Bible Reading: Matthew 20:1-16; Ephesians 2:8-9
"How was the pizza party?" Mom asked as Addy climbed into the car and buckled her seatbelt.
Addy wasn't sure how to answer. She had chosen to give up her lunch recess five days in a row to help pick up litter, pull weeds from the cracked pavement, and spread new wood chips under the monkey bars. Being on the clean-up crew was hard work, but she didn't mind. The playground was looking so much better, and Ms. Chambers, the custodian, had promised the crew a pizza party as a reward.
"It was good and bad, I guess," Addy said. "Good because I got my favorite--pepperoni with extra cheese. Bad because Henry was there."
"Henry was on the clean-up crew?" Mom's face looked surprised in the rearview mirror.
Addy nodded. "But he was late every day and mostly just goofed around. Henry didn't work nearly as hard as the rest of us. I don't understand why he got to come to the party."
"That reminds me of a story Jesus told about some workers who were hired to clear a field," Mom said. "Some of them started at nine in the morning, some at noon, some at three, and some at five. When the workday was over, the owner of the field paid everyone a full day's wage."
"That's not fair!" Addy burst out. "The people who started later shouldn't have gotten the same pay as the ones who worked all day."
"It might not seem fair, but instead of comparing the workers, maybe we can think about how generous the owner of the field was to all of them."
Addy was quiet for a minute. She thought about how Ms. Chambers was always patient and kind to everyone--even the kids who made the biggest messes in the lunchroom. "Ms. Chambers is kind of like the owner of the field, isn't she? She kept her promise to all of us--even Henry, who did the least work of all."
"Yes, Addy, and the owner of the field is like Jesus, who gives grace and keeps His promises to all of us who trust in Him. The way He works is sometimes hard for us to understand, but we can be grateful that He is always good."
–Susie Crosby
How About You?
Do you sometimes feel frustrated when someone who didn't work as hard as you gets the same prize or payment? Sometimes things don't seem fair, but the good news is that God is generous and kind to everyone. None of us could earn the reward of eternal life with Him, but because Jesus died on the cross for our sins and rose again, we are all invited to the party in heaven forever.
Today's Key Verse:
For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God. (NIV) (Ephesians 2:8-9)
Today's Key Thought:
God offers grace to everyone -
Bible Reading: Psalm 66:16-20; Jeremiah 33:3
"I wish my grandpa lived nearby," said Tariq as he and his friend Mason went to visit Mason's grandfather. "I wanted Grandpa to move here when Grandma died, but he didn't." Tariq had always wondered why God hadn't answered his prayer.
Mason's grandpa was working outside when they arrived. He greeted them, then showed them where he was planting watermelon seeds. "You'll have to come back in the summer to eat some watermelon," he said.
Just then they heard a door slam. An elderly man who lived next door had come outside. "Get out of here, you nasty critters!" the man hollered at some squirrels in his yard.
"He doesn't sound very happy," said Tariq.
Mason's grandpa shook his head. "That's Hank Stone. He lives alone and doesn't have any family nearby. His only grandchild used to visit him, but he died in a car accident last year. I think the only people Hank sees now are a few old timers like me. He misses his relatives--especially his grandson."
As they walked over to the edge of the lawn, Mr. Stone glared at them. Then his face softened, and he came over and stood in front of Tariq. "I don't know you," he said, "but you sure remind me of my grandson." Tears filled his eyes, and Tariq looked at him uncertainly, not knowing what to say. "My grandson, he--I don't see him anymore," the old man said.
Tariq gave him a hesitant smile. "I live a couple blocks away--maybe I could come visit you sometimes. I could bring some of my mom's cookies." A smile spread across Mr. Stone's face.
When Tariq arrived home, he told his mom about Mr. Stone. "Maybe I could adopt him as an extra grandpa since my own grandpa lives so far away."
Mom smiled at him. "You know, Tariq, I think God may have answered your prayer to have your grandpa live nearby in a special way. Even when He doesn't give us exactly what we ask for, He still cares for us and provides for us. He cares about Mr. Stone too and knows how hard it is for him not have anybody going to see him."
Tariq grinned. "But now he has me!"
–Matilda H. Nordtvedt
How About You?
Have you been frustrated when you prayed for something but God didn't answer the way you wanted? God answers prayer, but He answers the way He knows is best--which may not always be the way you want. Keep praying, knowing that He loves you and listens to your prayers. Trust Him to give you the perfect answer, even if it's not what you expected.
Today's Key Verse:
As for God, His way is perfect. (NKJV) (Psalm 18:30)
Today's Key Thought:
God's answers to prayer are perfect -
Episodi mancanti?
Bible Reading: Psalm 9:7-10; Jude 1:20-22
"Want to come check on a house with me?" Braxton's dad asked. Braxton didn't really want to, but he climbed into his dad's truck. His dad was a building contractor, and Braxton used to love seeing the houses he was building. But after his mom died, he didn't find it exciting anymore.
They made their way to a messy yard. The ground was muddy with a big hole in it. "This doesn't look like a house," Braxton said.
Dad smiled. "Not yet, but it will. Trust me."
Braxton went with his dad again the next day and there was concrete in the hole. "Is that a basement?" Braxton asked.
"Sure is," Dad said as he walked around the edge of it to inspect the work.
A few days later, Braxton was surprised to see the wooden outline of a house set up over the basement. After a while, he started to look forward to his visits.
On the day they arrived to see men putting on siding, Braxton grinned. "Every day something new is done, and soon it will be ready to be lived in."
"Pretty cool, right?" Dad said. "As builders, we get to add to a house a little each day. As Christians, we can see our faith be built up like that."
Braxton turned from the house and stared at his dad. "Huh?"
"It's been hard to trust God since your mom passed away, hasn't it?" Dad asked. "Our lives were messy like this lot before the house was built."
Braxton hugged himself. "Everything changed."
"Little by little, though, we have learned to trust Him again," Dad said. "God has been taking care of us and building up our faith. That basement was like the first sign of us trusting God again when we remembered that Jesus, who died and rose again to save us, is still here with us and promises to make everything right one day. Each time the house had something added to it was similar to how God continued to show His love to us--like when He sent Grandma to help us and when He showed us it's okay to be happy again."
"I miss Mom," Braxton said.
"Me too." Dad hugged him. "But I still want my faith and trust in God to be built up."
–Emily Acker
How About You?
Have you ever had to trust God through an especially hard time, such as the loss of a parent, grandparent, or friend? It can be hard to trust Him at times like that and can even feel like you're falling away from Him. But God still loves you, and His promises are still true. If Jesus has saved you, nothing can separate you from Him. He will continue to care for you and build your faith in Him.
Today's Key Verse:
Build each other up in your most holy faith…and await the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ, who will bring you eternal life. (NLT) (Jude 1:20-21)
Today's Key Thought:
Trust God to build your faith -
Bible Reading: Matthew 8:5-13
Ezra and Louie took their remote control truck out to the driveway while Mom sat on the porch. Their little sister, Ophelia, was hopping around on a pogo stick. "Mom," Ophelia said, "I wish I had a remote control pogo stick. I could ride it, and you could make it to go up and down, up and down, all by itself. That would be fun!"
"Yeah, that would be cool!" Ezra said as he watched his sister.
Mom laughed. "I've never heard of such a thing. Maybe you can invent one when you grow up."
"But I want one now!" said Ophelia.
"I have an idea," said Mom. "When I give a command, do whatever I say. If I say to go left, you go left. If I say to go right, you go right. It's kind of like I'm moving you by remote control! How about that?" Ophelia grinned and nodded. "Ready?" asked Mom. "Okay, go straight ahead…turn left…turn left again…now go right…back up…go forward…stop!" Ophelia bounced around, laughing as she followed her mother's instructions. The boys joined in too, and soon they were taking turns giving and receiving commands.
That night, Mom read a Bible story about a Roman leader who asked Jesus to heal his servant. "The centurion answered and said, 'Lord, I am not worthy that You should come under my roof. But only speak a word, and my servant will be healed.'"
"Jesus was pleased with that man's faith," Mom explained after she finished reading. "The servant was healed the moment Jesus said, 'So let it be done for you.'"
"Just like a remote control!" said Louie.
"That's an interesting way to look at it," Mom said. "God made this world, and He controls everything in it--but not always like a remote control. He wants us to trust Him and follow His commands--just like Ophelia let me direct where her pogo stick went by following my directions. The man in the story believed Jesus was God and submitted to His authority by asking Jesus to do what he could not, knowing Jesus could do anything. That's the kind of faith we need to have too."
–Tait E. Powell
How About You?
Have you put your faith in Jesus? Are you listening to Him and following His commands? Or are you living the way you want? We can fool ourselves into thinking we're in control of our lives, but God is in control of everything. You can't save yourself or live a good life on your own--you need Jesus. Trust and follow Him. (To learn more, click the "Good News!" button in the right column of this page or go to www.keysforkids.org/goodnews.)
Today's Key Verse:
You, whose name alone is the Lord, are the Most High over all the earth. (NKJV) (Psalm 83:18)
Today's Key Thought:
Trust and obey Jesus -
Bible Reading: Luke 17:11-19
"I sure hope we get remote control race cars for our birthday," Ezra said as he and his twin brother waited to be picked up from school.
"Me too," said Louie. "But with Dad out of work, you know we won't get them." He kicked at a stone on the sidewalk.
"Don't be so sure," said Ezra. "When Aunt Elizabeth called last week, she asked what we wanted, and I told her we wanted the cars. Who knows! She might get them for us."
When the boys arrived home, there was a large package on the table. It was for them--a package from Aunt Elizabeth. Could it be? It was! A remote control car--well, sort of. "A remote control truck?" asked Louie. "Not a race car? And just one?"
Ezra looked at him in disbelief. "You mean we have to share it?"
"Looks like you do," said Mom.
The boys sighed, but they took turns playing with the truck and learning to use the remote control. "It's tricky to back up the truck with that trailer attached," Louie said after a while. "I didn't expect it to be like this."
"What did you expect?" asked Mom.
"That each of us would get a car," said Ezra.
"I didn't expect to get a remote control car at all," said Louie. "I suppose we really should be thankful to have this truck, even if we do have to share it."
"I agree with that," said Mom. "Tell me--what are some things you like about it?"
"Well," said Ezra, "it does have turbo speed."
"And it came with a trailer," said Louie. "It's kind of fun figuring out how to make it back up the right way."
"How about calling Aunt Elizabeth to thank her?" Mom suggested. "Mention all the things you like about the gift and thank her for it." The boys nodded. "And maybe your new truck can also be a reminder to thank God for everything He's given you," Mom added. "He gave you the best gift of all when He sent Jesus to save you, and He always provides and does what's best for you--even if it's in ways you don't expect."
–Tait E. Powell
How About You?
Do you thank others for the gifts they give you--even when it's not what you asked for or expected? Don't be like the nine lepers in today's Scripture reading who failed to say thank you. Be thankful for the gifts you receive, especially those that come from God. He doesn't always give us what we ask for, but because He gave us His own Son, we can trust Him to give us exactly what we need.
Today's Key Verse:
Be thankful to Him, and bless His name. (NKJV) (Psalm 100:4)
Today's Key Thought:
Be thankful -
Bible Reading: Psalms 95:1-7; 98:1-9
Sam stood silently next to Grandpa and his parents at church. Mom and Dad sang their hearts out. Grandpa tapped his cane to the beat as he sang. But Sam didn't think he had a good voice, so he didn't sing.
The next morning Grandpa came over for coffee. While Mom cleaned up breakfast, Sam worked on his homeschool nature study guide. He pointed at a picture of a groundhog peeking out of its burrow. "We have one of these in our yard."
"I know," said Grandpa. "I saw it waddling around this morning."
Sam looked at his book. "Did you know groundhogs dig holes over twenty feet long? They're also called woodchucks, and their babies are chucklings."
Grandpa grinned. "That makes me want to chuckle."
Sam continued, "They come out of hibernation before the snow melts, but they can't always predict the end of winter on Groundhog Day like everyone always claims. And listen to this! 'They are fond of singing.' Wouldn't our singing scare them off?"
Grandpa stood and motioned for Sam to follow. Outside, Grandpa started singing. A moment later, the groundhog appeared and rose to its hind legs. Grandpa nudged Sam, who cleared his throat and sang along. The groundhog relaxed and began to snuffle in the grass.
When they were back inside, Sam said, "It really liked our singing!"
"Do you know who else likes your singing?" Grandpa asked.
"Probably not the neighbors," Sam answered.
"Think about church yesterday," Grandpa suggested.
"You mean God?"
Grandpa nodded. "God tells us to sing His praises because we love Him and want to thank Him for all He's done for us, like creating us and sending His Son to save us."
Sam looked at Grandpa. "If Jesus could die on the cross to rescue me, I can at least sing a few songs."
"When you sing to God, you're showing the love and joy He has put in your heart," said Grandpa. "No matter what your singing sounds like, He loves it when we sing His praises out of gratitude for who He is and what He's done for us."
Sam grinned. "If God enjoys my singing even more than the groundhog did, then I'll sing for Him."
–Laura Roesler
How About You?
Do you sing along in church? Or do you think your voice doesn't matter? It matters to God. He delights in hearing us express our love by singing and praising Him. Next time you're in church, think about His love for you and all He's done for you. Then raise your voice to Him in song, knowing He's pleased with your praise.
Today's Key Verse:
Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs. (NIV) (Psalm 100:2)
Today's Key Thought:
Sing praises to God -
Bible Reading: 1 Corinthians 2:9-16
Adelei skipped down the sidewalk toward her grandparents' house. It felt strange to be wearing glasses, but she was amazed that she could see things so much better--like individual leaves on the trees and even the letters on the stop sign at the far corner. Adelei laughed in delight. She hurried as she got closer to the house and saw Grandpa working in the yard.
A few minutes later, Grandpa led her into the house where Grandma was cooking. "We have one excited girl here," he said.
"Your glasses look great!" Grandma smiled and gave Adelei a hug. "I still remember when I got my first pair of glasses. They make a wonderful difference, don't they?"
"And I remember when I got my spiritual glasses," said Grandpa.
"Spiritual glasses?" Adelei had never heard of such a thing. "What are those?"
"Well," said Grandpa, "before I knew Jesus, the Bible seemed strange to me when I read it, and I couldn't understand what it was all about. But the Holy Spirit opened my spiritual eyes--sort of like how those glasses help your eyes. As I continued to read the Bible, He showed me that I needed Jesus to rescue me from sin, and I began to see--to understand--what God says in His Word and realize how it applied to my life."
"Spiritual glasses are even more important than regular glasses," said Grandma. "To understand the things of God is to have the best sight of all."
Grandpa looked at Adelei. "Are you going to leave those glasses on your dresser, or do you plan to wear them every day?"
Adelei laughed at the question. "Of course I'll wear them. What good would they do in my room?"
"Exactly," said Grandpa. "And we should make use of our spiritual glasses. The Holy Spirit is always with everyone who trusts in Jesus, giving us wisdom and insight. As we read the Bible and study it with other Christians at church, He helps us understand what it says so we can see Jesus and His love for all people more clearly."
"Your Grandpa has had that lesson in mind all day," Grandma said with a wink.
Adelei adjusted her glasses and smiled.
–Pauline Youd
How About You?
Do you wear glasses to help you see better? Even if you don't, we all need spiritual glasses to understand God's Word clearly. The Holy Spirit gives us the spiritual sight we need to understand what God says in the Bible. As you read it, study it, and learn more about what it says, He will open your eyes to His truth and love so you can grow in your relationship with Jesus.
Today's Key Verse:
Open my eyes, that I may see wondrous things from Your law. (NKJV) (Psalm 119:18)
Today's Key Thought:
God gives spiritual sight -
Bible Reading: Matthew 6:19-21; 1 Peter 1:3-9
"Twelve paces from the grain bin, face the wall made of tin." Madison read the clue aloud as Sophie carried two garden trowels. Together the sisters headed for the grain bin to find Grandpa's next clue.
That morning, Grandpa had surprised the girls with a game--clues that would lead them to a treasure. He handed them the first clue after breakfast and the girls had been all around the farm, tracking down clues.
Finally, in a little wood, the last one was found. Time to dig! Eyes shining, Madison and Sophie shoveled fresh dirt aside and made guesses about what Grandpa might have hidden.
"Pirates' gold!" said Madison.
"Teddy bears!" said Sophie.
They unearthed a sturdy cardboard box. Madison pulled off the top to reveal another note, this one covered in crumbs. My dear girls, this cake was too delicious to bury. Please forgive me for eating it. Love, Grandpa.
Sophie tossed her trowel on the ground angrily, but Madison reassured her. "You know Grandpa. He didn't eat the cake, at least not all of it. He's only teasing."
Suddenly they heard Grandpa's voice calling them from the porch. Sophie took off running with Madison close behind. On the porch table, a feast was laid: chocolate cake, milk, and oranges. And Grandpa was there, chuckling at his own joke.
"I knew you would have treasure for us!" Madison said. "But Sophie was mad when she saw that empty box."
Grandpa got up and hugged Sophie close. "I was just teasing you," he said. "But I also wanted that box to be a picture for you, a way to see that the treasures of this life are never truly safe. Whatever we value here on earth can be destroyed or lost."
"Or eaten!" added Sophie.
Grandpa laughed. "Right. But because you trust in Jesus, your greatest treasure is no longer here on earth. It is kept safe in heaven by God Himself, and no one can take it away."
"What is it?" Sophie asked. "Rubies?"
"Something more precious than jewels. God keeps our salvation safe--the promise that our sins have been forgiven and we'll spend eternity with Him. You are His child, and no one can take you out of His hand."
–Lisa Nagel
How About You?
Have you ever valued something that was lost, damaged, or taken away? A bike? A favorite stuffed animal? Maybe even good grades? The things we treasure on earth don't last. Only God remains forever, and us with Him if we trust in Jesus and believe He died and rose again to save us from sin. He promises His children an inheritance in heaven that can never be lost or taken away.
Today's Key Verse:
We have a priceless inheritance…that is kept in heaven for you, pure and undefiled, beyond the reach of change and decay. (NLT) (1 Peter 1:4 )
Today's Key Thought:
Salvation can never be lost -
Bible Reading: Psalm 51:1-10; Hebrews 9:22
Barrett threw his bag on top of the others in the trunk, then slammed the back door shut. "Ew, gross!" he said, looking at the dirt that covered his hands. "Hey, Dad, I think it's time to wash the car!"
Dad nodded. "It's pretty dirty. I didn't notice how bad it had gotten--until now, that is." He pointed at Barrett's little sister, Aurora, who was drawing smiley faces on the car's windows with her finger. "Well, at least our dirty car will bring a smile to other people on the road today." He grinned at Barrett. "Then you and Aurora can wash it when we get back."
When they got to the campsite, they set up their tent and had lunch. Barrett was looking forward to hiking some of the trails nearby when the sky suddenly grew dark and rain started pouring down. They all scrambled into the tent and zipped up the door.
Barrett sighed as he listened to the rain beat against the canvas sides of their tent. "Why did it have to rain today? We're not going to be able to do any of the stuff we had planned!"
"Well, we'll just have to make the best of it," said Dad.
A while later the rain stopped, and they ventured out of their tent. "My smiley faces are gone!" said Aurora, pointing to the car.
"So they are," said Dad. "I haven't seen the car that clean in a long time!" He winked at Barrett. "See, that's one good thing about the rain, right? Now you and Aurora won't have to wash it when you get home."
Barrett smiled. "I guess that makes up for being stuck in the tent for an hour."
Dad nodded. "It reminds me of a song I sang in church when I was little about Jesus's blood washing away sin. We lived on a dirt road when I was a kid, so our car was always dirty. But whenever it rained, all the dirt got washed away, and I'd think of that song and Jesus washing all my sins away when He died on the cross."
That night, when Barrett heard more rain pattering against the tent, he remembered that every one of his sins was washed away by Jesus.
–Carol Albrecht
How About You?
Have your sins been washed away? Do you realize what a wonderful thing it is that God is willing to forgive you for all the bad things you've done? Jesus willingly took the punishment for your sin and shed His blood on the cross so you could have your sin washed away. Trust in Him, and He will forgive you and make you clean. (To learn more, click the "Good News!" button in the right column of this page or go to www.keysforkids.org/goodnews.)
Today's Key Verse:
The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin. (NKJV) (1 John 1:7)
Today's Key Thought:
Jesus washes away sin -
Bible Reading: Revelation 21:1-4, 18-27
Just as Jaden was about to leave for school, he learned it had been canceled because of a furnace breakdown. "Why don't you come to work with me today," said Dad, who was a real estate agent. "I've got a couple house tours."
That morning, they met Mr. and Mrs. Pearson, who were moving from another town. "Since our boys couldn't come along to look at houses, it will be good to have you with us, Jaden," said Mrs. Pearson. "One of our sons is about your age."
Jaden didn't like the first house they toured. It was too big and fancy-looking for him. The second house seemed dark inside, and the rooms were small.
"Now this is my kind of house," Jaden said when they reached the third place. "That tree would be perfect for a treehouse!" The inside of the house was even better. "There are lots of hiding places in here," he said with shining eyes.
"I think you just made your first sale, Jaden," Mr. Pearson said after they looked around. "If you like this house, we're sure our boys will like it too."
On Sunday, Jaden pulled a piece of paper out of his Bible after church. "You're not going to believe this, Dad. We had to make a real estate ad for heaven in Sunday school today. Want to see what I wrote?"
"Sure do." Dad took the paper and read it aloud. "A mansion built just for you on a street of gold. No bedrooms, because there is no night. No hospitals nearby, because there is no sickness. The entire city is decorated with fabulous jewels. Cost: Nothing! It has already been paid for by Jesus and is a gift to anyone who trusts in Him. Best of all, Jesus is there!"
Dad smiled. "That's great! But don't forget that we advertise through our actions and attitude as well as our words. Just like Mr. and Mrs. Pearson saw how excited you were about that house, we can let others see the joy of having Jesus in our lives and the peace of knowing we will spend eternity with Him. And we can show them His love through our actions."
Jaden nodded. "Then hopefully they'll want to spend eternity in heaven with Him too."
–Linda Weddle
How About You?
How many advertisements do you see in a day? Ads can make things sound too good to be true. But the good news that Jesus paid for our sins so we could spend eternity with Him is true! The Bible gives us a glimpse of what heaven will be like when Jesus gets rid of sin, sickness, and death forever and makes everything new. Let others see His love, joy, and peace in your life and tell them how they can live with Him forever too.
Today's Key Verse:
[Jesus] told them, "Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone." (NLT) (Mark 16:15)
Today's Key Thought:
Advertise your heavenly home -
Bible Reading: 2 Timothy 4:16-18
Skye sat on her front porch step. The sun shone from a clear blue sky, but deep inside, Skye felt as if a dark cloud hovered overhead. She looked down at Rags, her new brown puppy. She picked him up and hugged him.
Just then Dad, who served in the military, got home. "What's wrong, pumpkin?" he asked as he sat down beside her. "You look as if you don't have one friend in the whole wide world."
"I--I just wonder what's going to happen," said Skye. "What if…" She hesitated. "Sometimes I almost wish you weren't in the Army. What if you get transferred overseas? I'd be so lonely if you were so far away."
"I understand how you feel--I'd be lonely then too," said Dad. "But remember how we prayed and talked about how God cares for us, no matter where we are?" Skye nodded, and Dad gave her a hug. "No matter where I might be sent, Jesus is with me, and He's with you and Mom and the rest of the kids too. He died and rose again to give us eternal life, and we can trust Him to be with us and take care of us, no matter what happens."
Skye sighed. "I know."
Dad looked at the little dog resting peacefully in Skye's lap. "Think about Rags for a minute," he said. "Do you remember how lonely he was the first few days you had him?"
Skye nodded. "He cried for his mother a lot, especially at night when there was nobody to pay attention to him." She buried her face in the puppy's furry neck.
"But you gave him so much love that he learned to depend on you, and he's happy to be with us now." Dad reached out to pet the little dog. "If you care so much for your puppy, don't you think the Lord cares even more for us?" Sighing, Skye nodded. "And just like Rags trusts you to take care of him, we can trust God to do the same for us," added Dad. "We may not always like everything that happens, but we can trust Jesus to be with us and give us the strength we need to carry on."
–Marilyn J. Senterfitt
How About You?
Has something happened in your life that's made you feel lonely? Today's Bible reading was written by Paul, and it tells about a time when he was put in prison. He says no one stayed with him or helped him--everybody left him alone. But God didn't leave him! God stayed with him and gave him strength, and He'll do the same for you too. Jesus loves you so much He gave His life to save you, and He will never leave you alone.
Today's Key Verse:
The Lord stood with me and strengthened me. (NKJV) (2 Timothy 4:17)
Today's Key Thought:
God is always with you -
Bible Reading: Romans 8:35-39
"I miss Buster!" wailed eight-year-old Xander when the family's loyal dog died. "He was a hero! Remember when Finn got lost and Buster found him playing in the woods? And the time I got really sick and Buster stayed in my room every day until I got better?" Xander wiped his eyes. "I wish he was still here with us."
"I wish we could have kept Buster longer too," Mom said sadly. "But he was very old, and his body just wore out. Let's try to be thankful for all the years we did have him."
"But--" Xander had just begun to ask another hard question when his four-year-old brother burst into the room.
"Vroooom!" shouted Finn as he zoomed in a circle and then stopped in front of Mom and Xander. He was wearing a yellow and blue shirt that had the name of his school on the front--except that where the school's emblem should have been, there was only a jumbled mass of colored threads.
Xander was not happy about the interruption. "Your shirt's inside out, Finn," he snapped.
"Yes, it is, but look closer, Xander," said Mom. "Maybe Finn's shirt can help answer your questions about Buster. These knots and loose threads here on the inside of the shirt are similar to how life's difficulties look to us. When someone we love dies, or when something bad happens, life can look like an ugly mess."
Mom helped Finn turn the shirt right side out so the school emblem was visible. "The same threads that looked so bad a moment ago make this side beautiful," she continued. "God does the same thing in our lives. None of the difficult things that happen can separate us from His love. Jesus came into our messy world and died and rose again to save us, and He promises to help us through each disappointment and hardship. He even uses them to form a beautiful design--He works them together for our good." She put an arm around Xander's shoulders. "When you miss Buster, remember that Jesus loves you and understands how you feel. Trust Him to be with you through the hard, painful things and use them for good."
–Joyce P. Jentes
How About You?
Are you going through hard times in your life? Maybe you're feeling sad and lonely because a family member died or your best friend moved away. Those things hurt, but remember that Jesus loves you and understands your pain. Nothing can separate you from Him. Trust Him to be with you through hard times and use them to make something beautiful out of your life.
Today's Key Verse:
We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God. (CSB) (Romans 8:28 )
Today's Key Thought:
God works for your good -
Bible Reading: 1 John 2:3-6
"Look at how bright the stars are tonight!" Dawson's little brother, Parker, gaped at the sky from his spot on the lawn.
"Yeah, and the moon is really bright too," said Dawson.
"Why is it so bright?" asked Parker. "Is it a great big ball of fire?"
Dawson laughed and shook his head. "The sun is more like a ball of fire. The moon doesn't actually have any light at all. It reflects the light of the sun--that's why it looks bright. I learned about that in my science class."
"Come on in, boys!" called Mom. "It's time to get to bed."
The boys got up from the grass and headed for the house. Once they were inside, Parker ran over to the window and pointed to the moon. "Guess what, Mom! Dawson told me that the moon isn't really a big fireball--it just reflects the sun's light. Did you know that?"
Mom smiled. "Yes, I did know that. Now scoot along to bed, or morning will come before you're ready for it."
After church the following day, Dawson asked his parents a question that had been puzzling him. "My teacher says people are supposed to see Jesus in us. But we aren't Jesus, so how can they see Him? I don't get it."
"Well," said Mom, "remember what you told Parker about the sun and the moon when you were outside last night?"
"Sure," said Dawson. "I said the moon reflects the light of the sun."
"Right," said Mom. "The moon isn't the sun, but it reflects it. When people look at the moon, the light they see is really the light of the sun. And we're not Jesus, but because we belong to Him and have His Spirit in us, we can reflect His light. When people see what we do and how we treat others, they should be seeing Jesus's character shining through us."
"That's right," said Dad. "When we trust the Holy Spirit to help us be kind, patient, truthful, and unselfish, we reflect Jesus and His great love for everyone. Just like the moon reflects the light of the sun, Christians are able to reflect the love of God's Son--Jesus."
–Anna E. Baumeister
How About You?
If you're a Christian, do others see the love of Jesus reflected in your life? When you show others the same kind of love Jesus showed us by dying for our sins, others will see Him in you. But you can't do it on your own--Jesus gave you the Holy Spirit so you can shine His light to others. Trust the Spirit to help you and guide you as you reflect Jesus's love to those around you.
Today's Key Verse:
Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that you should follow His steps. (NKJV) (1 Peter 2:21)
Today's Key Thought:
Let Jesus be seen in you -
Bible Reading: Genesis 22:11-18; Isaiah 7:14
"Mia? Why are you lying on the beach?" Mom asked as she came outside and sat down beside her daughter. "It's dark out."
Mia turned to look at her mom, tears streaming down her cheeks.
"Oh, honey." Mom hugged her. "Why are you crying?"
"D-d-dad promised he would come see me today. But he never came," Mia sobbed.
Mom hugged her again. "I'm sorry, sweetheart. I'm sorry your dad didn't keep his promise."
"Promises are stupid," Mia said as she pulled away from Mom and wiped the tears off her cheeks.
Mom sighed. "It's very hard for people to keep promises. We make mistakes. But there is someone who keeps every promise He makes."
"Who is that?" Mia asked.
"God. In fact, He made Abraham a promise that I'm reminded of being out here tonight." Mom picked up a handful of sand. "God promised Abraham that his descendants would be as many as the stars in the sky and the grains of sand on the beach."
"I think I remember that story," Mia said. "Didn't he and his wife have a baby when they were really old?"
"Yes, that was Abraham. He had to wait a long time for a baby. And after God gave him a son, He asked Abraham to sacrifice that son. Abraham was going to do that, but God stopped him and told him it had been a test to see how much Abraham trusted God."
Mia bit her lip. "God kept His promise?"
"Yes, Abraham had many, many descendants. King David was one of them, and the Bible says Jesus Himself is a son of Abraham." Mom smiled. "Through His promise to bless Abraham with many children, God also kept another promise. He promised to send a Savior to rescue His people."
"Jesus!" Mia exclaimed. "I know that one. Jesus came as a baby and grew up so He could die for our sins."
Mom nodded. "He sent Jesus to die for our sins and then raised Him from the dead. If we trust in Jesus, He promises that He will always be with us and that we will spend forever with Him. And God always keeps His promises."
–Kimberly Brokish
How About You?
Has anyone ever broken a promise they made to you? Maybe it was a friend, a parent, or a teacher. It doesn't feel very nice when someone breaks a promise, does it? God will never break a promise. He promises to love us, help us, and always be with us, and He sent us a Savior so we can spend eternity with Him. How great is a promise like that?
Today's Key Verse:
All of God's promises have been fulfilled in Christ with a resounding "Yes!" (NLT) (2 Corinthians 1:20 )
Today's Key Thought:
God always keeps His promises -
Bible Reading: Psalm 94:18-19; John 14:27
BUZZ! Omari jumped as the timer went off. Mrs. Mary collected the tests. Omari's tummy rumbled, but this time he wasn't hungry. His mom told him that when he felt the nerve worm he should take deep breaths, so he did. But the wormy feelings returned on the bus ride home.
As soon as Omari got home, he started to cry. His mom stopped preparing dinner and walked over to him. "Oh, sweetheart, what's the matter?" she asked, rubbing his back.
"I-it's t-the worms," cried Omari.
"Did you have another math test?" asked Mom.
"Yes, and I forgot a lot of the answers!"
Mom continued to rub his back, and she pointed at their puppy. Buddy was chasing his tail. He spun in circles, then tripped and thudded to the floor.
Mom giggled. "Oh, Buddy, not again."
Buddy whimpered, and Mom went over to pet him. She raised an eyebrow. "Did you see what Buddy did after he fell?"
Omari nodded. "He called out for help."
"Right," said Mom. "Then I went over to comfort and calm him. Do you know who else notices when we're in trouble? Jesus. Our situations might cause us to feel scared or anxious, but when we call out, He hears us." Mom pulled up Isaiah 41:10 on the Bible app on her phone. "He says, 'Don't be afraid, for I am with you. Don't be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.'"
A soft grin appeared on Omari's face. Then he sighed. "What if I'm still nervous and forget the answers again?"
"When Jesus says He will be our help, that doesn't mean He will snap His fingers and make all our problems disappear. But, just like when I calmed Buddy, God will give us peace and comfort to make it through hard times." Mom gently squeezed his hand. "And when you take your next test, remember that Jesus loves you so much that He even died on a cross to save you! He won't leave you when you have the nerve worm." She tickled his tummy, and they giggled.
–Toria Keyes
How About You?
Do the situations you encounter in life ever make you feel nervous or anxious? Before Jesus died to save us, He promised that He'd leave us with peace. We don't have to be troubled or afraid because He assures us that He will always be with us. No matter what your worry is, you can call on Him to give you comfort and peace. What are you worried about today? How can you remind yourself that God is there with you?
Today's Key Verse:
Don't be afraid, for I am with you…I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand. (NLT) (Jesus helps us in life’s troubles)
Today's Key Thought:
Isaiah 41:10 -
Bible Reading: Galatians 2:20; Ephesians 2:1-7; 1 John 4:12-13
"Time for dinner!" At the sound of Dad's voice, Paisley and Bridger paused the level in their video game and hurried to the kitchen.
"What were you guys playing?" Dad asked as he set a bowl of veggies on the table.
"It's an adventure game!" Bridger said. "We win coins by going on quests and completing challenges, and we meet all kinds of interesting characters. We even get to learn sword fighting and protect the realm from darkness!"
Paisley poured glasses of water. "Is Mom eating with us?"
"Yes, I am!" Mom entered the room. "Thanks for cooking dinner, I appreciate it."
When they sat down to eat, Paisley took a long sip of water and sighed. "My life is boring in reality. I wish the things in that video game were real."
"Or even things in the Bible, like the amazing miracles Jesus did," Bridger said. "I wish those things still happened now."
"Now hold on," Mom countered. "Do you really think God doesn't do amazing miracles today?" Paisley and Bridger looked at each other and shrugged. "Did you know that every person who believes in Jesus has been raised from the dead?" asked Mom.
"You mean we will be raised from the dead," Bridger corrected.
"We will, but we've already been raised too," Dad said. "The moment you trusted Jesus as your Savior, He brought you from death to life. Right then and there."
"But that makes no sense," Bridger said.
"The Bible says every single person is dead in our sin," Mom explained. "That means our souls are dead. But the Spirit of God raised Jesus from the grave so that we could also be raised to life. That's what salvation means. When we believe, we are given new life--God's Spirit of life lives inside us. Our souls are raised from the dead, and one day our bodies will be too."
"That is a miracle!" Paisley exclaimed.
"And," Dad said, "God did all that because He loves us and wants us to be a part of His story, which is the most exciting story. Like your video game, there are challenges and lessons to be learned, but in the end, God will defeat darkness and all of evil forever!"
Bridger grinned. "And that's way cooler than our game because it's real!"
–Zoe Brickner
How About You?
Have you ever wondered if God still does miracles today? God has done spectacular miracles all throughout history, and many of them are recorded in the Bible. The most important miracle of all was when God raised Jesus from the dead so that we could have life! We get to experience this miracle for ourselves when we trust Jesus as our Savior. (To learn more, click the "Good News!" button in the right column of this page or go to www.keysforkids.org/goodnews.)
Today's Key Verse:
It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. (NKJV) (Galatians 2:20)
Today's Key Thought:
Salvation is a miracle -
Bible Reading: Psalm 33:6-9; Romans 6:23; 2 Peter 3:11-13
Michael put the last touch of paint on his school project, set the brush down, and stood back to admire it. It had taken weeks of hard work, but he had put together a model farm that he was proud of.
It had everything from a cornfield to pigs, cows, and chickens. The farmhouse looked good too, and Michael was excited to show it to his class.
"Wow, you did great," his dad said when he came to inspect it that evening. Dad bent to take a closer look. "I love all the details."
Michael beamed. "Thanks." He explained various parts of the farm and pointed to the things he liked best about it.
Dad smiled as he straightened up. "You should be proud of your work."
"I am," Michael said.
"You love it?" Dad asked.
Michael nodded enthusiastically. "I put so much work into it."
"You know, this reminds me of something," Dad said.
"What?" Michael asked. His dad was always making lessons out of things.
Dad put a hand on his shoulder. "It reminds me of God's creation and His love for it--for us. Think about how He so carefully made the earth and everything in it. It's sort of like how you put effort into the farm."
"The earth is much bigger than my tiny farm," Michael said.
"But it's something you can relate to." Dad pointed at the project. "Whenever you wonder if God really loves you, think about how much love and care went into making this. You wouldn't want anything to destroy it, right?"
Michael's eyes widened. "Of course not."
"God doesn't want anything to destroy His creation either--the earth or the people He created. But we brought sin into the world, and sin is destructive--the Bible says sin results in death. So God's Son, Jesus, became one of us and died and rose again to save us from sin and death. Everyone who trusts in Him has eternal life, and one day Jesus will get rid of sin and death forever and make everything new again." Dad smiled. "That's how much He loves His creation."
Michael looked at his project again. "It's pretty cool to think about it like that."
"It is, isn't it?" Dad winked.
–Bethany Acker
How About You?
Do you realize how much God loves the world He made and everything in it--including you? Jesus gave His life to save you from sin and death. Doesn't it feel good to know He loves you that much? He put a lot of care into creating everything He made, and He promises to make it new again one day so we can enjoy it with Him forever.
Today's Key Verse:
The Lord is good to all; he has compassion on all he has made. (NIV) (Psalm 145:9)
Today's Key Thought:
God loves His creation -
Bible Reading: Proverbs 17:27-28; 18:13
"Don't quit yet!" Jill begged her friend, but Elsie sat down and began unlacing her skates, saying she was cold. "It's not that cold!" said Jill. Elsie didn't answer, and Jill went back out on the ice.
"Hey, Jill!" called Mila as she skated by. "My mom is driving some of us to the coffee shop down the street for hot chocolate. Do you and Elsie want to go?"
"I'll check," said Jill. She spun around and returned to where Elsie was sitting. "Let's go with Mila to get some hot chocolate at the coffee shop--it will be nice and warm there!" But Elsie wasn't interested. Jill sighed. I wish I had come skating with somebody else, she thought. She's no fun at all today!
When Jill got home, her mother was stirring a mixture in a bowl. "Oh, yum!" said Jill. "Cheesecake!" She picked up a spoon her mother had been using and quickly took a lick. "Ew!" she said, making a face. "What is this? I thought it was cream cheese."
Mom laughed. "It's shortening. You jumped to a conclusion without learning the facts again." Jill knew she often did that.
As Mom continued working, Jill told her about the problem with Elsie. "I think she's just looking for attention," said Jill.
"Are you sure you haven't jumped to another wrong conclusion?" asked Mom. "Maybe something is bothering Elsie and she needs a patient, understanding friend to listen to her and see what's wrong."
Jill just shrugged. "If something's wrong, why wouldn't she just tell me?"
That evening, Mom came into Jill's room. "Jill, I talked with Elsie's mom a few minutes ago. Elsie's dad left home yesterday."
"He did?" said Jill. "Where did he go?"
"They don't know. Elsie's mom said he has a problem with alcohol and disappears occasionally. I thought you should know so you can pray for them and be there for Elsie."
"Oh no," said Jill. "I did jump to conclusions again! No wonder Elsie was quiet today. When I see her tomorrow, I'll make sure she knows I'm her friend. And I'll pray for her--and for her dad!"
"I will too," said Mom. "And I'll pray that Elsie will see the love of Jesus in the way you care for her as your friend."
–Linda Weddle
How About You?
Do you care when a friend doesn't seem happy? Are you understanding and patient when someone doesn't seem interested in what's going on? Instead of jumping to conclusions, be sensitive and show them that you care. Jesus always listens to us, cares for us, and sits with us in tough times. Trust Him to help you be that kind of friend too.
Today's Key Verse:
Whoever is patient has great understanding, but one who is quick-tempered displays folly. (NIV) (Proverbs 14:29)
Today's Key Thought:
Be understanding of others -
Bible Reading: Philippians 2:3-8
Tristan beamed as he picked up a shoe from the display table. "This is the kind I want, Mom! All the guys are getting shoes like this. The special soles reduce the pounding you get from the gym floor." Tristan imagined what his friends would say if he showed up at practice wearing these shoes. He looked at his mother hopefully, but she was moving away.
"How about this one?" Mom held up a shoe similar to the one Tristan was holding.
Tristan made a face and shook his head. "Nobody buys that brand."
Mom sighed in exasperation. "Tristan, I want to buy shoes you like, but I'm not going to pay a lot of money just so you can have a certain brand."
"But I don't want any other shoes!"
"Then you can get along with your old ones," Mom said, and she hurried him out of the store.
"Who was at the door?" asked Mom later that night as she was cooking dinner.
"It was Joey," Tristan said with a scowl. "He just came to show off his new skateboard. He just got one a few months ago, but he bought another one. He just got it to impress the guys."
Mom looked surprised. "So we shouldn't buy things just to impress others?"
Puzzled, Tristan shook his head. "Of course not."
"But weren't you wanting to do the same thing with those shoes today?" asked Mom. "Didn't you want that brand just to impress other kids?"
Tristan looked at the floor. "Well…maybe."
Mom sighed. "I understand what it's like to want nice things, Tristan. But when we want to get things just to impress others, we need to remember where our worth comes from. People's opinions of us can change from one day to the next--they're fleeting, just like the things we own, which will eventually wear out or get lost or broken. But God's opinion of us never changes. Our value comes from the love He showed us by sending Jesus to save us from sin."
Mom put a hand on Tristan's shoulder. "Instead of trying to impress people with what you have, let them know you by the way you treat them and show them God's love. They should know you by your heart, not your shoes."
–Cynthia Y. Powell
How About You?
Do you want name-brand clothing and other things everybody else seems to have? It's good to dress your best and look nice, but that shouldn't be your focus in your interactions with others. Popular items come and go, along with what people think of you for owning them, but the way you treat others will stay in their minds long after. Instead of showing off things you have, show others the love you have in Jesus.
Today's Key Verse:
Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves. (NIV) (Philippians 2:3 )
Today's Key Thought:
Don't dress to impress -
Bible Reading: James 4:4-8; 1 Peter 5:8-10
Braelyn dropped her fishline over the side of the boat and watched the bait sink into the water. "That worm squirming on my hook looks so gross! How could a fish possibly want to eat it?"
Dad chuckled. "It doesn't look very appealing to us, but to a fish, it's food."
"I'd rather starve!" said Braelyn.
Dad smiled. "You might look at it differently if you were a fish."
Braelyn's brother Judson cast his line across the water. "The fish don't notice the sharp hook hidden inside the yummy-looking worms. All they think about is how good the worm will taste. They don't think about what might happen after they bite."
"I guess not," said Braelyn. "If they knew they'd get hooked, they wouldn't bite, no matter how juicy the worm looked."
"Maybe not, but they might," said Dad. "Sometimes we can be like fish."
Braelyn grimaced. "You won't ever see me biting on a worm!"
Dad laughed. "No, not a worm. But what about some other kind of bait? I'm thinking of times when there's something we really want to do, but we know it's wrong. You could say that Satan baits a hook with things that tempt us to make bad decisions."
"So it's like Satan is fishing for us?" asked Judson.
"Something like that," said Dad. "He likes to trick us by tempting us with things that look good. Unfortunately, it's easy to fall for his bait and end up making sinful choices that go against God and who He calls us to be as His children."
A faint tug came from Braelyn's line, and she gasped. She reeled in a small bluegill and held it up. "Do I have to let it go?"
Reaching for the fish's mouth, Dad said, "Let's give this fish a second chance."
"Hey, that's like what Jesus does for us!" Judson exclaimed.
"You're right!" said Dad. "Jesus died on the cross and rose again to free us from the power of sin and Satan. That means we can resist Satan's bait. And when we do sin, Jesus will always forgive us."
"Next time I'm tempted to do something wrong, I'll remember these fish," said Braelyn. "And even if I get hooked, I know that Jesus will give me a second chance!"
–Chip Montgomery
How About You?
Can you think of a time when you got hooked by the bait of sin? Maybe you were tempted by something that seemed good at first but turned out to be a trap that got you to do something wrong. When you give in to temptation, remember that Jesus will always forgive you when you confess your sin to Him. Because He has freed you from sin, and it holds no power over you anymore. Trust Him to help you resist Satan's bait.
Today's Key Verse:
Humble yourselves before God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. (NLT) (James 4:7)
Today's Key Thought:
Don't take Satan's bait - Mostra di più