If you want to stay married and avoid bitterness and resentment, it takes work. Men tend to think it takes huge acts of kindness to please their wives, but oftentimes, it’s the little things you do consistently that make the most impact. You must learn to consistently oversee your spouse’s faults and meet in the middle.
When God moves, He does it suddenly, and you won’t have time to prepare. So, get ready now because you’re about to move. Something is about to change, and you are moving out of bondage, poverty, sickness, and defeat into a brand-new level of victory!
Episodi mancanti?
You can’t control what anyone else says or does. People may attack you, speak evil of you, and hate you, but you can’t control them. However, you can change yourself by giving yourself to prayer. The issue is not what they did but how you respond to what they did.
Don’t just fast out of routine, but out of desperation for God. Fasting is not about you, your food, or anything besides God Himself. When you fast, God is your portion instead of food, so put all your attention on Him.
Peter was fasting when he fell into a trance. Cornelius was fasting when the angel appeared to him. Both men were hungry for food, but they were hungrier for God. What are you hungry for as you fast and pray?
When Daniel purposed in heart to consecrate himself to God, the ripple effect hit those around him. There is a ripple effect to your consecration that affects others, and when they join you, you will have greater power.
There are two forces at war: A counterfeit anointing and a true anointing. The counterfeit anointing is from Satan and wants to destroy you and the nation. But a real, divine turnaround anointing is coming to the United States of America to change everything before the Second Coming of Christ.
It may feel like God has put you on hold, but He hasn’t forgotten about you. You may feel bound and broken now, but it’s only 11:59. There is a timing to God’s miracles, and if you make it through, a midnight miracle will break you out!
If you want to prosper and do what God has called you to do, you must conquer four kinds of spiritual attacks. The Enemy wants you to quit, but if you build your life on the gospel of Jesus Christ, you can overcome every attack sent against you.
Decide to look fearless, no matter what you’re facing, because when you feel weak, you are the strongest you can be. It’s time to possess what God has promised to you, but you must overcome three obstacles that come to take you out.
We are living in a time when the Bible is called evil, and the preaching of the Bible is considered hate speech by many. You can’t sit on the sidelines and watch it happen; it’s time to contend for your faith.
The devil wants to scatter marriages, families, nations, and churches and take out your vision for the future. But God has a remedy. Lift up your head, look to God, and build back what Hell destroyed.
The first blessing in the Bible was a blessing of multiplication. God has put the potential to multiply inside of every living thing. So don’t become stale, stagnate, or believe you can’t grow anymore. God loves multiplication, and it is His will to multiply you!
We are living in a time when complacency, apathy, and postmodernism have crept into the church. America is in decline, but it’s not too late! This is a supernatural sequence of events, and our only hope is God’s presence.
One of the biggest lies in America is that people should not talk about politics and religion in the same breath. Extremely liberal lies say America is evil and racist and the nation's heroes are not worth celebrating. The American flag is being spat upon, the national anthem is not reverenced enough to stand for, and capitalism is even being called sinful. Christians must speak out about what is happening in the nation.
In Acts 2, Peter stood up and preached, but he didn’t stand alone; he stood with 11 other apostles. It takes more than a preacher to bring revival. It is time for every believer to stand up for what is right and preach the gospel!
If you spend time with God, He will show you who you are; that’s your “I am.” But eventually, He will show you your purpose; that’s your “I must.” When you get your “I must,” it takes you from being to doing and from being complacent to being compelled. What is your “I must”?
The fear of failure often raises its ugly head when you try to do new things. The Enemy wants you not to dream or have vision, but you must decide to be a faith-filled and bold believer who knows how to overcome the fear of failure.
The people of Israel were cut off and about to go into 70 years of Babylonian captivity. Jeremiah was put in the sewage of the dungeon up to his chest and only fed one piece of molded bread. And in the middle of that terrible situation, God said that better was coming. Don’t buy into the bad; buy into the good. God is not done. Grace is coming to your dungeon! Brighter days are on the way
Job had everything taken from him by Satan. Yet amid his suffering, he never cursed God. And God gave Job twice as much as he had before! 4,000 years later, people are still reading Job’s story to be encouraged. In the same way, God will use your suffering to help others for generations to come.
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