You're in the right place if you want to love yourself, grow in self love and focus on yourself in 2024. Today on Love Yourself Podcast we’re going to be talking about how to heal anxious attachment, including embracing your anxious stance, so you can take your power back and grow in confidence.
➡️ ATTACHMENT QUIZ https://becomingsecure.co.uk/attachment-style-quiz/
➡️ HEAL INSECURE ATTACHMENT COURSE: https://becominghersociety.thinkific.com/courses/healinginsecureattachment
➡️ ATTACHMENT QUIZ https://becomingsecure.co.uk/attachment-style-quiz/
➡️ HEAL INSECURE ATTACHMENT COURSE: https://becominghersociety.thinkific.com/courses/healinginsecureattachment
Today we’re going to be talking about abandonment issues and how we can overcome our abandonment issues in relationships, so we can heal our abandoned hearts and find inner harmony and peace. You deserve to have peace.
Episodi mancanti?
➡️ ATTACHMENT QUIZ https://becomingsecure.co.uk/attachment-style-quiz/
➡️ HEAL INSECURE ATTACHMENT COURSE: https://becominghersociety.thinkific.com/courses/healinginsecureattachment
Today I'll be talking about how to overcome loneliness, how to heal loneliness and some beautiful inner rituals to shift from loneliness to sacred solitude.
One of the biggest myths surrounding loneliness is that it automatically means that you lack self love. This is not the case. In truth, loneliness means that we're healing. Listen to find out more and discover inner rituals to come back home to yourself.
➡️ ATTACHMENT QUIZ https://becomingsecure.co.uk/attachment-style-quiz/
➡️ HEAL INSECURE ATTACHMENT COURSE: https://becominghersociety.thinkific.com/courses/healinginsecureattachment
Today we're going to be exploring the misunderstood world of an avoidant attachment style. Whether you're someone who struggles with this attachment style, or you're anxious and want to have more understanding of an avoidant style, you're in the right place. In this episode we'll explore the 5 signs of an avoidant attachment style with some insights on how to better understand this unique attachment style.
➡️ ATTACHMENT QUIZ https://becomingsecure.co.uk/attachment-style-quiz/
➡️ HEAL INSECURE ATTACHMENT COURSE: https://becominghersociety.thinkific.com/courses/healinginsecureattachment
In today’s episode we're going to be taking a closer look at anxious attachment signs. Together, we're going to discuss the signs of anxious attachment and how it manifests into adult relationships with some strategies on how to create secure attachment.
Anxious attachment is a style of relating to others where we have a tendency to worry and feel insecure in the relationship. We might feel this constant need for reassurance and validation and we might feel this need to constantly analyse and scan our environment for threats in the relationship.
When we can be in company with ourselves and we can come home to ourselves. We can tap into this infinite source of love, soul, higher power and all of the love and connection that we need.
In this episode we dive into the field of attachment theory, exploring the 4 attachment styles; the anxious attachment style, the avoidant attachment style, the fearful avoidant and the secure attachment style.
We look at attachment from a psychodynamic approach and through compassion, curiosity and loving-kindness we explore how we may be playing out our wounding, pain and hurt from childhood in our adult relationships. Through taking radical responsibility for how we unconsciously act out our early dynamics we learn how to take our power back and create healthier relationships.
➡️ ATTACHMENT QUIZ https://becomingsecure.co.uk/attachment-style-quiz/
➡️ HEAL INSECURE ATTACHMENT COURSE: https://becominghersociety.thinkific.com/courses/healinginsecureattachment
Today I’m going to be talking about embodying the divine feminine energy when dating, so that you can lean back into love and attract a high value man.
If you’re a high-achieving woman, then it’s likely that a lot of the success you’ve achieved today comes mostly from masculine qualities - things like planning, organising, fixing, overgiving and initiating. These qualities have served you in a patriarchal society and masculine worship structure, where we’re conditioned to believe that our success and achievements make us worthy.
And the rise of the feminism movement that has asked us to “lean in'' at work and ask for that promotion or pay rise has created more equality and freedom.
But what if I were to tell you that romance isn’t about equality but polarity? That to attract a high value man who takes initiative, plans dates, surprises you with flowers that you need to embrace more of your feminine energy?
➡️ ATTACHMENT QUIZ https://becomingsecure.co.uk/attachment-style-quiz/
➡️ HEAL INSECURE ATTACHMENT COURSE: https://becominghersociety.thinkific.com/courses/healinginsecureattachment
Today we're talking about the ways that we self-abandon ourselves that causes anxiety, depression, guilt, shame, aloneness, emptiness and painful emotional and behavioural problems.
If we've had repetitive experiences of physical and emotional abandonment, this created an abandonment wound and made us believe that we're not worthy or good enough. As a result, we developed defence mechanisms to protect us from being rejected and abandoned. But the problem with this is that the very defence mechanisms that kept us safe as children are now holding us back as adults.
When we can become aware of the ways that we neglect, abandon and betray ourselves, we can unlearn unhealthy behavioural patterns and learn ways to love ourselves and find wholeness and worthiness within.
➡️ ATTACHMENT QUIZ https://becomingsecure.co.uk/attachment-style-quiz/
➡️ HEAL INSECURE ATTACHMENT COURSE: https://becominghersociety.thinkific.com/courses/healinginsecureattachment
Many times in life we operate from a place of fear, anxiety and insecurity because we have this fear of being abandoned. If we have experienced emotional disconnection, inconsistency in parenting or physical departures as children, we interpreted that we were being rejected and abandoned. So fast forward later in our lives when we’re an adult, we get triggered if we anticipate a physical departure or if experience a relationship ending. This is a deep psychological wound that creates an extreme response in our nervous systems because it threatens our sense of survival and safety. In this episode Victoria talks about the root of abandonment issues and the practical steps we can take to heal the abandonment wound through getting curious and self-reflective.
➡️ ATTACHMENT QUIZ https://becomingsecure.co.uk/attachment-style-quiz/
➡️ HEAL INSECURE ATTACHMENT COURSE: https://becominghersociety.thinkific.com/courses/healinginsecureattachment
The inner child is the echo of the child that we once were. When we realise that the cry we hear from deep within our hearts comes from the wounded inner child, it’s easier to understand where our hurt comes from. We can have more compassion for ourselves and see that we’re not reacting as adults, but as the powerless and helpless children we once were.
When we experience inner loneliness, emptiness and unworthiness as adults, it's because we didn't get our emotional needs met as children. And to return home to wholeness and worthiness, we need to listen to our inner child. Our inner child has all the love, support, wisdom and answers we need in life.
In this episode, Victoria talks about how tuning into our inner child cultivates inner intimacy, inner safety and inner closeness. By following this solution-focused, psychological, spiritual and therapeutic process, we can combat self-neglect, self-abandonment, and find love and wholeness.
The first step to becoming secure is understanding your attachment style.➡️ ATTACHMENT QUIZ https://becomingsecure.co.uk/attachment-style-quiz/
➡️ HEAL INSECURE ATTACHMENT COURSE: https://becominghersociety.thinkific.com/courses/healinginsecureattachment
Victoria Loveday is a Transformational Coach here to facilitate your personal journey back home wholeness. In this podcast Victoria will be getting candid about emotional healing, inner child work and shadow work, so you can create more inner peace and inner power in your life.
You'll learn the practical steps to loving yourself, rather than continuing to abandon yourself, so you can attain emotional freedom and maintain a strong connection with your personal source of spiritual guidance.