
  • “I have spent less time playing video games than I used to, now that I’m putting God first. But I’m keeping Him first, and I’m keeping Him involved even in my thoughts and in my time as I game, and I’m having more fun, despite spending less time on this thing. So whatever it is that we’re doing, doing it with God will always get us more.”

    Do you have hobbies that are important to you? Do you want to pursue these passions while still keeping God first in your life? Listen to this podcast with Hunter Mullins and minister Daniel Stoller, who are both avid video gamers, as they talk about the practical side of how to balance keeping God first and pursuing your hobbies.

    Conversation Links:

    Exodus 20:3Matthew 6:24James 1:14I Corinthians 12:18

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    All music used is either owned by The Way International, is used with permission, has been purchased for use, or is in the public domain.

  • “I had to work in how I could find the time [to exercise] and realize that if I gave the time to take care of myself, I’d have more to give. I would have the Word in my heart, I could pray, I could do so many things while I exercised, and then I was a better person because I had more to give.”

    In this episode, Lauren Boner interviews two individuals with a great passion for health and fitness, and who give their all for God as they steward their physical bodies. Terri Rath is a seasoned personal trainer and running coach with over twenty-six years of expertise. She has achieved nine world records in running and fourteen American Masters track and field records. And Steele Bergman is a minister with an avid love for God’s Word and for pushing himself as a runner. At the time of this recording, he has run five full marathons, four half marathons, and participated in a two-day, two-hundred-mile relay race called a “Ragnar.” Listen in as these two share their stories on how they grew in health and fitness, and what God’s Word says about the subject.

    Conversation Links:

    I Timothy 4:8II Corinthians 4:7John 10:10Proverbs 3:2Joshua 14:11II Kings 11,12II Chronicles 23,24Hebrews 12:1-3Philippians 4:13Mark 1I Corinthians 6:20Psalm 18Philippians 4:6Ephesians 6:10Zechariah 4:10Genesis 2:18Proverbs 28:20

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    All music used is either owned by The Way International, is used with permission, has been purchased for use, or is in the public domain.

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  • “If you just study joy and rejoicing in the Word, you’re going to see that that’s God’s desire for us, right now. It’s ‘rejoice evermore,’ not ‘be miserable and somber always.’ This is what God wants for us, and a part of that is humor. It’s a great aspect of life that people might be missing out on because of an overreaction of fear.”

    Have you ever felt like there are misconceptions about Christianity when it comes to humor? Should or can Christians be funny? Are boundaries on Christian humor too strict in society? When does a joke go too far? Enjoy this interview with Christian minister and stand-up comedian Randy Komi, along with ministers Denny Caldwell and Taylor Thurlow, as they discuss the purpose of humor and what God’s Word really says about utilizing it.

    Conversation Links:

    II Timothy 1:7Proverbs 17:22I Thessalonians 5:16Luke 24:13-32I Kings 18Luke 2:42-52Ephesians 4:29I Corinthians 13Acts 17I Thessalonians 5:21Romans 12:9

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    Certain opinions expressed in this podcast may or may not represent the views of The Way International.

    All music used is either owned by The Way International, is used with permission, has been purchased for use, or is in the public domain.

  • “Something that I really admire about Isaac is that he can express what he’s gone through, through music and his lyricism....Having the conversation not only gives a way for the solution to be said, but also helps just bring us together, because we’re going through a lot of similar things.”

    In this lighthearted episode, Sierra Bergman interviews young Christian rappers Isaac Parker and Tytus Witt (a.k.a., ELI & Suave T), delving into their thoughts on music, service, and God’s role in all of it. Interested in more Christian music? Want to learn more about the Way Ambassador program Isaac and Tytus talk about in this episode? See the links below!

    Conversation Links:

    Way AmbassadorLuke 6:45Proverbs 3:5,6Philippians 4:6-8I Thessalonians 5:18Colossians 3:23II Corinthians 9:8Matthew 5:17Spotify: Way ProductionsYouTube: Way ProductionsApple Music: Way Productions

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    Certain opinions expressed in this podcast may or may not represent the views of The Way International.

    All music used is either owned by The Way International, is used with permission, has been purchased for use, or is in the public domain.

  • “Don’t let anything that anybody else has done define your life. What should define us is what God has done for us through Jesus Christ....That’s why we forgive, it’s to move ahead with what God has done for us.”

    Rev. Tom Mullins returns in this episode to have a conversation about the important topic of forgiveness. He and Sierra Bergman discuss what forgiveness is and what it is not according to the Bible, and what the benefits are of choosing to forgive. If you’ve ever wondered how you can live with joy and peace despite the offenses of others, this episode is for you!

    Conversation Links:

    Malachi 3:6Ephesians 4:3Hebrew and Greek Words for “forgive” in the Old and New TestamentsMatthew 6:14Ephesians 4:32Colossians 3:13Jeremiah 31:34James 3:2Romans 12:19Matthew 18:21,22Ephesians 4:31I Thessalonians 5:15Matthew 10:16Romans 8:37Philippians 3:14

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    Certain opinions expressed in this podcast may or may not represent the views of The Way International.

    All music used is either owned by The Way International, is used with permission, has been purchased for use, or is in the public domain.

  • “The one thing in life that will not disappoint us is God. So we can always encourage ourselves in the Lord and put our expectation on Him, because He will always come through.”

    Disappointment is something we all deal with. But is there a way to lessen the impact of disappointment in our lives? Are there things we can count on that will never disappoint us? Enjoy this conversation with three ministers, Sarah Stoller, Anna Horrocks, and Lauren Boner, as they discuss dealing with disappointment from a Christian standpoint.

    Conversation Links:

    Psalm 62:5Psalm 103:14Luke 15:11-32Ephesians 3:20

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    All music used is either owned by The Way International, is used with permission, has been purchased for use, or is in the public domain.

  • “You can change the course of your day even though nothing in your circumstances has changed, just by deciding to be thankful, deciding to look at the positive.”

    Podcast interviewer Heather Malinowski has a conversation with minister Michele DeLisle in this episode, where they talk about Michele’s upbringing, when she started to study the Bible, and how she learned to be thankful in the midst of life’s different ups and downs. Michele also talks about how she teaches thankfulness to her children, and how uniquely valuable it is to understand the Word of God on this topic.

    Conversation Links:

    I Thessalonians 5:18

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    All music used is either owned by The Way International, is used with permission, has been purchased for use, or is in the public domain.

  • “You can see how you would be able to grow, change, be more receptive to godly reproof when you’re confident in your righteousness. When you’re confident in who you are, then it’s so much easier to say, ‘I made a mistake.’”

    Is it God’s desire for us to carry guilt and shame in our lives when we do something wrong? Join three ministers—Adam Barlow, Lori Stanbridge, and Taylor Thurlow—as they go straight to the Scriptures to answer this question. This episode also includes practical tips on how to overcome guilt and shame so that it doesn’t hinder our walk with God or stop us from living the lives God intended for us to live.

    Conversation Links:

    Listening to Shame - Brené BrownII Corinthians 7:8-11Colossians 2:12Ephesians 2:6II Corinthians 5:21Romans 3:22

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    Certain opinions expressed in this podcast may or may not represent the views of The Way International.

    All music used is either owned by The Way International, is used with permission, has been purchased for use, or is in the public domain.

  • “As part of demonstrating God’s compassion to people, it’s going to be necessary to be able to express emotions and not suppress them.”

    Enjoy this conversation with Sierra Bergman and Dr. Angela Priester, a clinical psychologist and a Christian minister, as they discuss how we should feel about our feelings from the Word’s perspective. Are certain emotions good or bad? How should we approach mental health issues as believers? Is there help in the Word if we’re feeling overwhelmed by our emotions? Delve into this episode to find answers to all of these questions and more.

    Conversation Links:

    I Thessalonians 5:21Proverbs 4:23The Life-style of a Believer, A Prolegomenon on Christian EthicsEphesians 4:26Psalm 7:11Romans 12:2I Corinthians 2:14Acts 3:8Acts 8:2Romans 12:15John 11:35Matthew 26:36-46Psalm 103:14III John 2Philippians 2:5II Corinthians 10:5Hebrews 4:12Ephesians 5:1https://www.blueletterbible.org/I Corinthians 12:27Luke 17:3

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    Certain opinions expressed in this podcast may or may not represent the views of The Way International.

    All music used is either owned by The Way International, is used with permission, has been purchased for use, or is in the public domain.

  • “We talk about people having physical ailments all the time, and we don’t judge people for that. We expect that they’ll get the help that they need. So when it comes to mental health, why is that different from physical health in the way that we approach it?”

    Join Sierra Bergman as she interviews Priscilla McKie about her background as a social worker, her decision to train as a minister, and what the Word of God has to say about the topic of mental health. In this interview, Priscilla also shows the importance of addressing some of the misconceptions about mental health in the Christian community, and how we, as believers, can support one another and grow in this category of life. Do you want to see how to approach mental health from a Biblical perspective? Tune in!

    Conversation Links:

    Psalm 6:6I Kings 19Ecclesiastes 1:9John 10:10I Corinthians 10:13Luke 12:25

    To Learn More about The Way International:

    https://linktr.ee/thewayintl https://www.theway.org/contact-us/

    Certain opinions expressed in this podcast may or may not represent the views of The Way International.

    All music used is either owned by The Way International, is used with permission, has been purchased for use, or is in the public domain.

  • “Throughout the Word, God talks about Who He is and what He wants people to know about Him. In Jeremiah, He says I want you to know and understand that I am the Lord, that I exercise lovingkindness and judgment and righteousness. That’s what He wants us to know about Him, that it’s the goodness of God that leadeth men to repentance. In Exodus, it talks about how He is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in love and faithfulness and forgives iniquities and transgression. Those are things that He reveals about Himself that we can know about Him.”

    Join podcast interviewer Hunter Mullins and Rev. Tom Mullins as they discuss why we can completely trust in God as His children. Rev. Mullins expounds on many of the qualities of our heavenly Father, quoting straight from the Scriptures. He explains how these attributes, along with God’s promises to us in His Word, show that God is a trustworthy heavenly Father.

    Conversation Links:

    I Corinthians 13:12John 1:18Psalm 147:4Psalm 139:6Philippians 2:13John 1:17Jeremiah 9:24Romans 2:4Exodus 34:6-7Psalm 139:2Jeremiah 1:5Luke 12:2Job 42:2Psalm 139Isaiah 40:28Isaiah 46:9I John 4:16I John 1:5Numbers 23:19Exodus 15:26II Corinthians 13:11Exodus 17:15Psalm 46:1Malachi 3:6Colossians 2:15Galatians 5:25John 3:16Isaiah 11:2I John 4:18II Timothy 1:7Malachi 3:10Psalm 102:27

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    Certain opinions expressed in this podcast may or may not represent the views of The Way International.

    All music used is either owned by The Way International, is used with permission, has been purchased for use, or is in the public domain.

  • “If you want to help somebody, if you want to inspire somebody, if you want to reach somebody and lift them up to God’s way of life...you have to give them the Word. You have to know the Word, and as you write [music], just keep that in mind, that God is your sufficiency. God is the One that’s helping you. He will not hide anything good from you when you’re writing a song because He wants people to be reached even more than you do.”

    Enjoy this conversation with Christian musician Bob Stanley and Lauren Boner as Bob expands on his background and inspiration for writing godly music. Also in this episode, Bob gives several special performances, singing some of his classic songs, as well as a new song entitled “Abiding in the Truth of God’s Word.”

    Conversation Links:

    Bob Stanley EPII Timothy 1:7

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    All music used is either owned by The Way International, is used with permission, has been purchased for use, or is in the public domain.

  • “It’s so important to approach people with an earnest desire to understand them, where they’re coming from, to be able to set our beliefs aside—maybe not cast them away—but set them aside for a moment and genuinely listen, to invest in people without expecting something back. We’re getting at the heart of the love of God.”

    Join Adam Barlow and Hunter Mullins as they discuss practically what it means to reach people right where they are in order to help them with the Word of God. They also discuss records from the Bible where this concept is shown, specifically in the life of Jesus Christ. How can Christians like us be more understanding and be more loving toward people? Listen to this episode to find out.

    Conversation Links:

    John 8:3-11https://campgunnison.org/

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    Certain opinions expressed in this podcast may or may not represent the views of The Way International.

    All music used is either owned by The Way International, is used with permission, has been purchased for use, or is in the public domain.

  • “We have to realize that light does dispel darkness and that we do make a difference. Your life does make a difference. Sometimes it doesn’t seem that way, that you don’t get awards for living the Word. You go home after a hard day of work, and you’ve got to take care of your family, and it can sometimes seem a little bit thankless. And it’s like, ‘What is the difference? Is this really making a difference?’ Absolutely, yes, it is making a huge, spiritual difference in the whole climate.”

    Rev. Bryan Mittler, Rev. Chandler Greene, and podcast interviewer Edgar Mendoza talk about many facets of the subject “overcoming evil with good.” This interview covers the importance of understanding God’s goodness and bringing it into life’s situations. We invite you to spend time with these men in this special roundtable episode as they share the Word and their perspectives on the subject.

    Conversation Links:

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TranscendentalsGenesis 1Luke 18:19III John 11Psalm 138:2II Corinthians 4:4Power for Abundant Living, by Dr. Victor Paul Wierwille, chapter 9, page 112Genesis 3Psalm 34:14Hebrews 5:13,14Romans 12:21I Corinthians 6:19,20Jeremiah 10:23Acts 9:5Deuteronomy 11:19https://thewayinternational.com/claiming-our-rights-as-sons-of-god/https://www.theway.org/bookstore/the-way-magazine/

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    All music used is either owned by The Way International, is used with permission, has been purchased for use, or is in the public domain.

  • “It’s really important to be able to distinguish between the things of God and the things of the Devil—when things come into your life, to be able to have that ability to say, ‘Is this from God, or is this not from God?’ Because it may look good; it may seem good. But it depends on what your definition of ‘good’ is in the context of that life circumstance.”

    Have you ever wondered, “Why does so much bad happen in the world?” or even, “Why is it that a God Who is so good would allow evil to exist in our day and time?” God does not want us to be ignorant of these spiritual matters. In this episode, sit down with Rev. Chandler Greene and Edgar Mendoza to find out more about the goodness of God and what the true source of evil really is.

    Conversation Links:

    I Corinthians 15:55I Corinthians 12:1Job 31:35John 10:10Isaiah 14:12The Word’s Way, by Dr. Victor Paul Wierwille, chapter one, “In the Beginning”

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    All music used is either owned by The Way International, is used with permission, has been purchased for use, or is in the public domain.

  • “God’s Word is relevant. And I think that people need to know that. And we need to show people that God’s Word isn’t just a dusty book sitting on a shelf. It’s quick, it’s alive, it’s energetic. It has power. And when believed, it can change your life for the best. You can see the impossible become possible and you can have light where areas might be dark. You can have answers where there may be questions. And those aren’t conversations that we should just have together. Those are conversations that should be shared. The Word should be shared with people. And a great way that you learn about God’s Word is by talking about it and by having conversations about it. So I think that’s what we’re going to be able to do.”

    Delve into this introductory episode to see what Lighting the Way Today is all about. This is a conversation with Hunter Mullins and Sierra Bergman, the producers of this podcast, where they explain the goals of the project, what makes it unique, and their why behind providing godly, encouraging content to those who want to know more about God and His Word.

    Conversation Links:

    https://www.barna.com/the-open-generation/Hebrews 4:12

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    All music used is either owned by The Way International, is used with permission, has been purchased for use, or is in the public domain.

  • Welcome to Lighting the Way Today - a podcast where we discuss how to connect God's Word with topics relevant to everyday life. We hope these conversations encourage, enlighten, and inspire you. New episodes are released every other Tuesday.