
  • On the podcast Integrative Cancer Solution with Dr. Karlfeldt, Dr. Sharon Stills shares valuable insights on hormone health, particularly in women undergoing menopause, and its implications for cancer. Dr. Stills highlights the common fear among women that bioidentical hormones might increase their risk of cancer, especially when there's a family history of the disease. However, she emphasizes that this fear often stems from outdated studies and misconceptions. In particular, she critiques the Women’s Health Initiative study from the early 2000s, which has been debunked but continues to shape fears around hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Dr. Stills believes that imbalances or a lack of proper hormone monitoring, rather than hormone therapy itself, can contribute to cancer risks. The conversation underscores the need for personalized, integrative care that looks beyond blanket assumptions about hormones and cancer.

    In her practice, Dr. Stills routinely works with patients who have concerns about the safety of HRT. She explains that there are different types of estrogen (estrone, estradiol, and estriol), each with different effects on the body. She stresses the importance of balancing these estrogens and supporting the body through hormone replacement to reduce risks associated with deficiencies. Moreover, she notes that hormone blockers used in some cancer treatments, while sometimes necessary, often lead to significant side effects without addressing the root causes of cancer. Dr. Stills advocates for a holistic approach, considering not just hormone levels but also the entire body’s terrain, including liver function, adrenal health, and overall lifestyle.

    Preventative medicine plays a crucial role in maintaining health, yet many patients don't seek help until their symptoms become severe, which is unfortunate, especially in the context of emotionally and hormonally sensitive diseases like breast and ovarian cancer. The body's stress response, largely regulated by the hypothalamus and pituitary, signals an imbalance in hormones, which can trigger a cascade of adverse health effects, including estrogen dominance and the proliferation of conditions such as fibroids and cancer, highlighting the importance of addressing both emotional and physical stressors early.

    In today's world, stress is more than just emotional strain—it encompasses environmental factors like EMF pollution, poor posture, and chemical exposure from foods and personal habits. Chronic stress alters hormone production, lowering beneficial hormones like progesterone while raising harmful stress hormones, so managing stress through lifestyle changes, like improving posture, avoiding toxins, and fostering mental well-being through gratitude and purpose, becomes essential in achieving and maintaining optimal health.

    Bioidentical hormones are often misunderstood, with many people fearing they cause cancer, though studies show imbalances or improper use of hormones are more likely contributors.Estrogen is a complex hormone, with different types affecting the body in varying ways; proper monitoring and balance can prevent health issues, including cancer.Hormones should not be addressed in isolation, as they are interconnected with the body's overall health, and addressing the whole system is essential for effective treatment.Preventative medicine is crucial, but patients often wait until symptoms become severe before seeking help, making it harder to address underlying issues.Chronic stress from various sources, including emotional trauma and environmental factors, leads to hormonal imbalances that contribute to health problems like cancer and autoimmune diseases.True healing requires addressing both the emotional and physical aspects of health, as unresolved trauma or physical imbalances can reinforce each other.


    Connect with Dr. Stills https://drstills.com/


    Grab my book A Better Way to Treat Cancer: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding, Preventing and Most Effectively Treating Our Biggest Health Threat - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CM1KKD9X?ref_=pe_3052080_397514860


    Integrative Cancer Solutions was created to instill hope and empowerment. Other people have been where you are right now and have already done the research for you. Listen to their stories and journeys and apply what they learned to achieve similar outcomes as they have, cancer remission and an even more fullness of life than before the diagnosis. Guests will discuss what therapies, supplements, and practitioners they relied on to beat cancer. Once diagnosed, time is of the essence. This podcast will dramatically reduce your learning curve as you search for your own solution to cancer. To learn more about the cutting-edge integrative cancer therapies Dr. Karlfeldt offer at his center, please visit www.TheKarlfeldtCenter.com.

  • Today on Integrative Cancer Solutions Dr. Karlfeldt's guest is Eliza Caplan. Eliza, growing up in a nature-loving, outdoorsy family with "hippy values," her words, she developed a deep connection to animals and the environment from an early age. This passion led her to become a vegetarian and later a vegan, driven by discomfort with factory farming and a desire to live as cleanly and kindly as possible. She raised her family with similar values, keeping chickens in the backyard for eggs when she introduced them back into her diet. Her journey toward health-conscious living expanded into other areas, like researching personal care products, which led to work with BeautyCounter, where she educated others on choosing safe and environmentally friendly products for nearly eight years.

    However, a few years ago, she started experiencing unusual physical symptoms while exercising, which she initially dismissed as dehydration or overexertion. But as these tingling sensations in her limbs persisted, she decided to seek medical advice, given her family history with neurological conditions like ALS, which her mother had suffered from. After consulting with a neurologist and undergoing an MRI, Eliza was diagnosed with an oligodendroglioma brain tumor. Although this type of tumor is the slowest-growing among gliomas, she was still confronted with the reality of having brain cancer, a term that initially took her breath away as Eliza tried to balance protecting her kids from the weight of the diagnosis while coming to terms with it herself.

    Faced with this life-altering diagnosis, Eliza dove deep into research on both conventional and integrative cancer treatments, determined to fight it with a holistic approach. Surgery was the first step, during which doctors performed a craniotomy to remove as much of the tumor as possible. While the surgery was physically taxing, her recovery included walking, physical therapy, and even swimming to regain strength. Following surgery, she underwent 30 days of radiation and 10 months of chemotherapy. Despite the emotional and physical challenges, she integrated healthy practices into her routine—walking, a clean diet, intermittent fasting, and supplements from her integrative oncologist—determined to manage the cancer while maintaining a balanced, toxin-free lifestyle.

    In 2015, Eliza began her career as a wellness advocate, dedicated to helping people improve their health and lead balanced lives.Her work was driven by a passion for nutrition and a belief in the power of healthy living.Eliza's personal journey took an unexpected turn when she was diagnosed with a brain tumor in 2017, prompting her to shift her focus to navigating her own health challenges.Despite these challenges, Eliza remained committed to her mission, using her experiences to inspire and educate others about resilience and wellness.


    Connect with Eliza https://www.instagram.com/imperfectly_passionate/?hl=en


    Grab my book A Better Way to Treat Cancer: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding, Preventing and Most Effectively Treating Our Biggest Health Threat - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CM1KKD9X?ref_=pe_3052080_397514860


    Integrative Cancer Solutions was created to instill hope and empowerment. Other people have been where you are right now and have already done the research for you. Listen to their stories and journeys and apply what they learned to achieve similar outcomes as they have, cancer remission and an even more fullness of life than before the diagnosis. Guests will discuss what therapies, supplements, and practitioners they relied on to beat cancer. Once diagnosed, time is of the essence. This podcast will dramatically reduce your learning curve as you search for your own solution to cancer. To learn more about the cutting-edge integrative cancer therapies Dr. Karlfeldt offer at his center, please visit www.TheKarlfeldtCenter.com.

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  • Today on Integrative Cancer Solutions Dr. Karlfeldt is joined by Sharry Edwards. Sharry grew up in a challenging environment, adopted unofficially by a couple in Appalachia. Sharry lived in extremely modest conditions without electricity or running water, with slats for walls, covered with cardboard to keep out the cold. Despite these hardships, Sharry believes this unique upbringing enhanced her abilities in a way that allowed her to hear and understand sounds and frequencies beyond the normal human range. Her family, lacking education and fearful of the unknown, didn’t comprehend her abilities. They were often afraid of what I could do, like hearing thoughts or stopping bleeding with a sound, which pushed her to discover more about the source of these abilities.

    As Sharry grew older and pursued her curiosity, she became involved in the work being done at Johns Hopkins University, where experiments focused on listening to sounds produced by guinea pigs' ears. This research led her to realize that the frequencies she was hearing were emitted by people, reflecting their brain activity and overall health. In 1984, she developed a computer program designed to help others understand their own frequencies, providing insights into their health, fears, and nutritional needs. This program, which has been freely shared for years, empowers individuals to take control of their health by tuning into their body's frequencies. Her mission is to help people identify what’s truly happening within them, using their voices as a holographic representation of their entire being, with the hope that this knowledge enables them to lead healthier, more informed lives.

    In treating individuals with conditions like Parkinson's, Sharry emphasizes the importance of examining each person's unique biochemical matrix, which can involve issues with specific vitamins, such as B vitamins, and nutrients like glycine. One notable case involved an emergency room doctor who was told by conventional medicine to go home and die due to MS. However, after analyzing his vocal print, Sharry's team discovered a spinal injury from a past skiing accident that was causing his symptoms. By using targeted frequencies, they were able to restore his nerve function, allowing him to walk again after months of treatment. This approach, documented in various case studies and videos, demonstrates the predictive and healing potential of frequency-based medicine. Another case involved a woman who had been treated for heart disease for 11 years, only to find through vocal analysis that her health issues were actually related to her thyroid. Once this was identified and addressed, her health dramatically improved, underscoring the importance of this work in offering a deeper, more accurate understanding of health conditions that traditional medicine might overlook.

    In summary, Sharry’s groundbreaking work in frequency-based medicine offers a transformative approach to understanding and improving health. By tapping into the unique frequencies emitted by the human body, she has helped countless individuals uncover the true roots of their ailments, often revealing insights that conventional medicine overlooks. Through her dedication to empowering others with this knowledge, Sharry continues to pave the way for a future where people can take control of their health, leading lives that are not only healthier but also more deeply connected to their own bodies.

    Learn more about BioAcoustics



    Grab my book A Better Way to Treat Cancer: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding, Preventing and Most Effectively Treating Our Biggest Health Threat - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CM1KKD9X?ref_=pe_3052080_397514860


    Integrative Cancer Solutions was created to instill hope and empowerment. Other people have been where you are right now and have already done the research for you. Listen to their stories and journeys and apply what they learned to achieve similar outcomes as they have, cancer remission and an even more fullness of life than before the diagnosis. Guests will discuss what therapies, supplements, and practitioners they relied on to beat cancer. Once diagnosed, time is of the essence. This podcast will dramatically reduce your learning curve as you search for your own solution to cancer. To learn more about the cutting-edge integrative cancer therapies Dr. Karlfeldt offer at his center, please visit www.TheKarlfeldtCenter.com.

  • Today on Integrative Cancer Solutions Dr. Karlfeldt is joined by Dr. Neal McKinney. Dr. McKinney is a distinguished naturopathic physician with a profound focus on integrative cancer care. With a robust academic background, including a degree in biosciences from Simon Fraser University and a Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine from the National College of Naturopathic Medicine, Dr. McKinney has dedicated decades to understanding and treating cancer. His extensive career includes training in traditional Chinese medicine, years of hands-on cancer research, and the authorship of six textbooks on naturopathic oncology. Although he no longer practices, his current work is heavily focused on research, continuing to explore novel approaches to cancer treatment.

    One of Dr. McKinney's most recent contributions to the field is his book, Unraveling Cancer's Web. In this book, he delves into the complexities of cancer metabolism, particularly the phenomenon known as the Warburg effect, where cancer cells prefer fermentation even in the presence of oxygen. He explains that this metabolic shift is driven by a series of epigenetic reprogramming events, immune system evasion, and the development of cancer cell "stemness," which allows them to resist conventional therapies. Through his research, Dr. McKinney has identified critical pathways and potential treatments that target these processes, providing new insights into the fight against cancer.

    Dr. McKinney's work is driven by a deep curiosity and a desire to uncover the underlying mechanisms that cause cancer cells to become so resilient. His research has shown that despite the genetic diversity among different types of cancer, there are common threads in how these cells survive and thrive. By understanding these shared mechanisms, such as the role of hypoxia and mitochondrial damage, Dr. McKinney aims to develop more effective treatments that can be tailored to the specific needs of cancer patients. His ongoing research continues to push the boundaries of what is known about cancer, offering hope for new therapeutic approaches in the future.

    Dr. Neal McKinney, a seasoned naturopathic physician, has dedicated his career to understanding and treating cancer through integrative and alternative medicine.His research focuses on the metabolic processes and genetic reprogramming that drive cancer, particularly the shift towards fermentation even in oxygen-rich environments.McKinney's latest book, Unraveling Cancer's Web, explores the complexities of cancer biology and offers insights into novel treatment approaches.He emphasizes the importance of understanding the interconnectedness of various cancer processes, including immune suppression, metabolic changes, and the development of stem cell-like properties in cancer cells.


    Grab my book A Better Way to Treat Cancer: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding, Preventing and Most Effectively Treating Our Biggest Health Threat - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CM1KKD9X?ref_=pe_3052080_397514860


    Integrative Cancer Solutions was created to instill hope and empowerment. Other people have been where you are right now and have already done the research for you. Listen to their stories and journeys and apply what they learned to achieve similar outcomes as they have, cancer remission and an even more fullness of life than before the diagnosis. Guests will discuss what therapies, supplements, and practitioners they relied on to beat cancer. Once diagnosed, time is of the essence. This podcast will dramatically reduce your learning curve as you search for your own solution to cancer. To learn more about the cutting-edge integrative cancer therapies Dr. Karlfeldt offer at his center, please visit www.TheKarlfeldtCenter.com.

  • Today on Integrative Cancer Solutions Dr. Karlfeldt is joined by Dr. Paul Anderson. Dr. Anderson is a highly respected leader in integrative and naturopathic medicine, particularly known for his work in complex infectious, chronic, and oncologic illnesses. With over three decades of clinical experience, Dr. Anderson has played a significant role in advancing the field, including heading the interventional arm of a US NIH-funded research trial on IV and integrative therapies for cancer patients. He has held various esteemed positions, such as professor of pharmacology and clinical medicine at Bastyr University and chief of IV services at Bastyr Oncology Research Center. Dr. Anderson is also a prolific author, contributing to books that have become essential resources for both practitioners and patients alike.

    In this discussion on the future of integrative oncology, Dr. Anderson highlights the concept of therapeutic synergy, which has become increasingly important in treating cancer patients. He reflects on the early days of integrative oncology when the focus was on finding a single treatment that could universally combat cancer. However, through years of clinical experience and research, it has become evident that no one-size-fits-all treatment exists. Instead, integrative therapies must be tailored to each patient's unique immune system and overall health. This personalized approach, which combines various therapies to enhance their effectiveness, is where Dr. Anderson sees the field moving forward, leading to better outcomes for patients.

    Dr. Anderson emphasizes the importance of understanding the patient's individual condition, particularly their immune system's status, before deciding on a treatment plan. He explains that while some patients with robust immune systems may respond well to a wide range of therapies, others, especially those who have undergone extensive conventional treatments like chemotherapy and radiation, may need more gentle, restorative approaches initially. The goal is to strike a balance between strengthening the patient and aggressively targeting the disease, a process that requires careful assessment and a deep understanding of both the science and the art of medicine. Dr. Anderson's insights underscore the importance of personalized, synergistic approaches in integrative oncology, offering hope for more effective cancer treatments in the future.

    Dr. Paul Anderson is a recognized leader in integrative and naturopathic medicine, specializing in complex infectious, chronic, and oncologic illnesses.He has over three decades of clinical experience and has held significant roles, including leading a US NIH-funded human research trial on integrative therapies in cancer patients.Dr. Anderson has co-authored several influential books on cancer therapies, which are recommended resources for patients and clinicians alike.


    Learn more from Dr. Paul Anderson: https://www.consultdranderson.com/


    Grab my book A Better Way to Treat Cancer: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding, Preventing and Most Effectively Treating Our Biggest Health Threat - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CM1KKD9X?ref_=pe_3052080_397514860


    Integrative Cancer Solutions was created to instill hope and empowerment. Other people have been where you are right now and have already done the research for you. Listen to their stories and journeys and apply what they learned to achieve similar outcomes as they have, cancer remission and an even more fullness of life than before the diagnosis. Guests will discuss what therapies, supplements, and practitioners they relied on to beat cancer. Once diagnosed, time is of the essence. This podcast will dramatically reduce your learning curve as you search for your own solution to cancer. For more information about products and services discussed in this podcast, please visit www.integrativecancersolutions.com. To learn more about the cutting-edge integrative cancer therapies Dr. Karlfeldt offer at his center, please visit www.TheKarlfeldtCenter.com.

  • In 2007, our guest William T Crook was initially treated for Parkinson's by the VA, but after pushing for further testing, he was diagnosed with Stage Four lymphoma, a severe form of cancer. Despite being told the prognosis was grim, he underwent aggressive chemotherapy and radiation treatments over two years, which left he physically weakened, dropping from a muscular 260 pounds to 150 pounds. Although he was declared cancer-free after this grueling treatment, the cancer returned four years later. Faced with the prospect of going through the same harsh treatments again, William decided to explore alternative therapies, including the use of Rick Simpson Oil (RSO) and CBD products, which he refined and self-medicated with.

    Over the years, William became deeply involved in the cannabis industry, moving to Hawaii and participating in the hemp program there. He continued to self-medicate and remained cancer-free, despite refusing conventional treatments. Through experimentation with CBD and THC products, he helped others, including veterans and locals in Hawaii, to manage cancer and other health issues, often achieving remarkable results. He emphasized the importance of refining these products for better bioavailability and tailored dosages, which led to a broader acceptance and use of their formulations, even among some medical professionals. Now approaching 70, he continues to advocate for natural and holistic approaches to health, attributing their survival and well-being to these alternative therapies.

    William shares his experiences with a CBD and THC product they've developed, which he claims is highly effective for treating various health issues, including cancer and pain management. He describes the challenges of navigating the legal landscape, the importance of combining CBD with THC for maximum effectiveness, and the satisfaction they derive from helping others improve their health.

    Despite the obstacles, including competition from pharmaceutical companies and government regulations, the speaker remains committed to making his product accessible and affordable. William emphasizes the benefits of his formula, which has helped people reduce their reliance on prescription painkillers and improve their quality of life. The ultimate goal is to continue expanding access to the product and exploring its potential for broader health applications.

    William was diagnosed with Stage Four lymphoma and underwent aggressive chemotherapy and radiation, resulting in significant weight loss and long-term health issues.After the cancer returned, the individual turned to self-medicating with a refined version of Rick Simpson Oil, leading to remission and involvement in the CBD industry.The individual has helped others manage cancer treatment side effects and other health issues using CBD products, gaining recognition within the community.William developed a CBD and THC product that he believes is highly effective for managing health issues like cancer and pain.He faces challenges with legal regulations and competition but is committed to making their product accessible and affordable.William is motivated by the positive impact his product has on reducing prescription painkiller use and improving people's quality of life.


    Grab my book A Better Way to Treat Cancer: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding, Preventing and Most Effectively Treating Our Biggest Health Threat - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CM1KKD9X?ref_=pe_3052080_397514860


    Integrative Cancer Solutions was created to instill hope and empowerment. Other people have been where you are right now and have already done the research for you. Listen to their stories and journeys and apply what they learned to achieve similar outcomes as they have, cancer remission and an even more fullness of life than before the diagnosis. Guests will discuss what therapies, supplements, and practitioners they relied on to beat cancer. Once diagnosed, time is of the essence. This podcast will dramatically reduce your learning curve as you search for your own solution to cancer. For more information about products and services discussed in this podcast, please visit www.integrativecancersolutions.com. To learn more about the cutting-edge integrative cancer therapies Dr. Karlfeldt offer at his center, please visit www.TheKarlfeldtCenter.com.

  • Today on Integrative Cancer Solutions Dr Karlfeldt is joined by Maya Simand. Maya a two time cancer survivor, once with breast cancer and later with endometrial cancer. Maya initially followed conventional medical treatments, including chemotherapy, radiation, mastectomy, and hormone replacement therapy. However, after the cancer returned, they sought alternative holistic approaches, combining dietary changes, mindset shifts, and natural healing methods.

    Maya shares her journey, emphasizing the importance of trusting one's instincts and taking personal responsibility for healing. She highlights the challenges of navigating fear, societal expectations, and conventional medical advice, while also exploring alternative treatments like raw vegan diets, juicing, and hydration. Ultimately, her holistic approach led to significant improvements, including a 50% reduction in tumor size within four months and eventually becoming cancer-free.

    This experience inspired Maya to become a holistic cancer coach, helping others understand and listen to their bodies, focusing on basics like sleep, hydration, diet, stress management, and mindset. The narrative underscores the belief in the body's natural ability to heal when given the right support and resources.

    Hear Maya's resilience through two cancer diagnoses, highlighting her initial shock, emotional turmoil, and eventual determination to explore alternative healing methods.It describes her journey from conventional cancer treatments to a holistic approach, which led to significant improvements in her health and ultimately a cancer-free diagnosis.The narrative emphasizes the importance of self-trust, the body's innate ability to heal, and the critical role of lifestyle changes such as diet, mindset, and proper hydration in overcoming serious health challenges.

    Connect with Maya https://www.365healthinsideandout.com/


    Grab my book A Better Way to Treat Cancer: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding, Preventing and Most Effectively Treating Our Biggest Health Threat - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CM1KKD9X?ref_=pe_3052080_397514860


    Integrative Cancer Solutions was created to instill hope and empowerment. Other people have been where you are right now and have already done the research for you. Listen to their stories and journeys and apply what they learned to achieve similar outcomes as they have, cancer remission and an even more fullness of life than before the diagnosis. Guests will discuss what therapies, supplements, and practitioners they relied on to beat cancer. Once diagnosed, time is of the essence. This podcast will dramatically reduce your learning curve as you search for your own solution to cancer. For more information about products and services discussed in this podcast, please visit www.integrativecancersolutions.com. To learn more about the cutting-edge integrative cancer therapies Dr. Karlfeldt offer at his center, please visit www.TheKarlfeldtCenter.com.

  • Dr. Frank Shallenberger, a pioneer in the field of anti-aging, has been practicing since 1973 and has significantly contributed to our understanding of mitochondrial function and oxygen utilization. His methods are outlined in his popular books, "The Type Two Diabetes Breakthrough" and "Bursting with Energy," and he has authored numerous papers on ozone therapy and oxygen utilization in international peer-reviewed journals. As the editor of the alternative medical newsletter "Second Opinion," he has developed Prolozone, an injecting technique shown to regenerate damaged joints and soft tissues. He first published on Prolozone therapy in the "Journal of Prolotherapy," highlighting its effectiveness in regenerating joints and eliminating pain.

    Dr. Shallenberger's work also includes a focus on ozone therapy's role in cancer treatment. He explains that conventional treatments like chemotherapy and radiation introduce toxic substances into the body, affecting both healthy and cancerous cells. However, since cancer cells are more sensitive to these treatments, they die while healthy cells survive, albeit weakened. Ozone therapy, when administered systemically before and during these treatments, upregulates healthy cells, making them more resilient to the toxic effects of chemotherapy and radiation. This preparation helps patients better tolerate conventional treatments and reduces side effects, highlighting the importance of integrative approaches in cancer therapy.

    In his clinical practice, Dr. Shallenberger has successfully integrated ozone therapy with conventional cancer treatments for almost 30 years. He emphasizes the importance of preparing the body's healthy cells to withstand the oxidative stress induced by treatments like chemotherapy. This approach not only makes the cancer cells more susceptible to destruction but also enhances the overall efficacy of the treatment while minimizing side effects. Dr. Shallenberger's innovative use of ozone therapy demonstrates a comprehensive approach to cancer treatment, advocating for the combination of conventional and alternative methods to achieve the best outcomes for patients.

    Dr. Shallenberger has pioneered methods to measure mitochondrial function and oxygen utilization, significantly advancing anti-aging practices since 1973.He developed Prolozone therapy, an injection technique that regenerates damaged joints, herniated discs, and soft tissues, and published the first paper on it in the Journal of Prolotherapy.Dr. Shallenberger has extensive experience combining ozone therapy with chemotherapy to enhance treatment efficacy and reduce toxicity to healthy cells.He emphasizes the importance of pre-treating patients with systemic ozone and high-dose vitamin C to strengthen healthy cells before undergoing conventional cancer treatments.

    Learn more about Dr. Frank https://www.antiagingmedicine.com/


    Grab my book A Better Way to Treat Cancer: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding, Preventing and Most Effectively Treating Our Biggest Health Threat - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CM1KKD9X?ref_=pe_3052080_397514860


    Integrative Cancer Solutions was created to instill hope and empowerment. Other people have been where you are right now and have already done the research for you. Listen to their stories and journeys and apply what they learned to achieve similar outcomes as they have, cancer remission and an even more fullness of life than before the diagnosis. Guests will discuss what therapies, supplements, and practitioners they relied on to beat cancer. Once diagnosed, time is of the essence. This podcast will dramatically reduce your learning curve as you search for your own solution to cancer. For more information about products and services discussed in this podcast, please visit www.integrativecancersolutions.com. To learn more about the cutting-edge integrative cancer therapies Dr. Karlfeldt offer at his center, please visit www.TheKarlfeldtCenter.com.

  • The journey into natural biological products began with the exploration of alternatives to Western medicine, driven by a need to find effective treatments that don't rely heavily on pharmaceuticals. Today on Integrative Cancer Solutions Dr Karlfeldt is joined be Brian E. Dickerson as he shares his path that evolved from representing companies that developed these natural products to using them on horses. Testing on horses provided clear results due to the absence of a placebo effect, allowing a straightforward evaluation of the product's efficacy. This hands-on approach grew into a broader use of cannabinoids from hemp and cannabis, facing legal challenges and requiring deep scientific knowledge to counter federal regulations. Along the way, Brian encountered many experts and researchers who helped refine the understanding and application of natural products, particularly flavonoids, which showed remarkable results in treating animals and humans alike.

    The catalyst for further exploration into flavonoids came with the Brian personal experience when his wife developed an autoimmune disorder in 2020. Faced with the inefficacy and side effects of steroids prescribed by Western medicine, he sought alternatives. Drawing from his experiences with animals, he turned to plant extracts and botanicals, specifically flavonoids, which demonstrated potent healing properties without the adverse effects. This led to developing products for both animals and humans, yielding impressive outcomes. The natural extracts were found to have significant benefits, such as anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antimicrobial, and antibacterial properties. The journey underscored a broader realization: many traditional remedies used globally were effective and deserved more attention in modern medical practices. This exploration into the benefits of flavonoids and natural extracts marked a significant shift towards embracing nature's potential in promoting health and wellness.

    Brian uses natural biological products, especially flavonoids from hemp plants, on horses and dogs, showing significant health benefits without the placebo effect, and extends these remedies to human products, indicating promising results for autoimmune disorders and heart conditions in animals.Brian's experience with his wife's autoimmune disorder in 2020 highlights the limitations and side effects of modern Western medicine, particularly the overreliance on steroids, motivating the exploration of natural plant extracts and botanicals as alternative treatments.Emphasizing collaboration with scientists and experts, Brian discusses the development of effective natural products, with extensive research on flavonoids showing various health benefits, including anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antimicrobial, and anti-cancer properties.Success stories include a dog with severe heartworm damage that recovered significantly with flavonoid treatment and a horse with a large chest wound that healed quickly using natural products, demonstrating the practical applications and effectiveness of natural remedies in both animals and humans.


    Grab my book A Better Way to Treat Cancer: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding, Preventing and Most Effectively Treating Our Biggest Health Threat - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CM1KKD9X?ref_=pe_3052080_397514860


    Integrative Cancer Solutions was created to instill hope and empowerment. Other people have been where you are right now and have already done the research for you. Listen to their stories and journeys and apply what they learned to achieve similar outcomes as they have, cancer remission and an even more fullness of life than before the diagnosis. Guests will discuss what therapies, supplements, and practitioners they relied on to beat cancer. Once diagnosed, time is of the essence. This podcast will dramatically reduce your learning curve as you search for your own solution to cancer. For more information about products and services discussed in this podcast, please visit www.integrativecancersolutions.com. To learn more about the cutting-edge integrative cancer therapies Dr. Karlfeldt offer at his center, please visit www.TheKarlfeldtCenter.com.

  • Dr. Lori Bouchard, a naturopathic doctor and expert in cancer health, shares her journey and insights in an interview about her book and her career. Raised in a family that emphasized natural healing methods, Dr. Bouchard initially preferred conventional medicine's quick fixes. However, through personal experiences and education in Health Sciences, she realized the importance of understanding the body's holistic functions, such as the immune and digestive systems. This led her to embrace naturopathy fully, integrating scientific understanding with natural health practices. Dr. Bouchard emphasizes that true healing involves foundational health practices and a thorough understanding of the body's systems.

    Her interest in oncology stemmed from treating a cancer patient who was given a month to live but lived for another decade due to naturopathic interventions. This transformative experience inspired her to delve deeper into cancer treatment, viewing cancer as a metabolic dysfunction rather than a death sentence. Dr. Bouchard's approach includes fasting, detoxification, and holistic support, focusing on the body's ability to heal itself. She advocates for personalized, data-driven treatment plans and emphasizes the importance of addressing environmental and lifestyle factors contributing to cancer. Her book "Cancer Doesn’t Own You" aims to provide guidance and hope for those on their cancer journey.

    Dr. Lori Bouchard discusses the importance of personalizing diets based on individual lab results and genetics, rather than universally recommending a ketogenic diet. She explains that while carb restriction can be beneficial, factors such as liver function and genetic predispositions may make a high-fat diet unsuitable for some people. She shares her own negative experience with a ketogenic diet and emphasizes the need for personalized dietary plans. Additionally, Dr. Bouchard highlights the importance of understanding one's thyroid function, adrenal health, heavy metal exposure, and other factors that influence overall health, particularly for cancer patients. Through her book and resources, she aims to educate individuals on investigating and understanding their unique health needs to optimize treatment and overall well-being.

    Dr. Lori Bouchard emphasizes the importance of foundational health practices, such as proper hydration, fasting routines, and detoxification, in supporting the body's natural healing abilities.She shares her journey into naturopathic medicine, influenced by her mother's holistic practices and furthered by her own experiences and education in health sciences.Dr. Bouchard discusses the metabolic dysfunction in cancer, advocating for a comprehensive approach that includes addressing diet, environmental stressors, and detoxification to support the immune system and overall health.Dr. Lori Bouchard emphasizes the necessity of personalizing diets based on individual lab results and genetic factors, rather than universally recommending the ketogenic diet.She highlights the importance of understanding thyroid function, adrenal health, and heavy metal exposure in optimizing treatment and overall health, especially for cancer patients.


    Check out more of Dr. Lori Bouchard at https://www.drlori.ca


    Grab my book A Better Way to Treat Cancer: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding, Preventing and Most Effectively Treating Our Biggest Health Threat - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CM1KKD9X?ref_=pe_3052080_397514860


    Integrative Cancer Solutions was created to instill hope and empowerment. Other people have been where you are right now and have already done the research for you. Listen to their stories and journeys and apply what they learned to achieve similar outcomes as they have, cancer remission and an even more fullness of life than before the diagnosis. Guests will discuss what therapies, supplements, and practitioners they relied on to beat cancer. Once diagnosed, time is of the essence. This podcast will dramatically reduce your learning curve as you search for your own solution to cancer. For more information about products and services discussed in this podcast, please visit www.integrativecancersolutions.com. To learn more about the cutting-edge integrative cancer therapies Dr. Karlfeldt offer at his center, please visit www.TheKarlfeldtCenter.com.

  • The significance of personalized care in cancer treatment is becoming increasingly recognized, especially as it's clear that no two cancers are exactly alike. Even among individuals diagnosed with the same type of cancer, such as triple-negative breast cancer, each case presents unique molecular characteristics. The technology being developed by Neo7 Bioscience, driven by a background in technology and aviation, focuses on understanding and targeting these individual molecular differences. After years of clinical practice and research, the company has honed in on molecular signals and protein behaviors in diseases, particularly cancer. They emphasize the concept of “multi-disease within a disease,” highlighting the immense variability in cancer's molecular signals from person to person. This personalized approach allows for tailored treatments that significantly improve outcomes, addressing the unique molecular expressions of each patient’s cancer.

    Neo7 Bioscience utilizes advanced molecular profiling, developed through years of data collection and collaboration with leading cancer research institutions. This profiling involves analyzing patients' blood, urine, and tumor tissues to identify specific protein patterns and signals contributing to the disease. By focusing on these patterns, Neo7 can design personalized peptides that correct aberrant signaling pathways, effectively reprogramming the immune system to target cancer cells more precisely. This method contrasts sharply with traditional treatments like chemotherapy and radiotherapy, which can have broad and sometimes harmful effects. Instead, Neo7's approach stabilizes DNA transcription and protein interactions, fostering healthier cell functions and improving overall patient outcomes. The success stories of patients overcoming advanced cancers through these personalized treatments underscore the potential of this innovative approach, which is now expanding into other complex diseases beyond cancer.

    Addressing cancer effectively requires focusing on supporting healthy tissue function to build resilience against the disease. Observations from dry blood samples reveal that tissues with greater integrity and resilience are better equipped to combat cancer, suggesting that enhancing this natural defense mechanism is crucial. The body’s adaptive nature constantly strives to overcome cancer, but a tipping point can occur where cancer gains the upper hand if resilience is not maintained.

    Personalized peptide therapy offers a tailored approach to enhancing the body’s resilience, working synergistically with conventional treatments like chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and immunotherapy. By addressing the root causes of disease and creating a balanced defense and regulatory mechanism, personalized peptides can improve treatment outcomes, reduce side effects, and sustain long-term health. These therapies involve analyzing blood, urine, and tumor samples to design specific peptides that can target and disrupt cancer cells, while also regulating immune responses to prevent adverse effects.

    Neo7 Bioscience's personalized cancer treatments are based on each individual's unique molecular profile to effectively target specific protein signals causing cancer.Collaboration with institutions like Dana-Farber Cancer Institute helps Neo7 Bioscience develop advanced personalized peptide therapies.Neo7 Bioscience has achieved notable success with personalized treatments, leading to significant improvements and long-term survival in patients with advanced and resistant cancers.Supporting healthy tissue function can strengthen the body's resilience against cancer by maintaining tissue integrity and restoring its ability to fight.Personalized peptide therapies, designed based on individual molecular expression, can enhance the effectiveness of treatments like chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and immunotherapy by targeting specific signals and improving functional salvage.The integration of intelligent cargo systems, such as personalized peptides, with dendritic cells and MSC exosomes can significantly improve the body's defense and regulatory posture against cancer progression, ensuring more precise and effective treatment outcomes.


    Learn more by clicking the link below:



    Grab my book A Better Way to Treat Cancer: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding, Preventing and Most Effectively Treating Our Biggest Health Threat - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CM1KKD9X?ref_=pe_3052080_397514860


    Integrative Cancer Solutions was created to instill hope and empowerment. Other people have been where you are right now and have already done the research for you. Listen to their stories and journeys and apply what they learned to achieve similar outcomes as they have, cancer remission and an even more fullness of life than before the diagnosis. Guests will discuss what therapies, supplements, and practitioners they relied on to beat cancer. Once diagnosed, time is of the essence. This podcast will dramatically reduce your learning curve as you search for your own solution to cancer. For more information about products and services discussed in this podcast, please visit www.integrativecancersolutions.com. To learn more about the cutting-edge integrative cancer therapies Dr. Karlfeldt offer at his center, please visit www.TheKarlfeldtCenter.com.

  • Today on Integrative Cancer Solutions Dr. Karlfeldt is joined by Jennifer Payeur and she shares her journey who, starting at the age of 22, experienced frequent travel to Europe for work. This lifestyle, characterized by long hours, isolation, and constant exposure to unnatural environments such as fluorescent lighting and airplane cabins, took a toll on her health. Despite efforts to maintain a healthy diet while traveling, the lack of nutritious food options and exposure to environmental toxins, such as jet fuel and radiation, contributed to a cancer diagnosis. The diagnosis came as a shock to colleagues who viewed the Jennifer as health-conscious, prompting a deep reflection on the underlying causes of her illness.

    The narrative underscores the complexities of health and disease, particularly cancer. Jennifer, identifying as a Type A personality, was driven by a need to achieve and be seen, often at the expense of her health. Despite suffering from various illnesses such as pneumonia, bronchitis, and chronic fatigue, she continued to push herself, ignoring the signs of deteriorating health. The journey of unraveling the root causes of illness revealed connections to childhood trauma and a misalignment with her true self, leading to a deeper understanding of the emotional and psychological layers that contribute to physical ailments.

    This introspection led to significant lifestyle changes, including leaving a high-stress corporate job and embracing holistic healing practices. Jennifer's path to recovery involved alternative treatments, dietary changes, and a focus on building their immune system. Discovering the power of plant stem cells played a pivotal role in their healing process, offering a means to detoxify and revitalize the body at a cellular level. This journey highlights the importance of addressing both the physical and emotional aspects of health and the need for a holistic approach to healing that considers the interconnectedness of body, mind, and spirit.

    Intense travel and isolation: Jennifer began a job involving frequent travel to Europe at age 22, leading to isolation and exposure to unnatural environments, such as fluorescent lighting and airplanes, which they believe contributed to their cancer diagnosis.Unhealthy diet and exposure: Despite efforts to make healthy food choices, the frequent airport junk food, jet fuel, and radiation exposure during travel likely impacted their health negatively.Surprise diagnosis: Colleagues were shocked by the speaker's cancer diagnosis, given their reputation for prioritizing health, highlighting the disconnect between appearance and underlying health issues.Emotional and physical factors: Jennifer reflects on how a Type A personality and a drive to overcome signs of illness contributed to chronic stress and a series of health problems, including cancer.Holistic understanding of cancer: Jennifer emphasizes the complexity of cancer, linking it not only to physical factors but also to emotional trauma, personal beliefs, and environmental toxins, advocating for a deeper understanding and holistic approach to health.


    Connect with Jennifer - https://nature-provides.com/


    Grab my book A Better Way to Treat Cancer: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding, Preventing and Most Effectively Treating Our Biggest Health Threat - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CM1KKD9X?ref_=pe_3052080_397514860


    Integrative Cancer Solutions was created to instill hope and empowerment. Other people have been where you are right now and have already done the research for you. Listen to their stories and journeys and apply what they learned to achieve similar outcomes as they have, cancer remission and an even more fullness of life than before the diagnosis. Guests will discuss what therapies, supplements, and practitioners they relied on to beat cancer. Once diagnosed, time is of the essence. This podcast will dramatically reduce your learning curve as you search for your own solution to cancer. For more information about products and services discussed in this podcast, please visit www.integrativecancersolutions.com. To learn more about the cutting-edge integrative cancer therapies Dr. Karlfeldt offer at his center, please visit www.TheKarlfeldtCenter.com.

  • The conversation between Jonathan Otto and Dr. Karlfeldt revolves around the alarming increase in cancer rates and the potential hidden causes behind this rise. Jonathan emphasizes the importance of sharing vital information that could save lives, based on his investigative journalism and extensive research in medical mechanisms and disease reversal, particularly cancer. He suggests that the rapid increase in cancer rates may be attributed to unexpected factors such as environmental toxins, including pesticides containing animal venoms. Jonathan highlights the importance of understanding these mechanisms to better address and possibly reverse cancer by focusing on body regulation and detoxification.

    Jonathan Otto and Dr. Karlfeldt also discuss the controversial idea that nicotine, despite its negative reputation, might play a therapeutic role in displacing venom-like peptides found in COVID-19 patients. Jonathan references studies showing that these peptides, similar to components of animal venoms, were found in COVID-19 patients and suggests that nicotine could potentially neutralize these toxins by binding to specific receptors in the body. He argues that misperceptions about nicotine's dangers stem from the harmful chemicals in cigarettes rather than nicotine itself, which is naturally present in some foods. This conversation introduces unconventional perspectives on cancer treatment and the influence of environmental and synthetic toxins, urging further exploration and awareness.

    The discussion delves into the therapeutic use of nicotine, chlorine dioxide, and urine therapy for various health conditions, emphasizing their affordability and accessibility. Nicotine has been studied for its potential benefits in managing aggression in autism and schizophrenia, with a recommended administration through a patch that releases a small dose over 24 hours. Chlorine dioxide is highlighted for its oxygenating properties, which help in detoxifying and oxidizing pathogens, with protocols available for safe usage through organizations like the Andreas Kalcker Foundation.

    Urine therapy is presented as a potent natural remedy with historical significance and modern applications, particularly in detoxification and healing. Despite common misconceptions about its toxicity, urine therapy involves reintroducing metabolized toxins in small amounts to signal the body for their removal, akin to homeopathic principles. This practice, historically used across various cultures, is argued to enhance immune responses and overall health, with evidence suggesting its effectiveness in treating infections, reducing toxicity, and even potentially reversing severe conditions like vaccine injuries and cancer.

    · Jonathan Otto and Dr. Karlfeldt discuss the rising cancer rates and the significance of understanding cancer stem cells for effective therapies.

    · The conversation explores a theory that links animal venoms to cancer and other diseases, suggesting their presence in the environment and in COVID-19 patients.

    · Jonathan posits that nicotine, often maligned due to smoking, may have therapeutic properties by dislodging venom from receptors and mitigating its harmful effects.

    · Nicotine patches can be used therapeutically in small doses for children with conditions like autism, by releasing a controlled amount of nicotine over 24 hours.

    · Chlorine dioxide is proposed as a treatment that works by delivering oxygen and supporting cellular electrical activity, showing potential benefits for various health conditions, including cancer.

    · Urine therapy is suggested to have significant health benefits, including acting as an anti-venom and providing anti-cancer properties, by recycling metabolites and signaling molecules that aid the body's healing processes.


    Connect with Jonathan:




    Grab my book A Better Way to Treat Cancer: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding, Preventing and Most Effectively Treating Our Biggest Health Threat - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CM1KKD9X?ref_=pe_3052080_397514860


    Integrative Cancer Solutions was created to instill hope and empowerment. Other people have been where you are right now and have already done the research for you. Listen to their stories and journeys and apply what they learned to achieve similar outcomes as they have, cancer remission and an even more fullness of life than before the diagnosis. Guests will discuss what therapies, supplements, and practitioners they relied on to beat cancer. Once diagnosed, time is of the essence. This podcast will dramatically reduce your learning curve as you search for your own solution to cancer. For more information about products and services discussed in this podcast, please visit www.integrativecancersolutions.com. To learn more about the cutting-edge integrative cancer therapies Dr. Karlfeldt offer at his center, please visit www.TheKarlfeldtCenter.com.

  • On today's episode of Integrative Cancer Solutions we are joined by Deb Krier. Herjourney through the world of cancer has been profoundly shaped by her past experiences. Years ago, she worked for an oncologist, a remarkable man whose approach to cancer care was far ahead of his time. This experience greatly influenced her perspective and decisions when she faced her own cancer diagnosis in 2015. The oncologist's recent passing saddened me, but his forward-thinking philosophy continues to inspire her.

    Additionally, her work with the American Cancer Society provided her with valuable knowledge, which came into play when she was diagnosed. When she was diagnosed, the initial discovery was calcification, detected by a mammogram, and not a lump or bump. These tiny spots, smaller than grains of salt, led to further tests and a stage zero cancer diagnosis. While the situation was concerning, it wasn't immediately alarming. However, subsequent tests revealed that the cancer had spread to her lymph nodes, necessitating a more aggressive approach. Her journey included biopsies, MRIs, and eventually, a double mastectomy. Throughout this process, she chose to follow traditional treatments but also did extensive research to make informed decisions. This experience taught me the importance of being proactive and knowledgeable about one's own health.

    Despite facing multiple complications, including septic shock and the loss of part of her digestive system, she persevered. Her approach to treatment, including a decision against reconstructive surgery, was guided by thorough research and personal comfort. She also embraced a mindset focused on living fully despite my health challenges. This philosophy was reinforced by the memory of her oncologist and his emphasis on the power of the mind. Ultimately, her experiences led her to create an organization dedicated to helping others navigate similar journeys. Trying Not to Die Live embodies the principle of living life to the fullest, regardless of the obstacles, a lesson she has come to cherish deeply.

    Discovery: Deb finds a lump in her breast during a routine self-examination, a moment that sets off a series of medical appointments and tests.Diagnosis: After undergoing a mammogram, ultrasound, and biopsy, she receives the diagnosis of breast cancer, a moment marked by shock and fear.Treatment: She embarks on a rigorous treatment plan, which includes surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation, each phase presenting its own set of challenges and side effects.Support: Throughout her journey, she relies on a strong support system of family, friends, and healthcare professionals, whose encouragement and assistance prove invaluable.Resilience: Despite the physical and emotional toll, she demonstrates remarkable strength and resilience, finding hope and determination to fight and ultimately survive the disease.


    Looking to learn more about Deb? Maybe you want her to speak at your next event or you want to listen to her podcast after you finish this one, just head on over to her website and you can find all the information that you need: https://debkrier.com/


    Grab my book A Better Way to Treat Cancer: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding, Preventing and Most Effectively Treating Our Biggest Health Threat - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CM1KKD9X?ref_=pe_3052080_397514860


    Integrative Cancer Solutions was created to instill hope and empowerment. Other people have been where you are right now and have already done the research for you. Listen to their stories and journeys and apply what they learned to achieve similar outcomes as they have, cancer remission and an even more fullness of life than before the diagnosis. Guests will discuss what therapies, supplements, and practitioners they relied on to beat cancer. Once diagnosed, time is of the essence. This podcast will dramatically reduce your learning curve as you search for your own solution to cancer. For more information about products and services discussed in this podcast, please visit www.integrativecancersolutions.com. To learn more about the cutting-edge integrative cancer therapies Dr. Karlfeldt offer at his center, please visit www.TheKarlfeldtCenter.com.

  • In this interview on the Integrative Cancer Solutions podcast, Denise Stevenson shares her transformative journey following a breast cancer diagnosis at age 50. Initially dismissing some health signs, she eventually visited her doctor upon returning to France from the UK, which led to a diagnosis of breast cancer. Faced with a daunting treatment plan that included a mastectomy, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy, Denise explored integrative approaches alongside conventional treatments. She fasted during chemotherapy, changed her diet, exercised, and utilized various supplements and essential oils. Astonishingly, within 11 weeks, her tumor had disappeared. She later opted for a lumpectomy instead of a mastectomy, and has remained cancer-free for six years.

    Denise emphasizes the importance of integrative cancer care, combining traditional medical treatments with holistic approaches to support the body and mind. She highlights the psychological impact of cancer treatment and the lack of personal understanding she felt from her medical team. Inspired by her experience and the support she received from various resources, Denise created a website to share information and provide hope to others facing similar diagnoses. Driven by her successful outcome and the desire to support others, Denise created a comprehensive website offering resources on cancer and other health conditions. The site includes medical research, testimonials, nutrition advice, and mental health support, aiming to provide hope and prevent diseases through lifestyle changes. Her story underscores the significance of patient advocacy and the need for a more compassionate, integrative approach to cancer treatment, blending conventional medicine with lifestyle changes and natural therapies to improve outcomes and quality of life. Denise's story highlights the psychological and emotional toll of her experience, exacerbated by the perceived lack of empathy and rigid protocols in the French healthcare system.

    Denise underscores the importance of addressing the whole person, not just the disease, advocating for integrative healthcare approaches that consider patients' mental and emotional well-being.

    Denise Stevenson resisted a mastectomy due to its profound personal and identity implications, despite pressure from healthcare professionals.She opted for an integrative approach, combining conventional medical treatments with natural therapies, which led to her tumor's disappearance.Denise's experience highlighted the emotional and psychological toll of her diagnosis and the perceived lack of empathy in the French healthcare system.Driven by her success, she created a comprehensive website with resources on cancer, mental health, nutrition, and lifestyle changes to support others and promote disease prevention.


    Check out the incredible website Denise created: https://double-zero.org/


    Grab my book A Better Way to Treat Cancer: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding, Preventing and Most Effectively Treating Our Biggest Health Threat - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CM1KKD9X?ref_=pe_3052080_397514860


    Integrative Cancer Solutions was created to instill hope and empowerment. Other people have been where you are right now and have already done the research for you. Listen to their stories and journeys and apply what they learned to achieve similar outcomes as they have, cancer remission and an even more fullness of life than before the diagnosis. Guests will discuss what therapies, supplements, and practitioners they relied on to beat cancer. Once diagnosed, time is of the essence. This podcast will dramatically reduce your learning curve as you search for your own solution to cancer. For more information about products and services discussed in this podcast, please visit www.integrativecancersolutions.com. To learn more about the cutting-edge integrative cancer therapies Dr. Karlfeldt offer at his center, please visit www.TheKarlfeldtCenter.com.

  • Alden was diagnosed with stage four metastatic melanoma after discovering a lump near his jaw. Despite the grim prognosis, he and his partner, Anne, decided against traditional surgery due to the severe side effects and minimal hope offered by their doctors. Instead, they sought alternative treatments, inspired by their past success in dealing with their daughter's mercury poisoning through unconventional means. They consulted various holistic practitioners and adopted a regimen that included positive thinking, love, gratitude, and the use of a vibrational healing machine called the Monicor device. Over the course of ten weeks, Alden's tumors completely disappeared, much to the astonishment of his doctors.

    When Alden returned to his surgeon for a follow-up, the doctor was shocked and admitted he had never seen anything like it. Alden and Anne explained their approach, which included neuroplasticity, herbal supplements, and the Monicor device, though the medical professionals found it difficult to comprehend. The head of oncology research at the university was particularly intrigued, noting that Alden's overall health had improved significantly. Despite her enthusiasm and the remarkable results, she acknowledged that implementing such unconventional methods in mainstream medicine would require extensive study and time, highlighting the challenges of integrating alternative treatments into traditional medical practices. After all the tests were done, the doctors were astounded, declaring that he was no longer a cancer patient and didn’t need to return.

    Despite their reassurances, we couldn’t help but question if he was truly cancer-free. However, we decided to trust the results and move forward, though we waited a few years before sharing our experience widely. We wanted to ensure that the healing was real and lasting, especially considering the initial severity of his diagnosis and the fact that the cancer had metastasized.

    “During this period, we remained cautious, wondering if the cancer might reappear elsewhere. Even the surgeon from Harvard, Dr. Califano acknowledged that while the parotid gland had been compromised, there was no cancer left in the lymph nodes. He was surprised to find no cancer cells, a rarity even in healthy individuals. This thorough process confirmed that the alternative treatments we pursued were effective, reinforcing our decision to continue with our approach. The surgeon, exhausted but impressed, admitted that our methods were more effective than conventional treatments could have been."

    Diagnosis and Prognosis: Alden was diagnosed with stage four metastatic melanoma, with doctors initially giving him a prognosis of only two months to live due to the aggressive nature of the cancer and lack of effective treatment options.Alternative Healing Approach: Alden and his partner chose to pursue alternative treatments, including sending love to the cancer cells, using a vibrational healing machine (Monicor), and applying principles of positive thinking and gratitude. They also incorporated nutritional supplements and holistic practices into their regimen.Remarkable Recovery: After approximately ten weeks of following their alternative healing methods, Alden's tumors completely disappeared, surprising medical professionals who had never seen such a recovery. Their approach combined spiritual practices, alternative therapies, and lifestyle changes, resulting in not only the elimination of cancer but also an overall improvement in Alden's health.Cancer-Free Diagnosis and Surgery: Despite being declared cancer-free after several tests, there were still concerns about metastasis. The surgeon recommended removing the compromised parotid gland and surrounding lymph nodes. After a lengthy and nerve-wracking surgery, it was confirmed that no cancerous cells remained in the lymph nodes, validating the success of their treatment.Monicor Treatment for Malaria and Heart Issues: Recurring malaria that conventional treatments couldn't cure. After using the Monicor machine, the malaria was eradicated, and subsequent health issues, including a severe heart problem, were also successfully managed with Monicor treatments. The machine was credited with balancing the body's energy and aiding the immune system.Frequency-Based Healing and Personal Impact: The Monicor machine works by detecting imbalances in the body and providing corrective frequencies to restore health. It was used to treat various conditions, including depression and anxiety. The narrator and their family experienced significant health improvements, leading to increased energy and well-being, emphasizing the effectiveness of frequency-based healing.


    Check out more with Anne and Alden: https://fivebluerings.org/authors/


    Grab my book A Better Way to Treat Cancer: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding, Preventing and Most Effectively Treating Our Biggest Health Threat - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CM1KKD9X?ref_=pe_3052080_397514860


    Integrative Cancer Solutions was created to instill hope and empowerment. Other people have been where you are right now and have already done the research for you. Listen to their stories and journeys and apply what they learned to achieve similar outcomes as they have, cancer remission and an even more fullness of life than before the diagnosis. Guests will discuss what therapies, supplements, and practitioners they relied on to beat cancer. Once diagnosed, time is of the essence. This podcast will dramatically reduce your learning curve as you search for your own solution to cancer. For more information about products and services discussed in this podcast, please visit www.integrativecancersolutions.com. To learn more about the cutting-edge integrative cancer therapies Dr. Karlfeldt offer at his center, please visit www.TheKarlfeldtCenter.com.

  • Today on the show Dr. Karlfeldt is with Susan Levin as you listen in you will hear some great stories that Susan and her late husband did to move integrative care forward.

    Below is a little about Susan Levin:

    "In 1975 I was living on the fast track in NYC. I smoked, ate only one meal a day and that was usually at restaurants. I was in for a rude awakening. My gums were bleeding and I soon was to learn from a periodontist that my teeth were also loose. But I was so young! He recommended a very expensive surgery as the remedy.

    My mom, although once bedridden, had turned her health around with the help of an MD that utilized extensive diagnostic testing, nutrition, supplements, and detoxification to support the body’s healing abilities. After 6 months in his care, eating well and cooking for myself, my energy and sense of well being were transformed! My gums were no longer bleeding and my teeth had tightened. I returned to the Periodontist. He could not believe the change he saw in my mouth. Nor did he ask what I had done.

    The doctor who had transformed my health eventually became my husband. Together Warrren M. Levin, MD and I were embarking on a journey together that would last over 30 years, not only as husband and wife but as pioneers in the world of Integrative and Alternative Medicine. Today I carry on with our mission through educating my clients about the possible options, treatments and protocols that are available to them by helping them to build and coordinate a support team to steer a course towards complete healing and recovery." Susan Levin

    A few points from the show:

    Dr. Levin purchased a family medicine practice after serving as an officer in the Navy and encountered a patient who believed she had hypoglycemia despite being diagnosed as a neurotic housewife by another doctor.Initially skeptical, Dr. Levin conducted a glucose tolerance test on the insistent patient, which confirmed her severe hypoglycemia, prompting him to seek further information and treatment methods from other practitioners and organizations.After successfully treating the patient with a hypoglycemic diet and vitamins, Dr. Levin's interest in alternative medicine grew, leading him to apply similar treatments to his daughter with remarkable results.Dr. Levin expanded his practice to include various alternative therapies and moved to larger facilities in Brooklyn Heights and the World Trade Center, gaining a significant following despite opposition from the medical establishment.In the 1980s, Dr. Levin presented a study on the relationship between parasites, amoebas, and undiagnosed conditions, but faced severe backlash from the medical community, leading to legal battles and personal financial strain.Despite the challenges, Dr. Levin continued to advocate for and implement innovative medical treatments, ultimately winning a pivotal legal case in 1994, which had a lasting impact on the acceptance and practice of alternative medicine.


    Looking for more about Susan head on over to https://susanlevin.net


    Grab my book A Better Way to Treat Cancer: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding, Preventing and Most Effectively Treating Our Biggest Health Threat - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CM1KKD9X?ref_=pe_3052080_397514860


    Integrative Cancer Solutions was created to instill hope and empowerment. Other people have been where you are right now and have already done the research for you. Listen to their stories and journeys and apply what they learned to achieve similar outcomes as they have, cancer remission and an even more fullness of life than before the diagnosis. Guests will discuss what therapies, supplements, and practitioners they relied on to beat cancer. Once diagnosed, time is of the essence. This podcast will dramatically reduce your learning curve as you search for your own solution to cancer. For more information about products and services discussed in this podcast, please visit www.integrativecancersolutions.com. To learn more about the cutting-edge integrative cancer therapies Dr. Karlfeldt offer at his center, please visit www.TheKarlfeldtCenter.com.

  • The conversation between Carla Patullo, and the Dr. Karlfeldt captures the essence of a deeply personal journey filled with resilience, hope, and the transformative power of art. Carla shares her experiences with vulnerability, reflecting on Carla's battle with breast cancer and the emotional rollercoaster it entailed.

    Carla's journey from the initial shock of diagnosis to the eventual triumph at the Grammys is nothing short of inspiring. Her use of music as a therapeutic outlet underscores the profound impact of creative expression on mental and emotional well-being during challenging times. The album she created becomes not just a collection of songs but a chronicle of her healing journey, allowing listeners to connect with their own struggles and find solace in shared experiences.

    Through Carla's story, we witness the power of resilience, community, and the transformative potential of adversity. Her journey from darkness to light, both in her music and in her personal growth, resonates deeply with anyone facing their own trials. Ultimately, Carla's hope is that her music serves as a beacon of strength and inspiration for others navigating their own journeys, reminding them that even in the darkest of times, there is light to be found and shared.

    Carla and Dr. Karlfeldt engage in a heartfelt conversation, sharing Carla's journey through breast cancer diagnosis and treatment.A supportive atmosphere, allowing Carla to express her emotions openly.Carla's use of music as a form of therapy is highlighted, emphasizing its role in her healing process.The album Carla created becomes a testament to her resilience, chronicling her journey from darkness to light.Carla's hope is that her music serves as a source of strength and inspiration for others facing their own challenges, reminding them that there is light even in the darkest times.


    Grab my book A Better Way to Treat Cancer: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding, Preventing and Most Effectively Treating Our Biggest Health Threat - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CM1KKD9X?ref_=pe_3052080_397514860


    Integrative Cancer Solutions was created to instill hope and empowerment. Other people have been where you are right now and have already done the research for you. Listen to their stories and journeys and apply what they learned to achieve similar outcomes as they have, cancer remission and an even more fullness of life than before the diagnosis. Guests will discuss what therapies, supplements, and practitioners they relied on to beat cancer. Once diagnosed, time is of the essence. This podcast will dramatically reduce your learning curve as you search for your own solution to cancer. For more information about products and services discussed in this podcast, please visit www.integrativecancersolutions.com. To learn more about the cutting-edge integrative cancer therapies Dr. Karlfeldt offer at his center, please visit www.TheKarlfeldtCenter.com.

  • Dagmara Beine discusses her journey into advocating for integrative approaches to pediatric cancer care, driven by her experience as a parent of a child diagnosed with cancer. Faced with a lack of resources and support for holistic treatments specifically tailored to children, Dr. Beine embarked on a mission to provide guidance to parents navigating the complexities of childhood cancer treatment. Her book, "A Parent's Guide to Childhood Cancer," serves as a comprehensive resource, offering insights from diagnosis through post-treatment recovery, highlighting the importance of holistic healing beyond conventional medical interventions.

    She discusses her approach to treating pediatric cancer patients in a comprehensive and integrative manner. They emphasize the importance of going beyond conventional treatment plans and conducting thorough assessments of each patient's health, including looking at labs beyond what oncology typically orders and incorporating epigenetic testing. They create personalized supplement regimens based on treatment plans, lab results, and epigenetic factors. Additionally, they advocate for mistletoe therapy as an immune modulator and discuss its potential benefits in different types of cancer. They also highlight the importance of IV therapies, such as high dose Vitamin C, to support healthy cells and aid in recovery during and after treatment.

    Dagmara's motivation stems from her own struggle to find integrative resources for her daughter's cancer journey, prompting her to fill the gap in available information and support for pediatric cancer patients.She emphasizes the necessity of building a comprehensive team for holistic care, including oncologists, specialized nutritionists, integrative practitioners, and therapists focusing on mind-body wellness.She stresses the importance of parental advocacy in navigating treatment decisions, especially in situations where conventional protocols may clash with integrative approaches, highlighting the need for informed communication and collaboration with healthcare providers.A comprehensive assessment of pediatric cancer patients, including analyzing conventional treatment plans, conducting additional lab tests beyond oncology orders, and incorporating epigenetic testing.Advocate for mistletoe therapy as an immune modulator, discussing its potential benefits in different types of cancer and its ability to reduce side effects of treatment.Emphasizes the importance of IV therapies, such as high dose Vitamin C, in supporting healthy cells and aiding in recovery during and after treatment, while also considering the timing and appropriateness of these therapies based on the individual patient's treatment plan.


    Get a copy of Dagmara Beine's book: https://www.amazon.com/Parents-Guide-Childhood-Cancer-Integrative/dp/1645021599

    Follow Dagmara Beine on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dagmarabeine/


    Grab my book A Better Way to Treat Cancer: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding, Preventing and Most Effectively Treating Our Biggest Health Threat - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CM1KKD9X?ref_=pe_3052080_397514860


    Integrative Cancer Solutions was created to instill hope and empowerment. Other people have been where you are right now and have already done the research for you. Listen to their stories and journeys and apply what they learned to achieve similar outcomes as they have, cancer remission and an even more fullness of life than before the diagnosis. Guests will discuss what therapies, supplements, and practitioners they relied on to beat cancer. Once diagnosed, time is of the essence. This podcast will dramatically reduce your learning curve as you search for your own solution to cancer. For more information about products and services discussed in this podcast, please visit www.integrativecancersolutions.com. To learn more about the cutting-edge integrative cancer therapies Dr. Karlfeldt offer at his center, please visit www.TheKarlfeldtCenter.com.

  • Joe Tippins' journey is one of unlikely twists and remarkable resilience. Diagnosed with small cell lung cancer in 2016, his battle took him through the conventional treatments of chemotherapy and radiation. However, amidst the challenges, he faced an unexpected turn when his esophagus was severely damaged during treatment, leading him to make a bold decision to forgo a feeding tube and rely on his body's reserves. Despite the odds, Joe's perseverance paid off, and by January 2017, he embarked on a new path, inspired by a veterinarian's anecdote about an unconventional cancer treatment.

    Turning to fenbendazole, a drug typically used in veterinary medicine, Joe's decision was met with skepticism from the medical community. Yet, fueled by hope and a belief in the drug's potential, he began his regimen. Astonishingly, subsequent PET scans revealed a reversal in his condition, defying medical expectations. Joe's journey didn't end there; his story spread rapidly, captivating audiences globally and sparking conversations within the medical community.

    Against all odds, Joe's adherence to the unconventional regimen resulted in a remarkable reversal of his condition, propelling his story to international recognition and prompting discussions within the medical community.

    Joe shares anecdotes and insights about his unconventional journey with cancer treatment. One standout moment is when he humorously recounts how a misunderstanding led to him being dubbed "Uncle Joey" by people in China. The cultural quirk underscores the global impact of his story, highlighting the widespread interest and adoption of his protocol. Another compelling aspect of Joe's narrative is his commitment to providing his protocol pro bono, driven by a desire to maintain credibility and authenticity. Despite the immense personal investment of time and effort, Joe's dedication to helping others shines through, fueled by the profound impact his protocol has had on countless lives.

    Key points from Joe's discussion:

    Joe's journey began with a diagnosis of small cell lung cancer, leading him through conventional treatments that took a toll on his health.Facing unexpected complications from treatment, Joe made a courageous decision to explore unconventional therapies, including fenbendazole, inspired by a veterinarian's anecdote.Against all odds, Joe's adherence to the unconventional regimen resulted in a remarkable reversal of his condition, propelling his story to international recognition and prompting discussions within the medical community.He emphasizes the importance of not monetizing his protocol, citing feedback from followers who value his credibility due to this stance. This decision reflects his dedication to prioritizing the integrity and accessibility of his story over financial gain.Joe shares fascinating success stories, such as miraculous recoveries from various cancer types, including prostate cancer. These anecdotes underscore the transformative potential of his protocol, which combines fenbendazole with other supplements curated for maximum effectiveness.Reflecting on the challenges he faces, Joe discusses the proliferation of counterfeit fenbendazole products sold online, underscoring the need for caution and diligence when sourcing medications. Despite these obstacles, Joe remains steadfast in his mission to empower individuals with knowledge and access to his protocol, leveraging his platform to disseminate information transparently and responsibly.


    Check out Joe Tippens Blog at https://mycancerstory.rocks/


    Grab my book A Better Way to Treat Cancer: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding, Preventing and Most Effectively Treating Our Biggest Health Threat - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CM1KKD9X?ref_=pe_3052080_397514860


    Integrative Cancer Solutions was created to instill hope and empowerment. Other people have been where you are right now and have already done the research for you. Listen to their stories and journeys and apply what they learned to achieve similar outcomes as they have, cancer remission and an even more fullness of life than before the diagnosis. Guests will discuss what therapies, supplements, and practitioners they relied on to beat cancer. Once diagnosed, time is of the essence. This podcast will dramatically reduce your learning curve as you search for your own solution to cancer. For more information about products and services discussed in this podcast, please visit www.integrativecancersolutions.com. To learn more about the cutting-edge integrative cancer therapies Dr. Karlfeldt offer at his center, please visit www.TheKarlfeldtCenter.com.