
  • This series is designed to help you finally take action on your ideas and turn inspiration into results. We'll ditch the overwhelm and focus on a simple, actionable plan to get your goal progress started and FINISHED in just 6 weeks!

    This episode is about how to get back on track when you're thrown off and is meant to support you as you're implementing your project plan:
    Expect that plans will get thrown off and be prepared to adjust.
    Use strategies like batching work, using a project management tool, asking for help, pausing or stopping non-critical tasks, and taking small actions to regain momentum.

    Part 1: Declaring Your Goal
    Part 2: Creating A Project Plan
    Part 3: Implementation + How To Get Back On Track When You're Thrown Off
    Part 4: Implementation + Lack Of Motivation Strategies
    Part 5: Implementation + Prioritization & Time Management Strategies
    Part 6: Celebrating & Reflecting On Lessons Learned

    PLUS: If you'd like to save time and amplify your results, check out the Goal Toolkit that includes templates, checklists and tools that will support this process. Use code: PODCAST to save 20%!

    Resources Mentioned:
    Ep. 249 [Summer Series Part 1]
    Ep. 250 [Summer Series Part 2]
    Amanda's Free Resources: https://www.amandamckinney.com/free
    What's Your Productivity Personality (Free Quiz): https://www.amandamckinney.com/quiz
    All podcast episodes: https://pod.link/1473751874
    Amanda's Website: https://www.amandamckinney.com/
    Amanda's Coaching Options: https://www.amandamckinney.com/coaching
    Amanda's Book: https://www.amandamckinney.com/book

  • This series is designed to help you finally take action on your ideas and turn inspiration into results. We'll ditch the overwhelm and focus on a simple, actionable plan to get your goal progress started and FINISHED in just 6 weeks!

    This episode is about creating a realistic project plan so you can actually follow through and achieve your goal:
    Creating a realistic project plan is essential for achieving your goals.
    Break down your plan week by week based on your timeframe.
    Consider using templates and project management tools to simplify the process.

    Part 1: Declaring Your Goal
    Part 2: Creating A Project Plan
    Part 3: Implementation + How To Get Back On Track When You're Thrown Off
    Part 4: Implementation + Lack Of Motivation Strategies
    Part 5: Implementation + Prioritization & Time Management Strategies
    Part 6: Celebrating & Reflecting On Lessons Learned

    PLUS: If you'd like to save time and amplify your results, check out the Goal Toolkit that includes templates, checklists and tools that will support this process. Use code: PODCAST to save 20%!

    Resources Mentioned:
    Ep. 249 [Summer Series Part 1]
    Ep 244: How To Get Unstuck: https://www.amandamckinney.com/post/how-to-get-unstuck-and-achieve-your-goals
    Amanda's Free Resources: https://www.amandamckinney.com/free
    What's Your Productivity Personality (Free Quiz): https://www.amandamckinney.com/quiz
    All podcast episodes: https://pod.link/1473751874
    Amanda's Website: https://www.amandamckinney.com/
    Amanda's Coaching Options: https://www.amandamckinney.com/coaching
    Amanda's Book: https://www.amandamckinney.com/book

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  • This series is designed to help you finally take action on your ideas and turn inspiration into results. We'll ditch the overwhelm and focus on a simple, actionable plan to get your goal progress started and FINISHED in just 6 weeks!

    This episode is about declaring your goal:
    Having too many ideas can make you feel stuck and overwhelmed.
    To focus on one goal or project, make a list of all your ideas and choose one to prioritize.
    Check your capacity and willingness to pursue the goal before committing to it.
    Put the other ideas on a shelf to revisit later.

    Part 1: Declaring Your Goal
    Part 2: Creating A Project Plan
    Part 3: Implementation + How To Get Back On Track When You're Thrown Off
    Part 4: Implementation + Lack Of Motivation Strategies
    Part 5: Implementation + Prioritization & Time Management Strategies
    Part 6: Celebrating & Reflecting On Lessons Learned

    PLUS: If you'd like to save time and amplify your results, check out the Goal Toolkit that includes templates, checklists and tools that will support this process. Use code: PODCAST to save 20%!

    Resources Mentioned:
    Ep 244: How To Get Unstuck: https://www.amandamckinney.com/post/how-to-get-unstuck-and-achieve-your-goals
    Amanda's Free Resources: https://www.amandamckinney.com/free
    What's Your Productivity Personality (Free Quiz): https://www.amandamckinney.com/quiz
    All podcast episodes: https://pod.link/1473751874
    Amanda's Website: https://www.amandamckinney.com/
    Amanda's Coaching Options: https://www.amandamckinney.com/coaching
    Amanda's Book: https://www.amandamckinney.com/book

  • In this conversation, Amanda McKinney interviews Amy Traugh, the host of the Motivated CEO podcast and author of the CEO Method book. They discuss the importance of motivation and discipline in achieving success, the need to quiet the noise and focus on what works for you, and the power of getting curious and understanding your why. Amy shares valuable insights on building a sustainable business, promoting your offerings, and leveraging referrals. The conversation concludes with a call to action for listeners to reflect on their why and take steps to implement what works for them.

    Motivation comes and goes, but discipline is key to achieving results.
    Quiet the noise and focus on what works for you.
    Get curious and understand your why to stay dedicated in the hard days.
    Leverage referrals for business growth.

    Resources Mentioned:
    Amy's gift to you: Grab a FREE copy of the book, The CEO Method: An Entrepreneur's Guide to Business Success at amytraugh.com/freebook
    The Motivated CEO Podcast- Streaming on all platforms and at amytraugh.com/podcast
    Amy's Instagram: https://instagram.com/amytraugh
    Amanda's Free Resources: https://www.amandamckinney.com/free
    What's Your Productivity Personality (Free Quiz): https://www.amandamckinney.com/quiz
    All podcast episodes: https://pod.link/1473751874
    Amanda's Website: https://www.amandamckinney.com/
    Amanda's Coaching Options: https://www.amandamckinney.com/coaching
    Amanda's Book: https://www.amandamckinney.com/book

  • Want to create digital products but don't know where to start? This conversation with Jill Johnston is just what you need. She explains how you can take what you've already created and repurpose it into digital products that can help you serve your audience in a new way and provide an additional revenue stream in your business.

    Creating digital products from existing content is a valuable way to repurpose and monetize content.
    Pricing digital products requires research and consideration of the value provided.
    Consistently promoting and talking about digital products is essential for success.

    Resources Mentioned:
    Jill's Free Personalized Audit: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfca8Eb6VMjzLfWkeTk4BQSc6NT2TLd65MoSLWilQsXWLTZCA/viewform
    Jill's Free Toolkit: https://stan.store/jilljohnston/p/-x75wy
    Work with Jill: https://stan.store/jilljohnston
    Amanda's Free Resources: https://www.amandamckinney.com/free
    What's Your Productivity Personality (Free Quiz): https://www.amandamckinney.com/quiz
    All podcast episodes: https://pod.link/1473751874
    Amanda's Website: https://www.amandamckinney.com/
    Amanda's Coaching Options: https://www.amandamckinney.com/coaching
    Amanda's Book: https://www.amandamckinney.com/book

  • It's possible to have a slow summer and still make progress in your business. In this episode, I guide you through steps to avoid the September Scramble by planning your summer effectively. We calculate your capacity, set realistic goals, and declare dedicated time to achieve them. Take action by assessing your work hours and envisioning your fall goals. Let's make this summer productive together!

    If you want to ensure progress so you beat the September Scramble, join my 9 week program. It was created to support women entrepreneurs who want to enjoy their summer but also continue to make progress so they don't feel the panic in September.

    June 24 - August 23 Direct access to me for motivation, accountability and support Private Slack Channel (access as soon as you join)

    Link to join: https://www.amandamckinney.com/summer

  • There's enough out there for all of us. While there are times when it doesn't feel this way, it's important to remember that it's true and you are the unique, secret sauce to your business's success. To share this point even more, I've brought on two ladies who fully embraced collaboration over competition and eventually started a company together. Jackie Flake and Gabs Hayes share how they partnered to make more impact and started bravely, together.

    Collaboration can be more beneficial than competition in the business world.
    Having a co-founder can help complement your strengths and weaknesses.
    It's important to know your why and have a strong motivation for starting your own business.
    Embracing change and experimentation is key to staying unstuck and finding success in entrepreneurship.

    Resources Mentioned:
    Website - https://www.thebravestart.com/
    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/the.brave.start
    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-brave-start/
    Jackie's LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/jackieflake/
    Jackie's Company Website - https://option1partners.com/
    Gabs' LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/gabrielleahayes/
    Gabs' Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/highly.inquisitive/
    Gabs' Company Website - https://gabshayes.com/balance-is-bullsh-t
    The Lean Startup (book recommendation) - https://bookshop.org/a/81920/9780307887894
    Founders Brand (book recommendation) - https://bookshop.org/a/81920/9781544523408
    Amanda's Free Resources: https://www.amandamckinney.com/free
    What's Your Productivity Personality (Free Quiz): https://www.amandamckinney.com/quiz
    All podcast episodes: https://pod.link/1473751874
    Amanda's Website: https://www.amandamckinney.com/
    Amanda's Coaching Options: https://www.amandamckinney.com/coaching
    Amanda's Book: https://www.amandamckinney.com/book

  • If you're in a busy season of life and doing your best to be productive through this time, this conversation is for you. We're talking to entrepreneur, Andria Singletary, who shares her journey of launching a business while navigating motherhood. She shares valuable tips for how to make it work but even more, you'll hear from someone who has walked this path and doesn't sugarcoat the process. It's tough to try and juggle it all but knowing you're not alone is often helpful and that's what this conversation will bring to you - a friendly reminder that you can do this and some practical tips to make it happen.

    How to create dedicated time for your business amidst a busy life.
    Strategies for adjusting when unexpected disruptions occur.
    The importance of asking for and accepting support from loved ones.

    Resources Mentioned:
    Website: www.mamaturnedmompreneur.com
    Mama Turned Mompreneur Podcast: www.mamaturnedmompreneur.com/podcast/
    Instagram: www.instagram.com/mamaturnedmompreneur/
    Amanda's Free Resources: https://www.amandamckinney.com/free
    What's Your Productivity Personality (Free Quiz): https://www.amandamckinney.com/quiz
    All podcast episodes: https://pod.link/1473751874
    Amanda's Website: https://www.amandamckinney.com/
    Amanda's Coaching Options: https://www.amandamckinney.com/coaching
    Amanda's Book: https://www.amandamckinney.com/book

  • In this episode, I share some tough love and also address a common issue many of us face: feeling stuck due to consuming too much information, trying to do too much, or not being honest with ourselves. Drawing inspiration from a listener's candid email, I offer practical advice on identifying barriers, amplifying strengths, and making tangible progress. If you're struggling to start a project or move forward with your goals, this episode is for you. Learn how to focus on what truly matters, commit to actionable steps, and find the accountability you need to succeed. And above all, this episode will help you find the confidence in yourself that is likely keeping you from making progress right now.

    Identify the true barriers that are holding you back, such as a perceived lack of resources, consuming too much free content without taking action, having too many ideas and feeling overwhelmed, and a lack of confidence.
    Create an action plan by identifying one area of focus, sacrificing and committing to the effort, scheduling dedicated time, and finding accountability.
    Believe in yourself and follow through on your commitments to build confidence and make progress towards your goals.

    Resources Mentioned:
    Amanda's Free Resources: https://www.amandamckinney.com/free
    What's Your Productivity Personality (Free Quiz): https://www.amandamckinney.com/quiz
    All podcast episodes: https://pod.link/1473751874
    Amanda's Website: https://www.amandamckinney.com/
    Amanda's Coaching Options: https://www.amandamckinney.com/coaching
    Amanda's Book: https://www.amandamckinney.com/book

  • Do you stumble over your words as you describe what you do to others? If so, this 5-word exercise is going to change that completely. My guest, Carin Hunt walks you through a very simple exercise to help you get clear on those words so you can share about your business with confidence. Plus, Carin explains how you can approach networking in a new way that feels comfortable to you. Join us for a laughter-filled chat with Carin as she shares tips for rocking networking events and turning contacts into connections that will help you grow your business.

    Celebrate your wins and embrace the different seasons of entrepreneurship.
    Reframe networking so you can enjoy the benefits and see business growth.
    Carin's exercise that helps you know exactly how to introduce your business.

    Resources Mentioned:
    Website: www.carinhunt.com
    Instagram: www.instagram.com/celebrationpros
    Membership: https://www.carinhunt.com/success-cellar
    Amanda's Free Resources: https://www.amandamckinney.com/free
    What's Your Productivity Personality (Free Quiz): https://www.amandamckinney.com/quiz
    All podcast episodes: https://pod.link/1473751874
    Amanda's Website: https://www.amandamckinney.com/
    Amanda's Coaching Options: https://www.amandamckinney.com/coaching
    Amanda's Book: https://www.amandamckinney.com/book

  • In this episode, we're flipping the script on self-critique and diving into the power of visualization for entrepreneurial success. Join me and guest, Paul Schmidt, as we chat about letting go of self-doubt and embracing the mindset of visualizing success instead of critiquing ourselves. Paul shares practical tips and insights on how to harness the magic of visualization to propel your entrepreneurial journey forward. We also talk about entrepreneurship failures and how to use these tough experiences as learning lessons while not beating ourselves up about what happened. You'll be inspired by this conversation and ready to tackle your goals!

    Discover the tool of visualization and how it can help your path to success
    Stop beating yourself up about failures and instead use it for personal and business growth
    Ensuring you have accountability will help you apply these lessons and see the results

    Resources Mentioned:
    Website: https://vopro.pro
    Podcast: https://vopro.pro/podcast
    YouTube: https://youtube.com/@vo-pro
    Work with Paul: https://vofreedommasterplan.com
    Amanda's Interview on the VO Pro Podcast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rw7uh8JmTX8
    ConvertKit: https://partners.convertkit.com/c8dlwcu14lkj
    Amanda's Free Resources: https://www.amandamckinney.com/free
    What's Your Productivity Personality (Free Quiz): https://www.amandamckinney.com/quiz
    All podcast episodes: https://pod.link/1473751874
    Amanda's Website: https://www.amandamckinney.com/
    Amanda's Coaching Options: https://www.amandamckinney.com/coaching
    Amanda's Book: https://www.amandamckinney.com/book

  • If the idea of selling feels gross or scary to you, this conversation was recorded for you. As soon as you step into entrepreneurship, most people run into the discomfort when selling something they've created. But in order to have a successful business, you have to sell your products or services and that's why I brought on this guest today. Gwen Tinsley is a sales coach that helps you uncover the value of your offerings so you can sell with confidence.

    Reframe selling as highlighting an outcome to attract the right clients.
    Most sales are related to: saving time and money, increasing sales and revenue, and reducing risk.
    Feature vs benefit analysis helps businesses highlight the value of their offerings.
    Surround yourself with supportive communities and coaches to overcome imposter syndrome.

    Resources Mentioned:
    Website - https://www.gritandtenacityconsulting.com/
    Free Sales Audit: https://gritandtenacity.myflodesk.com/hkwgfnar21
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gritandtenacityconsulting/
    Amanda's Free Resources: https://www.amandamckinney.com/free
    What's Your Productivity Personality (Free Quiz): https://www.amandamckinney.com/quiz
    All podcast episodes: https://pod.link/1473751874
    Amanda's Website: https://www.amandamckinney.com/
    Amanda's Coaching Options: https://www.amandamckinney.com/coaching
    Amanda's Book: https://www.amandamckinney.com/book
    Smart Brevity (book recommendation) - https://bookshop.org/a/81920/9781523516971
    Do Hard Better (Kara Lawson Video) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oDzfZOfNki4

  • Have you ever felt ashamed of wanting to make more money? If so, this episode is for you! My guest, Laura Sinclair, captured my attention quickly when I saw this on her website: "be unashamed to desire more money". I invited her onto the show ASAP so we could dig a little deeper into this topic in hopes that you walk away feeling more confident in your aspirations because in order to make a bigger impact, you'll need to push through this discomfort.

    Take risks and have the confidence to figure things out along the way.
    Be unashamed about the desire to make money and price services based on their worth.
    Address and overcome shame and negative beliefs surrounding money.
    Practice open communication in navigating money dynamics within relationships.

    Resources Mentioned:
    Website: https://www.laura-sinclair.com/opt-in-dac07540-db10-4901-bc59-859324fa2eb9
    Podcast: This Mother Means Business: https://thismothermeansbusiness.buzzsprout.com/
    Instagram: Business and Marketing Mentor - @itslaurasinclair
    Instagram: Podcast - @thismothermeansbusiness
    Instagram: Social Media Agency - @theljsocialagency
    TIKTOK: @itslaurasinclair
    FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ljsocial
    Amanda's Free Resources: https://www.amandamckinney.com/free
    What's Your Productivity Personality (Free Quiz): https://www.amandamckinney.com/quiz
    All podcast episodes: https://pod.link/1473751874
    Amanda's Website: https://www.amandamckinney.com/
    Amanda's Coaching Options: https://www.amandamckinney.com/coaching
    Amanda's Book: https://www.amandamckinney.com/book

  • Today we're talking about productivity and how you can be more effective with this in your life and business. There's a big difference between being busy and being productive so I'm sharing my definition of both and how you can be productive and achieve your goals. I share my personal struggle with this as I'm a person who enjoys being busy and how I've taken action to mitigate this. I also share the 3 productivity personality types: the busy bee, the adaptable achiever, and the focused finisher. I outline them all and you can find out which one you are by taking my free quiz at amandamckinney.com/quiz. It only takes a few minutes and by doing this you're able to play to your strengths and be more productive.

    Busy = constant action while Productive = intentional action
    There are three productivity personality types: the busy bee, the adaptable achiever, and the focused finisher.
    Understanding your productivity personality type can help you play to your strengths and find what works for you.
    Being productive requires slowing down and being intentional, even if it feels uncomfortable.

    Resources Mentioned:
    Amanda's Free Resources: https://www.amandamckinney.com/free
    What's Your Productivity Personality (Free Quiz): https://www.amandamckinney.com/quiz
    All podcast episodes: https://pod.link/1473751874
    Amanda's Website: https://www.amandamckinney.com/
    Amanda's Coaching Options: https://www.amandamckinney.com/coaching
    Amanda's Book: https://www.amandamckinney.com/book

  • If you're looking to grow your business, one place to focus on is your customer experience. It's likely that you're thinking of creating a new offering but instead you could amplify your experience and gain more clients. My guest today, Ernesto Mandowsky, shares how his experience in the restaurant industry has influenced his approach to customer experience and he has 5 specific tips for you. Throughout the conversation he shares these specific ideas with you that you can implement today and why they matter. You'll walk away inspired to upgrade your customer experience, impact more lives and create scalable systems all along the way.

    Entrepreneurship is a journey of self-development and personal growth.
    Creating a connection with customers and understanding their needs is crucial for a great customer experience.
    Small gestures, such as welcome gifts, can make a big impact on the customer experience.
    Implementing effective systems and processes is key to scaling your business and ensuring smooth operations.

    Resources Mentioned:
    Ernesto's Website: www.startingwithsystems.com
    Ernesto's Free Call: www.freesystemscall.com
    Ernesto's Instagram: instagram.com/ernesto_cpd
    Amanda's Free Resources: https://www.amandamckinney.com/free
    What's Your Productivity Personality (Free Quiz): https://www.amandamckinney.com/quiz
    All podcast episodes: https://pod.link/1473751874
    Amanda's Website: https://www.amandamckinney.com/
    Amanda's Coaching Options: https://www.amandamckinney.com/coaching
    Amanda's Book: https://www.amandamckinney.com/book

  • Curious what the secret sauce is to making progress towards any goal? It's sometimes a tough pill to swallow but the key is...accountability. In this episode I share the true meaning of accountability because it's not just about checking things off a to-do list. Accountability is about taking ownership of your actions (or lack of them) so you can learn from all experiences and it leads to continual progress. I share how you can implement a few simple things each week to help you hold yourself accountable and make progress towards your goal.

    Accountability is the secret sauce to making progress towards any goal but that doesn't just mean crossing things off a to-do list
    True accountability is taking ownership of one's actions or lack thereof is crucial for accountability.
    Setting realistic goals and identifying intentional actions can lead to continual progress.
    Committing to accountability and being kind to yourself are key to building confidence and trust in yourself.

    Resources Mentioned:
    Amanda's Free Resources: https://www.amandamckinney.com/free
    What's Your Productivity Personality (Free Quiz): https://www.amandamckinney.com/quiz
    All podcast episodes: https://pod.link/1473751874
    Amanda's Website: https://www.amandamckinney.com/
    Amanda's Coaching Options: https://www.amandamckinney.com/coaching
    Amanda's Book: https://www.amandamckinney.com/book

  • Does entrepreneurship feel lonely to you? If so, you're not alone in this feeling and we're talking about it this week on the podcast. Charelle Griffith shares her journey into entrepreneurship and the challenges of loneliness in the business world. From hesitating to start her business all the way to being featured on BBC, Charelle shares the details about how she's navigated loneliness as well as visibility as an entrepreneur as well. We get into all the feelings and ups and downs along the way. Charelle also shares the many approaches she tried to combat the loneliness and how you can try different things to see what works for you. It's not a one-size-fits-all solution but this conversation will give you actionable tips to support you.

    Navigating Loneliness as an Entrepreneur
    Strategies to Combat Loneliness
    Overcoming the Fear of Failure
    The Impact of Personal Development on Business Success

    Resources Mentioned:
    Website: https://www.charellegriffith.com
    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/charellegriffith
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/charellegriffith
    Amanda's Free Resources: https://www.amandamckinney.com/free
    What's Your Productivity Personality (Free Quiz): https://www.amandamckinney.com/quiz
    All podcast episodes: https://pod.link/1473751874
    Amanda's Website: https://www.amandamckinney.com/
    Amanda's Coaching Options: https://www.amandamckinney.com/coaching
    Amanda's Book: https://www.amandamckinney.com/book

  • Entrepreneurship is hard, yet rewarding but we need to talk about the hard stuff so you know you're not alone. In this conversation, Ruthie Sterrett and I talk about the hard things we've encountered that we didn't know was coming our way as an entrepreneur. From revenue changes to emotions, we share it all and we do it while we are both experiencing hard things. Instead of waiting until we were on the other side of it, we share while we're in the messy middle so you know you're not alone. In the end the reality is that things in life and in entrepreneurship don't get easier, but you get better at handling the hard things that come your way. You've got this and we hope this conversation is something you come back to anytime you need it.

    Entrepreneurship often involves taking action and embracing uncertainty, even without having all the answers.
    Making hard decisions, such as cutting expenses or ending coaching relationships, is necessary for the long-term success of the business.
    Balancing business and personal life requires effective time management and the ability to compartmentalize different aspects of life. Finding work-life integration is more effective than striving for work-life balance.
    Social media comparison can negatively impact mental health, so it's important to remember that everyone has their own struggles.
    Taking time to feel and reflect on emotions is an important part of personal growth and learning.

    Resources Mentioned:
    Ruthie's Website - https://www.theconsistencycorner.com/decide
    Ruthie's Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/theconsistencycorner
    Amanda's Free Resources: https://www.amandamckinney.com/free
    What's Your Productivity Personality (Free Quiz): https://www.amandamckinney.com/quiz
    All podcast episodes: https://pod.link/1473751874
    Amanda's Website: https://www.amandamckinney.com/
    Amanda's Coaching Options: https://www.amandamckinney.com/coaching
    Amanda's Book: https://www.amandamckinney.com/book

  • In this episode, Josh Haynam, co-founder of Interact, a quiz software company, shares openly about the rewards and challenges of entrepreneurship. Josh was on the podcast in 2020 and we talk about all that's changed at Interact including how they've built a team (with no investment), continued to focus on not just results for customers but also a culture of the team as it's grown and how "egolessness" was at the heart of it all. We talk about the iterative process of evolving a business, intrinsic motivation and the significance of cherishing the early days of business. Plus we talk about the new product interact has: InteractAI which allows you to create a quiz in under 2 minutes!

    Focus and continuous improvement are key to success in entrepreneurship.
    Leaders should foster an egoless culture and guide their teams towards their goals.
    Iterative processes are essential for implementing new technologies and improving products.
    Intrinsic motivation and valuing internal growth are crucial for long-term success.
    Cherishing the early days of iteration and being adaptable are important for building a strong foundation.
    How you can build a quiz to grow your email list (and business) in under 2 minutes!

    Resources Mentioned:
    Create your free quiz: https://www.amandamckinney.com/interact
    Interact Website: https://tryinteract.com/ai
    Josh Haynam Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jhaynam/
    Interact Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tryinteract/
    Amanda's Free Resources: https://www.amandamckinney.com/free
    All podcast episodes: https://pod.link/1473751874
    Amanda's Website: https://www.amandamckinney.com/
    Amanda's Coaching Options: https://www.amandamckinney.com/coaching
    Amanda's Book: https://www.amandamckinney.com/book

  • In this episode, I share how the use of quizzes can help you grow your email list and business. We talk about why quizzes are more interactive, how they help you learn more about your audience and how they can help you grow your business. I share the 3 types of quizzes and then share a step-by-step process of creating a quiz in just 2 minutes using InteractAI.

    You can find all the details about this process and create your quiz in 2 minutes for free at amandamckinney.com/interact.

    Using quizzes can help grow your email list and attract new audiences.
    Quizzes provide valuable insights into your audience and their needs.
    There are different types of quizzes, including personality type quizzes, assessments, and scored quizzes.
    Creating a quiz using Interact AI is a quick and easy process.
    Quizzes can help nurture relationships with your audience and ultimately grow your business.

    Resources Mentioned:
    Create your quiz for free: amandamckinney.com/interact
    Amanda's Free Resources: https://www.amandamckinney.com/free
    All podcast episodes: https://pod.link/1473751874
    Amanda's Website: https://www.amandamckinney.com/
    Amanda's Coaching Options: https://www.amandamckinney.com/coaching
    Amanda's Book: https://www.amandamckinney.com/book