
  • I'm over the moon that I got to talk with Sarai Mitnick, of Seamwork!

    Years and years ago, as a pretty new garment sewist I found Colette Patterns and promptly devoured the Colette Sewing Handbook.

    It was the intention and depth in that book, not just in the technical aspects but on the mindfulness around wardrobes and choices that struck a deep chord in my own soul and I began a journey of mindful making and learning to show up in the world fully and authentically myself.

    That book was a gateway.

    I've been following Sarai online for many years and I'm thrilled I got to talk with her on the podcast.

    Her personal project Making Time, a substack newsletter, has the same depth and thoughtful conversation that you'll find in this episode on the podcast.

    Sarai shares how she structures her day to give herself the most grounding and ease, the ways in which she gives herself grace to simply be herself and how there really isn't a finish line. We even find a wee bit of time to talk about making things and what she's excited to work on.

    Give it a listen!

    Sarai Mitnick

    Sarai is the founder of Seamwork, a Creative Sewing Platform that helps you to design and sew your own wardrobe. She's the author of a bestselling sewing book, the host of the Seamwork YouTube channel, and co-host of the Seamwork Radio podcast. Sarai's been helping people to sew for 15 years, and loves to share the joy of this versatile craft. She lives in rural Oregon with her partner Kenn, her dog Lucy, and two mischievious felines named Rusty and Duke.

    Seamwork: https://www.seamwork.com/
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/seamworkvideo
    Podcast: https://www.seamwork.com/podcast
    Making Time (personal newsletter): https://makingtime.saraimitnick.com/

    [email protected]

  • Have you always wanted to talk to a Burlesque dancer? Me too!
    I met Kellita last year at a virtual event and was immediately drawn to her spark and playfulness.

    As a five-time finalist at the Burlesque Hall of Fame, she's had a lifelong journey in dance, but also in finding her soul and our conversation did not disappoint!

    We talked about living fully alive and witnessed, diving deep into the concept that to perform (or live, really) fully embodied, make it feel good to YOU! And that resonance will allow others to feel good too!

    Take a listen!

    You can find her online at her website, where this took my breath away...

    "The most compelling part of burlesque for me is to make the soul and spirit visible via the body.

    To make the mind, the heart, the body (the animal self), the soul and the spirit all visible via the body. And to carry and exude that presence and visible essence into all of life."

    Or listen to her TEDx talk on the Power of Being Seen.
    I had the pleasure of talking with Kellita today about

    Kellita Maloof is a Conscious Burlesque Mentor, Teacher Trainer and TEDx speaker lovingly known as the Showgirl Shaman. She works at the intersection of burlesque, attachment, individuation, somatics, autoimmune recovery and soul retrieval. For 20+ years, she's been helping kind, highly sensitive women spaceholders + creatives who've been over-editing, over-adapting and over-giving – and are attracted to dance theater, expressive performance art and glitter – to trust and express themselves with confidence, presence and radiance. Kellita's mission is to support folks in dusting off the fountain of Self-Love that was hiding right in the center of their very own shimmy.

    Site :: https://www.showgirlawakening.com/

    Quiz :: https://www.showgirlawakening.com/quiz

    IG :: https://www.instagram.com/kellitatheshowgirlshaman

    TEDx :: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gz1-_Y0L4GM&t=5s

    22-min Doc :: https://www.showgirlawakening.com/doc

    [email protected]

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    Fai clic qui per aggiornare il feed.

  • Listen in as I chat with Brook Ann Camper about her course SKIRT SKILLS...from a sewing perspective, but even more deeply from a slowing down, staying curious and taking things one step at a time way of doing things.


    [email protected]

  • Listen in as I share how choosing just a wee bit of creativity, instead of rushing through what I usually do, elevated my project! I also share about the free series I did recently...Break the Rules of Sewing.

    You can catch the replays for free!

    [email protected]

  • Being a beginner at something you already know, seems counterintuitive. But when I was looking to deepen my artistry, reconnect to my mojo, and embrace new ways to do what I love doing, being a beginner was just what I needed.

    Learning anew gave me a deeper connection to my craft and a mindset that allows for more curious experimentation rather than rushing to the end product. I highly recommend it!

    Give it a listen!

    Mentioned in the episode:
    Brooks Ann Camper's Skirt Skills
    Laureen Nowlan-Card
    Episode 18 - with Laureen

    [email protected]

  • In this episode, I talk about that space between. Like the time between Christmas and New Year’s or the space between the end of one way of living and the beginning of another and how that space, that pause, can be beautiful and uncomfortable at the same time.

    I also share about our move and where we are now physically and emotionally. And about having a great deal of grace with ourselves.

    And did I manifest a SLLLOOOOWWW electric hookup?
    It’s a good question.

    I also share my thoughts for sewing workshops in the new year, my guest appearance on the Sew and So podcast, a new online show I’m putting together, and in mid-January a free workshop to create our intentions for a Vibrant Year!

    And finally…I have decided to ground myself back into my making by taking a course on custom sewing!

    Sometimes being a beginner again is just what we need to settle back into the next layer of our artistry! I am signed up for Brooks Ann Camper’s Skirt Skills (doors open Dec 30th and class starts January 10th) and I am excited to start it with fresh eyes and see where her methods take me! Want to join me? See all the details here.

    Take a listen!

    [email protected]

  • {w/ Megan Frey}
    In this episode I caught up with my dear friend Megan Frey just days before she embarks on her next voyage.

    12 or so years ago, I was working at a natural food co-op and Megan hired on to earn some cash for her next adventure. She waltzed in, this tall blond, glowing human with a gorgeous accent and I KNEW we were already friends. And we were.

    For this recording I caught up with Megan on the island of Maui (gah! online not, sadly, in person!) where she’s been resting on the land, the ocean ever in view.

    For the last decade, Megan has been sailing the world, chasing her dream.

    I think of her like a graceful sea bird. Most at home in the winds and water, but from time to time, landing on shore, wings spread and eyes closed, spent and ready to be held by the earth.

    On our show, she shares a wee bit of her story; the first place that comes to mind that she’d like to revisit in this wide world she’s criss-crossed by sea, how she chose herself and stepped off a path that was once a dream and what she’s learned about trust and the journey.

    In her words…

    “And a lot of that really, for me, right now in my life means creating more space for myself. However that looks, whatever feels good for Megan to do, or not to do, even more so, even more importantly, actually, is to do less.

    It’s really being honest and checking in with yourself every day. Not just because one day you make this decision and then you, yep, this is the one, and then you just write it out.

    That, to me, doesn’t feel authentic either to who I am.

    You have to put effort into yourself every day. You can’t just check the box, sign the subscription, or membership, pay for it, and it’s over. This one isn’t signing up for that subscription.”

    Take a listen! You’ll be glad you did.

    [email protected]

  • (w/ Ricki Oldenkamp)
    Do you know what's better than foraging for fresh wild blueberries while chatting with friends and hoping the grizzly bears have a different spot? NOTHING!

    My guest today talks about her love of foraging and kitchen witching as a way to be part of nature, a welcome juxtaposition from her days observing nature in her work as a scientist.

    She also shares how she went from living out her "Jane Goodall" dreams to taking a chance and responding to her environment to become a teller of stories. As a self-proclaimed nosey person, Ricki Oldenkamp speaks with passion and joy of her career now as a copywriter and of the honor she feels in hearing, translating, and telling another's story.

    Before that though, and in the midst of years of travel, she followed her intuition and took a trip that didn't necessarily make sense, but unfolded beautify, one step at a time.

    Take a listen! You'll be glad you did.

    [email protected]

  • So...you've made a list of what brings you joy and you've been practicing some gratitude every day!

    You've thought about your energy flow throughout the day and what your ideal day would look like. You took some tests, read some things and you know yourself and how you operate in flow a bit more.

    Then you got clear on the habits and commitments in your life that do not bring you ease and joy and determined what of those you want to cull, delegate or limit.

    NOW...we're bringing it all together with our calendars and starting to put some JOY into place. Scheduling it first. Allowing life to flow around the most important things to us.

    Give the audio a listen. Get your calendar and to do list and start sorting all this information into what you want more of in your life. While you're at it, add tasks to your to do list that put culling and delegation into motion.
    Create a list for daily things, weekly things, monthly things and quarterly/yearly things. These are the things you want to ensure are part of your rhytym. Things like walking, meditating, visiting an art museum, sitting in front of your watercolor paper, live music, a solo adventure, cermonies...you get the idea. Things that will inherently bringing connection and joy into your life.
    Now, schedule them!!! Put them in first and honor that commitment to yourself. After all as Dr Edith Egar says, the only person that you will be in a relationship with for your entire life, is YOU!

    [email protected]

  • Today's lesson can be both a YES! kind of lesson and a "oh, but wait, that's too hard" kind of thing! Culling out the things in your life that are not making you happy can be HUGE and can be simple. But, we only have so much time and energy each day and if we commit to all the things, we won't have space for what matters.

    So, let's begin!

    Give the audio a listen. (above)Make a list (YES, I love lists!) of all of your commitments and daily habits and rate them.
    First mark all the the things on your list that excite you. Things you love doing and that are clear yeses.
    Next, give the list a critical view and cross off everything that doesn't really need to be done and that can easily be culled away.
    Then, look at what's left and determine what does not in fact need to be done by YOU! Be really honest about this and find ways to delegate or hire out these things. (ideas in the audio!)
    Finally, turn a really critical eye to what's left. The things that you don't really want to do, but that you feel you have to. Do you REALLY have to? Is there another way to accomplish what this task does? Can it be cut anyway? What story do you have in your mind about what it means about you if you don't do this? Saying no, opens your life up to what you are meant to be doing and how you can stay in joy and ease.

    Tomorrow, we'll get out our calendars and start to pull some of things we're learning about ourselves together!

    Comment below and tell me what you are no longer doing!

    [email protected]

  • Okay, did you picture your ideal day? Do you have an idea on how your energy flows through the day? Share with me what you've learned! Hit reply, I would be delighted!

    Today we're going to talk about the value in finding out more about your personality type and how you operate!

    Give the audio a listen.Found out more about yourself through a personality type of test. All four of the links below lead to sites that I have used and liked and that offer a free summary.

    Human Design. Maybe you'd like to learn more about what human design is first? Click here)
    Myers Briggs Personality Test
    Your Astrological Birthchart
    The Enneagram Institute

    Day 4, we'll talk about saying NO! Yes. We will. And about honestly pruning your life to remove what is not bringing you joy

    [email protected]

  • How was day one? Did you write out your list of joyful things? What were you grateful for this morning? Yes, comment below and tell me!

    Today we're going to go deeper into thinking about how our energy flows throughout the day and what your ideal/dream day would look like.

    Give the audio (above) a listen. I tried to keep it really short. I REALLY did. But it's 22 minutes! ...What can I say?Track you energy through out the day. How do you feel first thing? At lunch time? In the afternoon, the evening and at night? When is your brain the most powerful, when do you like to exercise, when do you like to get hands on?After you listen to the guided mindfulness exercise (I call it a meditation in the audio, but really it's more of a mindfulness exercise!) write out what comes up for you and your ideal/dream day. No judgements, no editing!

    Day 3 we'll talk about getting to know yourself even more!

    [email protected]

  • So, today for lesson one.

    Give the audio (above) a listen. (released 8/16/23) It's roughly 10 minutes longStart a gratitude practice twice a day. Say aloud one thing you're grateful for and for better success, tie it to a habit you already have, like brushing your teeth.Make a list of all sorts of things that bring you joy...don't edit it, let it flow. It could be sunshine on your face, or a project in your hands or a walk with a friend. Set the timer for 10 minutes and free write. Just let it out!!

    Day 2 will include a guided meditation and thoughts on your rhythm and natural flow!

    [email protected]

  • Today's episode is about turning on the heat and holding it steady. I once heard Cathy Heller use this water boiling analogy for showing up in life and it stuck with me. So I share it with you today.

    Showing up in life, relates to a new program I have coming out and a free 5 day workshop - Finding Your Joy that that is live August 7th.

    Sign up here! https://courses.kinshiphandwork.com/f/find-your-joy

    I believe, a joyfilled life is your birthright. And living vibrantly is within our reach. And if we can do it together!!! All the better.

    As the wise African proverb says, "If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together."

    I'd love to hear your thoughts on this water boiling analogy and have you join us next week!

    [email protected]

  • (w/Emma Brassfield) You've just put in another 11 hour day at the studio, rushing in to add some padding here, or attach a tail there, poised to help Chewbacca to the loo or fix a broken seam at the drop of a hat...but mostly waiting and chatting with your coworkers and drinking bottomless lattes. Sounds exotic and fun to this homebody, but day after day after day of long hours and little family time seems wearing.

    And they were to my guest Emma Brassfield. She loved, mostly, her career doing costumes and special effects for film and tv, but after she had her eldest child, the hours and uncertainty of the next gig began to wear.

    So, she took her creative juices to her own business, Studio 7t7! She started out selling toys she had hand crafted and soon discovered the production of sewing for resale didn't suit. BUT, that road led to another...folks kept asking her for patterns for her creations and a new path was born. The 7t7 club is her pattern membership and its feeling just right.

    I love how life flows along like that, especially if you have the gumption to follow it. Do what your passionate about, discover what's not working, make a change...continually adjusting to fit the person you are now and the wished you have today.

    Have a listen!

    Emma's links online...

    The 7t7 club

    Studio 7t7





    Emma Brassfield

    Based in Surrey, UK, Emma Brassfield creates all of the Studio 7t7 items and patterns.

    After having her eldest daughter, Emma wanted to find unique gifts and items that you would be proud to give and equally thrilled to receive. After finding a distinct lack of affordable, beautiful and well made items, Studio 7t7 as you see it was born.

    Since 2001 she has been creating magical creatures and wonderful characters for film and TV. Her credits include The Batsuit for Batman Begins, Mythical creatures for Harry Potter, Chewbacca for Star Wars, The Flash for Justice League and her most favourite creation: Iggle Piggle for In The Night Garden.

    All of the skills she has learned through her adventures during this time have been harnessed into her special creations and sewing patterns.

    In 2020, Emma started a Youtube Channel to teach others to sew and to make their own gorgeous gifts via sewing patterns and free tutorials.

    Pull up a chair, grab a cuppa and browse the Studio for gorgeous gifts, sewing patterns, tutorials and classes.

    [email protected]

  • {w/ Laureen Nowlan-Card}
    Do you ever do this? You meditate, get really clear about where you want to go and who you want to be and you make a plan.

    A realistic plan, for crying out loud! Not one of those pie-in-the-sky plans you used to make, no a plan you can actually achieve by putting one foot in front of the other.

    And you feel so good, patting yourself on the back, ready to usher in change, and then…15 minutes after you decide to not go out to eat this week because you’re budgeting your money in a different, life-affirming, good-for-future-you kind of way, your best friend texts with a “wanna meet for dinner tomorrow night?”. And your inner rebellion rears her head and says YES!!!…and let's go to the GOOD restaurant, and get drinks. Blowing your newfound budget out of the water, moments after you set it.

    Yeah, me too.

    My guest Laureen Nowlan-Card has some beautiful, grace-filled insight into why we do that and how to work with it.

    In this episode, we take a closer look at how our subconscious mind is wired to protect us and avoid change, even if that change is something we know is good for us. We examine the six dimensions of self – body, emotion, spirit, thoughts, energy, and belief – and how to address self-sabotage through practical steps that can help both sides of ourselves come to an agreement.

    Laureen also shares several different exercises she uses in her work and offers listeners her six-senses guide to support their personal growth.

    Give it a listen.

    Email Laureen at [email protected] and ask for her Six-Senses Guide

    Laureen Nowlan-Card

    Eighteen years into her career as a Trial Attorney,Laureen Nowlan-Card decided she wanted to use her “soft skills” and ability to see the magnificence in everyone to coach women to achieve their greatest potential.

    She is the creator of Heart of the Heroine and The Feminine Freedom Solution, a Certified Women’s Empowerment Coach (since 2014), an Emotional Liberation Facilitator (since 2017), Speaker Trainer (since 2016), Podcast Host, Yogini and devoted Mom.

    Laureen is on a mission to change the world one woman at a time, by supporting women to share their ideas in both their personal and professional lives. Laureen guides women to release their self-doubt and limiting beliefs, and to work with their emotions so they can attain increased joy and peace, and create a life they love.

    Laureen also leads women’s public speaking training, where she creates a safe and inspiring container for women to unleash the brilliance of their voices and ideas. Laureen’s podcast, Women Leading Change, is dedicated to amplifying the voices of women who are leading positive change in the World. Laureen is also the founder of The Awakened Woman’s Evolution Group, a Community for Women in Business and Leadership which she describes as “a soft place to land when the world feels hard”.

    Mentioned in the Show

    Website: http://LaureenNowlanCard.ca

    LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/laureen-nowlan-card

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002911292604

    WomanSpeak: https://www.womanspeak.com/lnowlan/

    Join The Awakened Woman’s Evolution Facebook™️ Group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/theawakenedwomansevolution/

    Listen and Subscribe (or contact me to be a guest) on my Podcast (Women Leading Change): https://podcas

    [email protected]

  • (with guest Eliza Wheeler) Once upon a time, a tired and worried mama and her young boy ducked into a bookstore for both a bit of shelter from the storm and for the love of books. While the wee fella fawns over books about fierce dinosaurs and strapping knights with swords, the mama spied a magical book that drew her from across the room.

    That book was Eliza Wheeler's children's book Home in the Woods, a story about her own grandma, a story so deeply rooted in her family history that her siblings and cousins acted it out in the woods of their land, and a story that in the telling would, unbeknownst to her, inspire this mama to remember that she is indeed capable.

    I'm honored to have Eliza join me on this episode and share the long and winding path that brought that story from her childhood play to that mesmerizing book cover that drew me across the room on a cold day in November.

    In our show, she tells of how finally, she had to let go and allow herself to produce next to nothing in a 4 week prestigious fellowship, as the story brewed inside of her. And you'll cheer alongside me when finally it burst forth. And she shares what it is to write a children's book that includes hard topics like death and homelessness and have it speak safely to children in a way that builds empathy and understanding of the world.

    Her intention is palpable in this book and it's a joy to hear about that process.

    Have a listen!

    Mentioned in the podcast

    that gorgeous video about the making of the book

    her website

    Her newsletter Creativi-Tea

    Her books

    Home in the Woods

    Miss Maples Seeds

    Eliza Wheeler is an illustrator and author of books for children. Her first picture book, ‘Miss Maple’s Seeds’ was a New York Times best-seller, and her newest book ‘Home In The Woods’ is based on the true story of her grandmother’s childhood experience of living in a tar-paper shack in the woods with seven siblings and their single mom. She has illustrated for numerous books, including the Newbery Honor book ‘Doll Bones’ by Holly Black, and the picture books by Pat Zietlow Miller; ‘When I’m With You, ‘When You Are Brave’, and ‘Wherever You Go’. Eliza was also a recipient of the prestigious Sendak Fellowship in 2017. She grew up in northern Wisconsin, spent 10 years in Los Angeles, and now lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

    Hey! Do you know of someone who would make a great guest on the show? (maybe you?)
    Email me [email protected]

    [email protected]

  • (with guest Michaela Buhrman of Black Squirrel Flowers)
    I am thrilled to share with you my friend Michaela Buhrman.
    Michaela is a farmer florist and in our show we go into why she did not just become a farmer who grows flowers, arguably her favorite thing to grow, but a farmer florist. A person who starts the seeds, grows the flowers in a way that is in alignment with her values and then takes those flowers and creates beautiful bouquets to bring joy into our homes.

    I can completely relate to her desire to be part of the entire process from start to finish. And I'll bet you can too.

    By having a hand in the entire process she has a deeper connection and knowledge of all the different flowers that she's growing and selling. Getting to know each bloom and how it thrives, gives her more instinct when it comes to arranging flowers for sale...allowing for a bouquet that simply thrives.

    And that just sounds like magic to me.

    Michaela doesn't just grow things...she sews her own clothes, cans her own food and has been known to pick up paper and pencil and draw enchanting things.

    I've been watching Michaela grow her business in this really thoughtful way for awhile and I wanted to share that with you. When there's a new idea for her business or a new offering, she slowly brings that in to make sure that she's not overwhelming what she's capable of doing well or overwhelming her sense of balance in life.

    A lesson, I love to be reminded of...often!

    Have a listen! One of the joys of listening to other people's stories, is that we get to connect with another human and also pull little tidbits from their way of living into our lives that are going to help increase our vibrancy. How fun!

    [email protected]

  • with my guest Cristina Threloff of My Lovely Muse.
    Join Christina, from My Lovely Muse, and me as we talk about how we hold onto the memories that made us feel good in a life that is not always easy. And how recreating those experiences in our adult life and can bring so much joy. We also talk about how this dreamy Pisces listens to her body, rests when she needs to and reads! So many books!!

    She also shares her business journey from selling on Etsy in her spare time to creating a business selling sustainable housewares and teaching others how to make beeswax wraps and sew things for themselves!

    She's inspired me to take more naps and not make ALL the things.

    Meet Christina -

    My name is Christina and I am the owner and sewist behind My Lovely Muse. I am a mom, wife, and lifelong teacher and learner who loves Star Wars, Real Simple magazine, and canning homegrown food. I’m on a mission to save the planet from fast fashion and other needless waste by teaching DIY eco-workshops and handcrafting quirky, convenient eco-conscious housewares to help prevent the unintentional contribution of waste to our landfills.

    Take a listen!

    [email protected]

  • I strive for that sweet spot. The space between apathy and overcontrol, between sticking your head in the sand and beating yourself up over something, between perfectionism and doing things without a care. It’s a balance. Always. Every day. Every hour. But it’s worth it.

    Today I share my ideal work day, why getting to know yourself and working with your energy instead of against it are the first steps in living an intentional, joy-filled life, and how I know when to give myself grace and when to push past my resistance.

    I love hearing about how others structure their days and lives to allow for more creativity and more integrity while not tipping over into too much control. That sweet spot!

    I love it so much, and I suspect you might too, that it will be a constant companion to this podcast. Exploring what brings joy and vibrancy to another’s life and actionable steps on adding that to our own journeys; in whatever ways feel right.

    Share with me your routines, ceremonies, and structures that support you! I’ll share it on the podcast. [email protected]

    Take a listen!

    Mentioned in the podcast

    Human Design (I’m a Sacral Generator and it resonates deeply!)

    Myers Briggs Personality Test (ENFJ here! What are you?)

    Your Astrological Birthchart (I am a sun sign – Aries, rising sign – Taurus, moon sign – Pisces)

    The Enneagram Institute (now this shifts and changes for me. ?? But right now I am a 3 with 2, 4, and 8 hot on its heals)

    Julie Cameron’s The Artists Way

    Sarai Mitnik’s writing on Substack – Making Time

    Hey! Do you know of someone who would make a great guest on the show? (maybe you?)
    Email me [email protected]

    ...and just because, an update on the Maker's Studio

    A huge thank you for the support of our sponsor...Kinship Handwork!

    Have you ever dreamed about coming to a sewing retreat? Gathering with other women, talking, laughing, getting deep, and soaking in the spa pool…all while getting creative, learning a thing or two and working with your hands?

    I have just the thing for you! This October (2023) we’re meeting for our semi-annual clothing sewing retreat on Mackinac Island in Michigan, US.

    The Knit Pants of Your Dreams – Sewing Retreat held Oct 15 – 19

    Sometimes, we like to wear pants. And by golly, if those pants fit us perfectly and look professional, have pockets and are comfortable! SOLD. Jump on the link and check it out!

    Take me to the retreat page

    [email protected]