
  • In episode seven of "No Credits Rolled," host Sam announces a new partnership with Philly Drinkers, a local company providing affordable sports apparel. He then covers updates in the Fallout gaming universe, including the impact of the next-gen update for Fallout 4 on the fan-made mod, Fallout London.

    Sam discusses VR and AR tech investments by Meta and Apple, expressing skepticism about their future due to high costs and impracticality. He reviews "Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown," praising its gameplay and design, and "Fallout: New Vegas," highlighting its enduring storytelling and immersive experience.

  • In episode seven of "No Credits Rolled," host Sam announces a new partnership with Philly Drinkers, a local company providing affordable sports apparel. He then covers updates in the Fallout gaming universe, including the impact of the next-gen update for Fallout 4 on the fan-made mod, Fallout London.

    Sam discusses VR and AR tech investments by Meta and Apple, expressing skepticism about their future due to high costs and impracticality. He reviews "Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown," praising its gameplay and design, and "Fallout: New Vegas," highlighting its enduring storytelling and immersive experience.

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  • Feeling chained to your gadgetry in an endless scroll of apps and alerts? You're not alone, as Madison and I dissect the phenomenon of teen technology addiction, drawing parallels to the compulsive nature of drug dependence. This eye-opening discussion traverses the landscape of mental health, revealing the alarmingly similar effects of tech obsession on young brains to those wrought by controlled substances. We'll share our stories of digital dependency, mine as a self-professed tech addict, and Madison's as someone who finds solace in the virtual world when navigating the social sphere. Our conversation is a wake-up call to the reality that over half of our teens feel a visceral tether to their devices, illuminating a path of reflection and understanding for families grappling with this modern challenge.As we peel back the layers of our attachment to technology, I recount the palpable sense of loss when cut off from the digital pulse, akin to the distress substance users experience during withdrawal. We explore how devices become emotional crutches, providing comfort during stressful moments but potentially perpetuating a cycle of avoidance and dependence. Our chat is not all gloom, though; we recognize the therapeutic promise within creative digital environments and the restorative power of tech as an emotional recharge tool. It's a nuanced look at how managing our relationship with technology is critical for maintaining our well-being and preventing it from morphing into a problematic crutch.Rounding off our journey, we tackle the intersection of technology with emotional coping strategies, delving into how the digital world can serve as both a haven and a hindrance for young minds. We emphasize the constructive aspects of online communities for youths facing personal challenges and the essential role of parents in guiding their children through the virtual maze. When discussing the delicate dance of depression and technology addiction, we highlight resources like "Glow Kids" that provide insight into the factors fostering tech dependence. Ultimately, we advocate for balance, encouraging digital detoxes and professional support to ensure that our relationship with technology remains healthy and harmonious. Join us for this crucial conversation that's not just about identifying problems but also about arming ourselves and our loved ones with strategies for a healthier digital life.

  • Feeling chained to your gadgetry in an endless scroll of apps and alerts? You're not alone, as Madison and I dissect the phenomenon of teen technology addiction, drawing parallels to the compulsive nature of drug dependence. This eye-opening discussion traverses the landscape of mental health, revealing the alarmingly similar effects of tech obsession on young brains to those wrought by controlled substances. We'll share our stories of digital dependency, mine as a self-professed tech addict, and Madison's as someone who finds solace in the virtual world when navigating the social sphere. Our conversation is a wake-up call to the reality that over half of our teens feel a visceral tether to their devices, illuminating a path of reflection and understanding for families grappling with this modern challenge.As we peel back the layers of our attachment to technology, I recount the palpable sense of loss when cut off from the digital pulse, akin to the distress substance users experience during withdrawal. We explore how devices become emotional crutches, providing comfort during stressful moments but potentially perpetuating a cycle of avoidance and dependence. Our chat is not all gloom, though; we recognize the therapeutic promise within creative digital environments and the restorative power of tech as an emotional recharge tool. It's a nuanced look at how managing our relationship with technology is critical for maintaining our well-being and preventing it from morphing into a problematic crutch.Rounding off our journey, we tackle the intersection of technology with emotional coping strategies, delving into how the digital world can serve as both a haven and a hindrance for young minds. We emphasize the constructive aspects of online communities for youths facing personal challenges and the essential role of parents in guiding their children through the virtual maze. When discussing the delicate dance of depression and technology addiction, we highlight resources like "Glow Kids" that provide insight into the factors fostering tech dependence. Ultimately, we advocate for balance, encouraging digital detoxes and professional support to ensure that our relationship with technology remains healthy and harmonious. Join us for this crucial conversation that's not just about identifying problems but also about arming ourselves and our loved ones with strategies for a healthier digital life.

  • In episode six of "No Credits Rolled," host Sam Whalen delves into a variety of topics, beginning with the enduring popularity of older video games. Highlighting a surprising trend, he points out that a significant portion of gaming time in 2023 was dedicated to titles that are six years old or older, with games like Fortnite, Roblox, League of Legends, Minecraft, and GTA V dominating playtime. This data suggests a challenging environment for new games to capture the attention of gamers, overshadowed by these longstanding favorites. Sam explores how these older games continue to thrive, attributing their success to constant updates, built-in player bases, and their capacity to provide short, satisfying gameplay sessions. This segment raises questions about the future of new game development in a market dominated by a few juggernauts.

    Transitioning from the discussion on game longevity, Sam shares his excitement and thoughts on "Dragon's Dogma 2." He offers an enthusiastic review, praising the game's immersive world and dynamic gameplay while acknowledging its technical shortcomings and the quirky, old-fashioned dialogue. Despite these flaws, Sam finds the game captivating, especially enjoying the epic moments and combat system that allows players to feel remarkably powerful and engaged. The review provides a balanced perspective, highlighting the game's potential to offer rewarding experiences to players willing to overlook its imperfections.

    Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/NoCreditsRolled

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/00va6YeE4smOzSX5P9zTxf

    Apple Podcasts: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/2290031.rss

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  • In episode six of "No Credits Rolled," host Sam Whalen delves into a variety of topics, beginning with the enduring popularity of older video games. Highlighting a surprising trend, he points out that a significant portion of gaming time in 2023 was dedicated to titles that are six years old or older, with games like Fortnite, Roblox, League of Legends, Minecraft, and GTA V dominating playtime. This data suggests a challenging environment for new games to capture the attention of gamers, overshadowed by these longstanding favorites. Sam explores how these older games continue to thrive, attributing their success to constant updates, built-in player bases, and their capacity to provide short, satisfying gameplay sessions. This segment raises questions about the future of new game development in a market dominated by a few juggernauts.

    Transitioning from the discussion on game longevity, Sam shares his excitement and thoughts on "Dragon's Dogma 2." He offers an enthusiastic review, praising the game's immersive world and dynamic gameplay while acknowledging its technical shortcomings and the quirky, old-fashioned dialogue. Despite these flaws, Sam finds the game captivating, especially enjoying the epic moments and combat system that allows players to feel remarkably powerful and engaged. The review provides a balanced perspective, highlighting the game's potential to offer rewarding experiences to players willing to overlook its imperfections.

    Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/NoCreditsRolled

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/00va6YeE4smOzSX5P9zTxf

    Apple Podcasts: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/2290031.rss

    Support the show

  • As the corridors of high school fall silent after the final bell, the hushed sound of solitude becomes the hidden chorus of adolescence. My co-host Madison Whalen and I navigate the silent storm of teenage isolation, probing the depths of self-imposed solitude and its profound effects on young minds and bodies. We unravel the tangled emotions behind the intense fear of social rejection, likening it to the sting of physical pain, and shine a light on the crucial role of parents in fostering healthy, real-world connections for their teens.Adolescents today are treading the tightrope between digital comfort zones and the uncharted waters of in-person socialization. We reflect on our own post-pandemic social anxieties and the peculiar sense of crowd-induced claustrophobia. Madison and I dissect the allure and limitations of social media havens, and the delicate dance between nurturing online friendships and breaking out of their confines to expand social circles in the flesh.In the final beats of our episode, we scrutinize the shifting dynamics of teenage social life in an increasingly digital world, leaning on insights from the Pew Research Center and a CNN study to highlight the decline of face-to-face interactions. We share personal anecdotes and ponder strategies to reel back from avoidance behavior that feeds isolation. Wrapping up, we steer you towards our various online platforms, where you can continue the conversation and dive into our extended podcast family, Insights into Entertainment and Insights Into Tomorrow. With a heartfelt goodbye, we invite you to explore our books and join us again as we seek to understand and aid the solitary hearts of today's youth.

  • As the corridors of high school fall silent after the final bell, the hushed sound of solitude becomes the hidden chorus of adolescence. My co-host Madison Whalen and I navigate the silent storm of teenage isolation, probing the depths of self-imposed solitude and its profound effects on young minds and bodies. We unravel the tangled emotions behind the intense fear of social rejection, likening it to the sting of physical pain, and shine a light on the crucial role of parents in fostering healthy, real-world connections for their teens.Adolescents today are treading the tightrope between digital comfort zones and the uncharted waters of in-person socialization. We reflect on our own post-pandemic social anxieties and the peculiar sense of crowd-induced claustrophobia. Madison and I dissect the allure and limitations of social media havens, and the delicate dance between nurturing online friendships and breaking out of their confines to expand social circles in the flesh.In the final beats of our episode, we scrutinize the shifting dynamics of teenage social life in an increasingly digital world, leaning on insights from the Pew Research Center and a CNN study to highlight the decline of face-to-face interactions. We share personal anecdotes and ponder strategies to reel back from avoidance behavior that feeds isolation. Wrapping up, we steer you towards our various online platforms, where you can continue the conversation and dive into our extended podcast family, Insights into Entertainment and Insights Into Tomorrow. With a heartfelt goodbye, we invite you to explore our books and join us again as we seek to understand and aid the solitary hearts of today's youth.

  • Ever wonder what's going on inside the mind of a teenager as they toggle between safety and thrill-seeking? Unlock the mysteries of adolescent development in our latest episode, where we dissect the compelling allure of challenges and risks for growing teens. Together with experts in psychology and teen behavior, we share insights into how these experiences are not just acts of rebellion, but crucial steps toward maturity.Join us for a heart-to-heart on personal growth as we reflect on personal anecdotes and the surprising benefits of well-chosen challenges. From the satisfaction of creating art to the continuous learning within the tech industry, we reveal how facing the right kind of challenges can lead to lower rates of depression and foster fulfillment. Learn how to guide teenagers in embracing these opportunities for growth, steering them away from unhealthy risks and towards constructive endeavors.Finally, we tackle the tough topic of unhealthy teen challenges and how parents can play a pivotal role in navigating this terrain. Discover effective strategies to channel your teen's energy into positive experiences, from outdoor adventures to creative arts, and understand the impact of parental support on their journey. This episode offers a heartfelt guide for anyone looking to help teens emerge as well-rounded, confident adults, while also shedding light on the value of challenges in our own lives.

  • Ever wonder what's going on inside the mind of a teenager as they toggle between safety and thrill-seeking? Unlock the mysteries of adolescent development in our latest episode, where we dissect the compelling allure of challenges and risks for growing teens. Together with experts in psychology and teen behavior, we share insights into how these experiences are not just acts of rebellion, but crucial steps toward maturity.Join us for a heart-to-heart on personal growth as we reflect on personal anecdotes and the surprising benefits of well-chosen challenges. From the satisfaction of creating art to the continuous learning within the tech industry, we reveal how facing the right kind of challenges can lead to lower rates of depression and foster fulfillment. Learn how to guide teenagers in embracing these opportunities for growth, steering them away from unhealthy risks and towards constructive endeavors.Finally, we tackle the tough topic of unhealthy teen challenges and how parents can play a pivotal role in navigating this terrain. Discover effective strategies to channel your teen's energy into positive experiences, from outdoor adventures to creative arts, and understand the impact of parental support on their journey. This episode offers a heartfelt guide for anyone looking to help teens emerge as well-rounded, confident adults, while also shedding light on the value of challenges in our own lives.

  • In this episode of "No Credits Rolled," Sam celebrates the podcast reaching its fifth episode by doing something special. He brings on his friend Joe, a nurse and a regular listener of the show, to discuss two of their favorite games. The first game they dive into is "Hell Divers 2," a multiplayer shooter that has gained popularity for its intense gameplay and cooperative play style. Sam and Joe praise its design, which encourages team play and strategy, likening its theme and mechanics to the movie "Starship Troopers." They also discuss the community aspect of the game and how it incorporates player actions into a larger narrative of liberating planets.

    The second game they talk about is "Baldur's Gate 3," which both consider a contender for the best game ever made. They delve into its deep RPG elements, character customization, and how choices significantly impact the game's world and narrative. The discussion highlights the game's complex story, voice acting, and the ways it innovates within the RPG genre.

  • In this episode of "No Credits Rolled," Sam celebrates the podcast reaching its fifth episode by doing something special. He brings on his friend Joe, a nurse and a regular listener of the show, to discuss two of their favorite games. The first game they dive into is "Hell Divers 2," a multiplayer shooter that has gained popularity for its intense gameplay and cooperative play style. Sam and Joe praise its design, which encourages team play and strategy, likening its theme and mechanics to the movie "Starship Troopers." They also discuss the community aspect of the game and how it incorporates player actions into a larger narrative of liberating planets.

    The second game they talk about is "Baldur's Gate 3," which both consider a contender for the best game ever made. They delve into its deep RPG elements, character customization, and how choices significantly impact the game's world and narrative. The discussion highlights the game's complex story, voice acting, and the ways it innovates within the RPG genre.

  • Discovering the right balance of personal boundaries can be a daunting journey, one that my daughter Madison and I know all too well. As we reunite in this episode of Insights Into Teens, we delve into the intricate world of boundaries—those unseen yet pivotal lines that protect our well-being. We navigate through the emotional landscapes of adolescents, discussing how vital it is to establish physical, emotional, and mental boundaries while also recognizing the challenges and profound impact relational trauma can have on their formation. Our candid conversation serves as a guide for young individuals striving to reclaim their power in setting boundaries and the necessity of building relationships founded on mutual respect and understanding.Our personal experiences become the canvas as we paint the picture of struggles with boundaries that are either too permeable or overly rigid. I recount times when my own defenses were so weak that I became susceptible to external influences, as well as moments when fortifying my walls too fiercely led to isolation. Madison and I reflect on the dangers of creating impenetrable boundaries, which may result in disconnection and hinder genuine human connections. We stress the significance of maneuvering the delicate balance between allowing ourselves to be vulnerable to meaningful experiences while also guarding against potential risks, recognizing that it is an ongoing process with room for improvement.

  • Discovering the right balance of personal boundaries can be a daunting journey, one that my daughter Madison and I know all too well. As we reunite in this episode of Insights Into Teens, we delve into the intricate world of boundaries—those unseen yet pivotal lines that protect our well-being. We navigate through the emotional landscapes of adolescents, discussing how vital it is to establish physical, emotional, and mental boundaries while also recognizing the challenges and profound impact relational trauma can have on their formation. Our candid conversation serves as a guide for young individuals striving to reclaim their power in setting boundaries and the necessity of building relationships founded on mutual respect and understanding.Our personal experiences become the canvas as we paint the picture of struggles with boundaries that are either too permeable or overly rigid. I recount times when my own defenses were so weak that I became susceptible to external influences, as well as moments when fortifying my walls too fiercely led to isolation. Madison and I reflect on the dangers of creating impenetrable boundaries, which may result in disconnection and hinder genuine human connections. We stress the significance of maneuvering the delicate balance between allowing ourselves to be vulnerable to meaningful experiences while also guarding against potential risks, recognizing that it is an ongoing process with room for improvement.

    An original podcast by a husband and wife team of self professed pop-culture geeks. It is a discussion about all things entertainment from movies and music to television and pop culture. We examine some of the more obscure aspects of the entertainment industry.

  • In Episode Four of "No Credits Rolled," host Sam Whalen explores the future plans of major console manufacturers for 2024, with a special focus on the much-anticipated Nintendo Switch successor, rumored to be the "Super Switch." Sam discusses the current success of the Switch and speculates on Nintendo's strategy of maintaining silence on the next-gen console, highlighting the company's unique position in the console market. The episode also delves into Xbox's strategy of extending its game titles to PS5 and Nintendo Switch as a means to stay relevant against PlayStation's dominance, underscored by its strong lineup of first-party games.

    Additionally, Sam shares his personal gaming experiences with reviews of Tekken 8 and Final Fantasy VII Remake. He praises Tekken 8 for its entertaining gameplay and distinctive style, and offers insights into his newfound appreciation for Final Fantasy VII Remake, emphasizing the visual upgrades and accessible combat mechanics. The episode invites listeners to engage by sharing their gaming anticipations for 2024 and concludes with an overview of upcoming game releases, reinforcing the podcast's focus on gaming news, reviews, and the community's diverse interests.

  • In Episode Four of "No Credits Rolled," host Sam Whalen explores the future plans of major console manufacturers for 2024, with a special focus on the much-anticipated Nintendo Switch successor, rumored to be the "Super Switch." Sam discusses the current success of the Switch and speculates on Nintendo's strategy of maintaining silence on the next-gen console, highlighting the company's unique position in the console market. The episode also delves into Xbox's strategy of extending its game titles to PS5 and Nintendo Switch as a means to stay relevant against PlayStation's dominance, underscored by its strong lineup of first-party games.

    Additionally, Sam shares his personal gaming experiences with reviews of Tekken 8 and Final Fantasy VII Remake. He praises Tekken 8 for its entertaining gameplay and distinctive style, and offers insights into his newfound appreciation for Final Fantasy VII Remake, emphasizing the visual upgrades and accessible combat mechanics. The episode invites listeners to engage by sharing their gaming anticipations for 2024 and concludes with an overview of upcoming game releases, reinforcing the podcast's focus on gaming news, reviews, and the community's diverse interests.

  • In episode three of "No Credits Rolled," host Sam Whalen dives into the evolving landscape of the gaming world, offering listeners a unique blend of news, reviews, and personal gaming experiences. This episode highlights Disney's groundbreaking investment in Epic Games, setting the stage for an expansive universe within Fortnite that promises to blend beloved characters and stories from Disney, Pixar, Marvel, Star Wars, and more into an interactive gaming experience. Sam shares his enthusiasm for Fortnite and speculates on the implications of Disney's move into the gaming industry.

    The discussion shifts to the trend of live service games, as Sam explores the potential and challenges of this model, citing examples and offering insights into the future of gaming. He reflects on how these games maintain player engagement and the impact on game development and industry trends.

  • In episode three of "No Credits Rolled," host Sam Whalen dives into the evolving landscape of the gaming world, offering listeners a unique blend of news, reviews, and personal gaming experiences. This episode highlights Disney's groundbreaking investment in Epic Games, setting the stage for an expansive universe within Fortnite that promises to blend beloved characters and stories from Disney, Pixar, Marvel, Star Wars, and more into an interactive gaming experience. Sam shares his enthusiasm for Fortnite and speculates on the implications of Disney's move into the gaming industry.

    The discussion shifts to the trend of live service games, as Sam explores the potential and challenges of this model, citing examples and offering insights into the future of gaming. He reflects on how these games maintain player engagement and the impact on game development and industry trends.

  • Dive into the electrifying world of gaming with Sam Whalen in Episode Two of "No Credits Rolled." This episode offers a treasure trove of insights into the latest and greatest in the gaming universe, starting with a deep dive into the Xbox Developer Direct for 2024. Sam expertly navigates through the showcase, highlighting the strategic moves by Microsoft as they unveil a lineup of five enthralling games. From a highly anticipated sequel to a beloved classic to innovative new titles, the episode is a journey through diverse gaming genres, ensuring there's something captivating for every type of gamer.

    Sam delves into detailed reviews of the games he's been playing. He shares his obsession with "Pal World," a game that transcends its 'Pokémon with guns' description, offering a unique blend of survival, crafting, and monster-catching elements. Sam also discusses his experiences with "Alan Wake 2," praising its atmospheric and intense gameplay, and "The Last of Us Part Two Remaster," focusing on its riveting combat and new rogue-like mode. Join Sam on this exciting podcast as he explores these digital worlds, providing listeners with both a critical perspective and a gamer's passion.

  • Dive into the electrifying world of gaming with Sam Whalen in Episode Two of "No Credits Rolled." This episode offers a treasure trove of insights into the latest and greatest in the gaming universe, starting with a deep dive into the Xbox Developer Direct for 2024. Sam expertly navigates through the showcase, highlighting the strategic moves by Microsoft as they unveil a lineup of five enthralling games. From a highly anticipated sequel to a beloved classic to innovative new titles, the episode is a journey through diverse gaming genres, ensuring there's something captivating for every type of gamer.

    Sam delves into detailed reviews of the games he's been playing. He shares his obsession with "Pal World," a game that transcends its 'Pokémon with guns' description, offering a unique blend of survival, crafting, and monster-catching elements. Sam also discusses his experiences with "Alan Wake 2," praising its atmospheric and intense gameplay, and "The Last of Us Part Two Remaster," focusing on its riveting combat and new rogue-like mode. Join Sam on this exciting podcast as he explores these digital worlds, providing listeners with both a critical perspective and a gamer's passion.