Happiness: Living A Happy Life - Live Class
The Key to This Year's Succoth
Episodi mancanti?
An important and powerful way to approach Teshuvah, Gratitude, and Personal Growth in General.
Blessings to all!
The Happiest Day of The Year: Rosh Hashanah
A great truth we could implement right now in this moment, to change our lives for the better today. Love to all.
Life-changing stuff from our latest Mesilat Yesharim Class.
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Bh a must-listen. Life changing stuff here.
The first 19 minutes is Ikey Zaccai’s inspiring story as of late. The latest challenges he’s overcome BH with the help of Hashem and the very strong Emuna, positivity and gratitude he works on every day.
The second part is my attempt to take what my friend and inspiration Ikey Zaccai shows through his living example, and has taught me over the years, along with principles from Rabbi Arush, and others, to outline steps we can take to try to get better in these areas for our own and our loved ones benefits.
I pray we all overcome our individual and collective challenges and grow greater everyday in our joy, gratitude, love and Emuna until the coming of Mashiach Amen.
The Key to Unlocking Our Greatest Lives - Live Ladies Class
5 true stories that teach a very powerful message and a deep spiritual truth that helps us take on life with strength. Please share with whomever might benefit! -
A crash course in Emuna 101 based on the teachings of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov (from the books of Rav Shalom Arush SHLITA):
1. Everything Comes from Hashem
2. Everything from Hashem is Good and for the Best
3. We must Thank Hashem for Everything Good
4. We must Thank Hashem for the Perceivably Bad
5. We can Connect to Hashem Through Hitbodedut (Personal Prayer)
6. We Must Overcome Our Yetzer Hara to Grow and Get Closer to Hashem
7. Everyday is a Clean Slate and We Always Have Teshuva -
Highs and Lows and Why We Need Them Both
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