
  • This episode is personal for me. Over the past six months, I’ve explored the ADHDer's inner critic intensively, drawing insights from influential books like “Healing the Shame That Binds You,” “Complex PTSD: From Surviving to Thriving,” and “Rethinking Adult ADHD.” While the inner critic isn’t a formal symptom of ADHD, it profoundly impacts those of us with the disorder.

    In this episode, we start by examining how negative self-talk, often rooted in childhood criticism and toxic relationships, affects adults with ADHD. This inner critic can lead to self-hate and hypervigilance, causing toxic shame and hindering personal growth. I share my own struggles with shame rumination and the challenge of cultivating a positive inner voice, emphasizing the importance of self-compassion.

    To combat negative self-talk, I suggest strategies like journaling, verbalizing criticisms, and using thought-stopping techniques. Recognizing and documenting positive aspects of life can foster a healthier self-perception. Additionally, support systems like trauma-informed therapy and specialized coaching programs play a vital role in managing the inner critic and associated shame.

    Managing the inner critic is challenging but achievable with the right strategies and support systems. Want my help? Join FOCUSED for an entire course with a step-by-step process on how ADHDers can quiet their inner critic.

    Here are the 2 studies I mention In the episode:
    Peer Functioning in Children with ADHD
    Peer victimization in children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

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  • In this episode we are diving deep into the world of adult ADHD, addressing common misconceptions, and highlighting the unique characteristics that make adult ADHD so distinct.

    I break down 10 of the symptoms of ADHD and explain in detail how they show up in your daily life. If you think you might have adult ADHD or you want a refresher on what it means to have ADHD, you're going to love this ep!

    Symptoms List
    Diagnostic Criteria
    Coaching for adults with ADHD

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  • Meet my sister, Adrienne Himelright. In this episode, we dive deep into our shared experiences with ADHD and the all-too-familiar challenges of people-pleasing. Adrienne opens up about her struggles, including sharing a story where people-pleasing led her to drain her retirement account.

    Adrienne coaches people every single day on how to stop people-pleasing and in this episode, she shares a step-by-step process of how ADHDers can STOP people-pleasing. She even has a resource for you on her website Meet my sister, Adrienne Himelright. In this episode, we dive deep into our shared experiences with ADHD and the all-too-familiar challenges of people-pleasing. Adrienne opens up about her struggles, including sharing a story where people-pleasing led her to drain her retirement account.

    Adrienne coaches people every single day on how to stop people-pleasing and in this episode, she shares a step-by-step process of how ADHDers can STOP people-pleasing. She even has a resource for you on her website.

    Adrienne Himelright Coaching
    Find Adrienne on Instagram HERE

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  • Stacy Scott is a feng shui practitioner and decluttering expert who has so much wisdom to share about how our environments impact our self-concept and personal growth. You won’t want to miss this transformative conversation!

    We delve into the influence of childhood experiences on adult behaviors related to clutter. Stacy shares insights on how chaos and even trauma from our early years can shape our relationship with our living spaces. She also touches on the pitfalls of striving for minimalism, cautioning that it can sometimes lead to neglecting our self-worth.

    The conversation takes a critical look at societal pressures, particularly on women and mothers, to maintain perfect homes. Instead of unrealistic expectations, Stacy advocates for support and understanding.

    For those of us with ADHD, maintaining morning routines and managing clutter can be incredibly challenging. Stacy offers practical advice and emphasizes the importance of addressing the shame and overwhelm that often accompany these struggles. We also critique the rigid norms of minimalism and cleanliness that society imposes on us.

    The takeaway? You're allowed to be messy!

    You can find Stacy Scott on Instagram, TikTok and YouTube!

    Come hang out with me on Instagram HERE.

    AG1 by Athletic Greens

  • Join me in welcoming my friend and colleague, Paula Engebretson! In this episode, we dive into productivity strategies, managing emails, and how tools like ChatGPT can make a difference in our daily lives. Paula’s focus on productivity and my passion for personal growth blend perfectly in this engaging and insightful conversation.
    One of the highlights of our conversation is the practical advice Paula provides on email management. She breaks down different types of emails and offers strategies to keep your inbox clutter-free. From thought downloads to responding to emails from the bottom up, Paula’s tips are game-changers. We also touch on the emotional complexities tied to unsubscribing and how grounding processes can help manage feelings of overwhelm and anxiety.
    We dive into additional strategies for managing deadlines and tasks, emphasizing the importance of setting realistic timelines and using techniques like “body doubling” for productivity. Paula introduces ChatGPT as a valuable tool for individuals with ADHD, aiding in communication, planning, and time management. I share how ChatGPT has enhanced my professional communication, helping me draft emails and create show notes from podcast transcripts. It’s like having a supportive friend that aids in idea iteration and communication improvement.
    This episode is packed with resources for managing prioritization and productivity, including Paula’s own “I’m Busy Being Awesome” podcast and various coaching options. Whether you’re looking to improve your email management, understand your ADHD strengths, or find new tools to boost productivity, this episode has something for everyone.

    Podcast episode link: Episode 255: An ADHD ChatGPT GuideWorkbook: https://imbusybeingawesome.com/chatInstagram: ImbusybeingawesomeTikTok: Imbusybeingawesome

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    AG1 by Athletic Greens

  • I’m thrilled to share a deeply insightful conversation with my mentor, Africa Brooke. Africa’s latest book, “The Third Perspective,” dives into the complex realms of self-sabotage and censorship, and in our discussion, we unpack the significance of moving beyond binary thinking in today’s society.

    In this episode, Africa and I explore the evolutionary roots of societal pressures to conform and the vital importance of brave expression and embracing nuance, especially amidst the increasing intolerance we see around us.

    We delve into the personal challenges that come with non-conformity, particularly for those of us with ADHD or from dysfunctional backgrounds. Africa sheds light on the internal conflict between being authentic and staying safe, emphasizing how self-censorship in relationships often leads to deep dissatisfaction.

    One of the standout moments in our conversation is Africa’s reflection on her open letter, “Why I’m Leaving the Cult of Wokeness,” which she penned during the pandemic. This letter critiques the intense societal pressures surrounding racial justice and public health debates, touching on the painful conflict between staying true to oneself and feeling like a traitor to others. We also tackle the implications of cancel culture and the paramount importance of authenticity over conformity.

    Africa and I discuss the intricacies of identity, activism, and the unique pressures faced by women online, particularly the phenomenon of “context collapse.” This is where our curated online personas can lead to misunderstandings. We advocate for acknowledging personal contradictions and fostering curiosity and awareness, especially for neurodivergent individuals who may struggle with black-and-white thinking.

    I hope you found this episode as enlightening and empowering as I did. Africa's insights are a powerful reminder of the importance of authenticity, bravery, and nuance in our lives.

    Why I'm Leaving the Cult of Wokeness

    The Third Perspective

    More about Africa Brooke

    Hang out with Kristen on Instagram HERE.

  • I'm celebrating my 20th wedding anniversary with my husband Greg by having him on the podcast today! We’ll be diving into the ups and downs of our relationship, how we’ve navigated the challenges brought on by the early pandemic, and how we’ve grown individually and together over the past two decades. So, grab your favorite beverage, get cozy, and join us for an intimate conversation about love, life, and ADHD.

    We’ve both learned so much about compassion, communication, and the importance of accepting each other’s flaws. We’ve grown a lot in managing conflicts and emotional regulation, and today, we’re sharing some insights from a recent disagreement that actually showcased our improved conflict management skills.

    As parents of neurodivergent children, we’ve had to shift our expectations and communication strategies. Instead of trying to force habits, we’ve learned to accept our children’s inherent traits, which has made a world of difference in our family dynamics.

    Greg and I also want to offer some advice for maintaining a successful marriage, especially when ADHD is part of the equation. We can’t stress enough the importance of grace, mercy, apologizing, compromising, and making time for connection. Long-term partnerships are complex, but with proactive communication, mindfulness, and understanding each other’s emotional experiences, they can also be incredibly rewarding.

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    AG1 by Athletic Greens

  • Dyslexia expert Natalie Brooks joins me today to dive deep into the interplay between ADHD and dyslexia, exploring the importance of recognizing multiple neurodiversities.

    Natalie shares her personal experiences with dyslexia and sheds light on its overlap with ADHD. Get ready for an enlightening conversation that uncovers the challenges and triumphs of living with multiple neurodivergencies.

    Natalie critiques common misconceptions about dyslexia, particularly the notion that dyslexic individuals are overly verbose yet struggle with clarity and editing. She contrasts her supportive educational journey, aided by a dedicated dyslexic unit, with her parents’ negative experiences due to undiagnosed conditions.

    Obtaining a dyslexia diagnosis as an adult is another crucial topic we touch upon, acknowledging the financial and personal challenges it entails. Natalie emphasizes that while a formal diagnosis can provide exam accommodations, self-identification is often accepted in workplaces. She shares her own journey towards an ADHD diagnosis, highlighting the validation received from knowledgeable friends and the varying needs for recognition among individuals based on their past experiences.

    As we wrap up this insightful episode, Natalie and I emphasize the importance of confidence building and healing within supportive communities. We encourage you to connect with others facing similar struggles to foster self-acceptance and personal growth.

    Dyslexia In Adults
    Instagram - dyslexia_in_adults

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  • Andrea Ashley is the host of the Adult Child podcast. She's blazing the trail in recovering from addiction and Complex PTSD. Andrea and I dive into a heartfelt conversation about the intricate web of ADHD, trauma, dysfunctional families, and Complex PTSD. Andrea shares her powerful personal journey, from growing up in a dysfunctional family to her profound realizations about trauma and healing.

    Reflecting on her past, Andrea discusses her mother’s alcoholism and how she was unfairly scapegoated within her family. She emphasizes the importance of recognizing deeper family issues and seeking help, explaining how accumulated experiences contribute to trauma, rather than just major events.

    We delve into the concept of Complex PTSD, childhood shaping beliefs, and the impact of emotional neglect on self-development. Andrea’s healing journey is a central theme, highlighting inner child work, coping mechanisms, and the launch of her own podcast. She talks about dealing with abandonment wounds, self-care, and the challenges and growth involved in the healing process.

    We also touch on Andrea’s struggles with phone addiction, attention span issues, and her ADHD diagnosis. She explains how social media and intense content preferences have impacted her addiction and shares her efforts to reduce shame by being open about her story. Andrea underscores the importance of community healing through support groups for childhood trauma and neurodivergence.

    I hope you find today’s conversation with Andrea Ashley as enlightening and inspiring as I did. Her journey of self-discovery, healing, and growth is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. If you’re dealing with similar issues, know that you’re not alone and that seeking help can make all the difference. Don’t forget to check out Andrea’s podcast her community, The Shitshow.

    Are You An Adult Child?
    Laundry List of Adult Child Behaviors
    Toxic Family Test
    Adult Child Podcast
    Andrea's Shitshow Community

  • For the longest time, I denied having any trauma, but through therapy and a ton of research, I’ve come to realize its significant impact on my life and my ADHD.
    In today's episode, I discuss what trauma is and provide definitions and resources, especially focusing on Complex PTSD and its links to ADHD. One of the key takeaways is understanding how our experiences and the way we handle them can shape our mental health. For example, proper support and validation can prevent traumatic outcomes, as highlighted by trauma expert Peter Levine.
    I also delve into various types of trauma and the importance of creating safe environments. This is particularly crucial for neurodivergent individuals like us, as unhealed emotional wounds can have profound effects on how we show up in the world. I even share a personal story about my son to illustrate how validation, support, and protection can prevent lasting trauma.
    A significant part of our conversation revolves around the ongoing debate about whether ADHD is caused by trauma or genetics. While unaddressed trauma can mimic ADHD symptoms, it’s crucial to differentiate and understand both. We explore Complex PTSD and how emotional flashbacks can resemble the ADHD trait of emotional dysregulation. I also talk about the trauma responses—fight, flight, freeze, and fawn—and share my personal experiences, including how I’ve often suppressed my true self for safety.
    Finally, I recommend some fantastic resources such as books by Dr. Bruce Perry and Pete Walker, and even suggest trauma assessments. I can’t emphasize enough the importance of seeking therapy with a trauma-informed therapist. Addressing our past wounds is essential for personal growth and overall well-being. This episode is a deep dive into a subject that’s both personal and universal. Thank you for joining me in this exploration. Remember, you are not alone, and there are resources and support systems available to help you through this.
    What Happened to You
    Complex PTSD: From Surviving to Thriving - Free with a Spotify Subscription
    Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Questionnaire
    Multidimensional ADHD Symptom Profiles
    Toxic Family Test
    Check out this Episode on YouTube!

  • In today’s episode, I’m joined by the woman who trained ME as a coach, the incredible Sara Fisk. Sara helps people pleasers stop avoiding difficult conversations, and let me tell you, we GET INTO IT on this episode.

    From understanding ADHD symptoms in adulthood to dealing with perimenopause, this conversation covers it all. We also explore the concept of being an “ex good girl,” focusing on self-care and moving away from people-pleasing behaviors.

    Sara shares her reflections on her Mormon upbringing, achievements, and the challenges of moving from a rule-based system to making choices based on personal preferences. For both of us, our ADHD diagnoses clarified a lot of past behaviors related to rejection sensitivity and constant pleasing. This shift has allowed us to make decisions for our personal satisfaction rather than conforming to societal norms.

    Throughout our conversation, we delve into the importance of prioritizing personal values over seeking approval from others. We discuss how shame, anxiety, and fear can impact decision-making and the need to embrace our emotions.

    Sara’s training in somatic experiencing and internal family systems has helped her redirect self-criticism and assert control over her decisions and emotions. We highlight the significance of building an internal dialogue, working with emotions, setting boundaries, and being assertive, especially for individuals with ADHD.

    We wrap up our conversation by emphasizing the importance of self-acceptance, authenticity, and navigating emotions with compassion. Sarah and I share our personal experiences of embracing vulnerability and finding strength through prioritizing our needs in relationships. It’s been such a powerful discussion, and I hope you find it as enlightening as I did. Remember, you’re not alone in this journey, and there’s a whole community here to support you.

    Get in touch with Sara Fisk

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  • Special shoutout to @adhdwithjennafree on IG for the term 'local sober'.

    Research shows that people with ADHD are at high risk for alcohol dependence.

    In this episode, I open up about the struggle of using alcohol as a nightly aid to combat insomnia, anxiety, and emotional overwhelm, only to realize the negative consequences it had on my sleep and overall well-being.

    Reflecting on my experience during Dry January, I discovered the extent of my cravings and how they misaligned with my values, prompting a reevaluation of my relationship with alcohol.

    Tune in as we explore the higher risk of alcohol use disorder among those with ADHD, and what that can mean for us.

    In the final segment, I share my approach to embracing "local sober," where I only drink on special occasions away from home.

    I recommend resources such as Alcoholics Anonymous, reaching out to a friend, and the Sober Awkward podcast. Additionally, for women, I highly recommend the work of Emily Lynn Paulson and her program Sober Mom Squad.

    Binge Drinking And Your Body - Mayo Clinic
    How Addictive is Alcohol?
    Understanding Alcohol Use Disorder
    How Chronic Drinking Increases Cortisol Levels

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  • What if mastering your emotions could radically improve your relationships?

    Join me as we explore the powerful impact of emotional regulation on our personal and professional connections.

    Living with ADHD often means dealing with intense feelings that can lead to explosive reactions, affecting how we relate to those around us. By becoming more self-aware and learning to self-soothe, we can reduce conflicts and develop healthier and more fulfilling relationships.

    We'll discuss how understanding our emotions can help us cut down on emotional outbursts and build stronger bonds.

    Ever wondered why certain emotional patterns, like resisting or impulsively reacting, can harm our relationships? We'll unpack the common pitfalls, from explosive reactions to emotional shutdowns that lead to inauthentic interactions.

    This episode introduces the RAIN tool, a widely used method in therapy and coaching, designed to help us pause and allow emotions to be present. Finding a balanced approach to feeling and expressing our emotions is crucial for healthier interactions, and this tool offers a practical way to achieve that balance.

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  • Discover the distinct difference between neurotypical and ADHD brains in terms of ranking priorities, and understand why learning to prioritize relationships can drastically improve your social life.

    Navigating relationships with ADHD requires a strategic approach. Imagine categorizing your relationships into three tiers to better manage your emotional and social capacity—that's exactly what we'll discuss.

    I'll share my experience in identifying the top five mutual relationships that deserve the most emotional investment, while also setting boundaries with other connections.

    Learn why this method isn't about exclusion but about ensuring deeper, more meaningful interactions with those who truly matter. Tune in to discover how this strategy can foster a balanced, enriching social life, reducing the chaos and enhancing your emotional well-being.

    Come hang out with me on Instagram HERE.

    AG1 by Athletic Greens

  • Living with ADHD can often feel like navigating a minefield, especially when it comes to relationships. Impulsivity, distractibility, memory issues, and struggles with self-reflection can create a myriad of obstacles.

    In this episode, I share personal anecdotes to illustrate how these ADHD symptoms impact our ability to build and maintain strong connections.

    One key takeaway is the importance of understanding our unique brains. By doing so, we can improve our relationships by fostering deeper connections and reducing the tendency to blame ourselves for the difficulties we encounter. It’s not about fixing ourselves; it’s about embracing our neurodivergent traits and finding strategies that work for us.

    Engaging in therapy, self-soothing techniques, identifying triggers, and participating in relationship courses are some of the strategies I recommend. These can significantly enhance our emotional regulation, productivity, and overall relationship dynamics. Remember, it’s about prioritizing our relationships and working towards improvement, not perfection.

    Don’t forget to share this episode with anyone who might benefit from it, and as always, take care!

    Come hang out with me on Instagram HERE.

    AG1 by Athletic Greens

  • In this episode, we’ll explore what masking is, how it impacts our relationships and self-perception, and why it’s so crucial to create spaces where we can be our authentic selves.

    For those of us with ADHD, masking often means hiding or downplaying our symptoms to fit societal norms or meet others’ expectations. This behavior is frequently learned from caregivers who, sometimes with the best intentions, teach us to conform. But while masking might help us navigate certain social situations, it comes with a significant emotional toll.

    In this episode, we discuss how masking can strain our relationships and warp our self-perception. When we’re constantly trying to fit into a mold that wasn’t designed for us, it can lead to feelings of inadequacy and exhaustion. I share some personal experiences and stories from our community about the struggles and triumphs related to masking.

    One of the key takeaways from this discussion is the importance of creating safe spaces where we can be our true selves. Whether it’s setting boundaries, practicing self-acceptance, or educating those around us, there are steps we can take to reduce the need for masking. I also introduce an adult ADHD masking measure that you can use for self-reflection to better understand your own masking behaviors.

    Masking is a challenging but essential topic, and I hope this discussion helps you on your journey toward self-acceptance and authenticity. Remember, it’s okay to be yourself, and you deserve relationships that honor and support who you truly are.

    Links used in today's episode:
    Medical News Today
    Behavioral Health Consulting Solutions (info about the Masking Measure)
    Masking Measure Questionnaire

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    AG1 by Athletic Greens

  • Welcome to the episode where we dive into making vacations enjoyable and low-stress, especially if you have ADHD. Today I’m sharing my personal experiences and practical advice on how to manage ADHD during your travels. Here’s what we cover:

    1. The Importance of Rest and Planning Ahead

    Learn why it’s crucial to balance relaxation with careful planning.Tips on making decisions in advance to minimize stress in unfamiliar environments.

    2. Avoiding Overload

    Discover strategies to avoid sensory and activity overload.Hear about my own family trip to Zion National Park and the lessons we learned.

    2.1 Mindful Financial Planning

    Advice on managing your budget to prevent financial stress.Understanding your financial limits and planning activities accordingly.

    3. Prioritizing Individual Needs and Comfort

    How to prevent burnout by prioritizing your own needs and comfort levels.Setting boundaries and recognizing your limitations to avoid exhaustion.

    4. Essential Travel Tips

    Check medication regulations and ensure you have enough for your trip.Packing essentials and staying hydrated to keep your body and mind in check.

    5. Disconnecting from Work

    The importance of unplugging from work to fully enjoy your vacation.Tips on how to engage in leisure activities and strengthen connections with loved ones.

    Join us as we explore these tips and more to ensure that your next vacation is both enjoyable and manageable. Let’s make sure you come back feeling relaxed and grateful!

    Come hang out with me on Instagram HERE.

  • Today we delve deep into the complex and often misunderstood relationship between diet and ADHD symptoms. I’m bringing you a topic that’s close to my heart, sparked by my own journey and curiosity about the potential of nutrition in managing ADHD. But, as we’ll explore, it’s not as straightforward as it may seem.

    I’ve always been fascinated, and admittedly a bit skeptical, about how what we eat impacts our mental health, especially when it comes to ADHD. With a rise in functional medicine practitioners advocating for diet as a panacea, I felt compelled to take a closer look. Can dietary changes alone truly manage ADHD without medication? It’s a question that many of us grappling with ADHD have pondered.

    From personal experience, I can tell you that managing a strict diet can be a Herculean task for someone with ADHD. We’re talking about a condition that inherently makes planning, prioritizing, and resisting impulses more challenging. Yet, there’s this growing narrative suggesting that if we just ate the right foods, we could overcome these hurdles on our own.

    But what does the research say? In today’s episode, we’ve dug into the studies and found a sobering lack of substantial evidence supporting the idea that diet alone can significantly alter ADHD outcomes. While no one denies the benefits of improved nutrition on overall health, suggesting it as a standalone solution for managing severe ADHD is not only misleading but potentially harmful.

    The conversation around diet and ADHD doesn’t stop with us adults. There’s immense pressure on pregnant mothers with ADHD, bombarded with claims about how their diet could impact their child’s health and potential ADHD. It’s a heavy burden, rooted in the oversimplification of ADHD’s causes. Today, we debunk some of these myths, emphasizing ADHD’s complexity and how it’s shaped by a tapestry of genetic and environmental factors.

    Another critical issue we tackle is the widespread misinformation about ADHD medication. It’s alarming how non-medical professionals feel emboldened to make broad claims, contributing to the stigma and confusion surrounding these evidence-based treatments. Despite our critique of oversimplified solutions, we acknowledge the undeniable role of a healthy diet in enhancing well-being. But to suggest it can ‘cure’ ADHD? That’s where we draw the line.

    As we wrap up today’s episode, I want to remind everyone that while diet is important, managing ADHD is a multifaceted journey. This is why I’m excited to introduce our coaching membership program FOCUSED designed for adults with ADHD. Our program recognizes the value of a comprehensive approach, incorporating medication, lifestyle changes, and personalized support to navigate the complexities of ADHD together.

    Here is the study that I mention in this episode: Nutrition in the Management of ADHD: A Review of Recent Research

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    AG1 by Athletic Greens

  • I’m back with another “everything but the kitchen sink” podcast episode.

    Honestly, I was struggling with my capacity to create content for the podcast. So, I’m honoring the capacity I have. Because ADHD is all about meeting yourself where you’re at, right?

    If you’re looking for tips and tricks on improving your life with ADHD, I might steer you to the other 250 podcast episodes we’ve recorded. This one is more of a wild look into my mind at the moment. So, buckle up.

    I’m sharing some hot takes on a book I recently read that I wanted to throw against a wall, discussing a super ADHD-friendly book I highly recommend, and giving you TMI about what’s been happening in my family lately.

    I’m offering my thoughts on turning 43 a couple of weeks ago and what it’s made me realize about life in general and, more specifically, my ever-evolving ADHD journey.

    But also I’ve got a huge announcement about something I’m currently working on. Spoiler: it’s one of the reasons my creative capacity has been zapped in most areas of my life lately. If nothing else, listen until you get to that point.

    I hope you enjoy this look into what’s happening in Kristen’s crazy brain!

    Podcast episode referenced in this episode:

    A Beginner’s Guide to ADHD, Part 2: ADHD is (NOT) a Gift

    Come hang out with me on Instagram HERE.

  • In this episode, the incredibly amazing Brooke Schnittman joins us.

    Brooke is one of my favorite colleagues and I'm so happy to introduce her to you. She’s the founder of Coaching With Brooke, an ADHD & executive function coaching company for students and adults.

    Brooke and her team help kids and teens with ADHD by educating them on the 'why' behind their struggles and providing executive function coaching.

    Coaching made a huge difference in Brooke's life, so much so that she decided to become a coach herself. But get this: she wasn't diagnosed with ADHD yet. It wasn’t until Brooke started coaching other ADHDers that she recognized the symptoms in her own life.

    In this episode, Brooke shares exactly what’s worked for her in her ADHD journey and what she uses to help her own clients have those same aha moments in their own lives.

    Do not skip this podcast episode. You’ll take home some actionable steps you can start applying to your life today if you suspect you might have ADHD - or you’ve been diagnosed for decades.

    You can learn more about Brooke at coachingwithbrooke.com. And be sure to follow her on Instagram too!

    If you want to see how coaching can impact your life, I encourage you to check out my group coaching program, FOCUSED. This is the place to achieve your goals and feel better than ever. Come join a community that understands you where you're at today.

    Come hang out with me on Instagram HERE.
    AG1 By Athletic Greens