We believe that plant-based eating is better for all humans and for our planet yet we recognize how hard it is to do.
By the year 2050 we will have 10 billion people on our planet - a sixth of whom will be in India. If we want to feed all 10 billion of us in a sustainable, healthy and just way, we need to reimagine how we source our food. Feeding ourselves cannot come at the cost of global health, worsening greenhouse gas emissions, excessive land, water and resource use, zoonotic diseases, antibiotic resistance, and needless suffering. Last season, we brought you a ringside view of the next food revolution that is rethinking the future of protein. Companies like Memphis Meats, Impossible Foods, Beyond Meat and JUST Egg had a blockbuster year making meat, eggs, and other animal-sourced foods from plants, or cells, or other ingredients that are delicious and nutritious for us, and vastly better for the planet. The Covid-19 pandemic has only made the importance of protein diversification evident. If you want to be part of the future of food and work on solutions to some of the biggest problems of our time, join the Good Food Institute’s Varun Deshpande and Ramya Ramamurthy on Season 2 of Feeding 10 Billion
《健康粉tastic》 由 LOVE 972 DJ Violet 粉樱主持。
亲切活泼与知性兼具的她,背后有一组强大的专家团队,为你健康美丽一把抓! 快来学养生保健,一起美美、健康、粉tastic!!对节目有任何看法及建议,请私信 Violet 粉樱: views and opinions shared during this podcast series are those of the hosts and guests and do not necessarily reflect the views of Mediacorp Pte. Ltd. or its group of companies.
Welcome to Fresh Takes on Tech, a podcast from the International Fresh Produce Association. At IFPA, Our trade association represents companies from every segment of the global fresh produce and floral supply chain. We advocate, connect and guide to enhance members’ prosperity.
This is a show for people interested in the intersection between technology and the produce and floral industries. Each episode we explore the problems, solutions, people and ideas that are shaping the industry. -
Spend a year at Westcombe Dairy following their move towards a pasture fed system in search of a more delicious cheese!
The Food is Love Made Edible Podcast is a place where all things food are discussed. From professional chefs to farming to food distribution to wine to bourbon to cooking for family. The latter being the core of what Food is Love Made Edible is built upon.
New episodes every Monday. -
Public Showering is the podcast for ambitious and creative pole dancers, aerial artists and all round creatives, who struggle with getting started, finding the idea or having the confidence to create something from scratch. If you know have a fierce idea for a choreography but you’re feel like your out of your depth…or you want to feel super confident on stage but you’re scared about what everyone might think of you…you have a great story to share but you fear you might fail…this is the podcast for you. Each short episode is created by award winning choreographer, movement director, pole dance artist, and creator of SODASY, Sophie Duncan, who will give you some simple tips, concepts and exciting real-performer-world backstage stories, to help you boost your confidence, realise your artistic ideas, and get the most from your creativity. “If you can live your best life, singing and dancing alone if your shower, you can do it on stage. And if you can’t…well I’m gonna teach you how”. Visit for free choreography guides, playlists and some starter tricks!
The Natural Aesthetic-藉由自然審美的概念促使身體呈現美的定義--Hosting provided by SoundOn
Connecting women with free erotic audio stories that are both ethical and arousing because we believe you deserve a safe space to seek pleasure and sexual exploration through imagination, so, cum with us... New episode released every Wednesday!
To keep the free erotic audio stories cumming please rate, review, subscribe, and share this episode.
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The world’s top scientists explain the latest health, nutrition, and gut health research and translate it into practical advice to improve your health & weight. Join ZOE Science & Nutrition, on a journey of scientific discovery. Hosted by Jonathan Wolf.
After 11 years of producing and presenting radio number 1 horror show now KC has moved to a larger platform to reach a wider audiences around the world. His new show MALAM SERAM is a Horror Talk Show which is more than just sharing of horror stories and encounters from fans all over the world. It is also The Place where his followers will gather and interact and KC will also share current happenings during his LIVE YouTube show |
Setelah 11 tahun menerbitkan serta menyampaikan rancangan Misteri nombor 1 radio kini KC melangkah ke platform yang lebih luas untuk berkongsi kisah seram dalam rancangan terbaru MALAM SERAM. Malam Seram The Horror Talk Show bukan sekadar cerita seram tapi juga tempat ramai bersembang dan berinteraksi secara LIVE di saluran Youtube KC Champion setiap 12 tengah malam. KC juga sempat selang selikan dengan info serta viral terkini supaya para followers tahu apa yang sedang terjadi!
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Infidelity is one of the leading causes of divorce in the United States, and millions suffer from its effects. The betrayed, the unfaithful, friends, and family members...all involved are hurt when cheating happens. But there is hope! Join host Samuel and his guests as we navigate through the pain of infidelity and progress towards healing and health.
The Love Chat is a Youtube Channel ( based on having healthier relationships.Coaching is offered at Support this podcast:
Something Private is a podcast about everything related to the vagina. From sex, to health, and the society.
Hosted by Nicole, we’re gonna have three am sleepover conversations about love, life, and why you have that wart on your vagina. Featuring stories from gynaecologists, experts, and your everyday girl, it’s about time we had these conversations out loud.
Produced by WII.FM, reach us at [email protected]. -
Myanmar's Got Talent! We search for the best talent across all of Myanmar!
From singers to dancers, the dangerous to the cute! Myanmar's Got Talent has it all! -
Audiobooks for Myanmar short stories, essays and others literature that all i read. Support this podcast:
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