Join Host Daniel Michael as we discuss spiritual experiences and Daniel will open the phone lines for free Tarot readings.
Join us as Main Stree Universe returns as we discuss the beauty and some of the ugly of being part of a Tradition; In any Spititual quest we have tunnels ,valleys and journeys.
We will as well discuss "What brings us to a spiritual trradition or search".
Alone or with a group
My guest tonight is Rev. Donald Lewis he comes from a famly Pagan Tradition. A true Mystic and author on Magick and ritual, And a great teacher. Join us in our circle!!!! -
Episodi mancanti?
Join host Daniel Michael as we talk about what some consider to be a natural cancer cure.Vitamin B17 has been thought to be a natural cancer cure for a long time. It is not new. With the unpleasentness of chemotherapy some folks turn to the natural world to restore there health.I will be quoting some fromw a book "World Without Cancer" by C.Edward Griffin, my own research as well as some personal srories of people I knew who cured themselves naturally. Does Mother Earth already have the answer to this terrible affliction. This we will discuss. Join us in our circle!!!!
Join host Daniel Michael as he discusses Magick. Daniel will be doing this in part from Scott Cunninghams book "Magick Herbalism,secrets of the craft of the wise". Part book review and part beginner class for those curious about Wicca,Paganism, Druidry , magick etc... Feel free to call in 646-200-4725. Daniel has studied Mysticism independently as well as with traditions for most of his life. Like so many, his curiousity started with his own spiritual encounters when he was young. Daniel will do a Tarot/Oracle reading if you wish as well.
Join host Daniel Michael as he opens the phone lines for an evening of Tarot and metaphysical discussion!
Daniel reads from 2 decks, Traditional Tarot as well as the Horizon Oracle created and gifted to him by his friend Kevin Baird.
Join us in our circle!!!!
Join Host Daniel Michael as he discusses the rebirth of the Main Street Universe radio network! Updates and a new song or 2 so join us in our circle!!!
Join hoat Daniel Michael as he returns to jump start Main Street Universe !!! the show and network reminding you that the mysteries and possibilities of the Universe are closer to Main Street then you could eveer imagine!!!!
In many sales scenarios the question is as, "If money were no object and you knew that you were safe, secure and provided for, what would you do with your life ... how would you be living your life?" Well, this is not a sales scenario. This is a deeply spiritual inquiry. If you were to believe that Spirit is expressing as you, in you, with you, for you in every moment how would you be living your life. You would be unstoppable! Is that how you are living your life now? If yes ... awesome! If not, what's stopping you? Join the conversation, Thursday, February 2nd, 8:00 PM.
The Women's March on January 21st was an amazing experience. It was such a peaceful demonstration of more than 680,000 people, that the police had nothing to do. Isn't that an astounding report and a model for how the world can be! It was living proof that that many people can come together to express powerful opinion and voice their demand for change ... with NO VIOLENCE! I saw a placard on the back of an elderly person using a walker, vitally alive as part of the March. Her placard declared, "love not hate, makes America great"!
It is appropriate that January 30th is the opening of hte 20th Season for Nonviolence - a 64 day period dedicated to peace and nonviolence that was inauguated by the United Nations and the Association for Global New Thought.
There is so much to talk about to make sure, as Rumi said, that we "don't go back to sleep." Please join us for the call or listen to the recording. -
Join host Susun Weed as she discusses herbal medicine and the psaychology of healing.
Susun is a teacher and author,to check out her books go here: http://www.herbalmedicinehealing.com/store/default.php
This is going to be the final episode of Green Magic,Green Medicine. Remember that the archives can always be listened to at any time.
Thank you for joining us in our circle!! -
Activism and Spirituality ... In light of the inauguration, protests and the Women's March, what is ours to do? How are we to be?
Some people who describe themselves as spiritual shy away from being an activist because they align being spiritual with being a pacifist. Jesus was most definitely spiritual and yet he was far from being a pacifist. He spoke his word. He took a stand for people he felt had been marginalized. He took time alone to commune with God ... and he use affirmative prayer boldly in the company of thousands. Is He not a great example? He is quoted as having said, "These things and greater shall you do." Was He not calling us to do as He did as well as do as He said? This evening, we will delve into how it is to be a "spiritual activist." -
Isis, Astarte, Diana, Hecate, Demeter, Kali.....the call of Goddess is all over the World !! Mare Cromwell hears this ancient call of the Goddess, ..the call of the Mother! Please join me Genise R White, Associate Producer of Main Street Universe, Daniel Michael, Executive Producer of Main Street Universe and Ms. Cromwell as we talk to Ms. Cromwell about this growing movement ! Mare Cromwell is the author of 3 books including The Great Mother Bible, Messages from The Mother...Earth Mother and If I Gave You God's phone number. She is also the creator of the 1000 Goddess Gathering day in Washington, D.C. last October (2016). The next Goddess Gathering will occur in June 2017!
The Divine has imbued you with immeasurable gifts and talents. How are you experiencing those gifts and talents? Are you sharing them? How you are what you are is a demonstration of your personal cosmology. Tonight we'll be delving further into the global and deeply personal aspects of our personal cosmologies and perhaps grapple with how we coexist with others whose cosmologies are very different from our own.
Join us Tonight ,Tuesday January 10th fro another episode of Green Magic,Green Medicine with Susun Weed!!!!
To check out Suun's book go here: http://www.herbalmedicinehealing.com/store/default.php
Susun discusses herbal medicine and the psychology of healing join us ! -
Join host Darren BuCare as he discusses how a spiriitual focus or discipline can make positive changes in your life.
Darren is an intuitive consultant ,reader at Maries Laveau's House of Voodoo in the magickal city of New Orleans!!!!!!
We will as well open the phone lines for readings call in at : 760-542-4345!!
Join us in our circle!!!! -
Your personal cosmology is the composite of all of your beliefs. How are they out picturing as your life. Look deeply into how you thoughts, beliefs and words are creating the life that you are living.
Tuesday at 10 pm easetern time join us for Green Magic Green Medicine with Susun Weed!
Susun discusses herbal medicine and psychology of healing!
To check out Susun's books go here: http://www.herbalmedicinehealing.com/store/default.php
This show is meant to inspire and educate join us!!!! -
Where is your focus? Are you glad that 2016 is almost over? Or are you glad we're starting anew? Are you looking forward to 2017 affirming that it will be better than this past year? Are you dragging some baggage that no longer serves you (if it ever did)? Again, where is your focus? Are you seeking relief? I live in a consciousness that holds that there is always a "best yet to be" so no matter how awesome the present (or past) may be, there is always an opening for this present moment to the best yet to be and that leaves space for tomorrow to be the best yet to be. My commitment is to live in the present moment in ways that open to a future that is even more magnificent! Join us to learn about embracing the past so that you can once and for all release, and get on with living full out!
"Tis the season" and it is wonder-filled, amazing and sometimes very challenging. Memories of beautiful times and sad times all well up together. This evening we're going to look at how to embrace the "less than's" with the strength of Spirit so we move through the holiday with grace, ease and joy.
Every Tuesday evening at 10 pm eastern time our half hour herbal medicine class Green Magic Green Medicine with Susun Weed!!!
To check out Susuns books go here:
This show is meant to inpspire and educate join us!!! - Mostra di più