
  • Thank you for listening! You are THE best!  I hope you are loving your day today!


    Love ya!

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  • Thank you for listening! You are THE best!  I hope you are loving your day today!


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  • Thank you for listening! You are THE best!  I hope you are loving your day today!


    Love ya!

    ***** Register for the FREE Messaging Masterclass HERE!

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  • 23. External Validation - The Bottomless Cup

    Thank you for listening! You are THE best!  I hope you are loving your day today!

    Love ya!

     Looking for 1:1 Business Coaching? 

    I have 3 spots for 1:1 Strategy & Soul coaching available for digital entrepreneurs!  Send me a DM on Instagram for all the details!

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  • 22. BEing Just for the Sake of Being

    Thank you for listening! You are THE best!  I hope you are loving your day today!

    Love ya!

     Looking for 1:1 Business Coaching? 

    I have 3 spots for 1:1 Strategy & Soul coaching available for digital entrepreneurs!  Send me a DM on Instagram for all the details!

      Let's stay connected:

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    Hop into my Facebook group here: Women Entrepreneurs: Mindset + Manifestation to Grow Your Business

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  • 21. The Ripple Effect of YOU

    Thank you for listening! You are THE best!  I hope you are loving your day today!

    One small shift that has the ability to transform your whole life!  WOW!  

    From watching my son during hockey this year I noticed that he was such an encourager.  He would go out of his way to encourage everyone on the ice with his words, high-fives, etc.  He did this whether they were winning or losing.  

    It was inspiring to observe.  It has stuck with me!  Even now - the season has wrapped - and they actually ended up winning the championship too!!!  But his role as the encourager is what stands out. 

    And I've found myself wanting to be the encourager myself - can this become a thing for all humans!?!


    It got me thinking - what is the ripple effect of this?  What is the ripple effect of how we show up?

    We don't REALLY know - but I can think of times when someone was grumpy or upset toward me and they had no idea what was going on in my life how much I didn't need that!  And also - true for me times when I've been grumpy or impatient toward others - that isn't the ripple effect I want to put out there.


    The point though isn't to try to control anybody else or their experience.  It's really about being in our OWN power and realizing that we do have a ripple effect in everything we do so we can more consciously choose how we want to influence our experience and our life and our world based on how we show up.


    My son on the ice wasn't worried about trying to convince someone else to believe him or make them act a certain way.  He just showed up true to himself and encouraged people.


    If we were more intentional about that - what would change?

    Of course the way we experience life would change because when we change the internal it shifts the external. And I just can't help but think about how it would have a positive impact on every aspect of our day.  This isn't to skip over or bypass any of our feelings - it's about being more intention in the expression and vibration of them.

    We have so much power as individuals and sometimes we just forget that.  We outsource that power by believing that we are victim of circumstance.  By believing that how we feel and how we act is contingent upon how somebody else is showing up or what the circumstance is. But when we take back our power, own it, and intentionally stand in it - we can show up more authentically and be mindful of the influence and ripple effect we put out.

    From a strategic energetic standpoint - what we put out is what we get back - so it makes sense to prioritize standing authentically in our power and mindfulness around our ripple effect. 


    And that's how you manifest your best life!

    Love ya!


    Looking for 1:1 Coaching? 

    I have 3 spots for 1:1 Strategy & Soul coaching available for digital entrepreneurs!  Send me a DM on Instagram for all the details!


     Let's stay connected:

    Follow me on Instagram HERE

    Hop into my Facebook group here: Women Entrepreneurs: Mindset + Manifestation to Grow Your Business

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  • 20. The Synchronicities of Life

    On today's episode, we're talking all things "synchronicity."

    Have you ever had moments in your life when you were like, 'What are the odds!?"  Have you also had times when you were so fixated on the odds being stacked against you?

    How do we take this one concept that sometimes feels so great for us and sometimes makes us feel a lot of fear, and use it in our favor, all the time, to manifest what we want?

    Thank you, 

    Love ya!


     Let's stay connected:

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    Hop into my Facebook group here: Women Entrepreneurs: Mindset + Manifestation to Grow Your Business

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  • 19. When Do I Manifest and When Do I Take Action?

    In today's episode, we're speaking all thigs feminine/masculine energy and alignment... and I'm not talking gender here.

    The big question here is, "I'm understanding manifestation but when do I focus on high vibes and when do I get to work??"

    ...And That is how you Manifest Your Best Life!  

    Thank you, 

    Love ya!


     Let's stay connected:

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    Hop into my Facebook group here: Women Entrepreneurs: Mindset + Manifestation to Grow Your Business

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  • 18. 2 Part Empowerment Series (2 of 2)

    In the part 1, I shared the first two of five common mistakes entrepreneurs are making in their business when it comes to manifestation.  Today, I'll share the remaining 3! Stay tuned!

    Wanting is actually 2 subjects: what you want and what you don't want.  What you focus on expands so change who you're being to get different results. Remember my story.... that line in the sand moment!

    Intentionality is how we take back our power. Stop outsourcing your power.  It's Coming back, being at home with yourself and practicing intentionality and that deliberate creation experience. 

     Note:  Avoiding any unpleasant emotions

    Stop ignoring everything that doesn't feel good. We are not robots, we are intended to be humans having a human experience.  But we want to care a lot more about where we're going than what is not working right now. We need to hold the energy of the vision more. 

    Having said that, we do have to take a look at what's going on and CHOOSE to let go of limitations. It's your current belief system that's giving you the results you are actually getting.  

    We need to process through any negative energy that is holding us back.

     Note: Thinking that something is the exception

    "I believe in law of attraction but I have to get this done."  

    "If I don't do it , no one will."

    This is where we get stuck in victim mentality... the woe-is-me attitude.  You can tell when this happens because your life and business will shift in energy from a flow, inspired state to a grind, a hustle, a draining energy. 

    We often do these things because we're afraid of being seen (even by ourselves) as being lazy.  Our culture is one of hustle and grind and we can easily get caught in the lie. Do you feel like your fighting upstream or flowing downstream?  Keep checking in with yourself to see which way your energy is flowing. 

    And That is how you Manifest Your Best Life!  

    Thank you, 

    Love ya!


     Let's stay connected:

    Follow me on Instagram HERE

    Hop into my Facebook group here: Women Entrepreneurs: Mindset + Manifestation to Grow Your Business

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  • And That is how you Manifest Your Best Life!  

    Thank you, 

    Love ya!


     Let's stay connected:

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    Hop into my Facebook group here: Women Entrepreneurs: Mindset + Manifestation to Grow Your Business

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  • 16. The 3 Essentials for Success - They're Not What You Think!

    In this episode, we'll discuss the THREE ESSENTIALS FOR SUCCESS.  You DON"T want to miss this one so stay tuned!

    Hello hello....thank you for being here!

    When I was coming up with these things, it was in the context of success for 2022 but really it can be modified to any format.  They're applicable to any experience in life, business, relationships, etc....

    The energy of this year is different.... it's time to move forward! Leverage this energy.

    Think of your "befores and afters"  

    A fitness journey perhaps?

    For me, I have life before my divorce and now I'm happily married

    I had successful launches and unsuccessful

    I had before I had braces and after.... thankfully social media didn't exist back in my early days!!! LOL

    We have to transition from where we are now to where we want to go. We need to be able to close the gap... but what closes that gap?  Drawing to us by Law of Attraction/manifesting/mindset.

    The 3 Essentials for Success

    1. Make a Soul - Level Decision that you're all in and that IT IS HAPPENING

     A strong energetic shift from almost dabbling to "this is mine."

    Decision has the Latin root that means to cut off! It's very final... you're making a decisive action forward.  A lot of times we think we've made a decision but we're actually in an idea phase.... we like the idea, we like the vision.   The decision, however, comes when you start owning Who You Need To BECOME in order to have this vision to come to fruition, and that is very different.

    2. Go where the fire is! 

    No longer gathering information, no longer feeling things out, it's time to move from decision to bringing it into fruition. 

    Move to find your people, move to find a mastermind, move to find your support and collaboration. Move above what you can do alone. What is for me now? What is calling me?

    3. Clarity of Strategy and Soul approach 

    Are you knowing how to nurture your soul and expand as an individual? This is the Manifest Your Best Life Podcast! It's not just sitting around thinking happy thoughts....it's needing to have a strategy for soul work on how to release limiting beliefs, how to embody. It's how to do these things.

    Integrating and implementing! This is where I see people burning out using the pinball approach, bouncing around with a lot of activity and burnout.  Let's get off the hamster wheel that's just action for the sake of action and move into progress.   Get what you desire without the burnout!  

    Who can you learn from, in all their expertise, to shorten your learning curve, who can you expand with and share this illuminating process? Who is where I want to be right now? You need effective results without burnout.

    When you tune into your intuition, you will get that customized roadmap for you, for your life, based on your own individual desires and vision and the impact that you want to have on this planet. 

    And That is how you Manifest Your Best Life!  

    Thank you, 

    Love ya!


     Let's stay connected:

    Follow me on Instagram HERE

    Hop into my Facebook group here: Women Entrepreneurs: Mindset + Manifestation to Grow Your Business

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  • 15. Is the Past Holding You Back?

    In this episode, we'll discuss how to leave your past, well...in the past.  

    I'll give you an easy to remember three-step method to get you through one of life's biggest hurdles and move you forward.

    Hindsight is always 20/20 (it's cliché because it's true!!! So true!!) 

    Sorry, not sorry about the singing, by the way.  



    Apply HERE!

    DM me on instagram with any questions! 

    This incredible mastermind is a STRATEGY AND SOUL combo approach - unlike anything you've ever experienced before! 

    If you know of someone that would benefit from this episode or from the Mastermind, please share this episode or the Mastermind link!  


    Now the episode... 

    I was talking with someone recently about how to package things up and pivot in her business. In discussing the backstory, she said, "I wish I knew what I had back then! I didn't even realize the value that I had!"

    How many times have you heard or thought that?  I wish I knew how valuable my email list was, I wish I didn't sell my house before the boom, I wish this, I wish that....

    But nobody can go backward! We can use the information to move forward but if we're stuck in this kink of thinking, you're just creating from the past over and over. 

    Think of those navigation devices we used to have or now the maps app on our phone... what happens if you take a wrong turn? Nothing really, it just re-calibrates and gives you more information about moving forward.  Even if you took a "wrong turn," it doesn't matter! 

    But how often do we have these thoughts somewhere in the back of your mind taking up space and draining energy? So much energy! But guess what.... you can't f**k it up!!!

    You are always on your path

    The universe always finds a new route, the universe always provides

    What weight is lifted with this shift?! Knowing you're on your path? That just changes the total energy you're showing up with in business and life.

    THREE STEPS TO HELP if you're stumbling/having trouble with your path:

    1. Recognize - what keeps coming up from your past? What is holding us back, holding our attention?

    2. Release - Let it go! Remind yourself you're still (Always) on your path!

    3. Root into Possibility - this is the action to help you move forward and create something new

    This moves you from creating from your past to choosing to create a new future! Take a deep breath and really lean into this method.

    Let's stay connected:

    Follow me on Instagram HERE

    Hop into my Facebook group here: Women Entrepreneurs: Mindset + Manifestation to Grow Your Business


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  • 14.  The 2 Choices You Have Every Day

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  • 13. The Problem with Goals - Make 2022 Your Best Year Yet

    Happy New Year!  Welcome 2022!

    Everyone wants to set new goals for the new year - but they are going about it wrong! 
    Ever wonder why these new year resolutions tend to fail?
    Statistically speaking, most people have reverted back to their old patterns by the 3rd week in January!


    Let’s go about this differently!

    In this episode we will discuss why these past goals haven’t worked and what to do instead.

    Plus, you’ll learn a powerful journaling exercises for the new year!

    1. List any and all highlights of 2021 (especially the small things that sparked joy!)
    2. Write about the feelings you experienced in 2021 (no judging yourself.  Just be honest and write)
    3.  List out what you’re leaving in 2021- what you’re letting go of

    Then tear that page out and safely burn it

    4.  Write a few easy sentences of what you’re leaning into in 2022!

    This is a fun and simple journaling exercise to bring you into 2022 with clear intention!

    Then, ask yourself these 3 questions when considering the goals/outcomes you desire!

    1.  Who do I need to become to have that outcome?
    2.  Who do I want to become this year?
    3.  What identity do I need to step into now?

    Then, from THAT place - make your action plan!

    Now, please join me on January 10th for the GOALS without the Grind workshop.

    We will go in-depth on how to create your outcomes for 2022 in a powerful and effective way that actually works!

    Register HERE!

    See you there! 

     Let's stay connected:

    Follow me on Instagram HERE

    Hop into my Facebook group here: Women Entrepreneurs: Mindset + Manifestation to Grow Your Business


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  • 12. Life Challenges + Manifestation

    Today we are talking about problems and challenges in everyday life...and what does this have to do with manifestation? Does this mean I'm on the right path or the wrong path? Are these problems and challenges good?  

    Today I'm leaving you with four steps you can use in your life when you're facing certain problems or challenges.

    Let's stay connected:

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    Hop into my Facebook group here: Women Entrepreneurs: Mindset + Manifestation to Grow Your Business


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  • 11. The Shift - What the Inner Work is REALLY About

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  • 10. The Invisible Limiting Belief


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  • Thank you for tuning in.  Begin implementing and share your takeaways with us!  It’s time to live a happier life now and Manifest Your Best Life!

    9. Pure Magic - What Are You Noticing?


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  • Is Stress Your Default?

    In today's episode:

    What is the default mode response for you?

    When you are running late or in the hustle and bustle of the holidays - are you operating within a default response of stress, hurry, worry?

    Where else in your life is the default mode showing up and no longer serving you?

    Follow these four steps to shift: 

    1. Awareness

    2. Catch Yourself

    3. Feel the relief

    4. Tell a new story


    You get to choose how you want to response to each circumstance.  You get to write your reality by stepping away from default mode and into intentional response.


    Thank you for tuning in.  Begin implementing and share your takeaways with us!  It’s time to live a happier life now and Manifest Your Best Life!

    Let's stay connected:

    Follow me on Instagram HERE

    Hop into my Facebook group here: Women Entrepreneurs: Mindset + Manifestation to Grow Your Business


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  • In today’s episode:

    How to live a happier life.

    We will cover three different tips to implement for living a happier life NOW.

    1. Look for the good.

    When you look for the good you find it, when you look for the bad you find it.  Actively looking for the good trains your brain (Reticular Activating System RAS) to use this particular filter.  You will begin to find the good and positive things more and more.  You will become aware of it more easily.  This is healthy positivity.  This changes your perception & perspective which changes your reality.  Looking for the good is a way to choose the filter through which you view and experience life.  We view and experience everything through the filter of our perception anyway, so why not choose one that serves us best!

    2. Become Present

    Living in the present moment allows us to be more aware of our thought patterns.  Living the present allows us to become still and access the inner peace and happiness.  Happiness is not a destination, it is a way of life.  Becoming present allows us to come back into our power and feel how we want to feel regardless of circumstances.  How we fill is not contingent upon external circumstances.  What a relief!  We can cultivate happiness within.  

     3. Learn how to feel your feelings and heal

    Living a happier life doesn’t mean you have to have only happy feelings all the time.  Hoping over or ignoring your feelings isn’t the solutions.  Sometimes, we have feelings that can be “cleaned up” and “cleared up” simply by acknowledging and then pivoting our attention.  Other feelings require us to sit with them longer and honor the path we are on a bit longer.  Both of these can be approached with an attitude rooted in moving forward.  Acknowledge and processing and healing with the intention to continue on.  This is a powerful way to experience life and access and cultivate a happier life now. 

    Thank you for tuning in.  Begin implementing and share your takeaways with us!  It’s time to live a happier life now and Manifest Your Best Life!

    Let's stay connected:

    Follow me on Instagram HERE

    Hop into my Facebook group here: Women Entrepreneurs: Mindset + Manifestation to Grow Your Business


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