
  • In the season 4 finale of LaidOPEN Podcast, Charna welcomes Dr. Keesha Ewers, an expert in integrative medicine, functional sexology, and a survivor of autoimmunity induced by trauma. And shares her personal journey from starting as a conventional nurse to exploring alternative healing modalities like Ayurveda, hypnotherapy, and EMDR after being diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis.

    She illuminates the profound connection between unresolved trauma and physical health, including autoimmune disorders and sexual vitality. The discussion delves deep into the science of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), highlighting the impact of trauma on long-term health and well-being.

    Dr. Keesha also discusses the concept of 'libido' as life force vitality and emphasizes the importance of healing and digesting trauma for reclaiming one's full vitality and sexual freedom. The episode encourages personal reflection and offers insights on how to embark on a healing journey with an exercise from Dr. Keesha that teaches how to embrace your inner 'eagle' and live a more embodied and liberated life.

    Show Notes

    00:00 Welcome to LaidOPEN Podcast with Dr. Keesha Ewers

    01:06 Embarking on a Journey of Healing and Transformation

    01:23 Dr. Keesha's Personal Battle with Autoimmune Disease

    04:55 Discovering the Power of Ayurveda and Yoga

    07:34 The Profound Connection Between Trauma and Health

    13:57 Exploring the ACE Study and Its Implications

    21:56 Navigating Trauma and Its Impact on Health

    25:34 Personal Stories of Overcoming and Healing

    27:21 The Importance of Self-Care and Boundary Setting

    32:39 Embracing Vulnerability and Overcoming Shame

    34:12 The Power of Plant Medicine in Healing

    35:01 Navigating Life's Developmental Milestones and Achieving Unity Consciousness

    35:43 Understanding the Human Condition: From Victim to Perpetrator

    36:42 The Journey to Self-Compassion and Liberation

    42:26 Exploring Sexual Liberation and Vitality

    52:17 The Importance of Play and Embracing Different Perspectives

    59:40 Concluding Thoughts on Community, Healing, and Empowerment

  • In this latest episode of LaidOPEN Podcast, Charna Cassell speaks with Mariah Freya, a sex coach and founder of Beducated, an online platform for sex education that offers a vast library of resources for pleasure-focused sex education.

    Mariah delves into the innovative role of AI technology in revolutionizing sex education, making it more accessible and tailored to individual needs. Highlighting how Beducated’s AI sex coach aids users in navigating their expansive library and provides personalized sex education resources. She also shares the challenges and experiments involved in developing their AI-powered tool.

    She also speaks on the challenges of balancing parenthood with entrepreneurship to the transformative power of embracing one's sexuality, this conversation explores the intersections of personal growth, intimacy, and empowerment.

    We end this episode with Mariah sharing a mindful shower practice. Join us as we delve into the importance of self-discovery, boundary-setting, and cultivating a sex-positive mindset at any stage of life.

    00:00 Introduction and Guest Presentation

    01:48 Exploring Sexuality and Motherhood

    06:25 The Impact of Parenthood on Business

    12:55 The Journey of Sexual Empowerment

    31:04 The Role of AI in Sex Education

    40:09 The Vision for BBeducated

    50:20 Closing Thoughts and Farewell

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  • This week, Charna interviews Brett Chamberlin, the founder and executive director of OPEN, the Organization for Polyamory and Ethical Nonmonogamy. Brett opens by sharing his journey of transitioning from environmental activism to the advocacy for more awareness and legal rights for non-monogamists. This includes anyone who subscribes to relationship designs outside the norm of one man and one woman, including single people.

    He also discusses the cultural implications of nonmonogamy, the impact of societal norms, the progressing nonmonogamy movement, and the importance of community, consent, and cooperative living in practicing non-monogamy.

    When it comes to having a successful non-monogamous relationship, Brett emphasizes the relevance of developing effective communication skills, having a clear understanding of personal desires, and the establishment of healthier relationships. He calls for the questioning and challenging of the supremacy of monogamous relationships in society and how dismantling this norm will lead to a more inclusive, loving society.

    Charna ends the episode by sharing resources for people looking to explore the world of non-monogamy, as well as, an exercise designed to help you focus in on the characteristics and nuances you’re looking for in a partner when choosing a potential mate.

    Show Notes

    00:04 Introduction of Brett Chamberlin and OPEN

    01:09 Brett Chamberlin's Journey to Polyamory Advocacy

    03:31 The Birth of OPEN: Organization for Polyamory and Ethical Nonmonogamy

    04:09 The Challenges and Privileges of Advocacy

    05:38 OPEN's Theory of Change and Advocacy Strategies

    11:07 The Reality of Nonmonogamy in America

    13:23 The Importance of Visibility and Acceptance

    17:22 The Legal Challenges Faced by Nonmonogamous People

    28:31 The Role of Polyamory in Broader Human Liberation

    35:42 The Liberatory Potential of Non-Monogamy

    35:51 The Social and Environmental Impact of Extractive Systems

    36:31 The Rise of Social Issues and the Role of Non-Monogamy

    38:08 The History and Evolution of Monogamy

    38:58 The Impact of Industrial Revolution on Relationship Structures

    40:55 The Importance of Relationship Education

    50:07 The Role of Media in Normalizing Non-Monogamy

    54:43 The Impact of Pandemic on Non-Monogamous Relationships

    59:41 The Importance of Self-Acceptance and Authenticity in Relationships

    01:00:58 Understanding and Navigating the Complexities of Relationships

    01:03:57 Conclusion: The Power of Open Conversations and Community

  • Get ready for Valentine's Day with Celeste Moore, a personal image and dating consultant in the latest pre-Valentine's Day episode of LaidOpen Podcast.

    In this episode, Celeste offers invaluable guidance for those navigating new beginnings, particularly men who are navigating the complexities of dating post-long-term relationships or marriages. She also explores the importance of communication and authenticity in relationships, strategies for building confidence, and the art of crafting effective digital dating profiles.

    Discover how Celeste's experience as a sole parent informs her approach and the invaluable insights she offers for single parents dipping their toes back into the dating pool. From debunking common profile pitfalls to unveiling the top lies men tell online, this episode is packed with wisdom and inspiration for anyone seeking love in the modern world.

    Charna wraps up the episode with a powerful visualization exercise, enhancing focus and attention skills for a more mindful dating experience by pulling one's energies back from the past or future and directing them towards the present moment.

    Show Notes

    00:00 Introduction and Personal Updates 00:54 Introducing the Guest: Celeste Moore 02:07 Celeste's Journey to Becoming a Dating Coach 04:05 The Challenges of Working with Men and Women 05:13 The Evolution of Celeste's Career 07:08 The Ideal Client for Celeste 08:59 The Challenges of Dating and Image Consulting 09:38 The Importance of Image in Dating 10:30 The Different Types of Clients Celeste Works With 13:44 The Importance of Adventure in Dating 18:35 The Role of Mock Dates in Celeste's Coaching 24:25 The Challenges of Being a Sole Parent 32:51 Parenting and Dating: A Delicate Balance 34:59 The Importance of Timing in Relationships 35:57 Transferable Skills: From Parenting to Dating 37:23 The Power of Collaboration in Personal Growth 38:21 Breaking Communication Barriers 42:21 Building Confidence and Desirability in Dating 53:45 The Art of Online Dating: Profile Dos and Don'ts 59:09 The Journey to Self-Love and Acceptance
  • In this episode of LaidOPEN Podcast Charna is joined by holistic sex educator and Yoni Mapping therapist, Freya Graf to discuss Freya's approach to dismantling shame and taboos around sexuality. She also explains the practice of Yoni Mapping Therapy, a method she uses to help people with vulvas and vaginas understand their bodies, relationships, and the impacts of trauma.

    Additionally, Freya opens up about her personal journey with sexuality, offering a unique perspective on holistic sexual practices. The discussion delves into the realm of sex education, focusing on reconnecting individuals with their bodies, enhancing pleasure, and challenging societal narratives surrounding sex.

    The conversation culminates with Graf explaining her exercise, The Seven Gates of Female Arousal, and sharing about her online course 'Queen Out', a guide to Yoni self-massage, de-armoring, multiple orgasms, and the release of trauma and tension.

    00:38 Guest Introduction: Freya Graff
    02:40 Understanding Yoni Mapping
    03:44 The Process of Yoni Mapping Therapy
    04:40 The Impact of Yoni Mapping on the Nervous System
    08:42 The Importance of Sex Education and Body Reconnection
    19:58 The Role of Neurofeedback in Healing
    25:21 Personal Journey Towards Sexual Healing
    31:32 Acknowledging the Courage to Change
    32:24 Healing Ancestral Trauma
    34:14 Breaking the Cycle: A Personal Journey
    35:33 Family Reactions to Unconventional Career Choices
    43:50 Finding a Calling in Yoni Mapping
    49:14 The Seven Gates of Female Arousal
    55:48 Freya's Online Course "Queen Out" use code LAIDOPENPODCAST to get $100 off.
    58:28 Conclusion: The Journey Continues

  • Join us this week on LaidOPEN Podcast, for an insightful conversation with certified Human Design expert, Evelyn Levenson.

    In this episode, Evelyn shares her journey of discovering Human Design and its profound impact on her life. She recounts how understanding herself as a Projector within Human Design redirected her path from a successful yet unfulfilling business career to a deeper exploration of Human Design's transformative possibilities.

    She also sheds light on how uncovering her Human Design type propelled her towards a fulfilling pursuit of assisting others in navigating their unique paths.

    Throughout the episode, Evelyn and Charna eloquently break down the fundamental principles of Human Design, using it to illuminate how this system serves as a valuable tool for self-discovery, providing a roadmap for individuals to optimize their choices and live fulfilled, authentic lives.

  • Welcome back to LaidOPEN Podcast. Today, we're joined by Aline Ra M., a remarkable spiritual guide sharing her unique journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth.

    At the age of 12, Aline found herself attuned to voices from the other side, an experience that led her to an enigmatic island school off the Brazilian coast, a sanctuary where she began unraveling the mysteries of her gift.

    In her late 30s, facing significant discontentment, Aline underwent a profound transformation. She ingeniously blended her mystical knowledge with the profound teachings of Buddhism, creating a practical and meaningful approach to spirituality.

    Aline's approach is refreshingly down-to-earth. She doesn't deal in esotericism but offers a practical roadmap to connect individuals directly to their inner divine, integrating spirituality into their everyday lives. She facilitates healing, expansion, and purpose amidst the hustle and bustle of modern life.

    Join us as Aline Ra M. shares her journey, delves into the essence of inner magic, and illuminates the path to a deeper connection with the divine within ourselves.

  • This week on LaidOpen Podcast I’m joined by renowned somatic expert Staci Haines. Together we delve into transformative methods to mend our fractured society, exploring the power of somatic practices in fostering unity and healing.

    Staci and I talk about the journey from individual healing to collective transformation, and unraveling the intersections between somatics and spirituality. We also explore the pivotal shift from fragmentation to wholeness and how to navigate the path from polarization to love through somatic principles.

    Listen in as Staci candidly reflects on her evolution as a leader, acknowledging personal limitations while embracing growth, and offering invaluable insights on becoming a more adept authority figure. Plus, we speak on the enigmatic process of healing the collective, activism, and the intricate task of disentangling societal beliefs from the body.

    Join us for an episode brimming with wisdom, guidance, and the promise of societal healing through the transformative lens of somatic practices.

  • Hey there! Have you ever thought about how we discover ourselves through the different voices we try on in life? I'm excited to share an amazing conversation in this episode where we explore exactly that.

    I sit down with Adrienne Shamszad, a talented musician I got introduced to through my friend Ned Buskirk from You're Going To Die. Adrienne's story is truly inspiring—she found her true voice when she began losing it. That struggle led her on a journey to uncover the ways she'd been silenced, and it changed everything for her.

    We dive deep into Adrienne's artistic process, how she channels her art, and the mind-body connection in her journey as an artist. But it's more than that; it's about growing up as an artist, finding paths by tapping into something higher, and letting that energy flow through her art.

    One thing Adrienne said that stuck with me is, "Suffering can sometimes be this incredible portal in life, pushing us toward awakening or awareness." That hit hard, reflecting on how challenges can shape us in unexpected ways.

    Join us as we uncover Adrienne Shamszad's story—a story of resilience, artistry, and the search for authenticity. We'll explore how she found her voice amid life's hurdles and how her journey might resonate deeply with your own.

    Come along and let's discover together the transformative power of self-discovery through art and resilience.

  • Dr. Avgi Saketopoulou is a New York-based psychoanalyst and therapist with extensive experience with trauma, queerness, gender diversity, and the nuances of consent. In her latest book, “Sexuality Beyond Consent: Risk, Race, Traumatophilia,” Dr. Saketopoulou argues that we have become culturally obsessed with healing trauma and points to the ways traumatized people synthesize their pain.

    In her book, she also makes an important distinction between limit and affirmative consent, which we dissect as concepts through art and creative expression at large. This leads to an enriching conversation about the evolution of self, coming out whole after trauma, how trauma brings us into a new awareness and chances who we are fundamentally, and the ever-important question… is trauma ever healed?

    We also pull apart the crossover between eroticism and consent, the erotics of racism, and how through traumatic experiences we can unlock our potential as these encounters are not about guarding the self but about risking experience.

    In this episode, I have a truly fascinating conversation with Dr. Saketopoulou that begs us each to look at the traumas we’ve experienced, how we can relate to these events, not pathologize them and use them not to master trauma but to rub up against it so it opens us up to encounters with opacity.

  • This season, we have been loosely exploring “cancelation” what it means for the canceled person if it works, and how we can integrate the canceled person back into society. This week’s episode continues with that theme and is an extension of our last episode featuring canceled sexuality coach Charlie Glickman.

    This episode features Mischa Byruck, a sexual integrity coach who works to support people to live their sex lives in line with their values. He specializes in supporting subjects of public callouts and cancelations and assists over three dozen men to take accountability for sexual harm and return to their lives transformed. He also leads courses and workshops on sexual integrity, kink, and consent. Mischa is also part of Charlie’s accountability team.

    Mischa and I explore how we can put preventative systems in place to avoid a power dynamic that prevents people in a passive position from approaching the more powerful person with feedback or notes on unintentional abuses of power. This all starts with an awareness that leaders in a power position (bosses, coaches, teachers) need to acknowledge the lack of power their audience has. Tools like these can help to avoid many harmful situations that result in leaders feeling scrutinized.

    We also talk about why, as a society, we wait for harm to occur to establish accountability systems. What if this became the norm? Of course, this takes understanding and acknowledging the power differentials built into our roles, socioeconomic, gender, and race.

    We end with an exercise that briefly explains how to somatically navigate defensiveness as it arises and staying present when being called out.

  • As a society, we are struggling with how to hold people accountable. The trend of cancel culture is public shaming with the hope that those who are canceled will lose their power and position. Often, they regroup anyway and do the same thing again in a new place and a new community. This is the cycle of abuse at play. This week, I welcome Bay Area sex educator Charlie Glickman on the podcast to talk about being canceled and the self-discovery that unfolded in the multi-year accountability process of healing himself, his relationships, and his place in his community.

    While speaking on his experience, Charlie explains how to set up an accountability team, how essential somatic therapy is in rewiring the ways in which we respond when under stress, and how he discovered his own trauma response.

    We also talk about the ways that gender role conditioning impacted him, how the patriarchy sets up boys to be divorced from their emotions at a young age, and how this makes it impossible to have the men these boys grow into communicate responsibly until they unlearn the characteristics of toxic masculinity.

    Charlie is a case study of how we can approach people whom we need to hold accountable. He also models what can be expected when someone addresses their own trauma. This is an important episode and an even more important topic that we will all need to address if we want to make changes in our society to move forward and end cycles of violence.

  • These days, lots of us are being forced to see how the ways we exist in the world both help and harm. Today’s guest is queer, Bangledeshy author and artist, Fariha Róisín aka @fariha_roisin. Her latest book “Who Is Wellness For?” does a tremendous job of tackling this topic through the narration of her own life. She uses her story of surviving childhood sexual abuse and a mentally ill mother to guide us through the resources that aided in her healing. While also, attributing all of our traumas to the lack of wellness within society and how that’s all reflected in the larger systems we live within.

    Fariha’s vulnerability on her journey with wellness and dis-eased history and the way it mirrors the global systems of capitalism, colonialism, and white supremacy speak on the ways oppression is designed to repeat itself. Part of this has been done through the destruction of ancient ways of knowing, better known as epistemicide. This includes a near wipeout of magical women with witch hunts executed globally, which is really an attack on the knowingness of womanhood.

    Although there is much to learn from Fariha, this remains one of my most tender episodes to date, as it speaks on a variety of topics including selective wellness and how that sends ripples globally. We end with an energetic composting exercise on how to clear everything from the energy we collect throughout our day to the energy that’s been attached to us for generations.

  • It is such an honor to welcome this week’s guest onto LaidOPEN Podcast. Dr. Lori Beth Bisbey (@drbisbey) is a clinical psychologist, acclaimed sex/intimacy coach, author, podcast host, and GSRD (gender, sexuality, relationship diversity) therapist with over 30 years of experience. She’s also the Specialist Relationship Therapist on the UK show “Open House: The Great Sex Experiment,” (you have to watch!) and host of the weekly podcast “The A to Z of Sex®.”

    In this episode, we talk about her journey moving from a trauma victim to a survivor and how she integrated her life into her work to help others step into joy and vibrancy in their own lives. Plus, we cover a variety of topics related to this including: the nuances of boundaries and consent inside powerplay BDSM relationships, learning to discern and listen to danger signals, healing PTSD and shame, and life after becoming a survivor.

    The episode ends with Dr. Bisbey breaking down the Four Parts Of Consent so have your pens handy, you’ll want to take notes.

  • This week we welcome Christina Carlson, an embodiment and energetic coach, speaker, teacher, and the host of the podcast, “Bitches, Witches & Queers."

    Christina and I talk about her experience of being raised as an Evangelical Fundamentalist Christian, leaving the church, and how dance helped free not only her body but her mind.

    Eventually, Christina discovers another church, and falls in love, but over time signals in her body help her to recognize that the church environment is not for her. We also talk about how this paved the way for what she currently does, working as an embodiment and energetic coach, and the ways she employs practical spirituality in all that she does especially her work.

    Christina ends this incredible conversation with an exercise that eases us into the practice of observing ourselves and staying inside our bodies.

  • Welcome back to LaidOPEN Podcast! This week we welcome Catherine Drysdale, a pleasure activator and sex & relationship coach. She’s also the host of Your Pleasure Path Podcast, which went viral on TikTok earning over 16 million monthly listens.

    It’s easy to see that helping bring joy and vibrancy into people’s lives is Catherine’s calling. We chat about life as a sex educator and all the roads that can lead to healing–even though not all healing roads are meant for everyone. We also talk about her success as a coach, finding a sex-positive audience at Cosmopolitan Magazine, and her sex magic master class Multi Orgasmic, featured in the magazine.

    We end this episode with an EFT Tapping exercise designed to help people incorporate self-love and acceptance into their lives, and most importantly, feeling worthy of pleasure. You’re not gonna want to miss this episode Catherine is a true delight.

  • On today’s episode, our guest is certified conscious executive and leadership and life coach Nick Palladino-King (@nickpalladinoking). In addition to coaching Nick’s spent his career training and teaching movement, breathwork, meditation, and entrepreneurship to clients. He brings these tools to his podcast Conscious Conversations with Nick and Nintin. Together with his co-host, Nick focuses on having conversations with guests that elevate the consciousness of the planet through conversations that change people's lives.

    Nick brings his conscious conversations to LaidOPEN Podcast where we talk about the matrix of coaches, teachers, and therapists that have begun to emerge since the onset of the Pandemic. And how this community works together to support and refer clients in order to get people the help they need.

    We end this episode with Nick leading a short meditation that can help you learn to check in with yourself and regulate your system in a quick and easy way.

  • Welcome back to LaidOPEN Podcast. This week we have renowned intimacy expert Susan Bratton, author and publisher of 34 books and programs, including “Relationship Magic,” “Revive Her Drive,” “The Steamy Sex Ed®️ Video Collection,” and her Amazon #1 International Bestseller, “Sexual Soulmates: The Six Essentials for Connected Sex, as well as, FemiWave.

    Susan joins us this week to talk about her expanded orgasm practice, which can help you to have better and better big Os your entire life. She also speaks with Charna about female arousal, embracing ageless sexuality and how getting off is a learned skill any of us can accomplish if we put in the effort to learn.

    Plus we end this episode with an exercise from Suaan about how to slowly warm up and turn on a vulva owner’s whole system and all aspects of their genitals. Find the visual component for this exercise here.

  • Did you know that you can go in for any kind of surgery at a teaching hospital, and while under anesthesia receive pelvic exams, from multiple students, (yes this happens to men with anal or prostate exams) without your consent?

    Most people are shocked to discover that they could go in for a knee surgery and be given an anal or pelvic exam they did not consent to. However, let’s call it what it is, medical rape and 85% of medical students currently report having done this.

    On today’s episode I speak with activist, author, educator, speaker and filmmaker A’magine about her award winning documentary film that tackles this topic, At Your Cervix.

    These pervasive exams are still very much legal in 27 states in the US and continues to occur where it is illegal despite laws meant to prevent this practice. Together A’magine and Charna talk about when pelvic exams happen when you’re unconscious, medical rape, sexual assualt in Western medicine, and unlearning the dehumanization that causes sexual assault in the medical filed and society at large.

    The conversation is capped with an embodied mindfulness practice led by @Amagine.

  • On the season opener of LaidOPEN Podcast, we welcome LaidOPEN Podcast producer Sabrina Cognata as our guest. When Charna receives a message from a listener who wants to potentially work with her and then sends a sexually explicit message, Charna reaches out to producer Sabrina who says, “Make art, not war.

    In addition to being a producer of a variety of podcasts and projects, @sabrinasee is the creator of The Dickoupage Project aka @thedickoupageproject, which you can find on IG. Initially, the dick pic art project was available online, but you can sign up to read it via her Patreon, to get a better idea of her work and how it influenced and informed the conversation she has with Charna.

    Together the two talk about consent, vulnerability, boundary crossing, the motivation behind sending unsolicited dick pics, fight, flight, and freeze responses, anger, manipulation, and of course, the bait and switch. The episode ends with a fantastic exercise from Charna to help address a variety of reactions when you find yourself in a situation where someone you trust or attempted to trust has set out to manipulate you.