The Voices of Risk Management is the premier podcast that gives listeners a 30 minute peek into the minds of Risk and Insurance leaders. Every episode, a new guest will be telling their stories of heroics, hard conversations, and just dumb luck. Join us as we take a deep dive into the world of risk management!
Are you the owner of an accounting firm? Do you want to make your firm more profitable? Are you interested in providing Virtual CFO services to clients?Dedicated to perfecting Virtual CFO Services since our inception in 2002, Summit CPA Group, now Summit Virtual CFO Services by Anders, serves as Virtual CFOs for over 100 clients throughout North America. While most accounting firms focus on the past, our Virtual CFO team focuses on the future. This podcast seeks to help accounting firm owners like you learn how to provide successful Virtual CFO Services and become profitable. Tune in bi-weekly as our hosts Tom Wadelton, Virtual CFO, and Adam Hale, Partner at Anders CPAs + Advisors, interview industry-leading experts to share knowledge, as well as Adam’s experience acquired from more than 20 years as the lead provider of Virtual CFO services in North America. We'll answer some of the most common questions like how do I provide accounting services virtually? What's it like running a distributed team? And much, much more.
Oferta y demanda
Bienvenidos a "Pensar en Voz Alta", un espacio desarrollado y conducido por el consultor internacional en estrategia y comunicación, Thony Da Silva Romero, CEO y Managing Partner de la firma PIZZOLANTE, dedicado a compartir reflexiones y contenidos que pretenden aportan a la delicada tarea de gestionar intangibles en favor de la reputación y sostenibilidad empresarial.
Agregamos valor a las personas que se desempeñan como supervisores, gerentes y líderes en las organizaciones.
Una conversación abierta con líderes y profesionales que trabajan por hacer crecer el impacto positivo del sector empresarial en América Latina. Conducido por miembros del liderazgo de PIZZOLANTE, firma de consultoría gerencial especializada en estrategia y comunicación empresarial, cada episodio trae a un invitado que nos habla, desde su conocimiento y experiencia, sobre los retos de hacer empresa, sus aprendizajes, logros y visión de futuro.
Es una breve descripción de cómo podemos llegar a una gestión empresarial exitosa.
Are you a CMO, business owner or digital marketing professional?
Of Record is your weekly listen for what’s happening in the digital media space. We’ll cover the latest with Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and other rising players in the digital space.
We discuss breaking platform changes and updates with a marketer's eye to keep you current and provide analysis on how those changes will impact you and your profession.
Subscribe to our podcast and you'll even catch the occasional deep dive consultation with special guests from the business, non-profit or government space. You’ll hear a behind the scenes conversation from real organizations facing modern-day challenges.
These conversations are a great opportunity for marketers to understand the challenges faced by diverse industries, hear some new ideas for their own clients or organizations, and get the latest scoop in the fast-paced and ever-changing digital media realm.
Of Record is hosted by digital media practitioners Matt Farrar and Joe Clements. Matt and Joe are co-founders of a successful digital media firm in Tallahassee, Florida. They have placed millions of dollars in digital ad buys for their clients and pride themselves on being experts in their digital media craft. -
Podcast sobre habilidades socioemocionais focado na inteligência emocional
How can we reduce carbon emissions and accelerate to net zero by 2050? This channel explores the latest trends and insights on sustainable finance, outlining how we are supporting clients in the transition towards a more sustainable and inclusive future.
Liderando la transformación digital, un podcast de RaDigital sobre tendencias, casos, tipos y más descubrimientos del apasionante mundo de la transformación digital.
El objetivo de de RaDigital es fomentar, impulsar y ayudar a profesionales y líderes empresariales a poner en marcha con éxito la transformación digital de las empresas -
Analizando Oferta, demanda y elasticidad en la empresa LatAm.
It's about short motivational stories
Conocimiento para agentes de seguro.
Entrevistas a personas como tú y como yo donde hablamos de temas tabú en los lugares de trabajo. Si quieres participar envía un correo a [email protected]
¿Qué es cultura organizacional y clima organización? ¿Por qué es importante?
La AMBICIÓN, que gran palabra,no? Tenemos un buen concepto de ella? Acompañame en este nuevo episodio y verás mi punto de vista sobre ella.
Espacio conversacional destinado al encuentro y debates de temas relacionados con prácticas y procesos de inteligencia organizacional en el ámbito empresarial, institucional y personal