In this unique civics podcast, discover how the principles of George Washington's Farewell Address (patriotism, civility, faith, education, national unity, and fiscal responsibility) apply to today! With a focus on American political institutions and policymaking, hear fascinating stories and discussions that any America-loving listener can enjoy!
This non-partisan podcast is a remarkable mix of solo shows, interviews and special guests that gives you a great boost of freedom! New episodes on the first two Mondays of each month! -
The establishment media is doing everything possible to make sure you do not hear some of the most important voices out there on medicine, science, politics, business, media, and so much more. But at Conversations That Matter, host Alex Newman interviews key people with important information to share that they don’t want you to hear–information that might save your life and family, literally, as well as your liberty.
Imprimis is the free monthly speech digest of Hillsdale College and is dedicated to educating citizens and promoting civil and religious liberty by covering cultural, economic, political, and educational issues. The content of Imprimis is drawn from speeches delivered at Hillsdale College events. First published in 1972, Imprimis is one of the most widely circulated opinion publications in the nation with over six million subscribers.
The Israel-Palestine conflict is one of the most complex and intractable conflicts in the world. It has been ongoing for over 70 years, and there is no easy solution. This podcast will provide listeners with the latest news and updates on the conflict, as well as analysis and insights from experts. We will also explore the different perspectives on the conflict, and we will try to understand the complex forces that are driving it. Whether you are a newcomer to the conflict or a long-time observer, this podcast is for you. We will help you to understand the latest developments and to make sense of this complex and challenging situation.
Weekly reports and commentary on civilian self defense.
self defense, armed citizen, defensive gun use -
On Democracy in Question, published by The Brookings Institution, host Katie Dunn Tenpas interviews guests about contemporary American politics and the future of democracy. Each episode poses a different question to better understand the broad contours of our democratic system.
We Dissent is a monthly law podcast hosted by two secular women, who are also attorneys at the Freedom From Religion Foundation and Americans United for Separation of Church and State. Join us as we discuss developments affecting the separation of church and state in the US Supreme Court and lower federal courts. We’ll also explore other advocacy work we do to help atheists and other nonreligious people outside the courtroom. We know there are so many atheist podcasts and legal podcasts and you have a lot to choose from, but we hope you’ll join us, the only legal podcast for atheists and agnostics hosted completely by women lawyers. We can’t wait to start these conversations.
Bienvenue sur votre chaîne, CJDSE (Juridique- Diplomatique- sécuritaire et Économique) où nous parlerons de Droit- d'Économie - de Diplomatie et de Sécurité.Sur ce portail de cours nous traiterons les fondements des cours de CEJM des classes de BTS et des cours de droit, de sciences politiques, de diplomatie et de sécurité des licences et Masters. Nous inviterons également en entretiens, nos étudiants et spécialistes de divers domaines. Le Docteur Ousmane Sané est juriste consultant,Enseignant chercheur en Sciences Juridiques et de Gestion. Analyste consultant en Diplomatie, Renseignement et Sécurité. Diplômes et publications · Titulaire d’un Doctorat, H.U PARIS.· Titulaire d’un Master 2 en relations internationales et diplomatie, CEDS Paris, · Titulaire d’un Master 2 en Droit des étrangers ISD Paris, · Titulaire d’un Diplôme Universitaire en Administration d’Élections de l’université Paris1 Panthéon Sorbonne. · Expert- Électoral certifié OSCE/ODIHR. · Diplômé de l’école de guerre de Paris (ex. coalition 2018) et de L’IHEDN (Institut des Hautes Études de Défense Nationale). · Titulaire d'un Diplôme Universitaire SIR (Sûreté information et renseignement) de l’université Paris 2 ASSAS. · Président de l’Institut Thales Afrique (Institut d’études politiques, diplomatiques & stratégiques), SÉNÉGAL- GUINÉE- BURKINA FASO, · Président du Centre International de Recherche Juridique et Sociale (CIRJUS Paris). Publications scientifiques : · Théorie des relations internationales : conflits et migrations ouvrage publié en 2020 aux éditions Publishroom PARIS · Dynamiques des relations internationales et Covid-19 ; ENTRE DIPLOMATIE MASQUÉE ET GUERRE DES LABOS. Ouvrage paru en mai 2022 aux éditions L’Harmattan · Diplomatie économique sénégalaise : Thèse de doctorat soutenue publiquement en novembre 2021 · Cybercriminalité au Sénégal : quelles protections juridique et institutionnelle pour les utilisateurs ; article publié en 2022 dans les ‘DOSSIERS DU CHEDS’ Sénégal · Intelligence économique et marchés mondiaux : la survie des entreprises multinationales face à l’innovation ; article scientifique, Paris, 2023 · La gestion sûreté́ et sécurité́ des organisations internationales : le cas de l’ONU, MÉMOIRE D.U soutenu en novembre 2023Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
Vous avez envie d’accéder à une information de qualité sur les vins ? Ou encore de goûter à l’actualité mondiale sans être « saoulé » ? Vous êtes au bon endroit ! Découvrez Pensée Liquide, votre nouveau podcast hebdomadaire immersif, par Clément Marchal, co-fondateur de Baccology. Chaque vendredi, Pensée Liquide vous propose de déguster un cocktail détonant combinant découvertes viniques et décryptages d’actualités. Santé !
Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations. -
The official podcast for Judicial Watch--a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation promoting transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law. Through our educational endeavors, we advocate high standards of ethics and morality in our nation’s public life and seeks to ensure that political and judicial officials do not abuse the powers entrusted to them by the American people. Judicial Watch fulfills its educational mission through litigation, investigations, and public outreach--because NO ONE is above the law!
Discussion about the lies, the myths, and propaganda that permeate mainstream media and society. The goal of this podcast is to inform and support the understanding of what is true and real versus what are lies, myths, and propaganda. Warning! You might be challenged or triggered.
Jakub Matúška a Peter Krajniak uvádzajú príbehy nie len slávnych/známych osobností, ako aj aktuálne témy, ktoré hýbu svetom a ty o nich rozhodne chceš počuť.
Asset Protection, Wealth Preservation, & Estate Planning Law
Pastor Jack's desire is to see your relationship with Christ deepen and your effectiveness for His purposes maximized. His bold preaching will encourage and challenge you to walk with Jesus.
I'm Zechariah Dapaah Host of Chat ZDP a former division I and II collegiate soccer player now serving student-athletes to maximize their potential on and off the field. This podcast that will be about my experiences as a former student athlete and different area of a student athletes' life. I will be doing solo episode on various topics relating to student athlete as well as having my friends that are or were athletes in college.
Thank you for listening if you can take just one point away from my talk can make the difference. I can't wait for you to listen to your 1st or 100th episode!
podcast for PLS 363 at Akita International University
image credit: "Busan, South Korea" by GilloD is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0
music credit: Cycling Through Ikebukuro by Koen Park is licensed under a Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
I've Never Said This Before With Tommy DiDario goes to places that will surprise and delight you. Seasoned entertainment and lifestyle reporter Tommy DiDario speaks with our favorite actors and artists about their journey to success and what they learned along the way. This is a space for guests to reveal who they truly are - and in each interview they’ll tell us at least one thing they’ve never said before.
Episodes drop weekly on Tuesdays.