Al Roxburgh and Jenny Sinclair review their Leaving Egypt conversations with guests over 2024 and explore the themes that have been emerging. From exploring what it means to listen meaningfully to the Holy Spirit, to the way political economy is impacting human life, they share their excitement about how God is at work and manifesting in so many ways. Al and Jenny also explore the grassroots stories coming from a variety of local places, each resonant, individual and particular to their own local community, while common in being the outcomes of listening to God in the neighbourhood.
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For Alan J Roxburgh:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/alanjroxburgh?lang=en
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alan.roxburgh.127/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thecommonsnetwork
Joining God in the Great Unraveling https://www.amazon.ca/Joining-God-Great-Unraveling-Learned/dp/1725288508/ref=sr_1_
Leadership, God’s Agency and Disruptions https://www.amazon.ca/Leadership-Gods-Agency-Disruptions-Confronting/dp/1725271745/ref
Joining God, Remaking Church, Changing the World: The New Shape of the Church in Our Time https://www.amazon.ca/Joining-Remaking-Church-Changing-World/dp/0819232114/ref=sr_1_3?crid=2NHGW8KB7L0SQ&keywords=Alan+J+Roxburgh&qid=1687098960&s=books&sprefix=alan+j+roxburgh%2Cstripbooks%2C130&sr=1-3
For Jenny Sinclair:
Website: https://togetherforthecommongood.co.uk/from-jenny-sinclair
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jenny-sinclair-0589783b/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/T4CG
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TogetherForTheCommonGoodUK
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/t4cg_insta/
Get full access to Leaving Egypt at leavingegyptpodcast.substack.com/subscribe -
Al Roxburgh and Jenny Sinclair talk with Rob Duncan about the Barmen Declaration of May 1934, a confession of faith declared by pastors, theologians and lay leaders during the “German Church Struggle” in Nazi Germany. Reviewing the Declaration’s context and the involvement of theologians Karl Barth and Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Rob explores its meaning and lessons for church and society in our own moment of geopolitical volatility. While Barmen is now an historical artifact, its fidelity to Christian witness has renewed significance now as multiple ideologies struggle to redefine the nature of democracy. Its insistence on confession and repentance as critical Christian responses to our own unravelling remains a prophetic challenge to the church.
Rob Duncan served for years as a Baptist pastor in the Canadian Baptists of Ontario and Quebec convention, having been ordained in Toronto in 1984. He has for more than a dozen years been an Anglican, in an official position in the Diocese of Niagara since 2019. Ordained a priest in 2023, he is now retired from parish ministry. His wider ministry focus remains spiritual formation at the local parish level. While deepening his own personal practice of spiritual disciplines, Rob continues to explore the intersection of spirituality and theology and provides training in spiritual formation to groups of lay people. Since February of this year, he has been working behind the scenes as a volunteer for Leaving Egypt from his home in Niagara Falls.
- Links -
For Alan J Roxburgh:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/alanjroxburgh?lang=en
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alan.roxburgh.127/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thecommonsnetwork
Joining God in the Great Unraveling https://www.amazon.ca/Joining-God-Great-Unraveling-Learned/dp/1725288508/ref=sr_1_
Leadership, God’s Agency and Disruptions https://www.amazon.ca/Leadership-Gods-Agency-Disruptions-Confronting/dp/1725271745/ref
Joining God, Remaking Church, Changing the World: The New Shape of the Church in Our Time https://www.amazon.ca/Joining-Remaking-Church-Changing-World/dp/0819232114/ref=sr_1_3?crid=2NHGW8KB7L0SQ&keywords=Alan+J+Roxburgh&qid=1687098960&s=books&sprefix=alan+j+roxburgh%2Cstripbooks%2C130&sr=1-3
For Jenny Sinclair:
Website: https://togetherforthecommongood.co.uk/from-jenny-sinclair
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jenny-sinclair-0589783b/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/T4CG
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TogetherForTheCommonGoodUK
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/t4cg_insta/
For Rob Duncan:
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/rob-duncan-b7815414b
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Episodi mancanti?
Al Roxburgh and Jenny Sinclair talk with David Widdicombe about his ministry as an Anglican parish priest in Winnipeg, Canada. Beginning with childhood on a farm on the prairies, David’s journey of formation led him to an encounter with “Red Tory” conservatism and its thoughtful Canadian nationalism. From long pastoral experience and deep theological curiosity, David speaks to the current decline in the church and society with intellectual precision and wisdom. Calling Christian leaders and congregations to commit for the long haul, he advocates for a rootedness of identity in Christ expressed in robust community, liturgy and joy.
David Widdicombe was rector at St. Margaret's Anglican Church from 1992 to 2020, where, as he pursued a pre-Enlightenment vision of the parish church as a place of belonging and lay leadership formation, the congregation grew and flourished. Educated at the University of Manitoba and the Vancouver School of Theology, David later studied at Oxford University under Oliver O’Donovan and Rowan Williams.
- Links -
For Alan J Roxburgh:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/alanjroxburgh?lang=en
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alan.roxburgh.127/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thecommonsnetwork
Joining God in the Great Unraveling
Leadership, God’s Agency and Disruptions
Joining God, Remaking Church, Changing the World: The New Shape of the Church in Our Time
For Jenny Sinclair:
Website: https://togetherforthecommongood.co.uk/from-jenny-sinclair
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jenny-sinclair-0589783b/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/T4CG
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TogetherForTheCommonGoodUK
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/t4cg_insta/
For David Widdicombe:
Empire, Justice and Mercy (Theodosian Press, 2023)
And His Hands Prepared the Dry Land: A Political Theology of Climate Change
To Sow the Wind: An Argument Against the War on Terror
The Red Tories with the Rev. Canon Dr. David Widdicombe
Many of David’s lectures can be found here: https://saintmargarets.ca/lectures/
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Al Roxburgh and Jenny Sinclair talk again with Sr Helen Alford to hear more about her vocation as a Dominican sister and as an economist. Sketching out the historical development of economics, Sr Helen describes how it became disconnected from human flourishing. She traces its devastating impact on the culture and relationships, as economic thought became “a kind of theology of our age.” She then explores some of the constructive approaches that individuals, businesses and churches can take to generate alternative, healthier economic structures. Setting out steps that we can all take, faithfully following our own vocations, she highlights ways in which we can all play our part to bring economics back into relationship with the common good.
Sr Helen Alford OP is Dean of Social Sciences at the Pontifical University of St Thomas Aquinas - known as the Angelicum - the Dominican Order’s centre of Thomist theology and philosophy in Rome. Last year she was appointed by Pope Francis as President of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences in the Vatican. Sr Helen teaches economic ethics, the history of technology, labour politics, and Catholic social thought. Originally from London, Sr Helen is a sister of the Dominican Sisters of Saint Catherine of Siena of Newcastle, Natal. She is the author of numerous publications on management theory and corporate social responsibility and has been an advisor to Blueprint for a Better Business since 2012.
- Links -
For Alan J Roxburgh:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/alanjroxburgh?lang=en
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alan.roxburgh.127/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thecommonsnetwork
Joining God in the Great Unraveling https://www.amazon.ca/Joining-God-Great-Unraveling-Learned/dp/1725288508/ref=sr_1_
Leadership, God’s Agency and Disruptions https://www.amazon.ca/Leadership-Gods-Agency-Disruptions-Confronting/dp/1725271745/ref
Joining God, Remaking Church, Changing the World: The New Shape of the Church in Our Time https://www.amazon.ca/Joining-Remaking-Church-Changing-World/dp/0819232114/ref=sr_1_3?crid=2NHGW8KB7L0SQ&keywords=Alan+J+Roxburgh&qid=1687098960&s=books&sprefix=alan+j+roxburgh%2Cstripbooks%2C130&sr=1-3
For Jenny Sinclair:
Website: https://togetherforthecommongood.co.uk/from-jenny-sinclair
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jenny-sinclair-0589783b/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/T4CG
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TogetherForTheCommonGoodUK
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/t4cg_insta/
For Sr Helen Alford:
https://www.pass.va/en/academicians/ordinary/alford.html https://www.globalsistersreport.org/news/catholic-social-teaching-has-values-world-needs-dominican-says
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Al Roxburgh and Jenny Sinclair talk with Colin Miller about his book We Are Only Saved Together and his own journey into the vision of Dorothy Day and vocation of being a Catholic Worker in his hometown of Minneapolis. Colin talks about his Christian upbringing: raised as Lutheran, becoming an Episcopal priest and subsequent conversion to the Catholic Church. Out of his own experience of life in community with the poor, engaging with the gospel implications of Catholic Social Thought, Colin shares insights about the current breakdown in society and church and the alternative celebratory model of living the Sermon on the Mount in community with others.
Colin is the director for the Center for Catholic Social Thought at the Church of the Assumption (https://assumptionsp.org/ccst/) in St. Paul. Formerly a priest in the Episcopal Church, he became a Catholic eight years ago after discovering the Catholic Worker tradition of Dorothy Day and Peter Maurin. In Minnesota, he has co-founded a Catholic Worker house (
) devoted to common prayer, material simplicity and service to the poor. He lives there with his wife and five children.
- Links -
For Alan J Roxburgh:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/alanjroxburgh?lang=en
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alan.roxburgh.127/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thecommonsnetwork
Joining God in the Great Unraveling https://www.amazon.ca/Joining-God-Great-Unraveling-Learned/dp/1725288508/ref=sr_1_
Leadership, God’s Agency and Disruptions https://www.amazon.ca/Leadership-Gods-Agency-Disruptions-Confronting/dp/1725271745/ref
Joining God, Remaking Church, Changing the World: The New Shape of the Church in Our Time https://www.amazon.ca/Joining-Remaking-Church-Changing-World/dp/0819232114/ref=sr_1_3?crid=2NHGW8KB7L0SQ&keywords=Alan+J+Roxburgh&qid=1687098960&s=books&sprefix=alan+j+roxburgh%2Cstripbooks%2C130&sr=1-3
For Jenny Sinclair:
Website: https://togetherforthecommongood.co.uk/from-jenny-sinclair
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jenny-sinclair-0589783b/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/T4CG
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TogetherForTheCommonGoodUK
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/t4cg_insta/
For Colin Miller:
We Are Only Saved Together: Living the Revolutionary Vision of Dorothy Day and the Catholic Worker Movement, Ave Maria Press (2024): https://www.avemariapress.com/products/we-are-only-saved-together
Center for Catholic Social Thought:
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Al Roxburgh and Jenny Sinclair talk with David Cayley about the insights of the Austrian Catholic priest, philosopher and social critic Ivan Illich (1926-2006). Through his work at the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) on the show “Ideas,” David came to know Illich personally and became one of his leading interpreters. David’s conversation with Al and Jenny outlines Illich’s main lines of thought. They discuss Illich’s insights into the negative consequences of modernity in terms of education, medicine, gender, technology and power, and his view of the West as a corruption of Christianity. What emerges is an introduction to the depth and richness of Illich’s thought as a significant resource in the face of today’s unravelling.
David Cayley has been a writer, broadcaster and documentary maker for more than 30 years. Known for documenting the philosophy of 20th Century Christian intellectuals, he has studied Ivan Illich, George Grant, and Rene Girard. He is the author of many books and has received many awards. David is the pre-eminent authority on his friend, the priest philosopher, Ivan Illich.
- Links -
For Alan J Roxburgh:
X.com/Twitter: https://x.com/alanjroxburgh?lang=en
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alan.roxburgh.127/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thecommonsnetwork
Joining God in the Great Unraveling https://www.amazon.ca/Joining-God-Great-Unraveling-Learned/dp/1725288508/ref=sr_1_
Leadership, God’s Agency and Disruptions https://www.amazon.ca/Leadership-Gods-Agency-Disruptions-Confronting/dp/1725271745/ref
Joining God, Remaking Church, Changing the World: The New Shape of the Church in Our Time https://www.amazon.ca/Joining-Remaking-Church-Changing-World/dp/0819232114/ref=sr_1_3?crid=2NHGW8KB7L0SQ&keywords=Alan+J+Roxburgh&qid=1687098960&s=books&sprefix=alan+j+roxburgh%2Cstripbooks%2C130&sr=1-3
For Jenny Sinclair:
Website: https://togetherforthecommongood.co.uk/from-jenny-sinclair
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jenny-sinclair-0589783b/
X.com/Twitter: https://x.com/home
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TogetherForTheCommonGoodUK
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/t4cg_insta/
For David Cayley:
Links to the conversations with Ivan Illich; https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEZ9EYTtCpN0B46hzH2inM9VrYzaD7UvE
Books by David Cayley:
vIvan Illich: An Intellectual Journey
George Grant in Conversation
Ivan Illich in Conversation
Books by Ivan Illich:
Medical Nemesis
Deschooling Society
Tools for Conviviality
Disabling Professions
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Al Roxburgh and Jenny Sinclair talk with Sian Wade. Together, they explore her journey as a young pastor, which is characterised by a shift from doing “good things” to discerning what God is doing among the people in her neighbourhood. She talks about her love for people and how God has been leading her and her church to connect with very poor parts of the community, with those who have not thrived. Through this, she has discovered that being church is more about being with people and living an organic Christian life than running programmes. Discerning what it might look like to do “authentic church” led Sian to accept a recognition of brokenness - in our relationship with God, in ourselves, with each other and with the earth. She bears witness that authentic church is beautiful and messy and describes how she holds the tension between a prophetic posture alongside multiple partnerships with local statutory services. Bridge Church, aptly named, is practising a theology of unity with other churches and denominations, where, together as fellow Christians, they are praying and working for the transformation of their city.
Sian Wade lives in Lincoln, in the north east of the UK. She co-leads Bridge Church, part of the Pentecostal Assemblies of God. As Community Initiatives Lead, Sian has a heart for working with local people and has forged many partnerships, with local groups, other churches and with civic authorities. Discerning what God is doing, she believes that the church should be the hub of the neighbourhood. Sian is married to Dave, they have three children and she is also a registered foster carer.
- Links -
For Alan J Roxburgh:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/alanjroxburgh?lang=en
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alan.roxburgh.127/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thecommonsnetwork
Joining God in the Great Unraveling https://www.amazon.ca/Joining-God-Great-Unraveling-Learned/dp/1725288508/ref=sr_1_
Leadership, God’s Agency and Disruptions https://www.amazon.ca/Leadership-Gods-Agency-Disruptions-Confronting/dp/1725271745/ref
Joining God, Remaking Church, Changing the World: The New Shape of the Church in Our Time https://www.amazon.ca/Joining-Remaking-Church-Changing-World/dp/0819232114/ref=sr_1_3?crid=2NHGW8KB7L0SQ&keywords=Alan+J+Roxburgh&qid=1687098960&s=books&sprefix=alan+j+roxburgh%2Cstripbooks%2C130&sr=1-3
For Jenny Sinclair:
Website: https://togetherforthecommongood.co.uk/from-jenny-sinclair
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jenny-sinclair-0589783b/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/T4CG
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TogetherForTheCommonGoodUK
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/t4cg_insta/
For Sian Wade:
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Al Roxburgh and Jenny Sinclair talk with Paul Kingsnorth about his spiritual journey from agnosticism, gnostic experimentation and Buddhism, to Christianity. He describes the ways in which the Orthodox tradition is shaping his engagement with the modern world and especially that of the “Machine”, the term he uses to describe the overarching colonization of modern life by technology. He describes how becoming a Christian has called him beyond the intellectual posture of his past writing to somewhere completely different, to a connection with spiritual reality and to right relationship with God. From these new centerings, Paul finds himself on a new path of discovery, recognising he is not in control. He believes that Christians need to regain what has been lost, namely the sense that we already know from our tradition what to do. He senses that the Orthodox Church has held onto an authenticity that will become increasingly compelling as the unravelling of our societies rolls on, and this gives him cause for optimism.
Originally from London, Paul Kingsnorth is a writer and thinker whose spiritual journey has become very public. His experience has brought him from agnosticism to Christian conversion, culminating in his baptism into the Romanian Orthodox Church in 2021. Before that, as an environmentalist, novelist and a poet, he had written many books. Since his encounter with Christ, Paul has been compelled to write and speak about the reality of God and the threat to human life of what he calls “the machine”. His message has gathered a huge following, with some describing him as a secular prophet. Paul is a smallholder in rural Ireland living on the land with his family.
- Links -
For Alan J Roxburgh:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/alanjroxburgh?lang=en
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alan.roxburgh.127/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thecommonsnetwork
Joining God in the Great Unraveling https://www.amazon.ca/Joining-God-Great-Unraveling-Learned/dp/1725288508/ref=sr_1_
Leadership, God’s Agency and Disruptions https://www.amazon.ca/Leadership-Gods-Agency-Disruptions-Confronting/dp/1725271745/ref
Joining God, Remaking Church, Changing the World: The New Shape of the Church in Our Time https://www.amazon.ca/Joining-Remaking-Church-Changing-World/dp/0819232114/ref=sr_1_3?crid=2NHGW8KB7L0SQ&keywords=Alan+J+Roxburgh&qid=1687098960&s=books&sprefix=alan+j+roxburgh%2Cstripbooks%2C130&sr=1-3
For Jenny Sinclair:
Website: https://togetherforthecommongood.co.uk/from-jenny-sinclair
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jenny-sinclair-0589783b/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/T4CG
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TogetherForTheCommonGoodUK
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/t4cg_insta/
For Paul Kingsnorth:
Books: https://www.amazon.co.uk/stores/Paul-Kingsnorth/author/B0034NAPAA?ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true
Get full access to Leaving Egypt at leavingegyptpodcast.substack.com/subscribe -
Al Roxburgh and Jenny Sinclair talk with Sr Helen Alford about her Damascus Road experience as an engineering student and how it led her to discover Catholic Social Teaching and subsequently to take orders as a Dominican nun. Out of this intellectual vocation, she shares in easy-to-understand language the story of modernity and the changes it has brought to society and the church. She explores the meaning of human freedom, the exercise of personal choice and how this has given rise to the phenomenon of widespread loneliness. Addressing the significance of economics and its impact on society and relationships, she notices the beginnings of a reconstruction of economic thought centered around the flourishing of human beings. Echoing Pope Francis’s assertion that we’re not in an era of change but in a change of era, she says there are opportunities now for us to recognise that God uses “the little people” to change society for the common good.
Sr Helen Alford OP is Dean of Social Sciences at the Pontifical University of St Thomas Aquinas - known as the Angelicum - the Dominican Order’s centre of Thomist theology and philosophy in Rome. Last year she was appointed by Pope Francis as President of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences in the Vatican. Sr Helen teaches economic ethics, the history of technology, labour politics, and Catholic social thought. Originally from London, Sr Helen is a sister of the Dominican Sisters of Saint Catherine of Siena of Newcastle, Natal. She is the author of numerous publications on management theory and corporate social responsibility and has been an advisor to Blueprint for a Better Business since 2012.
- Links -
For Alan J Roxburgh:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/alanjroxburgh?lang=en
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alan.roxburgh.127/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thecommonsnetwork
Joining God in the Great Unraveling https://www.amazon.ca/Joining-God-Great-Unraveling-Learned/dp/1725288508/ref=sr_1_
Leadership, God’s Agency and Disruptions https://www.amazon.ca/Leadership-Gods-Agency-Disruptions-Confronting/dp/1725271745/ref
Joining God, Remaking Church, Changing the World: The New Shape of the Church in Our Time https://www.amazon.ca/Joining-Remaking-Church-Changing-World/dp/0819232114/ref=sr_1_3?crid=2NHGW8KB7L0SQ&keywords=Alan+J+Roxburgh&qid=1687098960&s=books&sprefix=alan+j+roxburgh%2Cstripbooks%2C130&sr=1-3
For Jenny Sinclair:
Website: www.togetherforthecommongood.co.uk/from-jenny-sinclair
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jenny-sinclair-0589783b/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/T4CG
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TogetherForTheCommonGoodUK
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/t4cg_insta/
For Sr Helen Alford:
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Al Roxburgh and Jenny Sinclair talk with Martin Robinson, a leading thinker and guide in missional practice and theology. Together they explore what the word “missional” meant for Lesslie Newbigin in contrast to what it is often taken to mean now - a strategy to save the church. Martin explores the impact of modernity and its current unravelling which has brought many, especially the young, to a place of despair and pessimism about the future, relationships, economics and the environment. Yet, through the many church planting stories he is witnessing, he is identifying signs of hope. Martin sees something stirring in those who can come with openness and responsiveness; those who bring a desire for personal encounter with God. Recognising that some institutionalised churches have had a tendency to fossilise the divine, Martin believes we need to recover a culture of expectation - that God is active and at work in our lives.
Born of missionary parents in India, Martin returned home to the UK where he grew up in Scotland and then moved to England. After settling in Birmingham, he followed in his father’s footsteps in church planting while completing a PhD in history with a focus on Pentecostal movements. He later joined the Bible Society where he was the Director of Mission and Theology. During this time, he worked with Lesslie Newbigin especially in the shaping of conferences (Swanwick, 1992) and the conversations that emerged from that event in terms of the Gospel and our Culture movements. Later, Martin, along with his wife, Lynda, developed and formed ForMission College to equip leaders in the transformation of their communities. Martin is Moderator Emeritus of the Fellowship of Churches of Christ denomination, co-founder of Rowheath Pavilion Church, and co-founder of the Journal of Missional Practice.
Currently, Martin works particularly closely in the fields of church planting, and is part of the expert church planting team at Engage West Midlands, working especially among immigrant communities in the UK. He continues to resource the work of missional theology and challenge the churches in this era of vast social transformation. He is the author of many books.
- Links -
For Alan J Roxburgh:
X.com/Twitter: https://twitter.com/alanjroxburgh?lang=en
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alan.roxburgh.127/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thecommonsnetwork
Selected books:
Joining God in the Great Unraveling
Leadership, God’s Agency and Disruptions
Joining God, Remaking Church, Changing the World: The New Shape of the Church in Our Time
For Jenny Sinclair:
Website: https://togetherforthecommongood.co.uk/from-jenny-sinclair
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jenny-sinclair-0589783b/
X.com/Twitter: https://twitter.com/T4CG
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TogetherForTheCommonGoodUK
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/t4cg_insta/
For Martin Robinson:
Selected books:
The Place of the Parish
Practices for the Refounding of God's People: The Missional Challenge of the West (with Alan Roxburgh)
Invading Secular Space: Strategies for Tomorrow's Church
The Faith of the Unbeliever: Grappling with the Beliefs and Unbeliefs That Shape Our Society
Planting Mission Shaped Churches Today
Planting Tomorrow’s Churches Today
To Win the West
Rediscovering the Celts
Sacred Places, Pilgrim Paths
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Al Roxburgh and Jenny Sinclair talk with David Fitch about what it means to follow Jesus in the culture of our day. Fitch sees power as the primary force shaping our culture, one that, as God’s people, we have to confront. Dave draws attention to the ways power has infiltrated the church, issuing a call for church leaders everywhere to confront their own use of worldly power, and to turn instead to godly power. He argues that this power is of a God who is not coercive, but whose power is one of presence for which we have to make space.
David Fitch, “Fitch” to his friends, is the founding pastor of Life on the Vine Christian Community, a missional church in Chicago. He describes himself as “a neo-Anabaptist holiness Pentecostal” and is on the pastoral staff of Renew Church in Westmount, Illinois. Fitch is Professor of Evangelical Theology at Northern Seminary, a member of the Jesus Collective and writes and speaks on cultural engagement, leadership and theology. His latest book is Reckoning with Power: Why the Church Fails When It’s on the Wrong Side of Power.
- Links -
For Alan J Roxburgh:
X.com/Twitter: https://x.com/alanjroxburgh?lang=en
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alan.roxburgh.127/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thecommonsnetwork
Joining God in the Great Unraveling https://www.amazon.ca/Joining-God-Great-Unraveling-Learned/dp/1725288508/ref=sr_1_
Leadership, God’s Agency and Disruptions https://www.amazon.ca/Leadership-Gods-Agency-Disruptions-Confronting/dp/1725271745/ref
Joining God, Remaking Church, Changing the World: The New Shape of the Church in Our Time https://www.amazon.ca/Joining-Remaking-Church-Changing-World/dp/0819232114/ref=sr_1_3?crid=2NHGW8KB7L0SQ&keywords=Alan+J+Roxburgh&qid=1687098960&s=books&sprefix=alan+j+roxburgh%2Cstripbooks%2C130&sr=1-3
For Jenny Sinclair:
Website: https://togetherforthecommongood.co.uk/from-jenny-sinclair
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jenny-sinclair-0589783b/
X.com/Twitter: https://x.com/home
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TogetherForTheCommonGoodUK
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/t4cg_insta/
For David Fitch: Links needed
Reckoning with Power: Why the Church Fails When It’s on the Wrong Side of Power
X.com/Twitter: https://twitter.com/fitchest?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fitchest
Northern Seminary: dfitch@faculty.seminary.edu
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Al Roxburgh and Jenny Sinclair talk with Alison Milbank about the unravelling of society and its institutions, and the profound changes in the church. She laments that in her own tradition, in the Church of England, there has been a loss of confidence about its inheritance, both liturgical and parochial. She describes how mission has been separated from liturgy and how top down strategies are undermining the local parish. Instead, she affirms a local autonomy for the parish built on strong liturgical foundations around which many different ministries can thrive. The Save the Parish movement that Alison co-founded affirms a theology of place, where ministry involves building local relationships with neighbours whether or not they come to church: a dwelling, from which emerges a living ecology of love and care.
The Revd Canon Professor Alison Milbank is Professor of Theology and Literature at the University of Nottingham, and co-founder of the Save the Parish movement in the UK. She is also Canon Theologian and Priest Vicar at Southwell Minster, where she leads on adult education but also engages in all aspects of ministry in a parish church cathedral. In her academic role, she teaches on the relation of religion and culture both historically and in the contemporary world.
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For Alan J Roxburgh:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/alanjroxburgh?lang=en
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alan.roxburgh.127/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thecommonsnetwork
Joining God in the Great Unraveling https://www.amazon.ca/Joining-God-Great-Unraveling-Learned/dp/1725288508/ref=sr_1_
Leadership, God’s Agency and Disruptions https://www.amazon.ca/Leadership-Gods-Agency-Disruptions-Confronting/dp/1725271745/ref
Joining God, Remaking Church, Changing the World: The New Shape of the Church in Our Time https://www.amazon.ca/Joining-Remaking-Church-Changing-World/dp/0819232114/ref=sr_1_3?crid=2NHGW8KB7L0SQ&keywords=Alan+J+Roxburgh&qid=1687098960&s=books&sprefix=alan+j+roxburgh%2Cstripbooks%2C130&sr=1-3
For Jenny Sinclair:
Website: https://togetherforthecommongood.co.uk/from-jenny-sinclair
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jenny-sinclair-0589783b/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/T4CG
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TogetherForTheCommonGoodUK
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/t4cg_insta/
For Alison Milbank:
The Once and Future Parish
For the Parish: A critique of Fresh Expressions
God's Church in the World: The Gift of Catholic Mission
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Al Roxburgh and Jenny Sinclair talk with Harvey Kwiyani, a theologian from Malawi, now living in Liverpool and working across the UK, Europe and North America Harvey tells the story of growing up in rural Malawi, a place evangelised by David Livingstone in 1851, where he heard God’s call as a boy of twelve that he was to become a missionary in Europe. Through the course of their conversation, Jenny and Al learn from Harvey’s insights about the current state of Christianity in Europe and America and the challenges around mission in a context of functional atheism. They discuss the gifts of African Christianity, for example how Ubuntu (“I am because you are”)offers a countercultural and constructive hope to both churches and economies in the West.
Harvey Kwiyani works for the Church Mission Society (CMS) in Oxford, UK, where he leads a study centre for global witness and human migration and a Masters programme in African Christianity. Harvey is also the CEO of Global Connections, a UK-based mission network, and a director of MIssio Africanus, a think tank exploring the rise and role of the African missionary movement in world missions. Harvey has published several books and holds a Ph.D. in Missions and Leadership.
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For Alan J Roxburgh:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/alanjroxburgh?lang=en
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alan.roxburgh.127/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thecommonsnetwork
Joining God in the Great Unraveling https://www.amazon.ca/Joining-God-Great-Unraveling-Learned/dp/1725288508/ref=sr_1_
Leadership, God’s Agency and Disruptions https://www.amazon.ca/Leadership-Gods-Agency-Disruptions-Confronting/dp/1725271745/ref
Joining God, Remaking Church, Changing the World: The New Shape of the Church in Our Time https://www.amazon.ca/Joining-Remaking-Church-Changing-World/dp/0819232114/ref=sr_1_3?crid=2NHGW8KB7L0SQ&keywords=Alan+J+Roxburgh&qid=1687098960&s=books&sprefix=alan+j+roxburgh%2Cstripbooks%2C130&sr=1-3
For Jenny Sinclair:
Website: https://togetherforthecommongood.co.uk/from-jenny-sinclair
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jenny-sinclair-0589783b/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/T4CG
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TogetherForTheCommonGoodUK
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/t4cg_insta/
T4CG Substack: t4cg.substack.com
For Harvey Kwiyani:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/harvey-kwiyani-ph-d-039ab745/?originalSubdomain=uk
Global Connections: www.globalconnections.org.uk/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/missioafricanus?lang=en
Decolonising Mission (2024)
Wash and Pray: African Theological Discourse on COVID-19 (2023)
Multicultural Kingdom: Ethnic Diversity, Mission and the Church (2020)
Our Children Need Roots and Wings: Equipping and Empowering Young Diaspora Africans for Life and Mission (2019)
Mission-Shaped Church in a Multicultural World (2017)
Sent Forth: African Missionary Work in the West (2014)
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Al Roxburgh and Jenny Sinclair talk with the co-hosts of The Missiology Podcast, Martin Rodriguez and Greg McKinzie to discuss mission. They discuss how the churches have been affected by modernity, and how mission needs to change. Sharing the disorientation they encounter among church leaders, they explore the tension between missiological scholarship and relationships with real people. And, drawing on their conversations with missiologists and missionaries, as well as their own missional experience - in South America, China and the United States - in prisons, with the homeless, and in their own neighbourhoods - Martin and Greg share how their grounded relationships shape what they know about justice.
Martin Rodriguez is Family Life Minister at the Hollywood Church of Christ in Hollywood, and served as a missionary in China mentoring emerging leaders and planting churches. He is also an assistant professor in the Department of Practical Theology at Azusa Pacific University in Azusa, California. Martin also holds an MDiv from Fuller Theological Seminary and a degree in Religion and International Studies from Pepperdine University, California. He is also a content editor of Missio Dei: A Journal of Missional Theology and Praxis, a member of the team at missiology.com and co-host of The Missiology Podcast.
Greg McKinzie is the Missions Minister of the Stones River Church in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, an affiliate assistant professor at Fuller Theological Seminary and the executive editor of Missio Dei: A Journal of Missional Theology and Praxis. He is the lead administrator of missiology.com and co-host of The Missiology Podcast. He holds a PhD in theology from Fuller Theological Seminary and served in Peru as a partner in holistic evangelism with Team Arequipa and The Christian Urban Development Association. Greg holds an MDiv from Harding School of Theology, Tennessee, and a BA in missions from Harding University, Arizona.
- Links -
For Alan J Roxburgh:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/alanjroxburgh?lang=en
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alan.roxburgh.127/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thecommonsnetwork
Joining God in the Great Unraveling https://www.amazon.ca/Joining-God-Great-Unraveling-Learned/dp/1725288508/ref=sr_1_
Leadership, God’s Agency and Disruptions https://www.amazon.ca/Leadership-Gods-Agency-Disruptions-Confronting/dp/1725271745/ref
Joining God, Remaking Church, Changing the World: The New Shape of the Church in Our Time https://www.amazon.ca/Joining-Remaking-Church-Changing-World/dp/0819232114/ref=sr_1_3?crid=2NHGW8KB7L0SQ&keywords=Alan+J+Roxburgh&qid=1687098960&s=books&sprefix=alan+j+roxburgh%2Cstripbooks%2C130&sr=1-3
For Jenny Sinclair:
Website: https://togetherforthecommongood.co.uk/from-jenny-sinclair
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jenny-sinclair-0589783b/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/T4CG
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TogetherForTheCommonGoodUK
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/t4cg_insta/
For Martin Rodriguez:
For Greg McKinzie:
For Martin and Greg:
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Alan Roxburgh and Jenny Sinclair talk with Sally Mann about her life in community in the East End of London in the UK, where her family has lived for six generations. Sally tells the story of Bonny Downs Baptist Church where she is one of the pastoral team of five, all of whom are co-vocational. The team shares a single stipend, a model that came out of shared living – what she describes as “lived hospitality.” Sally describes her love for her community and the transformative work Bonny Downs is doing in a place that many consider a slum. Rather than having “a five year plan”, they find that by listening to God and their neighbours, their abandoned places are being restored for the sake of the common good. Sally says her thinking shifted when she began to take seriously that Jesus is from Nazareth, a poor hillside village, and this has opened up a way of living a life of true freedom.
Dr Sally Mann is a minister at Bonny Downs Baptist Church where she is the fourth of six generations of her family to serve in their East End London community. Also an author and community activist, Sally lectures in Sociology and has a PhD in Philosophy and Theology. She is actively involved in Red Letter Christians, and is one of the original team who launched it in the UK. She has published Looking for Lydia: encounters that shape the church, reflecting on 25 years of ministry in London through the stories of encounters in Acts.
For Alan J Roxburgh:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/alanjroxburgh?lang=en
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alan.roxburgh.127/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thecommonsnetwork
Joining God in the Great Unraveling https://www.amazon.ca/Joining-God-Great-Unraveling-Learned/dp/1725288508/ref=sr_1_
Leadership, God’s Agency and Disruptions https://www.amazon.ca/Leadership-Gods-Agency-Disruptions-Confronting/dp/1725271745/ref
Joining God, Remaking Church, Changing the World: The New Shape of the Church in Our Time https://www.amazon.ca/Joining-Remaking-Church-Changing-World/dp/0819232114/ref=sr_1_3?crid=2NHGW8KB7L0SQ&keywords=Alan+J+Roxburgh&qid=1687098960&s=books&sprefix=alan+j+roxburgh%2Cstripbooks%2C130&sr=1-3
For Jenny Sinclair:
Website: https://togetherforthecommongood.co.uk/from-jenny-sinclair
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jenny-sinclair-0589783b/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/T4CG
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TogetherForTheCommonGoodUK
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/t4cg_insta/
For Sally Mann:
Bonny Downs Baptist Church:
Bonny Downs Community Association:
Staying Put - an essay for Together for the Common Good https://togetherforthecommongood.co.uk/leading-thinkers/staying-put
Red Letter Christians UK: https://redletterchristians.org.uk/author/dr-sally-mann/
Looking for Lydia: Encounters that shape the Church https://www.amazon.co.uk/Looking-Lydia-Encounters-shape-Church/dp/1790341183/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&dib_tag=se&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.Gj8uvv2HoolUYiuTfCrohw.WEzPBvVvt5tpcLYWrJcJbF6pMHH3TTgwcjNHfYQioTo&qid=1712777949&sr=8-1
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Al Roxburgh and Jenny Sinclair talk with John van Sloten about his experience of God’s “common grace” after more than twenty-five years as a pastor in Calgary, Canada. John shares how the dyslexia he was born with has been used by the Spirit to help him recognize and engage God’s presence and agency in creation and nature. He talks about stepping away from a more traditional pastoral ministry and how he is now leaning into a theology of encounter and “church without walls'', discovering God at work in unexpected places, like city hall and a multinational corporation.
John Van Sloten is a community theologian and writer who lives in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. His passion is to know God more. For the past 20 years he’s been exploring a worldview that seeks to discern God's voice in all things: the Bible and creation (i.e. the arts, sport, science, film, music, literature, history, mathematics, nature and human nature). His first book, The Day Metallica Came to Church: Seeing the Everywhere God in Everything (2010), listens for God's whispers in pop culture. His second book, Every Job a Parable; What Walmart Greeters, Nurses and Astronauts tell us about God (2017), listens for God's words at work. His latest book is God Speaks Science (2023). John is a regular columnist with the Calgary Herald.
For Alan J Roxburgh:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/alanjroxburgh?lang=en
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alan.roxburgh.127/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thecommonsnetwork
Joining God in the Great Unraveling https://www.amazon.ca/Joining-God-Great-Unraveling-Learned/dp/1725288508/ref=sr_1_
Leadership, God’s Agency and Disruptions https://www.amazon.ca/Leadership-Gods-Agency-Disruptions-Confronting/dp/1725271745/ref
Joining God, Remaking Church, Changing the World: The New Shape of the Church in Our Time https://www.amazon.ca/Joining-Remaking-Church-Changing-World/dp/0819232114/ref=sr_1_3?crid=2NHGW8KB7L0SQ&keywords=Alan+J+Roxburgh&qid=1687098960&s=books&sprefix=alan+j+roxburgh%2Cstripbooks%2C130&sr=1-3
For Jenny Sinclair:
Website: https://togetherforthecommongood.co.uk/from-jenny-sinclair
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jenny-sinclair-0589783b/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/T4CG
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TogetherForTheCommonGoodUK
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/t4cg_insta/
For John van Sloten:
The Day Metallica Came to Church: Seeing the Everywhere God in Everything (2010)
Every Job a Parable; What Walmart Greeters, Nurses and Astronauts tell us about God (2017)
God Speaks Science: What Neurons, Giant Squid, and Supernovae Reveal About Our Creator (2023)
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Al Roxburgh and Jenny Sinclair talk with Phillip Ullmann about his insights into how our economic systems need to be reordered for the common good. Phillip shares his own personal journey as a business entrepreneur and how “the Bible has opened up to me in the last three years in a way that has blown my mind.” Invited to riff on the “Leaving Egypt” theme, Phillip talks about Egypt by starting with Joseph in the closing chapters of Genesis, recognising parallels to our contemporary unravelling. He continues into the book of Exodus, noting that in “the manna story” and other parts of the narrative, God is saying there is another way to structure our economic system to look after people and the planet.
Phillip Ullmann is a devout Orthodox Jew inspired by the Torah, and a leading social business entrepreneur with a track record of building disruptive business models. His deep knowledge of Scripture fuels his passion for economic reform to serve the interests of people, communities and the natural world. He is Chief Energiser of Cordant Group, the UK’s second largest recruitment and services firm. In 2017, he redefined Cordant as a social business, and in 2020, it was sold to Twenty20 Investors. He then set up Covenant Advisory, an independent consultancy helping businesses on their journey to social purpose. Phillip has an Engineering degree from Cambridge University, an MBA from Brunel and is a qualified Chartered Accountant.
- Links -
For Alan J Roxburgh:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/alanjroxburgh?lang=en
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alan.roxburgh.127/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thecommonsnetwork
Joining God in the Great Unraveling https://www.amazon.ca/Joining-God-Great-Unraveling-Learned/dp/1725288508/ref=sr_1_
Leadership, God’s Agency and Disruptions https://www.amazon.ca/Leadership-Gods-Agency-Disruptions-Confronting/dp/1725271745/ref
Joining God, Remaking Church, Changing the World: The New Shape of the Church in Our Time https://www.amazon.ca/Joining-Remaking-Church-Changing-World/dp/0819232114/ref=sr_1_3?crid=2NHGW8KB7L0SQ&keywords=Alan+J+Roxburgh&qid=1687098960&s=books&sprefix=alan+j+roxburgh%2Cstripbooks%2C130&sr=1-3
For Jenny Sinclair:
Website: https://togetherforthecommongood.co.uk/from-jenny-sinclair
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jenny-sinclair-0589783b/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/T4CG
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TogetherForTheCommonGoodUK
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/t4cg_insta/
For Phillip Ullmann:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/phillipullmann/?originalSubdomain=uk
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@phillipullmann/videos
LinkTree: https://linktr.ee/phillipullmann
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Al Roxburgh and Jenny Sinclair begin their conversation with Xenia Chan by talking about her experience of growing up in an “ethnoburb” of Toronto, Canada. Speaking both Cantonese and English, Xenia then reflects on the unravelling taking place across our societies from the perspective of a Chinese-Canadian doing doctoral studies in Jeremiah and Lamentations. Her PhD is addressing a kind of pastoral angst alongside Jeremiah as she explores the upheaval happening in the Canadian churches. Xenia talks about her experience as a pastor, her personal prayer life, and how she is trying to “restitch” her neighbourhood.
Xenia Chan is the daughter of diaspora settlers from Hong Kong. Having been raised in a Chinese Canadian Protestant church, she has also ministered in different, multi-ethnic contexts in five urban areas. A doctoral student at Wycliffe College, University of Toronto, she is studying the Old Testament. The church plant she is part of, Selah Community Church, brings her much joy and hope. Along with Shu, Bernard, and Jon, Xenia also co-hosts the Canadian Asian Missional Podcast (C.A.M.P.) and some of her writing can be found at her blog, The Space Between (see links below).
- Links -
For Alan J Roxburgh:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/alanjroxburgh?lang=en
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alan.roxburgh.127/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thecommonsnetwork
Joining God in the Great Unraveling https://www.amazon.ca/Joining-God-Great-Unraveling-Learned/dp/1725288508/ref=sr_1_
Leadership, God’s Agency and Disruptions https://www.amazon.ca/Leadership-Gods-Agency-Disruptions-Confronting/dp/1725271745/ref
Joining God, Remaking Church, Changing the World: The New Shape of the Church in Our Time https://www.amazon.ca/Joining-Remaking-Church-Changing-World/dp/0819232114/ref=sr_1_3?crid=2NHGW8KB7L0SQ&keywords=Alan+J+Roxburgh&qid=1687098960&s=books&sprefix=alan+j+roxburgh%2Cstripbooks%2C130&sr=1-3
For Jenny Sinclair:
Website: https://togetherforthecommongood.co.uk/from-jenny-sinclair
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jenny-sinclair-0589783b/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/T4CG
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TogetherForTheCommonGoodUK
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/t4cg_insta/
For Xenia Chan:
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Al Roxburgh and Jenny Sinclair talk with Bill Cavanaugh about how, as Christians, we might understand the shifting and disruption of our times. Bill proposes that rather than reading the signs through the lens of secularisation, we should think in terms of “the migration of the holy”. He contends that the holy has migrated to the immanent categories of contemporary life in, for example, our captivity by money, consumerism, or the big tech oligarchs. In doing so, he gives us a helpful way of engaging the unravelling and understanding the nature of our modern “Egypt”.
William T. Cavanaugh is Professor of Catholic Studies and Director of the Center for World Catholicism and Intercultural Theology at DePaul University in Chicago. A widely-published theologian specialising in political theology and ecclesiology, he is the recipient of the 2023 Cortelyou-Lowery Award. Heavily influenced by working in the slums of Santiago, Chile under the military dictatorship, his work involves mentoring and support for under-resourced scholars and practitioners across the Global South. His work is concerned with the social implications of Catholic social doctrine and the Church’s social and political presence in situations of violence and economic injustice.
- Links -
For Alan J Roxburgh:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/alanjroxburgh?lang=en
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alan.roxburgh.127/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thecommonsnetwork
Joining God in the Great Unraveling https://www.amazon.ca/Joining-God-Great-Unraveling-Learned/dp/1725288508/ref=sr_1_
Leadership, God’s Agency and Disruptions https://www.amazon.ca/Leadership-Gods-Agency-Disruptions-Confronting/dp/1725271745/ref
Joining God, Remaking Church, Changing the World: The New Shape of the Church in Our Time https://www.amazon.ca/Joining-Remaking-Church-Changing-World/dp/0819232114/ref=sr_1_3?crid=2NHGW8KB7L0SQ&keywords=Alan+J+Roxburgh&qid=1687098960&s=books&sprefix=alan+j+roxburgh%2Cstripbooks%2C130&sr=1-3
For Jenny Sinclair:
Website: https://togetherforthecommongood.co.uk/from-jenny-sinclair
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jenny-sinclair-0589783b/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/T4CG
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TogetherForTheCommonGoodUK
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/t4cg_insta/
For William T Cavanaugh:
Torture and Eucharist (1998)
The Myth of Religious Violence (2009)
Migrations of the Holy: Theologies of State and Church (2011)
Field Hospital: The Church’s Engagement with a Wounded World (2016)
The Uses of Idolatry (forthcoming, Oxford UP, 2024)
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Al Roxburgh and Jenny Sinclair talk with Roy Searle about his work in leading Christian communities over many decades. From anabaptist communities to monastic movements like the Northumbria community, Roy has witnessed most of the dynamic shifts in churches across the UK. He is equally at home with existing congregations and pioneers experimenting with ways of participating in the mission of God as current systems of church are going through a time of rapid change. In this wide ranging conversation Roy addresses the unravelling of the churches but, more importantly, points to places where he sees the Spirit is gestating fresh movements of God’s life.
Roy Searle is a companion, and one of the founders, of the Northumbria Community. He also serves as a mentor, spiritual director and worship leader and has worked as a consultant, associate and adviser. His interests include leadership, missiology, new monasticism, Celtic spirituality, and post-Christendom culture. He works ecumenically and has served in various aspects of denominational ministry and is a former President of the Baptist Union of Great Britain. Roy teaches at several colleges and specialises in pioneering and spiritual formation. Roy lives in Northumberland, UK.
- Links -
For Alan J Roxburgh:
X: https://twitter.com/alanjroxburgh?lang=en
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alan.roxburgh.127/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thecommonsnetwork
Joining God in the Great Unraveling https://www.amazon.ca/Joining-God-Great-Unraveling-Learned/dp/1725288508/ref=sr_1_
Leadership, God’s Agency and Disruptions https://www.amazon.ca/Leadership-Gods-Agency-Disruptions-Confronting/dp/1725271745/ref
Joining God, Remaking Church, Changing the World: The New Shape of the Church in Our Time https://www.amazon.ca/Joining-Remaking-Church-Changing-World/dp/0819232114/ref=sr_1_3?crid=2NHGW8KB7L0SQ&keywords=Alan+J+Roxburgh&qid=1687098960&s=books&sprefix=alan+j+roxburgh%2Cstripbooks%2C130&sr=1-3
For Jenny Sinclair:
Website: https://togetherforthecommongood.co.uk/from-jenny-sinclair
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jenny-sinclair-0589783b/
X: https://twitter.com/T4CG
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TogetherForTheCommonGoodUK
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/t4cg_insta/
For Roy Searle:
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