Purim | Mordekhai Would Not Bow...Why Not? by Rav Yitzchak Etshalom
The critical catalyst for the story of Purim is Mordekhai's refusal, as a member of Ahashverosh's court, to show obeisance to Haman. The text never explicates the rationale behind this decision, in spite of its centrality to the plot. We survey some common answers given and suggest possible challenges to each - and then propose a new answer which impacts on our reading of the entire story, up to and including the climactic war that takes place 11 months after Haman's decree is formulated.
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Episodi mancanti?
Ramban on the Torah | 5785 | 19 | Tetzaveh, by Rav Eli Weber
What is the meaning of the clothes of the Cohanim? What are the Urim and Tumim? Why does HaShem want to be among us?
Teruma | From the Mishkan, by Rav Yair Kahn
To the Beit HaMikdash
Ramban on the Torah | 5785 | 18 | Teruma, by Rav Eli Weber
Is there an order to the Torah? What would me the meaning of the Mishkan without the Egel? Why is the order of building the Mishkan the way it is?
Conflicted and Confused, Horrified and Happy: Reflecting on the Return of Living and Murdered Hostages, by Rav Dovid Gottlieb
The height of strength or the expression of weakness, courage or desperation?
Mishpatim | Rejoice While Trembling, by Rav Yair Kahn
The complexity of the divine encounter
Yitro | Yitro and Moshe, by Rav Yair Kahn
Before the burning bush and after
Ramban on the Torah | 5785 | 17 | Mishpatim, by Rav Eli Weber
Why is Eved Ivri the first law? Why does HaShem help the poor? Why did Benei Israel celebrate?
Amos | On the Development of Prophecy, by Rav Yitzchak Etshalom
In this brief introduction, I discuss the development of prophecy in Israel, the evolving definition of "Navi" and the development of "literary prophets". We then study the first set of prophecies found in the book of Amos, with an ear towards the oratorial genius of Amos and the many tools he harnesses to effect a suasive presentation to his Samarian audience. This shiur was given at the YU Seforim Sale to introduce my new volume "Amos: The Genius of Prophetic Rhetoric". The book is available at https://theseforimsale.com/collections/english-tanach-1/products/koren_0199
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Ramban on the Torah | 5785 | 16 | Yitro, by Rav Eli Weber
What's the point of Ma'amad Har Sinai? Who did Benei Israel hear the commandments from? What is the relationship between Zachor and Shamor?
Beshalach | Shirat HaYam, by Rav Yair Kahn
A great moment or a momentary greatness?
Bo | The Dual Symbolism of Matza, by Rav Yair Kahn
Ramban on the Torah | 5785 | 15 | Beshalach, by Rav Eli Weber
How did Bnei Israel leave Egypt? What did HaShem give them in Mara? What is the meaning of the rules of the Manna?
Ramban on the Torah | 5785 | 14 | Bo, by Rav Eli Weber
What is the purpose of miracles? What is the purpose of creation? The Ramban at the end of this week's Parasha deals with both.
Vaera | Pharoah and the Problem of Free Choice, by Rav Yair Kahn
New series on Sefer Shemot!
Shemot | The Roots of Egyptian Antisemitism, by Rav Yair Kahn
Ramban on the Torah | 5785 | 13 | Vaera, by Rav Eli Weber
What is the difference between Hashem's names? How can Hashem harden Pharaoh's heart? Why does the Torah reintroduce Moshe and Aharon again in the middle of the parasha?
Vaera | Pharaoh's Wizards (and the Parenthetic Phrase), by Rav Yitzchak Etshalom
Why did the חרטומים imitate the first two plagues - and why were they stymied at the third?
חרטומי מצרים - the wizards of Egypt - make 5 appearances in the Exodus narrative; the first and last are easily understood but the 2nd (in the context of the plague of blood) the 3rd (frogs) and the 4th (lice) are difficult to decipher. By reading some of these passages as parenthetic texts (מאמר המוסגר), a solution is suggested.
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Ramban on the Torah | 5785 | 12 | Shemot, by Rav Eli Weber
On the Ramban's idea that every sefer in the Torah is a separate entity: on the one hand, a stand-alone sefer, but of course, also the continuation of Bereishit and the introduction to Vayikra.
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