After learning this truth, I gained the desire to optimize my health and it was easy.
Just finished a fast and eating a avocado
Episodi mancanti?
Pillar 1 health
My Guardians of The Galaxy EpiphanyIn this video, we explore different tactics and techniques for staying present and living in the moment, while also discussing the importance of remembering and cherishing your life experiences.
-Any form of mounting the manticore
-Any form of digital entertainment
-Phone use
-Foods outside diet list (Chicken, olive oil, oatmeal, greens/spinach+carrot+celery juice)
-Social media use
-Youtube growth related video watching
-No alcohol and any other garbage
-No sugar
-No going out
-Educational videos and reading
-Working out
-Staring at walls
Welcome to this episode of our podcast... where we following Jesus as it relates to young men in modern culture. Joined with us today, a guest who has a unique perspective on this topic. Having worked with young men for many years in various capacities.
We touch on topics relating to:
Work and some of the false beliefs that your work is insignificant to God
How we can "systemize" our lives to work with purpose and productivity with Christ as our boss
What it means to live with Christ
As well as some interesting stories and visuals to help take action
This interview offers exploration of the relevance of Jesus' life and teachings for our understanding of work.
Why do we feel anxiety?
Where do we inspire growth?
Most of us get into this negative cashflow stage at some point in our lives. The dumb people stay there.
Everybody today's episode is about the thing that everybody wants but can't seem to find, while others seem to grasp it out of thin air
In today's episode we talk about the framework of choosing and growing on ANY social media platform.
In today's episode... we talk about tomorrow's episode!!
Today we update the disservice I have been committing. As well as inform what epiphanies I have experienced
Who do I actually want to serve?
Inside this episode... we talk about the pros and cons of growing each social media and which platform I am personally choosing
In this episode we talk about the pros and cons of direct response marketing VS. branding. Do we use one over the other?
In today's episode we talk about what is required for longevity of a business VS. short term (FAST) growth and the false beliefs that initiate this actions.
In today's episode we talk about the three types of traffic. Earned, controlled, and owned.
What should you expect when purchasing FREE education and content VS. where is there a place for PAID content?
In this is episode... No one’s going to listen to your first 100 episodes… so why are you trying to perfect it?
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