
  • Do you find it difficult to maintain healthy friendships & relationships?

    The reason can be because of you walking around with unresolved issues; that stemmed from trauma; the world tells us to do what makes us happy but what if we're postponing our purpose; because we are so busy chasing happiness to mask our pain?

    Happiness is not something that we should chase anyway; doing that deters us from our purpose; especially if we're self medicating; self medicating can be a number or things; it can be money, drugs, sex, attention etc.

    That's how addictions are formed;& addictions are the fruit of but never the root of; meaning we have to allow God to heal our hearts; & to change our thinking; that is how we began our process to walking in our purpose.

    I truly hope that this episode has helped you in any way!

    Thanks for listening!

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  • Hey guys! The Kingdom Koncept Podcast Show is finally back and moving in full force! We're starting our new season with our brand new segment; that we're calling; Kingdom Kouple Konversation.On this part of the show my wife & I will converse about a plethora of topics.We aim to bring an understanding of the tools & rules to having a successful marriage.We hope that you've enjoyed this episode!Thanks for watching/listening!--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/israel97/message

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  • We thank God for the good times and the blessings however we neglect the trials & the storms. We need to understand that God sometimes uses those storms to get our attention, so that he can bring transformation to our lives. Remember that God sees opportunities in our vulnerabilities So we must also celebrate the #lowlights of our lives.

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  • Depression and anxiety tend to be some of those touchy subjects that are tough to tackle from a Christian perspective.  It’s not complicated just because the illnesses themselves are so complex, manifesting themselves in myriad ways, but also because perspectives about mental disorders vary greatly throughout the Church.  This isn’t to paint the Church with broad strokes. Incorrect beliefs about mental illness are pervasive throughout our culture. However, some of the “church-y” misconceptions about clinical depression and anxiety spring from a genuine desire to understand them scripturally. It’s necessary to generalize a bit to understand these attitudes: there are things well-meaning Christians tend to get wrong.  Of course, there is way more information about anxiety and depression than what can be summed up in one article, so it’s certainly worth doing more research on the subject. But if we as the Church are going to start talking about these issues, here are a few things we should know:  1. Depression isn’t what the Church sometimes makes it out to be. It’s not a character defect, a spiritual disorder or an emotional dysfunction. And chief of all, it’s not a choice. Asking someone to “try” not being depressed is tantamount to asking someone who’s been shot to try and stop bleeding. Such an attitude can dangerously appear in the Church as, “if only you had enough faith.”  Cue the record scratch for any Christian regarding matters of healing. Having faith in God’s ability to heal is hugely important, and personal faith can help ease depression. But to deny medical or psychiatric treatment to someone suffering from mental illness is really no different than denying them to someone with a physical illness. The difference between the two is that the former is invisible.  Speaking of the invisible, some faith traditions are quick to suggest demonic attack as the cause for depression. While I’m convinced that there’s definitely a spiritual element—the enemy will exploit any weakness—medical science holds that major depressive disorder is real and the causes are manifold.

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  • The family we have grown up in is the primary and, except in rare instances, the most powerful system that will shape and influence who we are. In the Ten Commandments, God said, “For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments” (Ex. 20:5-6). As stated above, curses can be passed down to the third and fourth generations. Sexual sins affect up to the tenth generation (Deuteronomy 23:2), but the blessing of obedience to God is passed down a thousand generations (Deuteronomy 7:9). We are not personally guilty of our ancestors’ sins (Jeremiah 31:29-30; Ezekiel 18:2-32), but we do live with the consequences of their sin—and will continue to live in the way we were taught unless we repent. When people repented in the Old Testament, they confessed their sins and the sins of their ancestors (Nehemiah 1:6-7; 9:2; Jeremiah 14:20; Daniel 9:10-11). We have the same responsibility to recognize our own sins and the sins of our ancestors, to confess them, and to refuse to be held in bondage to living these sins out in our lives. Generational sin and its effects come to us in three ways:1 1. We inherit our propensities to sin through our genes (personality, behavioral tendencies) Heb 7:9,10 – And, so to speak, through Abraham even Levi, who received tithes, paid tithes, for he was still in the loins of his father when Melchizedek met him. 2. By example 3. Through the law of sowing and reaping: the effects of sin multiply in the future --Seeds of sin ripen to produce thirty-, sixty- or a hundredfold, Mark 4:8,20 --When David sinned, his child died, 2 Sam. 12:1-24 --The law of sowing and reaping was designed to bring blessing, but through sin  brings destruction, Gal. 6:8 The lives of David and Abraham show how generational patterns of sin were passed down (adultery/a heart not fully devoted to God, sexual sin, and family division and sibling rivalry for David and a pattern of lying, having a “favorite” child, and sibling rivalry for Abraham). Curses are stopped at the Cross of Christ according to Galatians 3:13.

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  • This video was influenced by the world renowned Apostle Charles Earl Bloom, the word of the month & for the summer is ideology. We're going to tear down the strongholds of backwards thinking. A lot of our thinking has come to be from being directly influenced by people who have developed certain beliefs overtime based upon their own understanding of life, lacking Godly principle & direction. One of those ideals is the notion that we should be (strong) all the time. The ideology of the world is damaging, it is full of mindsets that stacks anguish on top of trauma which is stacked on top of insecurity which is stacked on top of doubt etc. Understand that some of the things that we were taught were taught by our loved ones, they didn't mean any harm. They thought that what there were teaching was right because so many believed the same. Be though as it may those ideals damaged us & the damaged leaked all over our lives, it leaked into our relationships, into our marriages & on our jobs. Let's grow together and do away with the old & allow God to transform our thinking!!! I pray that this video blesses you!!!


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  • Our change at the moment of salvation is just as radical and miraculous. From a death-bound, sinful, and depraved heart, God brings about a brand-new creature—one that is forgiven, made righteous, and designed to be the place where He Himself resides (2 Cor. 5:21; John 14:17).  Have you ever wondered why, then, we continue to struggle with sin after trusting Christ as Savior? Shouldn’t all the habits and tendencies of our old heart have vanished? The answer is that the term “new creature” refers to our position in Christ. It is true that believers are forgiven and eternally secure as children of the heavenly Father. Yet we remain in fleshly bodies, and as long as we are on earth, there will be an ongoing battle between spirit and flesh.  Throughout our life, God is transforming us to be increasingly like Jesus—His Spirit residing within helps us to combat sin and teaches us how to live. This process, called sanctification, is a journey that will last until we are called home to heaven.  While salvation is a one-time event, sanctification is a life-long adventure. And though the Lord sees believers as righteous, we still have the capacity to sin. Thankfully, God’s Spirit guides and empowers us to become more like Jesus, and as we yield to Him, our behavior and thoughts will change.


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  • Our change at the moment of salvation is just as radical and miraculous. From a death-bound, sinful, and depraved heart, God brings about a brand-new creature—one that is forgiven, made righteous, and designed to be the place where He Himself resides (2 Cor. 5:21; John 14:17).  Have you ever wondered why, then, we continue to struggle with sin after trusting Christ as Savior? Shouldn’t all the habits and tendencies of our old heart have vanished? The answer is that the term “new creature” refers to our position in Christ. It is true that believers are forgiven and eternally secure as children of the heavenly Father. Yet we remain in fleshly bodies, and as long as we are on earth, there will be an ongoing battle between spirit and flesh.  Throughout our life, God is transforming us to be increasingly like Jesus—His Spirit residing within helps us to combat sin and teaches us how to live. This process, called sanctification, is a journey that will last until we are called home to heaven.  While salvation is a one-time event, sanctification is a life-long adventure. And though the Lord sees believers as righteous, we still have the capacity to sin. Thankfully, God’s Spirit guides and empowers us to become more like Jesus, and as we yield to Him, our behavior and thoughts will change.


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  • Transformation Church Pastor Spits In Man's Face. Pastor Michael Todd spit in his hand and cupped it there for two minutes as he continued to preach. Todd held it as he finished telling his Tulsa megachurch congregation that Jesus Christ had rubbed his own saliva on a blind man’s eyes to miraculously give him sight.He held it in one hand as he used the other to touch the shoulder of a man standing beside him with his eyes closed. “God’s saying, ‘Can you physically and spiritually and emotionally … stand when getting the vision or receiving it might get nasty?’” Todd asked. Then, the pastor of Transformation Church rubbed his hands together, turned to the man and smeared his spit across the man’s face.Parishioners gasped and groaned. Clips of the sermon have gone viral, including one that had been viewed 1.7 million times as of Tuesday morning. People questioned Todd’s theatrics as coronavirus infections in Oklahoma have jumped 56 percent in the past week, according to The Washington Post’s covid-19 tracker. Todd has since apologized on Twitter and Facebook, calling his actions “disgusting” and saying they “crossed the line.” Todd said he’s passionate about giving people hope, “so much so that I try to do extreme things.” “That was a distraction to what I was really trying to do,” he said in a video message. “I was really trying to make the Word come alive and for people to see the story. But yesterday it got too live, and I own that.”Todd and the Tulsa World identified the man whose face he’d wiped his spit on as his brother, who did not immediately respond to messages from The Post. It’s a bump in a journey that started in 2015 when Todd took over as lead pastor at Transformation Church with its congregation of about 300 that, at the time, was worshiping in a former grocery store, the Tulsa World reported in October. He has since helped grow the church that, at its last service since the pandemic began in March 2020, drew in roughly 4,200 parishioners. The pandemic has not slowed Todd and Transformation, according to the newspaper. As many as 24,000 watch the church’s services online. In the past two years, the church more than tripled its staff from 30 employees to 100-plus, the paper reported. To keep pace, it spent $66 million buying property, including one of the Tulsa area’s largest office buildings.Gary McIntosh, founding pastor of the church, told the Tulsa World that Todd achieved his vision of what Transformation could be — a place of worship that could transcend barriers and resonate with anyone. “He can speak to a younger generation — and he does that exceptionally well — but hold the attention of an older generation,” McIntosh said. On Monday, while apologizing for his sermon the day before, Todd joked about what happened “when the spit hit the fan.” He said he’d checked in with his brother to see how he was doing after the uproar. “I just called him. He was bald before I spit on him, and he’s still bald today. So no miracle here.” The incident came about 40 minutes into Todd’s two-hour service. He started that part of his sermon referencing Mark 8:22-25, a passage in which Jesus and his disciples arrive at the village of Bethsaida and are quickly met by people begging him to heal a blind man. Jesus did, eventually, but first took the man outside the village before rubbing spit on his eyes, thus restoring his sight. In his sermon, Todd said Jesus escorted the blind away from Bethsaida before performing the miracle because he didn’t want to debase the man in public. “He didn’t want … his reputation to be tarnished,” Todd said. Within minutes, Todd was rubbing spit across his brother’s face in front of his congregation, both in-person and online.

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  • As we transition into the year 2022 not (2021) sorry.. If expectations are set at unrealistic levels, self-change attempts are often ‘programmed’ for failure.  Interpretation of failure has a lot to do with a person’s level of persistency (i.e. returning to the goal for another attempt). At some point odds were overwhelming enough to derail the entire goal process, but it could very well be that along the way, there were some rewards. This may have brought with it feelings of optimism and a sense of control that is strong enough to make a person feel capable, even if the end result was never achieved.  The cycle shifts between positive (confidence or even over-confidence) and negative (failure, low self-worth and discouragement), both of which have a psychological consequence. Desires may also remain such as… we can be better, more attractive, more successful, or popular if we can just achieve that one niggly thing, like losing a heck of a lot of weight.  In our minds, it may be doable. It is achievable. “I did lose a few kilos during the first few months of last year. People did notice, and I started to feel better about myself…” So, we return, at resolution time, and vow to make it work this new year. The trouble with little rewards, is that sometimes, these achievements are only really acknowledged in retrospect, as the ‘in-the-moment’ feeling wasn’t as instantly gratifying as we wanted it to be… Why? Perhaps because the focus is on the end goal and not the process (e.g. 2 kilos worth of weight loss is not 10 kg’s).  We all inherently crave appreciation, admiration, success and a feeling of being in control. If we can alter some aspect of ourselves, the benefits achieved will be secondary to the change we are able to make. It’s human nature to like the idea that self-change will bring about what we desire. If we believe so, we are fully capable of achieving our goals. If we are capable, then we can change ourselves, and there will be a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. The consequence will be the benefits we seek.  Year end is a time when most are full of cheer and focussed on the more pleasant aspects of life. We may forget about the stones that tripped us up – the days when the process became boring and unsatisfying, or when real obstacles like difficulty overwhelmed our willpower. The days of relapses which, when added up, eventually prompted us to neatly wrap up our goals in a little box and place it in a drawer for another day, may not be top of mind.  Over-inflated expectations and over-confidence are often central to false hope syndrome. Being unrealistic can break any goal, no matter how grand or small it is. A goal may begin with high hopes (i.e. false hope), but unrealistic expectations relating to the outcome can easily chip away at it. Once odds begin chipping away, hopes get dashed and distorted expectations will lose their shine. The result is discouragement and disappointment, and a perception of oneself as a failure.  To make a successful change, our skills must match our goals in a realistic way. In our skill set lies capability. Our capabilities are there and enable us to achieve through the goal process. In false hope lies failure.


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  • If expectations are set at unrealistic levels, self-change attempts are often ‘programmed’ for failure.  Interpretation of failure has a lot to do with a person’s level of persistency (i.e. returning to the goal for another attempt). At some point odds were overwhelming enough to derail the entire goal process, but it could very well be that along the way, there were some rewards. This may have brought with it feelings of optimism and a sense of control that is strong enough to make a person feel capable, even if the end result was never achieved.  The cycle shifts between positive (confidence or even over-confidence) and negative (failure, low self-worth and discouragement), both of which have a psychological consequence. Desires may also remain such as… we can be better, more attractive, more successful, or popular if we can just achieve that one niggly thing, like losing a heck of a lot of weight.  In our minds, it may be doable. It is achievable. “I did lose a few kilos during the first few months of last year. People did notice, and I started to feel better about myself…” So, we return, at resolution time, and vow to make it work this new year. The trouble with little rewards, is that sometimes, these achievements are only really acknowledged in retrospect, as the ‘in-the-moment’ feeling wasn’t as instantly gratifying as we wanted it to be… Why? Perhaps because the focus is on the end goal and not the process (e.g. 2 kilos worth of weight loss is not 10 kg’s).  We all inherently crave appreciation, admiration, success and a feeling of being in control. If we can alter some aspect of ourselves, the benefits achieved will be secondary to the change we are able to make. It’s human nature to like the idea that self-change will bring about what we desire. If we believe so, we are fully capable of achieving our goals. If we are capable, then we can change ourselves, and there will be a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. The consequence will be the benefits we seek.  Year end is a time when most are full of cheer and focussed on the more pleasant aspects of life. We may forget about the stones that tripped us up – the days when the process became boring and unsatisfying, or when real obstacles like difficulty overwhelmed our willpower. The days of relapses which, when added up, eventually prompted us to neatly wrap up our goals in a little box and place it in a drawer for another day, may not be top of mind.  Over-inflated expectations and over-confidence are often central to false hope syndrome. Being unrealistic can break any goal, no matter how grand or small it is. A goal may begin with high hopes (i.e. false hope), but unrealistic expectations relating to the outcome can easily chip away at it. Once odds begin chipping away, hopes get dashed and distorted expectations will lose their shine. The result is discouragement and disappointment, and a perception of oneself as a failure.  To make a successful change, our skills must match our goals in a realistic way. In our skill set lies capability. Our capabilities are there and enable us to achieve through the goal process. In false hope lies failure.

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  • The mainstream society has been brainwashing people with ideologies that a lot of people believe to be the recipe to living a good life. On the contrary these very ideals trap people mentally and keeps them in a cycle of emptiness. We all want to be loved and to live a fulfilled life however, when we follow the world's way of fulfillment we will always get the opposite. This video talks about the cause and effect of following what the mainstream says is the way to live a lifer that's whole and meaningful.

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  • In the first part of this series we discussed the new age poisonous mindset (Doing What makes You Happy) It is a dangerous ideal that has spread like wildfire. Happiness comes from feelings and if we base everything in life off of our feelings then we will surely never find a sense of stability. Our lives would be as leaves falling from the tree during the season autumn. In part 2  we dig a little deeper and talk more in depth about the consequences that come from chasing after happiness non stop, we talk about the dangers of increased levels of dopamine, which can lead to addictions. It is said that the brain of a drug abuser is the equivalent of a person with any other addiction and whether you realize it or not, you can be addicted to being happy. Those are the dangers of an endless search for happiness. In part 1 and 2 we look at both scriptural and scientific references to this particular subject matter. Be sure to follow the Facts & Farts Podcast Show and be on the lookout for the final part to this 3 part series!!!


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  • In this episode we discuss the new age poisonous mindset (Doing What makes You Happy) It is a dangerous ideal that has spread like wildfire. Happiness comes from feelings and if we base everything in life off of our feelings then we will surely never find a sense of stability. Our lives would be as leaves falling from the tree during the season autumn. Be sure to follow my podcast show, thanks for listening!!!


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  • In this video I talk about the consequences that I suffered from spending too much time on Facebook and other social media platforms. This is not a video to deter anyone from using Facebook or any other platform. My intent is to bring awareness to the over usage of these platforms and how that can effect our mental and emotional well being. Too much of anything can be dangerous, social media is not excluded.

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  • 4 year old Amelia Jermyn was able to warn Dad Daniel Jermyn about the flaming air fryer in their kitchen, all while the soundtrack to the movie “Frozen” played in the background during the middle of the action.

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  • The is the full length continuation of the short video that I uploaded on
    Youtube earlier in the week, talking about where our most important relationships take us and the consequences that follow.


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  • I wanted to share to some of the things that I am experiencing early on during my time of grief. I hope & pray that even in my storm I can still be of an encouragement to someone with this video.

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  • In life we sometimes get stuck and we often wonder why we can't seem to progress, our initial thoughts are good things weren't meant to happen for us or we just can't get ahead. The reality is there are some things that God needs to change in our lives so that we may be able to obtain what he has for us. Think of it this way before you can release a song that song has to go through a mixing process. There are certain things that have to be adjusted for the best possible sound. When that process is complete you will then have the MASTERED version.  Life works the exact same way once we allow God to mix us (create a clean heart, heal our hurt etc) he can then reveal our purpose to us and show us the path that leads in the direction that he wants us to go in.  Listen to this episode as we go deeper into this subject.

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  • Hey guys, so you've already heard a segment of my life story now it's time to listen to your Co Host and hear her powerful story. Like me she suffered emotional trauma during a critical time in her adolescence. As always it is our very hope that this entire mini series has been a total blessing and also the key to set you free from the bondage of past or present emotional turmoil. Just remember that you are never alone, surround yourselves with people who love you and will care enough to pull you aside just to pray for you and encourage you. Go talk to a professional, it is ok to seek counseling. We love you all and are praying for you, no matter your race, background or even your religion. Thanks again for listening!!!

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