
  • If you need a miracle, and it’s not coming, I want to encourage you to shift your thinking and— just maybe— see something “new” in this talk.

    30 times we see “healing” in the New Testament, it refers to a supernatural in-breaking of Heaven.

    40 times it doesn’t.

    Well, it doesn’t AND it does…


    There are two different concepts presented throughout the Bible, both working TOGETHER and not separately. And, when we see how they fit, what they do, and what it all means practically…

    Well, listen in.

    Because whether or not the miracle comes, you can begin walking healing today. Even supernaturally so.



    Links for this talk

    Take the free mini-course on healing = www.Jenkins.tv/FGH 

    Claim your book = just $7 = www.Jenkins.tv/THW70 

    Note the course is available at www.Jenkins.tv/THW 

  • Some people believe that if you don’t have enough faith, the miracle won’t— it can’t— come. They teach that, if you think about it, faith is the strongest force in the universe— even mightier than God Himself.

    “That’s why you’re not healed,” they proclaim (often with an annoying degree of confidence)— “you don’t have enough faith.”


    Here are two problems with that line of thinking…

    👉 First, it places an emotional and spiritual burden on the person NEEDING the healing that Jesus never put on them.

    👉Second, when we look in the Bible we see that not only was faith NOT a requirement for healing, sometimes people didn’t have any faith at all… and, other times, they “borrowed” a friend’s faith they didn’t even know they were drafting upon… and, there are times when Jesus just showed up and healed people who didn’t even know how He was.


    Needing a miracle but think you struck out because of your low faith quotient…?

    Listen in…



    Links for this talk

    Take the free mini-course on healing = www.Jenkins.tv/FGH 

    Claim your book = just $7 = www.Jenkins.tv/THW70 

    Note the course is available at www.Jenkins.tv/THW 

  • Episodi mancanti?

    Fai clic qui per aggiornare il feed.

  • Many times we don’t know why we’re sick, injured, or ill…

    … and it’s easy to blame God.

    When we do, we actually place things on Him that we don’t see attributable to Him from the Bible.

    It makes sense that we do this— on one hand. Quite simply, when we’re facing something difficult we want (we NEED) answers.


    If God causes people to be sick… then why go to the doctor to change it?

    Or if he brings illness to “teach us a lesson,” then why not just endure the lesson?

    Or if it’s His will for us to be sick, why pray against it?

    A better way…

    … not easier, but maybe better…

    … is to just lean in and see what the Scripture actually says about it… and then start building a mental framework from there.

    As we move into a new (short) series of talks on physical healing, that’s where we begin— getting our thinking right about whether or not God caused this calamity in the first place.



    Links for this talk

    Take the free mini-course on healing = www.Jenkins.tv/FGH 

    Claim your book = just $7 = www.Jenkins.tv/THW70 

    Note the course is available at www.Jenkins.tv/THW 

  • Somebody asked me a few weeks ago, “Why do you teach natural health?”

    And, “Why teach practical stuff alongside the spiritual…?”


    By that, they meant something like this: “You teach grace and healing… why do we need natural health if we have supernatural power available to us?”

    It’s a great question. 


    The sarcastic reply would be, “Why do you need doctors and Western medicine if we have supernatural power available? Whereas ‘church people’ seem hesitant to venture into the natural health waters for fear that they’ll contract ‘new age’ demons, few of them give a second thought about rushing to the doc in the box, big pharma, or invasive surgeries…”

    Why do you need THAT if you have supernatural power?

    The honest reply, though, the sincere one that penetrates the heart… and loves deeply… and is THE RIGHT answer (I believe) is multifaceted:

    👉 First, we have far more control over our health than we’ve been taught. We’re not victims of the genome- as if some of us got a good shake at the DNA-lottery and others of us didn’t. Science is showing, more and more, that we have far more power than we thought.

    👉 Second, Jesus taught- and empowered His disciples- with natural health info. In other words, natural health isn’t a new idea; it’s been around a long, long time. 

    👉 Third, according to the New Testament, natural health is as much a part of what Jesus came to do as supernatural healing.

    I know. That last one sounds odd. And I’ll have to back it up…



    You see, every day we have the power to “choose life.” With our words. In our finances. In our relationships. In how we respond to various situations. And in our health… 

    We see two different words for healing in the New Testament, predominantly…

    Understanding why different are words used is important as we begin a healing ministry- or even as we seek healing.

    👉 Iaomai- means “miraculous” and “instantaneous” healing. This is how we most often envision Jesus healing, though this word only appears 30 times in the New Testament. (See examples in Matthew 8:13, Mark 5:29, Luke 8:47, John 12:40.)

    👉 Therapeuo- means “to serve, to attend to, or to wait upon menially” and “to heal gradually over time with care.” This word appears 40 times in the Bible- a bit more than the instant cures we usually associate with miracles. (Matthew 4:23-24, Mark 1:34, Mark 6:13, Luke 5:15, Acts 5:16, Acts 8:7, Revelation 22:2.)



    … these work for emotional wholeness as well as physical health.

    Listen in…



    Important links

    💜 The “best of” Soul Wholeness audio course = FREE at www.Jenkins.tv/best 

    💜 The free PTSD self-check = www.Jenkins.tv/PTSD 

    💜 Free Soul Wholeness paperback = http://www.Jenkins.tv/FSW 

    💜 The Soul Wholeness video course = www.Jenkins.tv/SWV 

  • A few years ago, I found myself sitting in a nearby coffee shop.

    (I find myself in places like that a lot.)

    As I finished typing a chapter for a project I was completing, I stared out the oversized storefront window next to my table. Outside, the day was perfect. It wasn’t one of those dreary, grey-colored days that makes you feel foggy.

    Yet, as a closed the computer (without turning it off, of course), I thought, “I’m really tired.”

    Inside, something was brewing. Something wasn’t quite right…


    I looked back outside. Sometimes the weather makes me feel tired, as if my body mimics what happens in the environment. Clearly, this wasn’t that, though.

    “Why am I tired?” I pondered. “I went to bed last night around 8pm, watched a movie, and then slept 10 full hours. This doesn’t make sense…”

    Then I thought about the bigger life situation in which I found myself. I looked at my phone (always on, right?) and re-read the previous few text messages. A once-close companion had drawn a sword against me. I realized I wasn’t tired as I sat there in the coffee shop, I was depressed…

    And, no, I might not have met the clinical definition such that a professional could diagnose, treat, and prescribe me, but I was clearly down…

    Now, get this, depression and tiredness often mirror each other. In other words…

    #1- Depression can make you feel tired.

    #2- Being tired can make you feel like you’re depressed.


    In this episode of the podcast we talk about FOUR more signs you might be about to emotionally redline it…

    The story above…? It highlights the second to the last…

    Here are the others…

    💔 You feel sickish or sluggish for no reason.

    💔 You’re “short” or snippy.

    💔 You feel depressed or down, and you can’t figure out why.

    💔 You’ve recently endured trauma or “hard things.”

    Listen in, then… for action steps you can take now towards wholeness, reference the free resources below….



    Important links

    💜 The “best of” Soul Wholeness audio course = FREE at www.Jenkins.tv/best 

    💜 The free PTSD self-check = www.Jenkins.tv/PTSD 

    💜 Free Soul Wholeness paperback = http://www.Jenkins.tv/FSW 

    💜 The Soul Wholeness video course = www.Jenkins.tv/SWV 

  • In music, the rests are as important as the notes you play. Life is the same way.

    There’s a definite beat to Creation that works well for us when we embrace it.

    We discussed this in the previous episode…

    🌎 The created order is built on a rhythm of “off” and “on.” We’re designed for bursts of work and pauses for rests.

    🌎 Part of living a life of balance means there are definite times of Sabbath and rest, those moments of complete OFF.)

    In this talk we begin highlighting five signs you *might be living out of rhythm.

    The first… is somewhat odd (at first glance)…


    Sign #1 of 5 = You can’t get quiet, don’t want to be alone, etc.





    Important links

    💜 The “best of” Soul Wholeness audio course = FREE at www.Jenkins.tv/best 

    💜 The free PTSD self-check = www.Jenkins.tv/PTSD 

    💜 Free Soul Wholeness paperback = http://www.Jenkins.tv/FSW 

    💜 The Soul Wholeness video course = www.Jenkins.tv/SWV  

  • If you’re like me, you consider your day to begin when you wake up in the morning. Right before you— if you’re like me— prep that coffee. Or, if you stayed up to midnight, you may look at your watch and think, “Oh, gee… it’s already tomorrow… a new day. I’ve got to get in bed.”

    We’ve programmed ourselves to think of our days as "daylight first” and “nighttime second.” We get up to start the day; we go to bed to end it.


    Turns out, that’s backwards. Creation doesn’t begin each new day’s clock with the sun. Creation begins with the moon.

    If you go all the way back to the beginning of the Bible, back to the very first page, you find the story. There, we read a refrain over and over and over again. It’s so common you may have never noticed it before. I guarantee you, though, once you see it, you’ll never forget it.

    Here it is: “There was evening and then morning, the ________ day.”

    We find the phrase six times (Genesis 1:5,8,13,19,23,31):

    🌙☀️ Evening and then morning

    🌙☀️ Dark and then day

    🌙☀️ Rest and then work

    🌙☀️ Pause and then play

    🌙☀️ Off and then on


    In God’s rhythm of Creation, days began with dark, not light. They began with the moon in the sky, not the sun. They began with sleep, not work. They began with rest, not activity.

    That’s the rhythm of Creation.

    From the beginning, the new day began when the sun dropped, at sundown. That was the sign of a new day, the rest. The rest came first.


    What does it mean for us…?

    And what does it mean for soul health, emotional wholeness, and living fully present?

    That’s the topic of our discussion here…



    Important links

    💜 The “best of” Soul Wholeness audio course = FREE at www.Jenkins.tv/best 

    💜 The free PTSD self-check = www.Jenkins.tv/PTSD 

    💜 Free Soul Wholeness paperback = http://www.Jenkins.tv/FSW 

    💜 The Soul Wholeness video course = www.Jenkins.tv/SWV  

  • In our culture we value productivity…

    … not the pause.

    But, the pauses are often part of the productivity. And, they’re how we find healing, renewal, and the energy to move forward.


    If you’ve own a cell phone (I know, the technical name is mobile phone, now, and everybody has one), you’ve probably had unresolvable issues with it, called tech support, and then heard them tell you something like, “Alright, do this for me. Let’s perform something called a hard reset. We’re going to completely power the thing down, wait a few moments, and then start it back up.”

    They always promise something that seems absurd for such a simple task as turning the phone off: “That should fix it.”

    Generally, they’re right. It does.


    Now, here’s where it fits in with US…

    … The more trips I make around the sun the more I realize we’re exactly like those machines. In order to “work right” we’ve got to pause, too.

    That is, you’ve got to power off…

    … and that’s where fun comes in….



    Important links

    💜 The “best of” Soul Wholeness audio course = FREE at www.Jenkins.tv/best 

    💜 The free PTSD self-check = www.Jenkins.tv/PTSD 

    💜 Free Soul Wholeness paperback = http://www.Jenkins.tv/FSW 

    💜 The Soul Wholeness video course = www.Jenkins.tv/SWV  

  • Unlocking your purpose changes everything. And, I believe your purpose is found in the area of your supernatural gifting… a topic we’ve been dissecting and discussing on the podcast for the past 4+ episodes).


    … as much as we’d like to “jump ahead” and “get it done,” we can’t just go from “here” to “there” without the proper foundation.

    More important that any of the “purpose” you’ll do is walking with an awareness of who you are and who your Heavenly Father sees you as…

    As you live from that, walking in His presence, your gifts overflow, spilling onto the world around you.


    In the LifeLift framework we talk about “three keys” to find your purpose…

    🔑 #1 = Instructional Obedience.

    🔑 #2 = Natural Talents + Created Design.

    🔑 #3 = Supernatural Giftedness.

    Here’s the overview…


    🔑 #1 = Instructional Obedience.

    Scripture outlines several components which are clearly "the will of God."

    Many people want to find God's will for them in terms of vocation and calling, as well as relationships and opportunities before them.
And, a lot of people are looking for "next level revelation." 

    However, it's important to begin at the areas where God has already clearly spoken.

    Everything else flows from here.

    (And, note, God can— and will— use our past experiences and pain points in this area to help us connect with others, then walk them towards healing and wholeness also. There’s no shame in the Kingdom— only connection and redemption.)


    🔑 #2 = Natural Talents + Created Design.

    Whereas the directives God outlines for us in the written Word are radically similar for each of us, the way in which He created us is dramatically different.

    Our natural birth-- and everything that comes "with the package" of us just being born-- highlights part of God's design for our lives.

    When we unlock our Created Design, so much more begins to flow.


    🔑 #3 = Supernatural Giftedness.

    We've been born physically (meaning we're flesh) and we've been born spiritually (meaning we're also spirit).

    In part 3 of the LifeLift Framework we learn that the Holy Spirit also brings spiritual gifts into our lives-- unique ways in which God actively moves through us to impact the world.

    Discovering this area of supernatural giftedness IS your third key to unlock your purpose.



    All three work together…

    The three keys each work together, creating a synergistic effect in which the sum is far greater than the parts.

    Furthermore, you already hold each of these keys in your hand. You don't need to look for something new. You simply need to use what God has already offered you...



    Links for this talk =

    📗 tell us where to ship your free LifeLift book = www.Jenkins.tv/free 

    📔 Purpose = www.Jenkins.tv/purpose 

    ✏️ take the 7-minute spiritual gifts Q&A, and discover how God uniquely empowers you to do something that far exceeds your natural, human capacity and function at the level of Heaven = www.Jenkins.tv/assessment-spiritual-gifts 

    🔥 access the on-demand, online course = www.jenkins.tv/lifelift-200 

  • For the past few talks we’ve been working through the topic of “spiritual gifts” (even though, as we discussed in talk #1 of the series, that term doesn’t actually appear in the New Testament— something more powerful and insightful does, instead).

    There are FOUR misconceptions people have about these “spiritual gifts” (re-listen to installment #1 of the series for a better understanding of what these gifts are). In this episode we want to walk through each of those…

    Here’s what you need to know:

    ❌ Supernatural “gifts” and natural talents are NOT the same.

    You receive your talents at your “first birth” (read: natural birth) and your spiritual gifts at your “second birth” (read: born again). For sure, you may “work” on both…

    … but the originating point is different.

    And, yes, they may “work together,” because the same God who created you IS the same God who redeems you.


    ❌ Supernatural “gifts” are not the same as title, rank, or position…

    Sometimes, you see people with a business card that says APOSTLE or PROPHET or whatever…

    For a season, I attended a church in which they swore— and actually called themselves— a “fivefold ministry.”

    Problem is…

    None of those leaders were. They simply gave themselves the title.

    Sometimes, the titles sync-up with the gifts; other times they don’t. They’re not the same.

    You can be gifted— and your gifts work— even IF you don’t have the position. So, don’t WAIT for a position in order to fulfill your purpose. Begin walking in it…

    Your gifts, as Proverbs says, always “make room” for you (Proverbs 18:16).


    ❌ Supernatural “gifts” are not confined to the four walls of a church building-- or even an “organized religious system” like we have today.

    People are beginning to think differently.

    They're beginning to wonder what you've perhaps thought all along...

    👉 If God "so loved the world..." (John 3:16), wouldn't it make sense that He sends people INTO the world to reach the world rather that just waiting for them to come to church?

    👉 If Jesus really meant "as the Father sent Me, so I also send you" (John 20:21), wouldn't that mean that we also get called into the world, away from the "home base" of  the sanctuary? 


    👉 If Adam was called to "work Creation" before the Fall, might also work be a sacred calling, rather than a curse (Genesis 2)?

    I think so…

    (In the previous talk we noted that God can gift you to do ANYTHING He desires… so, don’t confine Him to a tidy box.)


    ❌ Supernatural “gifts” are not instances in which the Spirit “takes over” your natural faculties such that you have no control.

    When a demon takes over a person, that person “loses control.” But, the Holy Spirit always allows us to stay in complete control of who we are. In other words, we co-labor with God when He chooses to do something TO us, then work THROUGH us, in order to reach TO others…


    Links for this talk =

    📗 tell us where to ship your free LifeLift book = www.Jenkins.tv/free 

    ✏️ take the 7-minute spiritual gifts Q&A, and discover how God uniquely empowers you to do something that far exceeds your natural, human capacity and function at the level of Heaven = www.Jenkins.tv/assessment-spiritual-gifts 

    🔥 access the on-demand, online course = www.jenkins.tv/lifelift-200 

  • The first time we see someone “clothed” with the Holy Spirit to do something on God’s behalf— at the capacity of Heaven— is found in Exodus 31:2-5. Oddly enough, it’s NOT a reference to God gifting Moses to speak, to set His people free, to lead them through the Red Sea (even though we know God was present in each of those moments).


    “See, I have chosen Bezalel… and I have filled him with the Spirit of God, with wisdom, with understanding, with knowledge and with all kinds of skills— to make artistic designs for work in gold, silver, and bronze, to cut and set stones, to work in wood, and to engage in all kinds of crafts…”



    If you know the story, you recognize this as the moment God set the craftsman aside to build the Tabernacle. That is, the first time a person was “filled with the Spirit” to “minister” (read: serve) it was not a preacher or a musician… but a metalworker.

    In other words…

    If we thought God was confined to specific professions or trades, to specific activities or duties— as if some things were included in His domain and other things were excluded— we need to rethink. We’re thinking too small.


    There’s no arena that exists outside the realm of God’s reach. Colossians 1:16-17 reminds us that “all things in Heaven and earth, seen and unseens… are created through Him and for Him.”

    And that includes our daily work, whatever we do.


    In fact, we used to refer to “what we do” as a vocation— as something reminiscent of “vocal” or calling. It’s as if we KNEW that you could be LED intuitively towards something.

    And, that sort of belief system finds solid footing in Scripture.



    As we move forward from the 9 “gifts of the spirit” we discussed in the previous talk, we work through more. And, we see that God might gift His children to—

    ⚙️ create new things

    🪩 dance

    🎨 draw or paint

    📐 organize or administrate

    🛠️ mechanically fix or build

    🎵 musically bless others

    ✏️ write and communicate

    🔥 do anything else where we see his supernatural empowerment…




    Passages referenced in this talk where gifts are mentioned in the New Testament:

    1 Corinthians 12:1-11

    Ephesians 4:11-12

    Romans 12:6-8

    1 Peter 4:8-11

    Exodus 31:2-5


    Links for this talk =

    📗 tell us where to ship your free LifeLift book = www.Jenkins.tv/free 

    ✏️ take the 7-minute spiritual gifts Q&A, and discover how God uniquely empowers you to do something that far exceeds your natural, human capacity and function at the level of Heaven = www.Jenkins.tv/assessment-spiritual-gifts 

    🔥 access the on-demand, online course = www.jenkins.tv/lifelift-200 

  • A few years ago I was in a church service when the visiting preacher, at the very end of his message, locked eyes with me, and began talking. To be clear, in front of everyone, he directed his statements towards me.

    They were clear.

    They were concise.

    They were spoken in front of everyone— so all the people attending that morning could hear exactly what he said.

    They were laced with grace.


    The VAST majority of the things he said to me were facts there’s no way he would have known— unless I told him or unless God did. And though there was nothing “new” or revelatory about the words he spoke, he succinctly confirmed some of the musings of my heart.

    I told a friend about this story and he asked, “Why would God tell you THROUGH him? Why didn’t God just tell you directly?”

    The thing is…

    … well…

    God had. God had told me multiple times.

    But, when that men spoke, it really confirmed in my heart that I HAD BEEN hearing the voice of my Heavenly Father all along, because He went out of His way to tell someone who had NO OTHER WAY of knowing…

    … except for God told him.

    And He told that man to speak to me.


    Now, think about it…

    Yes, we find stories in the Bible where God shows up “out of nowhere” and does something. He sends ravens to feed Elijah (1 Kings 17:2f.). He speaks to the prophet Balaam through a talking donkey (Numbers 22:21f.). Peter pays the temple tax after Jesus tells him to catch a fish— and the coins are in the fish’s mouth (Matthew 17:24f.).

    Yes, God can do whatever He wants.

    But, most of the time…

    … even 99.9999% of the time…

    He works THROUGH people to touch other people.


    And that’s part of the point of the spiritual gifts (remember, as we discussed in the previous talk, that word doesn’t actually appear in the New Testament per se). They are a means whereby God— at the capacity of Heaven— works THROUGH people to reach TO other people.

    That is, we become conduits, connectors… to the Kingdom.


    Listen in as we walk through the first nine “gifts of the spirit” that Paul mentions in 1 Corinthians 12:8-11.




    Links for this talk =

    ✏️ take the 7-minute spiritual gifts Q&A, and discover how God uniquely empowers you to do something that far exceeds your natural, human capacity and function at the level of Heaven = www.Jenkins.tv/assessment-spiritual-gifts 

    📗 tell us where to ship your free LifeLift book = www.Jenkins.tv/free 

    🔥 access the on-demand, online course = www.jenkins.tv/lifelift-200 

    💙 The Healing Workshop  = www.Jenkins.tv/THW 

  • A few years ago I revisited a book my Dad wrote 20+ years ago, re-drafted it, and then re-published it. In the process I learned a TON about the subject of the book, spiritual gifts.

    Along the way, I discovered some “good news” and I stumbled into some “bad news.”


    The bad news is this…

    The term “spiritual gifts” that I heard so much about growing up in the church (a great church, a super-experience) doesn’t actually exist in Scripture— not in the original Greek language. So, all of that reading and studying and thinking about the certainty of something I wrongly THOUGHT I understand turned out to… well… not exist exactly in the way I thought it did.


    The good news…?

    Well, even though that two-word phrase (“spiritual gifts”) isn’t found in the Bible, something FAR MORE powerful is.

    Specifically, this…

    When Paul wrote about “spiritual gifts” he used FOUR different words and concepts to relay what they are— in the best way he could.

    Moreover, I think he was just hitting the surface— the proverbial “tip of the iceberg.”


    In this talk, we launch into a new “series.”

    You’ll learn about:

    ✏️ Pneumatikons = the spirituals, the presence (see 1 Corinthians 12:1)

    ✏️ Charismata = expressions of grace (1 Corinthians 12:4)

    ✏️ Diareseis = appointments, placements (1 Corinthians 12:5)

    ✏️ Energematon = energies, divine power-flow (1 Corinthians 12:6)

    Those are the four Greek words we most often (read: always) translate as “spiritual gifts.” Yet, as we break it down, we see there’s so much more going on here, far more happening, than “just something you possess” or have.


    You’ll discover, over the next few minutes, that the Holy Spirit— right now— empowers you to do something supernatural, something that exceeds our human capacity, and operates at the level of Heaven.

    And that’s true whether you’re working in a church or a coffee shop, a drug rehab or a department store, serve as a prophet or a policeman, whether you teach adults the Bible or find yourself talking small kids into brushing their teeth and going to bed on time.

    I know, seems like a big gap there.

    Listen in…


    Links for this talk =

    📗 tell us where to ship your free LifeLift book = www.Jenkins.tv/free 

    ✏️ take the 7-minute spiritual gifts Q&A, and discover how God uniquely empowers you to do something that far exceeds your natural, human capacity and function at the level of Heaven = www.Jenkins.tv/assessment-spiritual-gifts 

    🔥 access the on-demand, online course = www.jenkins.tv/lifelift-200 

  • Who you are is greater than what you do. The fruit of your life is an overflow of the person you’re becoming.



    Work on you while you work on the dream. That is, do BOTH at the same time— it’s not “either-or” but “both-and.”

    This matters…

    A Yale study affirmed that:

    * 15% of the people who succeed do so because of their education or skill
    * 85% do so because of their interpersonal skills

    Notice, the majority of people who “make it” do so because of WHO they are (or who they have become).



    Success doesn’t change people— as we often think. Rather, it reveals who we actually are— who we’ve been all along. It amplifies the things about us.

    Success intensifies our:

    * Idiosyncrasies = the odd (but morally neutral) attributes that make us who we are
    * Issues = the things we need to work on… this includes our insecurities
    * Incredible uniqueness = the gifts and skills we have

    All three can become exponentially more important, so we want to deal with each of them NOW, so that we’re ready when the time comes to share our gifts with others— because we never know when that time will come.

    About the incredible uniqueness we all carry:

    * Ephesians 2:8-10 = grace saves and also empowers us into a destiny and purpose
    * Psalm 139:13 = God intentionally created David (and us)
    * Jeremiah 1:5 = not only did God create Jeremiah (and us), but He also set us apart from our mother’s womb
    * Isaiah 44:24 = suggests this happened even before time began
    * Galatians 1:15 = Paul reminds us that God set him— and us— apart from the time we were born, even though he know Paul would persecute the church before he ultimately found his calling, and that we would also blunder before we stepped into ours.



    If you look back at the dreams you penned in part 1 (WHAT), most of them are either:

    * FOR others (to benefit your spouse, family, etc.), and / or
    * WITH others

    In other words, you won’t achieve your greatest dreams alone. So work now on being the kind of person that connects well with and empowers other people.

    In addition, be sure you have a “bus” of the right people around you— including people who can speak into your life and even correct you.


    Note: circle back to part 1– to your dreams. Define what they are. They’ve been placed there by God.

    (Own them, verses rent them— like John Maxwell mentioned on stage at the Young Living event.)

    And, if that’s true, manage the daily grind… do the stuff.




    Important links:

    ⚙️ Download the free planner— on PDF— at www.Jenkins.tv/FreePlannerPDF

    ⭐️ Claim your Advance book + audiobook for just $5: www.Jenkins.tv/A5

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  • Relationships are the currency of those who live in the realm of their inherent greatness. Walking in healthy relationships with whole people is essential to living your purpose…

    🚌 BUSINESS example =

    In the book Good to Great, Jim Collins studied the factors that made companies— working in the same time period with identical market conditions and opportunities— excel towards “greatness” while others plateaued at “good.” This was a change, because— until that time— most compared the great to the bad. He wanted to identify the determining factors that helped some companies “level up.”

    Here’s what he discovered:

    The “good” companies first charted their vision (the WHAT), their mission (the HOW), and even their values (the WHY). They evaluated organizational structure and titles…

    … and, though these seem like the things they SHOULD focus on, the “great” companies did something counter-intuitive.

    They first built a team. They got the right people together.

    Collins likened the companies to a “bus.” He said that whereas most companies were enamored with the color an destination and seating arrangement of those buses, the great companies simply wanted to get the right people on the bus.

    From that point, everything was easy…


    🚌 BASKETBALL example =

    Bill Walton, quoted in “The Fifth Discipline” (Peter Senge) spoke about times in which the oneness of his teammates hit a level that was unsurpassed…

    … such that it became “magical. “



    🚌 BIBLE example(s) =

    Good to Great taps into something we see in the Bible. Namely, relationships matter more than the other stuff we can do. That’s because we were designed for relationship.

    ⭐️ In Genesis 1 we see that God is relational. Over and over, we see the refrain, “Let us…” during the creation account.

    ⭐️ In addition, we’re created in God’s image (Genesis 1:26). This means that we, too, are relational.

    ⭐️ Jesus was / is relational as well (see John 14:6). He says that He embodies truth (i.e., truth exists in a person— not proposition statements of right and wrong). And, He’s taking us to the Father, to a relationship in its fullest expression.

    ⭐️ We’re promised that God sets the lonely in families (Psalm 68:6), and that He binds us together in the “household of God” (Ephesians 2:19).

    This fits with other stories we see in Scripture:

    ✅ Building the Tower of Babel, according to God, would have been possible— because the people were unified. In fact, He— relationally, the Godhead— declared that nothing would be impossible for them because they were one (see Genesis 11:6).

    Notice: this was spoke by God about a people who weren’t doing something religious or even noble. They were building a monument to themselves.

    ✅ Psalm 133:1-2 tells us that “unity” is like the oil flowing down the beard of Aaron, conjuring images of the anointing of the priest to do a sacred service on behalf of God. In other words, unity— oneness— the “who”— is an anointing of the Spirit. It creates a supernatural super-power.




    Important links:

    ⚙️ Download the free planner— on PDF— at www.Jenkins.tv/FreePlannerPDF 

    ⭐️ Claim your Advance book + audiobook for just $5: www.Jenkins.tv/A5 

    🚎 Ready to test drive the planner? Access it at www.Jenkins.tv/8  

  • Knowing your true internal motivation(s) for the life you’re trying to build empowers self-awareness (knowing who you are), as well as self-leadership (knowing how to move forward with faithfulness).

    Here are a few things you need to know about “the why,” that is, the third rung of the ladder in the Advance framework.


    💙 The HEART is never neutral (it may be numb, such that you don’t hear what it’s saying, but it’s always expressing its opinion about things).

    Learn to listen to your heart, because one of two things will dictate the steps you make to move forwards towards your dreams:

    ❌ REASONS (read: excuses) you give not to pursue your call

    ✅ REALITY that God has called you to something more— and that those desires are placed in your heart by Him.


    Note: at this point it’s important that we understand our true identity.

    ⭐️ Your IDENTITY is based on what you think the most important person or voice in your life says about you. ⭐️

    This understanding of identity flows into our next point about HUSTLE. You won’t get that one right without a healthy view of your identity.


    💙 HUSTLE… but do so in the right way.

    Jesus tells us not to “seek” over the things that the “gentiles” (read: pagans) seek after. He says they worry about the things they’ll eat, what they’ll wear, and the normal routine of life (see Matthew 6:32).

    He then tells us, in the Sermon on the Mount, to “seek first His kingdom” (Matthew 6:33).

    He promises that “all of these things” (read: what we’ll eat, what we’ll wear, etc.) “will be added to us as well.”

    Notably, it’s not just the object of WHAT we seek that Jesus contrast here (i.e., “They seek lesser things, but if you’ll see the greater things those lesser things will seek after you such that you don’t have to chase them…”). Rather, He contrasts the MODE of seeking.

    In the original Greek language, He uses two different words in this passage:

    ❌ The gentiles seek as a “striving and a desperate chase” (which sounds a lot like the hustle culture of today).

    ✅ You should seek as a hunger, as a desire… that is, as a yearning for God’s presence and power in your life.

    This leads us to a position, first of all, of humble confidence, because the driving “why” is that THIS is what my Father has called me to…


    💙 HOLD FAST to your call…

    We used to talk about our career as a “vocation.” Notice the root word of “vocal,” that is, “calling.” The original way we viewed the work we do each day was that a VOICE actually chose us to do the work— and then directed us…

    … and, this can affect every area of life…

    Notice, when we see ourselves as sons (of the King) we realize that this affects EVERY dream we have. Those can ALL be ordained by God, with His voice directing each of them.

    (And, as we discuss in this episode, we may have a different “why” (or inspiration) for each of our dreams. Furthermore, the reasons may change over time.)



    Important links:

    ⚙️ Download the free planner— on PDF— at www.Jenkins.tv/FreePlannerPDF 

    ⭐️ Claim your Advance book + audiobook for just $5: www.Jenkins.tv/A5 

    🚎 Ready to test drive the planner? Access it at www.Jenkins.tv/8 

  • Saying “yes” to the great stuff in life often requires saying “no” to the good. That is, our most pivotal decisions don’t usually come to down a choice between “good” and “bad” but, rather, “good” and “great.”


    If we say “yes” and prioritize our process— the plan we’ve created to move from “where we are to where we’re designed to be”— and do those things consistently, we can relax about the results. They’ll come.


    Note: in the Advance framework, under “implementation” (how, the hands), we talk about TIME not talents or tasks, we discuss SCHEDULING not skill.

    The reality is that most things can be learned. You may need a class to acquire mastery or expertise in them, but you can acquire the “how to.”

    Here’s how to manage the daily grind, assuming you know the “how to” for each area of life:


    👉 #1 = CATEGORIZE everything you do using the “start-stop-continue” grid.

    Everything you need to do in order to achieve the dreams you listed in the previous section (the WHAT) falls into one of these three categories:

    ✅ START = There are some things you aren’t doing that you need to ADD to your schedule.

    For instance, you need to START tucking the kids in at night, START planning date night, START waking up an hour earlier to exercise, START reading certain things…

    ❌ STOP = Part of this plans means HALTING other things in order to make room for the new agenda.

    For instance, STOP vegging in front of the TV until AFTER the kids are in bed, STOP hanging with the guys multiple nights a week so you can invest in your marriage, STOP eating sugar & drinking & staying up late so you can better start the health regiment…

    ♻️ CONTINUE = Some things are right on track. Affirm them and continue.

    For instance, CONTINUE managing your schedule with the same discipline. CONTINUE managing work in the same way you are currently doing, CONTINUE your personal development routine…

    ⭐️ NOTE: at this point we also suggest that some things are a “NO-FOR-NOW-NOT-FOR-LATER.” That is, they’re things you may want to START— but not yet. Or, they’re things you temporarily STOP…

    For instance, “cheat days” on the diet may be “off the table” until you hit a certain weight goal. Or looking at houses may be off the table until you pay off your debt or reach a specific income goal (i.e., you decide not to even shop around now, lest you be tempted).

    This temporary pause gives you something to look forward to in the future, yet affirms that— currently— you have a limited amount of time and focus…

    …. you effectively punt these goals to a future time when you can more readily embrace them and actually enjoy them.


    👉 #2 = CREATE your “perfect week” template

    Step back while you’re not IN the week and create the ideal outline FOR your week. That is, pinpoint when you’ll exercise, when you’ll do certain repeating tasks such as connect with family members, and when you’ll block time for friends and/or other priorities.

    Even though the week will rarely go 100% perfect, you’ll make more progress with the plan. And, you can always adjust the plan as needed.


    👉 #3 = CALENDAR from your priorities instead of a “to do” list.

    Note: when we succumb to working from mere lists, we often find ourselves trapped in the tyranny of the urgent rather than working on what’s important. Lists don’t valuate how much things matter; they’re generally created in the order we think of things…

    … and, as a result, the most important matters rarely make the list (i.e., date night, personal time, etc.)




    Important links:

    ⚙️ Download the free planner— on PDF— at www.Jenkins.tv/FreePlannerPDF 

    ⭐️ Claim your Advance book + audiobook for just $5: www.Jenkins.tv/A5 

    🚎 Ready to test drive the planner? Access it at www.Jenkins.tv/8 

  • The first step to living a life by design (instead of default) is deciding where you want to go. The second step is owning where you are now…

    (Where you are NEVER defines who you are— it’s just your current location, your starting point. Nor is where you are where you must remain. However, where you are IS where you must begin. So…)

    Create a plan, and enjoy the journey. Here’s how…

    ✅ DREAM— and develop the “best case scenario” for every area of life.

    We spend more time planning what we’ll wear on any given day than we do actually orchestrating the hours of that day. That is, we dress by design, but we often live by default.

    Make a decision to live by design…

    … and to create the best case scenario for each area of life, not just one area.

    (Because every area is connected— what happens in your family affects your work, what happens in faith affects friendships, etc.)

    ✅ DETERMINE the steps you need to take in order to move from here to there, but create them in reverse— from “there to here” instead of “here to there.”

    In other words, reverse engineer your path. This guarantees you won’t move in a random direction but that you’ll actually move toward your dream.

    ✅ DO the small stuff.

    In the Advance book (and workshop, as well as video courses), we actually talk about how to create a bridge from “there to here.”

    Many times, people FAIL to make forward progress because they think in terms of concepts instead of actions. For instance…

    …. they make goals like “lose weight” instead of calendaring actions such as cutting the alcohol and sugars, exercising every morning at 6am, and monitoring their meals.

    …. they make goals like “having a thriving marriage” rather than calendaring activities such as “date night each week.”

    It all comes down to activity— and, generally, some of these actions seem so small we overlook them.

    PRO TIP:

    In the Advance material, we help you identify the catalytic action(s)— the ones which create disproportional momentum relative to the time and effort required to complete them. Download the Advance audiobook (free) for more info on what this looks like….




    Important links:

    ⚙️ Download the free planner— on PDF— at www.Jenkins.tv/FreePlannerPDF 

    ⭐️ Claim your Advance book + audiobook for just $5: www.Jenkins.tv/A5 

    🚎 Ready to test drive the planner? Access it at www.Jenkins.tv/8 

  • Back in 2014, a child-therapist my family visited for a season described stress in a revealing way. Kristen, the counselor, likened our souls to balloons…

    “You can blow a balloon up,” she said, moving her hands larger and farther part as if an expanding party-type of balloon rested between them. “At first the balloon is fine with the air you blow in…”

    “At some point, the balloon reaches max capacity,” she continued. "Then we have four options.” She described the first three scenarios, explaining—

    🎈 You continue adding air to the balloon, thereby causing it to explode.

    This happens to some people.

    They— seemingly overnight— explode. They “flip their lid.” They lose it.

    But, the outburst you see isn’t the result of the final air pushed inside the balloon. The added tension is merely the “final straw” to break the camel’s back.

    🎈 You squeak and squeal the balloon, shrilling a sound that lets you know something is not right.

    I’m sure you’ve met people like this— people who seek to dominate tough situations by complaining, acting caustic, or exerting control over others.

    They’re often battling an unseen enemy— or enemies— you know nothing about. Many times they still stand face-to-face with the enemies of their past.

    🎈 You “let go” and watch the problem fly away (read: hide). People like this are the proverbial “take my toys and go home” pouters.

    Unskilled in conflict resolution, they simply leave.

    Or, at other times, they take flight— as in the “fight or flight” response commonly associated with PTSD.


    The solution…?


    Have a gap between what you “have available” and “what’s required.”

    In other words, let some air out of the balloon…



    Important links

    💜 The “best of” Soul Wholeness audio course = FREE at www.Jenkins.tv/best 

    💜 The free PTSD self-check = www.Jenkins.tv/PTSD 

    💜 The Soul Wholeness video course = www.Jenkins.tv/SWV 

  • It’s easy to forget that we’re truly valuable…

    🔥 that we bear the image of the Creator

    🔥 that we’re chosen, Holy, and dearly loved (Colossians 3:12-13)

    🔥 that He promised we’re never separated from His love (Romans 8:31-39)

    🔥 that God doesn’t hold our sins and failures against us, so He isn’t punishing us because of them (see Jeremiah 31:34)

    🔥 that the same grace that “saves us” also calls us to do something extraordinary (Ephesians 2:8-10)

    🔥 that the gifts and callings of God are irrevocable (Romans 11:29).


    Yes, it’s easy— despite these truths— to somehow think that when life gets tough— and situations become “less than desirable” that we’re LESS valuable…

    … that, somehow, our worthy is attached to “where we are” and not “who we are” or even “whose we are.”


    In this episode we talk about the importance of affirming our true identity, as well as holding the tension that sometimes hard things happen… and that has no bearing on who we really are at all.



    Important links

    💜 The “best of” Soul Wholeness audio course = FREE at www.Jenkins.tv/best 

    💜 The free PTSD self-check = www.Jenkins.tv/PTSD 

    💜 The Soul Wholeness video course = www.Jenkins.tv/SWV