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The "Living with Heart" Podcast is brought to you by Chip Dodd Resources (www.chipdodd.com) and The Voice of the Heart Center (vothcenter.com). Contact Bryan Barley for coaching at [email protected].
What is an âRE-â God?
âRE-â is a prefix that means to do again or make anew. Our God is an âRE-â God because He offers Himself to us again and again through refreshment, renewal, restoration, repair, recreation, redemption, etc.
A man trusts an âRE-â God:
A man who fully participates in life with his whole heart will pour himself out into life daily.Because all of us are limited in our strength and resources, we need to be re-stored, re-plenished, re-deemed, re-created, re-enlivened, re-freshed, and more. We have a God who attends to us is in daily life; therefore, we must face and participate in the rhythms of daily life for our daily sustenance. A man needs to know how to attend to his limits and needs so that he is ready to step into the next day with renewed strength and resources.A man needs to develop a rhythm of renewal so that he can give his heart, head, and hands to whatever he is âcalledâ or assigned to do.To live consistently in Movement #8, a man must begin by remembering his proper place.
In Episode #51, âThe Order of Love,â explains the importance of a man submitting to God as the greatest resource of strength, courage, and wisdom that he can possibly have. âThe Order of Love,â defines the foundation for all the other Movements of a manâs life.
A Mistaken Belief:
Many men are taught to believe that they are permitted to ârestâ or âreplenishâ only when they are finished with their mission. They drive themselves very hard and live on âwhen/thenâ thinking:
âWhen I get all this done, then I will be able to finally stop, and relax, eat, drink and be merry.â This thinking is based on the idea that I can finally get away from stress, worry, and pain if I just work hard enough. However, a man cannot escape the realities of life because there is no such place as âaway.â We have to contend with feelings and needs our whole lives.WE need to experience âRE-â from God daily.In Luke 12:16-21, Jesus shares a parable about a man trying to âget enoughâ so that I will no longer have to live with concerns, cares, stresses, or worries. Sadly, there is no such place that we can âget toâ where we will no longer have to struggle.
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The "Living with Heart" Podcast is brought to you by Chip Dodd Resources (www.chipdodd.com) and The Voice of the Heart Center (vothcenter.com). Contact Bryan Barley for coaching at [email protected].
A man knows what is worth dying for, because he knows what is worth living for.
He can give and offer his life to what matters to him because he knows what he is living for. He consistently offers his competence and care to the love, the cause, and the mission he is living for.He desires to offer himself as a source of love to the people he loves.He lives with passion, which is a willingness to be in pain for something that matters more than pain.Because a man has entrusted himself to Godâs order (as discussed in episode #50, Movement #1), he draws his strength and courage from God. He has a passion that is purposed, and he forms plans of fulfillment accordingly.
Passion >>> Purpose >>> Plan >>>
In reference to Plans, they are as big as the Passion. This means that a man continues to rely on God, because just as his passion is âbiggerâ than he is, so are the plans that he makes to fulfill the passion. For example, a father, in his old age, wants to see his children living fulfilling and purposeful lives; however, if his children live into old age and live a fulfilled life, he will certainly pass away without seeing the fulfillment of his plans.
Olympians are good examples of expressions of passion with a purpose. They give themselves to something worth being in pain over. Olympians are not a special breed, though very often they are uniquely gifted with certain specific giftings that they multiply with passion and purpose. In other words, we are all meant to be Olympians. We are all meant to give ourselves to something worth being in pain over.
We are all created to give ourselves to something greater than ourselves; this is an expression of being fully alive: producing, creating, shaping, planting, growing, and pursuing.
The man who grasps what is worth dying for invests in so much more than just his name being remembered. He invests in what outlasts him, without the focus on just his name being remembered or honored.
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Episodi mancanti?
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The "Living with Heart" Podcast is brought to you by Chip Dodd Resources (www.chipdodd.com) and The Voice of the Heart Center (vothcenter.com). Contact Bryan Barley for coaching at [email protected].
Reminder: âThe Twelve Movements of a Manâs Lifeâ are not simply steps or a list. They are movements that we live in for the rest of our lives, continuing to grow and learn as we do so. We never finish; hopefully, we grow and learn until we die.
In order for all 12 of the movements to work, it is essential that a man orders his life, as we talked about in episode #50. Man must place God first in his life and himself second. Without connection to God, he will eventually wear out and/or burn-out.
Movement #6 - A man identifies himself with mercy:
He knows that but for the grace and mercy of God, he would not be âwhere he is.â He would not be able to identify himself with The Twelve Movements, and he would not be able to implement them. Because he identifies his own need for mercy, having received it himself, he tends to be merciful and gentle without being weak.The need for mercy assumes that the man has known/knows feelings and needs, and that he has the humility to admit having feelings and needs. This man knows pain, and he doesnât run from it.
Pain comes from the Greek word pathos, which means feelings.
From our willingness to feel, we develop three other important characteristics that come from pathos:
We develop passion, which is a willingness to be in pain (have feelings) for something that matters more than the pain. We also develop patience, which means the capacity to wait on our hopes to be realized. With patience, we can delay gratification.With passion, we can remain in pursuit of the results we seek.
People who run from pathos become pathological, which means sick. Feelings donât harm us, but running from them does.
The great achievements of life in art, literature, science, medicine, in society in general, have their origin in passion and patience.
Love itself relates to our willingness to have pathos.
Luke 10:25-37 tells the story of The Good Samaritan, a man who identifies with mercy.
The Good Samaritan had empathy, which means he had experienced pain; therefore, he could identify with the anotherâs pain. Since he could relate to pain, he could have compassion for another who was in pain.
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The "Living with Heart" Podcast is brought to you by Chip Dodd Resources (www.chipdodd.com) and The Voice of the Heart Center (vothcenter.com). Contact Bryan Barley for coaching at [email protected].
Movement #5 is a matter of the heart, like every movement of The Twelve Movements of a Manâs Life.
When a man walks in the dirt daily:
He faces that he does not have control of life, and he cannot see the future; even so, he bravely walks into doing his duty/calling one day at a time. If he has a vision of love and care for the people he offers himself to, he will go face the daily struggles of not having control; he knows that he is in charge of dealing with life on lifeâs terms. He maintains and sustains an attitude of courage that requires humility, or healthy shame. He must need others and God.Philosophy meets real life in tangible ways:
Care and Courage: For a man to âwalk daily in the dirt,â he must bring care and courage to daily life and expresses what matters to him. Tangible Action: His philosophy, character, ideas and ideals must have tangible action to be real and true. Consistently Does: He consistently does what he claims matters to him.Basically and practically, he takes care of business one step at a time:
He gets sweaty and tired, through action of output. He grasps that passion means a willingness to be in pain for what matters. He knows that if he pours out, he must re-fill and replenish, to keep going. He takes responsibility for his self-care, to be able to continue to care.Without passion, a person cannot truly be successful. It is essential.
It means that you are able to feel, care, and ask for help.
Healthy Shame means that you show up daily to do your duty/calling. This requires the help of others. Every man needs the support, wisdom, care, and encouragement of other men. And, of course, a man needs God.
We have Healthy Shame when we become aware that we donât have all the answers and need the help of others. Humility is an outcome of Healthy Shame. (Episodes #19 and Episode #20).
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The "Living with Heart" Podcast is brought to you by Chip Dodd Resources (www.chipdodd.com) and The Voice of the Heart Center (vothcenter.com). Contact Bryan Barley for coaching at [email protected].
A man grows in faith:
He matures over a lifetime to live with a âheartâ of certainty about God. He knows in his heart that God is always faithful to His promises and is always present in the manâs life He grows in his faith starting with fear, which God gave us to:recognize our need for helphope for an outcome that âsavesâ mespeak our needsface our powerlessness over lifeexpress our hopesBy using fear as God intended it to be used (Episodes # 19 and Episode #20), we actually grow our faith, from an infancy to a maturity.
By using our fear to reach out to God with our feelings, needs, desire, longings and hope, we begin to develop a trust in Godâs presence and action in our lives.
Fear can initiate this equation:
Fear Expresses Hope + Expression of Desire + Risk of Action = Outcomes that Develop Faith
A man needs to grow in:
dependence upon Godhow God created ushow one is uniquely createdAs a man (or woman) practices the equation, he finds that âinfantâ faith grows. In other words, infant faith begins to become âmemoriesâ of Godâs presence in his life.
Through practice over time, a man (or woman) develops a more mature faith that we can call âcertainty.â
Infant faith is Hope + Expression of Desire + Risk of Action = Outcomes that Develop Faith.
Maturing faith is having memory of Godâs presence in the past.
Mature faith is certainty of Godâs presence even in the most difficult times.
When we feed the roots of the heart (feelings, needs, desire, longings, and hope), we grow the fruits of:
living fullyloving deeplyleading well.The roots of how God created us are expressed at birth. The APGAR (Episode #2 and Episode #3) speaks to how we come into life with rudimentary faith. We naturally reach for connection, safety, and fulfillment with a desire to grow.
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The "Living with Heart" Podcast is brought to you by Chip Dodd Resources (www.chipdodd.com) and The Voice of the Heart Center (vothcenter.com). Contact Bryan Barley for coaching at [email protected].
Endurance and Perseverance are different:
Endurance is the ability to âtake the blowsâ that life delivers.
Perseverance is that and more; it is the ability to fight back.
We are created to persevere, but we need to learn how, and we need help to know how.
We have to practice asking for help.
A Man Remembers How He is Made:
A man needs to admit every day, with deep awareness, that he is not God, and is created by God. He did not create himself. He was created.An inspired man, versus just one who is ambitious, knows that he is in service of something greater than himself, a mission that his heart is âcalledâ to.A man humbly faces his need of God, and he does not attempt to take credit for what he did not create.Therefore, a man serves a higher authority and a higher purpose than himself, and he orders his life accordingly as was discussed in Episode #52.
In serving a higher authority and purpose, a man contends with three areas of struggle, as part of the purpose of living with passion, intimacy, and integrity.
He brings full hearted presence into a society and âworldâ that often lacks the heart leadership.He brings advocacy; he speaks up for issues and people who suffer in silence or suppression.He brings order into chaos or destructive influences.No man succeeds alone. He needs the help of others; he needs their encouragement, wisdom, and strength. He also needs Godâs encouragement, wisdom, and strength to keep him inspired to persevere in his purpose.
Surrender is vital for a man to succeed and persevere. Surrender does not mean defeat. The word means to ârender over,â or âgive back.â
Much of our society teaches self-reliance and self-sufficiency, when actually a man needs to hand himself over to God, as in surrender himself to God, to be the strength and courage that he needs to live his purpose.
A man who attempts to live self-sufficiently or with self-reliance only needs to surrender to God who can do so much more with His strength in a man than the man can ever do on his own.
The âLiving with Heartâ podcast series on Codependency is vital to grasping the difference between self-reliance and God-reliance. Episodes #32 - # 44.
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The "Living with Heart" Podcast is brought to you by Chip Dodd Resources (www.chipdodd.com) and The Voice of the Heart Center (vothcenter.com). Contact Bryan Barley for coaching at [email protected].
A man faces and struggles with being a work in progress by admitting and struggling to accept that âclumsy is as good as we are ever going to become.â
Though we carry eternity in our hearts and the picture of perfection in our hearts, we cannot achieve it.
A man faces four realities and perseveres in the midst of them and in spite of them:
Mistakes are inevitable and yet a man continues to pursue living fully, loving deeply, and leading well so that he leaves a positive legacy.We all have to live life on lifeâs terms. Life is tragic and God is faithful. We have to struggle with that conflict, without becoming resigned or giving up.Everything in life is practice. We never get to stop needing to ask questions and learning how to live.It takes a lifetime to learn how to live.Remember that the movements are not a âtwelve steps list.â They donât work as an ordinal ranking, checking one off and then going to the next, and then assuming that you are done.
The Twelve Movements of a Manâs Life:
offer a âpathâ not a âpill.â offer a process of how to live so that a man offers his best to who he loves and what he loves. require that a man submits to the reality of how life works. No one âbeatsâ life or changes how it works.Samuel Beckett said, âWe are on earth, and there is no cure for that.â However, the courageous struggle to succeed in the midst of lifeâs realities; therefore, the twelve movements are not about perfection, but about living with passion, intimacy, and integrity.
A man will leave a positive legacy when he is:
living fullyloving deeplyleading wellThis man will exhibit:
passionintimacyintegrityA man must bring these three characteristics to each movement.
Remember that God controls the process of life. Listen to Episodes 23 and 24, âTrust the Processâ Parts 1 & 2 for a better understanding.
A man or woman, who lives with passion, intimacy, and integrity is a competent person; therefore, a successful person.
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The "Living with Heart" Podcast is brought to you by Chip Dodd Resources (www.chipdodd.com) and The Voice of the Heart Center (vothcenter.com). Contact Bryan Barley for coaching at [email protected].
The Twelve Movements of a Manâs Life are about a way of living with daily routines over a lifetime. They are about bringing your heart, head, hands, and habits to your relationships and life. We build a lasting legacy one day at a time and one step at a time.
The Twelve Movements of a Manâs Life focuses on the invitations, âresponse abilities,â and opportunities for men to see who they are created to be, so they can do what they are created to do.
A Reminder:
We are all created to live fullylove deeplylead well.Both men and women are created with the desire to live with:
passionintimacyintegrityQuestions to ask yourself about living fully:
Am I courageous? Do I bring my âfull-heartedâ participation to what I am doing?Am I curious? Do I ask questions so that I may learn more? Am I teachable?Am I compassionate? Do I have enough awareness of my own feelings and needs to identify and relate to others?The desire to answer, âYesâ to all three questions means you desire to be a competent human being.
Courage + Curiosity + Compassion = Competence
Men are called to:
âstand-upâ to bring order into chaos
âspeak upâ when no one is speaking up for what is just or merciful.
âshow upâ to fill the void or absence of what is good or right.
The Twelve Movements of a Manâs Life:
Movement #1 A Man orders his life following loveâs code
God has directed us, allows us, and moves us to live life with these priorities.
The Manâs Life
The Man (Self)
The Womanâs Life
The Woman (Self)
If a person is going to love anyone or any place, then they must be willing to suffer and feel all the feelings that come with love.
They also have to ultimately recognize that they are powerless over life. We have choice-making powers, but we donât have power over all the outcomes.
Love is worth it, and it is a contract of a willingness to be in pain.
Love hurts. Think of raising a childâall the concerns, fears, heartaches, joys, struggles, worries, sadness, celebrations, daily difficulties, hopes, and dreams.
A man is given opportunity and a calling to
live fullylove deeplylead wellClick here to continue reading the episode highlights.
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The "Living with Heart" Podcast is brought to you by Chip Dodd Resources (www.chipdodd.com) and The Voice of the Heart Center (vothcenter.com). Contact Bryan Barley for coaching at [email protected].
The preface to Twelve Movements of a Manâs Life is vital because the movements are not just a list of twelve things to accomplish. They are twelve movements that are about a manâs whole life. They are processes that interlock and âcirclesâ that join and move a man into wholeness and love and legacy.
The 12 Movements are about a manâs character of heart and having actions that match his character in order that he leaves behind a positive legacy.
Men are created to become someone who practices a lifestyle of:
Living fullyLoving deeplyLeading well a life that is worth treasuring by othersThese three territories integrated create a positive legacy.
It is vital for a man to practice healthy anger as part of the lifestyle that we will be discussing in the following episodes.
For greater clarity about healthy anger, listen to âLiving With Heartâ Podcast episode #19 and episode #20.
Also, read The Voice of the Heart by Chip Dodd
Healthy anger is a feeling that moves a person to live with passion. Passion is the gift we receive when we live our lives expressing healthy anger.
Passion is a willingness to be in pain for something that is greater than comfort or pain.
It communicates that a person values the heart and cares about something greater than his own self-protection, and vulnerability.
Healthy anger moves us to care, hunger, thirst, hope, want, and desire. It moves us to deal with and express the truths of the heart. It expresses our willingness to be vulnerable enough to care about something.
âAbove all else, guard your heart, for everything flows from it.â Proverbs 4:23 (NIV)
A man is created to live with passion, even in a world that belittles it and mocks it.
A man who has passion is going to be on mission to accomplish that which he is moved from within to do.
A man is created to be capable of intimacy, or âinto-me-see.â In other words, he is capable of sharing the truths of his heart.
He will accept his needs for the sake of mission. He will accept that he will need help to accomplish his desires. He will need other men in his life to help stay strong to care for his family.Click here to continue reading the episode highlights.
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The "Living with Heart" Podcast is brought to you by Chip Dodd Resources (www.chipdodd.com) and The Voice of the Heart Center (vothcenter.com). Contact Bryan Barley for coaching at [email protected].
This new podcast series, âTwelve Movements of a Manâs Life,â is not going to be exclusively for men. We want women to learn and have confidence in seeing and expecting men to be who they are created to be.
I created these twelve movements over 15 years ago when I was in my early 50s. I knew that I was not old enough to present them with assurance, because I had not witnessed them as a âlived experienceâ yetâeven though I knew they were true.
I am now more of a witness to how extraordinarily true and vital they are for our society, for families, for marriages, for mission, for men in community with other men, and for a man with God.
I learned these truths and concepts from the thousands of men, couples, and families that I have worked with while running my treatment center and in my own consulting/mentoring practice that I started in 2019. This material is the culmination of work that began in 1988, if not before!
These twelve movements are not a list that a person checks off, completes the next step, and then gets his diploma. These movements are actually real processes, or interlocking circles that expand over a lifetime. They are never completed. They only end when the manâs life ends.
This episode lays the foundation for the twelve movements to follow:
We are all feeling creatures. We feel, need, desire, long and hope; and we imagine our lives being fully lived related to our feelings.We are all emotionally and spiritually created to do one thing in this life, to live fully (all purpose in life begins from the desire to live fully).We are literally born to find full life in relationship with ourselves (our own hearts and heads connected), with others, and with God. We are not created to âdoâ life alone.Neuroscience has âcaught upâ enough to verify and validate what has always been true. We are connection seeking creatures. We come out of the womb looking for who is looking for us. We find fulfillment through connection.Unlike all other mammals, we as human beings can attempt to run from or deny how we are created. We can attempt to use our âheadsâ to deny our heartâs makeupâto avoid vulnerability.We can use our minds to avoid engagement with the feelings, needs, desire, longings, and hopes of the heart. When we do so, we isolate ourselves from each other, our own makeup, and God.We all look to connect in three ways: (a) we all need to belong and matter; (b) we all seek safety and care; (c) we all crave the experience of being fully alive.Click here to continue reading the episode highlights.
Click here to read the episode highlights.
The "Living with Heart" Podcast is brought to you by Chip Dodd Resources (www.chipdodd.com) and The Voice of the Heart Center (vothcenter.com). Contact Bryan Barley for coaching at [email protected].
Welcome back and Happy New Yearâs Eve!
We are talking about the real meaning of resolution, what many us set our minds to focus on in the first of every year. We often fail not too long after we commit ourselves to some New Yearâs resolution. There is a reason we often give up on our promises and commitments to ourselves.
We deal with that today:
What sets us up to fail, and how do we actually succeed.
New Yearâs Day is often a marker day, one in which we look towards the future and ask significant questions:
What do I want to happen?What do I want to achieve?What do I imagine?What do I desire?Out of the answers to the questions, we set up markers and set our sights on getting to the goal lines of our hopes and dreams.
We often fail, not because we lack desire or good intentions. We fail because we attempt to achieve certain things with tools that do not work, starting with a mistaken understanding of what a resolution is.
We have been trained to think that a resolution means that I need to become hyper-focused, and that I need to become bound and determined through will power to achieve the goal. The mistaken teaching actually sets us up to fail.
Failure occurs in the following way:
The phrase âbound and determinedâ literally means to be âtied upâ or âbound,â by being constricted, or not free. I actually become deterred (discouraged) by the very determination I think will bring success. Being bound means to be tied up, and determined becomes deterred, or stalled, from the very success I have resolved to achieve. Being tied and deterred is not the way to success.By going back to the word resolution and grasping its real meaning, we can start down a path of accomplishing what we seek.
Resolution actually means:
To re-solve, literally to untie what has become a knot. Resolve means to re-decide, to untie myself from something that binds me or stops me from having the life I seek.Click here to continue reading the episode highlights.
Click here to read the episode highlights.
The "Living with Heart" Podcast is brought to you by Chip Dodd Resources (www.chipdodd.com) and The Voice of the Heart Center (vothcenter.com). Contact Bryan Barley for coaching at [email protected].
âLiving with Heart: From Birth to Deathâ podcast has been downloaded in 49 states and 68 countries. Thank you to all of our listeners. We are very grateful to you and also grateful that so many of you have shared this podcast with family and friends. We hope for many more listeners in the coming year because we deeply believe in what we are offering and how it can do for people.
I have never tired of or even thought I knew all the depths of The Spiritual Root System, even after all the years that I have been talking and teaching about it. We truly are created as emotional and spiritual creatures, created to find fulfillment in relationship. What seems so basic now, to almost everyone, sounded foreign to many, many people in 1991 when I began to communicate the power of surrendering to how we are created.
About 15 years ago, neuroscience research began to validate the material I have been talking about. The material I talk about is ancient, has always been true from the beginning, and is amazingly Biblical.
It is a reliable scientific material, and yet even more, it is faith-based proof of the existence and goodness of God.
We are âheartâ people who have the addition of intellect that develops over time after birth.
We are born as âheartâ people, and we are all created the same way.
This fact sets the stage for the actions of a loving and moral people. When I look at you, I am looking at myself, in terms of being a feeling, needing, desiring, longing, and hoping creation.
This factor allows me to recognize the benefit of practicing the Golden Rule: âDo unto others as you would have them do unto youâ (Matthew 7:12). As our sameness allows us to develop conscience, we can bless each other.
The more we deny our sameness, the more we harm each other. Of course, no matter what, we are going to still need to seek forgiveness; we are going to harm each other.
We have truly entered a new era, one of the heart.
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The "Living with Heart" Podcast is brought to you by Chip Dodd Resources (www.chipdodd.com) and The Voice of the Heart Center (vothcenter.com). Contact Bryan Barley for coaching at [email protected].
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Now Available at Amazon
The Jesse Tree: A Christmas Devotional for Individuals, Couples, & Families is a 24-day devotional that prepares us for the birth of Jesus. It is offered as a free eBook at chipdodd.com, and it can be purchased from Amazon. The Jesse Tree includes daily devotions that start with creation and end with the birth of Jesus. Each day has a list of ideas for extending the dayâs âstudyâ and opportunity for fellowship with your family, friends, and God. Your Jesse Tree will be covered in Bible-themed ornaments that will be a daily reminder of the stories you have read and the promise of the coming Messiah. Order now, the devotional begins December 1st.
There are three books that listeners may wish to go to about gratitude:
One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp which I mentioned in the last episode. This wonderful book deals a lot with gratitude that can come from loss and grief.
Gratitude Works and Little Book of Gratitude by Robert Emmons. These two very practical books were written by Emmons, a researcher who has studied the benefits of gratitude, how to develop it, and sustain it.
When we experience life as a gift, then we, as the receivers of the gifts in life, naturally have gratitude. Emmons and others have shown that having gratitude benefits our emotional and spiritual lives, as well as our physical well-being and our prosperity. Gratitude multiplies itself with its impact. When we yield to being in need of others and God, and experience the effect of needing, we receive a yield, or a harvest of benefits.
Not only do we have an expectation of good things in our lives, we also are able to recall good things in times of trouble. For example, recalling or remembering times when we received something good can help us persevere in troubled times. We can hang on to hope because of remembering.
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The "Living with Heart" Podcast is brought to you by Chip Dodd Resources (www.chipdodd.com) and The Voice of the Heart Center (vothcenter.com). Contact Bryan Barley for coaching at [email protected].
Episode highlights:
Now Available at Amazon
The Jesse Tree: A Christmas Devotional for Individuals, Couples, & Families is a 24-day devotional that prepares us for the birth of Jesus. It is offered as a free eBook at chipdodd.com, and it can be purchased from Amazon. The Jesse Tree includes daily devotions that start with creation and end with the birth of Jesus. Each day has a list of ideas for extending the dayâs âstudyâ and opportunity with fellowship with your family, friends, and God. Your Jesse Tree will be covered in Bible-themed ornaments that will be a daily reminder of the stories you have read and the promise of the coming Messiah. Order now, the devotional begins December 1st.
This is the first of two episodes on gratitude.
The final episode of the year will drop November 26. In this final episode, we will look back over our first year of âLiving with Heart: From Birth to Death.â
We will start the new season December 31 with a new episode that focuses on New Yearâs Resolutions.
What is gratitude and how do we experience it? Three factors play a part in experiencing gratitude.
Gratitude begins with our needs. God created us with an abundance of needs.
Whether we like it or not, we are âneedyâ creations of God.
Having our needs addressed and fulfilled is how gratitude occurs.
Our needs cannot be fulfilled without being in need of God and others.
Gratitude is experienced through relationship.
Needs are covered in great detail in:
Needs of the Heart by Chip DoddâLiving with Heart: From Birth to Deathâ podcast, episodes 2-16The 3 factors that summarize our essential needs are:
We all desire to belong and matter.We all seek safety and care.We all crave to experience a full life.Being in need or being âneedyâ is not a bad thing or a weakness. It is a human experience over which we are actually powerless.
We are created in ways that we cannot change. We can run from how we are made, but that does not change how we are created.
Many of us are trained to believe that having needs means you are weak.
Most people see having needs as:
a weakness.putting yourself in danger of being rejected.a negative experience that can keep them from belonging and mattering.a negative experience that can keep them from being safe and cared for.an experience that will keep them from having a full life.Click here to continue reading the episode highlights.
Click here to read the episode highlights.
The "Living with Heart" Podcast is brought to you by Chip Dodd Resources (www.chipdodd.com) and The Voice of the Heart Center (vothcenter.com). Contact Bryan Barley for coaching at [email protected].
Congratulations to the 5 Winners of the Chip Dodd Book Bundles! Thank you to all of you who submitted a review of this podcast.
2 helpful, FREE Resources at chipdodd.com:
14 Symptoms of Codependency: A Personal Inventory
Return to Being Human: 6 Freedoms from Birth
The Boy & The Ogre: Finding Freedom from Codependency by Chip Dodd
Now Available at Amazon
The Jesse Tree: A Christmas Devotional for Individuals, Couples, & Families is a 24-day devotional that prepares us for the birth of Jesus. It is offered as a free eBook at chipdodd.com, and it can be purchased from Amazon. The Jesse Tree includes daily devotions that start with creation and end with the birth of Jesus. Each day has a list of ideas for extending the dayâs âstudyâ and opportunity with fellowship with your family, friends, and God. Your Jesse Tree will be covered in Bible-themed ornaments that will be a daily reminder of the stories you have read and the promise of the coming Messiah. Order now, the devotional begins December 1st.
The reason for this podcast is because for people to have more life, more fulfillment. The things talked about here, and the materials referred to, are about knowing the language and content of your heart, and what that can do for you. It wonât stop pain, but helps you know what to do about it. It certainly doesnât promise perfection or even happiness. But knowing the language and content of the heart helps people develop the ability to live life on lifeâs terms, with all of its heartbreak and heartache that conflicts with our craving for life without tragedy.
Our goal is for people to experience time in this life as Kairos, which means to experience your life emotionally and spiritually, fully participating in living, rather than Chronos, which means just getting life over with, letting the clock run down.
If we donât allow ourselves to live emotionally and spiritually connected, then we have to find an escape or addiction.
Without living in Kairos, we are simply on a race to the grave.
Codependency recovery moves us into Kairos.
Because there has been so much misunderstanding about the proper use of feelings, there is a rising backlash against the importance of facing, feeling, and dealing with life by being able to be âresponse-ableâ with feelings.
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Click here to read the episode highlights.
The "Living with Heart" Podcast is brought to you by Chip Dodd Resources (www.chipdodd.com) and The Voice of the Heart Center (vothcenter.com). Contact Bryan Barley for coaching at [email protected].
We are giving away 5 FREE Chip Dodd Book Bundles!
Write a review of this podcast.Submit the review.Take of screenshot of the review.Send the screenshot to [email protected].Reviews and emails must be submitted by October 31st.
5 names will be drawn and winners will be announced in November.
The book bundles include:
A Signed Copy of The Voice of the HeartThe Voice of the Heart Companion StudyThe Boy and The Ogre: Finding Freedom from CodependencyThe Jesse Tree: A Christmas Devotional for Individuals, Couples, and Families*Bonus: A Set of OrnamentsDr. Dodd will be leading 1 more seminar this fall:
How to Love a Womanâs Heart
November 8, 2024
For more information or to register for these seminars go to chipdodd.com/seminar
2 new FREE Resources at chipdodd.com:
14 Symptoms of Codependency: A Personal Inventory
Return to Being Human: 6 Freedoms from Birth
We offer free resources not to promote, as much as to attract people to come get something that will benefit individuals, couples, families, friendships and society itself.
Now Available at Amazon
The Jesse Tree: A Christmas Devotional for Individuals, Couples, & Families is a 24-day devotional that prepare us for the birth of Jesus. It is offered as a free eBook at chipdodd.com and it also can be purchased from Amazon. The Jesse Tree includes daily devotionals that start with creation and end with the birth of Jesus. Each day has a list of ideas for extending the dayâs âstudyâ and opportunity for fellowship with your family, friends, and God. Order now, the devotional begins December 1st.
The reason I do this podcast is because we want people to have more life, more fulfillment. The things we talk about here and the materials we refer to are about what knowing your heart can do for you. It wonât stop pain, but helps you know what to do about it. It certainly doesnât promise perfection or even happiness, but helps people develop the ability to live life on lifeâs terms with all of its heartbreak and heartache that conflicts with our craving for life without tragedy.
Click here to continue reading the episode highlights.
Click here to read the episode highlights.
The "Living with Heart" Podcast is brought to you by Chip Dodd Resources (www.chipdodd.com) and The Voice of the Heart Center (vothcenter.com). Contact Bryan Barley for coaching at [email protected].
We are giving away 5 FREE Chip Dodd Book Bundles!
Write a review of this podcast.Submit the review.Take of screenshot of the review.Send the screenshot to [email protected].Reviews and emails must be submitted by October 31st.
5 names will be drawn and winners will be announced in November.
The book bundles include:
A Signed Copy of The Voice of the HeartThe Voice of the Heart Companion StudyThe Boy and The Ogre: Finding Freedom from CodependencyThe Jesse Tree: A Christmas Devotional for Individuals, Couples, and Families*Bonus: A Set of OrnamentsDr. Dodd will be leading 2 seminars this fall:
Leading With Heart: When Intellect, Willpower, and Goals Arenât Enough
October 24, 2024
9:00 to 12:00
How to Love a Womanâs Heart
November 8, 2024
For more information or to register for these seminars go to chipdodd.com/seminar
2 new FREE Resources at chipdodd.com:
14 Symptoms of Codependency: A Personal Inventory
Return to Being Human: 6 Freedoms from Birth
We offer free resources not to promote, as much as to attract people to come get something that will benefit individuals, couples, families, friendships and society itself.
Now Available at Amazon
The Jesse Tree: A Christmas Devotional for Individuals, Couples, & Families is a 24-day devotional that prepare us for the birth of Jesus. It is offered as a free eBook at chipdodd.com and it also can be purchased from Amazon. The Jesse Tree includes daily devotionals that start with creation and end with the birth of Jesus. Each day has a list of ideas for extending the dayâs âstudyâ and opportunity for fellowship with your family, friends, and God. Order now, the devotional begins December 1st.
In todayâs episode we are continuing to discuss how to find recovery from codependency.
Last episode we focused on the equation:
H.O.W. + G.O.D. > E.G.O
Honesty, Openness, and Willingness + Good, Orderly Direction allow us to reduce the ego or the Easing God Out experience of our lives. It also allows us to rediscover our true self and how to live out of it. The ego is the mask we wear to cover up our vulnerability and neediness, and our boundaries.
This episode particularly focuses on the path of recovery, returning to how you are created and to the God who created you.
Click here to continue reading the episode highlights.
Click here to read the episode highlights.
The "Living with Heart" Podcast is brought to you by Chip Dodd Resources (www.chipdodd.com) and The Voice of the Heart Center (vothcenter.com). Contact Bryan Barley for coaching at [email protected].
We are giving away 5 FREE Chip Dodd Book Bundles!
Write a review of this podcast.Submit the review.Take of screenshot of the review.Send the screenshot to [email protected].Reviews and emails must be submitted by October 31st.
5 names will be drawn and winners will be announced in November.
The book bundles include:
A Signed Copy of The Voice of the HeartThe Voice of the Heart Companion StudyThe Boy and The Ogre: Finding Freedom from CodependencyThe Jesse Tree: A Christmas Devotional for Individuals, Couples, and Families*Bonus: A Set of OrnamentsDr. Dodd will be leading 2 seminars this fall:
Leading With Heart: When Intellect, Willpower, and Goals Arenât Enough
October 24, 2024
9:00 to 12:00
How to Love a Womanâs Heart
November 8, 2024
For more information or to register for these seminars go to chipdodd.com/seminar
2 new FREE Resources at chipdodd.com:
14 Symptoms of Codependency: A Personal InventoryReturn to Being Human: 6 Freedoms from BirthWe offer free resources not to promote, as much as to attract people to come get something that will benefit individuals, couples, families, friendships and society itself.
Episode Highlights:
The Boy & The Ogre: Finding Freedom from Codependency by Chip Dodd
Real freedom awaits us in codependency recoveryâif we take the risk of hoping and then trusting that a better way of living is on the other side of the risk. We have to admit that we are actually powerless over the symptoms we have talked about. We must admit that we need an emotional and spiritual âmakeover.â
We must face that codependency is not a habit, one that we can just change by conscious action only, or mindfulness. It actually fits into the criteria of an illness, a disease.
Medical Definition of Disease: A morbid process (meaning destructive to health), with a characteristic chain of symptoms, of known or unknown origin, that are chronic, progressive, and can be fatal.
The disease of codependency is driven by stress. Many physicians have reported to me that the causes of most of the illnesses that are presented to them are stress-based sicknesses of not knowing how to live. In other words, the patient does not know what to do with or how to process feelings.
Click here to continue reading the episode highlights.
Click here to read the episode highlights.
The "Living with Heart" Podcast is brought to you by Chip Dodd Resources (www.chipdodd.com) and The Voice of the Heart Center (vothcenter.com). Contact Bryan Barley for coaching at [email protected].
We are giving away 5 FREE Chip Dodd Book Bundles!
Write a review of this podcast.Submit the review.Take of screenshot of the review.Send the screenshot to [email protected].Reviews and emails must be submitted by October 31st.
5 names will be drawn and winners will be announced in November.
The book bundles include:
A Signed Copy of The Voice of the HeartThe Voice of the Heart Companion StudyThe Boy and The Ogre: Finding Freedom from CodependencyThe Jesse Tree: A Christmas Devotional for Individuals, Couples, and Families*Bonus: A Set of OrnamentsDr. Dodd will be leading 2 seminars this fall:
Leading With Heart: When Intellect, Willpower, and Goals Arenât Enough
October 24, 2024
9:00 to 12:00
How to Love a Womanâs Heart
November 8, 2024
For more information or to register for these seminars go to chipdodd.com/seminar
2 new FREE Resources at chipdodd.com:
14 Symptoms of Codependency: A Personal Inventory
Return to Being Human: 6 Freedoms from Birth
We offer free resources not to promote, as much as to attract people to come get something that will benefit individuals, couples, families, friendships and society itself.
Episode Highlights:
Today weâre talking about the last two symptoms of the 14 symptoms of Codependency.
We will close our series on codependency with several episodes about the solutions and treatments for codependency.
Once we see we have a problem with codependency, we need to:
admit the need for help.see that there isnât a âpillâ to solve the problem, but rather a path and a process.There isnât a quick, easy âfixâ for overcoming codependency. The reality of having to take a path, rather than have a âpill fix,â is sad. The reality is that it takes a lifetime to learn how to live.
Codependency recovery is a great path to move us from surviving to thriving. The question is, âHow are we going to live?â
Symptom #13 Restricted Emotional Development
Restricted emotional development is grounded in the fear of being labeled as inferior because of what we do not know or have not learned.
Click here to continue reading the episode highlights.
Click here to read the episode highlights.
The "Living with Heart" Podcast is brought to you by Chip Dodd Resources (www.chipdodd.com) and The Voice of the Heart Center (vothcenter.com). Contact Bryan Barley for coaching at [email protected].
Episode Highlights:
âConfusion about Toxic Shame and Guiltâ
Codependency is not your fault, but it is your responsibility to deal with. Even though we have been âtaughtâ to rid ourselves of how God made us, it does not give us permission or the right to stay there. It is a sickness that we have, and we have the responsibility to find the healing.
Codependency is the loss of how God made us, with self-awareness, self-trust, self-care, being sensitive to our own true feelings, loss of learning how to respond to our feelings in a healthy way; it is the loss of self-worthâgiven over to the needs of significant others who are uncomfortable with themselves, or self-rejecting.
Codependency recovery is not selfishness; it is âSelf-fullness.â Self-fullness is having enough of who God created us to be that we have the ability to give our gifts to a world in need.
The need to belong and matter is so powerful that we are going to find a way to get those needs metâthrough suppression or expression.
Expression has to be grown and matured, so codependency recovery does take time and investment.
Each of the symptoms that we have discussed in this podcast is from the work of Timmen Cermak, in his book Diagnosing and Treating Codependency. The descriptions and following work are from my own experiences.
Codependency is pervasive, a pandemic, and all the relief-seeking addictions we can name have their origin and influence in codependency.
Symptom #12 Confusion About Toxic Shame and Guilt
Toxic shame is grounded in never being able to do anything âright enough,â or be right enough to be loved, or have the ârightâ to receive mercy.
In toxic shame the confusion between shame and guilt is birthed in the mistaken belief that I should be able to not mess up; not make mistakes; should not have to need mercy; should be able to be perfect. It is the belief that only perfect people can be loved. If I am not perfect, I am âworth-lessâ and cannot be loved.
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