Objectivist Academic Center auditor application: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/OAC_auditor_registration
Van Damme Academy Documentary: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/vandamme-academy-documentary#/
Higher Ground Education: https://tohigherground.com/
Mystery Science: https://mysteryscience.com/r1
Lisa Van Damme's "Falling in Love with Poetry": http://fallinginlovewithpoetry.com/
"Your Life Belongs to You" - children's book by Char Cushman: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/188943941X/ref=dbs_a_def_rwt_bibl_vppi_i1
“Seminar on Ayn Rand's Political Philosophy” - Greg Salmeri and Onkar Ghate: https://www.facebook.com/groups/AynRandsPoliticalPhilosophy/
Objectivism365 Challenge: https://objectivist365.com/ -
In-the-Closet Objectivist alumni and fans chime in to talk about our friend, the creator of ItCO, Corey Baum.
Episodi mancanti?
"The Early Ayn Rand": https://www.audible.com/pd/The-Early-Ayn-Rand-Audiobook/B002V5B7FO?qid=1536682699&sr=sr_1_1&ref=a_search_c3_lProduct_1_1&pf_rd_p=e81b7c27-6880-467a-b5a7-13cef5d729fe&pf_rd_r=ZHJ93D7QCZ5J54FRGHZ6&
Donate to Corey's Meal Train: https://www.mealtrain.com/trains/20q617/updates/
Donate to Corey's Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/coreybaum -
Donate to Patreon: www.patreon.com/coreybaum
Help Corey's family by donating to Meal Train: https://www.mealtrain.com/trains/20q617/updates/
Recall a time in your life when you thought to yourself, "I can't do this." Obviously, you got through it: you're here! What pulled you through that seemingly impossible moment? This episode is meant to offer you ammunition for overcoming your next daunting moment.
Winged Victory: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winged_Victory_of_Samothrace
Michelangelo's David: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_(Michelangelo)
Luc Travers's Touching the Art: www.luctravers.com -
Links: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00BNJOI8C?pf_rd_p=d1f45e03-8b73-4c9a-9beb-4819111bef9a&pf_rd_r=PJD0XFDAS095C4BHZSYN
Why do we work to promote a philosophy of Objectivism? Part of it is to help usher in a new cultural and technological Renaissance, including space exploration! What's the latest?
Meal Train for Corey and his family: https://www.mealtrain.com/trains/20q617/updates/
Free the Healtcare Market: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqsoWxJ-qmMvIQy08C_I3B6BXFiyedQ5L
Ayn Rand on the Biggest Threat to America: https://youtu.be/5aa9KDsL4-I -
“Isabella and the Pot of Basil” by John White Alexander: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/29/Isabella_and_the_Pot_of_Basil.jpg
“The Kiss” by Rodin http://ichef.bbci.co.uk/wwfeatures/wm/live/1280_640/images/live/p0/38/hp/p038hp6g.jpg
“Isabella; or, The Pot of Basil” by John Keats https://www.bartleby.com/126/38.html
Luc Travers’s “Touching the Art” approach https://www.luctravers.com/
Lisa Van Damme’s “Falling in Love with Poetry” http://fallinginlovewithpoetry.com/
Dragon Age Origins https://www.ea.com/games/dragon-age/dragon-age-origins
Van Damme Academy Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/VanDammeAcademy
Lisa Van Damme’s blog, “Pygmalion of the Soul”: http://lisavandamme.com
Lisa Van Damme’s reading group, “Read With Me”: https://readwithmebookgroup.com
David Brook’s article, “Love Story”: https://www.nytimes.com/2014/05/02/opinion/brooks-love-story.html
“To You, Remembering the Past” by Christopher Morley:
WHEN we were parted, sweet, and darkness came,
I used to strike a match, and hold the flame
Before your picture and would breathless mark
The answering glimmer of the tiny spark
That brought to life the magic of your eyes,
Their wistful tenderness, their glad surprise.
Holding that mimic torch before your shrine
I used to light your eyes and make them mine;
Watch them like stars set in a lonely sky,
Whisper my heart out, yearning for reply;
Summon your lips from far across the sea
Bidding them live a twilight hour with me.
Then, when the match was shrivelled into gloom,
Lo—you were with me in the darkened room.
Here are the links to which I refer in the episode:
"Campus Speech: Why Reason When I Can Riot?" http://newideal.aynrand.org/campus-speech-why-reason-when-i-can-riot/
"THE STUDENT “REBELLION” AT COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY" https://campus.aynrand.org/works/1968/01/01/the-student-rebellion-at-columbia-university/page1
"POV: AYN RAND INTERVIEWED ON THE VALUE OF EDUCATION" https://ari.aynrand.org/issues/culture-and-society/education--multiculturalism/POV-Ayn-Rand-Interviewed-on-the-Value-of-Education#filter-bar -
We miss you, Corey!
Let's hop into the Way-Back Machine and revisit our episode on entertainment from an Objectivist perspective
Most don't think of "Atlas Shrugged" as a romance, yet the love relationships offer the most unique, life-affirming, exaltant scenes in fiction. In this episode, these scenes are contrasted to similar scenes in popular "romance" novels to underscore the prevailing views of romance and sex, and the unique vision Ayn Rand offers for both.
How did Ayn Rand regard NASA and space exploration? How has the landscape of space exploration changed since she wrote about it? How might space exploration evolve, and for what should we advocate?
We're changing up the format a bit! Now we'll only have the most recent episodes available, along with a few of our favorites. Don't miss new episodes and ItCO classics; check back often!
In their attacks on the validity of patents and copyrights, Rothbardian anarchist libertarians and even the Chicago school of economics claim that such IP rights are invalid because private property rights only apply to resources that are tangible and therefore "scarce," scarce" meaning that there is a finite number of units of that resource on the market at any given time. Since intellectual property is intangible, they claim, patents and copyrights protect creations that are not "scarce." Such an argument on the part of IP's opponents overlook that what IP protects are specific original designs, that scare resources must be inputted to create such original designs at a cost to the inventor or artist, and thus such original designs as no less scarce than the resources inputted to create them. The following 3 myths shall be rebutted:
1. "IP is a claim of ownership over a general category of product, and patents are a government-enforced monopoly over a whole industry."
2. "Multiple parties working independently of one another can, without knowing of each other, arrive at the exact same invention at the exact same time. But only one of these parties will win the patent; the others are forbidden from producing units of their own independent invention."
3. "Private property rights only properly apply to goods that are tangible and therefore 'scarce.' IP being intangible precludes it from being legitimate private property."
Prepare for the truth. -
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