. And carry on.

    Find Max here:

    And the dad who raised him here:


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  • This one is for the parents. You told us you want to learn from not only the champions but the parents of champions. The support team. The wind beneath their wings.

    Kim Skinner tells the drama filled behind the highlights story of raising a champion. Olympic silver medalist Gymnast Mykyla Skinner

    One of The greatest gifts a parent can give a child is the gift of Belief. Be the one that says “ you can do it” not the one that says… “not many people do that” and feed your kids the stories of champions to build their belief so that they have the mindset.” If they can do it. I can do it”

    1:35 - How Mykayla Skinner ended up in the gym
    13:40 - Not letting other competitors get in your head
    20:22 - Dealing with disappointment
    30:48 - Improving through adversity
    35:39 - The team effort


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  • A Story of grit, persistence, faith, disappointment, sweet sweet victories, and never giving up. Learn from the darling of the Tokyo Olympics . Gymnast and Olympic silver medalist Mykayla Skinner.

    Find Mykyla on youtube



    3:13 - Mykayla's start in gymnastics
    12:31 - Mykayla at the Rio Olympics
    25:24 - Fear over COVID ruining the olympics
    29:52 - 2021 Olympics
    49:21 - Having a fighting mentality
    58:22 - Mykayla's sacrifices to reach her goals
    60:13 - Mykayla's gymnastics superpower
    64:20 - Overcoming struggle and heartbreak


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  • Part of your Champion's journey will entail overcoming all kinds of obstacles. Some will be battles in your own mind, some battles will be with illness and maybe injury. This is life.

    This powerful mediation/ visualization exercise will be a tool that you can turn to over again. Healing is your divine right. Claim it. When you are healthy, we recommend doing the meditation once a week for a total mind-body powerup. If you are dealing with illness, pain, injury or limiting beliefs - do this meditation every day until you are at full health.

    The endurance and uncertainty of an injury and illness is emotionally exhausting. In those times depression is real.. we can feel lost, drained, hopeless, or scared about what's next. These are times we can turn to meditation, visualization and prayer to change the tide of our thoughts and beliefs which in turn is affirming your body's ability to heal. If you are caught in a negative thought cycle and obsessed with your pain, injury or illness - you'll only move downward and attract more pain, injury and illness into your life. What you focus on expands, and you give power to what you worry about. So....Dig in and retrain your brain to focus on perfect health.


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  • Visualization is a skill. This episode will help guide your daily practice towards mastering this skill. Have you tried our 7 minute visualization yet? Did you have trouble conjuring up images of the process not just the end dream. We give you some real life examples to help. Keep practicing. Don’t give up. With practice it will become easier and soon you will look forward to the practice because it makes you feel so good. You are in control of your mind.

    4:27 - Really expanding on visualizations
    8:35 - Visualizing with different sports
    11:50 - Guiding and Goals
    16:41 - Learning your child's love languages


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  • If you’ve been listening to our stories of champions you will hear the word journalling over and over. You can begin now. Start with just a few minutes a day. This episode will give you some pointers.

    1:09 - Consistent journaling
    2:21 - Reflecting at the end of the day
    4:10 - Winning Image Story
    6:04 - Journaling examples


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  • Join us and develop the most powerful thing you have. Your mind. Champions in life work on their vision and belief every day. Vision and belief are a muscle and they get strong from work and atrophy with disuse.

    You don’t have to be a kid with big dreams to do this. April and Rowena are joining their kids with big dreams and leading by example by doing this daily exercise for their own dreams & goals in health, parenting and business.

    Join our families in our 30 day challenge of daily visualization & affirmations.

    In just 12 minutes a day.

    You can change your world.

    Best Upon waking. Or going to sleep. Or parents if kids are resistant play softly after they have gone to sleep.

    But even if it is listening over cereal or on the drive to school! Do it! Commit to 30 days and see if you can turn this practice into a habit you don’t want to live without.

    Welcome. You are about to begin a journey in your minds eye that will support you in bringing about your greatest desires, dreams and prayers. So Let’s go. Get comfortable, Close your eyes, and take a deep breath in

    And Let that breath out slowly and fully.

    Your mind feels relaxed; your body feels relaxed. All is well.

    Bring that big dream up clear into your mind right now. Or it might be a little dream. What ever you desire. Think of it .

    breath in.

    And out.

    Think of someone who has done what you want to do. Say to yourself. If they can do it. I can do it.

    Keep Thinking of your dream…. Suspend all your disbelief. Step into the field of possibility.

    What do you see?

    What do you feel?

    Now tap into what it WOULD feel like If you were confident. Powerful and unstoppable.

    What would it look and feel like

    if lyour belief in yourself was so big

    that you knew for certain your dream would be a reality.

    How would you think?

    How would you talk to yourself?

    How would you hold yourself?

    HOW WOULD Walk

    What courageous actions would you take?

    What are your daily habits?

    Breath into any resistance to these positive feelings. And let it GO

    Breath into to HOPE

    Feel your COURAGE rising up.

    See yourself now in your minds eye with a decided heart. Living on purpose.

    With a deep love for all the reasons WHY you began your champion journey.


    Day after day

    Month after month

    Maybe even Year after year

    You remember your why… and

    You say to yourself.

    One more day

    I never give up

    See yourself making the sacrifices.

    Giving up the good for the great.

    you have the will to pay the price of success

    Because you have a dream big enough to keep you in the game for a long time

    And you’ve got some magic inside of you.

    The magic of belief .

    Feel the gratitude growing in your heart from the lessons learned and strength forged through failure.

    SEE YOUR SELF NOW celebrating the small victories that propel you on your champion’s journey.

    See your self mastering any habits or skills you will need to be living your dream life.

    It feels so good to be disciplined.

    You go to bed early

    You rise early

    You put in the time to master your craft and your mind

    You fuel your body with the right foods

    You listen to your body and your intuition

    You have faith in your creator

    And belief in yourself

    Every day in every way you are getting better and better.

    Bring up more images of the life you are creating and the experiences you want to have.

    You are on fire

    And your world is starting to take notice

    And YOU start to notice this unstoppable confidence building up within you. You GOT this. Clench your fist now and say yesss.

    It’s happening.

    You are surrounded by the most amazing community….supportive people who get you and believe in you. Champions who help you rise.

    Breath in and breatn out

    You really could not be any luckier… everything is working out for you.

    Even when it looks like it is not.

    Breath in and breath out

    See yourself doing the actions you have been dreaming of.

    See yourself being the person you have envisioned

    What does that feel lilke?

    You are loving the person YOU are becoming

    Sometimes the journey is hard. But You put the fear and doubt in your back pocket And you carry on.

    When the dream seems so far, you lean into belief & gratitude.

    Send yourself love and confidence

    And say with joy.

    “ i Never give up”

    One more day.

    Breath in breath out.

    And then. One day. the work in the dark starts showing up. A massive explosion of success is coming. You’ve got that winners feeling.

    Breath in long and deep

    Let it go.

    See it now. Feel it now. That big dream…. See yourself in the success you want.

    Vividly imagine this victory now… Whatever that looks like for you

    What are you doing?

    What is happening.

    What do you hear.

    What do you feel.

    Let your heart burst with satisfaction. Let it flow. Look at you go…..You did it!!!

    You sit for a moment in a silent prayer of gratitude.

    Remembering the moment when this was just a dream and not the reality of your life.

    See all the blessings that are coming because you had a decided heart. You are so worthy of it all

    Breath in breath out

    You feel like a Giant. You have built your confidence and belief in yourself so strong that your shoulders are broad enough for others to stand on. They look to you like you look to your heroes. You can sit at the champions table.

    Give yourself a fist clench right now.

    And say yessss. Celebrate yourself.

    This feeling is JOY. The joy of self mastery. Of doing what you said you would.


  • Tribe. We are so happy you are here. Give yourself a fist clench for showing up and doing the work. Belief is a muscle and you have to train it. So let’s BEGIN with daily affirmations. This is implanting beliefs about yourself and your life. With consistent practice. This daily activity paired with the actions you are taking achieve your dreams and goals will build your belief in yourself.

    Get comfortable, Close your eyes, and take a deep breath in And Let that breath out slowly and fully.

    Your mind feels relaxed; your body feels relaxed. All is well.

    Say these with me out loud…… or in your mind.

    I am a champion

    I am strong

    I am smart

    I am healthy

    I am powerful

    I am unstoppable

    I am confident

    I am humble

    I never give up

    I am positive

    I am intuitive

    Everything works out for me

    Everybody loves me

    I am the luckiest

    I am a fast learner

    I am a hard worker

    I have fun

    I can do anything I put my mind to

    I am coachable

    I am honest

    I take responsibility

    I am Beautiful

    I find the joy in the journey

    I look for the lessons

    I see the good in all things

    I have amazing friends

    I can do hard things and I welcome the hard.

    I know how to go with the flow and attract what I want through joy.

    I attract the right people to help me in my journey

    I help others

    I have so many amazing people supporting me

    I am grateful

    I am courageous

    I face every challenge with confidence;

    I have faith as I learn and grow.

    I am disciplined

    I am limitless

    I am attracting everything I want

    I never give up

    I am worth all of my dreams.

    I am the master of my fate

    I am the captain of my soul

    I am blessed

    Life is fun & beautiful

    My life is full of abundance

    Every day in every way. I am getting better and better

    My light is possibility for others

    I Love my life

    add anything else you want to believe about yourself and your life.

    All is well.


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  • Tribe…have some fun with this one!

    If you play along and join us in this exercise… you are creating your Champion’s Journey in your minds eye first.

    This is your winning image story. A story created by your dreams and beliefs. It is a place where anything is possible.

    We suggest you download this episode and play it to yourself once a day. Make visualizing daily a habit. Champions work on their vision daily. This exercise is working on your Vision! It might feel weird and hard at first. But like any new skill. You got to work at it consistently to master it. If you have been listening to the stories of champions you will see that visualization is one of the skills dreamer needs to bring the dream into reality.
    This exercise is great for the young and the old and not just for an athlete but anyone with a even a small goal and a tiny dream who wants to harness the incredible power of their mind.

    We begin the visualization with implanting some beliefs because belief is everything.

    Your beliefs become your thoughts,

    Your thoughts become your words,

    Your words become your actions,

    Your actions become your habits,

    Your habits become your values,

    And Your values become…..your destiny.

    Let’s do this. Whatever your dream is.

    You GOT it.


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  • We chat about the stories of champions so far…We get a little personal in this episode and talk about the lessons… How we are using the podcast as a tool in our own families. How the kids are responding. It’s everything we ever dreamed of. Sharing the froth.


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  • Meet the winningest snowboarder in history, Kelly Clark. We are going to hear some stories from an astonishing 20-year career of competition. Kelly is a trailblazer and a dominant force of nature wired to continually raise her own bar and inspiring others to do the same. She is a woman of faith and purpose with a mission to inspire and pursue their potential and be who they were created to be. Kelly has 3 Olympic medals and

    78 wins… But her life goes so much deeper and higher than winning. She’s the pure example that being a champion is an inside job. Her life is the message.

    7:07 - Life-changing decisions from Kelly's childhood
    10:09 - The burden of pressure
    19:32 - Living with nervousness
    33:59 - It can be scary to dream
    37:32 - There are no self-made athletes
    46:00 - Living life to YOUR fullest

    Connect with Kelly on IG

    Buy her book “inspired”

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  • Champion Tribe.. we get to meet Jonny Mosley today. He is considered the top ten most influential skiers of all time…of all time! His vision and courage was literally the catalyst that changed the sport of freestyle skiing forever.

    He is the 1998 Olympic Champion. And then broke convention completely at the 2002 Olympics, ruffled some feathers and moved skiing towards the place freeride skiing is now. Johnny is also A TV PERSONALITY, A speaker, A BRAND AMBASSADOR, A product developer And a family man raising two boys. We’re so pumped for you to dig into brain and stories and learn.

    6:04 - Weekend Parents
    16:33 - Protective Ego
    27:30 - Making the hard sacrifices
    37:16 - Defying those who don't support you
    44:04 - Jonny on SNL
    51:53 - Being a self-promoter
    56:21 - What does a champion mean to you?

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  • Breaking down our chat with Nikita Ducarroz is Swiss & American freestyle BMX rider. The cliff notes version to give you the gold. But go Listen to her amazing story on how she overcame severe anxiety. From not being able to leave her house to now traveling the world as a Redbull Athlete living her life by design. She is a powerhosue in mental skills and recently won the Bronze medal at the Tokyo Olympics in BMX Freestyle. Nikita is someone you will want to follow for life.

    Keep up with her on IG


    and her Instagam sharing stories & conversations about #MentalHealth shared by the action sports community and beyond 🤟🏼

    A day in the life

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  • Nikita Ducarroz is Swiss & American freestyle BMX rider. Listen to her amazing story on how she overcame severe anxiety. From not being able to leave her house to now traveling the world as a Redbull Athlete living her life by design. She is a powerhosue in mental skills and recently won the Bronze medal at the Tokyo Olympics in BMX Freestyle. Nikita is someone you will want to follow for life.

    Keep up with her on IG


    and her Instagam sharing stories & conversations about #MentalHealth shared by the action sports community and beyond 🤟🏼

    A day in the life

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  • Our conversation with Kai Lenny was the best. Go check out the full episode. Here we break it down. Kai is a man of many talents and extremely diverse in his sport…or sports. He is a big wave surfer, stand-up paddle surfer and racer, windsurfer, kite surfer, and foiler. According to the WSL he is considered one of this generation's ultimate watermen. He won the Nazare Tow surfing challenge in 2020, he is a 7x SUP world champion, he is a world champion in kite surfing and this year he won the redbull biggest paddle award and the red bull performer of the year award. He is incredibly innovative and continues to take his sport to the next level. What we love is his mind. Get into it.



    The incredible life of Kai Lenny

    Kai's Youtube chanel

    biggest paddle



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  • Meet Kai Lenny. He is a man of many talents and extremely diverse in his sport…or sports. He is a big wave surfer, stand-up paddle surfer and racer, windsurfer, kite surfer, and foiler. According to the WSL he is considered one of this generations ultimate waterman. He won the Nazare Tow surfing challenge in 2020, he is a 7x SUP world champion, he is a world champion in kite surfing and this year he won the redbull biggest paddle award and the red bull performer of the year award. He is incredibly innovative and continues to take his sport to the next level. What we love is his mind. Get into it.

    1:43 - Kai's extreme confidence at 4 years old
    8:41 - The importance of Role Models
    13:37 - Don't let quitting become a habit
    25:22 - Being Open-Minded, Not Having a Big Head, and Having Fun
    38:05 - Confronting fear
    44:30 - Exercises for dealing with fear



    The incredible life of Kai Lenny

    Kai's Youtube chanel

    biggest paddle



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  • We break down the story of Vance Law to give you the mindset strengths that we heard. Vance was a pro baseball player for 14 years. Playing for the Pitsburg Pirates Pirates, (Chicago White Sox, the Montreal Expos, the Chicago Cubs and Oakland Athletics. He played pro in Japan and went on to coach College Baseball for 10 years.
    He is a committed husband and father to five who dared to dream and worked to live that dream.

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