
  • Though he's now retired, Geoff Adams spent his professional career creating music and video for many children's shows you may remember. Being an avid recumbent rider since the 1990s he also brings those amazing talents to bear on the laidback world he loves. From lowracers to trikes we discuss it all with Geoff and share the laughs and lighthearted stories from 4 of his incredible bent videos.

    00:00:00 Intro
    00:00:55 What’s on Today’s Show
    00:01:30 Panel Introduction
    00:03:45 Sponsor Introduction
    00:06:20 From Children's Shows to Trike Videos-Geoff Adams
    00:58:35 Sponsor Thanks
    01:01:15 Announcements
    01:02:25 Goodbye to panel and crew

    Please subscribe to us on YouTube (https://goo.gl/CHOOgX) and Like us on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/laidbackbikereport/) if you haven't already done so.

    Lot's more info and you can also buy a hat on our website: https://www.laidbackbikereport.com/.

    You can find our Cycle-Con 2024 YouTube Playlist here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLw5zeaLy6vulsttNtUboRbgaoW_97wlDN

    We would love to have you as a Patreon Patron where you can support all we do for as little as $1/month. Check out how it works and the benefits you can reap here: https://www.patreon.com/laidbackbikereport

    *Thanks to these wonderful sponsors for making the LBR webcast possible*
    TerraCycle https://t-cycle.com/ 800-371-5871 or +1-503-231-9798 (Outside N. America)
    Trailside Trikes https://trailside.bike/ 352-419-4809
    TerraTrike/Greenspeed https://wizwheelz.com/ 800-945-9910
    Laidback Cycles https://laidbackcycles.com/ 916-619-1003
    Connecticut Yankee Pedaller http://www.cypbikes.com/ 641-774-5557
    Bicycle Man https://bicycleman.com/ 607-587-8835
    AZUB https://azub.eu/
    RecumbentPDX https://recumbentpdx.com/ (503) 231-1000

    *Honza’s News Report Links*
    --Recumbent News https://www.recumbent.news/

    *Guest Links*
    Geoff Adams YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@geoffcadams

    *LBR Review Team Links*

    *LBR Crew Links*
    -Recumbent News-online news website by Honza Galla https://www.recumbent.news/
    -BentRider/Larry Varney http://www.bentrideronline.com/
    -Doug Davis Bicycle Evolution https://www.bicycle-evolution.com/
    -Nina Paley’s Links
    -Nina’s blog https://blog.ninapaley.com/
    -Nina’s bike merchandise http://www.palegraylabs.com/other-stuff-1/protective-bicycle-amulet
    -Peter Stull https://bicycleman.com/
    -Josef Janning https://www.facebook.com/josef.janning
    -Tim Segard https://www.bentrevolution.com/
    -Tray Bourgoyne Tray@netdoor.com
    **The absolute best archive of early recumbent history is Recumbent Cyclist News**
    Find years of publisher Bob Bryant’s hard work here: https://rcnpdf.com/

    **Viewer Submissions or Questions**
    Send to laidbackbikereport@gmail.com

    Support the show

  • Armin Ziegler has toured in many places around the world with his recumbent bikes, trikes and velomobiles. This Swiss adventurer has a well regarded collection of travel blogs that have entertained bent riders for many years. As with many velomobile riders he had been stopped by curious police a number of times always ending in a friendly chat and quick return to the road. This past May his Greek velomobile tour ended abruptly with a quite different police encounter. Armin was stopped, arrested and had his velomobile confiscated.

    We talk to Armin about his love for bent travel, the stable of recumbents he maintains, and some of the places he's been. Then we delve deeply into his recent ill-fated tour of Greece. He explains what exactly happened, why he thinks he was singled out and the current legal status of his court case.

    00:00:00 Intro
    00:00:50 What’s on Today’s Show
    00:02:03 Panel Introduction
    00:04:00 Sponsor Introduction
    00:06:15 Honza with the Recumbent News and I take a couple of viewer polls
    00:13:45 Armin Ziegler-Velonaut Arrested and his Velomobile confiscated in Greece
    01:08:20 Larry Seidman talks about 2 adaptive riding events he worked on in Colorado
    01:11:35 Sponsor Thanks
    01:14:20 Announcements/Poll results
    01:19:35 Goodbye to panel and crew

    Please subscribe to us on YouTube (https://goo.gl/CHOOgX) and Like us on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/laidbackbikereport/) if you haven't already done so.

    Lot's more info and you can also buy a hat on our website: https://www.laidbackbikereport.com/.

    You can find our Cycle-Con 2024 YouTube Playlist here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLw5zeaLy6vulsttNtUboRbgaoW_97wlDN

    We would love to have you as a Patreon Patron where you can support all we do for as little as $1/month. Check out how it works and the benefits you can reap here: https://www.patreon.com/laidbackbikereport

    *Thanks to these wonderful sponsors for making the LBR webcast possible*
    TerraCycle https://t-cycle.com/ 800-371-5871 or +1-503-231-9798 (Outside N. America)
    Trailside Trikes https://trailside.bike/ 352-419-4809
    TerraTrike/Greenspeed https://wizwheelz.com/ 800-945-9910
    Laidback Cycles https://laidbackcycles.com/ 916-619-1003
    Connecticut Yankee Pedaller http://www.cypbikes.com/ 641-774-5557
    Bicycle Man https://bicycleman.com/ 607-587-8835
    AZUB https://azub.eu/
    RecumbentPDX https://recumbentpdx.com/ (503) 231-1000

    *Honza’s News Report Links*
    --Recumbent News https://www.recumbent.news/

    *Guest Links*
    Armin Ziegler’s Blog https://armin.zcag.ch/
    Craig Hospital Pedal 4 Possible https://craighospital.org/events/pedal-4-possible
    Army World Class Athlete Program https://www.armywcap.com/

    *LBR Review Team Links*

    *LBR Crew Links*
    -Recumbent News-online news website by Honza Galla https://www.recumbent.news/
    -BentRider/Larry Varney http://www.bentrideronline.com/
    -Doug Davis Bicycle Evolution https://www.bicycle-evolution.com/
    -Nina Paley’s Links
    -Nina’s blog https://blog.ninapaley.com/
    -Nina’s bike merchandise http://www.palegraylabs.com/other-stuff-1/protective-bicycle-amulet
    -Peter Stull https://bicycleman.com/
    -Josef Janning https://www.facebook.com/josef.janning
    -Tim Segard https://www.bentrevolution.com/
    -Tray Bourgoyne Tray@netdoor.com
    **The absolute best archive of early recumbent history is Recumbent Cyclist News**
    Find years of publisher Bob Bryant’s hard work here: https://rcnpdf.com/

    **Viewer Submissions or Questions**
    Send to laidbackbikereport@gmail.com

    Support the show

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  • We have two incredibly inspiring stories that share a connection involving a Steintrike Wild One trike.

    First up we talk to John Gunterman. John is a US veteran who was injured in the middle east. He talks about his journey of recovery, how Steintrikes have played a part in it and how he now is dedicated to helping others ride to health. Setting goals is a large part of John's plan and his focus is now on climbing the notoriously difficult Mt. Washington next spring on a Wild One. Where this trike will come from takes us to our second story...

    Having set their own personal goal of promoting solar power and sustainability around the world, Megan and Polo created "The Green Journey". This young couple (an American woman and Frenchman) set out from Berkeley, California this summer on two electrified solar powered Steintrikes. They were attempting to become the first solar powered trikes to cross America. Along the way they met amazing people and shared their ideas on how to make the world a better place.

    00:00:00 Intro
    00:00:50 What’s on Today’s Show
    00:02:03 Panel Introduction
    00:04:00 Sponsor Introduction
    00:06:15 Honza with the Recumbent News
    00:13:20 US Vet to Climb Mt. Washington on a Steintrike
    00:50:30 The Green Journey-Solar Trikes Across America
    01:27:50 Sponsor Thanks
    01:30:40 Announcements
    01:32:15 Goodbye to panel and crew

    Please subscribe to us on YouTube (https://goo.gl/CHOOgX) and Like us on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/laidbackbikereport/) if you haven't already done so.

    Lot's more info and you can also buy a hat on our website: https://www.laidbackbikereport.com/.

    You can find our Cycle-Con 2024 YouTube Playlist here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLw5zeaLy6vulsttNtUboRbgaoW_97wlDN

    We would love to have you as a Patreon Patron where you can support all we do for as little as $1/month. Check out how it works and the benefits you can reap here: https://www.patreon.com/laidbackbikereport

    *Thanks to these wonderful sponsors for making the LBR webcast possible*
    TerraCycle https://t-cycle.com/ 800-371-5871 or +1-503-231-9798 (Outside N. America)
    Trailside Trikes https://trailside.bike/ 352-419-4809
    TerraTrike/Greenspeed https://wizwheelz.com/ 800-945-9910
    Laidback Cycles https://laidbackcycles.com/ 916-619-1003
    Connecticut Yankee Pedaller http://www.cypbikes.com/ 641-774-5557
    Bicycle Man https://bicycleman.com/ 607-587-8835
    AZUB https://azub.eu/
    RecumbentPDX https://recumbentpdx.com/ (503) 231-1000

    *Honza’s News Report Links*
    --Recumbent News https://www.recumbent.news/

    *Guest Links*
    John Gunterman jgunterman@sterlingcollege.edu

    The Green Journey (Megan and Polo)
    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/thegreenjourney
    Instagram Thegreen.journey
    YouTube Thegreen.journey
    Website https://thegreenjourney.org/

    *LBR Review Team Links*

    *LBR Crew Links*
    -Recumbent News-online news website by Honza Galla https://www.recumbent.news/
    -BentRider/Larry Varney http://www.bentrideronline.com/
    -Doug Davis Bicycle Evolution https://www.bicycle-evolution.com/
    -Nina Paley’s Links
    -Nina’s blog https://blog.ninapaley.com/
    -Nina’s bike merchandise http://www.palegraylabs.com/other-stuff-1/protective-bicycle-amulet
    -Peter Stull https://bicycleman.com/
    -Josef Janning https://www.facebook.com/josef.janning
    -Tim Segard https://www.bentrevolution.com/
    -Tray Bourgoyne Tray@netdoor.com

    **Viewer Submissions or Questions**
    Send to laidbackbikereport@gmail.com

    Support the show

  • Always one of our more popular webcasts! We have our panel of Cycle-Con 2024 attending experts share what they consider to be the highlights from each exhibitor at the event. Joining me will be Tray Bourgoyne, Larry Seidman, Larry Varney, and Kelvin Clark from Angletech.

    00:00:00 Intro
    00:00:50 What’s on Today’s Show
    00:01:15 Panel Introduction
    00:03:30 Sponsor Introduction
    00:05:40 Cycle-Con 2024 Expert Panel Review of Exhibitors
    01:48:30 Viewer Submission-GoFundMe for Sun Cyclery’s Joe Johnson
    01:50:35 Sponsor Thanks
    01:52:56 Announcements-BJ from Recumbent Seat Fix wants someone to take over the business
    01:55:00 Goodbye to panel and crew

    Please subscribe to us on YouTube (https://goo.gl/CHOOgX) and Like us on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/laidbackbikereport/) if you haven't already done so.

    Lot's more info and you can also buy a hat on our website: https://www.laidbackbikereport.com/.

    We would love to have you as a Patreon Patron where you can support all we do for as little as $1/month. Check out how it works and the benefits you can reap here: https://www.patreon.com/laidbackbikereport

    *Thanks to these wonderful sponsors for making the LBR webcast possible*
    TerraCycle https://t-cycle.com/ 800-371-5871 or +1-503-231-9798 (Outside N. America)
    Trailside Trikes https://trailside.bike/ 352-419-4809
    TerraTrike/Greenspeed https://wizwheelz.com/ 800-945-9910
    Laidback Cycles https://laidbackcycles.com/ 916-619-1003
    Connecticut Yankee Pedaller http://www.cypbikes.com/ 641-774-5557
    Bicycle Man https://bicycleman.com/ 607-587-8835
    AZUB https://azub.eu/
    RecumbentPDX https://recumbentpdx.com/ (503) 231-1000

    *Honza’s News Report Links*
    --Recumbent News https://www.recumbent.news/
    Cycle-Con 2024 https://cycle-con.com/
    World Human Powered Vehicle Championships https://wc2024.bhpc.org.uk/
    Phoenix Bike Wrx (formerly RANS) https://phoenixbikewrx.com/

    *Guest Links*
    Cycle-Con https://cycle-con.com/
    Joe Johnson’s GoFundMe https://gofund.me/e75bb4b5
    BJ’s Recumbent Bike Fix business for sale email him at recumbentseatfix@gmail.com

    *LBR Review Team Links*

    *LBR Crew Links*
    -Recumbent News-online news website by Honza Galla https://www.recumbent.news/
    -BentRider/Larry Varney http://www.bentrideronline.com/
    -Doug Davis Bicycle Evolution https://www.bicycle-evolution.com/
    -Nina Paley’s Links
    -Nina’s blog https://blog.ninapaley.com/
    -Nina’s bike merchandise http://www.palegraylabs.com/other-stuff-1/protective-bicycle-amulet
    -Peter Stull https://bicycleman.com/
    -Josef Janning https://www.facebook.com/josef.janning
    -Tim Segard https://www.bentrevolution.com/
    -Tray Bourgoyne Tray@netdoor.com
    **The absolute best archive of early recumbent history is Recumbent Cyclist News**
    Find years of publisher Bob Bryant’s hard work here: https://rcnpdf.com/

    **Viewer Submissions or Questions**
    Send to laidbackbikereport@gmail.com

    Support the show

  • We have two bent riders who take off roading to a more comfortable place. Hezi Yismach is an Israeli bike designer and builder with a penchant for innovation. Richard Ehrlich rides his custom built off road bents where even mountain bikes are challenged. This Canadian adventure rider is even competitive in many of the racing events he enters. We will learn about these amazing guys and then engage our panel in a discussion of bikes, trikes and the future of recumbent off road riding.

    The Icarus Cup event is a pure human powered flight event at Manston Airport in Kent, England. Our British Human Powered Club correspondent Barney Harle was there this past June and delivers a fascinating report.

    Trident trikes has a new children's trike called the "Half Pint". Owner Tom Flohr was kind enough to ship me a loaner this summer so we could do a review. My grandkids unboxed, assembled and test rode it so we could evaluate it from a kids perspective.

    00:00:00 Intro
    00:00:50 What’s on Today’s Show
    00:02:40 Panel Introduction
    00:04:30 Sponsor Introduction
    00:06:40 Recumbent News with Honza and Gary
    00:19:50 Icarus Cup Human Powered Flight with Barney Harle
    00:40:30 Off Road Bent Designing, Building and Riding in Israel with Hezi Yismach
    00:52:40 Off Road Bent Riding and Adventure Racing with Richard Ehrlich
    01:14:20 Off Road Bent Riding Panel Discussion with Honza, Tray, Larry and Gary
    01:28:10 Trident Trikes “Half Pint” Kids Trike Review with Gary’s Grandkids
    01:45:25 Sponsor Thanks
    01:47:30 Announcements
    01:49:25 Goodbye to panel and crew

    *Thanks to these wonderful sponsors for making the LBR webcast possible*
    TerraCycle https://t-cycle.com/ 800-371-5871 or +1-503-231-9798 (Outside N. America)
    Trailside Trikes https://trailside.bike/ 352-419-4809
    TerraTrike/Greenspeed https://wizwheelz.com/ 800-945-9910
    Laidback Cycles https://laidbackcycles.com/ 916-619-1003
    Connecticut Yankee Pedaller http://www.cypbikes.com/ 641-774-5557
    Bicycle Man https://bicycleman.com/ 607-587-8835
    AZUB https://azub.eu/
    RecumbentPDX https://recumbentpdx.com/ (503) 231-1000

    *Honza’s News Report Links*
    --Recumbent News https://www.recumbent.news/
    Cycle-Con 2024 https://cycle-con.com/
    World Human Powered Vehicle Championships https://wc2024.bhpc.org.uk/
    Phoenix Bike Wrx (formerly RANS) https://phoenixbikewrx.com/

    *Guest Links*
    Icarus Cup https://bhpfc.co.uk/the-icarus-cup/
    Hezi Yizmach hezi7788@gmail.com
    Richard Ehrlich richard@ehrlich.ca
    Trident Trikes Half Pint https://tridenttrikes.com/half-pint/

    *LBR Crew Links*
    -Recumbent News-online news website by Honza Galla https://www.recumbent.news/
    -BentRider/Larry Varney http://www.bentrideronline.com/
    -Doug Davis Bicycle Evolution https://www.bicycle-evolution.com/
    -Nina Paley’s Links
    -Nina’s blog https://blog.ninapaley.com/
    -Nina’s bike merchandise http://www.palegraylabs.com/other-stuff-1/protective-bicycle-amulet
    -Peter Stull https://bicycleman.com/
    -Josef Janning https://www.facebook.com/josef.janning
    -Tim Segard https://www.bentrevolution.com/
    -Tray Bourgoyne Tray@netdoor.com

    **Viewer Submissions or Questions**
    Send to laidbackbikereport@gmail.com

    Support the show

  • A solar panel above and a small electric motor on the wheel of his AZUB Six bike was all the assistance Jack Butler needed to become this year's Sun Trip Champion. The Englishman battled former champ Frances Jean-Marc Dubouloz who rode a WAW velomobile on a fiercely contested route from Lyon, France to the Sahara Desert in Morocco and back. Jack tells us all about his adventure racing history, the two wheeled bent he now loves and the highlights of this year's nip and tuck race to the finish line.

    If you're starting to think about attending the 2024 edition of Cycle-Con this September we've got the guy with all the latest details. Mark Crews is the CEO of WizWheelz who produce this event every year. He joins me with exciting new updates on the exhibitors, venue and new policies for the largest recumbent show in North America.

    Larry Seidman has a Sports Report on last month's Waterford, Michigan's HPRA racing event. Larry traveled there from his Colorado home to race and bring us this report.

    00:00:00 Intro
    00:00:58 What’s on Today’s Show
    00:02:08 Panel Introduction
    00:04:00 Sponsor Introduction
    00:06:30 Jack Butler-2024 Sun Trip Champion
    01:04:45 Cycle-Con 2024 update with WizWheelz CEO Mark Crews
    01:31:15 Larry Seidman with the Sports Report on 2024 Waterford, Michigan HPRA Races
    01:40:20 International Recumbent Bike Day-Viewer submission by Vernon Shaw
    01:47:50 Sponsor Thanks
    01:50:10 Announcements
    01:51:30 Goodbye to panel and crew

    Please subscribe to us on YouTube (https://goo.gl/CHOOgX) and Like us on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/laidbackbikereport/) if you haven't already done so.

    Lot's more info and you can also buy a hat on our website: https://www.laidbackbikereport.com/.

    We would love to have you as a Patreon Patron where you can support all we do for as little as $1/month. Check out how it works and the benefits you can reap here: https://www.patreon.com/laidbackbikereport

    *Thanks to these wonderful sponsors for making the LBR webcast possible*
    TerraCycle https://t-cycle.com/ 800-371-5871 or +1-503-231-9798 (Outside N. America)
    Trailside Trikes https://trailside.bike/ 352-419-4809
    TerraTrike/Greenspeed https://wizwheelz.com/ 800-945-9910
    Laidback Cycles https://laidbackcycles.com/ 916-619-1003
    Connecticut Yankee Pedaller http://www.cypbikes.com/ 641-774-5557
    Bicycle Man https://bicycleman.com/ 607-587-8835
    AZUB https://azub.eu/
    RecumbentPDX https://recumbentpdx.com/ (503) 231-1000

    *Honza’s News Report Links*
    --Recumbent News https://www.recumbent.news/

    *Guest Links*
    The Sun Trip https://www.thesuntrip.com/en/2024-destination-sahara/
    Jack Butler YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@JackButlerVideos
    Cycle-Con https://cycle-con.com/
    Human Powered RaceAmerica http://recumbents.com/hpra/
    LBR 2023 Report on Waterford, Michigan Racing What it's Like Racing HPVs at Waterford 2023!

    **Viewer Submissions or Questions**
    Send to laidbackbikereport@gmail.com

    Support the show

  • The Elecy is a futuristic replacement for your current car. It uses sustainable materials with a modular design created to get you and a small passenger around town. This is all the brainchild of Tamara Ivancova an ambitious young aeronautical engineer from the UK who shares the details of her project and her plan to take her company called Amara Automotive to the next level.

    Do you ride your bent alone or with a group? Recumbent YouTuber Sylvia Halpern joins me to talk about some of the notable riding groups around the USA and to discuss the advantages of joining or even starting an impromptu riding group yourself.

    The World Human Powered Vehicle Championships are returning to the UK this August. Race director Barney Harle joins me to talk about previous year's highlights and provide all the details of participating or spectating in this year's event.

    You can find all our Spezi 2024 booth interviews and collection video on this playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLw5zeaLy6vumcx2DSSuxtbB7ptqlHaIU6&si=zz-W08xD-Nou-Zvw

    00:00:00 Intro
    00:00:55 What’s on Today’s Show
    00:02:04 Panel Introduction
    00:04:15 Sponsor Introduction
    00:06:45 Recumbent News with Honza Galla
    00:08:50 Recumbent impromptu riding groups with Sylvia Halpern
    00:40:28 Recumbent News with Honza Galla (Part 2)
    00:43:20 World Human Powered Vehicle Championships 2024 with Barney Harle
    01:03:15 New “Elecy” Light Electric Vehicle from Amara Automotive with Tamara Ivankova
    01:52:40 Sponsor Thanks
    01:55:06 Announcements
    01:58:25 Goodbye to panel and crew

    Please subscribe to us on YouTube (https://goo.gl/CHOOgX) and Like us on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/laidbackbikereport/) if you haven't already done so.

    Lot's more info and you can also buy a hat on our website: https://www.laidbackbikereport.com/.

    We would love to have you as a Patreon Patron where you can support all we do for as little as $1/month. Check out how it works and the benefits you can reap here: https://www.patreon.com/laidbackbikereport

    *Thanks to these wonderful sponsors for making the LBR webcast possible*
    TerraCycle https://t-cycle.com/ 800-371-5871 or +1-503-231-9798 (Outside N. America)
    Trailside Trikes https://trailside.bike/ 352-419-4809
    TerraTrike/Greenspeed https://wizwheelz.com/ 800-945-9910
    Laidback Cycles https://laidbackcycles.com/ 916-619-1003
    Connecticut Yankee Pedaller http://www.cypbikes.com/ 641-774-5557
    Bicycle Man https://bicycleman.com/ 607-587-8835
    AZUB https://azub.eu/
    RecumbentPDX https://recumbentpdx.com/ (503) 231-1000

    *Honza’s News Report Links*
    --Recumbent News https://www.recumbent.news/

    *Guest Links*
    Sylvia Halpern https://www.facebook.com/TravelsByTrike
    Impromptu Trike Riders of Ohio https://www.facebook.com/groups/impromp2
    World HPV Championships 2024 https://wc2024.bhpc.org.uk/
    Amara Automotive’s “Elecy” https://www.amaraautomotive.com/

    **Viewer Submissions or Questions**
    Send to laidbackbikereport@gmail.com

    *LBR Crew Links*
    -Recumbent News-online news website by Honza Galla https://www.recumbent.news/
    -BentRider/Larry Varney http://www.bentrideronline.com/
    -Doug Davis Bicycle Evolution https://www.bicycle-evolution.com/
    -Nina Paley’s Links
    -Nina’s blog https://blog.ninapaley.com/
    -Nina’s bike merchandise http://www.palegraylabs.com/other-stuff-1/protective-bicycle-amulet
    -Peter Stull https://bicycleman.com/
    -Josef Janning https://www.facebook.com/josef.janning
    -Tim Segard https://www.bentrevolution.com/
    -Tray Bourgoyne Tray@netdoor.com

    Support the show

  • Join Recumbent News' Honza Galla, Swedish bent shop owner Alve Henricson, our own Tray Bourgoyne, Peter Stull and me as we stroll down the virtual aisles of Spezi 2024. We'll talk about everything that we found interesting, unique or shocking at this annual celebration of the world's "Special Bikes".

    You can find all our Spezi 2024 booth interviews and collection video on this playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLw5zeaLy6vumcx2DSSuxtbB7ptqlHaIU6&si=zz-W08xD-Nou-Zvw

    00:00:00 Intro
    00:00:51 What’s on Today’s Show
    00:01:04 Panel Introduction
    00:04:15 Sponsor Introduction
    00:06:45 3D Walk Through Spezi 2024 with Alve, Honza, Tray and Peter.
    02:04:23 Sponsor Thanks
    02:06:47 Announcements
    02:08:44 Goodbye to panel and crew

    Please subscribe to us on YouTube (https://goo.gl/CHOOgX) and Like us on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/laidbackbikereport/) if you haven't already done so.

    Lot's more info and you can also buy a hat on our website: https://www.laidbackbikereport.com/.

    We would love to have you as a Patreon Patron where you can support all we do for as little as $1/month. Check out how it works and the benefits you can reap here: https://www.patreon.com/laidbackbikereport

    *Thanks to these wonderful sponsors for making the LBR webcast possible*
    TerraCycle https://t-cycle.com/ 800-371-5871 or +1-503-231-9798 (Outside N. America)
    Trailside Trikes https://trailside.bike/ 352-419-4809
    TerraTrike/Greenspeed https://wizwheelz.com/ 800-945-9910
    Laidback Cycles https://laidbackcycles.com/ 916-619-1003
    Connecticut Yankee Pedaller http://www.cypbikes.com/ 641-774-5557
    Bicycle Man https://bicycleman.com/ 607-587-8835
    AZUB https://azub.eu/
    RecumbentPDX https://recumbentpdx.com/ (503) 231-1000

    *Honza’s News Report Links*
    --Recumbent News https://www.recumbent.news/

    *Guest Links*

    *LBR Review Team Links*

    *LBR Crew Links*
    -Recumbent News-online news website by Honza Galla https://www.recumbent.news/
    -BentRider/Larry Varney http://www.bentrideronline.com/
    -Doug Davis Bicycle Evolution https://www.bicycle-evolution.com/
    -Nina Paley’s Links
    -Nina’s blog https://blog.ninapaley.com/
    -Nina’s bike merchandise http://www.palegraylabs.com/other-stuff-1/protective-bicycle-amulet
    -Peter Stull https://bicycleman.com/
    -Josef Janning https://www.facebook.com/josef.janning
    -Tim Segard https://www.bentrevolution.com/
    -Tray Bourgoyne Tray@netdoor.com
    **The absolute best archive of early recumbent history is Recumbent Cyclist News**
    Find years of publisher Bob Bryant’s hard work here: https://rcnpdf.com/

    **Viewer Submissions or Questions**
    Send to laidbackbikereport@gmail.com

    Support the show

  • Buying a European velomobile in America has been fraught with poor selection/availability, shipping disasters and minimal expert guidance. Ben Parke has worked very hard over the last year to change all that with his new Minnesota dealership called Northland Velo. Ben's close business connection with Romanian based Velomobile World is bringing a wide range of models to his customers at discounted prices. We talk to Ben about the "shipping container load" quantities he is bringing in which he hopes will finally allow for scaling this business to new levels.

    The world's largest recumbent show is returning to Germany soon and so is the Laidback Bike Report. We sit down with Franz, Gabriel and Florian (the Spezi producers) for a peek at the planned program and exciting new changes they have planned for this year.

    This event only got its start a few years ago but the Pacific Trike Fest is returning to Portland, Oregon in June. Recumbent PDX is the force behind this fun gathering and Mel Birge joins us on the road riding his own Catrike to tell us all the amazing details.

    00:00:00 Intro
    00:00:51 What’s on Today’s Show
    00:02:20 Panel Introduction
    00:03:55 Sponsor Introduction
    00:06:45 Recumbent News with Honza Galla
    00:15:10 Northland Velo interview with Ben Parke
    00:50:40 Discussion with Peter, Tray and Gary
    01:01:20 Ben announces Velomobile World’s 2 new models for first time!
    01:10:32 What to expect at Spezi 2024 with producers Franz, Gabriel and Florian
    01:24:20 Pacific Trike Fest 2024 with producer Mel Birge
    01:30:00 Sponsor Thanks
    01:32:40 Announcements
    01:34:24 Goodbye to panel and crew

    Please subscribe to us on YouTube (https://goo.gl/CHOOgX) and Like us on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/laidbackbikereport/) if you haven't already done so.

    Lot's more info and you can also buy a hat on our website: https://www.laidbackbikereport.com/.

    We would love to have you as a Patreon Patron where you can support all we do for as little as $1/month. Check out how it works and the benefits you can reap here: https://www.patreon.com/laidbackbikereport

    *Thanks to these wonderful sponsors for making the LBR webcast possible*
    TerraCycle https://t-cycle.com/ 800-371-5871 or +1-503-231-9798 (Outside N. America)
    Trailside Trikes https://trailside.bike/ 352-419-4809
    TerraTrike/Greenspeed https://wizwheelz.com/ 800-945-9910
    Laidback Cycles https://laidbackcycles.com/ 916-619-1003
    Connecticut Yankee Pedaller http://www.cypbikes.com/ 641-774-5557
    Bicycle Man https://bicycleman.com/ 607-587-8835
    AZUB https://azub.eu/
    RecumbentPDX https://recumbentpdx.com/ (503) 231-1000

    *Honza’s News Report Links*
    --Recumbent News https://www.recumbent.news/

    *Guest Links*
    Northland Velo https://northlandvelo.com/
    Velomobile World https://www.velomobileworld.com/
    Spezi 2024 https://en.spezialradmesse.de/
    Pacific Trike Fest https://pacifictrikefest.com/

    *LBR Crew Links*
    -Recumbent News-online news website by Honza Galla https://www.recumbent.news/
    -BentRider/Larry Varney http://www.bentrideronline.com/
    -Doug Davis Bicycle Evolution https://www.bicycle-evolution.com/
    -Nina Paley’s Links
    -Nina’s blog https://blog.ninapaley.com/
    -Nina’s bike merchandise http://www.palegraylabs.com/other-stuff-1/protective-bicycle-amulet
    -Peter Stull https://bicycleman.com/
    -Josef Janning https://www.facebook.com/josef.janning
    -Tim Segard https://www.bentrevolution.com/
    -Tray Bourgoyne Tray@netdoor.com

    **Viewer Submissions or Questions**
    Send to laidbackbikereport@gmail.com

    Support the show

  • Florida in February is not a bad place to visit! When general manager Mark Egeland invited us to tour the factory floor of Catrike in Orlando last fall at Cycle-Con we jumped at the opportunity. Tray and I were given free range to roam the facility and interview anyone we wished. This was during their "Factory Event" so we got to see lots of Catrike owners and hear from Founder Paulo Camasmie as well. We follow the progress a new trike would take right down the production line from welding to painting to packaging and interview the team at their individual stations along the way. I think you'll find the process fascinating.

    The Big Honkin' Trike Rally was becoming an annual pilgrimage for bent riders across the country when the powers that be threw a liability wrench into the organizer's plans this year. Not to be beaten, they pivoted to a more open source approach and turned this into an informal BBQ and ride format along the Withlacootchee trail in Inverness, Florida this year. We attended the BBQ, met many of the trikers and interviewed Gay Ormiston Bradford who has been involved from the start.

    If you're looking for advice on unraveling the many trike choices available both electric and not-look no further! Andrew and Gary from Trailside Trike in Floral City, Florida show us 10 models they rolled out behind the bike shop right along the trail. You'll get their expert opinion on the pros and cons of various Catrike, Greenspeed, Terratrike, Trident and AZUB units for your consideration.

    00:00:00 Intro
    00:00:51 What’s on Today’s Show
    00:02:45 Panel Introduction
    00:04:50 Sponsor Introduction
    00:07:17 Recumbent News with Honza Galla
    00:09:45 Catrike Factory Tour Event 2024
    00:50:15 Discussion Peter, Honza, Tray, Larry and Gary
    01:10:20 Big Honkin’ Trike BBQ and riding on the Withlacoochee Trail in Florida
    01:16:05 Evaluating 5 e-assisted and 5 non assisted trikes at Trailside Trikes
    01:30:25 Sponsor Thanks
    01:33:00 Announcements
    01:35:40 Goodbye to panel and crew

    Please subscribe to us on YouTube (https://goo.gl/CHOOgX) and Like us on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/laidbackbikereport/) if you haven't already done so.

    Lot's more info and you can also buy a hat on our website: https://www.laidbackbikereport.com/.

    We would love to have you as a Patreon Patron where you can support all we do for as little as $1/month. Check out how it works and the benefits you can reap here: https://www.patreon.com/laidbackbikereport

    00:00:00 Intro
    00:00:51 What’s on Today’s Show
    00:02:45 Panel Introduction
    00:04:50 Sponsor Introduction
    00:07:17 Recumbent News with Honza Galla
    00:09:45 Catrike Factory Tour Event 2024
    00:50:15 Discussion Peter, Honza, Tray, Larry and Gary
    01:10:20 Big Honkin’ Trike BBQ and riding on the Withlacoochee Trail in Florida
    01:16:05 Evaluating 5 e-assisted and 5 non assisted trikes at Trailside Trikes
    01:30:25 Sponsor Thanks
    01:33:00 Announcements
    01:35:40 Goodbye to panel and crew

    Please subscribe to us on YouTube (https://goo.gl/CHOOgX) and Like us on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/laidbackbikereport/) if you haven't already done so.

    Lot's more info and you can also buy a hat on our website: https://www.laidbackbikereport.com/.

    We would love to have you as a Patreon Patron where you can support all we do for as little as $1/month. Check out how it works and the benefits you can reap here: https://www.patreon.com/laidbackbikereport

    Support the show

  • Larry Oslund joins us from his Hilton Head headquarters to talk about his recent trip to Romania and his video tour of the Velomobile World factory. He takes us all around the facility then shows us a close up view as his personal Bülk is being built on the floor. Larry is now a Velomobile World dealer and is offering velos along side Cruzbikes for test rides and sales. Another of Larry's passions is ultra racing. We talk about his personal accomplishments and his new forays into resurrecting failed races around the country starting with Sebring and Calvin's Challenge. Last year Larry built a massive addition to his house to make room for the Cruzeum. This large structure over his garage now houses over 30 historical Cruzbikes and Cruzbike paraphernalia. We have a look at this new room as we talk to Cruzbike founders Maria and Jim Parker who join Larry for our final chat segment.

    00:00:00 Intro
    00:00:51 What’s on Today’s Show
    00:02:45 Panel Introduction
    00:04:50 Sponsor Introduction
    00:07:40 Larry Oslund-Getting involved with velomobiles
    00:11:00 Tour of the Velomobile World Factory in Romania
    00:22:25 Larry’s personal experience with his new Bulk velomobile (Police Stop)
    00:30:00 Larry talks about starting a recumbent bike shop
    00:38:45 Larry chats about Ultra Racing and resurrecting Sebring and Calvin’s Challenge races
    00:52:10 Larry future plans for a wind tunnel
    00:56:13 Cruzbike Museum highlights
    01:06:11 We visit with Cruzbike founders Jim and Maria Parker for company update
    01:27:25 Viewer Submissions-Beautiful LBR wooden plaque by Dennis Wells
    01:28:40 Sponsor Thanks
    01:31:00 Announcements
    01:33:40 Goodbye to panel and crew

    Please subscribe to us on YouTube (https://goo.gl/CHOOgX) and Like us on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/laidbackbikereport/) if you haven't already done so.

    Lot's more info and you can also buy a hat on our website: https://www.laidbackbikereport.com/.

    We would love to have you as a Patreon Patron where you can support all we do for as little as $1/month. Check out how it works and the benefits you can reap here: https://www.patreon.com/laidbackbikereport

    *Thanks to these wonderful sponsors for making the LBR webcast possible*
    TerraCycle https://t-cycle.com/ 800-371-5871 or +1-503-231-9798 (Outside N. America)
    Trailside Trikes https://trailside.bike/ 352-419-4809
    TerraTrike/Greenspeed https://wizwheelz.com/ 800-945-9910
    Laidback Cycles https://laidbackcycles.com/ 916-619-1003
    Connecticut Yankee Pedaller http://www.cypbikes.com/ 641-774-5557
    Bicycle Man https://bicycleman.com/ 607-587-8835
    AZUB https://azub.eu/
    RecumbentPDX https://recumbentpdx.com/ (503) 231-1000

    *Guest Links*
    Larry Oslund-Cruzeum https://cruzbikemuseum.com/
    Bike Sebring https://www.bikesebring.org/
    Bike Reg.org https://www.bikereg.com/
    Jim and Maria Parker-Cruzbike https://cruzbike.com/
    Florida Bicycle Safari https://floridabicyclesafari.com/
    Dennis Wells Woodworking email: denny48386@yahoo.com

    **Viewer Submissions or Questions**
    Send to laidbackbikereport@gmail.com

    Support the show

  • Manufactured in Montreal the VT1 velomobile from Velomtek is in production and is now available to buyers in the USA. CEO Francois Garneau gives us a close up look at this amazing vehicle then shares the details of their process for purchasing via pickup or delivery.

    Lars Viebke started Carbontrike in Sweden years ago before entering into a collaboration with Bacchetta in 2018. Fast forward past Bacchetta's sale and split up into bike and trike business, covid complications and visa nightmares and today Lars is back up and running in Florida. He brings us up to date on this exquisite carbon fiber trike and his plan for sales and development in the future.

    The Florida Senior Games were held in December and bents were very well represented in the biking category. Our own Larry Seidman brings us his report on the riders and results from the competition in the Sunshine State.

    00:00:00 Intro
    00:00:48 What’s on Today’s Show
    00:02:10 Panel Introduction
    00:04:20 Sponsor Introduction
    00:07:05 Carbontrike Back in Business with the CT 2.0-Lars Viebke CEO
    00:48:20 Velomtek VT1 Velomobile Now in the USA-Francois Garneau CEO
    01:55:25 Florida Senior Games-Bent Rider Report-Larry Seidman
    02:02:15 Sponsor Thanks
    02:04:50 Announcements
    02:06:10 Goodbye to panel and crew

    Please subscribe to us on YouTube (https://goo.gl/CHOOgX) and Like us on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/laidbackbikereport/) if you haven't already done so.

    Lot's more info and you can also buy a hat on our website: https://www.laidbackbikereport.com/.

    We would love to have you as a Patreon Patron where you can support all we do for as little as $1/month. Check out how it works and the benefits you can reap here: https://www.patreon.com/laidbackbikereport

    *Thanks to these wonderful sponsors for making the LBR webcast possible*
    TerraCycle https://t-cycle.com/ 800-371-5871 or +1-503-231-9798 (Outside N. America)
    Trailside Trikes https://trailside.bike/ 352-419-4809
    TerraTrike/Greenspeed https://wizwheelz.com/ 800-945-9910
    Laidback Cycles https://laidbackcycles.com/ 916-619-1003
    Connecticut Yankee Pedaller http://www.cypbikes.com/ 641-774-5557
    Bicycle Man https://bicycleman.com/ 607-587-8835
    AZUB https://azub.eu/
    RecumbentPDX https://recumbentpdx.com/ (503) 231-1000

    *Honza’s News Report Links*
    --Recumbent News https://www.recumbent.news/

    *Guest Links*
    Carbontrike https://carbontrikes.com/
    Velomtek https://velomtek.com/
    Senior Games https://seniorgames.net/

    *LBR Review Team Links*

    *LBR Crew Links*
    -Recumbent News-online news website by Honza Galla https://www.recumbent.news/
    -BentRider/Larry Varney http://www.bentrideronline.com/
    -Doug Davis Bicycle Evolution https://www.bicycle-evolution.com/
    -Nina Paley’s Links
    -Nina’s blog https://blog.ninapaley.com/
    -Nina’s bike merchandise http://www.palegraylabs.com/other-stuff-1/protective-bicycle-amulet
    -Peter Stull https://bicycleman.com/
    -Josef Janning https://www.facebook.com/josef.janning
    -Tim Segard https://www.bentrevolution.com/
    -Tray Bourgoyne Tray@netdoor.com
    **The absolute best archive of early recumbent history is Recumbent Cyclist News**
    Find years of publisher Bob Bryant’s hard work here: https://rcnpdf.com/

    **Viewer Submissions or Questions**
    Send to laidbackbikereport@gmail.com

    Support the show

  • Aussie Mark Doble read on BROL that some American velonauts were planning on being the first to cross Australia in a velomobile. This got his competitive and patriotic juices flowing and he thought "Screw you Yanks you'll not be the first to do this in my country!!" So the planning began for an epic crossing of the continent "down under" in the Australian built Rotovelo.

    Next, our own Tray Bourgoyne and wife Lisa have been working hard on an in depth review of the just released new trike from HP Velotechnik known as the Delta Tx. You'll see it on the trail, on the road and in Tray's workshop. He details all the features and specs to let us know why this e-assisted trike might be best suited for you.

    00:00:00 Intro
    00:00:50 What’s on Today’s Show
    00:02:00 Panel Introduction
    00:04:00 Sponsor Introduction
    00:06:40 Rotovelo Across Australia with Mark Doble
    01:24:00 LBR Review Team-HP Velotechnik’s Delta Tx with Tray and Lisa Bourgoyne
    01:45:48 Viewer Submission-Home built recumbent bike from Chile
    01:47:20 Sponsor Thanks
    01:49:52 Announcements
    01:51:25 Goodbye to panel and crew

    Please subscribe to us on YouTube (https://goo.gl/CHOOgX) and Like us on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/laidbackbikereport/) if you haven't already done so.

    Lot's more info and you can also buy a hat on our website: https://www.laidbackbikereport.com/.

    We would love to have you as a Patreon Patron where you can support all we do for as little as $1/month. Check out how it works and the benefits you can reap here: https://www.patreon.com/laidbackbikereport

    *Thanks to these wonderful sponsors for making the LBR webcast possible*
    TerraCycle https://t-cycle.com/ 800-371-5871 or +1-503-231-9798 (Outside N. America)
    Trailside Trikes https://trailside.bike/ 352-419-4809
    TerraTrike/Greenspeed https://wizwheelz.com/ 800-945-9910
    Laidback Cycles https://laidbackcycles.com/ 916-619-1003
    Connecticut Yankee Pedaller http://www.cypbikes.com/ 641-774-5557
    Bicycle Man https://bicycleman.com/ 607-587-8835
    AZUB https://azub.eu/
    RecumbentPDX https://recumbentpdx.com/ (503) 231-1000
    Eco Cycles https://www.eco-ebike.com/ (833) 693-2453

    *Honza’s News Report Links*
    --Recumbent News https://www.recumbent.news/

    *Guest Links*
    Rotovelo Across Australia’s Mark Doble https://www.facebook.com/rotovelo.acrossaustralia

    *LBR Review Team Links*
    HP Velotechnik Delta Tx trike https://www.hpvelotechnik.com/en/recumbent-trikes-bikes/delta-tx-comfortable-e-chopper/

    *LBR Crew Links*
    -Recumbent News-online news website by Honza Galla https://www.recumbent.news/
    -BentRider/Larry Varney http://www.bentrideronline.com/
    -Doug Davis Bicycle Evolution https://www.bicycle-evolution.com/
    -Nina Paley’s Links
    -Nina’s blog https://blog.ninapaley.com/
    -Nina’s bike merchandise http://www.palegraylabs.com/other-stuff-1/protective-bicycle-amulet
    -Peter Stull https://bicycleman.com/
    -Josef Janning https://www.facebook.com/josef.janning
    -Tim Segard https://www.bentrevolution.com/
    -Tray Bourgoyne Tray@netdoor.com
    **The absolute best archive of early recumbent history is Recumbent Cyclist News**
    Find years of publisher Bob Bryant’s hard work here: https://rcnpdf.com/

    **Viewer Submissions or Questions**
    Send to laidbackbikereport@gmail.com

    Support the show

  • Tig Cross has been working on the Electrom for almost 8 years. Now in limited production he hopes to one day make his dream of a 2 wheeled light electric recumbent come true. He believes this bike has advantages that will make it a true "car replacement" option in the future.

    Our own Larry Seidman participated in two senior games events last month. He was excited to see some other recumbent riders at the Huntsman Senior Games in Utah and the Nevada Senior Games as well. He tells us about the events, venues and the racers involved making it clear that more of us should join in the fun.

    Sports Director Denny Voorhees is back with a report on a couple of interesting endurance races including the Natchez Trace 444. Our pal Larry Oslund features prominently in this report along with a few other bent racers.

    00:00:00 Intro
    00:00:50 What’s on Today’s Show
    00:02:20 Panel Introduction
    00:04:00 Sponsor Introduction
    00:06:40 Recumbent News with Honza Galla
    00:12:20 Electrom Light Electric 2 Wheeled Vehicle with Founder Tig Cross
    01:23:00 Senior Games Report from Utah and Nevada with Larry Seidman
    01:32:40 Sports Report on Natchez Trace 444 with Denny Voorhees
    01:37:00 Sponsor Thanks
    01:39:38 Announcements
    01:42:00 Goodbye to panel and crew

    Please subscribe to us on YouTube (https://goo.gl/CHOOgX) and Like us on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/laidbackbikereport/) if you haven't already done so.

    Lot's more info and you can also buy a hat on our website: https://www.laidbackbikereport.com/.

    We would love to have you as a Patreon Patron where you can support all we do for as little as $1/month. Check out how it works and the benefits you can reap here: https://www.patreon.com/laidbackbikereport

    *Thanks to these wonderful sponsors for making the LBR webcast possible*
    TerraCycle https://t-cycle.com/ 800-371-5871 or +1-503-231-9798 (Outside N. America)
    Trailside Trikes https://trailside.bike/ 352-419-4809
    TerraTrike/Greenspeed https://wizwheelz.com/ 800-945-9910
    Laidback Cycles https://laidbackcycles.com/ 916-619-1003
    Connecticut Yankee Pedaller http://www.cypbikes.com/ 641-774-5557
    Bicycle Man https://bicycleman.com/ 607-587-8835
    AZUB https://azub.eu/
    RecumbentPDX https://recumbentpdx.com/ (503) 231-1000
    Eco Cycles https://www.eco-ebike.com/ (833) 693-2453

    *Honza’s News Report Links*
    --Recumbent News https://www.recumbent.news/

    *Guest Links*
    Electrom Light Electric Vehicle https://www.electrom.ca/
    Huntsman World Senior Games https://seniorgames.net/
    Nevada Senior Games https://www.nevadaseniorgames.com/
    Natchez Trace 444 https://www.bikereg.com/57851
    Psycho 48 https://thepsycho48.com/
    Cycle-Con 2023 https://cycle-con.com/

    *LBR Review Team Links*

    *LBR Crew Links*
    -Recumbent News-online news website by Honza Galla https://www.recumbent.news/
    -BentRider/Larry Varney http://www.bentrideronline.com/
    -Doug Davis Bicycle Evolution https://www.bicycle-evolution.com/
    -Nina Paley’s Links
    -Nina’s blog https://blog.ninapaley.com/
    -Nina’s bike merchandise http://www.palegraylabs.com/other-stuff-1/protective-bicycle-amulet
    -Peter Stull https://bicycleman.com/
    -Josef Janning https://www.facebook.com/josef.janning
    -Tim Segard https://www.bentrevolution.com/
    -Tray Bourgoyne Tray@netdoor.com
    **The absolute best archive of early recumbent history is Recumbent Cyclist News**
    Find years of publisher Bob Bryant’s hard work here: https://rcnpdf.com/

    **Viewer Submissions or Questions**
    Send to laidbackbikereport@gmail.com

    Support the show

  • Graham Browne's long career in digital design has included work with Jaguar, Dyson and Bentley. In the last few years his thoughts and efforts have turned to more low cost zero emission projects. By 2020 he had formed Northern Light Motors and developed a prototype light electric vehicle which has now gone into production in northern England. His intended market is more aimed at a cool and compelling car replacement than a screamingly fast racing machine. We talk to Graham about his company and ideas and then to our UK correspondent Barney Harle. Barney travelled to NLM headquarters, test rode the velo and regales us with his review.

    Next up is a look at the German Varitrike. This unusual arm and leg powered front wheel drive trike showed up at Cycle-Con 2023 with owner Dave McHenry. We show you his fun demo in the parking lot followed by a more in depth interview with Varibike CEO Martin Kraiss.

    Lastly, from our LBR Review Team, Nina Paley had a chance to ride the e-assisted Ti-Fly X 26. She assembled then tested the trike both on and off road around her central Illinois location. You will be entertained as well as educated by this wonderful segment.

    Please subscribe to us on YouTube (https://goo.gl/CHOOgX) and Like us on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/laidbackbikereport/) if you haven't already done so.

    Lot's more info and you can also buy a hat on our website: https://www.laidbackbikereport.com/.

    We would love to have you as a Patreon Patron where you can support all we do for as little as $1/month. Check out how it works and the benefits you can reap here: https://www.patreon.com/laidbackbikereport

    *Thanks to these wonderful sponsors for making the LBR webcast possible*
    TerraCycle https://t-cycle.com/ 800-371-5871 or +1-503-231-9798 (Outside N. America)
    Trailside Trikes https://trailside.bike/ 352-419-4809
    TerraTrike/Greenspeed https://wizwheelz.com/ 800-945-9910
    Laidback Cycles https://laidbackcycles.com/ 916-619-1003
    Connecticut Yankee Pedaller http://www.cypbikes.com/ 641-774-5557
    Bicycle Man https://bicycleman.com/ 607-587-8835
    AZUB https://azub.eu/
    RecumbentPDX https://recumbentpdx.com/ (503) 231-1000
    Eco Cycles https://www.eco-ebike.com/ (833) 693-2453

    *Honza’s News Report Links*
    --Recumbent News https://www.recumbent.news/

    *Guest Links*
    Northern Light Motors https://www.northernlightmotors.com/about-northern-light-motors
    British Human Power Club https://www2.bhpc.org.uk/
    Varitrike https://www.varibike.com/t-en-us/liegerad-trike-mit-handantrieb
    Cycle-Con 2023 https://cycle-con.com/

    *LBR Review Team Links*
    Nina Paley’s AZUB Ti-Fly X electric review

    *LBR Crew Links*
    -Recumbent News-online news website by Honza Galla https://www.recumbent.news/
    -BentRider/Larry Varney http://www.bentrideronline.com/
    -Doug Davis Bicycle Evolution https://www.bicycle-evolution.com/
    -Nina Paley’s Links
    -Nina’s blog https://blog.ninapaley.com/
    -Nina’s bike merchandise http://www.palegraylabs.com/other-stuff-1/protective-bicycle-amulet
    -Peter Stull https://bicycleman.com/
    -Josef Janning https://www.facebook.com/josef.janning
    -Tim Segard https://www.bentrevolution.com/
    -Tray Bourgoyne Tray@netdoor.com
    **The absolute best archive of early recumbent history is Recumbent Cyclist News**
    Find years of publisher Bob Bryant’s hard work here: https://rcnpdf.com/

    **Viewer Submissions or Questions**
    Send to laidbackbikereport@gmail.com

    Support the show

  • Join Honza Galla, Larry Varney, Tray Bourgoyne and me for a booth by booth discussion of our highlights from the Cycle-Con 2023 event.

    You can find our individual booth interview videos in our Cycle-Con 2023 Playlist right here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLw5zeaLy6vukNtpta0hrdn06LMkQbwLu7&si=-cHJ9ObcT-71M5uz

    00:00:00 Intro
    00:00:50 What’s on Today’s Show
    00:01:40 Panel Introduction
    00:04:40 Sponsor Introduction
    00:08:40 Larry Seidman’s 45 second run through the aisles of Cycle-Con 2023
    00:10:00 Honza, Larry, Tray and I go booth by booth offering up our highlights of each
    01:41:50 Panel gives final thoughts on the event
    01:50:12 Sponsor Thanks
    01:52:50 Announcements
    01:54:49 Goodbye to panel and crew

    Please subscribe to us on YouTube (https://goo.gl/CHOOgX) and Like us on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/laidbackbikereport/) if you haven't already done so.

    Lots more info and you can also buy a hat on our website: https://www.laidbackbikereport.com/.

    We would love to have you as a Patreon Patron where you can support all we do for as little as $1/month. Check out how it works and the benefits you can reap here: https://www.patreon.com/laidbackbikereport

    *Thanks to these wonderful sponsors for making the LBR webcast possible*
    TerraCycle https://t-cycle.com/ 800-371-5871 or +1-503-231-9798 (Outside N. America)
    Trailside Trikes https://trailside.bike/ 352-419-4809
    TerraTrike/Greenspeed https://wizwheelz.com/ 800-945-9910
    Laidback Cycles https://laidbackcycles.com/ 916-619-1003
    Connecticut Yankee Pedaller http://www.cypbikes.com/ 641-774-5557
    Bicycle Man https://bicycleman.com/ 607-587-8835
    AZUB https://azub.eu/
    RecumbentPDX https://recumbentpdx.com/ (503) 231-1000
    Eco Cycles https://www.eco-ebike.com/ (833) 693-2453

    *Honza’s News Report Links*
    --Recumbent News https://www.recumbent.news/

    *Guest Links*
    Cycle-Con Website https://cycle-con.com/

    *LBR Review Team Links*

    *LBR Crew Links*
    -Recumbent News-online news website by Honza Galla https://www.recumbent.news/
    -BentRider/Larry Varney http://www.bentrideronline.com/
    -Doug Davis Bicycle Evolution https://www.bicycle-evolution.com/
    -Nina Paley’s Links
    -Nina’s blog https://blog.ninapaley.com/
    -Nina’s bike merchandise http://www.palegraylabs.com/other-stuff-1/protective-bicycle-amulet
    -Peter Stull https://bicycleman.com/
    -Josef Janning https://www.facebook.com/josef.janning
    -Tim Segard https://www.bentrevolution.com/
    -Tray Bourgoyne Tray@netdoor.com
    **The absolute best archive of early recumbent history is Recumbent Cyclist News**
    Find years of publisher Bob Bryant’s hard work here: https://rcnpdf.com/

    **Viewer Submissions or Questions**
    Send to laidbackbikereport@gmail.com

    Support the show

  • Bentrider (formerly known as Bentrider Online) is now new and improved thanks to new owner Kurt Reynolds. Having previous experience on nuclear submarines and now working for Microsoft he just might have what it takes to take this well loved recumbent message board to the next level. Kurt talks to us about buying the website from our old pal Bryan Ball, what he's done to improve the board and gives us a bit of a tutorial so we can all make the most of our experience.

    Next up is a young German velonaut who overcame a ridiculous number of obstacles to ride and finish this year's TransAm Bike Race from Oregon to Virginia. Fortunately for us he decided to then turn around and head west in his prototype Milan RS to race at Battle Mountain, Nevada. On his way he stopped here in Ohio for a couple of days so I took advantage and did an extended interview with this impressive young rider/builder.

    Lastly, we present an update on the Mississippi River Tour of our good pal Jon Hodkin aka Innertuba. My wife and I journeyed west to the Illinois/Iowa border and the Quad Cities area to catch up with him. He has been playing and riding his trike/trailer rig all the way up the river from Louisiana since March. We learn about the charitable work he's doing along the way, hear about his concerts and watch him lead a trike entourage over a bridge on the great river itself.

    00:00:00 Intro
    00:00:50 What’s on Today’s Show
    00:02:40 Panel Introduction
    00:04:45 Sponsor Introduction
    00:07:25 Recumbent News report with Honza Galla
    00:21:40 Kurt Reynolds-New Owner of Bentrider Online
    01:01:35 Niklas Bostelmann-Young German velonaut TransAm Bike racer with his Milan RS
    01:41:06 Innertuba (Jon Hodkin)-Quad Cities portion of his Mississippi River Tuba Tour
    02:14:40 Sponsor Thanks
    02:17:15 Announcements
    02:19:05 Goodbye to panel and crew

    Please subscribe to us on YouTube (https://goo.gl/CHOOgX) and Like us on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/laidbackbikereport/) if you haven't already done so.

    Lot's more info and you can also buy a hat on our website: https://www.laidbackbikereport.com/.

    We would love to have you as a Patreon Patron where you can support all we do for as little as $1/month. Check out how it works and the benefits you can reap here: https://www.patreon.com/laidbackbikereport

    *Thanks to these wonderful sponsors for making the LBR webcast possible*
    TerraCycle https://t-cycle.com/ 800-371-5871 or +1-503-231-9798 (Outside N. America)
    Trailside Trikes https://trailside.bike/ 352-419-4809
    TerraTrike/Greenspeed https://wizwheelz.com/ 800-945-9910
    Laidback Cycles https://laidbackcycles.com/ 916-619-1003
    Connecticut Yankee Pedaller http://www.cypbikes.com/ 641-774-5557
    Bicycle Man https://bicycleman.com/ 607-587-8835
    AZUB https://azub.eu/
    RecumbentPDX https://recumbentpdx.com/ (503) 231-1000
    Eco Cycles https://www.eco-ebike.com/ (833) 693-2453

    *Honza’s News Report Links*
    --Recumbent News https://www.recumbent.news/

    *Guest Links*
    Kurt Reynolds https://www.bentrideronline.com/
    Niklas Bostelmann https://www.facebook.com/niklas.bostelmann
    Innertuba https://www.facebook.com/InnerTuba
    Cycle-Con 2023 https://cycle-con.com/
    *LBR Review Team Links*

    **Viewer Submissions or Questions**
    Send to laidbackbikereport@gmail.com

    Support the show

  • We are treated to a personal tour of the AZUB Bikes facility in the Czech Republic by Honza Galla followed by an amazing trike tour in the country. Next we have on the scene coverage of the recent human powered vehicle racing event at Waterford, Michigan. This includes lots of racing video, drone shots and interviews with race producers Mike Mowett and Dennis Grelk. We also talk to Lincoln MacDonald from the University of Toronto HPV Design Team, and racers Marshall Randall and John Simon. Marshall returns for an interview about the upcoming Cycle-Con 2023 event coming up in September in Xenia, Ohio. Lastly, we have an interview with the new 24 hour world HPV record holder Ruben Schütze. This youngster from Hamburg, Germany tells Josef Janning how it all came together last weekend on the track.

    00:00:00 Intro
    00:00:50 What’s on Today’s Show
    00:02:45 Panel Introduction
    00:04:45 Sponsor Introduction
    00:07:25 Recumbent News report with Honza Galla
    00:19:35 AZUB Tour in Czech Republic with Honza Galla
    00:42:42 Trike and bike riding in Czech Republic with Honza Galla
    00:46:30 Waterford Michigan Human Powered Racing Weekend Interviews-Marshall Randall
    00:48:38 Waterford-John Simon Interview
    00:51:00 Waterford-Lots of racing video and interview with Mike Mowett and Dennis Grelk
    01:32:20 Waterford-University of Toronto HPV Design Team-Lincoln MacDonald
    01:44:39 Ruben Schütze-New 24 hour HPV Velomobile Record holder with Josef Janning
    02:02:35 Cycle-Con 2023 Update with Marshall Randall
    02:14:02 Sponsor Thanks
    02:16:30 Announcements
    02:17:05 Goodbye to panel and crew

    Please subscribe to us on YouTube (https://goo.gl/CHOOgX) and Like us on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/laidbackbikereport/) if you haven't already done so.

    Lot's more info and you can also buy a hat on our website: https://www.laidbackbikereport.com/

    We would love to have you as a Patreon Patron where you can support all we do for as little as $1/month. Check out how it works and the benefits you can reap here: https://www.patreon.com/laidbackbikereport

    *Thanks to these wonderful sponsors for making the LBR webcast possible*
    TerraCycle https://t-cycle.com/ 800-371-5871 or +1-503-231-9798 (Outside N. America)
    Trailside Trikes https://trailside.bike/ 352-419-4809
    TerraTrike/Greenspeed https://wizwheelz.com/ 800-945-9910
    Laidback Cycles https://laidbackcycles.com/ 916-619-1003
    Connecticut Yankee Pedaller http://www.cypbikes.com/ 641-774-5557
    Bicycle Man https://bicycleman.com/ 607-587-8835
    AZUB https://azub.eu/
    RecumbentPDX https://recumbentpdx.com/ (503) 231-1000
    Eco Cycles https://www.eco-ebike.com/ (833) 693-2453

    *Honza’s News Report Links*
    --Recumbent News https://www.recumbent.news/

    *Guest Links*
    Waterford HPV Racing is on Facebook’s HPRA page https://www.facebook.com/groups/1489838871260136/
    HPRA racing info including race results are on the Recumbents.com page here: http://recumbents.com/wisil/hpra.htm
    University of Toronto HPV Design Team https://www.facebook.com/hpvdt.skule
    Ruben Schutze and all the other racers at Aldenhoven were covered on the Drop Limits page here: https://droplimits.de/Rekordversuche/rekordevent-aldenhoven-2023.html
    Cycle-Con 2023 https://cycle-con.com/

    **Viewer Submissions or Questions**
    Send to laidbackbikereport@gmail.com

    Support the show

  • We are on the road in Brno, Czech Republic and Prievaly, Slovakia where we tour the Katanga facility and Composite Products in one day. At Katanga we get a look at the CAD designs of their upcoming light electric vehicle called the VM45, building the WAW velomobile and Pony 4 quad in the workshop and a peek at the Velove cargo platform they collaborate on. Hijinks ensue when Tray and I hop on the quads for a test ride.

    Then it's on to Slovakia where Alan from Composite Products gets us up close and personal to their fiberglass, Kevlar and carbon fiber process all taking place in an old firehouse.

    HP Velotechnik hinted at a new trike while we were at Spezi this year. Now they've officially announced the DeltaTX a real departure from the tadpole trikes they have long been known for. Heiko Truppel, their marketing director takes us through the story behind this new product and we take a close look at the trike itself.

    Finally, we have a profile of a very highly regarded and unusual trike shop in Portland, Oregon known as Recumbent PDX. Husband and wife owners Mel Birge and Janet Morgan take us on a test ride and talk about the shop, its crew and the philosophy behind their Catrike Megastore.

    00:00:00 Intro
    00:00:45 What’s on Today’s Show
    00:02:18 Panel Introduction
    00:04:25 Sponsor Introduction
    00:07:00 LBR News Report-TransAm Bents, Waterford HPV Racing and Sandy Earl starts RAAM
    00:11:12 Katanga Tour and Test Riding
    00:32:08 Composite Products Tour in Slovakia
    01:06:10 DeltaTx-New Trike from HP Velotechnik
    01:34:00 Recumbent PDX Portland, Oregon Trike Shop Profile with Mel Birge and Janet Morgan
    01:56:00 Sponsor Thanks
    01:58:35 Announcements
    02:00:20 Goodbye to panel and crew

    Please subscribe to us on YouTube (https://goo.gl/CHOOgX) and Like us on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/laidbackbikereport/) if you haven't already done so.

    Lot's more info and you can also buy a hat on our website: https://www.laidbackbikereport.com/

    We would love to have you as a Patreon Patron where you can support all we do for as little as $1/month. Check out how it works and the benefits you can reap here: https://www.patreon.com/laidbackbikereport

    *Thanks to these wonderful sponsors for making the LBR webcast possible*
    TerraCycle https://t-cycle.com/ 800-371-5871 or +1-503-231-9798 (Outside N. America)
    Trailside Trikes https://trailside.bike/ 352-419-4809
    TerraTrike/Greenspeed https://wizwheelz.com/ 800-945-9910
    Laidback Cycles https://laidbackcycles.com/ 916-619-1003
    Connecticut Yankee Pedaller http://www.cypbikes.com/ 641-774-5557
    Bicycle Man https://bicycleman.com/ 607-587-8835
    AZUB https://azub.eu/
    RecumbentPDX https://recumbentpdx.com/ (503) 231-1000
    Eco Cycles https://www.eco-ebike.com/ (833) 693-2453

    *Honza’s News Report Links*
    --Recumbent News https://www.recumbent.news/

    *Guest Links*
    Spezi Event https://en.spezialradmesse.de/
    Sandy Earl (Red Pearl) https://www.redpearlracing.com/
    Race Across America https://www.raamrace.org/
    TransAm Bike Race Live Tracker https://trackleaders.com/transam23
    Katanga https://www.katanga.eu/
    Composite Products https://www.composite-products.eu/
    DeltaTX trike from HP Velotechnik https://www.hpvelotechnik.com/en-us/world-premiere-delta-tx-the-e-chopper-for-the-comfort-generation/
    RecumbentPDX https://recumbentpdx.com/

    **Viewer Submissions or Questions**
    Send to laidbackbikereport@gmail.com

    *LBR Crew Links*
    -Recumbent News-online news website by Honza Galla https://www.recumbent.news/
    -BentRider/Larry Varney http://www.bentrideronline.com/

    Support the show

  • We use the new 3D virtual walk through technology of Matterport to take a booth by booth "Best of..." tour with our expert panel of attendees of the real life Spezi 2023. Joining us today are our own Tray Bourgoyne, Recumbent.news' Honza Galla, TerraCycle's Pat Franz, Bent Revolution's Tim Segard and my German velomobile pal Jascha Buettler. They each share their favorite or most interesting items seen as we saunter down each aisle of the show in 3D splendor. Thanks to https://matterport.com/ for this amazing new technology!

    We finish up with a sports report from Denny as he interviews the amazing Sandy Earl. She is the only recumbent rider scheduled for the upcoming Race Across America 2023.

    00:00:00 Intro
    00:01:00 What’s on Today’s Show
    00:02:18 Panel Introduction
    00:05:39 Sponsor Introduction
    00:08:19 LBR News Report-with New Director Honza Galla
    00:11:27 Spezi 2023-3D Walkthrough with Pat Franz, Honza Galla, Tray Bourgoyne, Jascha Buettler and Tim Segard
    00:41:40 Sandy Earl only recumbent RAAM racer-Interview by Denny Voorhees
    00:59:00 Spezi 2023 Walkthrough Part 2
    01:55:15 Sponsor Thanks
    01:57:40 Announcements
    01:59:20 Goodbye to panel and crew

    Please subscribe to us on YouTube (https://goo.gl/CHOOgX) and Like us on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/laidbackbikereport/) if you haven't already done so.

    Lot's more info and you can also buy a hat on our website: https://www.laidbackbikereport.com/.

    We would love to have you as a Patreon Patron where you can support all we do for as little as $1/month. Check out how it works and the benefits you can reap here: https://www.patreon.com/laidbackbikereport

    *Thanks to these wonderful sponsors for making the LBR webcast possible*
    TerraCycle https://t-cycle.com/ 800-371-5871 or +1-503-231-9798 (Outside N. America)
    Trailside Trikes https://trailside.bike/ 352-419-4809
    TerraTrike/Greenspeed https://wizwheelz.com/ 800-945-9910
    Laidback Cycles https://laidbackcycles.com/ 916-619-1003
    Connecticut Yankee Pedaller http://www.cypbikes.com/ 641-774-5557
    Bicycle Man https://bicycleman.com/ 607-587-8835
    AZUB https://azub.eu/
    RecumbentPDX https://recumbentpdx.com/ (503) 231-1000
    Eco Cycles https://www.eco-ebike.com/ (833) 693-2453

    *Honza’s News Report Links*
    --Recumbent News https://www.recumbent.news/

    *Guest Links*
    Spezi Event https://en.spezialradmesse.de/
    Sandy Earl (Red Pearl) https://www.redpearlracing.com/
    Race Across America https://www.raamrace.org/
    Matterport 3D interactive map of Spezi 2023 https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=9AzwtbFAnCV
    Bitblade https://bitblade.vision/

    *LBR Review Team Links*

    *LBR Crew Links*
    -Recumbent News-online news website by Honza Galla https://www.recumbent.news/
    -BentRider/Larry Varney http://www.bentrideronline.com/
    -Doug Davis Bicycle Evolution https://www.bicycle-evolution.com/
    -Nina Paley’s Links
    -Nina’s blog https://blog.ninapaley.com/
    -Nina’s bike merchandise http://www.palegraylabs.com/other-stuff-1/protective-bicycle-amulet
    -Peter Stull https://bicycleman.com/
    -Josef Janning https://www.facebook.com/josef.janning
    -Tim Segard https://www.bentrevolution.com/
    -Tray Bourgoyne Tray@netdoor.com
    **The absolute best archive of early recumbent history is Recumbent Cyclist News**
    Find years of publisher Bob Bryant’s hard work here: https://rcnpdf.com/

    **Viewer Submissions or Questions**

    Support the show