
  • You ever get the feeling something is “off”. That feeling that you can’t quite put your finger on but you just don’t feel right. If that’s you, or has been you at some point, chances are it could be anxiety.


    Most men don’t talk about Anxiety so how could you know about it or even better how to get out of that feeling. This week’s episode is focused on identifying it, what to do about it and what awareness you can gain in your life. Living a life that is designed by you means you need to tackle emotions and that’s exactly what this episode will help you with.


    As always, if you enjoy the episode, leave me a review and be sure to register for April’s FREE training,www.manofclass.com/freetraining

  • In this episode we kick off 2022 (a little late, but better late than never) and we talk about the bid pain topic…indecision.

    We’ll talk about ways of identifying it in your life, ways of overcoming indecision and an insight into why you might be stuck there.  

    As always, if you felt this episode was helpful leave us a review on the platform of your choice.


    If you wanted the link to the FREE monthly training,www.manofclass.com/freetraining

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  • Chad Sutton and I have come together to create a brand new series, Myths of Riches where we debunk a lot of what people have assumed for wealth creation as well as MANY different options on how you can move down your wealth journey. Whether you don't even know where to start or whether you've been accumulating wealth for awhile, there is value to be had by tuning into this series.

    This episode focuses solely on the stall out. You know what I mean, the feeling when you hit a goal but then ease off the accelerator and have a hard time getting back in "the groove". When you feel like you're going and going but not making progress and wonder why you're not making any progress. It can be super frustrating and sometimes overwhelming. Not the next time and not for you. We've covered what some of the root causes can be and how to avoid them so you can get yourself back out there working towards your financial freedom. 

    If you have questions, reach out to either Chad Sutton or Eric Yusko on social media so we can make sure to get your questions answered during one of the upcoming episodes. You have a unique opportunity to get the help you need from guys who have been building wealth and knowledge these areas.

    How to connect with Chad:


    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/chad.sutton1621

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chad_h_sutton

    How to connect with Eric:


    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eric.yusko.9

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ericyusko

  • Chad Sutton and I have come together to create a brand new series, Myths of Riches where we debunk a lot of what people have assumed for wealth creation as well as MANY different options on how you can move down your wealth journey. Whether you don't even know where to start or whether you've been accumulating wealth for awhile, there is value to be had by tuning into this series.

    This episode we brought in a special guest again, David Zapata, who has been in the infinite banking game for a while now and has helped raise awareness of a concept that the rich have tapped into…becoming their own bank. Last episode we talked a lot of macro concepts around infinite banking and this episode is more of the tactical pieces. We decided to have a Q&A with David so he can help explain the concept through more examples which, let’s face it, always makes things easier to understand.

    These are all resources, concepts, strategies and tactics that you can use in your own wealth journey. Some will stick, some will roll off and some you’ll remember and come back to later. That’s the reason why we pull in the concepts, people and strategies so you can use this season as a resource along your whole wealth journey, regardless of when you start and how long you’ve been at it.

    If you have questions, reach out to either Chad Sutton or Eric Yusko on social media so we can make sure to get your questions answered during one of the upcoming episodes. You have a unique opportunity to get the help you need from guys who have been building wealth and knowledge these areas.

    How to connect with Chad:


    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/chad.sutton1621

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chad_h_sutton

    How to connect with Eric:


    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eric.yusko.9

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ericyusko

    How to connect with David:

    Learn more about IBC:

    Red Pill Link

    Factum Financial Website:


    Email me at:


  • Chad Sutton and I have come together to create a brand new series, Myths of Riches where we debunk a lot of what people have assumed for wealth creation as well as MANY different options on how you can move down your wealth journey. Whether you don't even know where to start or whether you've been accumulating wealth for awhile, there is value to be had by tuning into this series.

    This episode we brought in a special guest, David Zapata, who has been in the infinite banking game for a while now and has helped raise awareness of a concept that the rich have tapped into…becoming their own bank. We all know, there’s a lot of power that can be had when you’re a bank because of the way our financial system is setup. Imagine, if you could create the same banking system for yourself, where you borrow from yourself, gain interest and increase your overall wealth all at the same time. If that caught you attention, it did for us too which is why we asked David to join us in this season to share what he knows about infinite banking.

    These are all resources, concepts, strategies and tactics that you can use in your own wealth journey. Some will stick, some will roll off and some you’ll remember and come back to later. That’s the reason why we pull in the concepts, people and strategies so you can use this season as a resource along your whole wealth journey, regardless of when you start and how long you’ve been at it.

    If you have questions, reach out to either Chad Sutton or Eric Yusko on social media so we can make sure to get your questions answered during one of the upcoming episodes. You have a unique opportunity to get the help you need from guys who have been building wealth and knowledge these areas.

    How to connect with Chad:


    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/chad.sutton1621

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chad_h_sutton

    How to connect with Eric:


    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eric.yusko.9

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ericyusko

    How to connect with David: 

    Learn more about IBC:

    Red Pill Link

    Factum Financial Website:


    Email me at:


  • Chad Sutton and I have come together to create a brand new series, Myths of Riches where we debunk a lot of what people have assumed for wealth creation as well as MANY different options on how you can move down your wealth journey. Whether you don't even know where to start or whether you've been accumulating wealth for awhile, there is value to be had by tuning into this series.

    We often hear the same story over and over again, what does it take to really make a pivot in my family's wealth? I want to provide a better life for my kids, but where do I start? I've tried investing, saving money but it just doesn't work....how can I change that? 

    These questions ( and probably more) can be answered with one topic, mindset) IF you don't have the right mindset, you'll have the HARDEST time getting wealthy. It's just like when you were single trying to find a match but your mindset was still in being single. 

    You were pushing away every relationship that could have been something...same thing here. You could be pushing away every opportunity that you could be increasing your financial game, and be completely unaware of it. 

    That's what we cover in this week's episode, how to become aware of your mindset and how to make changes that'll turn your future into the bright future you keep imagining for yourself.  

    If you have questions, reach out to either Chad Sutton or Eric Yusko on social media so we can make sure to get your questions answered during one of the upcoming episodes. You have a unique opportunity to get the help you need from guys who have been building wealth and knowledge these areas.

    How to connect with Chad:


    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/chad.sutton1621

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chad_h_sutton

    How to connect with Eric:


    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eric.yusko.9

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ericyusko

  • Chad Sutton and I have come together to create a brand new series, Myths of Riches where we debunk a lot of what people have assumed for wealth creation as well as MANY different options on how you can move down your wealth journey. Whether you don't even know where to start or whether you've been accumulating wealth for awhile, there is value to be had by tuning into this series.

    This episode covers a VERY important topic. The conversations that will show up, or that maybe you've been resisting to have depending on where you are in your wealth journey. Haters will come, conflicting opinions will be there, it's just how you handle these conversations is what it is important. That is what the episode is about, how to handle those conversations so when they do come (and they will) you can handle them and not shy away from the goals you want in your life.  

    If you have questions, reach out to either Chad Sutton or Eric Yusko on social media so we can make sure to get your questions answered during one of the upcoming episodes. You have a unique opportunity to get the help you need from guys who have been building wealth and knowledge these areas.

    How to connect with Chad:


    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/chad.sutton1621

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chad_h_sutton

    How to connect with Eric:


    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eric.yusko.9

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ericyusko

  • Chad Sutton and I have come together to create a brand new series, Myths of Riches where we debunk a lot of what people have assumed for wealth creation as well as MANY different options on how you can move down your wealth journey. Whether you don't even know where to start or whether you've been accumulating wealth for awhile, there is value to be had by tuning into this series.

    This episode is a fun topic, helping you to identify the hidden cash you weren't aware of. Hidden cash is always like Christmas when you find an unexpected gift and that's what we're hoping for you out of this episode. Chad and I cover three areas of cash that you have access to that you weren't aware of or weren't sure how to access it. We break down the beliefs and give you ideas to run with in this episode. 

    If you have questions, reach out to either Chad Sutton or Eric Yusko on social media so we can make sure to get your questions answered during one of the upcoming episodes. You have a unique opportunity to get the help you need from guys who have been building wealth and knowledge these areas.

    How to connect with Chad:


    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/chad.sutton1621

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chad_h_sutton

    How to connect with Eric:


    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eric.yusko.9

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ericyusko

  • Chad Sutton and I have come together to create a brand new series, Myths of Riches where we debunk a lot of what people have assumed for wealth creation as well as MANY different options on how you can move down your wealth journey. Whether you don't even know where to start or whether you've been accumulating wealth for awhile, there is value to be had by tuning into this series.

    This episode we pumped the brakes and I discussed something that needs to be addressed prior to wealth, self care. Self care can enable you to get consistent actions towards wealth and if not addressed can set you back majorly by missing out on opportunities. Worse yet, it can drive you to spend your time nursing yourself to health instead of working on the strategies and tactics Chad and I have previously covered. 

    If you have questions, reach out to either Chad Sutton or Eric Yusko on social media so we can make sure to get your questions answered during one of the upcoming episodes. You have a unique opportunity to get the help you need from guys who have been building wealth and knowledge these areas.

    How to connect with Chad:


    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/chad.sutton1621

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chad_h_sutton

    How to connect with Eric:


    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eric.yusko.9

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ericyusko

  • Chad Sutton and I have come together to create a brand new series, Myths of Riches where we debunk a lot of what people have assumed for wealth creation as well as MANY different options on how you can move down your wealth journey. Whether you don't even know where to start or whether you've been accumulating wealth for awhile, there is value to be had by tuning into this series.

    This episode we stayed on topic and covered the ugly discussion around expenses. You knew at some point it would come to it and yep, we covered it. We cover some things you may have thought of as well as some things you probably haven’t heard before in getting your expenses in check so you can start carving out some cash to set aside for investing.

    If you have questions, reach out to either Chad Sutton or Eric Yusko on social media so we can make sure to get your questions answered during one of the upcoming episodes. You have a unique opportunity to get the help you need from guys who have been building wealth and knowledge these areas.

    How to connect with Chad:


    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/chad.sutton1621

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chad_h_sutton

    How to connect with Eric:


    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eric.yusko.9

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ericyusko

  • Chad Sutton and I have come together to create a brand new series, Myths of Riches where we debunk a lot of what people have assumed for wealth creation as well as MANY different options on how you can move down your wealth journey. Whether you don't even know where to start or whether you've been accumulating wealth for awhile, there is value to be had by tuning into this series.

    This episode we continue down that wealth journey with going all the way upstream. Wealth is usually aimed at money, but many people believe that they are money locked when in reality we need to break down the time barrier first. Once you can open up time, then you can dedicate it to money making endeavors and through that, you can start saving, investing and building true wealth. This episode we tackle that concept and provide MANY different ideas around freeing up time. 

    If you have questions, reach out to either Chad Sutton or Eric Yusko on social media so we can make sure to get your questions answered during one of the upcoming episodes. You have a unique opportunity to get the help you need from guys who have been building wealth and knowledge these areas.

    How to connect with Chad:


    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/chad.sutton1621

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chad_h_sutton

    How to connect with Eric:


    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eric.yusko.9

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ericyusko

  • Chad Sutton and I have come together to create a brand new series, Myths of Riches where we debunk a lot of what people have assumed for wealth creation as well as MANY different options on how you can move down your wealth journey. Whether you don't even know where to start or whether you've been accumulating wealth for awhile, there is value to be had by tuning into this series.

    This episode we continue down that wealth journey with breaking down some concepts around what was told to us growing up vs. what the wealthy are doing. What we mean about this is transforming from the traditional view of a nest egg retirement plan vs. what the wealthy has figured out. If you missed last week's episode, I encourage you to go back and rewatch it, because that episode will be a great foundation that allows for more complicated conversations in the upcoming episodes. 

    If you have questions, reach out to either Chad Sutton or Eric Yusko on social media so we can make sure to get your questions answered during one of the upcoming episodes. You have a unique opportunity to get the help you need from guys who have been building wealth and knowledge these areas.

    How to connect with Chad:


    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/chad.sutton1621

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chad_h_sutton

    How to connect with Eric:


    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eric.yusko.9

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ericyusko

  • Chad Sutton and I have come together to create a brand new series, Myths of Riches where we debunk a lot of what people have assumed for wealth creation as well as MANY different options on how you can move down your wealth journey. Whether you don't even know where to start or whether you've been accumulating wealth for awhile, there is value to be had by tuning into this series. 

    This episode we start off the conversation with understanding how assets are defined as well as providing a lot of examples. These will be used to build upon to create wealth. Since the word "wealth" is thrown around too, we decided to take the time to get clarity around that as well. We've made sure to cover it all so you can get a solid foundation for your journey. 

    If you have questions, reach out to either Chad Sutton or Eric Yusko on social media so we can make sure to get your questions answered during one of the upcoming episodes. You have a unique opportunity to get the help you need from guys who have been building wealth and knowledge these areas. 

    How to connect with Chad: 


    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/chad.sutton1621

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chad_h_sutton

    How to connect with Eric: 

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eric.yusko.9

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ericyusko


  • How many times do you hear peak performance and thought it isn't for you or that it'll never work? We've all been there at different points in our journey where the next level looks so daunting or hard that it might be easier to just stay where we're at. This episode helps to bridge that gap so you can get peak performance on YOUR terms in 2021. 

    This weeks episode, I have the privilege to talk with a former Olympic athletic therapist, strength & conditioning coach who turned Entrepreneur/Coach for her own 1-on-1 clients, James Wedmore, Purelife and for the Thrive Collective. We cover so much around mindset tips that she learned while training for the olympics as well as things she's found along the way to help YOU get to your peak performance THIS year.

    Connect with Danya:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/danya.dh/

    facebook: https://www.facebook.com/therafitfusion

    If you enjoy this episode and it inspired you in some way, we'd love to hear about it and know your biggest takeaway. Take a screenshot of you listening on your device, post it to your instagram stories and tag me, @ericyusko. Haven't left a review yet? All you have to do is go here  and thank you for your support of this show!

    If you haven't gotten your FREE copy of my new ebook, what are you waiting for? Don't you want to start living an exceptional life so you can be happy, have the freedom and flexibility to do everything you've ever wanted in life?  Make sure to get your copy today!

  • You know how you eagerly start a house project and then realize you didn't have the right tool, you uncovered a bigger mess and then it takes much longer and is more difficult than you anticipated? ...sound familiar? 

    This weeks episode comes from living that experience, however I had the ace in the hole....a Carpenter. I'm sharing the nuggets of wisdom that he shared with me when I was installing hardwood floor in the new house. These nuggets aren't just good for the weekend warrior doing home repair, they go even more macro than that. These are nuggets of wisdom that spans all areas of life to help you with whatever next challenge you decide to start. Take a listen 

    If you enjoy this episode and it inspired you in some way, we'd love to hear about it and know your biggest takeaway. Take a screenshot of you listening on your device, post it to your instagram stories and tag me, @ericyusko. Haven't left a review yet? All you have to do is go here, and thank you for your support of this show!

    If you haven't gotten your FREE copy of my new ebook, what are you waiting for? Don't you want to start living an exceptional life so you can be happy, have the freedom and flexibility to do everything you've ever wanted in life?  Make sure to get your copy today!

  • How would you like to make sure you turn your resolutions into reality in 2021? Of course you would! That's why I go through the number 1 mistake that most will be making this new year's so that you set yourself up for success going into 2021. Pay attention, because I've covered many nuggets to getting your new year's resolutions this year so you don't become one of the 97% of people who never achieve their resolutions they set. 

    If you enjoy this episode and it inspired you in some way, we'd love to hear about it and know your biggest takeaway. Take a screenshot of you listening on your device, post it to your instagram stories and tag me, @ericyusko. Haven't left a review yet? All you have to do is go here, and thank you for your support of this show!

    If you haven't gotten your FREE copy of my new ebook, what are you waiting for? Don't you want to start living an exceptional life so you can be happy, have the freedom and flexibility to do everything you've ever wanted in life?  Make sure to get your copy today! 

  • I know Thanksgiving is coming up this week and many are upset with how plans may have been dashed for the holiday's with COVID. This episode will help you understand how those thoughts could be causing even more damage, ways of shifting and gaining perspective and why this holiday is so important for you and your family this year. - take a listen


    If you haven't gotten your FREE copy of my new ebook, what are you waiting for? Don't you want to start living an exceptional life so you can be happy, have the freedom and flexibility to do everything you've ever wanted in life?  Make sure to get your copy today!

    If you enjoy this episode and it inspired you in some way, I’d love to hear about it and know your biggest takeaway, tag me, @ericyusko, on social and let’s connect.

    Haven’t left a review yet? I’d be honored if you left one or even some stars. It’s a way of showing your support for the show so I can keep delivering you great episodes.

  • I'm sure most have heard managing vs. leading before but what you may not know is that both are required to be an effective leader. Here's the trick, knowing when and how to use each of those skillsets to get the desired outcome - that's what we dive into today. 

    I share personal stories that showcase both as well as cover our most recent leader and managing experience in buying and selling a house. 

    If you haven't gotten your FREE copy of my new ebook, what are you waiting for? Don't you want to start living an exceptional life so you can be happy, have the freedom and flexibility to do everything you've ever wanted in life?  Make sure to get your copy today!

    If you enjoy this episode and it inspired you in some way, I’d love to hear about it and know your biggest takeaway, tag me, @ericyusko, on social and let’s connect.

    Haven’t left a review yet? I’d be honored if you left one or even some stars. It’s a way of showing your support for the show so I can keep delivering you great episodes.

  • Today's episode comes to you in a time when there's a lot of lessons to be learned from ineffective leaders. Mina and I go into his background, share his story and how he's flipped the bad leadership tendencies that he gathered from working W2 to being a great leader in his company. 

    Mina Elias is the founder of MMA nutrition and is known as the Egyptian Prescription and you can find him on IG @egyptian_prescription_elias and Facebook. If you're looking for supplements to up your game, make sure to check out his products on Amazon

    If you haven't gotten your FREE copy of my new ebook, what are you waiting for? Don't you want to start living an exceptional life so you can be happy, have the freedom and flexibility to do everything you've ever wanted in life?  Make sure to get your copy today!

    If you enjoy this episode and it inspired you in some way, I’d love to hear about it and know your biggest takeaway, take a screen shot, tag me, @ericyusko, on social and let’s connect.

    Haven’t left a review yet? I’d be honored if you left one or even some stars. It’s a way of showing your support for the show so I can keep delivering you great episodes.

  • How many times do you find yourself in a decision that both could be good options but both could be the wrong decision. Maybe you've done your comparison list, your pros, cons and worst case scenarios only to be left in the same spot of a split decision. These decisions show up so often in our life whether from whether to buy a house, which house, which car, should I stay or should I go at my job or another major life decision.  

    It often leaves you feeling distracted throughout your day, no matter what you do you have a pit in your stomach of whether you're making the "right" choice and what the consequences will be of making that decision. 

    If that's you, you won't want to miss this weeks episode. I dive into how to get out of what many call analysis paralysis and ways you can shift your mindset to finally overthinking and making that decision. 

    If you haven't gotten your FREE copy of my new ebook, what are you waiting for? Don't you want to start living an exceptional life so you can be happy, have the freedom and flexibility to do everything you've ever wanted in life?  Make sure to get your copy today!

    If you enjoy this episode and it inspired you in some way, I’d love to hear about it and know your biggest takeaway, tag me, @ericyusko, on social and let’s connect.

    Haven’t left a review yet? I’d be honored if you left one or even some stars. It’s a way of showing your support for the show so I can keep delivering you great episodes.