Miranda Horvath is BACK on the show and she shares a very different vibe from when she was first here.
Today she speaks about Not having goals as being the actual goal, and to just go with the flow within her life and business.
Miranda is a registered massage therapist, holistic business consultant, and the founder of Strive Holistic. She's passionate about motivating practitioners to create successful practices through entrepreneurship mastery.
Miranda created Strive Holistic to draw back the curtain and reveal how clients can create a thriving, lucrative and purposeful practice as she has been fortunate enough to build. She has multiple ways you can work with her, either an individual 1 on 1 setting, group coaching setting or in clinic team trainings.
She is consistently booked between 4-8 weeks in advance in her own massage practice with no slow season, has successfully profited off running convention booths, fitness assessments, hands-on workshops, online programs and more.
She hopes to reach YOU to help you do the same (or better!)
If you’re curious about how to work with Miranda, email her with any questions at info@striveholistic.com or head to her website at www.striveholistic.com to find out more about how she can help
Sue and Marisa dive deep into ancestral healing and what it means to be the voice for the women of our past who couldn't speak up. Marisa shares her experience with Ayahuasca and how it helped her to connect to her higher consciousness and body again.
Marisa Lupo is a certified life coach who has mastered strategies that empower women in her private practice to cultivate an authentic life overflowing with love, meaning, and passion. After having checked all the boxes that she thought were going to lead her to the happiness she craved, something deep within her was still missing. Purpose emerged through her most difficult time; an entangled divorce with two children, a very opinionated Italian family, without much support from those closest to her. She developed the tools and strategies to untie the knots of divorce that bound her and started living a life of freedom. In her coaching she guides women through untying the knots of divorce and teaches them how to emerge into their highest self.
Connect with Marisa
Website: https://marisalupocoaching.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/marisalupocoaching
Facebook: https://facebook.com/coachfordivorcedmoms
Email: marisalupohome@gmail.com
Follow her podcast: When Voice Meets Spirit https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/when-voice-meets-spirit/id1554098438
Episodi mancanti?
Annette Smith is back on the show!
She was here in the beginning stages of this podcast sharing about the Grand Mal Seizure she experienced and how it impacted the trajectory of her current life (Episode 25), but today we are talking all things Crying, and normalizing our innate cellular reaction to release or emote what our bodies want us to express.
Sue and Annette could chat for hours, so without further adieu, here is their rant about the importance of crying.
Connect with Annette:
Website: https://www.lipservicebeauty.ca
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LipServiceEtsyBeauty
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lipservice_beauty/
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@lipservicebeauty
Email: annette@lipservicebeauty.ca -
Ariel Taylor is leading the way in Surrogate and Infertility education in Canada. This episode is jammed packed with valuable information surrounding the process and logistics of Surrogacy.
After carrying 4 babies in 6 years, she shares the lessons and perspective on this very incredible human body experience.
Ariel Taylor is a Fertility Therapist and a 4x gestational surrogate who has candidly shared her journey on Instagram for the last 2 years. Ariel has spent the last 6 years in the fertility community as an advocate, speaker and educator around assisted reproduction and is now using her Social Work degree to provide counselling services for potential parents and surrogates through their own journeys. Ariel has dynamically embraced social media as a way to spread awareness and decrease the stigma around alternative routes to parenthood and normalize counselling. We are so grateful to have her in this community.
Connect with Ariel on Instagram:
Grounding Foundations is a technique, a practice, that developed when Sue was forced to shut down her hands-on practice due to the pandemic.
For years she has thought, "if only I could get my hands through the computer screen, I could reach more people."
Well, she discovered the way.
She shares her story of how she found Myofascial Release and how that lead her to creating this virtual method of sharing her gift.
Enrollment for Grounding Foundations is now Open:
Coupon code GF50 to receive $50 OFF expires June 30, 2021
Questions or Concerns please email: susan@loveyourcells.ca
Connect via social:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_sueruhe/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/susan.ruhe/
With Addiction on the rise, this conversation couldn't come at a more perfect time. Whether you are someone struggling with addiction yourself, or living alongside an addicted loved one, there IS hope in moving beyond it. Asking and receiving support is never a sign of weakness. In fact, it is a sign of Strength.
Kelly shares her story of hitting her breaking point, and the steps she took to begin her journey towards freedom. Now, as she has turned her pain into purpose, she is on a mission to help others find freedom like she has.
Kelly is a speaker, coach, educator and published author. She is also a single mom to twins and an advocate for families living alongside addiction. Through carefully designed workshops and programs, Kelly teaches families how to remove guilt and create boundaries with their addicted loved one, while simultaneously empowering themselves on their own journey of self-discovery. In addition to being a spouse living alongside addiction, Kelly has her own personal story of addiction and recovery. When Kelly started to take accountability and ownership for her story, she truly began to change her life and find the freedom she was searching for. Kelly’s signature program Steps To Freedom is specifically designed for women living alongside addiction. She teaches women how to find freedom from their addicted loved one without losing more of themselves in the process. Kelly knows first hand how debilitating addiction can be, and is on a mission to help as money women as possible create freedom in their lives, regardless of their loved ones choices.
To connect with Kelly:
Steps to Freedom Signature Program:
Private Facebook group for women living alongside addiction: https://www.facebook.com/groups/findingfreedomfromyouraddictedlovedone
April is recognized every year as Cesarean Awareness Month and in honour of that, Kim Basler shares her birth story with us on the podcast.
Kim endured a very rare Spinal Headache following her c-section 18 years ago and shares how her recovery felt painfully different because of it.
The healing process will always look different for every new mother, but it's important for every woman to take time to heal, in their own way, and in their own time, no matter what it looks like.
She also shares an interesting ironing board trick that you must hear!
Connect with Kim
Website: https://www.kimbasler.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kim.basler
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kimbasler_foodfreedom
Email: kim@kimbasler.com -
In this episode Sue and Karen discuss the art of entrepreneurial resilience, drive, faith and grit required to achieve success as micro-entrepreneurs. Karen Lowe shares her journey of growing up in Jamaica, which Sue loves to chat about, then moving to Canada to pursue her Doctorate Degree in Business Administration.
She started Dreamer 2 Creator Business Magazine in January 2019 (launched April 2019). The magazine is intended to educate and promote Canadian micro-entrepreneurs (small businesses) while promoting Canadian content.
“I was 12, living in Jamaica; my mom bought my textbooks in the summer for me to start reading before classes began in September. After reading literature books, I went on to fiction for entertainment. I became a dreamer, seeing myself in every story I read, even history. At 14, I read a story of a consultant who owned a company, working remotely with people all over the world. Like that entrepreneur, I saw myself having virtual meetings with people around the globe. Virtual work or freelance entrepreneurship was not yet a thing. After many years of studying, I went on to become a creator and be the one to be having virtual business meetings.”
Karen holds a BSc (Computer and Management Studies) degree from the University of Technology, Jamaica, an MBA from Schulich School of Business, Toronto and is currently studying for her Doctorate in Business Administration.
After her MBA, she started Epigram Consulting Services, helping micro-entrepreneurs start their businesses and working through the kinks. She created Carys Belle, an eco-friendly handbag line.
She is the author of From Dreamer to Creator: Reframing Deterrents in Our Paths, which was from lessons learnt from Epigram Consulting Services.
Facebook & Instagram @dreamer2creatormagazine @dreamstocreator
Twitter: @dream2createmag @dreamstocreator
Website: www.dreamer2creatormag.ca
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/35541499/admin/
Youtube: Dreamer 2 Creator Magazine
Today's episode is FIRE, as Craig and Sue chat bodies, business and mindset. Craig is blazing trails and creating a ton of impact in the world through the CLS Experience community platform. Tune in to find out more about the man behind the mission.
Craig Siegel is a Mindset Coach, Speaker, Entrepreneur, Performance Enhancer, Breakthrough Manufacturer, and host of the record-breaking podcast, The CLS Experience, as featured in Entrepreneur, MSN, and Yahoo Finance.
Although lucrative, Craig left his stable career on Wall Street to go all in on his passion and purpose during the Pandemic. He created what the world would now know as Cultivate Lasting Symphony (CLS), which means to acquire that edge that makes you unstoppable in all facets of life. He teaches clients and students worldwide how to revamp their mindset, fulfill their potential, and get on absolute fire, for life.
Craig believes that people are not broken, but their frames often are. He alters your map and thus, changes your world.
CLS Experience Podcast:
Connect with Craig on Facebook:
Buckle Up Friends! We hope you are ready for the most geeked out fascia-related episode to date on this show! It gets a little intense, because Chris is so intensely dedicated to learning, then educating others with navigating their bodies.
You can catch him most days Live at:
Chris Kidawski has been in the health and fitness profession for over 17 years now. His journey started in 1999 when he quit playing football for The University at Buffalo and decided if he can’t be in the NFL, he was going to help people get there.
Roster of Credentials:
Bachelors in Social Science
Masters in Kinesiology
Strength coach for 23 years
Trained Navy SEALs & professional athletes
Over 8 certifications related to health and wellness
Business owner for over 6 years
Self-Published 9 books, 3 were bestsellers
Interested in Physiology, Psychology
Speaker and presenter
World traveller
Chris has written 5 more books on eliminating pain from the human body. Based largely on his own experience opening up fascia and fixing injuries in his own practice, he lays out a road map showing how the body is connected and what to do to truly work towards opening the body, creating space so you can move freely.
Today, Chris is working with Pso-Rite, the most innovative health company on the planet revolutionizing the way people see and eliminate pain in the human body. He consulting and speaking on all facets of health and wellness to help people live and feel better. His new goal is to never stop helping people open up their hearts, their minds, and ultimately their lives.
This conversation is probably the most relatable one for Sue, as her and Mandy dive deep into the realistic approach to full body healthcare.
Body Neutrality is something Mandy is passionate about with educating her clients (and the world), as the majority of people tend to bounce between extremes when it comes to fitness goals. Celebrating the small victories is really where the Magic happens!
Hello! I’m Coach Mandy, and I’m your Unconventional Trainer – here’s why!
We’re all told that exercise can improve mental health. However, we’re not educated on how we should use exercise to cultivate a healthy relationship between our mind, body, and soul. With fitness, it is extremely easy to focus solely on physical results, but the changes that truly matter lie within.
This is why my fitness platform is different. In the Coach Mandy YYC community, we focus on how we feel, how we react, and how we bounce forward – above all else. In other words, mental health comes first. Here, aesthetic and physical changes are simply a natural by-product from a sustainable lifestyle between movement, food, and emotions.
Amanda E. Smith, BScHNu; DipFHPR
Owner, Coach Mandy YYC™
In this episode we learn about Movement Therapy and the importance of learning what our bodies need to feel supported. Angela Pereira, founder of First Line Education, joins Sue to talk about collaboration between practitioners within the industry and the amount of impact that it has for clients, and practitioners themselves, by working together to accomplish more.
Angela Pereira is a kinesiologist, holistic nutritionist and yoga teacher. She is the founder of First Line Education, an online continuing education company committed to upskilling movement therapists of all kinds. Together with her team, Angela works with kinesiologists, personal trainers, yoga teachers and other therapists to help them appreciate movement as an essential mode of treatment. She teaches them how to create lifetime loyal clients without burnout and coaches them to build clinical practices that they love.
Website: https://www.firstlineeducation.com/
Featured courses: Jump Start Your Practice and the 90 Day Clinical Practice Mentorship
IG: @firstlineeducation
LinkedIn: Angela PereiraFacebook: First Line Education
Connected Kinesiologists
Email: angela@firstlineeducation.com -
When we last spoke to Shelby Kurz, back in the fall (Episode 56), the urgency for open heart surgery was not yet determined. As it turned out, following an MRI, her surgeon deemed that it was in fact necessary to proceed with the operation.
This incredibly strong and powerful Warrior shares the emotional journey through the process, and after only 2 weeks post op! (Thank You. You Are Amazing)
In this episode we are reminded of how precious life is, and how incredible these bodies that we're in really are.
Shelby Kurz is a board certified nurse coach currently living in Austin, Tx. She has a passion for all things holistic health, but is most passionate about nurses getting to live the life of their dreams by helping them create thriving nurse coaching practices.
In this episode, Miranda and Sue discuss how powerful hiring a coach can be, if you want to grow personally and professionally. And how all the connections, risks and investments made can catapult your business, regardless of the industry you're in.
Miranda Horvath is a lifetime entrepreneur; from her first entrepreneur venture as a mobile piano teacher at age 17, to running a thriving massage practice and online holistic consultant business today, she is passionate about inspiring you to skyrocket your practice by reaching your untapped potential just as she has.
She created MassageByMir Consulting to draw back the curtain and reveal how you can strive for the freedom, income and independence you desire by building a practice you LOVE.
She is consistently booked between 4-8 weeks in advance in her practice and frequently booked out in her consulting business as well; she would love to get to know you better and work wonders with you.
To see if you and Miranda are a good fit to work together on your business, book your free 45 minute Clarity Call at www.massagebymirconsulting.comQuestions? Email her at massagebymir@gmail.com and she will be excited to hear from you!
Welcome Jolie Rose, the first guest of 2021, to the show. In this episode we dive into the energy within our bodies, where we can feel stuck, how we can move forward, and having compassion for ourselves in the process.
Jolie is an NYC-based healer, who melds the physical with the spiritual - body, mind, and soul. Jolie's work supports women who want to step into healing work, and/or know that they have more to offer in this world, but feel resistance holding them back. She uses multiple modalities of healing and coaching (intuitive movement, meditation, breathwork, channeling, energy healing, and more) to give them the confidence and clarity they're looking for to take action. Jolie helps women not only navigate, but truly OPEN UP the pathways to their highest potential by removing their blocks - energetically, emotionally, and physically.
To connect with Jolie and learn more about her new Soul Expansion program and more, find her on:
Instagram: instagram.com/jolie.rose_
Facebook: www.facebook.com/jolie.rizzo
Join Jolie's free email soul tribe: http://eepurl.com/c8QZb1
Some of Jolie's interviews:
Soul Wealth Podcast: http://www.ryanyokome.com/your-souls-purpose/
Winners, Wallets, and Worldviews: https://www.armstrongventuresllc.com/podcasts/episode/aeefd356/episode-65-4-steps-to-recognizing-intuition-vs-impulse
*Disclaimer: This is not a typical episode for this show.
**Explicit Language Used.
In Lieu of recent lockdown orders within the Province of Ontario, Sue needed to chat with her industry colleague Mark - Podcast Host and Owner of ConEd Institute, to discuss decisions being made by therapists to work or not to work during this time, but mostly to just support her and to calm her down.
To follow Mark & Amanda - Hosts of 2 Massage Therapists and a Microphone:
Link to the B3 Conference:
Happy 2021 Everyone! Welcome back to the show!
Today we are talking about LISTENING to our bodies and the signals we are receiving. When we can tap into our Internal Intelligence we can support our cells and make better decisions in our lives. We all have the power to do this, we just need to drop in, and focus.
Big Things are happening! Massive Collective Meditations are in the works and we would LOVE to have you join us!
To Connect:
FB - https://www.facebook.com/susan.ruhe/
IG - https://www.instagram.com/_sueruhe/
Follow The New Podcast - Every Body Holds A Story
Email: susan@loveyourcells.ca
CONGRATULATIONS! We Did It! We have almost made it through the year!
If you are reading and listening to this episode, I want you to celebrate yourself for making it through this Crazy, Bananas Year! Because it has been a doozy!
In this Final Episode we celebrate and hold gratitude for the small wins that might have seemed insignificant in years past.
As well, we Introduce Every Body Holds A Story Podcast, launching in 2021. This Podcast will showcase even more powerful body stories with incredible humans, so we can relate, support, and normalize the Human Body Things that we go through.
If you have a story you want to share and want to be a guest on the show, applications are open and available in the link below.
Every Body Holds A Story Application:
"The fact that we even exist is truly a gift, so why not figure out these bodies while we have them."
“If you’re surviving, you’re not really living.” - This is a common reflection for Justyn as he navigates adulthood with very little support from his biological family.
We learn in this episode that Justyn pretty much raised himself, along with his siblings, and has devoted his future to healing, self-care and overall awareness.
Therapy, medication and support from friends, have been critical in pushing the needle forward for him.
Justyn's story of how a young man has overcome the odds of childhood in order to show the world anything can be done.
“My mental health journey has been long and hard. I have dealt with depression, anxiety, PTSD, trauma and my eventual diagnosis of bipolar II disorder. Talking about it is hard. Writing about it is hard. Admitting how bad it got is hard because I never really thought that my mental health would impact my ability to mother. I never thought that I would struggle so much with my own mental health that it would impact my children.”
- Koa Hughes (The Great Canadian Woman; Vol 2)
As a mother, Koa discusses the importance of leading the next generation when it comes to talking about mental health and learning how to listen to our bodies.
Admit to yourself and then to your doctor if you’re struggling. Koa was referred to a psychiatrist which supported her wellness journey. It’s normal to be upset about your diagnosis and medications. You can’t just rely on medication or at least if you put in the effort on self care practices you will reach optimum health. Counselling can be beneficial. When you’ve lived in manic state it can be difficult to recognize what “normal” feeling good looks like. Celebrate the journey and how far you have come from where you started, even the little things along the way. You CAN be okay. You CAN be happy. You CAN live with a mental illness and live well. Sleep is one of the number one things you need to be on top of. Sleep routine impacts mental wellness immensely. Ask for support and find support that’s going to help you. It doesn’t have to be a lonely journey. It can be people over the internet as well. Follow people who make you feel good. Don’t compare your journey to anyone else’s.Bio:
You can usually find Koa pounding away on her computer, writing books, blogs and growing her Instagram following as a Mental Health Advocate. Koa is a Published Author in the books, The Great Canadian Woman Vol 1 & 2 where she discusses how to not only survive, but thrive, with major mental illness, as well as how to navigate parenting while managing mental illness. Koa's formal education came in the form of a Bachelor's Degree with a double major in Psychology and Indigenous Studies and she is currently studying too become a Registered Counsellor. Koa uses her education to help her better understand how to help men and women face and overcome their own adversity. Adversity is something Koa knows well. Before becoming an Executive, Author, and blogger, Koa had been lost; hopelessly adrift in a sea of abuse, trauma, limiting beliefs and mental illness diagnoses. An unhappy combination of medication and booze kept her afloat. Through immense growth, Koa has taken on the belief that she was allowing all of her adversity to take place, and in order to grow, she had to become her own solution. Now, Koa spends much of her time advocating for others who suffer with mental illness by normalizing mental illness. She believes that those who suffer with mental illness shouldn’t shrink themselves to fit the life of a sick person, and instead mental illness can be embraced and accepted as a positive.
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