David's guest this month is Wendy Ellyatt, a Global Thinker and Change Agent who is actively promoting regenerative systems transformation across sectors. A long-term member of the Scientific and Medical Network, she is co-author of the Unitive Narrative, founder of the Flourish Project, co-founder of Living Cities Earth, a member of the SDG Thought Leaders Synergy Circle, development lead for the Unitive Wisdom and Unitive Education Collaborations, a Global Council member of the Wellbeing Economy Alliance (WEAll), project lead for the Spirituality in Education Alliance UK (SIEUK) and an awardee of the Brahma Kumaris ‘100 Women of Spirit’.
Imaginal Inspirations is hosted by David Lorimer, Programme Director of the Scientific and Medical Network and Chair of the Galileo Commission, an academic movement dedicated to expanding the evidence base of a science of consciousness. Imaginal cells are responsible for the metamorphosis of the caterpillar into a butterfly, which is the Greek symbol for the soul. These cells are dormant in the caterpillar but at a critical point of development they create the new form and structure which becomes the butterfly.
Works and links mentioned:
Production: Martin Redfern
Artwork: Amber Haas
Music: Life is a River, by Magnus Moone
William Keepin, PhD, is a mathematical physicist with extensive training in contemplative meditation and transpersonal psychology. His research on sustainable energy to mitigate climate change influenced international environmental policy, and he was a whistleblower in nuclear science policy. Will co-founded Gender Equity and Reconciliation International which has conducted 300 trainings in 14 countries on gender equality, and also Satyana Institute which organizes conferences to bring contemplative mystics together across the religions and science. His books include Belonging to God: Science, Spirituality, and a Universal Path of Divine Love (2016), and Gender Equity and Reconciliation: Thirty Years of Healing the Most Ancient Wound in the Human Family (2023).
.Imaginal Inspirations is hosted by David Lorimer, Programme Director of the Scientific and Medical Network and Chair of the Galileo Commission, an academic movement dedicated to expanding the evidence base of a science of consciousness. Imaginal cells are responsible for the metamorphosis of the caterpillar into a butterfly, which is the Greek symbol for the soul. These cells are dormant in the caterpillar but at a critical point of development they create the new form and structure which becomes the butterfly.
Works and links mentioned:
Production: Martin Redfern
Artwork: Amber Haas
Music: Life is a River, by Magnus Moone
Episodi mancanti?
Douglas Grunther is the creator/host of the Woodstock Roundtable, a rollicking--and multi award-winning--radio talk show spiced with humor and informed by his love of philosophy, depth psychology, and spiritual insight. His guests have been among the most original visionaries of our time. Grunther graduated from Columbia University where he was a Rhodes Scholarship finalist. He has been the featured speaker in front of national audiences, and is a dreamwork facilitator certified by Dr. Jeremy Taylor, Co-Founder of the International Association for the Study of Dreams. Douglas is author of The Quantum and the Dream – Visionary Consciousness, AI and the New Renaissance.
Imaginal Inspirations is hosted by David Lorimer, Programme Director of the Scientific and Medical Network and Chair of the Galileo Commission, an academic movement dedicated to expanding the evidence base of a science of consciousness. Imaginal cells are responsible for the metamorphosis of the caterpillar into a butterfly, which is the Greek symbol for the soul. These cells are dormant in the caterpillar but at a critical point of development they create the new form and structure which becomes the butterfly.
Works and links mentioned:
Mozart Requiem - Sergiu Celibidache https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Moc4d4hR_uo
Production: Martin Redfern
Artwork: Amber Haas
Music: Life is a River, by Magnus Moone
David's guest this month is Dr. Laleh Quinn, who has been a research faculty member in the Cognitive Science department at the University of California San Diego for 25 years specializing in Behavioural Neuroscience. She obtained her Ph.D. in Philosophy of Mind, Cognitive Science, and Cognitive Neuroscience from the University of Arizona where her emphasis was on discovering whether there is a scientific explanation for consciousness. Her neuroscience research has ranged from neurophysiological recordings of brain activity in awake behaving animals to understanding the roots of empathy and compassion.
After learning to meditate through being prescribed Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction by her doctor, in addition to becoming much less stressed, she began to become more spiritually awakened. This led her to begin teaching mindfulness and meditation to students and faculty at UCSD in hopes of helping with the extreme stress found in academia. Her spiritual awakening also led her to understand that there is much more to this world than what her materialist academic colleagues were dictating. In 2019 her close friend of 20 years and fellow neuroscientist died and she began experiencing signs and synchronicities and messages indicating that he still existed and was communicating with her. Thus began a dedicated and impassioned quest to discover whether consciousness can survive death and whether after-death communication is real. Through rigorous researching, through personal experimentation, and through a close personal relationship with a professional evidential medium, she found answers and she is currently devoting much of her time to writing and speaking about her experiences of an expanded reality beyond the confines of materialism.
Imaginal Inspirations is hosted by David Lorimer, Programme Director of the Scientific and Medical Network and Chair of the Galileo Commission, an academic movement dedicated to expanding the evidence base of a science of consciousness. Imaginal cells are responsible for the metamorphosis of the caterpillar into a butterfly, which is the Greek symbol for the soul. These cells are dormant in the caterpillar but at a critical point of development they create the new form and structure which becomes the butterfly.
Works and links mentioned:
Production: Martin Redfern
Artwork: Amber Haas
Music: Life is a River, by Magnus Moone
David's guest this month is Paul Gilbert, FBPsS, PhD, OBE, Professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of Derby and honorary visiting Prof at the University of Queensland. Until his retirement from the NHS in 2016 he was Clinical Psychologist for over 40 years and a consultant for 30. He has researched evolutionary approaches to psychopathology with a special focus on mood, shame and self-criticism in various mental health difficulties. Given that many of these mental health difficulties are linked to difficulties in being compassionate towards others, being recipients of compassionate care, especially in childhood, and being compassionate and supportive to oneself, cultivating compassion and its psychophysiological mediators became a target development. A recent meta-analysis from studies from over 17 countries have shown compassion-focused therapy to be highly effective.
Paul was made a Fellow of the British Psychological Society in 1993, president of the BABCP 2002-2004, and was a member of the first British Government’s NICE guidelines for depression. He has written/edited 23 books and over 330 papers and book chapters. In 2006 he established the Compassionate Mind Foundation as an international charity with the mission statement To promote wellbeing through the scientific understanding and application of compassion.
Imaginal Inspirations is hosted by David Lorimer, Programme Director of the Scientific and Medical Network and Chair of the Galileo Commission, an academic movement dedicated to expanding the evidence base of a science of consciousness. Imaginal cells are responsible for the metamorphosis of the caterpillar into a butterfly, which is the Greek symbol for the soul. These cells are dormant in the caterpillar but at a critical point of development they create the new form and structure which becomes the butterfly.
Works and links mentioned:
Anthony Stevens video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZAqqNOH4mX4
Production: Martin Redfern
Artwork: Amber Haas
Music: Life is a River, by Magnus Moone
David's guest this month is Jan Pilotti MD, who studied mathematics and theoretical physics and earned a B.Sc. at Stockholm’s University Sweden. As a young student he discovered a possibility of mathematically extending Einstein’s theory of relativity to include superluminal Lorentz transformations in a six-dimensional Minkowskian spacetime, with three space and three “timelike” dimensions. This was 1971 and long before string theory assumed more space dimensions. So, he didn’t get any support for the idea of more dimensions and left theoretical physics without finishing any Ph.D. dissertation.
Ironically a mystical experience at a summer camp with a communist group opened him up to the Soul of the Universe. He started to meditate and then studied at medical school. Soon he found Raymond Moody’s book Life after Life and thought that NDE perhaps was related to the extra spacetime dimensions. He has edited and written about NDEs and OBEs in a Swedish book of readings in 1982 and in 1987 in another Swedish book he started to present the idea of Conscious spacetime. He is also M.D. and has worked as a child- and adolescent psychiatrist, mainly with family and trauma therapy.
After retirement he returned to studying physics and consciousness. In English he has published Conscious Spacetime. An outline to experiential monism in The Mystery of Consciousness. Essays on spacetime, Evolution and Well-being. Ed. I. Fredriksson. McFarland 2014. And in a conference book on physics 2020 published a chapter How Minkowski Could Have Discovered Superluminal Lorentz Transformations and six Dimensional Spacetime. where, in mathematical detail, he shows how Einstein, Minkowski, Pauli and many others missed superluminal Lorentz transformations and six dimensions and a possible connection to both quantum theory and consciousness. He is currently an affiliated member of Institute for Foundational Studies
Imaginal Inspirations is hosted by David Lorimer, Programme Director of the Scientific and Medical Network and Chair of the Galileo Commission, an academic movement dedicated to expanding the evidence base of a science of consciousness. Imaginal cells are responsible for the metamorphosis of the caterpillar into a butterfly, which is the Greek symbol for the soul. These cells are dormant in the caterpillar but at a critical point of development they create the new form and structure which becomes the butterfly.
Works and links mentioned:
Raymond Moody Life after Life https://uk.bookshop.org/p/books/life-after-life-dr-raymond-moody/1465195?ean=9780712602730
The Soul of the Universe by Gustaf Stromberg https://www.abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=31944716880
Production: Martin Redfern
Artwork: Amber Haas
Music: Life is a River, by Magnus Moone
Peter Russell is a leading thinker on consciousness and contemporary spirituality. He coined the term "global brain" with his 1980's bestseller of the same name in which he predicted the Internet and the impact it would have on humanity. He is the author of twelve other books, including Waking Up in Time, From Science to God, and most recently Letting Go of Nothing and Forgiving Humanity.
He studied theoretical physics, experimental psychology, and computer science at the University of Cambridge, and meditation and Eastern Philosophy in India. In the 1980s pioneered the introduction of personal growth programs to corporations.
His mission is to distill the essential wisdom on human consciousness found in the world’s various spiritual traditions, and to disseminate their teachings on self-liberation in contemporary and compelling ways.
Imaginal Inspirations is hosted by David Lorimer, Programme Director of the Scientific and Medical Network and Chair of the Galileo Commission, an academic movement dedicated to expanding the evidence base of a science of consciousness. Imaginal cells are responsible for the metamorphosis of the caterpillar into a butterfly, which is the Greek symbol for the soul. These cells are dormant in the caterpillar but at a critical point of development they create the new form and structure which becomes the butterfly.
Works and links mentioned:
Books by Peter Russell
Production: Martin Redfern
Artwork: Amber Haas
Music: Life is a River, by Magnus Moone
David's Guest today is Dr Harrie Salman, a philosopher of culture and a traveller who speaks nine European languages and who has lectured at a number of universities. In September 1986, he founded the Rembrandt Foundation for the study of Central European Culture, for which he organised about 30 conferences at the University of Leiden (until 1993). Between 1989 and 2003 he spent about 18 months in the countries of the former Soviet Union, doing research on Russian culture and giving lectures and seminars. Between 1990 and 2001, he taught courses on ‘Science and Culture in Central Europe’ at the Faculty of Natural Sciences at the University of Prague, Czech Republic. From 1993 to 2019 he taught courses on Anthroposophy at the department of Art Therapy at the State University of professional education in Leiden, Holland.
His 26 books and numerous articles, published in many languages, deal with aspects of cultural history, social development and Dutch regional history. His books include publications on European culture (Die Heilung Europas), Russian culture (De onzichtbare stad), Anthroposophy and the White Brotherhood (The Social World as Mystery Center, The Rising of the Inner Sun, Peter Deunov, Valentin Tomberg, and Rudolf Steiner), global economy (Stolen Wealth) and social issues (De Corona Epidemie, The Great Reset). Since 1981, he has been giving lectures, seminars and workshops internationally on questions of social and cultural development, psychology and spirituality, the cultures of Central Europe and Russia, and economic systems.
Imaginal Inspirations is hosted by David Lorimer, Programme Director of the Scientific and Medical Network and Chair of the Galileo Commission, an academic movement dedicated to expanding the evidence base of a science of consciousness. Imaginal cells are responsible for the metamorphosis of the caterpillar into a butterfly, which is the Greek symbol for the soul. These cells are dormant in the caterpillar but at a critical point of development they create the new form and structure which becomes the butterfly.
Works and links mentioned:
Books by Harrie Salman https://www.hive.co.uk/Search/Keyword?keyword=Harrie%20Salman&productType=1
Ivan Illich: Medical Nemesis https://www.hive.co.uk/Product/Ivan-Illich/Limits-to-Medicine--Medical-Nemesis---The-Expropriation-of-Health/20896819
Steiner: Christianity as Mystical Fact https://archive.org/details/christianityasmy00stei/page/n5/mode/2up
Deunov: The Wellspring of Good https://www.abebooks.co.uk/9789544743161/Wellspring-Good-Words-Master-Peter-9544743162/plp
Production: Martin Redfern
Artwork: Amber Haas
Music: Life is a River, by Magnus Moone
David's Guest today is Dr Annine E.G. van der Meer, a Dutch historian of religion who holds a PhD in theology from the University of Utrecht. She was the seventh, last and only female student to write her doctoral thesis under the guidance of the late Prof. Dr. Gilles Quispel. He was an internationally known scholar of apocryphal Christian texts, famous for his translation of the so called fifth Gospel, The Gospel of Thomas and other texts from the Nag Hammadi Library, rediscovered in Upper-Egypt in 1945.
Annine has written several authoritative books about the hidden history of the sacred feminine and of women and their forgotten contribution to evolution and civilization. This involves digging Her-Story out from under His-Story in order to write Our-Story. Where necessary, she integrates the established images of woman and man for the purpose of achieving equality, harmony, balance and peace in the world. In 2008, she founded Pansophia Foundation, a school of Wisdom in the 21st century, which she led until 2018. Its mission was to combine the raising of consciousness with spirituality and empowerment of women.
Annine is the author of 19 books in Dutch, English, French and German. In English and French, she has published, The Black Madonna from Primal to Final Times and Mary Magdalene Unveiled Hidden sources restore her broken image, which is a commentary about The Gospel of the Beloved Companion, the complete Gospel of Mary Magdalene, and only released in 2010.
Imaginal Inspirations is hosted by David Lorimer, Programme Director of the Scientific and Medical Network and Chair of the Galileo Commission, an academic movement dedicated to expanding the evidence base of a science of consciousness. Imaginal cells are responsible for the metamorphosis of the caterpillar into a butterfly, which is the Greek symbol for the soul. These cells are dormant in the caterpillar but at a critical point of development they create the new form and structure which becomes the butterfly.
Works and links mentioned:
www.anninevandermeer.nl and www.pansophia-press.nl
Magdalene’s Ascension https://www.simonandschuster.co.uk/authors/Annine-van-der-Meer/224858681
Production: Martin Redfern
Artwork: Amber Haas
Music: Life is a River, by Magnus Moone
David's Guest today is Rev. Prof. Stephen G Wright FRCN MBE. In his own words, "starting out with the curse-blessing of the original dysfunctional family, Stephen emerged from his Manchester working class background to grow his hair long and wander around Europe like a lot of his generation did in the 60s. He drifted into nursing, and by conventional measures made a success of it, following the first Masters programme at Manchester University and eventually becoming the first consultant nurse in the NHS in 1986. He got into conference speaking and course-leading internationally, shuffled around in academia, made TV programmes, wrote lots of books and research papers about nursing, advised governments and WHO and the Royal College of Nursing, and matured his craft in the nursing practice of older people culminating in leading a radical nursing development unit that influenced nursing far and wide. He gathered lots of glittering prizes along the way to add letters before and after his name, which appealed greatly to the Enneatype 3 personality he carries around with him. Thus all the usual trappings of an acclaimed career were in place.
A hand-break turn in self-perception and a reawakening of the mysticism long suppressed since childhood took him in a different direction in the 90’s – exploring spirituality as it related to himself, health care and as service to others. He trained with some eminent teachers, including at the Interfaith Seminary, and was mentored most deeply by Ram Dass and Jean Sayre-Adams. He is a member of the Iona Community, finds a kinship in the deep silent worship of Quaker meetings and is just about hanging on, like many others, to his bit part in the Anglican tradition.
His latest work published by Wild Goose focuses on the life of Kentigern/Mungo and offers a pilgrimage route around the Northern Fells of Cumbria. Other books have explored spirituality and health, pilgrimage, poetry and the quartet of spiritual guidance, Coming Home, Contemplation, Burnout and, more recently, Heartfullness. His latest work, recently published is Fugue. It is an exploration of the connection between the spiritual life and the polycrisis. He’s a Fellow and visiting professor at the University of Cumbria which offers a degree of input still to the academic world, as well as conferring some vague respectability to his work. He lives with his partner in the English Lake District, enjoys grandfatherhood, beekeeping and his organic garden and at 74 still finds working as a trustee and spiritual director for the Sacred Space Foundation a joy.
Imaginal Inspirations is hosted by David Lorimer, Programme Director of the Scientific and Medical Network and Chair of the Galileo Commission, an academic movement dedicated to expanding the evidence base of a science of consciousness. Imaginal cells are responsible for the metamorphosis of the caterpillar into a butterfly, which is the Greek symbol for the soul. These cells are dormant in the caterpillar but at a critical point of development they create the new form and structure which becomes the butterfly.
Works and links mentioned:
The Sacred Space Foundation https://www.sacredspace.org.uk/
Books by Stephen: https://www.sacredspace.org.uk/products
Mysticism by Evelyn Underhill https://www.abebooks.co.uk/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=31827290186&dest
Books by Ram Dass https://uk.bookshop.org/search?keywords=Ram+Dass
Production: Martin Redfern
Artwork: Amber Haas
Music: Life is a River, by Magnus Moone
David's Guest today is Sperry Andrews. To further the evolution of a socially altruistic heart-centered intelligence and two-way telepathic awareness, Sperry Andrews founded the Human Connection Institute in 1990, facilitating hundreds of groups internationally for over thirty years. He has taught anyone interested how to recreate these experiences effectively in-person, as well as online via webcam. He has published and given invited presentations on human interconnectedness and the Human Connection Project in many international forums. He collaborated for five years with Dr. William Braud, Senior Research Associate of the Mind Science Foundation, to pioneer the field of Distant Mental Interactions with Living Systems (DMILS) and direct a multinational, scientifically based, social action media research project to demonstrate our indivisibility on instrument under double-blind conditions with Aikido masters, Buddhist monks, and well know celebrities stationed at multiple scientific laboratories in widely separated geographic locations. For six years, he has been collaborating with Dr. James E. Beichler, a theoretical physicist and scientific historian. They agree: “Our single field theory goes well beyond the simple notion of mind and consciousness as mere human bound perceivers and interpreters of the external material/physical world, by placing the physical origin of consciousness within every geometrical point in the universe itself.”
Their model enables Western science to unite classical and quantum theories while validating long-standing contemplative Hindu and Buddhist insights that a non-physical Void is spiritually manifesting a "dream of form" through cause and effect.
Imaginal Inspirations is hosted by David Lorimer, Programme Director of the Scientific and Medical Network and Chair of the Galileo Commission, an academic movement dedicated to expanding the evidence base of a science of consciousness. Imaginal cells are responsible for the metamorphosis of the caterpillar into a butterfly, which is the Greek symbol for the soul. These cells are dormant in the caterpillar but at a critical point of development they create the new form and structure which becomes the butterfly.
Works and links mentioned:
The Human Connection Institute https://www.connectioninstitute.org/
Art by Sperry Andrews https://sperry-andrews.pixels.com/
J. Krishnamurti/David Bohm dialogues https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1n30s-LKus4oQ5fCd6MJ17waAMCsgumf
Production: Martin Redfern
Artwork: Amber Haas
Music: Life is a River, by Magnus Moone
David Lorimer's guest today is Alastair McIntosh who has been described by BBC TV as “one of the world’s leading environmental campaigners.” A pioneer of modern land reform in Scotland, he helped bring the Isle of Eigg into community ownership. On the Isle of Harris he negotiated withdrawal of the world’s biggest cement company (Lafarge) from a devastating “superquarry” plan. He then served, unpaid to avoid conflicts of interest, on the company’s Sustainability Stakeholders Panel for 10 years to help further corporate social and environmental responsibility.
Alastair guest lectures on nonviolence at military staff colleges including, for over two decades, on some of the UK Defence Academy's most senior courses. His books include Soil and Soul: People versus Corporate Power, Spiritual Activism: Leadership as Service, Poacher’s Pilgrimage: an Island Journey, and Riders on the Storm (Birlinn 2020) which was long-listed for the Wainwright Prize in Global Conservation 2021. A Quaker with an interfaith outlook, focusing much of his work around spirituality, he lives in Glasgow with his wife, Véréne Nicolas. There he is a founding trustee of the GalGael Trust which works with poverty, community and human potential, and an honorary professor in the College of Social Sciences at the University of Glasgow.
Imaginal Inspirations is hosted by David Lorimer, Programme Director of the Scientific and Medical Network and Chair of the Galileo Commission, an academic movement dedicated to expanding the evidence base of a science of consciousness. Imaginal cells are responsible for the metamorphosis of the caterpillar into a butterfly, which is the Greek symbol for the soul. These cells are dormant in the caterpillar but at a critical point of development they create the new form and structure which becomes the butterfly.
Works and links mentioned:
Production: Martin Redfern
Artwork: Amber Haas
Music: Life is a River, by Magnus Moone
David Lorimer's guest today is Anna Bacchia, who describes herself as an Aesthete Innovator Researcher Teacher & Writer. She has conducted more than 40 years of Research in Human Sciences and Cognitive Sciences, where she has focused on unexplored aspects and qualities of the Cognitive, Creative and Intuitive processes. She is Founder of the ‘Consciousness Institute’ Lugano, Switzerland, and of the LIFE Leaders .international® Project, and she holds Educational Trainings and Programs on ‘Consciousness, Self, Life’ dedicated to an unexplored intuitive communicating and understanding, in syntony with the nature of Life.
She is a life member of the World Peace Forum, a laureate of the ‘Luxembourg World Peace Prize’, a Creative Member of the Club of Budapest and a Research Fellow of the Laszlo Institute of New Paradigm Research. Her most recent is ‘A.I. and the Living Intelligence’. And her most recent book is entitled ‘ÌNIN, our Intuition which transforms and creates’.
Imaginal Inspirations is hosted by David Lorimer, Programme Director of the Scientific and Medical Network and Chair of the Galileo Commission, an academic movement dedicated to expanding the evidence base of a science of consciousness. Imaginal cells are responsible for the metamorphosis of the caterpillar into a butterfly, which is the Greek symbol for the soul. These cells are dormant in the caterpillar but at a critical point of development they create the new form and structure which becomes the butterfly.
Works and links mentioned:
Production: Martin Redfern
Artwork: Amber Haas
Music: Life is a River, by Magnus Moone
David Lorimer's guest today is Professor Frédérique Apffel-Marglin, who is Professor Emerita, Department of Anthropology at Smith College. She founded the Sachamama Center for Biocultural Regeneration in the Peruvian High Amazon in 2009 where she works with indigenous communities as well as several High Schools in the province, regenerating the most sustainable and climate reducing pre-Columbian anthropogenic soil known as Terra Preta do Indio (black earth of the Indians). Her more recent books are: Subversive Spiritualities: How Rituals Enact the World (2011); Sacred Soil: Biochar and the Regeneration of the Earth with Robert Tindall and David Shearer, (2017); Contemporary Voices from Anima Mundi edited with Stefano Varese, (2020). Her latest book is written with Randy Chung Gonzales who has worked in SCBR for decades: Initiated by the Spirits: Healing Ills of Modernity through Shamanism, Psychedelics and the Power of the Sacred (2022).
Imaginal Inspirations is hosted by David Lorimer, Programme Director of the Scientific and Medical Network and Chair of the Galileo Commission, an academic movement dedicated to expanding the evidence base of a science of consciousness. Imaginal cells are responsible for the metamorphosis of the caterpillar into a butterfly, which is the Greek symbol for the soul. These cells are dormant in the caterpillar but at a critical point of development they create the new form and structure which becomes the butterfly.
Works and links mentioned:
Books by Frédérique Apffel-Marglin
The Death of Nature Carolyn Merchant
Production: Martin Redfern
Artwork: Amber Haas
Music: Life is a River, by Magnus Moone
David Lorimer's guest today is Dr Lisa Miller, the New York Times bestselling author of The Spiritual Child and her new book, The Awakened Brain. She is a professor in the Clinical Psychology Program at Teachers College, Columbia University where she founded the Spirituality Mind Body Institute, the first Ivy League graduate program and research institute in spirituality and psychology, and has held over a decade of joint appointments in the Department of Psychiatry at Columbia University Medical School. Her innovative research has been published in more than one hundred peer-reviewed articles in leading journals. She is Editor of the Oxford University Press Handbook of Psychology and Spirituality, Founding Co-Editor-in-Chief of the APA journal Spirituality in Clinical Practice, an elected Fellow of The American Psychological Association (APA) and the two-time President of the APA Society for Psychology and Spirituality. She earned her doctorate under the founder of positive psychology, Martin Seligman, she has served as Principal Investigator on multiple grant funded research studies. She speaks and consults for the US Military, businesses, personal development, faith-based organizations, schools and universities, and for mental health and wellness initiatives.
Imaginal Inspirations is hosted by David Lorimer, Programme Director of the Scientific and Medical Network and Chair of the Galileo Commission, an academic movement dedicated to expanding the evidence base of a science of consciousness. Imaginal cells are responsible for the metamorphosis of the caterpillar into a butterfly, which is the Greek symbol for the soul. These cells are dormant in the caterpillar but at a critical point of development they create the new form and structure which becomes the butterfly.
Works and links mentioned:
Ram Das - The only dance there is. https://www.abebooks.co.uk/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=30366475868&ref_=ps_ggl_10939332144&cm_mmc=ggl-_-UK_Shopp_Textbookstandard-_-product_id=UK9780385084130NEW
Production: Martin Redfern
Artwork: Amber Haas
Music: Life is a River, by Magnus Moone
David Lorimer's guest today is Mona Sobhani, PhD who is a cognitive neuroscientist, author, and entrepreneur. A former research scientist at the University of Southern California, she holds a doctorate in neuroscience from the University of Southern California and completed a post-doctoral fellowship at Vanderbilt University with the MacArthur Foundation Law and Neuroscience Project. She is the author of Proof of Spiritual Phenomena: A Neuroscientist’s Discovery of the Ineffable Mysteries of the Universe (Park City Press/Inner Traditions), which details her transformation from a diehard scientific materialist to an open-minded spiritual seeker. In the Brave New World of Psychedelic Science substack, she writes about the psychedelic renaissance, altered states of consciousness, and the transpersonal. She is co-founder of Exploring Consciousness, a community of curious scientists who are seeking to understand consciousness, spirituality, and the nature of our reality.
Imaginal Inspirations is hosted by David Lorimer, Programme Director of the Scientific and Medical Network and Chair of the Galileo Commission, an academic movement dedicated to expanding the evidence base of a science of consciousness. Imaginal cells are responsible for the metamorphosis of the caterpillar into a butterfly, which is the Greek symbol for the soul. These cells are dormant in the caterpillar but at a critical point of development they create the new form and structure which becomes the butterfly.
Works and links mentioned:
Production: Martin Redfern
Artwork: Amber Haas
Music: Life is a River, by Magnus Moone
David Lorimer's guest today is Dr. Anneloes Smitsman, a futurist, entrepreneur, systems scientist, bestselling author, keynote speaker, and award-winning pioneer in human development and systems change. She is the founder and CEO of EARTHwise Centre, co-founder of the EARTHwise DAO, initiator and architect of the EARTHwise Constitution for a Planetary Civilization, and lead architect of the EARTHwise Game for Civilizational Transformation. She received a degree of Doctor from Maastricht University, the Netherlands, for her pioneering research on systemic transformation. She is the co-author with Dr. Jean Houston of the bestsellers The Quest of Rose, which won the 2022 Silver Nautilus Book award, and Return of the Avatars, which won the 2023 Gold Nautilus Book award. For more information, visit website:
Imaginal Inspirations is hosted by David Lorimer, Programme Director of the Scientific and Medical Network and Chair of the Galileo Commission, an academic movement dedicated to expanding the evidence base of a science of consciousness. Imaginal cells are responsible for the metamorphosis of the caterpillar into a butterfly, which is the Greek symbol for the soul. These cells are dormant in the caterpillar but at a critical point of development they create the new form and structure which becomes the butterfly.
Works and links mentioned:
Dancing the Dream The Seven Sacred Paths to Human Transformation by Jamie Sams https://blackwells.co.uk/bookshop/product/9780062515148?gC
Production: Martin Redfern
Artwork: Amber Haas
Music: Life is a River, by Magnus Moone
David Lorimer's guest today is Dr Thomas R. Verny, psychiatrist, academic, writer, poet, blogger (Psychology Today), contributing columnist (The Stratford Times) and podcaster (Pushing Boundaries with Dr. Thomas R Verny). He is the author of eight books, including The Secret Life of the Unborn Child, published in 27 countries and the Embodied Mind, 2021, also available in Spanish, Greek, Russian and Czech, as well as 47 scientific papers. He has previously taught at Harvard University, the University of Toronto, York University (Toronto), St. Mary’s University (Minneapolis) and the Santa Barbara Graduate Institute.
Imaginal Inspirations is hosted by David Lorimer, Programme Director of the Scientific and Medical Network and Chair of the Galileo Commission, an academic movement dedicated to expanding the evidence base of a science of consciousness. Imaginal cells are responsible for the metamorphosis of the caterpillar into a butterfly, which is the Greek symbol for the soul. These cells are dormant in the caterpillar but at a critical point of development they create the new form and structure which becomes the butterfly.
Works and links mentioned:
Jerzy Kosinsky: The Painted Bird
Production: Martin Redfern
Artwork: Amber Haas
Music: Life is a River, by Magnus Moone
Prof Keith Ward, DD, FBA graduated in philosophy from Cardiff University, and in theology from Oxford. He taught philosophy at the Universities of Glasgow, St. Andrews, and King’s College, London. He was Dean of Trinity Hall, Cambridge, then Professor of Moral and Social Theology and subsequently of the History and Philosophy of Religion at King’s, London, and Regius Professor of Divinity at Oxford. He is the author of nearly 50 books and most recently his engaging autobiography, Adventures in Belief humorously subtitled How I Discovered the Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything (Possibly)
Imaginal Inspirations is hosted by David Lorimer, Programme Director of the Scientific and Medical Network and Chair of the Galileo Commission, an academic movement dedicated to expanding the evidence base of a science of consciousness. Imaginal cells are responsible for the metamorphosis of the caterpillar into a butterfly, which is the Greek symbol for the soul. These cells are dormant in the caterpillar but at a critical point of development they create the new form and structure which becomes the butterfly.
Works and links mentioned:
https://uk.bookshop.org/p/books/critique-of-pure-reason-kant-critique-of-pure-reason-immanuel-kant/3955858?ean=9780460873581 /
Production: Martin Redfern
Artwork: Amber Haas
Music: Life is a River, by Magnus Moone
David’s guest today is Dr Joan Walton, a researcher in the School of Education, Psychology and Language at York St John University, UK. Joan has had an interest in consciousness studies from her early 20s, influenced initially by the work of Carl Jung, which led her to the work of other transpersonal psychologists, philosophers, scientists and writers about religions and spiritual traditions. Her focus has always been on the relevance of intellectual exploration for how we live our lives on a daily basis, and her working life in social work and education has reflected this. Passionate about the importance of early years, Joan’s current research focuses on how to enhance the quality of intergenerational relating, with the aim of creating inclusive communities which encourage connection and compassion through the nurturing of mutually caring relationships across generations. Central to this is the idea of a participatory consciousness, in which everything and everyone is interconnected. Joan is a member of the Board of Directors in the SMN, a member of the Galileo Commission Steering Group, and Chair of the Executive Committee of the International Network for the Study of Spirituality.
Imaginal Inspirations is hosted by David Lorimer, Programme Director of the Scientific and Medical Network and Chair of the Galileo Commission, an academic movement dedicated to expanding the evidence base of a science of consciousness. Imaginal cells are responsible for the metamorphosis of the caterpillar into a butterfly, which is the Greek symbol for the soul. These cells are dormant in the caterpillar but at a critical point of development they create the new form and structure which becomes the butterfly.
Works and links mentioned:
Publications by Joan Walton: https://ray.yorksj.ac.uk/view/author_id/1840.html
https://spiritual-awakenings.net/ also available as a podcast https://redcircle.com/shows/spiritual-awakenings
Production: Martin Redfern
Artwork: Amber Haas
Music: Life is a River, by Magnus Moone
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