Light activations support the release of toxicity in all its forms. This particular activation gently opens the space of the physical body so that the older stored information which is no longer relevant can be released, allowing your true essence to shine through.
Receive this powerful light-language activation to support a graceful time of change – helping to ground and anchor the light within yourself and to the planet.
The heart is a powerful signalling centre, sending direct messages to the Universe/Source. These messages are always heard and always answered. There is a continuous energetic exchange through our feelings, thoughts and awareness – these are our prayers to the universe.
Many people are asking for change, searching for solutions, wishing to find a new way of being in response to the things they see as wrong with the world currently. All of these echo out into the cosmos. The heart sends the strongest wave of communication and so learning to be in the heart-space anchors you in your power and supports clearer communication with All.
Episodi mancanti?
Make time to be quiet and simply be with yourself without trying to do anything, or fix anything – simply Be, and gently observe. Discover the sacred space of your own gentle self-inquiry. Have compassion for yourself in this process of personal transformation.
You came here to be You. Everything is a process of finding you and peeling back the layers of everything which is not you. But first you must accept yourself, and where you are at, as everything is perfect – even when it doesn’t feel or look that way.
You are experiencing an ongoing journey of letting go and awakening. It is not a race as you are exactly where you need to be. There is deep power within you and hidden depths to explore. Space is the answer and so prioritise and nourish the kind of space which supports the true you of you.
You don’t need fixing as you’re not broken. Access your innate guiding wisdom and trust yourself.
How often do you create space for you to simply Be? Creating sacred space can be incredibly nourishing and important on this journey of transformation. Plug into an infinite source of replenishing energy for support, and connect with deeper parts of yourself. Make a shift in perspective and connect to a calming inner light where greater peace is obtainable.
When in a high state of anxiety many of the functions of the body are compromised. The knock on effect of accumulating stress is devastating. It is essential to create a space for personal change where you discover true inner peace. Learn to create a space of compassion and grace, a sacred space away from judgement, denying, avoiding or fixing.
Learn to make choices which support the true you of you and see where your energy goes and how much power you take back.
Learn how to elevate your frequency, and receive a light-language transmission to bring more balance to your life.
Things which are ripe for change may start to show up more frequently. The more light you receive and integrate, the less effort required. Value yourself by creating space to celebrate your authentic nature.
No matter where you are on your journey, simply bring in more light energy. There’s no such thing as too much positive light when in the process of personal transformation. Your own inner guiding wisdom and intelligence is supporting you into superposition.
People love to be in control. It helps us to believe we are safe: safe in familiar patterns and habits, safe in our comfort zone. When we become uprooted, we feel unstable, unassured and uncertain.
A greater sense of overall security and safety will develop through the awakening process. We are in a time of immense personal and global change, and need to create more sustainable roots, which do not rely on others or things that are outside of ourselves. Power and resilience comes from within and not from the systems of old which now inevitably break down as we welcome the new.
This grounded way of being has its roots in self-assurance, authenticity and self-belief. When we learn to surrender and let go of our victim state, we can connect to the collective navigation system which helps to guide us through this time of change. Each of us has an internal guiding system which can help us make the right decisions through a heart-centred authentic awareness. Our collective heart-centred guiding system is coming online through this awakening process.
Take some time to acknowledge your own intuitive wisdom. Be honest with yourself. Witness your own self-honesty. Follow your own guidance and inner wisdom. Gently, with love and compassion, observe yourself as you reclaim your power.
Finding the space to really connect with yourself can be challenging in this busy world. At this awakening time we need space to process the incoming energies; to reset, recalibrate and recode.
Learning to process these deep inner changes requires a level of surrender. Trust that there is guidance to support you, rather than overthinking and ruminating. We all have access to our own guiding team and supporting networks of light. But we must make the time and create the space to build a relationship where we trust this inner guidance – and trust ourselves to receive it when we need it.
Much rest is required through this deep process of transformation. Your bed can become a temple of light to help you release and recharge. This is sacred work and you deserve your own temple, a special place where you are safe to let go and make the changes you want to make.
Go to bed! Deep and important work takes place when you rest, and sleep.
We have created a whole library of audio support for you to listen to from your own temple of light. Whilst you rest and sleep your unconscious mind will cleverly make use of these audio transmissions, guiding you to release and recode in a way which is not possible whilst you are awake and busy. We call them Beditations – bedtime meditations where you don’t have to do anything but fall asleep whilst listening. How much easier could it be!
Find our Beditations here:
www.tracyholloway.com/transmissions -
Being at peace with ourselves can be challenging. We may wish to be generous, full of love, open-hearted, positive and flowing with grace but in reality, when triggered it is not always like this – and that’s OK!
We are collectively in a transitionary period, moving through a process of awakening which will incrementally lead into a clear and peaceful place.
As our energy body expands in the light we become more aware of what we can and can’t handle, what we can no longer tolerate or what is no longer useful in our life. We start to see we have a choice in how we show up, what we tolerate and whether to be at peace, or not. The choices and decisions we make in tune with our true authentic nature set us free from the conditioning and obligations which do not serve us.
When we give ourselves permission to make changes that support our true self we remain in peace, regardless of what is going on in the world around us.
There are opportunities for transformation in every moment of every day as we adjust our perceptions, beliefs and attitudes.
Change comes from within. This video supports your inner work and will help you bring in more light. Come into your heart space to support yourself through this time of change. Light language can help you drop into your heart more easily and release old conditioning. It will also help elevate your frequency, be more grounded and experience reality differently.
These potent energies are always available to you, they are within you. Remember the power you have through your heart's connection, tune in to the energies around you and build an authentic relationship with yourself and the external world.
Loosen the conditioned layers of the past and connect with your own innate guiding wisdom and intelligence so you are empowered to be the change.
Do you want to rise in power and create a new world? What choices will you make? What are you prepared to accept, or ready to let go of? The process can be stressful and challenging as you learn to align with your guiding inner wisdom.
Take charge of your creation of reality, it’s time to clear the way. Within every human being there are old out-dated narratives which are now changing and we are experiencing this change personally and collectively.
The awakening process involves a shift in frequencies. As we move into the heart space we come into alignment, into harmony with our planet and become the foundation of a new more evolved way of being. From this centred place we can have greater clarity. Recognise the process of change and learn to let go and surrender into the flow. Together we become the foundation of a New Earth.
Can you feel the intense energies at the moment? Would you like to simply observe instead of attaching narratives to your feelings? Discover a deeper inner power and hold space in the present.
Beyond the restrictive narrative of what we have been conditioned to believe, there is an awakening authentic nature present to all that is. Shift from the old conditioned responses and into the powerful being you came here to be.
As we let go more of who we are not, and become more focused on who we are, we can let go of the past and reveal the true radiant light within.
We welcome you into the process of self-actualisation. If you are ready to truly evolve and be who you came here to be, discovering the treasures within you, then NOW is the time. This is an incredible time to be alive on this planet.
We are moving through a process of change together: the planetary shift occurs within us as well as around us. Through this huge transformational time a metamorphosis takes place. Collectively we are shifting our perceptions and turning the tide, taking back our power and coming home.
The power we have is in the choices we make; every thought, belief, attitude, and the narratives we interact with shape our reality. It’s time to become aware of the power we have as creators of reality.
You may feel that now is the time to look a little deeper into any conflicting or self-sabotaging patterns you hold and work with them effectively. This series of potent seminar/broadcasts will assist you to address this and more, and you will be shown the process for deep inner work.
If you decide that this is the right time for you, then this is what we will be covering:
Fragmentation – What is it?The Heart’s True Power – Assisting the journey of Transformation.Your Call.The feelings of betrayal and separation from truth.The Stories – Releasing these.The journey into wholeness – integration and remembering the truth.Discover:
The parts which get lost, are hiding, or denied – and how to retrieve them.The parts who feel dead, or are perceived to be dead.The parts who never want to be found.The parts who play the role of protector.The parts who disassociate and find power from being awkward.The parts who never find their power.The parts who are broken, and/or have been abused.The parts who fear that if they are retrieved they will cause trouble/damage/or the world will end.The parts who can’t accept what has happened.The parts who deny they exist, think they are fake, or believe they aren’t real.The parts who died in an accident, though you carried on living.The parts who died in surgery, or through birth (your birth/or giving birth).The parts who can’t forgive, won’t forget and resist being given the opportunity.The parts who never want to do anything ever again – no matter what.The parts who don’t want you to see their pain, or feel anything ever again.The parts who sabotage you, and can’t let you move on for fear of what might happen.This and more will be covered and you will be given a deep and powerful opportunity to work with the transformational process of integration within an energy transmission which will support you to let go fully, should you wish to.
This necessary part of the awakening process will gift you more than you can imagine. You will be able to let go of a great deal, and integrate a huge amount of information which may not have been accessible until now.
5 minutes per day to super charge your life!
Daily audio nuggets to support your personal journey of transformation. Unique transmissions, connecting you ever more deeply with the powerful energies of this transformative time.
Feel inspired, uplifted and deeply nourished each day.
Restorative recalibrations to assist you to flow harmoniously and navigate your way through changing and sometimes challenging times, naturally supporting the process of planetary awakening.
When you've completed each 21 day series, you can benefit further by experiencing the 30 minutes, eyes-closed Integration Process.
5 minutes per day to super charge your life!
Daily audio nuggets to support your personal journey of transformation. Unique transmissions, connecting you ever more deeply with the powerful energies of this transformative time.
Feel inspired, uplifted and deeply nourished each day.
Restorative recalibrations to assist you to flow harmoniously and navigate your way through changing and sometimes challenging times, naturally supporting the process of planetary awakening.
When you've completed each 21 day series, you can benefit further by experiencing the 30 minutes, eyes-closed Integration Process.
5 minutes per day to super charge your life!
Daily audio nuggets to support your personal journey of transformation. Unique transmissions, connecting you ever more deeply with the powerful energies of this transformative time.
Feel inspired, uplifted and deeply nourished each day.
Restorative recalibrations to assist you to flow harmoniously and navigate your way through changing and sometimes challenging times, naturally supporting the process of planetary awakening.
When you've completed each 21 day series, you can benefit further by experiencing the 30 minutes, eyes-closed Integration Process.
5 minutes per day to super charge your life!
Daily audio nuggets to support your personal journey of transformation. Unique transmissions, connecting you ever more deeply with the powerful energies of this transformative time.
Feel inspired, uplifted and deeply nourished each day.
Restorative recalibrations to assist you to flow harmoniously and navigate your way through changing and sometimes challenging times, naturally supporting the process of planetary awakening.
When you've completed each 21 day series, you can benefit further by experiencing the 30 minutes, eyes-closed Integration Process.
5 minutes per day to super charge your life!
Daily audio nuggets to support your personal journey of transformation. Unique transmissions, connecting you ever more deeply with the powerful energies of this transformative time.
Feel inspired, uplifted and deeply nourished each day.
Restorative recalibrations to assist you to flow harmoniously and navigate your way through changing and sometimes challenging times, naturally supporting the process of planetary awakening.
When you've completed each 21 day series, you can benefit further by experiencing the 30 minutes, eyes-closed Integration Process.
5 minutes per day to super charge your life!
Daily audio nuggets to support your personal journey of transformation. Unique transmissions, connecting you ever more deeply with the powerful energies of this transformative time.
Feel inspired, uplifted and deeply nourished each day.
Restorative recalibrations to assist you to flow harmoniously and navigate your way through changing and sometimes challenging times, naturally supporting the process of planetary awakening.
When you've completed each 21 day series, you can benefit further by experiencing the 30 minutes, eyes-closed Integration Process.
5 minutes per day to super charge your life!
Daily audio nuggets to support your personal journey of transformation. Unique transmissions, connecting you ever more deeply with the powerful energies of this transformative time.
Feel inspired, uplifted and deeply nourished each day.
Restorative recalibrations to assist you to flow harmoniously and navigate your way through changing and sometimes challenging times, naturally supporting the process of planetary awakening.
When you've completed each 21 day series, you can benefit further by experiencing the 30 minutes, eyes-closed Integration Process.
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