Op 9 november 1989 ging de Berlijnse Muur open. Dertig jaar later lijkt die muur een relict uit het verleden. Maar de gevolgen van dat breukmoment in 1989 zijn nog altijd voelbaar. Schrijver Piet de Moor en Klara-eindredacteur Karen Billiet gaan op pad in Berlijn en praten met Berlijners over hun leven voor en na 1989. Piet de Moor woont er en schreef over de stad het boek ‘Berlijn, leven in een gespleten stad’ (Van Gennep). Karen Billiet groeide op na de Val van de Muur en leerde Berlijn kennen als herenigde stad. Ze woonde er kort en meert er nog meermaals per jaar aan.
From the Recovery Plan for Europe to the response to the war in Ukraine, the European Commission is the driving force behind the most ambitious policies. How are they affecting the lives of Europeans? The “Europe Calling” podcast features interviews with key EU decision-makers and experts.
Werner Trio in trio met twee gasten over wat goed of fout loopt en beter kan in de wereld van vandaag.
Een andere kijk op de actualiteit. Annemie Peeters bevraagt intelligente stemmen over wat hen momenteel bezig houdt.
A show produced by Manolatos Nelson Murphy Advertising & Public Relations all about the people, policy and politics that make our industry tick.
De nieuwsjournalisten van VRT NWS spitten de kranten uit en geven een overzicht van de editorialen van de Vlaamse kranten.
RECHTspreekt is een juridische podcast gemaakt voor, door én samen met juristen.
We brengen nieuws, trends, relevante interviews en boeiende portretten voor alle juridische beroepen.
Deze podcast zit in een bètaversie. Geniet van de afleveringen en laat weten wat je ervan vindt om samen dit concept te verbeteren. -
parlonsDROIT est un podcast juridique créé pour, par et avec des juristes.
Nous présentons des actualités, des tendances, des interviews pertinentes et des portraits captivants pour toutes les professions juridiques.
Ce podcast est une version bêta. Ecoutez les épisodes et donnez-nous votre avis pour que nous puissions améliorer ensemble le concept. -
How is the world's most powerful woman shaping her political legacy?
In Velina's Talk series, the Director of the Austrian Institute for European and Security Policy (AIES) Velina Tchakarova invites guests from the world of global finance, economy, and politics to shed a light on global affairs and the most pressing issues of the Covid-19 crisis. From unfolding events in the field of geopolitics and geoeconomic to long-term trends and future scenarios, she aims to bring the complexity of the current Global System a step closer to the audience.
Bringing you politics from the heart of the EU.
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Een politiek onafhankelijk podcastkanaal waarin we op zoek gaan naar antwoorden die leven bij de burgers.
De Podcast van Jong VLD Nationaal
Een wekelijkse podcast over de werking van de macht in crisistijd in een land waar niemand de baas is. Na hun reconstructie van het coronabeleid in hun boek Code Rood kijken journalisten Thijs Broer en Peter Kee nu verder. Want als tijdens de pandemie al niemand de regie voerde, hoe zit dat dan op andere beleidsterreinen? Elke week gaan ze met elkaar en andere politieke insiders in gesprek over de meest prangende dossiers van dit moment: van de wooncrisis tot de stikstofcrisis en van de Minister President tot de Eerste Kamer.
TerraTrue's The Privacy Beat, featuring host Angelique Carson and guests, is a quick-hit rundown of the important privacy news-you-can use of the week. Listen to sound smart at Happy Hour, informed at strategy meetings, or just to enjoy a conversation between people who speak your language and understand your pain.
The Public Sector Executive Podcast is the new podcast bringing you closer to the public sector leaders in the UK. Covering everything from the environment to the economy to transport, our podcast will bring you the latest news, views and insight from the people responsible for shaping the country's future.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
We are the national voice of local government, working with councils to support, promote and improve local government. This podcast provides you with an insight into the key issues that are facing communities in England and Wales and what councils are doing to overcome them.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Welcome to Europod • News, your essential source for daily and monthly podcasts that bring you closer to the heart of Europe. From the latest political shifts to the cultural dynamics and challenges shaping the European Union, we offer insightful, compelling content to keep you informed and engaged.
Stay up-to-date with Europe Day by Day, our daily podcast offering concise analysis of key European developments, and Europe Talks Back, a monthly podcast diving deeper into the voices, stories, and debates that define Europe today.
Featured Episodes:
Europe Day by Day: Stay informed with a daily look at breaking news, policy updates, and the issues driving Europe’s future.Europe Talks Back: A monthly series where we bring together thinkers, leaders, and ordinary people to discuss Europe’s most pressing questions and debates.Join us on our journey through the events that shape the European continent and the European Union.
Production: Europod
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LinkedInInstagramHosted on Acast. See for more information.
Welcome to “Wisdom of the Crowd”, a podcast miniseries that explores the future of transatlantic relations. From democracy and geopolitics to climate change and technology, we take a closer look at the most pressing issues impacting the transatlantic alliance by interviewing top experts and using a strategy of crowd-sourced forecasting.
We don’t just rely on experts and policy makers; we listen to a crowd of forecasters, and YOU, to determine the outcome of future events. We call that “the wisdom of the crowd”.
Wisdom of the Crowd is produced by the Bertelsmann Foundation, the Bertelsmann Stiftung, Are We Europe, and Awe Studio. Sound design is done by Stefano Montali and the podcast artwork is by Tamara Tasić. This series is hosted by Rylie Munn. -
Looking for the best source to discover the heartbeat of a community? Welcome to Palm Beach County Perspective, the podcast that provides all the latest news, current events, the lowdown on what's happening, and a bit of history of one of the most beautiful corners of America. Hosted by longtime local leader Robert Weinroth who - with an extensive background in, and passion for, business, public service, and community involvement - has been recognized as one the County's most prominent voices for progress and positive change. Join us each episode for spirited conversation, strong opinions, special guests, and most importantly, a fresh and unique perspective - The Palm Beach County Perspective!
***Paid by Friends of Robert Weinroth***