
  • Summary:If you have been born again, you will know it. You may not know exactly when it happened, but the impartation will be very real. If you have been introduced to the possibility of being born from above, it isdefinitely something to seek the Lord about. 

    Show Notes:

    When a new believer receives a salvation experience, he may also be introduced to the possibility of being born again.

    This time of being born will not be anything like a person's first birth. It will be entirely new.

    Being born from above is not something a person works at; it is an endowment from your Father in heaven.

    This experience is unique for each individual and it opens up a whole new life of provisions from the Lord, especially a deeper relationship with Him.

    The changes that happen to someone who is born again could include receiving His divine nature, loving yourself as the new creation He is making you, and flowing in deeper relationships with other believers.

    You may now be given a sense of who He created you to be, and your eyes are opened to see His Kingdom.



    Being born again is something new and totally different. What is being established is a direct impartation of His nature.

    One of the first things that happens is you fall in love with yourself.

    Being born again has to be an experience, but it will be different for every individual.

    One of the things it does is bring a instantaneous connection with each other in the spirit.

    We're being His workmanship; He's creating us into what He wants us to be in order to work the works of God.

    It's the Lordship of Jesus Christ. It is about us giving our will to the will of God.

    The outcome of that experience of being born again is to see the Kingdom of God.



    Mark 12:30-31 “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and...

  • Summary:

    In this new day God has brought drastic changes to the lives of His believers. There is a deep determination arsing in the hearts saying, “I want to go on into what God has for me!” As each day unfolds we find that the things of the lesser level that we have lived on begin to be “put away” as we reach into the dawning of this new day within us.

    Show Notes:

    As God dries up one level He draws us into a new level and we determine to go on into what He has for us.

    As we grow in God the lesser things (childish things) are done away with.

    As we read the scriptures we find that they begin to open up to us with new meaning and revelation as we walk in the new level He brings you to.


    It's about the determination in our hearts that God has put there to go on.

    God takes you out of something, and brings you into something new. He brings you into a new level.

    In those scriptures from 1 Corinthians 13, shows how we go from one level to the next. The childish matters - those things, they're done away with.

    If you're going to grow up, you got to change the way you think; the way you do things. I can see that those things become inactive in my life, and that they are matters that I put away.

    So as we grow in grace, and in the knowledge of the Lord, don't you think the Spirit gives new input, new information, new revelation, new understanding in that aspect of moving from realm to realm...

    I have never seen so much a flow of the Word coming out of revelation in the Spirit.



    I Corinthians 13:11-13 When I was a child, I spake...
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  • Introduction:

    You may be seeking to get a clear revelation of what His perfect will is for your life. Being filled with His presence and love becomes the answer for everything we are seeking. He wants to live in our heart's and we will live in His.


    We can be searching for answers. Meanwhile, He is seeking to know us and to live in our hearts.

    It's a 2-way street. We want to know Him and live in His heart, and He wants to know us and live in our hearts.

    We prioritize our relationships so He is absolutely first. Then we receive what He is creating in us, so we can minister to others.

    Questions emerge in the Scriptures: When did we see You naked? When did we see You hungry? (Thirsty? Sick? Etc.)

    When we are filled with His presence, and we minister His presence to each other, then we are walking in the Kingdom.

    When we are exercising our free will to worship Him, that deep love is being expressed.

    As we are washing each other by the Word, His love is being created and coming alive.



    It's at our initiative to show up that gives me a chance every morning when I rise up, and I take the initiative to knock on His door and He opens the door and says, “come on in , son.”

    When He appears, we shall be like Him.

    Each day God makes available His appearing.

    We're supposed to be perfect as our heavenly Father is perfect. That's why we have to have that relationship first with Him.

    Since God is the Word, it was God that put it (His love) in us. It's all the Father coming through Christ, and it's all Christ coming through the body.



    Matthew 19:27 Then Peter said to Him, “Behold, we have left everything and followed You; what then will there be for us?”

    Matthew 25:35-36 For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger and you invited Me in; naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison, and you came to Me.

    Revelation 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me.

    I John 4:19 We love, because He first loved us.


    The Lord presence and love is the very source of...

  • Summary:

    The maturing process brings us to the point where we have a response to people that is not our own thinking. We realize we have received an impartation of God's Spirit, which flows out to others. Instead of responding with the human mind, the words come from deep within in what He has made us. Now it is possible to begin to recognize each other as that new creation in the Body of Christ.

    Show Notes:

    The reality of having Christ in our heart can come through at any time showing us how much He has created us. It is not just for yourself in your relationship with Him, but also for an outflow to give to others.

    We can begin to discover the amount of preparation He has given us, so that we can minister from that flow of living water that He has given us.

    As we reject the human mind and draw on Him for the mind of Christ, we are receiving His thinking. It draws that “knowing Him” that unveils His many qualities that become part of the flow of Spirit.

    Rather than speaking from the intellect, there is a flow of the Spirit, being open for the Lord to transform us.

    This is not about dissecting why we are or how we function, but participating in the many membered body in an opportunity to see how perfectly knit together we are becoming.

    What comes out of this participation is that each one begins to learn who they are themselves and who each other is.



    There is a response that comes out of you that is not your thinking on a human level, but it's the thinking that comes out of knowing Him and having received impartation of who He is.

    The human mind is enmity against God and that is why the Scripture says to put on the mind of Christ.

    God created each one of us just exactly the way we are.

    God chooses the lame, halt and blind because He is not interested in our great abilities for scholarship or any of that. He is interested in our hearts being open to Him so that He can impart His Spirit.

    Are you willing to be Christ in the earth?



    John 7:38 “He who believes in Me,” as Scripture has said, “from his innermost being shall flow rivers of living water.”

    John 16:12 “I have many more things to say to you, but they are too much for you now.”

    John 7:37 “If any man is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink”

    Matt 16:16 And Simon Peter answered and said, “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.”

    I Cor...

  • Summary:

    When God saves us, we have the promise that He brings in our families with us. This is a covenant from the Lord that we can believe and stand on. We can trust what He is doing—how He leads you as well as the things that happen to you and around you. He is creating the perfect family to be what He called us to be.

    Show Notes:

    We have a cry in our hearts for the members of our family, believing that the Lord will do whatever He sees is necessary to minister to each one.

    Another name for the Kingdom is the Father's family. He is connecting us together to be His family.

    Our connections are based on our relationship with the Father first.

    As the Father creates His love in us, we are equipped to minister to the members of the family.

    We have been given His life, and we will begin to see that He is pulling the family even closer together.



    We're a family built on coming together as Christ in the earth, as His sons.

    The life we're living is a spiritual life first, and then everything else follows.

    We're walking out the footsteps ordered by God, walked out by His Son, that we might walk in those same footsteps.

    If somebody is critical of you, open your heart and listen to what they say. Because what you just did is you turned around and set them up that God can help them.

    He will do it through a many membered body.



    Acts 16:31: And they said, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you shall be saved, you and your household.”

    Romans 8:14-15: For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are the sons of God. For you have not received a spirit of slavery leading to fear again, but you have received a spirit of adoption as sons by which we cry out, “Abba! Father!”

    Romans 12:4-5: For just as we have many members in one body and all the members do not have the same function, so we who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another.

    Proverbs 3:5-6: Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths.


    God is in the process of creating His family. He helps us grow by being a part of every aspect of our lives. When He saves us, then we begin to cry to Him for all those we love. He has given us the promise that He will include our heritage, our household. We need to trust Him...

  • Summary:

    As we walk with the Lord in our daily lives we are fulfilling the scripture “He must increase and we must decrease.” As we decrease in ourselves, God tells us to reach into His love so that we may be filled and able to express that love to others. It is this love moving through us that will be the force that will touch people's hearts and bring His Kingdom to this earth.

    Show Notes:

    As we continue to walk with the Lord we must decrease and He must increase in our lives.

    We must continue to reach into this deep love of God and express it to people around us.

    In our daily walk we must see that people around us live on many different dwelling places with many different expressions in God.

    We must not criticize or judge our brother just because they are different.

    We are to love people with His love.

    God's love is what is going to rule and reign in the earth.

    The Kingdom of God is all about His love.

    We must not eventuate people, but simply love them.

    God's love is available for us to love people with.



    As we're reaching into Him, and we're decreasing in ourselves, that's where the life is at. That's exactly where we're going to receive our sustenance, and have this ability to live and walk in the spirit.

    God is, He's drawing us up short in our love factor. There is a level of love that we have not yet attained in God. And it's a pure love for people.

    God loves His creation. He's not willing that any perish. And there are all different places, all different abiding places in the Lord. Different levels, different people, but they're all functioning as a part of what God has created and brought forth.

    It's so important that we don't look and judge. There's only one judge. There's only one that's going to judge, and that's God.

  • Summary:

    God is challenging our hearts to move into His love. His love is not human love, but is unconditional - full of mercy and grace. We must have this love in our hearts so that we can share it with others. With a child like spirit we must run to our heavenly Father crying to Him for His love.

    Show Notes: The challenge is do we have the love of God in our hearts? We must hate the sin nature, but have the love of God in our hearts for every man. We not only must love those who love us, but also those who do not love us. We must trust the Lord that He will impart this love to us. God’s love in us will change the earth. As a God’s family we can reach in together and appropriate His love. We feed on His love for our daily bread. There are avenues that God has given us to appropriate His love. There is a deep cry to the Lord, Meet Us! We may not understand how God can love the sinner. We are to have this love in us and be able to share it will everyone. We must have a childlike spirit and run to our Father.

    You can say I have the love of God, but do you have all of it? Or do you just have enough to get you by and to walk with God in this place that we're in today?

    We can hate to sin, but we must have God's love if we're going to complete the mission that He's called us to complete.

    It's not enough just to say I know the love of God because I love my brother. If you love your brother who loves you what good is that? Even the sinners do that.

    It has to be unconditional love. Who has unconditional love? Only the Father has unconditional love.

    We have to believe, and trust the Lord that He's going to impart it to us....

  • Summary:God’s love isn’t human love and therefore we don’t understand many times the things He leads us into to grow us up. He doesn't pamper our adamic nature and yet as a good Father He disciplines us for our good so that our hearts are prepared to receive His righteousness. 

    Show Notes:

    God’s love removes any withdraw in our spirit’s to Him.

    Everything about God is love – He is love.

    God does not pamper our flesh nature, but is concerned that His nature is formed in us.

    We must learn to hate the adamic nature that will not follow Christ.

    We must know God’s love for us in every circumstance and relationship we find our selves in.

    God devastates areas of our lives so that He might fill those areas.

    God must prepare our hearts to receive His love.

    God doesn't love or meet you the way you want Him to.

    God’s plan for us is hidden and He will unveil it in His timing.



    As we begin to move into this new realm of knowing the love of the Father. It completely removes any propensity for withdrawal.

    God's love is something that is the human condition and the adamic nature will never understand.

    God is love. His Word is love. Everything about God is love. His patience, and the way He deals with us is all love.

    He does not pamper our flesh. And He does not show sympathy to it.

    We learn to hate the thing of Adam that we see in us, that we know down deep does not open up the way that it could or should.

    We're going to have to be strong in our faith, knowing that God does love us, and that what He's doing is for our own good, because He's bringing us into conformity to His Son.

    How the love of the Father just devastates what we are after the flesh. But we're...

  • Summary:

    Christ wants to speak and move through His people. As we humble ourselves and take on His will we find that through His discipline we are decreasing and He is increasing in our lives. It is in this deep relationship with Him that we begin to speak and move as He did on this earth.

    Show Notes:

    As we humble ourselves before the Lord and speak His Word, we become channels for Him to speak through.

    As we give our will over to do His will we become a channel for Him to move through.

    As we reach into a deeper relationship with the Lord and appropriate His nature, we move into more of His authority.

    Christ within us is what is speaking.



    When you come together, you're creating one another. That's what prophecy does, is creates one another.

    If you're aware and you know that Christ is within you, our conversation is prophecy.

    ...we humble ourselves to the point where we open up and then He's able to come in and minister through that prophecy to us and to one another.

    We're reaching into that place, it's no longer us. But it's Him, functioning together in a way we've never expected this to ever happen, but it is happening.

    And I was thinking about the Lord when He was on the earth. The way he expressed Himself, He expressed Himself with authority.

    ...the unveiling of Christ within us brings forth everything.

    What's going to flow out of me. Because what was imparted to me by Christ.



    John 7:38 (Becoming channels of the Word of God)

    John 3:30 (We must decrease, He must increase in us)

  • Summary:

    We are called to love our enemies with God’s love. We must not judge our brother, but instead be that channel of love to him in his need. The motivation of our heart’s must be to please our heavenly Father as we become His love in this earth.

    Show Notes:

    We are called to love our enemies with God’s love in us.

    God loves all His creation.

    We are not to judge or to take sides against people.

    We are not to judge right or wrong, but to reach into the Lord for His thinking.

    We are to be a channel of God’s love for people when they are in need.



    The love of God is the motivation of our hearts. We will not be against, we will be for.

    ...unless we love our enemy, we're still missing what God is calling us, in to accomplish, because it's only by loving them with His love, that we're going to see the outcome of what He's looking for.

    God loves all of His creation. He's not against people. He's for them.

    Many of the circumstances He brings us into are to drive us deeper into Him, instead of stopping what we're doing and trying to decide the difference between right and wrong.

    As people start looking for the Lord that they can find the Lord in us, and we can be to them what God created us to be



    Matthew 5:43-44 (Love your enemies)

    Matthew 7: 1-3 (Judge not)

    Matthew 11:28-30 (God’s rest)

    Philippians 2:13 (God’s good pleasure)

    Matthew 5:48 (Be perfect)

  • Summary:

    Our growth in God must be a very real experience for each of us. We must trust the Lord in each new level He brings us into and lean totally on His love for us. As we each reach in to express our unique calling and destiny in Him we supply what His Body needs, as we grow in our love for Him and for our fellow man.

    Show Notes:

    In this new level God is bringing us into, it’s all about our love for God and the brethren.

    We must trust the Lord to bring us into this new level of love;it must be a personal experience for you with God.

    As God deals with us to bring us into a new level, our Adamic nature always resists what He is doing even though it is for our good.

    As we each move into God, we are all very unique and diverse in our giftings and callings, and are needed in the collective body.

    We are all called to love Him and one another with His love.

    In all of this, we change and are ushered into new levels by the Word of God that comes through our brother and sister.



    Two things will prevail, the Word of God, and the love of the brethren.

    It's about loving what He's created, loving each other without an agenda.

    He has to be number one in our life. There could be no other God before us.

    He has to work the trust, He has to work the faith, He has to work everything in us for us to walk with Him.

    This has to be something that, that God makes so real to you that you can't deny it.

    The Lord turns something loose. He opens a new realm, a new level for us. And from that point, God begins to deal with us, not just individually, but collectively, to bring us all into the same revelation of Himself.

    There's something in our nature, Adam's nature, it always kicks against the things that God has turned loose for really our benefit.

  • Summary:Today our oneness in the body of Christ is crucial in seeing God’s kingdom established in this earth. We must lay aside everything we have ever known as we reach into our relationship to the Father through the glory that Christ has already given us. By this oneness with our Father we can walk as one Body of Christ in this earth doing the will of our Father. Show Notes: Oneness first starts with our oneness with the Father. In our drive to seek the Father we enter into this oneness with Him. Our oneness is not created by connecting with each other, but with our individual oneness with the Lord. We break bonds with everything we have known to enter into this oneness with the Father. We are being delivered out of the thinking and ways of this present age, and into a new Kingdom age. Jesus has given us His glory that we may be one. We have been given all that we need to become one. We must just seek Him with all our heart.
    Quotes: Our oneness truly does come in the kingdom, in our connection with the Father. In seeking Him, we create the oneness that He's looking for. Our priority of oneness is the Father. The oneness is not us connecting with each other, but connecting with the Lord, putting Him first. He intends for us, as His people, as His servants, to break bonds, with this earth and our earthly thinking, our earthly conditioning's. We're breaking bonds with our earthly existence as it was up to this point. ...being delivered out of the human way of thinking and the way we think, and being delivered into a new way of living in a new age. Getting rid of the old thinking for the new thinking, ending old paradigms, and really hearing the real truth, what God is speaking in the Word, by the Word, through the Word. He has already given you His glory. Understand that He's already given you the provision. Seek Him with all your heart.
    References:John 13:1 Now before the feast of the passover, Jesus knowing that his hour was come that he should depart out of this world unto the Father, having loved his own that were in the world world, he loved them unto the end.Philippians 13:13-14 Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, 14 I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.John 17 (Jesus prays for our oneness and gives us His glory to become one) Takeaway:As members of Christ Body we must lay aside all that we have known and reach into our relationship with our Father. By the glory that Christ has already given us comes the true oneness, first with our Father, and then with one another in His family. This is the oneness that the Father is looking for and the answer to Christ's Body becoming one in this earth.

  • Summary:

    God has more of Himself for us, if we just continue to reach into Him. This reaching in comes from a realization that God is working His love in you in order to reach the world. It is a dying out to self, which is not pleasant, but the result can be a moving like Christ in amazing ways.

    Show Notes:

    There is a term in the Scriptures, called “perfect love,” This quality of perfect love is being worked in us every day as we open up to His love for us.

    Take time to examine: where have I moved in the earth as Christ moved in the earth, not in my own initiative, but by His initiative moving through me?

    God has moved through people with tremendous flaws. Look at Moses—at one point he was a murderer. The Sons of Thunder wanted to call down fire from heaven on someone.

    We need the love of God to increase in us so we can minister that love to a depth that it changes lives.

    It's about what is in your spirit that God is creating in you.



    It is a tremendous responsibility to minister His love in a maturity and humility that ministers life to people.

    God looks at the big picture and when He says He loves the whole world, He looks for opportunities to move in a big way.

    It's about us decreasing, and Him increasing. Stop looking at the flesh life and start looking at what is happening in the spirit life.

    I am there to impart a Spirit to those whose hearts are open.



    Matthew 5:3 “Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” ( from the Beatitudes)

    John 6:63 “It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing; the words I have spoken to you are spirit and life.”

    Mark 3:17 and James, the son of Zebedee, and John the brother of James (to them He gave the name Boanerges, which means “sons of Thunder”)

    Exodus 2:12 He (Moses) looked this way and that and when he saw there was no one around, he struck down the Egyptian and hid him in the sand.

    John 13:34-35 “A new command I give to you: love one another. As I loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.


    God is loving us with a tremendous patience and understanding. It's the kind of love that we have to have for one another. This love can come as we appropriate more of His love from Him everyday.

  • Summary:

    The very foundation and walk with God must start with an individual revelation, relationship, and awareness of Him. Out of this relationship we mature and become childlike in our faith and obedience to His Word. Out of the reality and overflow of this relationship we are enabled to bless and love those in our midst.

    Show Notes:

    A walk with God begins with an individual relationship with the Lord. You can’t walk in an-other's revelation or relationship with the Lord.

    Word’s that are spoken to you from another person may be real and living to you, but it is only adding to your own foundation in Christ.

    As we mature in our relationship with the Lord, we must become become as a child in our walk with Him.

    Our walk with the Lord and His Word dweling within us must be real to us and out of this we speak and minister love to one another.



    A walk with God is only real and exciting if you're walking with Him in your own shoes.

    It's about our individual relationship to Him and who He has created us to be.

    What that person spoke was a living word and it has a resonance in your life, but it's not who you are.

    It's about each person having their own Relationship with God, their own walk with God, their own Revelation.

    Don't you think that part of the maturity on the parent's side, and on the child's side is a time that you're free to make mistakes?

    It's that childlike spirit, and acceptance of what God is speaking to their heart.

    Be sure it's working in your heart and you say, I, I love you.



    I Corinthians 13 (Growing up into all aspects in God)

  • Summary:

    There are many issues on the table today. We must know the mind of the Lord. We must know what God is speaking. Otherwise, we hear so many conflicting voices and wonder what one is right? We are not left in the dark, but we the availability of the voice of the Lord to direct our paths.

    Show Notes:

    Lord, how do you want me to think about all these things that are going on?

    Don’t be taken off into something that the Lord is not saying.

    The most valuable thing that we posses is that relationship, and that ability to hear His voice. How do we get that? It’s by knowing His Word.

    Hearing what He’s speaking is not about following a program or finding our what people want you to do.

    Anything that takes us away from our consciousness of the Lord Jesus Christ has some element of deception in it.

    Is this taking me deeper into a revelation of Jesus Christ or is it really pulling me away from Him?

    It’s all about the Lordship of Jesus Christ, knowing Him, and listening to hear His Word.



    It’s like Joshua says, “are you for us or for our enemies?” And the Lord says, “No” I’m not for you or for your enemies. I’m for My Word.

    God is in the process of causing everything in our lives and our focus to fade, until we’re just seeing Him.

    His grace and love is with us as He prefects us, until we can hear everything He wants to say.

    He’s going to show you things you never dreamed of.



    John 16:12 “I have many more things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now.”

  • Summary:

    He first loved us. The revelation of that scripture has always provided a drive in His sons to return such a wonderful gift. As we realize that His love must be the very foundation of our lives, a cry begins to come up out of our hearts; Lord, I tie this sacrifice to the horns of Your altar!  Show Notes:

    The love of the Father in our midst is the very foundation of the way we love Him.

    The dying out to ourselves is very much involved in coming into the love of the Father.

    He loved us while we were yet sinners. How patient He has been and long suffering because He loves us.

    Out of God’s love for us He revels things to us that need to be changed.

    God’s love must be a revelation to us.

    We must have the love of God in our hearts because human love always fails.

    Christ is being faithful to show us the Father’s love.

    We bind our old nature as a sacrifice to the horns of the altar.

    We are confronted by the love of God and it begins to empty us out of our wrong motivations.

    As we lay down ourselves and our motivations we come to the place of truly loving our brother and serving him.

    The altar of God’s dealings in my life and everything that He takes me through; He is creating something more in my life. That is knowing Him in a greater way.


    The love of the Father manifested in our midst is really what it's all about. It is the root; it's the foundation of everything.

    The real laying down and emptying out of our-self is involved.

    Out of His love, and goodness for us; He shows us where things might not be the way we thought they were.

    The love...

  • Summary:

    We are walking in a new day. We cannot live on what we received from the past, but we waken to look for new food in this new day. The new thing coming in this hour is the family, created by a deeper love relationship with the Father. He is imparting to us His love, which we can then give to our brothers and sisters in the Lord, thus creating the Father’s family.

    Show Notes:

    It’s a new day we are moving into. We are living it right now. He is coming in us.

    We are members of one another in Christ.

    We are really staring to hone in and tune in to our destiny.

    With humility we come before the Lord and He begins to open up the scriptures to us and help us to see what it is that we are to be about in this hour.

    Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your strength, with all your mind. And then the second part comes – so easy – love your neighbor as yourself.

    God gives you that kind of love and what’s created is family.

    Love is the goal; it’s the glue that puts everything together.

    When we get into the relationship with the Father, then the rest of the family comes together.



    It’s this Father that we have that is driven to walk us in to this magnificent thing of His presence.

    I just want to declare for each of us more of an ability to receive today His love.

    He wants us to love Him, so that He can transfer His love to us.

    When we love Him, He loves us back with that same love that He has.

    He’s love. And so when you fall in love with that love, that love becomes transmitted to your own spirit, and you can love Him more than you ever imagined.

    The first relationship that’s necessary in the relationships in the

  • Summary:

    Walking in the footsteps of Jesus begins with learning obedience. The things that we go through mold us into what God wants. Suffering is used by the Father to develop us into His sons. The result is a relationship in His presence and God pouring out His holiness on us.

    Show Notes:

    Do you believe God feels pain? He feels pain when He sees what has happened to His creation, especially the miserable plight that the human race has manifested.

    Why do people suffer? It may not have been the plan for individuals, but some seem to open up in a deeper way through suffering. This is a mystery.

    As a forerunner, Christ experienced suffering as he matured, not just when he was crucified.

    As Paul wrote, it's a privilege to help fill up the sufferings of Christ.

    He disciplines for our own good so that we may share in His holiness. It’s our choice.



    We see in the gospels how Jesus thought and reacted.

    Matthew 23:37

    “How often I wanted to gather your children together, the way a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were unwilling.

    Suffering has a way of either opening your heart wide, or it closes it.

    He allows you to go through it because you're going to open up to His love in a deeper way.

    The pain and sufferings we go through are allowing us to touch a part of God that is real too, that nobody wants to talk about or even acknowledge.

    We're becoming more like the Lord, who became more like His Father.

    This is what we're in this process of. We're becoming more like our Father who created us after His image.



    Hebrews 5:7-8

    Although He was a Son, He learned obedience from the things which He suffered.

    Colossians 1:24

    (Fill up the sufferings of Christ)

    Isaiah 6:5

    (The Lord appears to Isaiah)

    Philippians 3:10

    “That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death.”

    Romans 8:16-17

    “The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children heirs also heirs of God, and fellow heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him so that we may...

  • Summary:

    A part of the spiritual armor of the believer is the sword of the Spirit. As the we speak God’s Word by the Holy Spirit, the anointing in that Word divides between soul and spirit, joints and marrow and brings forth that word in the power of God. 

    Show Notes:

    The sword of the Spirit is wielded by the Holy Spirit not us.It’s the anointing through the Holy Spirit on the Word of God that you speak that becomes the sword of the Spirit.The sword of the Spirit divides between soul and spirit.The Holy Spirit activates the Word of God.We must hunger after God’s Word.The Word of God must be our meditation and our source of victory.As we read and meditate on God’s Word it will come alive to us and we will be changed.I know the Word of God is thorough as the sword of the Spirit is being applied. I won’t have to go this way again. He’s capable of doing it the first time if you’ll submit to it.We must be filled with the Holy Spirit to speak the Word of God with power. 


    The sword of the Spirit is not our sword to be used. It's the Holy Spirit's sword, and He draws it out when He chooses.There is a time and an anointing when the Word of God you speak absolutely becomes the sword of the Spirit.You'll never be defensive against the word It'll cut through all of the flack all of the things that you put up all your ideologies everything else, because the Word of God is eternal.The sword of the spirit comes in and divides soul and spirit....when the word is executed by the spirit of the Living God it breaks through every barrier and creates something that you could never create any other way....what you're saying is the Bible was never meant to be a book that was understood by human wisdom....the word of God itself is something that God says that you must hunger and thirst after it in order to have it, in order for it to be effective in your life.The carnal mind will never come to the conclusion of what is in the Word. Only the Spirit of God reveals to you, by the Spirit, what God is talking about.Let the word be your meditation. Let the word be your portion. Let it be your guide. Let it be your source of victory. Your source of overcoming.That sword of the Spirit, run it deep, Lord, because Father, I want not to fight, what You're doing. I want it to work to its fullest extent....there's coming a time when, as you're seeking the Lord with all your heart and reading the Word, that will penetrate your very being and cause something to come alive in you that was not alive before.It's not just reading a scripture or quoting a scripture, that doesn't have anything in it. But it's when it's filled with this Holy Spirit. That's when the power comes.


    Ephesians 6:17

    And take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

    Hebrews 4:12

    For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

    John 4:24

    God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”

    Matthew 18:3

     And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.

    Psalm 19

    (Hungering after God’s Word)

    Psalm 119:9-16

    (Hungering after God’s Word)

    Joshua 1:7-9

    (Meditate on the Word)

    I Corthians 4:20

    For the kingdom of God is not in words, but in power.

    John 5:39-40

    You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal...

  • Summary:

    A new realm of oneness has opened up to the family of God. The very foundation of this oneness is the Lordship of Jesus Christ and our love for the Father and one another. In this oneness our individuality is swallowed up as we function as His family in His love. Show Notes: A realm of oneness has opened up in which we all participate together in something bigger that ourselves. This realm of oneness is not based on all of us believing the same doctrine or teaching. This oneness is based on the Lordship of Jesus Christ and our open hearts to one another. As we function in this realm all our differences fade away as we are aware of our love for one another. This is a new day, the day of Spirit. It’s a day that our Father is perfecting our spirit. Any personal issues and battle is not your battle, but something coming against the oneness of Christ in His family. As we function as a family in this oneness, we stop thinking of ourselves and are totally engulfed in our love for one another. It’s all about the love of God in us. That’s what honors God. You shall love the Lord your God with all of your mind, your heart, and strength. That’s your individual relationship with God. That;s where it begins. As we enter this realm of oneness we begin to love our brother with the same love as we love God. It’s this grace for one another flowing back and forth. We freely been given, and we freely give this life for one another.
     Quotes: God has opened a realm of oneness where we participate together in the love of Christ. We walk with as an individual, then we begin to walk with God together. There's a consciousness of participating in a bigger thing than ourselves. We've come to this level not because we all believe the same exact doctrine or teachings about any given thing. It's a oneness that...