Hi my name is Scott Boyd. I am a 6th dan in traditional karate do. I have been awarded the title of Shihan. I have been teaching karate for over 30 years and have compleated at all levels of martial arts tournaments including regional, state, national and international competitions and I was very successful at it.
When it comes to competing in martial arts tournaments. I believe there are two types of competitors, firstly those who are naturally sports gifted and seem to do well at any sport they choose and ar natural fighters. The second is like me, those who aren't gifted athletes but do well at their chosen sport because they have a passion for it.
Because I'm not a gifted athlete nor am I a natural fighter but I have done extremely well in martial arts competition. I'm here to give you the tips and tricks that I have learned that have helped me excel in martial arts competition.
For some, my tips just may be a refresher, to remind them of some of the basics but to others I'm hoping that they will be a valuable resource for helping their martial arts competition dreams come to reality. Not everyone is a natural fighter but with the right guidance I believe anyone can be a great fighter!
These are short 90 second tips to help you win a martial arts tournament
If you like my tips please let me know. I have more to come when I get time
Drop me a note at [email protected] or rate me on Itunes